Congratulations on the day of the prosecutor's office. Congratulations on the day of the prosecutor's office in prose - congratulations in your own words. Short congratulations on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office in your own words Official congratulations on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office

There is one very serious, strict and dangerous structure for crime, the activities of which we all know very well. This is the prosecutor's office, whose holiday is celebrated throughout Russia today. It is in this structure that our hero of the occasion works. We know that you give yourself completely to your profession, and that honor for you is not an empty word. On such a solemn and important day, we want to congratulate you. May rapid growth and prosperity await you in your career, so that your salary will increase tenfold. And so that among colleagues there is honor, respect and recognition. So that the criminal himself would go into your hands and surrender. May your work bring you satisfaction, and may your friends and partners never betray, fail or leave you in trouble. Well, how can you not wish you health, so that you have enough for another hundred years, then you feel good and we are safe.

Why does such a large and powerful country need a prosecutor's office? This is a serious question, but the answer is clear. It was created for the observance of law and order - by a strict dictatorship. And it is useless for criminals to compromise and offer bribes. A real employee of this structure must be like you: serious, incorruptible, intelligent, scrupulous, thoughtful. So that even high officials, whose stigma is already in the cannon, fall into the sediment only from one glance of the guardian of law. So that ordinary citizens boldly go with complaints and always come to their aid, protect them from arbitrariness. I wish you to put thieves, corrupt officials, murderers and other evil spirits of our country behind bars. Let the jurisprudence hone its skills and wisdom and protect us from crime. And your career is only moving uphill.

Today is the day of all lawyers and advisers of the prosecutor's office, a structure that employs highly qualified professionals who devote all their strength to their profession. And as long as there are prosecutors like you in the Russian Federation, all laws will be observed, and criminals will sit where they should be. May justice always prevail in your difficult and, at times, even dangerous work. I want to sincerely congratulate you and the entire prosecutor's office on a great holiday. And wish that each of you always gets what he deserves. And the authorities did not pinch, no awards, no stars, no awards. And personally, I wish you a successful career. And so that I had to work less at inopportune hours and more often I could be with my family and enjoy the comfort of my home. May everything be fine with you and even a little better.

Almost three hundred years have passed since the day when Emperor Peter I appointed the very first prosecutors to the service. This unprecedented reform was aimed at completely destroying, or, in extreme cases, significantly weakening the lawlessness in the country, especially related to bribery. And since then, prosecutors have grabbed the criminals of embezzlers with a stranglehold. It was from that day on that the laws began to be observed more precisely and diligently. And today all citizens of Russia are reliably protected by such a structure as a procurator. And it is a great honor for us to shower this serious department with congratulations and wishes. We wish that you will always be rewarded for your noble and honest work. To be respected by colleagues and citizens, bosses and the state. So that on this day all the people with smiles send you greetings and wishes for well-being, health and, naturally, happiness.

For three hundred years, every citizen of our vast country has clearly known that in order to achieve the truth, to protect their rights and to hit crime with the law, you need to go to the prosecutor's office for help. On such a wonderful and important day, on your holiday, we want to wish you, the arbiters of destinies, to always be at one with the law, conscience and justice. And no matter how difficult the path and the tempting choice may be, always remain a reliable and strong support for an honest people. Let your mind, thoughtfulness, logic, deduction, intuition and fortitude help you in every tangled and difficult matter. Remember that citizens put their trust in you, fate and problems trust you, they trust you. Believe in your honesty and impartiality. So let every honest person rejoice on this holiday and the bandit, thief and villain cry. Let the fireworks sound like a reminder that justice exists!

The creations of Peter himself remained unshakable, and for almost three hundred years the prosecutor's office has been an authority for citizens. Count Yaguzhinsky began his career as a prosecutor at its origins. He then became the right hand of the emperor and his inquiring eye. How many villains in his lifetime he justly threw behind bars, how many fair fates he saved. So it has been since that time that every embezzler, thief, murderer begins to burn from the inside, only hearing the word "prosecutor's office". And the fact that the employees of this structure reveal violations, bring out terrible secrets to the light of day, conquering the law is not an accident. Indeed, only professionals work within the walls of this internal organ. They will always help an even person to achieve justice, to restore their rights. Let all criminals be brought to justice. And we will congratulate the employees of the prosecutor's office and wish you never to tarnish the honor of our special uniform.

We are not afraid of officials, snickering and arrogant, you can quickly put them in their place. As soon as they receive a summons from you, their faces will immediately glow with a blush of shame. You will be able to protect the one who asks for help from the lawlessness of officials. And the whole huge state machine of the prosecutor's office and your colleagues - prosecutors will help you in this. They boldly and clearly take up their work and always bring it to the end. I want to congratulate at this hour all those wonderful people who celebrate their holiday today. But with great love and sincerity, I want to congratulate you. And I wish you to always feel a taste for life, so that every day brings you new interesting and pleasant emotions, important meetings. So that a happy accident does not pass you by. And let your stance, leadership, purposeful character help you in everything.

Today we will gather at one large table to celebrate the day of your wonderful, important and highly respected profession. Let's pour champagne, wine, and whoever wants vodka into glasses. And let this feast become cheerful and loud - we deserve it. For a whole year we worked in great stress, in an emergency mode. Tired of it! It's time to relax, it's time for us to remember what a weekend and relaxation are. Let us raise our filled vessels and make a toast, for us, for the employees of the procurators. For everyone from generals to archive employees. May we all be lucky in the coming year and each will receive what he deserves, some a prize, some a promotion, and some a big reward. May our valiant structure flourish and criminality shake at the mere thought of our power and steadfastness. For us guys, hurray !!!

You are always so beautiful in your strict form. So slender, strong, valiant and handsome. Sometimes, you become the last hope for those who are defeated by the sword of impunity and crime. But our life is calm mainly because all criminals are under the domineering gaze of the law. If people like you work in the prosecutor's office, there will always be order in our country. I wish you to be always held in high esteem by the people, because you are not a Roman procurator who passes death sentences right and left. You are the same person as everyone else, and this is just your profession. Someone has to convict people who once entered the law. And let you be given great power, no less, no less responsibility for the life and fate of a person. You have no right for error or bias. Let this heavy burden not rest on your heart, rest more and remember that you, too, have the right to fun and ease.

Today I would like to congratulate the one who, together with the state and his colleagues, protects our society from rot. The one who keeps the honor of Mother Russia - our vast Motherland. So let her help you in your work and always generously show you tributes. Be honest, impartial, strict and fair, carry out all procedures only in accordance with the law and then you will have nothing to worry about. On your day, on your holiday, I wish all depression, blues and stresses to be swept away. I want this festive January day to give you a little rest, lift your spirits and fill you with new strength for exploits in the important prosecutor's field. Let everything always be smooth, beautiful and without unpleasant incidents, both in work and in personal life.

The prosecutor's office has become a symbol of justice and honor for the country, a symbol of intelligence, strength, courage and professionalism. Protect and read the written laws of the state and do not allow anyone to use them in their own way. May your work always be interesting, exciting and exciting. There are so many things you need to know and be able to do, but even this is not the main thing in your work. Perhaps the most important thing is professional flair, intuition, ingenuity, logic, thoughtfulness, and a tendency to analyze. I want to congratulate you on a special day for your structure and wish you luck in your work, so that matters, even the most complicated and intricate ones, would be "tough" for you. So that all your merits are sure to be noticed by the above-stated leadership and encouraged you with new stars for shoulder straps and cash bonuses. After all, you are people too, and besides work you have a personal life and a family and a great desire to provide it with dignity.

Today is your holiday according to the law, according to the calendar, because you are our prosecutor. So come on open your arms and accept our congratulations, kiss and hug. We know one hundred percent that you are a wonderful person, open, honest and fair. And you are a responsible and strict worker, strong, wise and strong-willed. Yes, and you are a friend of the world, I think your colleagues would agree with us. You are an example for those who want to achieve a legal victory in our country. May life be generous and affectionate to you for everything that you do. So that it is easy for you to overcome any obstacles on your professional path, and in your personal life, so that you do not have any obstacles at all. May your mind always be bright and fast. And let your salary increase inexorably every day. Let the energy gush in you, and the family always remains a reliable and caring rear.

Congratulations to the prosecutor:

Congratulations in prose on the Day of Prosecutor's Office Workers 2019

All employees of the prosecutor's office Congratulations to the Russian Federation on your professional holiday. Almost 300 years ago, on January 12, 1722, the Tsar - Emperor Peter the First appointed you "his eye" and instructed you to "weaken or destroy the evil arising from disorder in business, injustice, bribery and lawlessness." Thus, to this day, you remain the “eye of Peter”. This is a harsh and uncompromising service to the state, so we wish you endurance, patience and strength in your hard work. Try to remain objective, fair, wise and human at all times. And today you have every right to relax and brightly celebrate the day of the employee of the Prosecutor's Office.

I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Day of employees of the Prosecutor's Office! You work in a government agency that oversees almost the entire country. Officials, businessmen, and even police officers are afraid of the prosecutor's office. But for ordinary citizens, in some situations, the prosecutor's office is the only place where you can turn for help and protection from arbitrariness. You have chosen a very difficult type of activity for yourself, but you are doing your job with dignity. God save you from ill-wishers, evil intentions and mistakes. Thank you for your honesty, integrity and dedication. After all, it is no secret to anyone that law enforcement is associated with risk. When people break the law, and prosecutors reveal violations of the law, offenders sometimes go to great lengths to avoid responsibility. Therefore, today I want to wish you that our state will always guarantee you and your families complete safety and unhindered work in the fight against evil. Happy Holidays!

Fairness and honesty - have always been the hallmarks of your character. Therefore, you have chosen the right profession. Only such employees of the prosecutor's office as you are capable of fighting corruption, bribery, and officials who are not clean on their hands, who in our country are even worse trouble than fools and roads. But let's not talk about sad things. I congratulate you on your professional holiday - the day of the prosecutor's office. First of all, I wish you new stars for your blue shoulder straps. After all, the higher the post you will occupy, the more benefit you will bring to our long-suffering state. I wish you personal happiness, family warmth, good luck and love! Let your leisure time be varied and interesting, so that you are always charged with the energy of positive emotions and vivid impressions. Happy Holidays!

Dear employees of the prosecutor's office. Today, on your professional holiday, the citizens of our country are passing a harsh sentence on you. You are sentenced to lifelong happiness, inexhaustible health and unconditional respect for the entire population of the country. On January 12 of this year and all subsequent years, you are temporarily suspended from performing your duties in order to brightly and noisily celebrate the Day of the Prosecutor's Office and receive congratulations. The verdict comes into force from the moment it is read and is not subject to appeal!

D my horny , I sincerely congratulate you on Happy Prosecutor's Office ! You chose your path in your youth, and you were not mistaken. It's so nice when a person does what he loves - and you are one of those lucky ones! I wish you success in your work, so that every day is filled with joy and happiness. Everything that you undertake, let it turn out easily and in the best way. And, of course, I wish you love, health and good mood - both on holidays and on weekdays! I wish you that all your dreams come true, that love and mutual understanding reign in the family, that you are appreciated by your bosses, and you are always happy with your fate!

Friend , today is your personal, professional holiday. You have chosen a difficult service for yourself in the field of law, you have decided to work in the prosecutor's office ... You know very well that you have many friends, but also a lot of ill-wishers. So, today I want to wish that those who do not wish you well, simply disappear from your life. Let good people and loyal friends surround you!

Favourite , today is your holiday - day of the prosecutor's office ! I want to congratulate you and sincerely wish you great happiness, success, health, victories in your field! May luck never turn away from you, and luck will be your faithful companion! I want to wish you good and joy, happiness and pleasure, so that there are no worries and vain experiences in life.

FROM Today is a holiday of courage, honesty and justice, and courage. May God grant you all good luck, good health, endurance, understanding in the labor field and love in the family. I wish your families never feel the bitterness of loss. Be safe and sound.

P roguratura is the main stronghold of order and justice. She monitors all problem cases, eliminates negativity and punishes those responsible. Therefore, its representatives are associated with the embodiment of justice. By following the letter of the law, you save the state from lawlessness and ruin. Control all types of activities, put things in order in all areas of life. I wish you kindness, honesty, and selflessness on this day. Work as your conscience dictates. Stop injustice, support the innocent, protect the defenseless from dangerous encroachments. I wish you personal happiness, family warmth, good luck and joy! Let your life be bright and non-routine. Let the sun smile at you warmly. Let your loved ones live easily and calmly! Happy Holidays!

P Please accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday - the day of the prosecutor's office! Your service may not be visible to each of us, but we are all grateful for it. Your hard, responsible work makes the world cleaner and kinder. Thanks to you, our children play peacefully in the yard, and we leave the house with a smile. May all your efforts be generously rewarded with respect, honor and worthy payment. I wish you good health, good mood, true love and strong friendship! Let your every day be accompanied by pleasant events and let your whole life be filled with light. Happy holiday, happy day of the prosecutor's office!

Moya beautiful, smart, feminine girlfriend , you chose not a woman's business, - you became an employee of the prosecutor's office ! But you also proved that you can handle any job. May your professionalism continue to help you cope with the most difficult tasks, may any business succeed. And, as a woman, I wish you the most important thing - true mutual love and prosperity!

Have important employees and employees of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation! We congratulate you on your professional holiday! The Russian prosecutor's office is a reliable pillar of our statehood. Competence, deep decency, loyalty to duty - these are the qualities that are inherent in you. You stand on the defense of law and order and the rule of law. We wish you a cheerful spirit and consistency in your affairs. Keep and enhance the glorious traditions of your predecessors. Let your work be distinguished by clear organization and a desire to guard the interests of the citizens of our country. I wish you health, personal well-being, success in all your endeavors. Happy holiday, Happy Prosecutor's Office Day!

Dear colleagues and all employees of the prosecutor's office!

We wish you well-being in your work, happiness and good health!

P I congratulate you on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! This holiday is a sincere tribute to the state and society to those who have devoted themselves to protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, ensuring the interests of the state. Maintaining law and order is one of the most honorable and responsible tasks, and you with honor cope with all the difficulties with which your work abounds. Let it have as many bright moments as possible, like at least this wonderful holiday! I wish you good health, success and happiness!

Day of the employee of the prosecutor's office is your holiday dad , and it is a great honor for me to congratulate you, because over the years of service you have established yourself as an excellent prosecutor, whom everyone respects, whose opinion is considered and who is trusted! I sincerely want to wish you well-being and joy, great luck, successful interaction with colleagues and many good moments!

P I congratulate you on the day of the prosecutor's office and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you all the best! May you finally manage to relax on your professional holiday, forgetting about the weight of work difficulties and worries. Let the most cherished desires begin to come true, and all the good moments bring positive! I also wish you well and the ability to get along with your loved ones! In addition, let your work bring you pleasure, because you are a true professional in your field! In your honor, we will raise our glasses today and we will honor those who deserve the highest honors and people's love! May you not be touched by problems and troubles, we wish you victory in any business!

P Or sometimes you have to make very difficult decisions, I know, even if it is very dangerous and difficult to be an employee of the prosecutor's office, but who, if not you, is able to defend the honor of the country and punish violators according to their deserts? I congratulate you on your professional holiday, the Day of the Prosecutor's Office, and want to always do business in collaboration with the goddess Themis, who is your patroness, as well as her own sister, the goddess Fortune, who will help you find the smallest clues so that everything is fair. In addition to successful work, I would also like to wish you a good rest, which will charge you with new strength for new achievements. Please accept my congratulations.

Have important employee of the prosecutor's office! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish that you do not have obstacles in your work, that you do not know problems and disappointments, know how to cope with difficulties and never get upset over trifles. May all your desires be easily fulfilled, and no problems will ever interfere with doing your job!

Dear colleagues!

Our work with you is sometimes not visible, but it is hard painstaking work aimed at protecting the rights of citizens and the good of the Fatherland. I would like to sincerely wish all employees of the prosecutor's office, colleagues, as well as respected veterans of the prosecutor's office good health, a quiet life, happiness to you and your families, professional success and personal well-being! Thanks for your hard work!


P I congratulate you on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office Worker, and today I want to wish you all the best. What is important in your job? Be proactive, disciplined, efficient and stress-resistant! Let all these qualities be inherent in you in full. And in life I wish you good health, the ability to enjoy every day, love and take care of your family, relatives and friends!

Mister prosecutor , I hasten to congratulate you on your professional holiday, on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office. It is not by chance that you have chosen the profession of a prosecutor, because you cannot imagine life without justice and peace. On this most important day, I want to wish you a tripling of perseverance, strength and courage! Your decisions are always all fair and honest, so let Success itself always and everywhere accompany you, Luck reigns and protects great Health! Without your work, the court would be imperfect and, perhaps, impossible. I wish you interesting days, and happiness in your personal life and, of course, great and endless love. Let prosperity, warmth and great joy, which has no end, reign in your home!

FROM Today is your professional holiday - the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! Over the years of service, you have established yourself as a specialist who is appreciated, respected, whose opinion everyone listens to! You have chosen a very difficult type of activity for yourself, but with dignity you carry out the duties assigned to you, demonstrating deep professional knowledge every day. Defending the rule of law, you amazingly combine principled justice, honesty and mercy. Thank you for your painstaking and conscientious work! I sincerely wish you not to be disappointed either at work or in your personal life and never be upset over trifles! I wish you good health, mutual love and success in all your endeavors!

Happy Prosecutor's Day! You are honest, attentive and impartial, you treat every case with all seriousness, in a word, you are not in vain entrusted with this post! So be an example for subordinates, pride for your bosses, and an ideal from all sides, even professional, even personal, for yourself! My dear, I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! You chose your path in your youth, and you were not mistaken. It's so nice when a person does what he loves - and you are one of those lucky ones! I wish you success in your work, so that every day is filled with joy and happiness. Everything that you undertake, let it turn out easily and in the best way. And, of course, I wish you love, health and good mood - both on holidays and on weekdays! I wish you that all your dreams come true, that love and mutual understanding reign in the family, that you are appreciated by your bosses, and you are always happy with your fate! I congratulate you on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! This holiday is a sincere tribute to the state and society to those who have devoted themselves to protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, ensuring the interests of the state. Maintaining law and order is one of the most honorable and responsible tasks, and you with honor cope with all the difficulties with which your work abounds. Let it contain as many bright moments as possible, like at least this wonderful holiday! I wish you good health, success and happiness! Today is your professional holiday - the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! Over the years of service, you have established yourself as a specialist who is appreciated, respected, whose opinion everyone listens to! You have chosen a very difficult type of activity for yourself, but with dignity you carry out the duties assigned to you, demonstrating deep professional knowledge every day. Defending the rule of law, you amazingly combine principled justice, honesty and mercy. Thank you for your painstaking and conscientious work! I sincerely wish you not to be disappointed either at work or in your personal life and never be upset over trifles! I wish you good health, mutual love and success in all your endeavors! Comrade prosecutor! Happy holiday, Happy Prosecutor's Day! Fates dressed in deeds pass before you, and how good it is that you do not treat them carelessly, but with all your attention, because the fates of citizens are priceless! Let me wish you many years, eternal youth in your heart and good mood, everything would go well! Serving the law is a true vocation, it is born somewhere in the depths of the soul, and does not leave, perhaps, until it is time to retire! To you, a person who is crystal-clear and with a lion's heart, faithful to your word and deed, on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office Worker, I wish you all the best!

Congratulations, prosecutors,
Let your holiday be great!
We wish each of you
Do not surrender the battle for justice!
Be stronger and bolder
We wish you prosperity,
After all, the world becomes brighter with you,
The one who is to blame is punished.

Prosecutor, your position is difficult
You pass the verdict according to your conscience.
You have a kind heart
There is no calculation, no pride.
Good luck,
To deal with everything.
So that all tasks
Very easy to do.

You are not the first year in the prosecutor's office
You work, you serve your homeland faithfully.
Let, my friend, you are always lucky -
After all, you are justly friends with the law.

I wish you health and good
Simple human happiness.
Take a walk, my friend, until the morning
It's a real holiday in the prosecutor's office.

You are a prosecutor, the job is not easy
Why, it’s very difficult!
One mistake breaks all fate,
Human life is in your hands!
On your holiday, Prosecutor's Day,
I wish you endurance, patience, good luck,
And let for everyone under your supervision
Honor and conscience mean something!

All prosecutors and their subordinates,
In general, prosecutors,
All, in their difficult business, lovers,
I congratulate. Let your figure
She always remains strong and stately,
May you good luck as a guiding star
Somehow, like a dream, it will smile
As a bird in my soul, staying free!

I am on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office Worker
I wish you high achievements!
Let there be no gloomy days in your life!
Successful career advancements to you!
May everything be good in your house!
I wish the family health and warmth!
Let luck never forget you!
And only good friends surround you!

I will voice you today
A special, my friend, sentence:
I will condemn to a better life
You, comrade prosecutor!

I'll sentence you to luck
So that all your dreams come true,
So that you become richer
So that life is full of love!

Your job is very hard
She was always needed.
Congratulations on the day of the prosecutor's office!
I wish you well, the prosecutor!
We have a high crime rate
Don't let her grow any further.
You will expose any thief
I wish you good luck and don't cough!

Mr. Prosecutor, let me congratulate
Happy this day, personal and professional.
Justice is a barrel, patience is the sea,
Sincere smiles that will melt your heart.
And we wish you more colleagues harmless,
The chair is always comfortable so that it stands in the office,
So that the matter is easily accomplished and argued,
So that decisions are made both simply and boldly.

You are in strict uniform
Handsome, strong, stately, slender
Sometimes the last hope
To keep life calm
Overbearing under your supervision
There is order, there will be order!
I congratulate the prosecutor,
After all, prosecutors are the same people!

Today is the holiday of prosecutors,
We are in a hurry to congratulate them.
With love to you, from the bottom of my heart,
We want to wish you good luck.
May your courage not leave you,
Let fortune not substitute
Let the bullet know its target
And April lives in my soul.

You are not a Roman procurator,
The one that is quick for reprisal,
Fair, impartial
Our Russian prosecutor!
Great power has been given to you,
There is a burden of responsibility,
We wish you peace and good
We salute you on this holiday!

Happy Prosecutor's Day,
I send applause for an encore
I wish you all the best
So that life is like a surprise!

Just a surprise to be great:
Everything went well in the work,
So that there is happiness in personal life,
Let health be in full!

To you, my friend, on the Day of the Prosecutor
I wish, in general, one thing -
In the work of hard pressure,
So that you are not afraid of anyone

Fighting crime successfully
And many other successes:
Health, happiness - definitely,
Solutions to life's challenges!

Prosecutors have jobs
They hunt criminals
Catch everyone and plant everyone,
And respect the laws!
We sincerely congratulate everyone,
We wish you happiness in life
And health and goodness,
And sincere warmth!

Vivat to the employees of the prosecutor's office!
Praise and honor to the supervisory authorities!
Is someone looking gloomy from behind the bars?
It's his own fault - he will have to sit down:
After all, dura lex sed lex! Which means
That justice is beyond words.
Health to you, kindness, love, good luck
And cool ranks in every sense!

You are a very important person,
You are on a level with the heights of the mountains,
You are very smart and brave
You are a real prosecutor!

And congratulations to you today,
After all, this day, it is only yours,
May there be a holiday and fun
Wealth, joy and courage!

You are on guard at the Law,
Although sometimes he is harsh,
You are not at all formidable even
Kind, sweet prosecutor

Priest of the goddess you are Themis,
You are our incorruptible guardian,
May the happy vibes
Your holiday will give you.

Day of the Prosecutor's Office is a holiday of fighters
For justice, for the honesty of courts.
We congratulate all of you on this day.
And we wish you success and blessings!
We wish you happiness, patience and strength
And a promotion so that the commander gives
Be happy and be honest
We congratulate you with all our hearts!

Congratulations to the prosecutor,
We wish you justice!
So that it works perfectly
And the salary was decent!
Bright days, love, kindness,
Let your eyes shine with happiness.
More tenderness, warmth,
And the positive does not fade away!

You have a strong character, like the mountains.
You stand guard - the chief prosecutor!
Your thoughts are pure, your heart is striving upward,
You give people a difficult life.
On the day of the prosecutor's office, you don't expect flowers
You go to defend order again.
Let your gaze seem a little tired
You help people - the chief prosecutor!

Congratulations on the Day of the Prosecutor
On the road of standing fighters:
Protect us from terror,
Restore the name of the fathers!
The thugs are afraid of you, rolled,
Killer is a well-aimed and nimble pinch,
And a businessman of shadow capital
Before you breaks into crying.
You do things in tons and mountains,
Your routes are Kamchatka and Rome ...
Therefore, gentlemen prosecutors,
We say thank you to everyone!

Congratulations on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office
Revered figures.
You are all law-makers.
Do not take damage
The legality of the country, the court.
You devote your life to work,
Themis is only worshiping,
Enlisting her support,
Make destinies like God.
Not everyone could work like that.
Work all day without a smile.
Do not make mistakes in anything.
Know the Code from A to Z,
Any article in memory!
Not an easy job being a prosecutor.
Suffer over every sentence.
You are a person, and therefore,
The thought of the heart can hardly be ruled out.
But there is law, there is justice
What does your anger or grace have to do with it?
You are behind the law, prosecutor.

Today everyone congratulates you
Considers it an honor! And in the morning
To all prosecutors, the most important ones,
They wish joy, goodness,
And prosperity in your house,
And don't get bored at work
To scoop up luck with a full cup,
Celebrate the day of the prosecutor!

We all celebrate the Day of the Prosecutor,
Your this day, Mr. Prosecutor!
On a solemn holiday, we wish you
To have the strength, and so that the heart is a motor!
We know you do business fairly
You are always in harmony with the norms of life,
May your fate be happy!
There would be more people like that in our ranks!

Congratulations on the day of the employee of the prosecutor's office, verses of congratulations to the prosecutor

Happy Prosecutor's Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you victories over crime,
And I will also make a guess to you from my heart
Very happy, long life years!

Like you, one in millions,
And only "thank you" can I say to you
Because you know many laws,
Because you are able to protect lives!

A little more personal wishes
So that it is good in your heart,
I wish you a thousand wishes fulfilled
And so that everything is always just lucky!

You are not a Roman procurator,
The one that is quick for reprisal,
Fair, impartial
Our Russian prosecutor!
Great power has been given to you,
There is a burden of responsibility,
We wish you peace and good
We salute you on this holiday!

With love, from heart and soul
We are in a hurry to congratulate you,
And we wish the prosecutor
Career to reach the top!
Good luck, peace and health,
All that they could wish
We wish our dreams come true
That they cherished in their hearts.

The prosecutor accuses
Everyone in a row and be healthy!
You are guilty - and the whole story,
Your story is not true!

Not everyone in the prosecutor's office
Distrustful nature!
Who is friends with the presumption,
He honestly serves the right!

Congratulations to prosecutors,
You live forever without supervision,
Let love take you
Blood will play in the body!

On the birthday of the prosecutor
I want to wish well
To win
In the battle, you are good and evil.

Prosecutorial charges
Let the lawyer not break through
You are on guard of the Law
Behind the back is the country, the people.

I wish that brilliantly
You completed all the cases
So that the criminal for the acts
He answered according to the law.

You are always on duty
Collected, honest and harsh.
Happy Birthday
I am today, the prosecutor.

Weighted decisions for you.
Forces of spirit and goodness,
Understanding, worries
And warmth.

Happy Birthday! I wish you strong confidence in your decisions, deeds and actions, I wish you strong health and character, I wish you success and prosperity in your work, I wish you prosperity, happiness and good luck on the front of your personal life.

To plant, to release - you decide
And the laws by heart, you know very well.
Who is a criminal does not love you sincerely,
Whoever crossed the law will destroy himself!

On your birthday, prosecutor, be immensely happy
I am sincerely sympathetic to the innocent and sick,
So that your darling does not know sorrow
Conscience so that it is clean and does not torture ...

Be healthy and do not hurt either soul or body,
At work, do your job with all your heart!
Give love to the family, be always loved,
Kind, wise, young and necessary!

Let the work of the prosecutor
Sometimes it is so difficult
But for the joy of space
Every friend wishes you!

Happy Birthday! Be yourself
Stay wise, honest.
May success be with you
So that he could make the world wonderful!

I wish you all the best luck
Let the atmosphere of happiness reign in my soul!
And to make you richer
Let the prosecutor's career grow!

I want to wish you health
Love and many loyal friends,
And also the mood of the colored one,
So that there is a sea of \u200b\u200bbright days in life!

Supervision of strict observance of laws
Is among the tasks of the prosecutor.
I wish you luck, happiness in life
You didn't need to follow at all -
So that they themselves come, stay,
And they were more comfortable in everything.
I wish you well-being, kindness,
So that the prosecutor's dreams come true!

The work of a prosecutor is dangerous and difficult
Here, immense endurance and strength are needed.
But you are no longer used to dealing with it.
You - well done, we wish you to keep it that way!

We are in a hurry to congratulate you on your birthday today,
We wish you health and happiness from the bottom of our hearts,
Let there be more simple things, but for now
Let a strong hand raise a glass of wine!

You are a prosecutor, which means you work,
Again in business all day you are spinning,
But read at least a verse!

Happy birthday!
And may you be lucky everywhere.
Go without a shadow you doubt
A bright streak in life.

Success is also an important position,
What more could you wish for?
To be healthy, because this is the main thing,
Also - get tired less!

Your life is full of mysteries
Like a dark corridor.
You are always collected and honest
An unyielding prosecutor.

On your holiday, I wish
Relax sometimes
May it always be a joy
Your glorious family.

You have a great position -
The best prosecutor
How nut laws click
You can to end the argument.

I only wish good luck
More winning deeds
So that you become even richer
I did everything I wanted!

Short Funny

Congratulations on the day of the prosecutor's office in prose

Dear employees of the prosecutor's office!
We congratulate you on your professional holiday, for almost three centuries you have been working, making it your goal to destroy evil, bribery and lawlessness! You protect the rights of our citizens - children, pensioners, disabled people, everyone who needs your legal and indisputable protection! You counteract crime, suppress offenses, serve the state and its citizens! Thanks for your hard work! Peace, kindness and justice in work and in life! ©

We sincerely congratulate all employees of the Prosecutor's Office on the holiday!
You exercise honest, fair and principled supervision and protect Russia from dishonest, dishonest, law-breaking citizens, as well as Russians themselves from the injustice of the state, which also sometimes happens. You serve the Law, sacredly guarding and protecting it. We wish all employees of the prosecutor's office who serve the law good health for many years, prosperity and strength that will allow them to fearlessly, patiently and successfully defend the interests of citizens, society and the state in the future! ©

Congratulations to the veterans of the Russian Prosecutor's Office on their professional holiday!
It is on your experience, on your knowledge, that more than one generation of prosecutors has grown. You are giving them invaluable principles of decent, honest, legitimate work for the benefit of Russian citizens and the state as a whole! Please accept my warmest wishes! ©

Workers of the prosecutor's office!
You stand guard over the law, serve the country honestly and unselfishly! Thanks to your efforts, many violations of laws in the economic and social spheres have been suppressed. We express our deep gratitude to you for our confidence in the future, for ensuring constitutional legality. Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your professional holiday! Patience, success and wisdom in the difficult struggle for the truth! ©

We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the employee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation!
You carry out your official duty responsibly and professionally, solve the assigned tasks with dignity, stand guard over the Law and the rule of law, ensure stability and reliable protection of the interests of society and the state. We wish you good health, success in your difficult business, prosperity in your noble service to the Fatherland! ©

Dear colleagues and all employees of the prosecutor's office!
Your civic courage, courage and determination in defending the law, your undeniable professionalism allow you to quickly solve the tasks assigned to you.
You always follow the spirit and letter of the Law, responsibly protect state interests and carefully preserve the traditions of the older generation of prosecutors. This is very important for the formation of a new generation of Russian prosecutors!
We wish you well-being in your work, happiness and good health! ©

Dear colleagues!
Today we celebrate the Day of the Prosecutor's Office Worker.
For almost three hundred years, the prosecutor's office has been protecting law and order and legality!
Our work with you is sometimes not visible, but it is hard painstaking work aimed at protecting the rights of citizens and the good of the Fatherland. I would like to sincerely wish all employees of the prosecutor's office, colleagues, as well as respected veterans of the prosecutor's office good health, quiet life, happiness to you and your families, professional success and personal well-being! Thanks for your hard work! ©

Congratulations, prosecutors,
Let your holiday be great!
We wish each of you
Do not surrender the battle for justice!
Be stronger and bolder
We wish you prosperity,
After all, the world becomes brighter with you,
The one who is to blame is punished.

Prosecutor, your position is difficult
You pass the verdict according to your conscience.
You have a kind heart
There is no calculation, no pride.
Good luck,
To deal with everything.
So that all tasks
Very easy to do.

You are not the first year in the prosecutor's office
You work, you serve your homeland faithfully.
Let, my friend, you are always lucky -
After all, you are justly friends with the law.

I wish you health and good
Simple human happiness.
Take a walk, my friend, until the morning
It's a real holiday in the prosecutor's office.

You are a prosecutor, the job is not easy
Why, it’s very difficult!
One mistake breaks all fate,
Human life is in your hands!
On your holiday, Prosecutor's Day,
I wish you endurance, patience, good luck,
And let for everyone under your supervision
Honor and conscience mean something!

All prosecutors and their subordinates,
In general, prosecutors,
All, in their difficult business, lovers,
I congratulate. Let your figure
She always remains strong and stately,
May you good luck as a guiding star
Somehow, like a dream, it will smile
As a bird in my soul, staying free!

I am on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office Worker
I wish you high achievements!
Let there be no gloomy days in your life!
Successful career advancements to you!
May everything be good in your house!
I wish the family health and warmth!
Let luck never forget you!
And only good friends surround you!

I will voice you today
A special, my friend, sentence:
I will condemn to a better life
You, comrade prosecutor!

I'll sentence you to luck
So that all your dreams come true,
So that you become richer
So that life is full of love!

Your job is very hard
She was always needed.
Congratulations on the day of the prosecutor's office!
I wish you well, the prosecutor!
We have a high crime rate
Don't let her grow any further.
You will expose any thief
I wish you good luck and don't cough!

Mr. Prosecutor, let me congratulate
Happy this day, personal and professional.
Justice is a barrel, patience is the sea,
Sincere smiles that will melt your heart.
And we wish you more colleagues harmless,
The chair is always comfortable so that it stands in the office,
So that the matter is easily accomplished and argued,
So that decisions are made both simply and boldly.

You are in strict uniform
Handsome, strong, stately, slender
Sometimes the last hope
To keep life calm
Overbearing under your supervision
There is order, there will be order!
I congratulate the prosecutor,
After all, prosecutors are the same people!

Today is the holiday of prosecutors,
We are in a hurry to congratulate them.
With love to you, from the bottom of my heart,
We want to wish you good luck.
May your courage not leave you,
Let fortune not substitute
Let the bullet know its target
And April lives in my soul.

You are not a Roman procurator,
The one that is quick for reprisal,
Fair, impartial
Our Russian prosecutor!
Great power has been given to you,
There is a burden of responsibility,
We wish you peace and good
We salute you on this holiday!

Happy Prosecutor's Day,
I send applause for an encore
I wish you all the best
So that life is like a surprise!

Just a surprise to be great:
Everything went well in the work,
So that there is happiness in personal life,
Let health be in full!

To you, my friend, on the Day of the Prosecutor
I wish, in general, one thing -
In the work of hard pressure,
So that you are not afraid of anyone

Fighting crime successfully
And many other successes:
Health, happiness - definitely,
Solutions to life's challenges!

Prosecutors have jobs
They hunt criminals
Catch everyone and plant everyone,
And respect the laws!
We sincerely congratulate everyone,
We wish you happiness in life
And health and goodness,
And sincere warmth!

Vivat to the employees of the prosecutor's office!
Praise and honor to the supervisory authorities!
Is someone looking gloomy from behind the bars?
It's his own fault - he will have to sit down:
After all, dura lex sed lex! Which means
That justice is beyond words.
Health to you, kindness, love, good luck
And cool ranks in every sense!

You are a very important person,
You are on a level with the heights of the mountains,
You are very smart and brave
You are a real prosecutor!

And congratulations to you today,
After all, this day, it is only yours,
May there be a holiday and fun
Wealth, joy and courage!

You are on guard at the Law,
Although sometimes he is harsh,
You are not at all formidable even
Kind, sweet prosecutor

Priest of the goddess you are Themis,
You are our incorruptible guardian,
May the happy vibes
Your holiday will give you.

Day of the Prosecutor's Office is a holiday of fighters
For justice, for the honesty of courts.
We congratulate all of you on this day.
And we wish you success and blessings!
We wish you happiness, patience and strength
And a promotion so that the commander gives
Be happy and be honest
We congratulate you with all our hearts!

Congratulations to the prosecutor,
We wish you justice!
So that it works perfectly
And the salary was decent!
Bright days, love, kindness,
Let your eyes shine with happiness.
More tenderness, warmth,
And the positive does not fade away!

You have a strong character, like the mountains.
You stand guard - the chief prosecutor!
Your thoughts are pure, your heart is striving upward,
You give people a difficult life.
On the day of the prosecutor's office, you don't expect flowers
You go to defend order again.
Let your gaze seem a little tired
You help people - the chief prosecutor!

Congratulations on the Day of the Prosecutor
On the road of standing fighters:
Protect us from terror,
Restore the name of the fathers!
The thugs are afraid of you, rolled,
Killer is a well-aimed and nimble pinch,
And a businessman of shadow capital
Before you breaks into crying.
You do things in tons and mountains,
Your routes are Kamchatka and Rome ...
Therefore, gentlemen prosecutors,
We say thank you to everyone!

Congratulations on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office
Revered figures.
You are all law-makers.
Do not take damage
The legality of the country, the court.
You devote your life to work,
Themis is only worshiping,
Enlisting her support,
Make destinies like God.
Not everyone could work like that.
Work all day without a smile.
Do not make mistakes in anything.
Know the Code from A to Z,
Any article in memory!
Not an easy job being a prosecutor.
Suffer over every sentence.
You are a person, and therefore,
The thought of the heart can hardly be ruled out.
But there is law, there is justice
What does your anger or grace have to do with it?
You are behind the law, prosecutor.

Today everyone congratulates you
Considers it an honor! And in the morning
To all prosecutors, the most important ones,
They wish joy, goodness,
And prosperity in your house,
And don't get bored at work
To scoop up luck with a full cup,
Celebrate the day of the prosecutor!

We all celebrate the Day of the Prosecutor,
Your this day, Mr. Prosecutor!
On a solemn holiday, we wish you
To have the strength, and so that the heart is a motor!
We know you do business fairly
You are always in harmony with the norms of life,
May your fate be happy!
There would be more people like that in our ranks!

Congratulations on the day of the employee of the prosecutor's office, verses of congratulations to the prosecutor

Happy Prosecutor's Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you victories over crime,
And I will also make a guess to you from my heart
Very happy, long life years!

Like you, one in millions,
And only "thank you" can I say to you
Because you know many laws,
Because you are able to protect lives!

A little more personal wishes
So that it is good in your heart,
I wish you a thousand wishes fulfilled
And so that everything is always just lucky!

You are not a Roman procurator,
The one that is quick for reprisal,
Fair, impartial
Our Russian prosecutor!
Great power has been given to you,
There is a burden of responsibility,
We wish you peace and good
We salute you on this holiday!

With love, from heart and soul
We are in a hurry to congratulate you,
And we wish the prosecutor
Career to reach the top!
Good luck, peace and health,
All that they could wish
We wish our dreams come true
That they cherished in their hearts.

The prosecutor accuses
Everyone in a row and be healthy!
You are guilty - and the whole story,
Your story is not true!

Not everyone in the prosecutor's office
Distrustful nature!
Who is friends with the presumption,
He honestly serves the right!

Congratulations to prosecutors,
You live forever without supervision,
Let love take you
Blood will play in the body!

Happy Prosecutor's Day! You are honest, attentive and impartial, you treat every case with all seriousness, in a word, you are not in vain entrusted with this post! So be an example for subordinates, pride for your bosses, and an ideal from all sides, even professional, even personal, for yourself! My dear, I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! You chose your path in your youth, and you were not mistaken. It's so nice when a person does what he loves - and you are one of those lucky ones! I wish you success in your work, so that every day is filled with joy and happiness. Everything that you undertake, let it turn out easily and in the best way. And, of course, I wish you love, health and good mood - both on holidays and on weekdays! I wish you that all your dreams come true, that love and mutual understanding reign in the family, that you are appreciated by your bosses, and you are always happy with your fate! I congratulate you on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! This holiday is a sincere tribute to the state and society to those who have devoted themselves to protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, ensuring the interests of the state. Maintaining law and order is one of the most honorable and responsible tasks, and you with honor cope with all the difficulties with which your work abounds. Let it contain as many bright moments as possible, like at least this wonderful holiday! I wish you good health, success and happiness! Today is your professional holiday - the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! Over the years of service, you have established yourself as a specialist who is appreciated, respected, whose opinion everyone listens to! You have chosen a very difficult type of activity for yourself, but with dignity you carry out the duties assigned to you, demonstrating deep professional knowledge every day. Defending the rule of law, you amazingly combine principled justice, honesty and mercy. Thank you for your painstaking and conscientious work! I sincerely wish you not to be disappointed either at work or in your personal life and never be upset over trifles! I wish you good health, mutual love and success in all your endeavors! Comrade prosecutor! Happy holiday, Happy Prosecutor's Day! Fates dressed in deeds pass before you, and how good it is that you do not treat them carelessly, but with all your attention, because the fates of citizens are priceless! Let me wish you many years, eternal youth in your heart and good mood, everything would go well! Serving the law is a true vocation, it is born somewhere in the depths of the soul, and does not leave, perhaps, until it is time to retire! To you, a person who is crystal-clear and with a lion's heart, faithful to your word and deed, on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office Worker, I wish you all the best!

People turn to the prosecutor's office quite often, because at every step they have to face deception or infringement of rights. And it is the employees of this body that help protect the rights of people and the legitimate interests of the state. On January 12, employees of the Prosecutor's Office celebrate their professional holiday. Employees of the Prosecutor's Office congratulate their colleagues, and in turn receive greeting cards from the management and employees of other departments. Those who want to thank the employees of the Prosecutor's Office for their work will need official congratulations on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office in prose.

Congratulations to the employees of the Prosecutor's Office on their professional holiday! We would like to thank you for your hard service, for the fact that your work helps to overcome evil, deception and lawlessness! We would like to say thank you very much for defending the rights of honest people. We wish you success in your work, as well as more bright and good moments in your life!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish all employees of the Prosecutor's Office patience and strength to fight injustice and deception.

We hasten to congratulate you on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! Your work allows you to maintain order in the country and educate a new honest generation that knows the laws. We wish you to keep your enthusiasm at work and always achieve your goals!

Dear employees of the prosecutor's office, congratulations on a significant day for you! Thank you for serving the law and the state unselfishly! Thanks to you, citizens can be sure that their rights will not be infringed upon. We wish you to find a way out of any situation and success in your work!

Happy Holidays, dear and respected colleagues. Your qualities help us quickly find a solution to complex issues and always strive for the truth. I wish you never lose courage, always show determination and keep the traditions that we have. Be happy and healthy!

Congratulations to the employees of the Prosecutor's Office on the holiday! Thanks to your work, for almost a century we have been living in a country where human rights are respected and laws are respected. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the veterans of the Prosecutor's Office. Thank you for doing so much for us! And we wish young employees success in their work and understanding leaders!

Almost a hundred years ago, an irreplaceable organ appeared in our country, thanks to which one can be sure that justice will always prevail. It is the laws and rights of citizens that make it possible to maintain order and avoid many problems and chaos. And on this day, I would like to express my gratitude to those who defend the rights of citizens and serve the law. Dear employees of the Prosecutor's Office, we wish you success in your work, happiness and prosperity.

Dear employees of the Prosecutor's Office, Happy Holidays! I would like to express my deep gratitude for your work! If it were not for you, lawlessness would reign in the country, and violators would go unpunished. We would like to wish you strength, success and that the goddess Themis will always patronize you! Let only victories await you!

Congratulations on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! We wish you to forget about work for at least one day, relax and spend time with the closest people who, thanks to your work, can live in peace, knowing that violators of the law will always be punished. May cherished desires come true. We wish you to achieve your goals, and that your work is rewarded not only financially, but also with honor.

Congratulations on this wonderful holiday, which is a great occasion to thank you once again for choosing this difficult profession. Let your work have as few difficulties as possible, more positive moments and victories! Congratulations on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office in prose can not only be written on postcards, but also pronounced at ceremonial events that are usually held on this day to reward distinguished employees.

Congratulations in prose on the Day of Prosecutor's Office Workers 2019

All employees of the prosecutor's office Congratulations to the Russian Federation on your professional holiday. Almost 300 years ago, on January 12, 1722, the Tsar - Emperor Peter the First appointed you "his eye" and instructed you to "weaken or destroy the evil arising from disorder in business, injustice, bribery and lawlessness." Thus, to this day, you remain the “eye of Peter”. This is a harsh and uncompromising service to the state, so we wish you endurance, patience and strength in your hard work. Try to remain objective, fair, wise and human at all times. And today you have every right to relax and brightly celebrate the day of the employee of the Prosecutor's Office.

I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Day of employees of the Prosecutor's Office! You work in a government agency that oversees almost the entire country. Officials, businessmen, and even police officers are afraid of the prosecutor's office. But for ordinary citizens, in some situations, the prosecutor's office is the only place where you can turn for help and protection from arbitrariness. You have chosen a very difficult type of activity for yourself, but you are doing your job with dignity. God save you from ill-wishers, evil intentions and mistakes. Thank you for your honesty, integrity and dedication. After all, it is no secret to anyone that law enforcement is associated with risk. When people break the law, and prosecutors reveal violations of the law, offenders sometimes go to great lengths to avoid responsibility. Therefore, today I want to wish you that our state will always guarantee you and your families complete safety and unhindered work in the fight against evil. Happy Holidays!

Fairness and honesty - have always been the hallmarks of your character. Therefore, you have chosen the right profession. Only such employees of the prosecutor's office as you are capable of fighting corruption, bribery, and officials who are not clean on their hands, who in our country are even worse trouble than fools and roads. But let's not talk about sad things. I congratulate you on your professional holiday - the day of the prosecutor's office. First of all, I wish you new stars for your blue shoulder straps. After all, the higher the post you will occupy, the more benefit you will bring to our long-suffering state. I wish you personal happiness, family warmth, good luck and love! Let your leisure time be varied and interesting, so that you are always charged with the energy of positive emotions and vivid impressions. Happy Holidays!

Dear employees of the prosecutor's office. Today, on your professional holiday, the citizens of our country are passing a harsh sentence on you. You are sentenced to lifelong happiness, inexhaustible health and unconditional respect for the entire population of the country. On January 12 of this year and all subsequent years, you are temporarily suspended from performing your duties in order to brightly and noisily celebrate the Day of the Prosecutor's Office and receive congratulations. The verdict comes into force from the moment it is read and is not subject to appeal!

D my horny , I sincerely congratulate you on Happy Prosecutor's Office ! You chose your path in your youth, and you were not mistaken. It's so nice when a person does what he loves - and you are one of those lucky ones! I wish you success in your work, so that every day is filled with joy and happiness. Everything that you undertake, let it turn out easily and in the best way. And, of course, I wish you love, health and good mood - both on holidays and on weekdays! I wish you that all your dreams come true, that love and mutual understanding reign in the family, that you are appreciated by your bosses, and you are always happy with your fate!

Friend , today is your personal, professional holiday. You have chosen a difficult service for yourself in the field of law, you have decided to work in the prosecutor's office ... You know very well that you have many friends, but also a lot of ill-wishers. So, today I want to wish that those who do not wish you well, simply disappear from your life. Let good people and loyal friends surround you!

Favourite , today is your holiday - day of the prosecutor's office ! I want to congratulate you and sincerely wish you great happiness, success, health, victories in your field! May luck never turn away from you, and luck will be your faithful companion! I want to wish you good and joy, happiness and pleasure, so that there are no worries and vain experiences in life.

FROM Today is a holiday of courage, honesty and justice, and courage. May God grant you all good luck, good health, endurance, understanding in the labor field and love in the family. I wish your families never feel the bitterness of loss. Be safe and sound.

P roguratura is the main stronghold of order and justice. She monitors all problem cases, eliminates negativity and punishes those responsible. Therefore, its representatives are associated with the embodiment of justice. By following the letter of the law, you save the state from lawlessness and ruin. Control all types of activities, put things in order in all areas of life. I wish you kindness, honesty, and selflessness on this day. Work as your conscience dictates. Stop injustice, support the innocent, protect the defenseless from dangerous encroachments. I wish you personal happiness, family warmth, good luck and joy! Let your life be bright and non-routine. Let the sun smile at you warmly. Let your loved ones live easily and calmly! Happy Holidays!

P Please accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday - the day of the prosecutor's office! Your service may not be visible to each of us, but we are all grateful for it. Your hard, responsible work makes the world cleaner and kinder. Thanks to you, our children play peacefully in the yard, and we leave the house with a smile. May all your efforts be generously rewarded with respect, honor and worthy payment. I wish you good health, good mood, true love and strong friendship! Let your every day be accompanied by pleasant events and let your whole life be filled with light. Happy holiday, happy day of the prosecutor's office!

Moya beautiful, smart, feminine girlfriend , you chose not a woman's business, - you became an employee of the prosecutor's office ! But you also proved that you can handle any job. May your professionalism continue to help you cope with the most difficult tasks, may any business succeed. And, as a woman, I wish you the most important thing - true mutual love and prosperity!

Have important employees and employees of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation! We congratulate you on your professional holiday! The Russian prosecutor's office is a reliable pillar of our statehood. Competence, deep decency, loyalty to duty - these are the qualities that are inherent in you. You stand on the defense of law and order and the rule of law. We wish you a cheerful spirit and consistency in your affairs. Keep and enhance the glorious traditions of your predecessors. Let your work be distinguished by clear organization and a desire to guard the interests of the citizens of our country. I wish you health, personal well-being, success in all your endeavors. Happy holiday, Happy Prosecutor's Office Day!

Dear colleagues and all employees of the prosecutor's office!
Your civic courage, courage and determination in defending the law, your undeniable professionalism allow you to quickly solve the tasks assigned to you.
You always follow the spirit and letter of the Law, responsibly protect state interests and carefully preserve the traditions of the older generation of prosecutors. This is very important for the formation of a new generation of Russian prosecutors!
We wish you well-being in your work, happiness and good health!

P I congratulate you on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! This holiday is a sincere tribute to the state and society to those who have devoted themselves to protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, ensuring the interests of the state. Maintaining law and order is one of the most honorable and responsible tasks, and you with honor cope with all the difficulties with which your work abounds. Let it have as many bright moments as possible, like at least this wonderful holiday! I wish you good health, success and happiness!

Day of the employee of the prosecutor's office is your holiday dad , and it is a great honor for me to congratulate you, because over the years of service you have established yourself as an excellent prosecutor, whom everyone respects, whose opinion is considered and who is trusted! I sincerely want to wish you well-being and joy, great luck, successful interaction with colleagues and many good moments!

P I congratulate you on the day of the prosecutor's office and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you all the best! May you finally manage to relax on your professional holiday, forgetting about the weight of work difficulties and worries. Let the most cherished desires begin to come true, and all the good moments bring positive! I also wish you well and the ability to get along with your loved ones! In addition, let your work bring you pleasure, because you are a true professional in your field! In your honor, we will raise our glasses today and we will honor those who deserve the highest honors and people's love! May you not be touched by problems and troubles, we wish you victory in any business!

P Or sometimes you have to make very difficult decisions, I know, even if it is very dangerous and difficult to be an employee of the prosecutor's office, but who, if not you, is able to defend the honor of the country and punish violators according to their deserts? I congratulate you on your professional holiday, the Day of the Prosecutor's Office, and want to always do business in collaboration with the goddess Themis, who is your patroness, as well as her own sister, the goddess Fortune, who will help you find the smallest clues so that everything is fair. In addition to successful work, I would also like to wish you a good rest, which will charge you with new strength for new achievements. Please accept my congratulations.

Have important employee of the prosecutor's office! I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish that you do not have obstacles in your work, that you do not know problems and disappointments, know how to cope with difficulties and never get upset over trifles. May all your desires be easily fulfilled, and no problems will ever interfere with doing your job!

Dear colleagues!
Today we celebrate the Day of the Prosecutor's Office Worker.
For almost three hundred years, the prosecutor's office has been protecting law and order and legality!
Our work with you is sometimes not visible, but it is hard painstaking work aimed at protecting the rights of citizens and the good of the Fatherland. I would like to sincerely wish all employees of the prosecutor's office, colleagues, as well as respected veterans of the prosecutor's office good health, a quiet life, happiness to you and your families, professional success and personal well-being! Thanks for your hard work!


P I congratulate you on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office Worker, and today I want to wish you all the best. What is important in your job? Be proactive, disciplined, efficient and stress-resistant! Let all these qualities be inherent in you in full. And in life I wish you good health, the ability to enjoy every day, love and take care of your family, relatives and friends!

Mister prosecutor , I hasten to congratulate you on your professional holiday, on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office. It is not by chance that you have chosen the profession of a prosecutor, because you cannot imagine life without justice and peace. On this most important day, I want to wish you a tripling of perseverance, strength and courage! Your decisions are always all fair and honest, so let Success itself always and everywhere accompany you, Luck reigns and protects great Health! Without your work, the court would be imperfect and, perhaps, impossible. I wish you interesting days, and happiness in your personal life and, of course, great and endless love. Let prosperity, warmth and great joy, which has no end, reign in your home!

FROM Today is your professional holiday - the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! Over the years of service, you have established yourself as a specialist who is appreciated, respected, whose opinion everyone listens to! You have chosen a very difficult type of activity for yourself, but with dignity you carry out the duties assigned to you, demonstrating deep professional knowledge every day. Defending the rule of law, you amazingly combine principled justice, honesty and mercy. Thank you for your painstaking and conscientious work! I sincerely wish you not to be disappointed either at work or in your personal life and never be upset over trifles! I wish you good health, mutual love and success in all your endeavors!

[in prose]

Congratulations on the day of the prosecutor's office in prose

The prosecutor's office is the main bulwark of order and justice. She monitors all problem cases, eliminates negativity and punishes those responsible. Therefore, its representatives are associated with the embodiment of justice. By following the letter of the law, you save the state from lawlessness and ruin. You control all types of activities, put things in order in all spheres of life. I wish you kindness, honesty, and selflessness on this day. Work as your conscience dictates to you. Stop injustice, support the innocent, protect the defenseless from dangerous encroachments. I wish you personal happiness, family warmth, good luck and joy! Let your life be bright and non-routine. Let the sun smile at you warmly. Let your loved ones live easily and calmly! Happy Holidays!

Sometimes you have to make very difficult decisions, I know, even if being an employee of the prosecutor's office is very dangerous and difficult, but who, if not you, is able to defend the honor of the country and punish violators according to their deserts? I congratulate you on your professional holiday, the Day of the Prosecutor's Office, and I want to wish you to always do business in cooperation with the goddess Themis, who is your patroness, as well as her sister, the goddess Fortune, who will help you find the smallest clues so that everything is fair. In addition to successful work, I would also like to wish you a good rest, which will charge you with new strength for new achievements. Please accept my congratulations.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday - the day of the prosecutor's office! Your service may not be visible to each of us, but we are all grateful for it. Your hard, responsible work makes the world cleaner and kinder. Thanks to you, our children play peacefully in the yard, and we leave the house with a smile. May all your efforts be generously rewarded with respect, honor and worthy payment. I wish you good health, good mood, true love and strong friendship! Let your every day be accompanied by pleasant events and let your whole life be filled with light. Happy holiday, happy day of the prosecutor's office!

Mr. Prosecutor, I hasten to congratulate you on your professional holiday, on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office. It is not by chance that you have chosen the profession of a prosecutor, because you cannot imagine life without justice and peace. On this most important day, I want to wish you a tripling of perseverance, strength and courage! Your decisions are always all fair and honest, so let Success itself always and everywhere accompany you, Luck reigns and protects great Health! Without your work, the court would be imperfect and, perhaps, impossible. I wish you interesting days, and happiness in your personal life and, of course, great and endless love. Let prosperity, warmth and great joy, which has no end, reign in your home!

I congratulate you on the day of the prosecutor's office and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you all the best! May you finally manage to relax on your professional holiday, forgetting about the weight of work difficulties and worries. Let the most cherished desires begin to come true, and all the good moments bring positive! I also wish you well and the ability to get along with your loved ones! In addition, let your work bring you pleasure, because you are a true professional in your field! In your honor, we will raise our glasses today and we will honor those who deserve the highest honors and people's love! May you not be touched by problems and troubles, we wish you victory in any business!

My dear, I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! You chose your path in your youth, and you were not mistaken. It's so nice when a person does what he loves - and you are one of those lucky ones! I wish you success in your work, so that every day is filled with joy and happiness. Everything that you undertake, let it turn out easily and in the best way. And, of course, I wish you love, health and good mood - both on holidays and on weekdays! I wish you that all your dreams come true, that love and mutual understanding reign in the family, that you are appreciated by your bosses, and you are always happy with your fate!

I congratulate you on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! This holiday is a sincere tribute to the state and society to those who have devoted themselves to protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, ensuring the interests of the state. Maintaining law and order is one of the most honorable and responsible tasks, and you with honor cope with all the difficulties with which your work abounds. Let it contain as many bright moments as possible, like at least this wonderful holiday! I wish you good health, success and happiness!

Today is your professional holiday - the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! Over the years of service, you have established yourself as a specialist who is appreciated, respected, whose opinion everyone listens to! You have chosen a very difficult type of activity for yourself, but with dignity you carry out the duties assigned to you, demonstrating deep professional knowledge every day. Defending the rule of law, you amazingly combine principled justice, honesty and mercy. Thank you for your painstaking and conscientious work! I sincerely wish you not to be disappointed either at work or in your personal life and never be upset over trifles! I wish you good health, mutual love and success in all your endeavors!

Dear employees and employees of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation! We congratulate you on your professional holiday! The Russian prosecutor's office is a reliable pillar of our statehood. Competence, deep decency, loyalty to duty - these are the qualities that are inherent in you. You stand on the defense of law and order and the rule of law. We wish you a cheerful spirit and consistency in your affairs. Keep and enhance the glorious traditions of your predecessors. Let your work be distinguished by clear organization and a desire to guard the interests of the citizens of our country. I wish you health, personal well-being, success in all your endeavors. Happy holiday, Happy Prosecutor's Office Day!

Here is a collection of congratulations on the Day of the employee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation in an official business style (from the head of administration, chairman, head, etc.). All names and surnames, names of organizations and settlements were used only for the convenience of presentation.

Option number 1

Dear colleagues!

During its almost three hundred-year history, our department has gone through different times, but one thing remained constant: we have always stood guard over the law.

The prosecutor's office is in demand by modern society, because it is she who is the stronghold of the state. Prosecutors are at the forefront in the fight against legal nihilism, corruption, and criminal threats.

Firmness and perseverance in upholding Russia's interests, independence in the implementation of supervision - these are the key professional principles of the prosecutor's office staff, which made it possible to achieve high and stable results in solving the problems of strengthening, restoring and preserving the rule of law.

One of the links in the centralized system of the Russian prosecutor's office is the Kursk region prosecutor's office. Throughout its history, the Russian prosecutor's office has been headed by outstanding people, true patriots of their Fatherland. There are many outstanding lawyers who are selflessly devoted to our difficult profession and now work in the regional supervisory authority.

Our daily, painstaking work is a significant contribution to the stabilization of the socio-political situation, to the general prosperity of the region and the country as a whole. I express my gratitude to the veterans who made a worthy contribution to strengthening the rule of law and law and order, preserved glorious professional traditions and passed on the accumulated experience to the younger generation. I am convinced that your knowledge and professional qualities will continue to contribute to the strengthening of Russian statehood, ensuring the rule of law and legality.

I wish the entire staff of the prosecutor's office in the area of \u200b\u200bfortitude, success in the difficult task of serving the law and confidence in the future!

Prosecutor of the Kursk region

T. M. Sidorov

Option number 2

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your professional holiday!

The Day of the employee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is a holiday of people of duty and honor, guarding the interests of the state, protecting society and a particular person. Protecting law and order is one of the most honorable and responsible tasks of an employee of the prosecutor's office.

Realizing the importance of the profession, with deep respect I would like to wish peace and tranquility in the family of each employee of the supervisory agency, good health and the return from work that you expect. Happiness, prosperity and prosperity to you and your loved ones!


President of the Public Chamber

Leningrad region

A.F. Rybasov

Option number 3

Dear employees of the prosecutor's office!

On behalf of the Administration of the municipality of the city of Tobolsk and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday!

The fulfillment by you of your duties to oversee the observance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation provides the state with a solid foundation of its legal system, and the people with confidence in their present and future.

Ensuring the real rule of law in all spheres of public life largely depends on the level of your professionalism, loyalty to duty and oath, perseverance in the fight against crime and corruption.

We are grateful to you for ensuring legal stability, steadfastness and impartiality in resolving issues of both state importance and individual citizens.

We sincerely wish you successful service, professional longevity, good health and prosperity!

Head of the municipal

education of Tobolsk

L. T. Gogolev

Option number 4

Dear prosecutors, veterans and employees of the prosecutor's office of the Ivanovo region!

I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the employee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation!

The Russian prosecutor's office has deep roots dating back to the times of the "Peter's era". Times are changing, the state structure is evolving, but the main tasks of the prosecutor's office invariably remain: protecting the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, an irreconcilable fight against all types of corruption and crime in the state, ensuring the rule of law throughout Russia, its unity and integrity.

Serving your country requires dedication and great courage. Thanks to your competence, decency, dedication to the chosen cause, much has been done to solve the tasks set by society and the state. The past year was marked for all of us with new professional challenges and increasing workloads.

The personnel of the regional prosecutor's office took measures to ensure law and order, restore violated rights of citizens, and protect state interests. The efforts of law enforcement agencies to prevent criminal manifestations were coordinated. Supervision over the implementation of legislation on labor, health care and education remained a priority. Particular attention was paid to the protection of the rights of minors, pensioners, veterans. Issues related to the implementation of legislation on the protection of entrepreneurs' rights, environmental protection and natural resource use remained under constant control.

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your contribution to our common cause and loyalty to duty, for well-coordinated teamwork, professionalism, dedication and endurance. You honestly and conscientiously fulfill your duty to the state and society, work with full dedication, regardless of the cost of personal time.

I express my special gratitude to our dear veterans. You are our powerful potential, a gold fund. You have made a significant contribution to the protection of law and order. Thank you for your hard work, your ideas, help and advice.

I wish you continued success for the good of the Fatherland, firmness and adherence to principles in serving the law, family well-being, good health and happiness!

Prosecutor of the Ivanovo region

D. Yu Vinogorov

Option number 5

Dear employees and veterans of the prosecutor's office!

We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the employee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation!

Your profession is one of the most important in the law enforcement system. People's faith in the law and the general formation of legal culture in the country largely depend on the level of your professionalism and the quality of the organization of supervision over the observance of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Civil courage, high responsibility, decisiveness, adherence to principles and humanity are the qualities that distinguish prosecutors. Your activity has rightfully earned the respect, authority and gratitude of the residents in our area.

We wish you good health, job satisfaction, well-being and continued success. Let the honorary title of reliable guardians of the law give you vitality, energy and optimism in solving the most difficult professional tasks!

Head of the Gagarinsky urban settlement

E. K. Dyachkov

Chairman of the Council of Deputies

Gagarinsky urban settlement

Ya.A. Malygin

Option number 6

Dear employees and veterans of the prosecutor's office system!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday - the Day of the employee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation!

Almost three centuries ago, an irreplaceable organ appeared in our country, thanks to which one can be sure that justice will always prevail. It is a great honor and responsibility to be on guard of law and order. It is on your shoulders that this difficult task lies, and we value you as people dedicated to their work and duty.

Thanks to your professionalism and competence, the safety of our families, our children is ensured every day, the prestige of the country is developing and growing.

On this holiday, we wish you success in your difficult and responsible service in the name of the triumph of good, justice and the rule of law! Good health, active longevity, strength and energy to achieve all the goals and simple human happiness!

Head of the Municipal Formation

"Krasnoselsky district",

Kostroma region

Z.F. Pokatilov

Chairman of the board

of People's Deputies of the Krasnoselsky

P. Yu. Chebanov

Option number 7

Dear prosecutors!

I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday!

Serving the law is an important and honorable mission, a vocation and a state of mind. With your efforts, peace and security of all residents of Novodvinsk and entrepreneurs operating on its territory is achieved.

Please accept my wishes for health, patience, fortitude, prosperity, job satisfaction and pride in your labors!



entrepreneurs in Novodvinsk

O.S. Halimova

Option number 8

Dear employees and veterans of the prosecutor's office!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday!

For almost three centuries of the existence of the Russian prosecutor's office, it has almost always been a state institution that has won the trust of the people. You have been entrusted with a high mission: to provide supervision over the observance of the rule of law, to coordinate the activities of law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime.

Your success is based on competence and professionalism, loyalty to the official duty, adherence to principles and responsibility, it is on these qualities that effective protection of the legitimate rights and interests of citizens depends, the fight against offenses and corruption. We are confident that you will continue to effectively cope with your tasks, upholding the rule of law, protecting the interests of the state and every Russian.

We sincerely wish you good health, happiness and prosperity!


Head of the municipal district "city of Izhevsk"

R. Yu. Tumarov

Head of the administration of the municipal district "city of Izhevsk"

N. B. Poroshina

Option number 9

Dear friends!

I congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the employee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation!

I want to thank each of you for your faithful service to the law and dedication to duty. The work of prosecutors has never been limited by working hours and instructions, it has always been constant and painstaking work, which often requires an informal approach, non-standard solutions and personal participation in every case, in every destiny. I am proud to note that every day you all work this way. I see this from the results of sociological research, thanks to which it is obvious that Russians see prosecutors as their main legal defenders.

In addition to maintaining the trust of citizens, high social and economic stability in the region is noted. Over the past year, our region has recorded a steady growth in the industrial production index, which soon promises to exceed the national average. Investments in authorized capital increased by 12%, the number of small and medium-sized businesses increased by 54%, and the turnover of small enterprises increased by 38%. This suggests that the tasks of reducing administrative barriers by the prosecutor's office of the Saratov region have been completed in full over the past professional year. But there is still a lot of work ahead ... The powers that have been transferred to the prosecutor's office make us expect more and more effective work to protect the interests and rights of ordinary citizens - our fellow countrymen, who expect from us effective protection of their constitutional rights. In the next professional year, we will have a lot of work to improve law and order, we also have enough work in the framework of anti-terrorist activities, the fight against the shadow economy. Each of you has contributed to an important cause for the country.

I would like to express special gratitude to our veterans. It was you who, with your selfless labor, brought into our department the methods and principles on which, in many respects, the daily activities of modern prosecutors are based.

In recent years, we have been introducing a digital work format into practice. All the usual internal processes are repeatedly activated and this will contribute to a significant increase in the efficiency of our work, which means it will strengthen our human rights and oversight activities. I am sure that you, being one of the best prosecutors in the Russian Federation, will adequately cope with all the tasks set.

I wish you not one step to deviate from your professional principles, to maintain cohesion in the work collective and in the professional community, and perseverance in the implementation of the tasks set. And may the coming year bring only positive changes to your families. Happy Holidays!

First Deputy Prosecutor

Saratov region

S. E. Stodolsky

Option number 10

Dear friends, all employees of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation!

We solemnly congratulate you on your professional holiday!

Almost 300 years ago, on January 12, 1722, the Tsar - Emperor Peter the First appointed you "the eye of the Emperor" and instructed you to "weaken or destroy the evil arising from disorder in business, injustice, bribery and lawlessness."

Since then and to this day, you remain the "eye of Peter". This is a harsh and uncompromising service to the state, so we wish you endurance, patience and strength in your difficult, but necessary and demanded work.

We wish you to always remain objective, independent, fair, wise and humane!

Chairman of the City Duma

veliky Novgorod

  • Introduction. This part includes an appeal to the audience and the full official name of the event that served as the reason for the congratulation (in this case, it is a professional holiday). This may also include the name of the organization (institution, authority, etc.) on behalf of which the speech will be made. In the same part, the speaker introduces himself to the audience and introduces the persons on whose behalf he will speak (if the text is used orally).
  • Main part. This may include a brief (1-2 sentences) historical information about the origin of the holiday (by whom it was established, why it was created, what exactly it personifies, what significance it has for society and the professional community). They also mention the importance of the profession (and its representatives) for society, region, country (what contribution do workers make to the general prosperity of the region and the country as a whole, how are they useful to people and homeland). In the same part, they talk about the successes achieved (over the past professional year), announce statistical data (the number of people employed in the profession, the number of crimes prevented, list the general indicators of the development of the region, to which representatives of the profession are related).
  • Conclusion. In this part, goals and objectives for the future are announced, industry (professional) news (if any) is reported, and guidelines for the future are indicated. This includes words of gratitude to representatives of the profession, veterans. They conclude the speech with good wishes.

2. The statistics available in some of the samples on the page are for example only and are conditional. If you decide to include a statistical report in the text, it should include up-to-date data for your region (oblast, territory, district, city, etc.), and not for the country as a whole. See as in sample # 9.

3. If it is not possible (time) to collect (process) statistical data, choose a text with general, "streamlined", universal phrases (without mentioning specific numbers, without listing the results). See as in samples # 2, # 5, # 6, # 8, # 10.

4. All texts on the page can be used both orally and in writing. If you choose a written version, adhere to the following design guidelines:

  • The main text is laid out in the center of the page. If the design (drawing) of the sheet does not allow to realize the layout in the center, the text is laid out along the left edge or in width.
  • After the main text, on the left edge indicate the position of the person in charge.
  • Opposite the position, on the right edge indicate the initial letters of the name and surname (in full) of the person in charge.
  • If there are several responsible persons (people) - positions and names are listed one below the other. See as in samples # 5, # 6, # 8.
  • The words "you", "you", "you" are written with a capital (capital) letter only when they refer to one person. If the text is addressed to a team (a group of people, colleagues, all representatives of the profession), all pronouns "you", "you", "you" are written in lowercase (small) letters. Often these pronouns are written with a capital letter in order to emphasize a special (respectful) attitude towards employees - this is not the correct design of the text, but does not cause sharp criticism due to the festive content of the text.

Dear employees of the prosecutor's office! We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! We wish you more peaceful litigation! Thank you for protecting and defending our rights!

How delightful and wonderful is the work of the prosecutor's office workers! How much strength, energy, will and perseverance are spent every day on overcoming impossible tasks at first sight! I solemnly congratulate you on the All-Russian Day of the Prosecutor's Office! From a pure heart and a big soul, I wish you good luck in all your endeavors, health to you and your loved ones, a bright and exciting life!

This holiday is a struggle for justice and honesty in our society. On this day, I want to wish you success and blessings, happiness in your personal life, great patience to your families. Always be fair and unshakable in all difficult situations.

Dear employees of the prosecutor's office! Please accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish you good health, well-being, inexhaustible energy, professional achievements and further fruitful work!

Dear colleagues! I congratulate you on your professional holiday! For three hundred years, the prosecutor's office has been maintaining law and order, strengthening statehood, defending and protecting the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens! I would like to express my gratitude to all employees! Wish you good health, prosperity, happiness and success in your difficult field! Let luck go with you shoulder to shoulder and never leave!

Dear employees of the prosecutor's office! I congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the Prosecutor's Office Worker! Thank you for your high professionalism, for strict adherence to the spirit and letter of the law! May your service be conscientious, with patience and understanding! I wish you continued success in protecting the rule of law and law and order!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday - the Day of the employee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation! The rule of law in our country, its social and economic development largely depends on your structure! I am sure that thanks to your strict adherence to the letter of the law, experience, honesty, the crime detection rate is steadily growing! I sincerely wish you to always be at your best, both in official matters and in your personal life: to be prosperous, happy and loved! Good health to you and your loved ones!

Congratulations for the prosecutor:

All-seeing eye" -
In the service of the country
Without fear and reproach
Knights are needed here.

And let any business
They will be on the shoulder
Happy Prosecutor's Office Day everyone
I want to congratulate.

Happy Prosecutor's Office Workers Day!
I wish you a calm life,
Visit cultural institutions,
So that the rest is the most worthy,

And let it be decorous and smooth in work
Everything goes, it does not happen dashing,
And everything will be all right at home -
Really sincere, cozy and quiet!

I congratulate the employees of the Prosecutor's Office of Russia and sincerely wish you confidence, strength, successful activity, indisputable righteousness, sincere respect, brilliant prospects, high prosperity, excellent reputation and personal happiness.

Very serious and very responsible,
I congratulate you on the holiday.
Day of Prosecutor's Office Workers,
I wish you less crime.

You wear the uniform with pride and honor.
Let there be more stars on your shoulder straps.
Let the train of luck rush after you
There will be as many cars as possible!

Congratulations on your day,
Workers of the Prosecutor's Office.
You are a pro in your work,
Do not accept hack-work.

I wish you health
Strength, patience and will,
I wish you all happiness in your private life,
Not to know the misfortunes, problems and grief.

Let the dangerous work
It will be the meaning and vocation,
Let hard work bring
Your profession is recognized.

All prosecutors with the Day of the Prosecutor's Office,
And everyone who is associated with her for life.
I congratulate you at the cultural institution,
And let your optimism guide you everywhere.

We wish you vigor, good luck, strength, patience,
Good health and long - long years.
In the mood for great things,
Let all things go to you without troubles.

May happiness be in your personal life,
And the sun shines, warms every day.
So that your income is always decent,
And only pleasant changes in life.

My verdict will be strict,
Hear him quickly!
Happiness awaits there on the doorstep
You let him in quickly!

And also a lot of health
In that sentence of mine.
And good luck on the roads
And in business, so that there is a rise!

In January this day comes every year
Professional serious date,
We want to congratulate the employees of the prosecutor's office now,
Their work on complexity is rich.

May your work be always respected,
Steel nerves
Achievements to bring years
The decisions were made correctly.

Prosecutor's office workers
We are ready to congratulate you on a holiday!
All rights they observe the figure,
Laws honoring the fundamentals are important.

We wish to defeat the truth
And business can flourish boldly!
Health, vigor and strength
You must fill your spirit firmly.

Have the highest grade,
Feeling the laws of the firmament.
And personally to your space
Only expand and dare.

We congratulate the employees of the Prosecutor's Office from the bottom of our hearts,
We would like to wish you to serve this service without stress.
You saved us many times and helped us in business,
For this we are grateful to you, we will not hide the tears in our eyes.

We wish you honor and valor in this difficult world,
Like us, continue to help other fellow citizens to help out.
Life will not be better without you, so do not leave your post,
And we all prophesy to all of you to go forward together in career growth!

Dear prosecutors!
We wish you in the future,
Fight against bribes, extortions.
In this fight, so as not to weaken,
You will need strength for sure,
We wish you not to get sick, not to grow old,
Stand firmly on the defense of the truth,
Look into the distance with optimism!

[in prose]

Congratulations on the day of the prosecutor's office in prose

The prosecutor's office is the main bulwark of order and justice. She monitors all problem cases, eliminates negativity and punishes those responsible. Therefore, its representatives are associated with the embodiment of justice. By following the letter of the law, you save the state from lawlessness and ruin. You control all types of activities, put things in order in all spheres of life. I wish you kindness, honesty, and selflessness on this day. Work as your conscience dictates to you. Stop injustice, support the innocent, protect the defenseless from dangerous encroachments. I wish you personal happiness, family warmth, good luck and joy! Let your life be bright and non-routine. Let the sun smile at you warmly. Let your loved ones live easily and calmly! Happy Holidays!

Sometimes you have to make very difficult decisions, I know, even if being an employee of the prosecutor's office is very dangerous and difficult, but who, if not you, is able to defend the honor of the country and punish violators according to their deserts? I congratulate you on your professional holiday, the Day of the Prosecutor's Office, and I want to wish you to always do business in cooperation with the goddess Themis, who is your patroness, as well as her sister, the goddess Fortune, who will help you find the smallest clues so that everything is fair. In addition to successful work, I would also like to wish you a good rest, which will charge you with new strength for new achievements. Please accept my congratulations.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday - the day of the prosecutor's office! Your service may not be visible to each of us, but we are all grateful for it. Your hard, responsible work makes the world cleaner and kinder. Thanks to you, our children play peacefully in the yard, and we leave the house with a smile. May all your efforts be generously rewarded with respect, honor and worthy payment. I wish you good health, good mood, true love and strong friendship! Let your every day be accompanied by pleasant events and let your whole life be filled with light. Happy holiday, happy day of the prosecutor's office!

Mr. Prosecutor, I hasten to congratulate you on your professional holiday, on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office. It is not by chance that you have chosen the profession of a prosecutor, because you cannot imagine life without justice and peace. On this most important day, I want to wish you a tripling of perseverance, strength and courage! Your decisions are always all fair and honest, so let Success itself always and everywhere accompany you, Luck reigns and protects great Health! Without your work, the court would be imperfect and, perhaps, impossible. I wish you interesting days, and happiness in your personal life and, of course, great and endless love. Let prosperity, warmth and great joy, which has no end, reign in your home!

I congratulate you on the day of the prosecutor's office and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you all the best! May you finally manage to relax on your professional holiday, forgetting about the weight of work difficulties and worries. Let the most cherished desires begin to come true, and all the good moments bring positive! I also wish you well and the ability to get along with your loved ones! In addition, let your work bring you pleasure, because you are a true professional in your field! In your honor, we will raise our glasses today and we will honor those who deserve the highest honors and people's love! May you not be touched by problems and troubles, we wish you victory in any business!

My dear, I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! You chose your path in your youth, and you were not mistaken. It's so nice when a person does what he loves - and you are one of those lucky ones! I wish you success in your work, so that every day is filled with joy and happiness. Everything that you undertake, let it turn out easily and in the best way. And, of course, I wish you love, health and good mood - both on holidays and on weekdays! I wish you that all your dreams come true, that love and mutual understanding reign in the family, that you are appreciated by your bosses, and you are always happy with your fate!

I congratulate you on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! This holiday is a sincere tribute to the state and society to those who have devoted themselves to protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, ensuring the interests of the state. Maintaining law and order is one of the most honorable and responsible tasks, and you with honor cope with all the difficulties with which your work abounds. Let it contain as many bright moments as possible, like at least this wonderful holiday! I wish you good health, success and happiness!

Today is your professional holiday - the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! Over the years of service, you have established yourself as a specialist who is appreciated, respected, whose opinion everyone listens to! You have chosen a very difficult type of activity for yourself, but with dignity you carry out the duties assigned to you, demonstrating deep professional knowledge every day. Defending the rule of law, you amazingly combine principled justice, honesty and mercy. Thank you for your painstaking and conscientious work! I sincerely wish you not to be disappointed either at work or in your personal life and never be upset over trifles! I wish you good health, mutual love and success in all your endeavors!

Dear employees and employees of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation! We congratulate you on your professional holiday! The Russian prosecutor's office is a reliable pillar of our statehood. Competence, deep decency, loyalty to duty - these are the qualities that are inherent in you. You stand on the defense of law and order and the rule of law. We wish you a cheerful spirit and consistency in your affairs. Keep and enhance the glorious traditions of your predecessors. Let your work be distinguished by clear organization and a desire to guard the interests of the citizens of our country. I wish you health, personal well-being, success in all your endeavors. Happy holiday, Happy Prosecutor's Office Day!

People turn to the prosecutor's office quite often, because at every step they have to face deception or infringement of rights. And it is the employees of this body that help protect the rights of people and the legitimate interests of the state. On January 12, employees of the Prosecutor's Office celebrate their professional holiday. Employees of the Prosecutor's Office congratulate their colleagues, and in turn receive greeting cards from the management and employees of other departments. Those who want to thank the employees of the Prosecutor's Office for their work will need official congratulations on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office in prose.

Congratulations to the employees of the Prosecutor's Office on their professional holiday! We would like to thank you for your hard service, for the fact that your work helps to overcome evil, deception and lawlessness! We would like to say thank you very much for defending the rights of honest people. We wish you success in your work, as well as more bright and good moments in your life!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday! We wish all employees of the Prosecutor's Office patience and strength to fight injustice and deception.

We hasten to congratulate you on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! Your work allows you to maintain order in the country and educate a new honest generation that knows the laws. We wish you to keep your enthusiasm at work and always achieve your goals!

Dear employees of the prosecutor's office, congratulations on a significant day for you! Thank you for serving the law and the state unselfishly! Thanks to you, citizens can be sure that their rights will not be infringed upon. We wish you to find a way out of any situation and success in your work!

Happy Holidays, dear and respected colleagues. Your qualities help us quickly find a solution to complex issues and always strive for the truth. I wish you never lose courage, always show determination and keep the traditions that we have. Be happy and healthy!

Congratulations to the employees of the Prosecutor's Office on the holiday! Thanks to your work, for almost a century we have been living in a country where human rights are respected and laws are respected. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the veterans of the Prosecutor's Office. Thank you for doing so much for us! And we wish young employees success in their work and understanding leaders!

Almost a hundred years ago, an irreplaceable organ appeared in our country, thanks to which one can be sure that justice will always prevail. It is the laws and rights of citizens that make it possible to maintain order and avoid many problems and chaos. And on this day, I would like to express my gratitude to those who defend the rights of citizens and serve the law. Dear employees of the Prosecutor's Office, we wish you success in your work, happiness and prosperity.

Dear employees of the Prosecutor's Office, Happy Holidays! I would like to express my deep gratitude for your work! If it were not for you, lawlessness would reign in the country, and violators would go unpunished. We would like to wish you strength, success and that the goddess Themis will always patronize you! Let only victories await you!

Congratulations on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office! We wish you to forget about work for at least one day, relax and spend time with the closest people who, thanks to your work, can live in peace, knowing that violators of the law will always be punished. May cherished desires come true. We wish you to achieve your goals, and that your work is rewarded not only financially, but also with honor.

Congratulations on this wonderful holiday, which is a great occasion to thank you once again for choosing this difficult profession. Let your work have as few difficulties as possible, more positive moments and victories! Congratulations on the Day of the Prosecutor's Office in prose can not only be written on postcards, but also pronounced at ceremonial events that are usually held on this day to reward distinguished employees.

Dear employees of the prosecutor's office!
We congratulate you on your professional holiday, for almost three centuries you have been working, making it your goal to destroy evil, bribery and lawlessness! You protect the rights of our citizens - children, pensioners, disabled people, everyone who needs your legal and indisputable protection! You counteract crime, suppress offenses, serve the state and its citizens! Thanks for your hard work! Peace, kindness and justice in work and in life! ©

We sincerely congratulate all employees of the Prosecutor's Office on the holiday!
You exercise honest, fair and principled supervision and protect Russia from dishonest, dishonest, law-breaking citizens, as well as Russians themselves from the injustice of the state, which also sometimes happens. You serve the Law, sacredly guarding and protecting it. We wish all employees of the prosecutor's office who serve the law good health for many years, prosperity and strength that will allow them to fearlessly, patiently and successfully defend the interests of citizens, society and the state in the future! ©

Congratulations to the veterans of the Russian Prosecutor's Office on their professional holiday!
It is on your experience, on your knowledge, that more than one generation of prosecutors has grown. You are giving them invaluable principles of decent, honest, legitimate work for the benefit of Russian citizens and the state as a whole! Please accept my warmest wishes! ©

Workers of the prosecutor's office!
You stand guard over the law, serve the country honestly and unselfishly! Thanks to your efforts, many violations of laws in the economic and social spheres have been suppressed. We express our deep gratitude to you for our confidence in the future, for ensuring constitutional legality. Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your professional holiday! Patience, success and wisdom in the difficult struggle for the truth! ©

We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of the employee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation!
You carry out your official duty responsibly and professionally, solve the assigned tasks with dignity, stand guard over the Law and the rule of law, ensure stability and reliable protection of the interests of society and the state. We wish you good health, success in your difficult business, prosperity in your noble service to the Fatherland! ©

Dear colleagues and all employees of the prosecutor's office!
Your civic courage, courage and determination in defending the law, your undeniable professionalism allow you to quickly solve the tasks assigned to you.
You always follow the spirit and letter of the Law, responsibly protect state interests and carefully preserve the traditions of the older generation of prosecutors. This is very important for the formation of a new generation of Russian prosecutors!
We wish you well-being in your work, happiness and good health! ©

Dear colleagues!
Today we celebrate the Day of the Prosecutor's Office Worker.
For almost three hundred years, the prosecutor's office has been protecting law and order and legality!
Our work with you is sometimes not visible, but it is hard painstaking work aimed at protecting the rights of citizens and the good of the Fatherland. I would like to sincerely wish all employees of the prosecutor's office, colleagues, as well as respected veterans of the prosecutor's office good health, quiet life, happiness to you and your families, professional success and personal well-being! Thanks for your hard work! ©