Presentation for a labor training lesson "clothing and footwear care". Combined lesson "clothing and footwear care" Winter clothing care presentation

Topic: Clothing care. Grade 5


Educational: familiarize students with symbols on clothing labels.

Developing: broadening the horizons of students .; improving the skills of work culture, mutual control and self-control; development of independence.

Educational : cultivate neatness, respect for clothes

Occupation type: combined.

During the classes

    Org. moment.

    I'll start the lesson with a poem about a wizard. Listen carefully and tell me who can become such a wizard? What qualities do you need to possess for this?

The shoemaker mends your shoes

And the carpenter - a stool and a porch,

But only a wizard in repair

Brighten your heart and face.

What a delicate work -

Happy to make at least someone

Bring a flower of luck

Save from loneliness.

And then quietly leave ...

The wizard is a fabulous person,

And he is fabulously modest, gentlemen,

There is fabulously lack of duplicity in him,

And he never seeks benefits.

The language of someone else's resentment and sadness

The wizard has been studying since childhood,

He was taught to inspire hope -

And this is his main subject. ... (Value-semantic competence)

- In this poem, Junna Moritz is talking about just the wizard that each of us can become. The main thing is to want ... and teach your heart to be sensitive, and your hands - skillful and generous. After all, it is good when you are a wizard at home and can help your loved ones by word and deed.

Today we have an unusual lesson, we must learn how to be little home wizards who themselves, without the help of mom, grandmother or special preparations, can remove stains from clothes, such wizards who themselves know how to properly care for clothes made of cotton and linen fabrics, they can properly wash themselves clothes and will help us with this by specialists who will teach us how to do it all correctly. And the specialists today are you guys.

Where does the dirt come from? How do our things get dirty? - children?

This is the secretion of the skin, sebaceous and sweat glands, consisting mainly of fatty and protein substances; these are traces of food products and industrial pollution (mineral oils, paints), and, finally, this is ordinary dust, which is easily fixed on the fabric by fatty substances. To clean things, you have to remove all these impurities. The best way to remove dirt from clothes is to wash them.

Why do you think it happened? (washed incorrectly).

Have you ever experienced situations when your clothes lost their appearance? Why?

What do you need to do to make your clothes look like new? What will we talk about in the lesson?

Lesson topic: Today in the lesson we will talk about how to properly care for clothes. Let's get acquainted with the symbols for the care of clothes, we will learn how to independently remove stains from clothes.

.From the history

Once upon a time, the only clothing for a person was the skin of an animal. With the development of civilization, more and more clothes from various fabrics began to appear in man. Now a person has a question - how to keep clothes?

    In the ancient Egyptian papyri, a hieroglyph was found, it is called "two feet in the water." This is how washing was indicated, the ancient Egyptians washed and rinsed their linen with their feet, without the necessary bends.

    In ancient Rome, togas were tied to a long stick with ropes and lowered into the stormy Tiber. Under the action of the fast current, the clothes remained on the surface, and the dirt was carried away with bubbles.

    In ancient Russia, the dirt from clothes was knocked out with special sticks - they put the clothes on a stone by the river and beat on it with a mallet. From the impact, particles of dirt were knocked out of the clothes and washed out with water. The hostesses did their best to protect the clothes so that the household looked clean and tidy. We kept clothes in chests.

Thrift and accuracy at all times and among all peoples was considered a person's virtue - his great dignity. The term of wearing clothes depends on the accuracy of the person, proper care for it. In order for clothes to be worn for a long time and maintain a good appearance, they need to be taken care of.

And now Dilyara will tell us

Listen to and formulate the basic rules of clothing care

    Trousers and dress care. (Ilyasova Dilyara)

When you come home from school, you shouldn't immediately hang up your trousers in the wardrobe. It would be nice to take a brush and clean the trousers, especially their lower part. If the weather was rainy and the pants got wet, then let them dry and only then brush them. Well-scrubbed trousers can be ironed out, especially in areas that are stretched out (usually on the knees).

The dress is also first thoroughly cleaned of dust, smoothed out the wrinkled places and then into the closet on a hanger.

Do not hang knitted clothes on hangers, so that they do not deform, but fold them neatly.

Helpful advice: brushes for clothes are periodically washed in cold water with the addition of ammonia (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

To prevent the skirt or trousers from stretching, they must be ironed in a timely manner, as well as give them a "rest", to fade after 2-3 days of wearing. This also applies to other items of clothing, especially woolen and chemical fibers, since such clothing still absorbs odors and becomes stale from this.

The jerseys should be stored neatly folded on shelves or in closet drawers, not on hangers. Make sure that the hangers do not stretch the sleeves and collar of the dress. The collar, if it stretches, sliding on the "shoulders", can be fastened with a braid. If the hanger is small or has sharp corners, you need to attach cardboard wings to it. Special hangers are needed for skirts and trousers. Do not hang other items of clothing on fur trimmed clothes or a fur coat - the fur may wrinkle.

- So, let's formulate briefly the basic rules of clothing care:

Brushing clothes:

Timely iron

The jerseys are kept neatly folded on shelves or in closet drawers

Special hangers are needed for skirts and trousers

Outerwear is stored separately on hangers.

- And how will you take care of winter clothes with the onset of warmth? (must be cleaned, washed, treated with moth products and stored). Winter clothing care video

One of the types of clothing care is washing. You can entrust the laundry to the "Dry-cleaner", but many housewives prefer to wash themselves, and for this it is necessary to have detergents in the household. To save time and money, you need to know the capabilities of various washing and detergents (SMS), taking into account the type of fabric, its color and contamination.

So, which powder should you choose?

You need to wash your white blouse, which powder should you choose?

(solving life problems, referring to the personal experience of students - social and labor competence)

There are a lot of laundry detergents and other detergents in stores.

Before buying washing powder, you need to decide: (slide number 7)

    For what type of washing it is required by hand or by machine (for machine washing, a powder with reduced foaming should be used - denoted by the word machine on the label);

    For what kind of fabrics powder is needed, and whether it needs bleaching;

    What dirt needs to be removed

How do you know that this is exactly the powder you need?

Before buying a powder, you should read the information on the package of the powder, for which wash, for which fabrics it is intended (slide number 8), they are given on the side of the package. There is also information about the norm of the powder, about the composition of the powder

If a person is allergic to SMS, the packaging may say hypoallargic or dermatologically tested.

For washing wool and silk products, special powders are intended, such as "Laska", "Vorsinka" (Slide No. 9)

Special powders for children “Aistenok” are produced. This is a powder based on baby soap, none of the components of the powder can cause an allergic reaction. The powder does not contain chemically aggressive substances, you can successfully wash delicate items.

In addition to powders, other detergents are sold in stores: bleaches, stain removers, conditioners. (Slide No. 10)

You should have several types of detergents in your home for washing existing wardrobe items.

Therefore, when buying a detergent, be sure to read the instructions for it.

Separately, when sorting, put aside cotton and linen, silk, wool, etc. In addition, linen is sorted into white and colored.

Remember the golden rule

Do not wash white things with color!

You should wash white things first, and only then colored ones, but not vice versa.

Colored items are never put next to white items. Moreover, do not put things of different colors in one pile.

Colored things never boil.

Why? (each thing can shed and ruin the other with its paint).

Before washing, they are sorted, while attention is paid not only to the color. Sorting before washing is greatly assisted by the symbols on the labels attached to the products. These symbols indicate the methods and mode of not only washing, but also bleaching and drying. Slide1

Familiarization with shortcuts. (Appendix No. 1) slide 2

The fabrics from which your dresses, trousers, jackets are sewn are different, and therefore they are cleaned, washed and ironed in different ways.Today, there is usually a label on ready-made clothes, where information is given on the care of this product. in the form of graphic drawings. A set of care symbols is printed on a special tape and sewn on the wrong side.

Washing slide3

The bucket or basin icon provides information on the recommended washing conditions.

WTO slide4

The ironing mode is indicated by the following symbols: at high temperature, at medium temperature, at low temperature, as well as a ban on ironing. There is also a symbol of an iron without dots inside - this means that the ironing temperature should not exceed 140 grams.

Drying slide5-6 the symbols in the square frames show which drying method is recommended for the item.

How much distress an occasional stain on clothes can cause! How to be?

Not only the latest drugs will come to the rescue, but also old folk recipes.

Let's learn how to clean things, both with new means and according to grandmother's recipes. Possible stain removers on the screen. Choose which ones you will use.

And now Bogdana will talk about home dry cleaning (Filipova Bogdana)

The fresher the stain, the easier it is to clean. The industry produces special stain removers.

The best stain removers are gasoline, pure alcohol, turpentine, ammonia. It is better not to use solvents, you can ruin the product.

Oil stains can be easily removed with ammonia and then warm water. You can also remove greasy stains with chalk: fill the stained place with crushed chalk, and when it turns yellow, that is, absorbs fat, shake off the chalk and repeat the operation several times until the chalk stops turning yellow.

Lemon juice can remove ink stains from the product.

Fresh grass stains are removed with warm soapy water and ammonia.

When doing dry cleaning at home, you need to be careful and know how the fabric reacts to the stain remover so as not to damage the product.

Cleaning expensive clothes at home is not worth it. It is better to take it to the dry cleaner and as soon as possible. It is difficult to cope with an old stain even with a special reagent.


There is another way to remove stains from upholstery, carpet, tablecloths, work and everyday clothes.

Imagine this situation: at a table with a snow-white tablecloth, someone accidentally poured juice or coffee. It is best, of course, to wash off this stain immediately. After all, fresh stains from fruits, juices, coffee are well washed off with hot water.

But you won't pull the tablecloth out from under the dishes, shake the plates onto the lap of those sitting in order to wash it. What then is to be done? But on any table there is an adsorbent stain remover at hand. This is common table salt. Sprinkle it over the stain -

the salt will immediately begin to absorb the liquid, reducing the concentration of impurities in the fibers of the fabric. After a while, discreetly sweep away the contaminated portion of salt and add a new portion. The dry cleaning process will go on slowly until you can

wash the tablecloth.

Now listen to the advice of a few more stain removal specialists.

To remove stains it is not enough to know what to remove is important, to know how

3. Expert advice (students Shmakova Julia, Krupina Liza, Koscheeva Nastya)

    Anyone, even the most neat, can plant a stain on their suit or dress. But walking with a stain on his clothes will only be a slob. Stains come in many varieties, and almost every stain can be removed.

First you should try the simplest thing: dissolve a little washing powder on a silver platter with warm water. Wet a toothbrush in the solution (old, of course) and wipe the spot with the stain. Then rinse the area with clean water, dry and iron the garment.

But I advise you to first clean the place where you will remove the stain with a clothes brush. This should always be done so that the dust does not get smudges.

If the stain does not disappear with this simple cleaning, you will have to use a stronger product. Still, the quality and speed of cleaning largely depends on how old the stain is: the older the stain, the more difficult it is to remove it.

General rule; under the stain that you will remove, place a clean white cloth folded in several layers.

    Grease stains can be removed both with special stain removers, which are sold in the store, and with gasoline and turpentine. Since gasoline is flammable, it should only be used in the presence of an adult. The stain remover must be tested in advance on a small piece of fabric or on the inner fold of clothing.

You should always remove spots from the edges to the middle. Otherwise, a "halo" may also form on the fabric.

It would be good to iron fresh grease stains with a warm iron through 2 to 3 layers of absorbent paper or paper napkins before cleaning. Sometimes, with such ironing, the stain disappears altogether. If it still remains, clean it with gasoline or turpentine.

    Herbal stains on clothes, if they are fresh, are washed with warm soapy water with a small amount of ammonia.

Fruit and berry stains can be removed in several ways:

Hot water;

Hold the spot with the stain in hot milk;

Hydrogen peroxide: 1 teaspoon in half a glass of water. Then rinse the spot where the stain was with cold water.

A fresh juice stain should be covered with salt, and then rinsed with clean water, and then washed.

Fresh ink stains can be easily washed in warm milk or yogurt.

A rust stain can be removed from any fabric by placing a piece of lemon wrapped in gauze or absorbent paper on the stained area and pressing with a hot iron (the temperature of the iron should correspond to the type of fabric).

- So, what should you have when you are fighting different spots? (ammonia, turpentine, soap, baking soda, alcohol, cold water, warm water, potato starch, citric acid, etc.)

Practical work # 1. . (Appendix No. 2)

Deciphering the symbols, removing the five with folk remedies. (work in groups)

Decipher the symbols, draw up instructions for the care of this product (Mutual check)

III. Summarizing.

1. Reading a poem "Slut"

He doesn't need the sidewalk:

Unbuttoning the collar

Through ditches and puddles

He walks straight ahead!

He does not want to carry a portfolio, -

Dragging him along the ground.

The belt slipped to the left side,

A wedge has been torn from the leg.

I confess it is not clear to me -

What was he doing?

Where was he?

How spots appeared on the forehead

Purple ink?

Why is there clay on the trousers?

Why the cap is a pancake

And the collar is unbuttoned?

Who is this student?

Vl. Lifshits

Final words of the teacher

After our today's lesson, I think there will be no such students among you. Keep your clothes clean, ironed. Always have a clean handkerchief. Leaving home, look at yourself in the mirror to see if everything is in order. By following these simple rules, you will always look neat and tidy.


And now I would like to know your opinion about the lesson.

Complete one of the sentences:

The most interesting thing in the lesson was ……………………………………

What have I learned ………………………………………………… ..

What have I learned new ……………………………………………….

Practical work No. 1


Care instructions






    Choose a method for removing lipstick stains.

Rub the stain with mustard and then cover with salt for 20-30 minutes.

Paint over the stain with chalk and then wash in warm milk.

- put a paper napkin on the stain, and from the inside, wipe this place several times with alcohol.

Practical work No. 1

    Decipher the symbols, draw up instructions for the care of this product.


Care instructions







    Choose a method for removing ballpoint pen stains

Soak a cloth stained with milk and leave for 24 hours. Then rinse thoroughly in cherry juice.

Scrub the stain with hydrogen peroxide or nail polish remover.

It is important to cool the garment in the refrigerator, and then use mustard to wipe off the stain with care.

aliz and Self-Assessment of the Technology Lesson.

1. General structure of the lesson.
The place of the lesson in the system of a given subject, a given topic. Compliance with the goals and objectives of the lesson to the selected topic. Lesson type. Assessment of the integrity of the lesson structure by its stages.
2. Implementation of the main didactic goal of the lesson and educational tasks.
Implementation of the goals and objectives of the lesson through its content, the structure of the study of theoretical educational material and the corresponding practical work of students. Differentiated approach to teaching Learning new material, repetition and consolidation of the passed, control and assessment of students' work in the classroom.
3. Implementation of the development of students in the learning process.
The ratio of reproductive and creative activities in the classroom. Use of interdisciplinary connections. Teaching at the general developmental level of presentation of educational material, expanding the polytechnic horizons of students. The development of cognitive activity. The solution of design and technological problems in the classroom. Project activities.
4. Education during the lesson.
Educational opportunities for learning content in the classroom. The connection between learning and real life. Implementation of educational tasks in the classroom. Humanity. Education of personality traits of students. Personal example of the teacher. Educational opportunities for work, grades, etc.
5. Compliance with the basic principles of didactics and methodological principles of teaching in the educational field "Technology".
6. Choice of teaching methods.
Correctness and optimality of the chosen teaching methods. Taking into account the requirements for the organization of the selected teaching methods. Practical teaching methods. Self-study methods. Control methods.
7. The work of the teacher in the classroom.
Organizational activities of the teacher in the classroom. Types of teacher activities. Preparing the teacher for the lesson. Contact with the class. The appearance of the teacher. Teacher behavior in the classroom.
8. Work of students in the lesson.
Checking the readiness of students for the lesson. The activity and interest of students at all stages of the lesson. Types of student activities in the lesson. Compliance with discipline, safety precautions. Attitude to the subject, to the teacher.
9. Sanitary and hygienic conditions of the lesson.
Compliance with safety measures in the lesson, organization of safe work by the teacher. The beginning and end of the lesson, conducting a break in paired lessons. The readiness of the office (workshop) for this type of work.
10. Implementation of special tasks by the teacher.
The implementation of the requirements or approaches of any research, experiment, conducted either within the framework of a given subject, or on general school topics. Individual approaches to a specific class or to individual students.

End of form

Storing Clothes Clothes in your wardrobe must be stored according to specific guidelines. First of all, your things should not be pressed against each other in order to avoid the formation of deformation of collars and sleeves and other creases. Clothes that are often worn should be placed closer to the wardrobe door. It is advisable to store trousers on hangers specially designated for this.

Several times a year, it is necessary to clean and ventilate your own wardrobe, and at the same time take out the clothes to the fresh air, thoroughly check for the presence of moth-eaten spots, thoroughly clean them of dust, and then put them back into the wardrobe. Knitted items can deform if hung on a hanger, so it is recommended to fold them carefully.

Outerwear should be hung on a hanger, while fastening several buttons. Clothes soaked in the rain must first be dried, and only then put into the closet. It is advisable to store rubberized items away from heat sources (stoves, for example). Otherwise, cracks will begin to form on them prematurely. Each of the items after use must be inspected, sewn up or glued, if necessary. In this case, your clothes will certainly serve you for a long time and look elegant, neat.

Storing winter clothes in the closet If you have a fur coat, then you need to store it in a large closet. It should hang on a very strong hanger with wide enough shoulders. It is best to place the fur coat in a loose cover that allows air to pass through well. Use tobacco, lavender, and juniper for moths. Do not expose the fur coat to direct sunlight, the fur may burn out and the product will become shabby. Also, do not broadcast a fur coat close to heating devices.

To store a down jacket, you must first dry it. Since the fluff dries very slowly. It is worth storing downy things in a straightened form, without using various bags. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent fading. Fasten all buttons and zippers. Hang the item on a hanger. It is best to store a down jacket in a cover. Be sure to make room for the down jacket so that it does not wrinkle. Avoid moisture in your wardrobe.

How to store summer clothes correctly? In order for summer clothes to always be in excellent condition, they should be stored only neatly folded in piles, or in covers, boxes on shelves, some things can hang on hangers, but absolutely every thing must be washed before long-term storage. This will allow you to get rid of the products from stains that are eaten in forever during the winter.

If the clothes are sent for long-term storage, then they should not smell like washing powder. That is why, after washing, all things must be dried in the open air for good ventilation. Before you fold your clothes, you need to inspect every detail, and if there are any flaws, a button has come off or a hole has appeared, fix everything. You should definitely check your pockets, they should not store anything, even small debris that can harm things.

Products made of lightweight fabrics must be stored especially carefully, it is better to buy bags for storing clothes and put all chiffon, silk and other items of clothing there. If you store such things on the shelves in dark linen bags, you can preserve the brightness of the fabric. If suddenly the outfit is very long, then you should throw it over the hanger.

Children's clothes should be stored according to the same rules, with the only difference: children quickly grow out of things. Therefore, before putting things out, you need to reconsider what will be worn next year, and what should be sorted by age, put into storage or given to someone.

When fighting moths, keep in mind that they love dirt and dust, so wash and ventilate things often before putting them in the closet. Once a year, you need to thoroughly wash and clean the inner walls of the cabinet and chest of drawers. Do not line the shelves with newspaper with glue remnants, as it is very attractive to moths.

Before spending money on various imported anti-moth products, look for natural remedies. These are, first of all, pieces of dried lemon and orange peel, lavender, sprigs of wormwood, geranium, wild rosemary. Wormwood Geranium Ledum

Also used are walnut branches, resinous pine chips, flowers and leaves of St. John's wort. Place them between clothes and shoes. Put a few carnation buds in the pockets of raincoats, jackets and coats. Cloves are very good protection against moths and woolen items.

Helpful hints All herbal remedies in the fight against moths must be regularly and periodically replaced with new ones. You can also alternate them and choose the most suitable and optimal for yourself. Before storing your belongings, wash them and put them in the closet already clean. In the fight against moths, our grandmothers used naphthalene, tobacco or makhorka. The smell of these drugs was absorbed into clothing, but in those days this was considered the norm. At the present time, in order to protect your home from these insects, the trade network offers a wide selection of drugs and remedies. But it is worth considering the fact that using these chemicals we will destroy not only the moth, but also pollute our home. We recommend using folk remedies. They may not be as effective, but there will be no harm from them, that's for sure. And this is important in our time.

The material is intended for students of grade 5, corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard, the profile is indivisible classes. The lesson is designed for 2 lessons of 45 minutes each and includes a technological map of the lesson, presentation, test and 2 practical works.



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Slide captions:

VKK Technology teacher Somova V.N. MBOU "Secondary School No. 79" Vladivostok 2016 5 CLASS Clothes and footwear care

educational: create conditions for students to study the types of repair of clothes and shoes; developing: to contribute to the formation of knowledge and skills in the care of clothes and shoes, repair of clothes and shoes; educational: to foster a culture of work, responsibility for personal and public safety in the performance of work, accuracy in performing various tasks, frugality, aesthetic taste.

computer, projector, screen; textbook, workbook; blanks (a flap of fabric, pieces of rubber and leather); shoe glue, non-toxic, odorless, degreaser; sandpaper; thread, needle, thimble; iron, scissors; clothespins.

Practical work in groups Organizational moment - checking the readiness of students for the lesson; - formulating the purpose of the lesson. Summing up the results of the lesson Studying new material - communication of theoretical material; - acquaintance with the technology of methods of repairing clothes and shoes at home; - safety briefing.

THEORETICAL INFORMATION ON FOOTWEAR CARE Necessity of cleaning and caring for leather shoes Preparing shoes for cleaning and applying shoe polish Recommendations for choosing shoe polish Shoe care technology: drying, applying cream, maintaining the shape of shoes. Acquaintance with the types of glue for repairing leather shoes

Leather shoes need to be cleaned constantly, not only because it will restore their appearance, but also because the creams contain substances that soften the skin and increase its water resistance. Shoes worn in wet conditions should be regularly lubricated with solid fats (lard) or castor oil. Fats and oils are rubbed into the skin until they disappear from the surface.

Before applying the cream to the surface of the shoe, it should be well cleaned of dust and dirt. To give shine, after applying the cream, you need to thoroughly clean the shoes, first with a brush, and then with a soft cloth with a nap (preferably velvet cloth). The universal emulsion softens the leather well and gives shine; it is suitable for leather shoes of different colors. To freshen up white leather shoes, you can use a mild soapy solution or milk and colorless cream.

Various means are used for shoe care: pastes, emulsions and liquid creams containing waxes, ceresins, hard paraffins, solvents (white spirit, turpentine or their mixture), fat- and water-soluble dyes.

Dry leather shoes at a temperature not higher than +50 0 С, otherwise it may warp. When drying, shoes should be positioned so that the entire surface - both inside and outside - is open to moisture evaporation. It is recommended to clean suede shoes with brushes in which, in addition to hair bristles, metal wires are inserted (to restore the pile).

Universal polyvinyl acetate (PVA-MB). They can glue paper, cardboard, leather, fabric, stick them to wood, glass or metal surfaces. PVA super glue (PVA-M). They can glue all paper bases, porcelain, fabric, leather, wood products (chipboard, MDF), as well as linoleum, parquet, tiles

THEORETICAL INFORMATION ON CLOTHING CARE Clothing in human life The main methods of clothing repair, indicating the type of damage: darning; patch (invoice, underlay); applique, thermoapplication. Garment care symbols and their meaningWashing and drying techniques for cotton and linen fabrics Ironing for cotton and linen fabrics

Clothing is of great importance in a person's life. She warms him up, hides figure flaws, decorates. It is impossible to imagine a person without clothes. In it he studies, works, plays sports, and rests. In order for the things we wear to last longer, they need to be properly cared for.

If there is a small tear in the fabric, you can use a darning stitch. If the worn out place is large or a hole has formed on the clothes, then patches are put. They can be on-top or on-top. The pattern and direction of the common thread of the patch should be the same as in the fabric of the product. Repairs with patches can replace pre-made appliqués or decals purchased from a store.

It is better to dry washed items and linen in the fresh air. Products are turned inside out so that they do not fade in the sun, and shaken to straighten out the folds, and it is easier to iron. It is better to dry bed linen by hanging it on the long side, and towels on the short side. So that shirts and blouses do not deform, they are dried on a hanger, and the trousers are attached to a rope by the belt with several clothespins.

The laundry is ironed slightly damp. The heating temperature of the iron is different for different types of fabric. Cotton and linen items can be ironed at the upper temperature range (150-210 * C). If the laundry is dry, you can wrap it in a wet towel for a few minutes or iron it with an iron and a steam humidifier.

No. Questions Answer options 1. Optimal shoe drying temperature: a) not higher than 20 0; b) not higher than 50 0; c) not less than 100 0. 2. Cleaning is… a) clothing repair; b) chemical for bleaching fabric; c) removing stains from outerwear. 3. Glue for shoe repair: a) casein; b) PVA; c) special. 4. Clothes are ... a) the outer covering of the body; b) a product made on a weaving machine; c) things that a person wears. 5. For cleaning suede shoes use: a) a sponge; b) a brush with metal wires; c) a brush. 6. Fixing is ... a) a dangerous insect; b) clothing repair; c) distribution of laundry. 7. What gives the shoe softness and shine: a) varnish; b) dye; c) cream. 8. What do clothing manufacturers use symbols for? a) for beauty; b) for detailed information on the care of the product. TEST VERIFICATION WORK

Repairing clothes with a backing patch. Bonding leather to rubber base

INSTRUCTION CARD Practical work No. 1 "Repair of clothes with a backing patch" Materials, tools and equipment: fabrics for the sample and for the patch, sewing thread, needle, scissors, iron, workbook. Trim the damaged area into an oval or rectangle. Determine the direction of the shared thread. Bend the sections to the wrong side of the product, sweep. Determine the shared thread of the fabric to be patched. Cut out a patch, its dimensions should be twice the size of the hole. Fold over and sweep over the patch to the wrong side. Apply the patch with the right side to the wrong side of the product, baste. Sew the patch to the wrong side of the garment with small diagonal stitches. Baste the folded edges of the hole to the patch from the front. Sew on with small diagonal stitches. Remove temporary threads. Iron on the patch. Check the quality of execution. Paste the sample into the workbook. Practical work No. 2 "Gluing leather on a rubber base" Materials, tools and equipment: pieces of leather and rubber, sandpaper, degreaser, two types of glue, clothespins, cotton swabs, napkins. Sand the glued areas with sandpaper. Degrease these places by moistening a cotton swab with degreaser. Smear a thin layer of skin and rubber with PVA glue and leave for 10 minutes. Take other blanks of leather and rubber and also prepare the surfaces for gluing. Lubricate the areas to be glued with a cotton swab with a thin layer of PVA glue. Press down the places to be glued. Take the first piece after 10 minutes of exposure. Press the places to be glued with clothespins and leave for 24 hours.

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Technology lesson in grade 7 “Clothing care. Washing." Technology teacher MBOU "Osipovskaya secondary school" of the Kovrovsky district of the Vladimir region Kuzmicheva I.V.

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Once upon a time, the only clothing for a person was the skin of a killed animal. Today, our wardrobe provides an appropriate "skin" for any event in our life: children's clothing, women's and men's clothing, clothes for pregnant women, sports, fashionable, winter, work. Clothes, like shoes, will last longer if handled correctly. For tips on garment care, see the label (marking tape) sewn to the inside of the garment.

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Washing linen, like any household work, if it is not organized rationally, is by no means an easy task, especially since you cannot classify washing as an easy type of household work. Washing is a physicochemical process of cleaning textiles (clothes, bed linen, curtains, etc.) using aqueous solutions of detergents: surfactants, enzymes, pigments, bleaches, etc. The main purpose of washing : removal of various contaminants. Washing can be combined with bleaching.

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Washing methods Hand. It has been used since time immemorial. Machine room - using a washing machine. The most modern and efficient way of washing, mechanizing, and now even automating all or almost all stages of washing. Ultrasonic - using ultrasound. Potentially promising washing method, however, the existing equipment for ultrasonic washing has, unfortunately, relatively low efficiency.

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Stages of washing Soaking - holding of textiles in a solution of detergents and / or bleach for swelling, partial dissolution and chemical decomposition of dirt. Washing itself - rinsing and scrubbing the textiles in a solution of detergents. Boiling - heating textiles soaked in a surfactant or bleach solution to the boiling point for the purpose of thermal decomposition of certain types of contaminants and disinfection. Spin - removal of most of the washing solution by twisting or centrifuging. Rinse - Rinsing textiles in clean water to remove detergents and emulsified dirt. Conditioning - rinsing textiles in a solution of a conditioner that improves certain parameters of the fabric (softeners, starch, blue, optical brighteners). Drying - removal of water from textiles by evaporation.

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Reagents for washing Emulsify dirt and lower the surface tension of the washing solution, which facilitates its penetration between the fibers of the fabric. Can be of the following types: Saponins - surfactants of plant origin. Soap is the most ancient type of artificial surfactants, known for several millennia. Laundry soap is usually used for washing. Washing powder is a synthetic surfactant (for example sodium lauryl sulfate) in a powdery consistency. Washing gel is a concentrated aqueous solution of a synthetic surfactant. Surfactants (detergent)

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Enzymes Enzymes of biological origin that decompose one or another organic pollution. Enzymes usually lose activity at too high washing temperatures. The following enzymes are most commonly used: Protease - breaks down proteins, making it easier to remove protein contaminants (food, sweat, mucus, mold, etc.). It is not applicable when washing protein fabrics (wool, natural silk), as it destroys them. It can also gradually degrade polyamides (nylon, nylon). Keratinase - breaks down keratin (horny substance), which is made up of skin scales and small hairs. Destroys wool and natural silk. It can also gradually degrade polyamides (nylon, nylon). Amylase - breaks down starch, making it easier to remove food debris. Cellulase - destroys fine cellulose fibers, which refreshes the color of fabrics of plant origin (cotton, linen, hemp, jute). With too much use, it destroys the tissues themselves. Lipase - breaks down fats.

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Alkaline salts Saponify fats, facilitating their removal, and also reduce the hardness of the water. Sodium carbonate (soda ash) - this additive is undesirable for hand washing, as it is harmful to the skin. Sodium Phosphate (Trisodium Phosphate) - This additive adversely affects the environment, causing eutrophication of water bodies. Chemical bleaches As oxidizing agents, bleaches chemically decompose and discolor intensely colored stains (such as wine or grass stains) and promote disinfection. Bleaches are divided into chlorine and peroxide.

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Pigments Used to improve the color of white textiles. Blue is used to correct the yellow tinge of washed laundry, while optical brightener ("optical blue") is a fluorescent substance that converts ultraviolet radiation into blue light, which removes yellowness and increases albedo. Starch It is used to increase the mechanical rigidity of textiles after ironing, which allows them to better keep their shape during further use.

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Excipients These include: Water softeners, eg Trilon B, zeolites. Foaming agents - increase the formation of foam, which helps cleanse fabrics during hand wash. Defoamers are required to prevent excess foam from forming during machine wash. Anti-resorbents that prevent emulsified dirt particles from settling back onto the fabric, such as carboxymethyl cellulose. Salt ballast that facilitates dissolution and adjusts the pH of the solution, such as sodium sulfate. Flavors (fragrances).

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Washing rules Preparation First of all, things for washing need to be prepared. Remove everything from clothing pockets (keys, money, notes, etc.). Turn bed linen inside out and remove debris accumulated in the corners. Straighten the cuffs on the shirt sleeves. Turn trousers, skirts, knitwear, socks, tights, stockings inside out. This way they retain their color longer. Unbutton buttons. Zippers, buttons and hooks to fasten. Tie laces and ribbons. Treat stains with stain remover if necessary.

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Sorting First, we pay attention to the labels with markings and the composition of the fabric. Clothes that require more delicate washing with special requirements for temperature and / or reagents are set aside separately; lightly soiled items from coarser fabrics, compatible in color and washing conditions, can be added to it. In order to avoid staining some fabrics with others due to shedding, white things are washed separately, light separately, dark separately. It is also recommended to wash heavily discolored and heavily soiled clothing separately. Colored items are not recommended to be washed at too high a temperature. Heavily soiled items made from not too delicate fabrics are best washed with soaking. We also wash items that require boiling (or machine wash at 95 ° C) for disinfection purposes.

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Washing requirements for different fabrics Natural plant fabrics: cotton, linen, hemp, jute. Can be washed at almost any temperature and with almost any reagent. Natural fabrics of animal origin: wool, silk, as well as polyamides: nylon, nylon. These fabrics should be washed with care, at a temperature not exceeding 50-60 ° C. They cannot be washed with enzymes that decompose proteins (protease, keratinase), chemical bleaches, alkaline salts cannot be used.

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Washing process
Chlorine bleaching process
Ironing process
Dry cleaning process
Drum Dry
According to STB ISO 3758-2001, the system of symbols for the care of products includes five basic symbols, in the presence of which the marking tape complies with this standard. Symbols must be located strictly in the following order:

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Sparing mode
Delicate mode
Low temperature
average temperature

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Wash wash
Gentle wash. Precisely withstand the temperature of the water, do not subject to strong mechanical processing, when spinning - a slow centrifuge mode
Delicate wash. Large amount of water, minimal machining, quick rinsing
No washing
Wash in cold water (up to 30 ° C)
Wash in warm water (up to 40 ° C)
Wash in hot water (50 ° C and above)
Hand wash only. Do not rub, do not wring. Maximum temperature - 40 ° С
Do not wring out

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Whitening Whitening
Can be bleached
Can't be bleached
Can be bleached with chlorine
Bleach only without chlorine

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Ironing Ironing
Can be ironed
Do not iron
Iron at high temperature (up to 200 ° С)
Iron at medium temperature (up to 150 ° С)
Iron at low temperature (up to 110 ° С)
Do not steam

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Dry cleaning dry cleaning
Dry cleaning (dry cleaning).
Dry cleaning is prohibited.
Dry cleaning with any solvent
Cleaning with common reagents. For example, perchlorethylene, bicarbonate or gasoline
The same, but gentle cleaning
Cleaning with white spirit only
The same, but gentle cleaning

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Drying and spinning Drying and spinning
Can be dried
Do not dry (used in conjunction with "Do not wash")
Can be wrung out and tumble dry
Cannot be wrung out and tumble dry
Dry at low temperature.
Dry at medium temperature.
Dry at high temperature.
Gentle spinning and drying
Delicate spinning and drying
Vertical drying The product can be hung dry on a rope
Dry without spinning on a hanger in an upright position
Dry without spinning on a horizontal surface
Dry in the shade