Lightening hair with cinnamon and honey: a recipe at home. Lightening hair with cinnamon: homemade masks How to dye your hair with cinnamon at home

Any change in the natural shade of curls given to a person by nature is not a harmless process for the strands and scalp. The dye, penetrating deep inside, lifts the hair scales and discolors the natural pigment there.

This becomes a real stress for the hair; after such a procedure, the strands most often become dull, lifeless, too dry, slowly growing, and brittle. The process of intense hair loss may even begin, so there is no need to talk about the volume and thickness of the hairstyle after coloring procedures.

Against the backdrop of such unfavorable forecasts, in modern home cosmetology there is an increased interest in natural coloring agents that nature itself gave to humans. Particularly popular today is homemade hair lightening with cinnamon, which promises good results.

How effective is this procedure and how can you try it yourself?

Some sources dare to claim that the procedure for lightening hair with cinnamon makes the strands two shades lighter at once, which sometimes even the most advertised branded dyes from the store fail to do.

Therefore, this statement quite logically raises doubts. However, lightening your hair a couple of tones is still possible if you use cinnamon products for this purpose for a long time and with enviable regularity. After the first time, you should not expect great results: you can only achieve that the strands will become only slightly lighter than their original color.

This will also depend on individual characteristics: someone’s melanin (a natural coloring pigment) will quickly and easily be destroyed under the influence of cinnamon, while someone’s will resist for a long time, persistently and stubbornly. In addition, for the procedure to be successful, you need to know a little trick: the coloring effect of cinnamon is completely unattainable without honey.

Only a tandem of these two useful ingredients can please beauties who want to become blondes with their results.

Here's how it works at the cellular level:

  • when honey is diluted with distilled water, it begins to work as a weak peroxide: as a result of a chemical reaction, oxygen is released, which slowly turns the natural pigment of the strands into a colorless substance;
  • cinnamon accelerates this process, due to which the result will be much more pronounced: the strands become significantly lighter in comparison with the original color;
  • you can supplement cinnamon with lemon to enhance the effect: it also has a powerful lightening effect on hair;
  • Most recipes contain conditioner, which is needed to consolidate the results.

Homemade hair lightening with cinnamon and honey has a simple science: these products are safe, natural, natural peroxide agents.

You can expect only benefit from them, but no harm: cinnamon contains a large amount of vitamins (carotene, thiamine, retinol, riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, tocopherol, folic, ascorbic acid), which significantly improve, but do not spoil the condition of the hair. So this procedure is not a myth at all, and if you want to safely change the color of your hair, it’s worth a try.

Instructions for lightening hair with cinnamon

To make hair lightening with cinnamon as effective as possible, it is recommended to follow the instructions below, which will help avoid various kinds of disappointments:

  1. It is better to lighten hair with cinnamon for dark-haired girls: blondes risk acquiring a reddish tint.
  2. The ingredients are mixed in a wooden, ceramic or plastic container (exclude metal, as the solution in it will oxidize and give the strands a greenish tint). After mixing, the composition is left for an hour.
  3. For dry hair, it is recommended to add a couple of raw yolks to the recipe.
  4. The prepared mixture is first applied to the skin near the ear to check for allergies.
  5. After this, the brightening cinnamon mask is applied to a separate strand: this will allow you to evaluate its effectiveness.
  6. Before the procedure, the head should be thoroughly washed with shampoo and dried with a hairdryer until the strands are damp and need to be thoroughly combed.
  7. Using a comb, apply the mixture evenly and generously to the curls from the roots to the very ends (no need to rub into the scalp).
  8. Pin up the strands at the top of your head.
  9. Wear a plastic cap: in warm weather, hair lightening occurs more intensely.
  10. In the first half hour, a strong burning sensation is possible, which soon passes.
  11. The minimum time for dyeing hair with cinnamon is three hours, the maximum is up to eight.
  12. You need to wash off the coloring composition twice with shampoo. The mask will be washed off much easier if the recipe initially contained conditioner.
  13. The final rinse of the hair is done with a chamomile decoction (2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers per 1 glass of boiling water - then 1 glass of this decoction is diluted in a liter of water prepared for rinsing).
  14. The frequency of this procedure is determined individually: once every 2 weeks is the best option for a pronounced, fairly lasting effect. Moreover, each time the hair will become lighter.

Now you know how to lighten your hair with cinnamon at home, and you can try the effectiveness of this procedure on yourself.

Make sure it is a safe and enjoyable experience. After all, in addition to the desired shade, you can rejoice at the newly acquired beauty and health of your curls.

In most cases, after such an unusual coloring, they become shiny, more voluminous and smooth, and begin to grow faster. So choose the right recipe and enjoy the results.

Recipes for brightening cinnamon masks

To lighten your hair with cinnamon, you need to prepare an appropriate mask and apply it according to the instructions above:

  1. With olive oil.
    Mix cinnamon powder (3 tablespoons) with honey diluted with pre-distilled water in a ratio of two to one (2 tablespoons of honey per 1 tablespoon of water), hair conditioner (3 tablespoons), olive oil (3 tablespoons).
  2. With lemon.
    Mix cinnamon powder (3 tablespoons) with a solution of honey in distilled water (200 ml), moisturizing hair conditioner (200 ml), lemon juice without zest (1 tablespoon).
  3. With butter and lemon.
    Mix cinnamon powder (3 tablespoons) with a solution of honey in distilled water (3 tablespoons), hair conditioner (100 ml), lemon juice without zest (2 tablespoons), olive oil (100 ml).
  4. Classic recipe.
    Mix cinnamon powder with a solution of honey in distilled water (take 3 tablespoons of all ingredients). Heat the mixture in a water bath until warm.

Check for yourself whether cinnamon lightens your hair: it’s easy to do at home using these recipes. Do you want to become a blonde, but are you afraid of the merciless effects of store-bought dyes and hydrogen peroxide?

In this case, turn to the treasures of nature for help and take advantage of the coloring effect of cinnamon - this unique spice that is widely used today.

Store shelves are full of newfangled products that wash away dye and discolor hair. However, for the most part, such preparations contain ammonia, which destroys the hair structure. Recently, natural lighteners such as honey and cinnamon have become very popular. Let’s take a closer look at the last option, highlight the main aspects, and provide step-by-step instructions. Using cinnamon you can lighten your hair by 2-3 tones.

Features of lightening hair with cinnamon

  1. Many girls unanimously insist that with the help of cinnamon you can lighten your hair by 2 tones in a few procedures. It is difficult to achieve such an effect even in cases where professional hair removers are used.
  2. This raises doubts regarding the effectiveness of the natural product, and this is not surprising. However, it is possible to do cinnamon lightening yourself, but it will require many procedures. The process proceeds gradually, subject to regularity.
  3. Human hair contains melanin (color pigment), which is destroyed under the influence of certain factors. This indicates that lightening will proceed taking into account the individual characteristics of the hair. In some girls, melanin is destroyed immediately, while others require a longer period.
  4. In this case, hair lightening with cinnamon occurs only if the aromatic spice is mixed with honey. The process won't be possible without the last ingredient, so you'll need both cinnamon and honey.

Cinnamon hair lightening technology

  1. Not many people know that honey contains hydrogen peroxide, which is a lightening catalyst. When honey is diluted with distilled water, the composition begins to work as a peroxide. A chemical reaction occurs and a large amount of oxygen is released. It is oxygen that destroys, or rather discolors, hair.
  2. Cinnamon, in turn, serves to speed up the process. In combination with honey, it quickly destroys melanin, allowing you to lighten the original hair color by several tones. If you do not add spice, the procedure will proceed 2-3 times slower.
  3. Some girls prefer to lighten their hair with honey, cinnamon and lemon juice. It is known that citrus has whitening properties, so it makes sense to consider this option for getting rid of dark pigment.
  4. Many lightening masks contain hair conditioner, which serves to seal the final result. Without it, the effect will be incomplete; the pigment may be washed out unevenly, resulting in stains forming on the surface.
  5. From the above we can conclude that home lightening with cinnamon does not pose a threat to the hair. When combined with honey, hydrogen peroxide reagents destroy melanin, making the shade lighter.
  6. Cinnamon contains thiamine, niacin, retinol, ascorbic and folic acid, carotene, pyridoxine, riboflavin, and tocopherol. Thanks to the optimally balanced composition, hair becomes shiny, split ends stop, and growth accelerates.

Warnings for using cinnamon

In some cases, an allergic reaction may occur, as well as an unpredictable result. For this reason, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the side effects that may occur.

  1. Dyed blondes are strictly not recommended to lighten their hair with cinnamon. In this case, the result is difficult to predict; a red or pink pigment may appear.
  2. If you notice that your scalp is starting to flake, dandruff or redness (sensitive skin type), it is recommended to stop using cinnamon as a lightener.
  3. Spices of this kind often cause severe burning, irritation, itching and other unpleasant sensations. If one of the listed signs appears, immediately wash off the mask and apply a caring balm.
  4. Do not cover your scalp with a cinnamon-based mask to avoid possible flaking, burning and dryness. Apply the composition only to colored areas or your natural hair color, departing from the roots by 0.3-0.5 cm.
  5. If you notice that your scalp begins to itch and become very hot, it means that an excessive amount of cinnamon has been used. In this case, immediately rinse the mixture with cool water and make a nourishing mask of egg and olive oil.

Lightening hair with cinnamon

  1. Calculate the amount based on the length and thickness of your hair. For girls with a mop up to the shoulder blades, 150 grams will be enough. honey, 90 gr. hair balm and 80 gr. ground cinnamon. If desired, you can add 60 ml to enhance the effect. lemon juice.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a ceramic or glass container, stir with a wooden spatula. Cover the dishes with cling film and leave for 1-1.5 hours in a warm place.
  3. At this time, wash your hair with shampoo, apply conditioner, and rinse. Next, make a nourishing mask: whisk 5 egg yolks, cover your hair and scalp with the mixture, wait half an hour. Remove the mixture with cool water and dry your hair with a towel.
  4. If you have dry hair that constantly splits and breaks, add 3 egg yolks to the cinnamon mask after the mixture has been left for the specified time.
  5. When the composition is ready, test for an allergic reaction. Scoop a little mixture onto a brush, apply to the hair behind the ear, wait 30 minutes, and rinse. If there is no itching or irritation, proceed with lightening.
  6. Comb your hair with a wide-tooth comb, divide the head into thin strands and secure with elastic bands for African braids. Put on plastic gloves, place one curl on your palm, cover it with a large amount of the mixture, moving away from the roots.
  7. Wrap the strand with foil or cling film. Perform the previous manipulations with the entire head of hair. To make the process more efficient, wrap your head in plastic or put on a shower cap and cover with a towel. Heat the mop with a hairdryer for 5 minutes to create a steam bath.
  8. The exposure time is 3-7 hours, it all depends on the original hair shade. Immediately after the procedure, there may be a burning sensation that will last for 30-40 minutes, do not worry.
  9. After the specified period, the mask is washed off with running water and shampoo. The procedure must be repeated several times. The mixture will remove much faster if you added conditioner to the mixture.
  10. When your hair is washed, cover it with balm, wait a quarter of an hour and rinse. Rinse with a decoction based on medicinal chamomile. To prepare it, pour 100 g. dry herbs 4 l. boiling water, let it brew for half an hour and strain.

Cinnamon masks

It is not necessary to lighten your hair with a combination of cinnamon, honey and lemon. You can use the spice in combination with other ingredients. Let's look at the most effective combinations that will help make your hair 2-3 tones lighter. Masks can be made after the main technology as an additional composition. Do not violate the proportions and exposure time.

  1. Combine 5 chicken yolks, 30 g into one mass. oatmeal, 100 ml. kefir. Beat the mass with a mixer, add 40 g. cinnamon and 100 gr. honey. Cover your hair with the mixture and leave for 1 hour.
  2. Mix 65 gr. fat sour cream, 45 gr. homemade cottage cheese, 120 gr. honey and 65 gr. ground cinnamon. Bring the mass until smooth, add 85 ml. lemon juice. Make a hair mask, wait at least 2 hours.
  3. A solution of hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 6% has excellent whitening properties. Mix 35 ml. drug with 150 gr. honey, add 45 g. cinnamon, add mustard powder in the amount of 30 g. Make a hair mask, leave for 2 hours.

It is not difficult to lighten your hair with cinnamon if you have sufficient knowledge regarding the available technology. The frequency of the procedure depends on the initial hair shade. The best option is to use the composition 2-3 times every 15 days. At the same time, monitor your health; if any unpleasant sensations occur, immediately wash off the mask and rub soothing natural oil into the skin.

Video: lighten hair with cinnamon by two tones

The content of the article:

Many people are familiar with such an aromatic spice as cinnamon, but it is not only an ideal addition to baked goods, but also a valuable cosmetic product. By regularly using cinnamon for hair care, you can not only saturate it with useful substances and carry out an effective healing course, but also lighten it by several tones, restoring natural volume and giving your curls a unique aroma.

Benefits of cinnamon for hair

Cinnamon has a lot of useful qualities (for example, it has an antiseptic, tonic and stimulating effect), therefore it is widely used in folk medicine in the treatment of various diseases, and it helps improve the digestion process.

This spice also has a detoxifying effect, so it also works actively in medicinal preparations, as it helps enhance the effect of various beneficial substances on the body.

Cinnamon has a pleasant and slightly sweet aroma, quickly improves mood, and has a stimulating and tonic effect on the body's immune system.

Today, cinnamon is widely used in home cosmetology, so it is often added to refreshing, tonic and rejuvenating products for body, face and hair care.

To prepare a lightening composition at home, it is recommended to use a mixture of cinnamon with lemon or honey. These components included in cosmetic masks begin to work as a natural reagent of hydrogen peroxide, while the cinnamon itself will reveal their effect.

Thanks to the use of this mixture, you can get rid of the effect after coloring with henna or chemical dyes. It is worth remembering that cinnamon itself can greatly dry out the hair, so it is recommended to combine it with other ingredients that saturate the curls with beneficial substances, moisturizing and having a healing effect.

When using cinnamon hair masks, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If the mask is used to care for dry hair, it is useful to add olive oil (1 tablespoon) or egg yolk to its composition. Regular use of this cosmetic product gives volume to thin hair and restores its fullness.
  2. After the mask is completely ready (the consistency should be similar to thick sour cream), it should be applied to clean and dry hair.
  3. If there is no need to pre-wash your hair, you can lightly moisten it using a spray bottle.
  4. To enhance the lightening effect, it is recommended to rinse the strands with a pre-prepared chamomile infusion after such a mask.
  5. During the hair lightening procedure, a slight burning sensation may occur. That is why a cinnamon mask is not recommended to be applied to the scalp - the root area should remain untreated.
  6. After applying the lightening composition, after some time a slight tingling sensation may appear; if a strong burning sensation begins to bother you, you must immediately wash your hair.
  7. To obtain a uniform effect, after applying the mask, you need to comb your hair, dividing it into strands.
  8. It is worth considering the fact that there will not be an immediate effect, so for a lasting result you will need to carry out several hair lightening procedures over 2-3 weeks.
  9. To prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction, you must first conduct a sensitivity test - a small amount of the mixture is applied to the area near the ear or on the elbow; if after 30 minutes no discomfort or rash appears, you can use a mask.
  10. After the specified time for the mask to work, the lightening composition is washed off with plenty of warm water and shampoo. There may be particles of cinnamon left in your hair, and to completely remove them you should use conditioner or balm.
Taking into account the original hair color, using cinnamon masks to lighten, you can get the following results:
  • red-haired girls will have a slight brown or reddish tint;
  • brunettes and brown-haired women will get a golden brown or reddish color;
  • Blonde hair takes on a reddish or reddish hue.
You need to choose cinnamon very carefully when preparing a lightening composition. In some cases, instead of cinnamon, its analogue, cassia, is sold (the main difference is its darker color with a red tint; it has a tart, bitter aftertaste).
Cassia is poorly crushed, and it contains a large amount of a substance such as coumarin. If taken regularly, it has a toxic effect on the body.

If the cinnamon is to be ground using a coffee grinder, the sticks must first be broken into smaller pieces.

Cinnamon mask recipes for lightening hair

Cinnamon, which is part of the lightening masks, saturates the hair with valuable substances, helping to strengthen it and restore volume. If the seasoning is combined with other ingredients, you can lighten your hair by 1-2 tones at home.

To lighten hair, it is recommended to combine cinnamon with honey; you can also add lemon and honey. Thanks to the addition of honey to the mask, the hair is perfectly moisturized and has a gentle lightening effect, while the lemon refreshes the strands and creates a slight effect of sun-bleached curls.

Before using such a lightening composition, you must remember that the effect will be strictly individual - as a rule, the effect appears on hair that has not previously been dyed with chemicals. It is best to use cinnamon masks to lightly lighten light brown and brown hair. To obtain the desired effect, you must complete a full course.

Cinnamon with honey

To lighten hair at home, you will need the following components:
  • ground cinnamon- it is advisable to make it yourself by grinding spice sticks in a coffee grinder;
  • liquid natural honey- of course, you can also use a product that has slightly thickened, but first it must be melted in a water bath, however, it must not be brought to a boil;
  • any conditioner or hair balm- it is recommended to choose a product that does not contain silicone.
To make the bleach mixture, you must use a non-metallic container and spoon. You should not use metal utensils, as oxidation of the coloring composition may occur, which will negatively affect the condition of the hair and the strands may acquire an unsightly greenish tint.

Honey and cinnamon powder are mixed (the components are taken in equal quantities and can vary depending on the length and thickness of the hair). For example, to process shoulder-length strands, you need to take about 3-4 tbsp. l. cinnamon and honey.

All components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Then the conditioner or balm is introduced and everything is mixed well again. The result should be a mask with a consistency similar to thick sour cream.

Before applying the composition, comb the hair thoroughly, after which the mask is evenly distributed along the entire length of the strands. However, it is worth remembering that the mixture should not be applied to the root zone and scalp, so as not to provoke irritation. The hair should be completely saturated with the mask.

After the mask is applied to your hair, you need to wrap your head with cling film or put on a rubber shower cap and a terry towel for insulation.

After 40–45 minutes, the towel and film are removed, but the mask is left on the hair for another 2–3 hours. After the specified time, the remaining composition is washed off with warm water and shampoo. It is recommended to use conditioner or chamomile decoction to rinse strands.

Cinnamon with lemon

A mixture of cinnamon and lemon is recommended for lightening blonde hair. Lemon gives the strands a beautiful light shade. To prepare a natural lightening mixture, mix the fresh juice of one lemon with 3-4 tbsp in a non-metallic container. l. ground cinnamon.

All components are mixed well, after which approximately 5 tbsp is added. l. any hair balm. The resulting mixture is evenly distributed along the entire length of the strands. The mask is left on for several hours, but first you need to wrap your hair in a layer of cling film and insulate it with a towel.

After 4–5 hours, the remnants of the mask are washed off with warm water and shampoo. After this procedure, it is useful to rinse your hair with conditioner.

Girls who have experienced the effects of brightening masks with cinnamon get different results. The most striking effect will be noticeable on light brown and brown hair.

Brunettes can also use such compositions, because masks with cinnamon help not only lighten hair, but also significantly improve the structure of the strands. The effect of light toning is created, producing lighter brown shades with a soft golden tint.

Before using any natural lightening agent, you must remember that after the first procedure the desired result will not be obtained. But at the same time, such compositions have a beneficial and stable effect in case of systematic use.

How to lighten your hair two tones using cinnamon, see here:

Cinnamon is very rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids, so it is effectively used in cosmetology. It contains very substances that can change the color of the hair, in addition, it helps strengthen the hair and gives it incredible shine.

But, it is worth remembering that you will have to use cinnamon more than once, but about 6-7 times, otherwise the effect simply will not be achieved.

If you have natural hair color, then lightening it by 3 tones is quite possible, but it is unlikely that you will be able to lighten colored hair unless you change your color to a less saturated one.

Lightening recipes

There are many recipes for lightening using cinnamon, but only 3 of them are popular:

  1. You need to mix liquid honey, cinnamon, olive oil and balm or conditioner, all 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Take 3 tablespoons of cinnamon and natural honey, one yolk, one tablespoon of olive oil and the same amount of lemon juice.
  3. Take 100 ml of hair conditioner and the same amount of olive oil, 4 tbsp. l. cinnamon and a tablespoon.

If you have long hair, you may need to double the ingredients.

Preparing hair for lightening

If you decide, then you cannot wash your hair for two days, since an oily head will be your protection. Before applying the mixture, comb your hair thoroughly.

Applying the mixture

The resulting mixture must be applied to all hair with a special brush that is used to dye hair. Be sure to ensure that each strand of hair is covered with the mixture, otherwise the color may vary. It is recommended to comb your hair occasionally with a comb (with thick teeth).

After applying the mixture, be sure to collect your hair, put on a shower cap and wrap it with a towel. You need to keep the mask on your hair for a very long time, at least 5 hours, and if you really want to achieve a good effect, leave it on all night.

Washing off

You should rinse off very carefully, do not spare it, and wash it several times under warm water, then apply a healing mask or balm. But the best remedy is chamomile; rinsing your hair with it will strengthen it.

Do not dry your hair with hot air, let it dry on its own.

After bleaching hair, you should take good care of your hair.

  1. Do not dry your hair under any circumstances.
  2. Make masks based on natural products that will help restore your hair faster.
  3. It is worth excluding the use of hair devices (straightener, curling iron, hot hair dryer, etc.).


Cinnamon can cause an allergic reaction, so you should test first. Apply the composition to the inner bend of the elbow and wait about half an hour, then rinse with warm water. You should monitor your elbow for two days; if there are no allergic reactions, then you can safely begin lightening.

Cinnamon masks lighten hair, strengthen its structure and, most importantly, are absolutely harmless. Their preparation does not require expensive or hard-to-find ingredients. Many women prefer this type of safe lightening with a natural product.

The beneficial properties of cinnamon are due to its rich composition.

Cinnamon contains vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and has the following positive effects on the scalp and hair:

The effect of lightening hair with cinnamon

At the end of the course, the hair becomes 2-3 shades lighter. The more procedures are performed, the clearer the result. The greatest effect is visible on fair-haired girls. But with one condition - the curls will acquire a red-golden hue, which not everyone may like.

Photos before and after

Cinnamon mask for lightening hair, before and after photos

Results for dark hair

Cinnamon masks for lightening hair are more often used on dark hair. Brunettes become the owners of chocolate-colored curls without harming their hair. Brown-haired women become caramel-red after 4-6 uses of the mask. For red-haired girls, the color takes on a light brown tint.
If you apply the mask only to the ends, you can achieve the ombre effect that is so fashionable now.

Brightening mask recipe

A cinnamon mask for lightening hair is easy to prepare and gives noticeable results.

Required ingredients:

The mixed components are applied to the scalp and distributed along the length of the curls. The head is wrapped in such a way that the mask warms the hair. After 40-60 minutes, it is washed off with water and shampoo.

Instructions for using the cinnamon mask

During the procedure, you need to follow a number of simple recommendations.

They will help avoid unwanted consequences.

Number and frequency of procedures

A noticeable visual effect can be achieved by carrying out 3-5 procedures, depending on the individual characteristics of the hair. It is recommended to lighten your hair every 4-7 days (no more often). The maximum permissible number of sessions is 16. Then a break of a month is required, after which maintenance lightening masks should be applied every 1-2 weeks.

Lemon juice mask

Lemon juice in the lightening mask helps reduce yellowness in light brown hair. To make the composition, you need to mix 2-3 tbsp. cinnamon with the juice of one lemon.
Then the composition is kneaded, balm is added in the amount necessary to form a thick consistency. Apply evenly along the length using a comb and wait for at least 2-3 hours (the mask can be left on for up to 6 hours).

Be sure to wrap your hair in plastic and insulate it. The mask is washed off in the classic way.

Brightening mask with yolk

A cinnamon mask for lightening hair with yolk will add additional volume and lightness. The curls will shimmer beautifully in the sun.

The yolk of one egg should be mixed with 1 tbsp. cinnamon. Then add kefir (not cold) and apply to hair for 30-60 minutes. Wash off with water and cosmetic cleanser.

Hot mask

A mask consisting mainly of spices (and cinnamon in the first place) is called hot, since its use causes strong stimulation of the hair follicles. Thanks to this, hair growth accelerates and new hairs appear.

The components of the hot mask are as follows:

Mix the oil and honey together and heat in a water bath. Add the remaining ingredients one by one. The mass should not be very hot, otherwise the honey will lose most of its beneficial properties. The warm (non-hot) mixture is applied to the hair roots with massaging movements. Put on a shower cap and insulate with a towel.

The mask is kept for at least 20 minutes, but no more than an hour. If the skin begins to “burn” unbearably, it is necessary to immediately wash off the composition. A burning sensation should be present during the procedure; it is important to monitor its intensity to avoid burns.

With kefir

Fermented milk products, like cinnamon, have the ability to lighten. Kefir is suitable for preparing hair masks due to its properties and consistency.

You need to take 100-200 ml of kefir (the amount depends on the length and volume of the hair), heat it in the microwave and add 1 tbsp. cinnamon powder. The composition is thoroughly mixed and applied over the entire surface of the curls. Warm the head for 60 minutes, wash off with shampoo.
An additional effect is strengthening and preventing hair loss.

With hair balm

The easiest cinnamon mask to make is the composition - balm + cinnamon powder. If desired, you can choose a balm with the components necessary for a specific hair type.

2-2.5 tbsp. cinnamon is mixed with balm in a volume sufficient for the existing length and thickness of hair. The mixture is distributed over the entire head, wrapped and kept for 1-3 hours. This mask is washed off only with water.

With cinnamon oil

An alternative to dry cinnamon is cinnamon essential oil. It is a component of numerous hair care formulations.

Most popular recipe:

Mix the oils together and heat them. Add honey (it should be liquid) and chamomile. The thoroughly mixed mixture must be distributed evenly over the entire surface of the head. The mask should be left on for a long time. Wash off using the standard method.

With coconut oil

A mask with the addition of coconut oil has not only a brightening effect. It additionally revitalizes curls, moisturizes, and prevents the formation of split ends.

Ingredients for the mask:

  • 4.5 tbsp. l. coconut oil;
  • 2.5 tbsp. honey;
  • 1.5-2 tbsp. ground cinnamon.

All ingredients are mixed and evenly distributed along the length of the curls, starting from the roots. The head is wrapped in polyethylene and insulated on top with a towel or thick soft cloth. After 40 minutes, you need to remove the cellophane and give the mask another 1-2.5 hours to work.
If you only need to strengthen your hair, then 30-50 minutes under polyethylene is enough.

Night mask

Cinnamon masks can be left on your hair for a long time. For example, for night exposure, you should apply the composition before bed and go to bed. The lightening effect will be maximum possible.

Important! Night masks are applied strictly to the curls, 1-2 cm away from the roots. This helps to avoid burns from prolonged exposure of the composition to the scalp.

In most cases, masks that are left on overnight consist of cinnamon powder (you can use cinnamon essential oil) and a carrier oil (such as olive, burdock, sunflower or coconut).

1-2 tbsp. cinnamon (or 3-4 drops of cinnamon oil) mixed with 40-60 ml of oil. Before starting the application procedure, the composition must be warmed up. You should wash off the mask in the morning with shampoo. More than one soaping may be needed.

When using masks that contain cinnamon, you should consider several additional factors.

  1. Before using cinnamon or cinnamon essential oil, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction. To do this, apply the mask to the skin of the wrist and the area behind the ear and leave for 10-15 minutes. If redness or excessive burning is not felt, you can use the composition.
  2. If you ignore allergy safety measures and in case of severe burning of the scalp, you should immediately wash off the mask with non-hot water. After half an hour, the scalp is examined for possible burns.
  3. The exposure time of the mask should be clearly determined depending on the desired effect. If there is no need for hair lightening (only health improvement), then any masks with cinnamon are washed off after 15-30 minutes.
  4. If your hair has recently been dyed with other substances of natural origin (henna, basma, onion peel, etc.), it is better to refrain from using cinnamon masks. The result may be unpredictable.
  5. It is possible to achieve a greater lightening effect by exposing your hair to the sun's rays.
  6. For greater benefits from using cinnamon, it is recommended to buy the spice not in bags, but in sticks and grind them yourself.
  7. It is useful to rinse your hair with chamomile infusion after the cinnamon lightening procedure, as it has a restorative and soothing effect.


There are no serious contraindications to the use of formulations with cinnamon. There are several warning factors that you should pay attention to and postpone the lightening procedure for a while.

These include:

Side effects

If the cinnamon mask gets on the skin of the neck or face, redness and mild itching may occur. Therefore, the components of the masks are selected in such a way that the final consistency is creamy (excluding oil recipes) and does not spread when applied.

The aroma of cinnamon remains on the hair for at least a day. You need to prepare for this, as you may feel faint from the cinnamon smell. This is especially true for pregnant women.

Cons of the Cinnamon Brightening Mask

In the case of brightening masks with cinnamon, the disadvantages are as follows:

  1. Duration of the procedure. To lighten your hair with a cinnamon mask, you need to allocate at least 3-4 hours of free time.
  2. Difficulty in further staining. If your hair was lightened with a cinnamon mask, then dyeing your hair with store-bought dyes can result in disappointment. Since it is unknown what color the end result will be.
  3. The result is not immediately visible. Unlike professional salon lightening, changing hair color by 2-3 tones is possible only after using a whole course of procedures (from 6 to 15 sessions).

You should be patient before lightening your hair with a cinnamon mask, and be prepared for the fact that the end result may not be what you expected. To lighten by 2-3 tones, a course of procedures will be required.

Video about cinnamon masks

Cinnamon mask:

Super hair mask with cinnamon and honey: