New Year's wedding. What style to choose for a wedding for the New Year. Wedding decor for the New Year: features in detail

And two loving hearts have a great opportunity to start a family life with the chimes! You can make a cherished wish for a happy married couple and make your wedding a New Year's fairy tale !!

Your wedding will become a real sensation, and the idea of \u200b\u200ba New Year's wedding will be discussed for a long time in your circles.

New Years Eve Wedding Colors

When choosing one or another color for the decoration of a wedding celebration, it is best to opt for those that we associate with winter and the upcoming winter holidays. We suggest using a special winter decor in decorating your wedding.

Three of a kind with bells as a wedding procession

The wedding three will be a real highlight of your wedding. One has only to imagine a picture of how your merry troika with bells rushes through the snow-covered streets!

Dress up the toastmaster with Santa Claus / Snow Maiden

A good toastmaster will be able to combine the celebration of the wedding and the New Year so harmoniously that the celebration will be remembered by you and your guests for many years.

Arrange a real carnival

Arrange a real carnival! You can even enter a dress code or give guests different Santa masks and hats. Do not forget about the direct participation of the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus and other New Year's characters.

Ice sculptures

Such decoration as ice sculptures can harmoniously decorate your wedding celebration.

Bengal lights

Guests can light them up during the first dance of the newlyweds.

Festive tree

The main symbol of such a celebration will certainly be the tree. The main thing here is to combine Christmas tree decorations with the general style of the celebration.

Gifts for guests under the tree

You can put wedding gifts for guests under the tree. It is desirable to match your celebration and decorated in the New Year's style (if you order them in bulk, it will not be very expensive).

Honeymoon in hot countries

Plan your honeymoon in hot, tropical countries for great contrast.

Wedding decoration on New Year's Eve

Start with your wedding invitations: try making them in the style of New Year's greeting cards. Take red or blue colors as a basis (it all depends on the general color scheme of the celebration you have chosen) and proceed: boldly combine them or use them separately.

It is also necessary to use a Christmas tree or its branches in the design. As an option - spruce wreaths or even whole garlands decorated with toys that can be used to decorate the front door, the entrance or the bride's apartment, as well as the entrance to the banquet hall.

An unusual arch decorated with Christmas tree branches, New Year's toys, ribbons and balls will become a real New Year's attribute for an off-site wedding ceremony!

Burning candles can be the highlight of your decor, they will create romance and warmth. Candles will look especially great in combination with ice sculptures. Also use garlands of light bulbs, which, for example, can be laid out in the shape of a herringbone on the wall.

Do not forget about champagne - the key drink of the New Year's wedding celebration, as well as an entertaining show program and fireworks.

At the New Year's wedding celebration, you can think of an unusual process of giving gifts to the newlyweds. For example, the host at the wedding can be dressed up in a Santa Claus costume, who will get gifts from a traditional bag. Or you can put gifts prepared by guests under the Christmas tree installed in the banquet hall.

Ideas for a photo shoot for the New Year

Snow-covered fields, an ice skating rink - will be an excellent background for a winter photo shoot. On the snow, you can draw a heart or write your initials. Great spaces for imagination open up here!

The wedding celebration on New Year's Eve will be the brightest and most memorable event in your life. The reigning atmosphere of a magical winter fairy tale and a premonition of a miracle are ideal for creating a new strong family, and the toast itself is "Happy New Year, Happy New Happiness!" will sound very useful for loving newlyweds.

Are you planning a wedding for the New Year? Surely you are thinking about the correctness of your decision. After all, a New Year's wedding has both pros and cons.

Benefits of a New Year's wedding

A New Year's wedding is an interesting solution. This is unusual, in other words, not like everyone else. Non-standard outfits, non-standard festive program, non-standard decorations, creative photos, an interesting menu. Unlike a regular wedding, such a celebration can last all night. Merry contests and songs, dances and quizzes, shine of New Year's garlands and sparklers, festive Christmas trees and fairy-tale characters. This is exactly what your New Year's wedding will be like. An indisputable plus is the holiday atmosphere. ... The advantages include the cost of outfits for young people. Winter is not the season for weddings, and as a rule, the cost of a wedding dress can be lower during this period. Good mood and magic will be in the air. Absolutely everyone present will be filled with positive emotions

Cons of a New Year's wedding

But there are also negative aspects to the wedding planned for the New Year. Firstly, not all guests will be ready to break their plans and traditions to attend your celebration. Secondly, it is necessary to order a wedding banquet in advance, because all cafes and restaurants can be booked before the new year. The third disadvantage of a New Year's wedding is prices. Before the New Year holidays, the cost of a festive table can cost a lot more. Weather conditions can disrupt plans for a wedding walk and photo session.

If you are planning to have a wedding on New Years, weigh the pros and cons. May your lucky day be an unforgettable one for you.


New Year is a magical holiday, one of the most beloved by most people. A wedding is an exciting, most significant event in the life of almost everyone ... Why not combine these two celebrations into one ?! In the New Year, we walk with the expectation of a fairy tale, with faith in the best and the most beautiful, but isn't that what we expect when we marry a loved one? Even the preparation for these two events is similar - both there and there, as a rule, there is a lot of hassle with registration and other things. There is really one significant difference - the New Year happens annually, and the wedding is once in a lifetime (alas, ideally, of course, but we all strive for it!). The latter may be the reason that someone does not want to mix two celebrations into one, but for lovers of originality, the New Year is perfect for a wedding! Moreover, then every year it will be possible to celebrate the wedding anniversary and the next New Year

And yes, we are talking about the holiday from December 31 to January 1 - that is, the wedding will drag on until at least 2 a.m. However, it seems to us that many wedding festivities end well after midnight.

Outfits for the New Year's wedding

The outfits for a wedding scheduled for the New Year's holiday can be both the most familiar, classic: a white dress for the bride and an elegant suit in dark colors for the groom, and original - suits of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, princes and princesses, snowmen, etc. ... White fur coats and dress-coats on brides look very good, winter-like and, at the same time, festive. The original element of the outfit will be real winter accessories: mittens, scarves, hats and felt boots.

Wedding decoration in the New Year

One of the advantages of a New Year's wedding is the ease of decoration - this is where you don't need to rack your brains! Obviously, a New Year's wedding needs appropriate attributes, which are abundant in almost all stores, from specialized boutiques to hypermarkets and stationery. For such a wedding, everything that is good for the New Year is suitable: tinsel, "rain", garlands, candles in various candlesticks, Christmas decorations, lanterns, bells, Christmas socks and, of course, a Christmas tree!

Imagine your most perfect New Year and design your wedding in this style. Invitations and wedding cards must be appropriate.

The musical accompaniment, by the way, may include elements of New Year's songs! With the celebration itself, we think there will be no problems either, because, apart from the wishes of a happy family life, everyone will congratulate the newlyweds and each other with the New Year, everyone will receive gifts and universal happiness, coupled with an excellent mood, is guaranteed!

Pros and cons of a New Year's wedding

Disadvantages of a New Year's wedding:
- if you want more holidays and that each of them corresponds to its name, then the New Year's wedding is not for you;
- whatever one may say, the New Year is a large-scale holiday and the people invited to the wedding will certainly want to congratulate not only you, but also their relatives, which means: either they will start calling on the phone, or simply will not be able to come;
- busy restaurants, clubs and presenters - all this is very popular on New Year's Eve;
- prices - the same restaurants and toastmaster services may cost you more than on another day;

- gifts from you - you will have to buy gifts for all guests;
- gifts for newlyweds - someone will give you gifts only for the wedding and will not give you for the New Year;
- in the midst of the celebration, some guests may forget that they celebrate not only the New Year, but also the wedding.

But, the New Year's wedding has its pluses, and even cons, reincarnated into pluses:
- New Year's wedding is a lot of fun;
- price - yes, yes - by celebrating the wedding and the New Year on the same day, you, one way or another, save money (unless, of course, you were not going to spend New Year's Eve in silence on your own couch);
- gifts - yes, all guests really have to buy them, but did you not invite those who would have bought gifts for the New Year anyway ?, and if there are a lot of guests, then prepare the same symbolic souvenirs for them (only cute and good quality !) or, finally, chocolate figurines wrapped in foil;
- someone who prefers to celebrate the New Year in a narrow circle of family will not be able to come, but someone, on the contrary, will be delighted with the opportunity to cheerfully celebrate the New Year with friends and relatives.

And how to avoid the disadvantage of organizing a wedding on New Year's? Just take care of everything in advance - the restaurant, the toastmaster and gifts. By the way, one of the good options for celebrating a New Year's wedding would be to rent a nice cottage in a picturesque place.

Filled with magic and joy, colors and great mood, a New Year's style wedding will be a good starting point at the beginning of a strong relationship. The New Year for newlyweds who decide to have a wedding at this time will always be associated with the birth of a new family.

Advantages and disadvantages

Having a holiday in New Year's style has a number of advantages.

  1. In any cafe or restaurant, New Year's decoration is already ready. The interior of the room itself is completely unimportant. The main thing is to highlight the details.
  2. It is possible to get a discount on the services of a photographer and other wedding specialists who find it easy to work in winter.
  3. Holidays after New Year's Eve will allow guests to celebrate the celebration for several days without worrying about work and business.
  4. Wedding in the New 2018 is beautiful and original. Especially if you are lucky with the weather and it will snow, the holiday will become just a fairy tale!

But there are also some nuances in organizing a New Year's wedding. You need to think over the outfits of the newlyweds. In addition to being beautiful and stylish, it is important for the bride and groom to be warm. To do this, you will have to fork out and buy outerwear that suits the image of the newlyweds. These and others should be taken care of in advance.

One of the main disadvantages of a New Year's wedding is the combination of two holidays. It should be noted that guests will associate your most important day with the New Year, the same applies to the wedding anniversary. Not everyone will like this, but if you have always dreamed of a New Year's style wedding celebration, then such nuances should not bother you at all.

Place for organizing a party

An option for a New Year's wedding will be a country cottage. It is especially good if there is a working fireplace. It can serve as an impromptu scene for a photo shoot and an ideal place to warm up frozen guests. Perhaps someone wants to run out into the yard and play snowballs or make a snowman.

Another idea would be to book a banquet hall in the hotel lobby. As a rule, such rooms are spacious and very beautiful. There is a place for arranging tables and a dance floor, as well as creating a photo zone. If there are nonresident guests, they can be easily accommodated in the rooms of the same hotel, which is very convenient.

For a New Year's wedding, absolutely any restaurant or cafe is suitable. The main thing is that there is a festive decor.

Banquet hall decoration options

You can entrust the decoration of a New Year's wedding to professional decorators or rely on the taste of the restaurant staff, who will still decorate the banquet hall. Or, the newlyweds themselves can take part in decorating and decorating their holiday.

The main element of the decor at the wedding should be a New Year's beauty tree. You can install one large or several small ones. Unusual Christmas tree decorations, tinsel and candies will become an outfit for the tree. You can make memorable gifts in the form of photographs of young people, various delicacies that guests will take with them after the holiday. A photo zone for all comers is set up next to the spruce.

The decor of the room will depend on the chosen style and a certain color palette.

  1. You can focus on a Christmas-themed event when the main colors are red, white and green. White dishes, red tablecloths and napkins. Spruce branches were eaten on the table as decoration. A large number of candles, New Year's illumination on the walls and ceiling. They use garlands, tinsel, rain. In a European style, a stylish celebration will not leave anyone indifferent. Guests will remember the chic and charm of the holiday for a long time.
  2. The combination of red and white will create a truly New Year's mood. Tables are covered with tablecloths of any shade of red. White chair covers can be tied with burgundy ribbons. Place candlesticks and small candles on the tables. Use cones or Christmas tree decorations as seating cards. Not a single New Year wedding is complete without flower arrangements. Spruce, juniper, dried flowers and rowan berries can complement red roses.
  3. The duet of white and silver looks interesting in the decor of the room. The illusion of a certain magic castle of the Snow Queen is created. In the presence of large, hanging down chandeliers with cold light, snow-white crystal and tablecloths, the charm of the holiday only intensifies. But to keep the design from getting completely boring, you can include some bright accents.

Golden shades can be added to the usual red and green. Use more warm light, yellow lights and sparkles. You can look at the photo below for decor ideas for a New Year's wedding:

The main thing is in the little things

Various ideas for organizing a wedding for the New Year will help support the theme and make the holiday delightful and unforgettable.

  1. A cortege for a celebration in New Year's style can be made up of a sleigh and three horses harnessed to them. Such an unusual solution will be the decoration of the whole holiday. After that, you can arrange a photo session in the sleigh for the newlyweds and guests. If the idea of \u200b\u200ba sleigh is not to the taste of the newlyweds, you can rent an ordinary car and decorate it with New Year's elements. Tie tinsel instead of satin ribbons. Paint the car windows with winter patterns, add spruce branches and bells.
  2. The wedding cake can be made in light shades: silver, white or light blue. Sprinkled with sweet snow on top. Decorated with figurines, Christmas decorations, sweets or flowers.
  3. Wedding invitations in the New Year's style are made in the form of postcards with the image of a winter theme. It can be an elegant Christmas tree, deer, sleigh, fireworks. Or invitations are made in the form of snowflakes, Christmas tree decorations or a bottle of champagne.
  4. The menu must be very well thought out. Because in the cold season, guests will need more calories. Choose nutritious meals. Focus on hot snacks and warming drinks.
  5. The script for the New Year's wedding can be entrusted to a professional host. To match the concept of the event, he can take on the role of Santa Claus. What is happening at the celebration should be associated with the New Year: contests for guests, distribution of gifts, a round dance, festive fireworks.
  6. Signs about a wedding on New Year's Eve are supportive of newlyweds. They promise them a long and happy family life, full of fun and wealth. Celebrating an anniversary each time, the spouses discover not only a new calendar, but also the next stage of their relationship.

A New Year's style wedding is exactly what sentimental and romantic newlyweds need. This is a beautiful, truly fabulous celebration that will make everything conceived come true.

Also read:

Although winter is not the most popular wedding season, nature seems to have created this time of year for the birth of a new family. After all, when else can you see such a snow-white extravaganza outside the window?

The whole earth is dressed in white, and the trees bared with autumn leaf fall wear a festive outfit - as if the whole world is waiting for your wedding.

Why did you do it: put on a white dress? Choosing a bridal outfit for your winter wedding!

One of the burning questions in our latitudes: "?". Indeed, a double-edged sword: on the one hand - you have to look like a queen, but on the other - you don't want to freeze, because there are no joke frosts on New Year's Eve. How do you find the middle ground?

Bride in winter in a white fur cape

Look at this problem from the other side: this is exactly the case when you can show off unusual outfits and be very elegant. There are a lot of options for insulation on the street: a fur coat and a hat, snow-white mittens, unusual boots or stylized felt boots.

A winter wedding dress simply cannot be royal: heavy dense fabrics, fur trim and large jewelry will look just brilliant in the winter sun. In order not to freeze indoors, you can throw a shawl or cape over your shoulders.

Boiled white dress for the New Year's wedding is what you need. You can add colored accents in the form of a red or green sash or ruffle. Dresses decorated with embroidery or rhinestones will look very impressive.

Sets of bright warm scarves and mittens can become a "feature" of your couple. And if the snow dazzles your eyes, you can wear bright glasses to match their color.

Orange scarves and glasses of the newlyweds at the New Year's wedding

Eh, three white horses ... Nice features of a winter wedding

A New Year's wedding is an event that is simply obliged to be remembered by everyone and forever.

A Russian winter wedding will look spectacular if there are three frisky horses on it ...

Well, when else can you come for a bride not in a limousine, but in a sleigh pulled by three white horses and with Santa Claus instead of a coachman?

When else will the real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden be the hosts at your wedding?

When is it still possible to celebrate a wedding for several days without any problems, without worrying that someone invited to work tomorrow?

And, finally, when else will festive fireworks be fired from every house for your wedding?

Wedding decor for the New Year: features in detail

The little Christmas tree is cold in winter ...

Of course, the Christmas tree and everything connected with it: snowflakes, garlands, cones, icicles, balls, confetti, etc. should become the main decor at the New Year's wedding. The green beauty can be one large or several small ones.

Decorations for them can serve not only Christmas tree decorations, but also sweets and fruits. Hearts or snowflakes with photographs of the bride and groom will look unusual on the Christmas tree.

Beautiful christmas tree in the wedding hall

Wedding palette for winter wedding

If you like elegance in everything, choose two or three interior colors, for example, gold and red (burgundy), blue and silver, green and gold. Such a dosed amount of paints will look strictly and at the same time solemn - just what you need.

White and silver textiles will look very sophisticated. To soften this Ice Queen's ice palace a little, you can add green, burgundy or gold.

The decor of the wedding hall is like in a winter fairy tale

Arrange candles on the tables, add spruce branches and cones to flower arrangements, use artificial snow and transparent crystals. It is better to choose serving utensils white or transparent like snow or ice.

New Year's decor will make any banquet hall charming. However, if possible, it is better to choose somewhere in the countryside. Firstly, it is very romantic, and secondly, there are many more opportunities in nature: you can play snowballs, make a snowman, or just admire this beauty.

A very advantageous option is a manor house or a cottage with a large living room and a fireplace. Just what you need on frosty winter days! The entrance can be decorated with illuminations and ice sculptures.

Winter wedding table decor and wedding menu

Snow-white beauty all around! I just want to take a brush and capture this splendor on canvas.

- this is the pinnacle of culinary art, though not as durable as paintings.

But, nevertheless, the winter theme of the main delicacy of the table will look amazing and will remain in the memory of guests for a long time. Figures of deer, elves, snowflakes, icicles can complement the New Year's style.

Figures of the bride and groom can be "dressed up" in the costumes of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus.

Well, if you are nevertheless closer to the floral theme in decorating cakes, you can also beat this option by slightly “sprinkling” the bouquet with sweet snow or frost.

It's a good idea to add a few dishes to the menu for fasting guests, as well as something traditional, without which the New Year is unthinkable. For example, Olivier salad or duck with apples.