Scenario of winter sports entertainment for older preschoolers. Competition "Funny Penguins

Butova Yulia Viktorovna, physical education instructor, teacher at MKDOU kindergarten number 6 "Yagodka", Kirov, Kaluga region.
Description: this material will be useful for kindergarten teachers, physical education instructors.

Scenario of physical culture entertainment for senior preschool children "Penguins"

Strengthening health and the formation of interest and value attitude in children to physical education.
Teach children to properly coordinate the work of arms and legs while walking, running, jumping and playing tasks.
To develop psychophysical qualities and coordination of movements in outdoor games and relay races.
To foster in children the ability to maintain friendly relationships.
Form a positive attitude towards exercise.
Preliminary work: conversation with children about Antarctica, about the flightless family, seabirds - penguins, their habitat.
Introductory part:

the instructor - I suggest you a little trip.
Zimushka came - winter
Everything was covered with a blizzard.
We will go through the snowdrifts
We will get to Antarctica.
We saw a penguin (the instructor puts on a mask, cape)
And they began to greet him,
Children- Hello!
I am glad to see you as a guest.
Main part:
the instructor
I'm not a penguin alone
There are many of us penguins
We live among ice floes
And we don't freeze.
And for this,
Guys are penguins,
Let's get up to charge
We will wave our wings
Let's dance with our feet.
We will jump, friends,
And catch snowflakes.
We'll roll the snowball
And we leave each other.
Let's have fun jumping
On the left leg,
And now on the right.

General developmental exercises:
1. Tilts of the head to the sides: forward - right - backward - left, legs together, hands on the belt (4 times).
2.I. p. - feet about the width of the feet, hands at the seams. Hands through the sides up, clap your hands, return to and. n. (5 times).
3. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Bend forward, clap your hands outstretched hands - return to and. n. (6 times).
4. I. p. - feet about the width of the feet, hands on the belt. Sit down, clap your hands in front of you, return to and. n. (6 times).
5. I. p. - sitting, legs straight, hands in support from behind. Raise your legs forward - up - return to and. n. (6 times).
6. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Leap legs apart - legs together for a count of 1-8 (2 times).
7. Breathing exercise (4 times).

1. "Dance of the Penguins"
The dance is performed in two circles in pairs, the first circle - girls with their backs to the center, the second circle - boys, perform the transition in a circle.

2. An outdoor game "Hill, skating rink, snowdrift"
the instructor
You need to be careful:
Listen, listen, don't yawn
Do the task.
Slide- they stand on their toes, gradually squat down, depict rolling down a hill.
Rink- all children join hands and walk in a circle, you can form several "skating rinks" - four to five participants.
Snowdrift - children squat, wrap their arms around their legs and put their heads on their knees.

3. Game exercise "Swimming in the ocean"
The instructor -
One, two, three, four, five, (children perform a marching step in a circle)
The penguins lined up together.
One, two, three, four, five,
Penguins go camping together,
One, two, three, four, five,
Their penguin is the instructor.
One, two, three, four, five,
On a wonderful hike.
Across the field, across the field,
Where there is a lot of snow.
To the ocean, where the water is cool and tasty.
One, two, three, four, five,
Running jump into the ocean (children perform a jump on a soft mat - "ocean" and continue marching in a circle).
Mats can be spread out in a circle at a distance so that children can jump several times.

The instructor -
Suddenly a blizzard came
Spun, carried,
All the girls to the right
All the boys to the left.
Children are divided into two teams.

4. Relay "Jump-jump"
At the instructor's word "Island", the team members jump forward in a chain one after another, at the word "Ocean" - backward. The team that quickly jumped to the other side of the hall wins.

5. Relay "Let's clear the tracks from the snow"
Snowflakes are scattered throughout the hall.
The instructor -
All around it is white,
All the paths are covered with snow
Children, help
Clear snow from the paths.
Each team member runs, takes a snowflake and runs back to the team, puts the snowflake in the basket.

6. "Funny Penguins"
Teams are given a large fake snowball, which participants must clamp with their feet at ankle level. At the signal of the "Penguin" instructor, the first participants jump, for example, to a snowflake, trying not to drop the snowball.

Final part:
7. Outdoor game "Penguins with a ball"
Opposite each team, the landmark is a high cube. The first participants receive the balls by holding them between their knees, jump to the cube, take the ball and, after running around the landmark, each return to their team and pass the ball to the next. It is necessary to jump without losing the ball; the loser must again clamp the ball with his feet and start jumping from the place where the ball was lost.

8. Exercise "Cold - hot"- tension and relaxation of the muscles of the trunk.
A cold north wind has blown - children are cringing into lumps,
The sun came out - the children are relaxing.

The results of the competition are summed up
The instructor -
Thank you children for the trip, and where we visited, who are the penguins, you liked it.
Children line up one after another and leave the hall.

Lesson "About penguins"

purpose: - to acquaint children with the peculiarities of the life of penguins in Antarctica.

Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about penguins.

Course of the lesson:

Penguin riddle

In Antarctica among the ice

Day by day in a tailcoat

There are wings, but it does not fly,

He dives into the ice-hole,

Very important lord

It minces here ... (penguin)

Yes, guys, today in our lesson we will open another page of the beautiful from our amazing natural world that surrounds us.

Dear guys, what do you already know about penguins?

(children's answers).

We also know verses about penguins:

(read poetry)

The verse "About penguins"

Friendly people in Antarctica Penguins,

They are collective and united in everything:

In formation the Penguins go to lunch,

In chorus yelling in - penguins "Hello"!

All as one together jump into the water

Together they have fun and get angry.

Together they sit down to hatch eggs

Together they scold their penguins,

Praise or scold each other.

All as one read nothing

All as one never fly.

All as one take root among the ice floes.

All as one bear the name - Penguin.

"About penguins"

They cling to the shore of the steep cold.

Blizzard builds blue cities.

The wind rushes through the snow like a dog

Because the frost stings his nose.

Even ice is not used to this weather,

And the ice continent is bursting at the seams.

But penguins, and penguins do not care:

Antarctica is a warm home for penguins.

In black tailcoats, in white T-shirts all year round

This amazing people are walking.

Look: dads and moms are in a hurry,

Penguins are taken to kindergarten.


At the south pole, among many ice floes,

Lives clumsy, feathered - penguin.

The bird is really very funny:

She swims quickly, but does not fly.

Waddling, spreading her wings,

On the ice, all the penguins are a huge flock.

They don't make nests - there are no trees on the ice!

How do penguins breed kids?

You can't just sit on the pole

Frosts there are about ninety degrees!

They contrived! Penguin dads.

An egg with a chick is worn on top of the paws,

Hiding from the cold under the folds of fat.

There will be enough warmth for his "passenger"!

Here are some beautiful poems dedicated to this bird.

What else would you like to know about these birds

(children's answers: How long do they live? How tall are they, how much do they weigh? How is it that they carry a baby on top of their paws? And how do they not freeze their paws in such frost?)

I am very glad that you are interested in the life of these beautiful birds.

Well, today in our lesson you will find answers to all your questions, but for this you need to be ... attentive in the lesson.

So, are you ready?

Guys, let's look at pictures of penguins, what they are in nature.

(Children express their opinion about the appearance of penguins)

Now I invite you to watch the presentation on penguins.

Physical minute. Song about penguins

White and black penguins

Far visible on the ice floes,

How they play together

We need to show it.

Protruded their palms

And they jumped a little,

And suddenly they saw the walrus

We raised our hands

And they walked onto the piece of ice.

Now imagine that you and I got to the island, which is located near Antarctica, together with an expedition studying the life of penguins (expedition - a trip of a group of people with some special task)

We are going to shoot a children's film "Children about Animals", which will help all children learn why penguins are amazing birds.

But guys, before we set off with you, I must confess to you that today I received a letter from Antarctica. The penguin Yasha is writing to you. In the letter, he writes that he sent you a surprise from the cold Antarctica, but before you receive it, you must carefully watch the film, and then answer the questions that he sent in the letter. Ready?

Viewing a film about the life of penguins.

Questions from the envelope?

2. How much does a penguin weigh?

3. What does the penguin eat?

5. Tell us how penguins appear in the icy Antarctica of penguins?

9. Did you like our lesson?

Penguin Yasha has sent you his drawings in which he tells how he spends his time.

(cut pictures must be folded)

Here's what we did, they tell about what they saw in the picture.

Guys, you did a good job with Yasha's assignment and he gives you the treats he sent you.

(candy, ice cream ..)

Until next time, guys in other interesting corners of our planet!

1.How tall is the emperor penguin?

2. How much does a penguin weigh?

3. What does the penguin eat?

4. The mainland where penguins are predominantly inhabited?

5. Tell us how penguins appear in icy Antarctica


6. What did the penguins come up with so as not to freeze during severe winds and frosts?

7. Why don't they freeze their paws?

8. Why does the penguin go to the wreck?

9. You liked our lesson?

Natalia Reshetnikova
Vasiliev Day according to the scenario "We are penguins"

Vasiliev Day

Staging a song« Penguins» .

Scene"We penguins»

1 Penguin... What is the South Pole known for?

The fact that the South Pole is blizzard.

Ice floes covered the ground there,

And they live on penguins.

2 Penguin... These birds do not fly

But they want to fly

And for a long time at dawn

They look low into the sky. (V. Sibirtsev)

3 Penguin... In Antarctica, where there is snow

There is winter, winter, winter!

Even in summer there is winter!

Leading. It's true? Penguins... Yes Yes Yes!

4 Penguin... In Antarctica, where the frost is, who will not freeze his nose?

Penguins... we penguins! we penguins! We are swinging on an ice floe!

Penguins... Yes! Yes! Yes!

5 Penguin... In Antarctica, where there is snow

He and I are very friendly.

We live very amicably

And we are sailing on an ice floe.

Leading. In Antarctica, where is winter? It's true!

Penguins... Yes! Yes! Yes!

6 Penguin... In Antarctica, oh, trouble!

Oh, steep banks!

We boldly jump down

Fish, fish - a prize for all of us!

Leading. In Antarctica, where is the snow? It's true! Penguins... Yes! Yes! Yes!

7 Penguin... We don't make nests in Antarctica,

Snow and ice - this is our home.

Even though it's cold here.

We invite you to visit.

Leading. To Antarctica, where is the snow? It's true!

Penguins... Yes! Yes! Yes!

8 Penguin... We are like ostriches

By the fact that we don't fly too,

But then we dive like that ...

We surprise scuba divers.

Leading. In Antarctica, where it's winter. It's true! Penguins... Yes! Yes! Yes!

9 Penguin... We love fun very much.

Songs, dances and movement

And so everyone is waiting

Happy New Year!

Leading. In Antarctica, where it's winter. It's true!

Penguins... Yes! Yes! Yes!

Song "New Year at the Gates" Children sit down

Leading. Hello dear guests! Winter is not only the most expensive time of the year, but also the richest in holidays. One of them is New Year's christmastide: Vasilyev's day or, as the people call it, the Old New Year. Here we are today with you, with the children of the kindergarten "Spring" let's try to imagine how they celebrated in Russia Vasiliev day or Old New Year.

The holiday begins!

My dear guests,

Elderly and Young!

We got together for a conversation,

We got together for some fun.

1st child. As once our great-grandfathers,

Well, with them and great-grandmothers.

2nd child. We came to the merry Christmastide,

To songs by the whole world and riddles.

3rd child. And what is Christmas time?

4th child. This holiday is the longest.

It's fun and old-fashioned.

Our ancestors drank, ate,

We had fun for two weeks.

5th child. From Christmas to Epiphany,

Having prepared a treat,

They sang different carols

We went to the yards on Christmastide.

6th child. Dressed up and joked

The holiday was expected and loved.

So let's go now

We will meet him with us.

Enter carollers with a star. They go and sing "We sow, we weave."

Costumed. We sow, we sow, we sow,

Happy New Year.

Happiness will be your mountain

The harvest is big.

7th child. If you have oats,

To grow by two meters.

Ugly wheat you have,

Both peas and lentils.

8th child. So that there are a lot of guests

Been in the house for a whole year!

There is always a pie on the table.

Lungs-lungs are dear to you!

Educator. Fortunately, for health, for a new summer, give birth, God, rye, wheat and all arable fields. God bless you, God bless him, so that rye is born, falls into the threshing floor itself, from an octopus ear, from a half-grain pie - the length of an ax, the width of a mitten!

Why not please us with a fun dance?

Performed "Dance of the Birds"

Leading. Since ancient times, people have seen off the old year with a kind word, trying to forget about all their failures and troubles. All bad things were left in the old year, and, meeting the new year, they expected that it would bring them prosperity, fulfillment of desires, wealth, good friends. Before the New Year holidays, young men and women gathered for games and get-togethers: sang songs, danced, played. Let's take a look at such a party too. Children line up in a semicircle.

Round dances are performed: "If the tree blooms with lights"

After the song they sit down

Leading. Dear guests, listen and see how penguins live somewhere in this world ...

Song "Somewhere in this world"

A Russian folk melody sounds. A girl in a Russian sarafan enters.

Girl. All the girls under the window

They wondered late in the evening.

"If I were a queen, -

One girl says, -

Then there would be one for the whole world

I would knit canvases. "

"If I were a queen, -

Her sister says, -

Then for the whole baptized world

I would prepare a feast ... "

Somehow the stars in the sky, like millet, crumbled.

And if the sky is starry at Christmas, there will be a rich offspring of cattle and a lot of berries ... But shouldn't we, girls, tell fortunes? Do you want to know your future, your betrothed? At Christmas, the girls wondered, predicted fate.

Why not tell fortunes? Let's sit back and start ...

They turn off the light, light candles, take out the table ...

Leading. And now we will play and have fun!

A game "Baba Yaga's panicles".

Children stand in a circle and pass the whisk while the music plays. Who, after the end of the music, the broomstick remained in his hands, to solve the riddle about winter.

1. Sleep in summer and run in winter. (sleigh)

2. Uphill a piece of wood, downhill - a horse. (sleigh)

3. They hid their little ones in furry bags, Four together, one on a pole. (hand in a mitten)

4. Egorka is walking - a white fur coat. (snow)

5. We looked in the window - there is a white cloth. (snow)

6. Crackling, vigorous, paved the bridge; I ran through the courtyards, painted all the windows. (frost)

7. I am water and on water I also swim. (ice)

8. Walks in the field, but not a horse,

It flies free, but not a bird. (blizzard, blizzard)

Leading. And also on Vasiliev dayThe mummers walked around, the people were amused.

A game "Running in hats".

Three teams of 8 people play. Each team has a hat. Children put on their hats and run around the pins, at the finish they pass the hat to the next player.

Leading. And the holiday ended with general fun

A game « Penguin kindergarten»

Children stand in a circle. Rattles are played to the music. The music stops, those who have rattles in their hands go out into a circle. Then a melody sounds, who stands in the center of the circle - dance, and who in a circle - clap. The game is repeated 4 times.