Family holidays and traditions. What are family traditions and what are they

Each family has its own characteristics, likes to gather in a certain place and pay time to joint hobbies. All this is called traditions. They are transmitted from older generations younger and serve as an indispensable attribute to create a trustwater warm atmosphere in the house. It is through family customs that you can feel the connection of generations, continuity in time. Thanks to them in each family there is their own indescribable atmosphere of love, understanding and spiritual heat.

What are family traditions: examples

What do we understand under family traditions? First of all, this is a certain activity that the family is engaged in jointly. It may be a celebration of significant dates, a common table collection, family dinner, joint travel trips and on vacation, reading fairy tales to children for the night, collective games, hiking to church, cooking cookies for Christmas or new year and much more. All these actions incredibly unite the family. Thanks to them, each person feels significant. In addition, such customs make a significant contribution to the upbringing of children.

What are family traditions and holidays

One of the basic traditions present in all families without exception is a significant date. Historically, all important events need to meet in a circle of their family, with the most native people. This is the birth of children, and the wedding, and the New Year, and Easter and other holidays. Of course, for each culture and country they are a little different. But, perhaps, one of the main solemn events in all countries is considered to be a birthday. Often this festival is fraught with a lush table, treats, inviting guests, gifts, wishes, kind words and, of course, a cake with candles.

No less important holidays are nationwide: New Year, Christmas, Easter, Day of family, love and loyalty, the first of May. We all know that the traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russian families are largely similar. Reasonable attributes are sparkling champagne and Salad "Olivier", gifts, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. New Year is an incredibly spiritual and kind holiday. The day when the children who sent letters by Santa Claus, are waiting for gifts with fading hearts, and the whole family is going to have a festive table. Other traditions are characterized for other celebrations. For example, for Easter - this is a joint manufacturing of easteries and painting eggs, for the May holidays - this is departing the city on a picnic and kebabs.

Do not forget about such important events that it is worth noting in a family circle, like getting a diploma, raising, nameman and engagement.

But besides festive traditions, there are those that are performed daily and become an important part of the family's life. For example, a game with a child. Fun parents with children are needed not only for the development of its abilities, but also to establish closer and trusting relations between them. It is necessary that both parents take part in such games. It will be great if you highlight certain hours from your day to educational entertainment. Let the dad teach the boy to play the ball, and mom can help the girl to invent outfits for dolls. All this perfectly contributes to the development of the child.

If you return to the question of children, it is worth noting that an equally important point is reading a child. Read the fairy tales for the night of the baby was taken over the centuries. It can be said that this is a tradition that has passed to us from distant ancestors. Thanks to the fairy tales, you help the child to develop fantasy and figurative thinking, to know the world. It also uses it to establish a mode. The reading of the fairy tale acts on the child who is lulling, and he falls asleep without any problems. In general, it soothes children and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

Be sure to pay attention to the tradition of walking with the whole family. This is physically active, helping children to develop correctly, and adults remain in shape. The walk is conjugate with communication and visiting new places. Therefore, it can become a very fascinating family time. A visit to cultural places such as museums, theaters, movies, concerts and festivals contributes to the same, and the spiritual enrichment of family members.

Not all nations have been accepted so close contacts. However, it is worth noting that kisses with close people bear an exceptionally positive effect on a person. At least two kisses per day: in the morning and before bedtime significantly increase the mood, make us happier and get closer to relatives even more. Especially if the child is cared, he can grow closed in himself. Therefore, it is better not to avoid the tradition of kissing and hugging those who love.

Next to the queue Tradition - a joint vacation. This is an opportunity to have a fascinating time together, visit new places and learn something useful, significantly expand the horizons.

In religious families there are special traditions. If we turn to Orthodoxy, it is worth noting a visit to the Church on Sundays or special holidays, adherence to the post, reading the Bible and much more.

What values \u200b\u200bare based on family traditions

Family customs are based on such eternal values \u200b\u200bas care for near, loyalty, love, respect for each other and much more. Ignoring or disregarding traditions leads to the weakening of related links, cooling relations inside the family.

Note that customs play a significant role in raising children, putting them the right values, for example, respect for the elders. And family well-being, as you know, is one of the main components of a happy human life.

Family traditions of different countries and peoples of the world

Family traditions for many peoples are similar, but each culture is inherent in something special, characteristic norms formed under the influence of history, geography of residence, faith and climate. It is for that we want to draw your attention.

Family cultural traditions in Russia: history and modernity

Russia is a country known for its colorful customs. One of the main traditions that existed for a long time, and, unfortunately, not so relevant in the 21st century, is the respect of their ancestors. In Russia, people tremblely appreciated and protected the pedigree, their family tree and knew where they had, who were their ancestors. Moreover, in the sign of the continuity of generations of children was often called in honor of older relatives. It was also customary to transmit any valuable subject, for example, decoration from generation to generation.

Today, such respect for the ancestors is already difficult to meet. Modern Russians remember their pedigree only within two or three generations. In general, the knowledge of its own genealogic tree is now a rarity.

However, some traditions have been preserved in Russia to this day. For example, joint holidays and food techniques are still very popular. Moreover, among certain nationalities of the country, the oldest rites are reported. As an example, you can recall the Kuban, where there is a Cossack life, a Cossack family with its own characteristics and traditions.

Traditions in Germany

It is known that the Germans are famous for their love for order and accuracy. Therefore, for a family from Germany, such traditions are characterized as a thorough cleaning of the house to the whole family, guiding beauty in it, saving the family budget, laying savings for a large purchase or travel.

As in other European countries, one of the main holidays in Germany is Christmas. This is the same family celebration as the new year in Russia. On this day, it is customary that all family members are going to at the festive table and spent time together in a cozy home setting.

It is worth noting that in Germany parents, as a rule, do not give their children to the care of grandparents. They are not accepted that the elderly relatives live in one house with their children and grandchildren.

In England

Among other traditions, you can note the celebration of Christmas in a family circle, conjugate with the preparation of traditional dishes. As for life, the British is made to give children a good, high-quality education.

In France

The French, in the main mass, Catholics. Therefore, religious holidays, such as Christmas, are incredibly important for them. In addition, in France, they love to gather behind a common table on a family lunch or dinner, drinking wine, there is cheese, especially on weekends. For holidays, children are customary to come to the house to their parents.

Particular attention to the French pay food, often making it with the whole family. Combined dishes on the table are cheeses, seafood and fua-gras. Also, France is famous for its stunning desserts.

In India

Another country that holy honors its traditions is India. There is still a custom system here, when society is divided into certain classes depending on the status. Therefore, a wedding tradition becomes of particular importance. The choice of the future satellite of life is very responsible, attracting the help of all relatives. In most cases, parents themselves decide for whom it is worth marrying and to marry their children, how to organize a wedding. As for the marriage of people from different castes, this phenomenon is rare, and is not welcome in Indian society. Weddings in India are celebrated with a special scale that kinda is also a tradition.

Great influence on the behavior of spouses are religious postulates. According to them, a man should be faithful to his wife, respect her, to keep a family, teach children with useful skills, and in the future to solve their fate for marriage. As for the woman, its role is, of course, in the birth and raising children, the performance of homework. It should also be faithful, understanding and soft, help her husband and respect him.

Traditions of Tatars

Tatars confess Muslim. Therefore, Islam had great importance on their traditions. According to Tatar traditions, a man has great rights compared to a woman, you can even say that it receives a certain power over it. The husband provides a family, and the wife is engaged in the economy, raising and raising children. She cannot afford to attend some places without escorting her spouse. In addition, the divorce from Muslims is extremely rare phenomenon, the initiator of which a woman cannot become the initiator.

What family traditions are important in raising children

Family customs need to bring up in a person since childhood, and therefore it is necessary to pay great attention to communicating with children. Remember that traditions are transmitted from generation to generation. Among the necessary for the child should be noted reading fairy tales for the night, singing before bedtime, kisses and arms, joint travel and vacation, walks, active and educational games. Be sure to instill children respect for the eldest and their pedigree. And to consolidate such values, it should be regularly assembled on family holidays in the house of grandparents, visit their relatives.

Each family has its own indescribable atmosphere of love, understanding and spiritual heat. Children born in families adopt this atmosphere. How does she occur? Such a halo in the family creates family traditions, customs or family leisure laws. Often such laws take their roots from the family feet of previous generations - they are strong and unshakable. Thanks to them, a sense of reliability of family relationships is created, there is a strong connection between family members, close and trusting relationships are supported, children feel the stability of the family.

What are family traditions: examples

Family traditions are regularly repetitive actions of family members aimed at cohesion of intra-family relationships and strengthening a family as the main basis of society. Traditions are an indispensable attribute of family happiness and well-being, reflecting the moral position of all family members. Each family is individual and has its own history. Family customs allow all members to feel their significance, to pay time and attention to their relatives, to show respect and love for them.

Examples of traditions: joint holidays, thematic lunches on weekends, trips to rest with the whole family, reading fairy tales to children before bedtime or singing lullabies, visiting the Church on Sundays or religious holidays, writing children by letters Santa Claus for the new year, baking by household kulichs for Easter, Joint adoption of food and many others. Watch a video about family customs of famous people:

What are family traditions and holidays

  • Holding family holidays. This tradition of its roots leaves for a distant past - for centuries it was customary to hold holidays in a family circle with relatives, close people. The main one holiday should be called a birthday. In most families, it is customary to invite guests to the guest house on this day, to cover the festive table, give gifts a birthday party and certainly blend candles at a festive cake, guessing the desire. Family holidays include weddings, the birth of children, baptism, etc.

  • Conducting nationwide holidays. They belong to all the favorite holiday - New Year. Most families practice the custom of holding it together behind a large table, with the traditional Salat "Olivier" and champagne for our country. Children write letters by Santa Claus, in which they ask the desired gifts. Many families celebrate Easter, baked cakes and lighting them in the church. Among the nationwide holidays traditionally celebrated World Workers Day - May 1. For this holiday, most families leave for a picnic and prepare meat dishes on the mangal.

  • Games with children. It is important that both parents participate in the education of the child playing with him. During the games, the child will know the world, acquires new skills, increases its physical and intellectual level. For example, according to custom, Mom every Saturday teaches a child to play chess, and dad is playing with his son to football on the Sundays. Children love stability, so try not to disturb the customs.

  • Reading fairy tales before bedtime. This is the most important tradition in raising children, because fairy tales allow the child to develop an imagination, know the world. In addition, the daily reading of fairy tales before bedtime produces a certain way to sleep in a child. Even if the child is too small to understand the meaning of the read, the calm and measured voice of the mother or dad will be calming on it. Such an evening ritual will calm even the most active children, contributing to a good strong sleep.

  • Walking with the whole family. For the development of the physical abilities of the child, and maintaining their own, it is important to make joint walks. During such a walk, it is necessary to communicate, you can consider sights. In order to attach spiritual values \u200b\u200bto the whole family to attend movies, theaters, museums, exhibitions. Such campaigns are able to expand the horizons and increase the cultural level of the family as a whole.

  • Tradition kisses. To create an atmosphere of love, it is important to kiss their relatives and relatives more often. It is advisable to kiss children at least twice a day - in the morning, when they woke up, in the evening - before bedtime. More frequent kisses and hugs are only welcome, even with an adult child, because with lack of caress, children grow worm. Also importantly wish to all his native good night before the night bed and good morning, waking up.
  • Joint trips to rest. Do not underestimate this type of leisure, because most psychologists to maintain good relationships are recommended to regularly change the situation. The main thing is to visit new cities and countries to all together to distract from the routine and life, expand their horizons.

  • Orthodox traditions. These include joint visit to the Church on the Orthodox Holidays or every Sunday, the celebration of Christmas and Easter, the observance of the post, the baptism of children, the reading of the Bible, prayer before bedtime, regular visits to the deceased relatives.

What values \u200b\u200bare based on family traditions

Family traditions generate and raise important values \u200b\u200bin people: love for the family, respect for their relatives, care for loved ones, the correct understanding of the family and its role in life. Failure to comply with family customs and obstacles can lead to a weakening of links between its members, to the destruction of family bonds. Even the cell of the society in which love reigns will not be able to exist without certain important and pleasant customs, for example, joint leisure.

Traditions strengthen in children a sense of gratitude to their parents, as well as to grandmothers and grandfathers, putting respect for the elder generation. Spouses of customs give the feeling of inviolability, the stability of family relationships. L.N. Tolstoy said: "Happy one who is happy at home is happy." A person living in a family, a talking tradition, will definitely be surrounded by care, love, warmth and tenderness. In such a person, family well-being must be transferred to other areas of life.

Family traditions of different countries and peoples of the world

Each people have their own special traditions related to all areas of life, and especially the family. This is primarily due to the fact that every people or the country has their own special geography, location, climate, history, unique culture, adheres to different religions. All these factors affect the formation of cultural and family customs. Family traditions, in turn, form worldview and attitude to life. Such family stackers exist for centuries, practically without changing, moving from the senior family members to the younger.

Family cultural traditions in Russia history and modernity

If you turn to the story, the existence of many traditions in Russia will become apparent. It has long been genealogy on the main family custom in Russia - in previous times, it was considered indecent not to know a kind, and the expression "Ivan, without remembering the kinship" was an insult. An integral part of the family text was the preparation of a pedigree or genealogical tree. Also known such traditions of the Russian people as the transfer of valuable things from generation to generation and a child's complaint with the name in honor of one of the respected ancestors.

In modern Russia, the meaning of family customs was somewhat lost. For example, now infrequently meet the family leading its own genealogy. Often the memory of generations comes down to the album with photos. But there are such excellent traditions as a joint trapes and joint holidays. Family customs and traditions in Kuban still suggest the Cossack life, the upbringing of children in the spirit of the Cossack family.

Traditions in Germany

There is a stereotype that the Germans are extremely pedantic. The most stringent traditions in the Germans are family:

  • it is customary to relate to his home as carefully, carefully removing it and hovering beauty in it;
  • it is not customary to leave grandchildren to upbringing a grandmother or grandfather - for this it is necessary to determine the sum of money;
  • parents in old age do not live with children - they look after nurses or they live in special pensions;
  • at Christmas, it is customary to meet with the whole family in the parent house;
  • germans are calculating and economical, so they have a tradition to postpone savings on old age, during which they usually travel a lot around the world.

In England

The British tradition is three whales on which the Earth is holding, so they honor them with a special trembling. Who does not know about the notorious English custom of drinking tea? Family fees and discussions are necessarily held for a cup of real Earl Gray with milk. The British are Catholics, so they are especially celebrating Christmas and Thanksgiving Day, going to the whole family, preparing traditional dishes. An excellent tradition of the British needs to be called the custom of giving children a good education. It is considered a bad tone not to send a child to learn from a private boarding school or college.

In France

In France, a custom is widespread - on Sundays to gather behind a common table, drink wine and trapes. From the holidays, the French love to celebrate Christmas, gathering in the parent house. At the festive banquet, there are such delicacies such as fua-gras, salmon, seafood, snail-isariot and noble cheeses. The traditional drink for Christmas is champagne, and dessert - "Christmas Polane".

In India

India is the country of strictest family customs and traditions. The Indian society is divided into social castes, so the question of marriage is approached extremely unusual. Father of the family should choose the future groom for her daughter, her married only for the representative of his social caste. The magnificent celebration of the wedding is rather the duty than the desire. The bride has traditionally had to provide the dowry. Divorces and repeated marriages in India were previously prohibited.

The traditions of Buddhists have a great influence on Indian family life. According to them, a man should:

  • Show respect to the spouse.
  • Do not change.
  • Provide a family.
  • Teach children craft.
  • Select a suitable pair of children.

Woman should:

  • Respect your husband.
  • To raise children.
  • Perform all home duties.
  • Do not change your husband.
  • Perform all wishes of the spouse.

Traditions of Tatars

Tatars - Muslims, therefore, family injections are based on Sharia and Quran. The Tatar has a family creation is considered a necessity dictated by religion. Interestingly, after making a marriage, the husband gets full power over his wife, and the wife is in his dependency - it does not even have the right to get out of the house without the consent of her husband. Divorces from the Tatars occur extremely rarely exclusively at the initiative of her husband. Children accepted to raise his wife, but they are obliged to show full obedience to the Father.

What family traditions are important in raising children

Family customs play a crucial role in raising children. It is extremely difficult to vaccinate the tradition of an adult person, so there is a frequent phenomenon to be transmitted from generation to generation from parents to children. Children perceive the world as their parents do, therefore the perception of the family of families depends on pleasant family customs as the main element of his life, as well as determining its place in the value system.

Family reading will be useful before bedtime, singing the lullabies, kisses at every meeting, joint lunches, walks. They define the concept of stability, the inviolability of family styles, give the feeling of cohesion, make children more gentle and affectionate. It is also important to instill the custom from childhood to respect and honor their ancestors, regularly visiting them on holidays.

Proverbs and poems on family traditions

There are many instructive proverbs about family customs and traditions:

  • "What is the treasure when in the family of the way".
  • "Children are not in tightness, but in joy."
  • "When sunshine warm, with a good mother."
  • "It's not that mother that gave birth to, and the one that grown."
  • "The family is strong when there is one roof over it."
  • "The whole family together and the soul in place."
  • "The tree is rooted, and the family is family."
  • "If the granddaughters of May and the fairy tales know."
  • "Do not hide your favors from parents."
  • "Parents of honor - you will not betray from the true path."
  • "In the family where you help each other, trouble is not terrible."

Poems about the family, as well as traditions, look at the photo below:

Family traditions are one of the most important aspects of everyone's life, so it is so important to cultivate them in every way, to support. Family life without traditions would be boring. Fine when young families themselves, relying on the experience of the family life of their parents, adding their personal moments to them. The main goal is rapprochement with the other members of the relatives, building a strong reliable family, as well as enjoying communication with family loved ones. Be happy!

Loneliness is the worst condition. A person is deprived of many joys, which are from family people - no one is waiting for the houses, the holidays turn on weekdays, he is not familiar with the pre-New Year's fuss, and no one will bring him a birthday cake in the morning.

But hard to get a beautiful family, everything changes. And the main thing - family traditions appear: some sacrament that cannot be broken. And I do not want, because they are pleasant, and not in a burden.

But! Some nuances can be nervous. Let's talk about the advantages and minuses of family traditions.

Standard traditions

Family people are not attended for a second that they are daily or on holidays they make some rituals that are inaliencies in their family, however, as in many. Even the wish of "quiet sleep" or "pleasant appetite" is also an imperceptible daily tradition. But what are they?

Joint dinner

Breakfasts on the run, dinners, the mistakes - who at work, who is in the kindergarten and study, but in the evening the whole family falls in the same table.

This is a wonderful tradition, uniting the younger and older generation. This is a short time when each family member can tell you what happened to him in the day, consult, complain, to laugh.

This is a little later, everyone runs through the rooms for their affairs. But the family tradition is not violated - everyone has found half an hour to unite.

You can only regret those families where such a good joint dinner does not exist - it means there are no confidence among households or a special love.


The method of their upbringing is also a family tradition. The younger generation most often takes these methods from their parents, and when they themselves are seized by children, try to raise them in the same way as they themselves sometime. It seems logical: everyone considers itself a good person, and therefore it is confident that the upbringing was correct.

But also often there are disagreements, for example, the father of this opinion:

I was punished with a belt and put the knees into the corner! So I grew up a peasant!

Mother objects:

What an angle, what a belt, what a pea! You only need to talk with children, you can't even shout on them!

And so to solve this dispute, wise grandparents and grandparents come to the revenue, sorry their grandchildren and looking for a balance between the whip and gingerbread. Everything is solved traditionally - in the family circle, not Vinny, neither teachers or the environmental environment of the baby.

Only if young parents are offended by their ancestors for their difficult childhood, then they no longer want to repeat their mistakes. Grandparents are not taken into account, a new, kind tradition of education is created, finding a compromise between adults and children.

Hospitality and holidays

What a rare phenomenon in the modern world - hiking. It is much easier now to include a computer and meet with your relatives and friends, for example, on Skype, even if you live on the next street. And what is very convenient. Do not stand at the stove, cover the table. What saving time and money! "CHOK" a glass of webcam after a toast - and the holiday was a success.

But a low bow to those families who still observe the tradition of a family feast with relatives and friends. Moreover, the welcoming owners clearly distinguish between - when, how and with whom the holidays.

For example, the new year is noted according to custom only with family: as a rule, three generations: children, parents, grandparents. Salads, Christmas tree, sweets, gifts, champagne. And only in the following days it is customary to walk on guests or invite friends and relatives.

Hiking under the city Christmas tree, walks at the fairs, views, various walks - also an integral tradition of many families. Yes, it's hard to imagine that you can break this custom, because the chance to miss entertainment for a long time vacation will be very offensive.

On March 8, men are told by the apron, the birthday whirlpools the birthday, on Easter the eggs, for the holidays, the hostess prepares his best branded dish - all these elements of annual traditions that are fulfilled as it were, usually, but always with some ceremony.


Unlike gifts prepared to friends and acquaintances for some celebration, the family is customary to give them according to the principle of "all in the house" and "according to the budget". Gifts for children on New Year's Eve from the business of frost give in each family in different ways, according to tradition:

    Coming "Sam" Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden and gives a child toys and sweets in return for a rhyme or a song. This tradition was distributed in Soviet times, because religion in those days was not welcomed.

    At night, parents put gifts under the Christmas tree. This custom is found most often. Or as an option - in the sock or shoe. True, this tradition in other countries is fulfilled by Christmas, but in Russia they love more, of course, the new year.

    Many children, again, Soviet times remember another tradition in the family for the New Year. Just waking up in the morning, the pillow was thrown in Braza - it was there that was waiting for the long-awaited gift. Or near the pillow, if it is voluminous. This custom is rooted on the day of St. Nicholas (December 19), but in the USSR, many families equated to New Year's Eve.

But the most interesting gifts from the kids themselves. Usually, children give the parents of the postcards, which themselves deactivate, or crafts-homemakes. And this is what the family tradition is - it is these ridiculous baubles and "Kalyaki-Malyaki" on the sheets of paper is stored for years, while the child itself becomes a parent.

Joint leisure and entertainment

A strong and loving family does not tolerate separation. Even a short time of parting with one of the households embroods the usual rhythm of the whole family. Therefore, one of the best traditions is to relax together.

Rest on the sea, picnic in the meadow, kebabs at the cottage - all in the collection, everyone's fun, all are busy (or on the contrary - it is idle), and it does not happen that "she is there one staying there, and we hire here in the city." Or vice versa: "What a pity that I am alone here, and my relatives do not see this beauty around me."

Joint hiking in the cinema, theater, Circus is an excellent family tradition. Generations There are something to discuss when the view saw everything: the opinion of everyone is taken into account and analyzed, there are disputes, but this is what mutual understanding between the elders and the younger.

Almost every family has its own traditions that they hold. They themselves invented themselves - follow themselves, and he would very much wish that their traditions move their traditions to the next generation. But they will adhere to or not - the business is the master. Here are some examples:

    Young spouses decided on the wedding day to surprise everyone and jump with a parachute. Surprised! But they liked it so much that they gave themselves a promise - to celebrate each anniversary with parachute jumps. And do not change their tradition ever.

    A family that loves nature and extreme hikes decided: "In the firebox" all these villas and felting on the coast, we will conquer something every vacation. Mountains or stormy rivers on alloys, and if it turns out, then in the Arctic we fly. No sooner said than done.

    No boring holidays! Why it is for the new year to be in costumes? You can make any celebration original. For example, arrange the thematic evenings with appropriate dishes on holidays. Here I wanted to make it at home Italy - in the menu Pizza and Spaghetti, the daughter suddenly became Malvina, and the son of Pinocchio. And in the summer, we will go to my father's birthday and play a primitive tribe by a fire with a piece of meat on a spit.

    In the family a meager budget, and no one canceled gifts? It does not matter, but at mom's mom will always stand in a vase a bouquet of wild flowers from dad. And to the father's anniversary, the whole family will prepare theatrical scene. She will be recorded on the camera, and memory will remain instead of trinkets.

Family dynasties

No, it's not about the kings and queen. We are talking about profession. Grandfather was a military man, father, too, then grandson should go according to their traditions. Or all in the family of doctors, and whoever is born, he simply must be in a white coat when he grows.

On the one hand, it is right - raising in the family of experienced professionals, a child as a sponge absorbs their skills. All features and special terms are understood - literally "raw material" in candidates for this field. But on the other hand, the child may be uninteresting such work and even hated by the prospect of the future.

For example, the boy is tired of this Mistra Father's Mistra in the family. And from him they want to make an officer, they shove in the Cadet School. Well, how is the tradition, dynasty! And the boy, by the way, a talented artist, and instead of a machine he wants to keep a brush in his hands. This is the minus of the family dynasty.

Holding to this tradition, the main thing is to take into account the desire of the child. So that it does not work out, as in the reasoning of the White Bear:

That's strange, my grandfather had a polar bear and lived in the Arctic. Dad was also a white bear and also lived in the Arctic. Why is it so painfully cold here?

"Them" moral and religion

Very often, young girls and women dream of getting married only for a foreigner. Someone sees himself a wife of a respectable American, someone goes crazy from oriental fairy tales and represents herself a sheherzade in the marriage bed with a black handsome. But such a bride goes to his cute and understands that the ending of a terrible fairy tale. Because nothing has come true - neither mentality, nor faith or tradition.

Here are some examples of family traditions of different countries:


Well, not everything is so bad, except that there is no so warm and tremendous attitude towards each family member, depending on the age, which we have. The attitude towards children's education sometimes seems strange: encouraged "knocking", for example. And the independence of adult Chad is in the first place - the parents almost personally collect the suitcase of their offspring so that it is self-made in life. In general, on the one hand, it is even plus.

Not accepted grandparents to nurse with grandchildren, as they do in our families. There are special services with coming babysitters. By the way, with sick old men in families, too, especially not ceremony - there are nursing homes on it. Accommodation is very expensive there. But we must pay tribute that the conditions are there, as in our best sanatoriums.


It seems like we must be close to mentality with the Europeans. But there are rattles in every family hut:

    In Scandinavia countries, it is forbidden to punish children - services will be taken away and the eye is not blinking. This is especially true of Russian mammies. Even a small bruise or a child's complaint to the aggression on the part of parents is an excellent reason to remove the Chado from the family forever.

    In the UK, it is not customary to exercise stormy feelings. Hence the legends about the English "coldness". With small nails, children are taught to restrain emotions.

    If a woman's slope, then she is not a place in a German family. Pedantic Germans love order all: in the house, in affairs, in personal life. By the way, grandmothers there are also far from the grocery to the visits of grandchildren. Want to leave the grandson to parents - pay them.

    In Italy, there is no problem "Mother-in-law - Snow". There everything solves the mother-in-law, and nor give God the daughter-in-law of something against Mother's mother. The same moms and Jewish men. Mom is the head of the family!

Countries of East

Usually in these countries, parents choose the bride for their son, but if Slavs did everything to get into a Muslim family with strict rules, then be good:

    Observe all the customs of the family and take their faith.

    Dreaming jewels from her husband you can shine only at home.

    It is allowed to go out on the street only at the order of her husband.

    Feast - for men, woman place in the kitchen.

    "He head to hurt" from sex you should not. By the way, forget about many carnal pleasures, as sex is assumed only for conception.

    Do not learn the Koran, do not read prayers and inspect for other men - be good, out of the house! Without your children.

There is nothing more important than the family in life. All this knows, but today the values \u200b\u200bchanged. The family of the family is degrades, the statistics of a percentage of divorces for the first three years of the collaborative life exceeded 50%.

Just think: more than 50% of all pairs will break down in the first three years. This suggests that the new generation does not appreciate the family.

People have become more free, the visibility of democracy and debauchery of the Western valuable system made people irresponsible. We live in a world where people stopped seeing the main thing.

Family values, traditions, small joy of living together: This is what the unions are strong, marriages - durable, and at home - cozy.

Family traditionally divide for several varieties.

Family tradition table:

Category Description Traditions
Dates Features of the celebration of birthdays, memorable dates, commemoration of deceased relatives For the day of the first dating, the couples can come to the very cafe. The birthdays of each family member can begin with a traditional song. Valentine's Day can be celebrated grandiose, end by passionate night
Distribution of duties Traditionally, in families, certain responsibilities are secretly fixed by one of the family members. Mandatory festive lunch on Sunday, who prepares a man. Washing and cleaning assigned to a woman. Hike to shop on the way home home
Moral duties of spouses Duty to support, sympathize, solve important questions, punish and encourage children Father traditionally decides what punishment for misconduct, but mom can intercede, soften the punishment
Leisure Spouse's pastime Hike to a faster every second Sunday. Hike to theater. Meetings with friends on certain days. Joint Jogging, Family Games Fresh Air With Ball, Hiking in Waterpark or Cinema
Appeal Farewell rituals, meetings, gentle nicknames of family members A man helps a woman to stick boots. Wife can meet her husband with a kiss. Wife calls her husband "My kitten", and the husband is affectionately answers: "My kitty"

How to create your family tradition

Young couples should think about filling out family weekdays with beautiful traditions. In some people it happens spontaneously. In the West, it is customary to prescribe some traditions in a marriage contract.

To strengthen the relationship, and do not confirm the sad statistics of divorces, come up with your traditions.

Create your family tradition:

  • Ask my spouse's mother about the traditions of their family, what a husband was happy in childhood, what holidays loved. The continuity is the feature of strong families, real dynasties.
  • Review your husband's lifestyle. What did he like to do, being idle? Let him save a piece of freedom.
  • Make more communication in your everyday life, if you rarely be able to see friends and relatives.
  • If the whole life of a husband is a solid communication, highlight one day for privacy.
  • Come up with a gentle nickname that you like your beloved.
  • Respect your national customs.

Important! The main rules for choosing family traditions is the compliance of the interests of family members.

You should not arrange solemn lunches every day off if your spouse is a modest introvert, loving close in a room with an interesting book.

Love and respect - a pledge of a strong friendly family. Record the following rules in the list of family traditions.

Learn them by heart, and unquestionably execute if you want to keep a strong family:

  • Never insult your spouse / spouse.
  • If the spouse is wrong, express your opinion when you stay alone. Do not condemn with friends and relatives.
  • Do not humiliate each other, do not hide for sick themes, and do not let it other people regarding your halves.
  • Take half of the responsibility for any quarrel on yourself, in any situation. Share in half and joy, and grief.
  • Do not punish silence, not blackmail sex.
  • Speak about your feelings, and ask about this spouse.

The ideas of modern traditions

Time dictates its own rules. Today's young people differ from their parents in all respects. For them, you can offer special family traditions.

The ideas of original modern traditions for a strong cell of society:

  • Make a joint tattoo once a year, on a wedding day or dating.
  • Go to the concert of your favorite group every time she visits your city.
  • Let the children are unusual double names.
  • Going once a month with all the friends of a big noisy company.
  • Suggest your boyfriend's husband every year, before the wedding anniversary.
  • Every month, feed animals in the shelter, assist.
  • Perform the work of the volunteer twice a month along with the spouse.
  • We regularly attend your husband's parents, and their own. Call more often, make it a tradition.
  • On Saturdays, watch movies who love the husband, on Sundays - the paintings you have chosen.
  • Start every morning, including your favorite radio station.
  • Commit every Sunday a small surprise for your spouse: a delicious breakfast in bed, massage, sexy affection, which he prefers.
  • Go together to a nudist beach.
  • Support each other during the disease: go to the clinic only together.
  • On your birthday, write small notes for which the husband must find a gift.
  • Play chess for desire once a week. Chess can be replaced by any game of your taste.
  • Hang the house mailbox, which every family member will throw notes with wishes, complaints and suggestions. Once a week, open it, read, discuss.
  • Frankly talk about your feelings, but do not insult each other, but look for a compromise.
  • Make the same style sharing photo on the anniversary of the wedding.
  • Take advantage of all important events in life, make albums. Let them be much. Sign up for each photo date, specify an event, write your comment.

    This will be your family book in pictures.

  • Put a small note with her husband along with food. Write nice words there, compliments. Daily care in such a style helps become a real team.

In any family there should be its own individual atmosphere of love, mutual understanding and spiritual comfort. Children born in such families at the subconscious level adopt this favorable atmosphere.

How does she arise how to create it and convey to the child? Here we come to the topic revealing family traditions, cultivation of family values, customs, family leisure laws.

As a rule, in general, family cultural traditions, values, customs, laws of leisure take roots from family feasures of previous generations. Thanks to them, a feeling of concerns, reliability of family relationships, there is a strong connection between family members, close confidence relations are supported, children feel the safety and stability of the family.

What are family traditions: examples for children

Family traditions are regularly repetitive actions of family members aimed at cohesion of intra-family ties and family strengthening as the main basis of society.

Traditions are an indispensable attribute of family happiness and well-being, reflecting the moral position of all family members. Each family is individual and has its own history. Family customs allow all members to feel their significance, to pay time and attention to their relatives, to show respect and love for them.

Examples of traditions:

  1. joint holidays,
  2. thematic lunches on weekends,
  3. trips to rest with the whole family
  4. reading fairy tales to children before bedtime or singing lullabies,
  5. visiting the Church on Sundays or Religious Holidays,
  6. writing by children letters Santa Claus for the new year,
  7. baking by household kulichs for Easter,
  8. joint adoption,
  9. others.

What are family traditions and holidays

Family holidays

This tradition of its roots leaves for a distant past - for centuries it was customary to hold holidays in a family circle with relatives, close people. The main one holiday should be called a birthday.

In most families, it is customary to invite guests to the guest house on this day, to cover the festive table, give gifts a birthday party and certainly blend candles at a festive cake, guessing the desire. Family holidays include weddings, the birth of children, baptism and other.

Conducting nationwide holidays

They belong to all the favorite holiday - New Year. Most families practice the custom of holding it together behind a large table, with the traditional Salat "Olivier" and champagne for our country.

Children write letters by Santa Claus, in which they ask the desired gifts. Many families celebrate Easter, baked cakes and lighting them in the church.

Among nationwide holidays is traditionally celebrated World Workers Day - 1st of May. For this holiday, most families leave for a picnic and prepare meat dishes on the mangal.

Games with children

It is important that both parents participate in the education of the child playing with him. During the games, the child will know the world, acquires new skills, increases its physical and intellectual level. For example, according to custom, Mom every Saturday teaches a child to play chess, and dad is playing with his son to football on the Sundays. Children love stability, so try not to disturb the customs.

Evening discussion of last day

Joint adoption of food

This tradition is worth named the most important, because there is nothing more pleasant to the joint trapes with native people. Such a family custom practitioned by many. During family breakfasts there is a great opportunity to discuss plans for the day and recharge your positive.

Celebration of significant events

Reading fairy tales before bed

This is the most important tradition in raising children, because fairy tales allow the child to develop an imagination, know the world. In addition, the daily reading of fairy tales before bedtime produces a certain way to sleep in a child. Even if the child is too small to understand the meaning of the read, the calm and measured voice of the mother or dad will be calming on it. Such an evening ritual will calm even the most active children, contributing to a good strong sleep.

Walking through the whole family

For the development of the physical abilities of the child, and maintaining their own, it is important to make joint walks. During such a walk, it is necessary to communicate, you can consider sights. In order to attach spiritual values \u200b\u200bto the whole family to attend movies, theaters, museums, exhibitions. Such campaigns are able to expand the horizons and increase the cultural level of the family as a whole.

Tradition kisses

To create an atmosphere of love, it is important to kiss your relatives and relatives more often. It is advisable to kiss children at least twice a day - in the morning, when they woke up, in the evening - before bedtime. More frequent kisses and hugs are only welcome, even with an adult child, because with lack of caress, children grow worm. Also importantly wish to all his native good night before the night bed and good morning, waking up.

Joint trips to rest

Do not underestimate this type of leisure, because most psychologists to maintain good relationships are recommended to regularly change the situation. The main thing is to visit new cities and countries to all together to distract from the routine and life, expand their horizons.

Orthodox traditions

These include joint visit to the Church on the Orthodox Holidays or every Sunday, the celebration of Christmas and Easter, the observance of the post, the baptism of children, the reading of the Bible, prayer before bedtime, regular visits to the deceased relatives.

What values \u200b\u200bare based on family traditions

Family traditions generate and raise important values \u200b\u200bin people:

  1. love for the family
  2. respect for your relatives
  3. caring for loved ones
  4. proper understanding of the family and its role in life.

Failure to comply with family customs and obstacles can lead to a weakening of links between its members, to the destruction of family bonds. Even the cell of the society in which love reigns will not be able to exist without certain important and pleasant customs, for example, joint leisure.

Traditions strengthen in children a sense of gratitude to their parents, as well as to grandmothers and grandfathers, putting respect for the elder generation. Spouses of customs give the feeling of inviolability, the stability of family relationships. L.N. Tolstoy said: "Happy one who is happy at home is happy." A person living in a family, a talking tradition, will definitely be surrounded by care, love, warmth and tenderness. In such a person, family well-being must be transferred to other areas of life.

Family traditions of different countries and peoples of the world

Each people have their own special traditions related to all areas of life, and especially the family. This is primarily due to the fact that every people or the country has their own special geography, location, climate, history, unique culture, adheres to different religions. All these factors affect the formation of cultural and family customs.

Family traditions, in turn, form worldview and attitude to life. Such family stackers exist for centuries, practically without changing, moving from the senior family members to the younger.

Family cultural traditions in Russia history and modernity

If you turn to the story, the existence of many traditions in Russia will become apparent. It has long been genealogy on the main family custom in Russia - in previous times, it was considered indecent not to know a kind, and the expression "Ivan, without remembering the kinship" was an insult. An integral part of the family text was the preparation of a pedigree or genealogical tree. Also known such traditions of the Russian people as the transfer of valuable things from generation to generation and a child's complaint with the name in honor of one of the respected ancestors.

In modern Russia, the meaning of family customs was somewhat lost. For example, now infrequently meet the family leading its own genealogy. Often the memory of generations comes down to the album with photos. But there are such excellent traditions as a joint trapes and joint holidays. Family customs and traditions in Kuban still suggest the Cossack life, the upbringing of children in the spirit of the Cossack family.

Traditions in Germany

There is a stereotype that the Germans are extremely pedantic. The most stringent traditions in the Germans are family:

  1. it is customary to relate to his home as carefully, carefully removing it and hovering beauty in it;
  2. it is not customary to leave grandchildren to upbringing a grandmother or grandfather - for this it is necessary to determine the sum of money;
  3. parents in old age do not live with children - they look after nurses or they live in special pensions;
  4. at Christmas, it is customary to meet with the whole family in the parent house;
  5. germans are calculating and economical, so they have a tradition to postpone savings on old age, during which they usually travel a lot around the world.

In England

The British tradition is three whales on which the Earth is holding, so they honor them with a special trembling. Who does not know about the notorious English custom of drinking tea? Family fees and discussions are necessarily held for a cup of real Earl Gray with milk. The British are Catholics, so they are especially celebrating Christmas and Thanksgiving Day, going to the whole family, preparing traditional dishes.

An excellent tradition of the British needs to be called the custom of giving children a good education. It is considered a bad tone not to send a child to learn from a private boarding school or college.

In France

In France, a custom is widespread - on Sundays to gather behind a common table, drink wine and trapes. From the holidays, the French love to celebrate Christmas, gathering in the parent house. At the festive banquet, there are such delicacies such as fua-gras, salmon, seafood, snail-isariot and noble cheeses. The traditional drink for Christmas is champagne, and dessert - "Christmas Polane".

In India

India is the country of strictest family customs and traditions. The Indian society is divided into social castes, so the question of marriage is approached extremely unusual. Father of the family should choose the future groom for her daughter, her married only for the representative of his social caste.

The magnificent celebration of the wedding is rather the duty than the desire. The bride has traditionally had to provide the dowry. Divorces and repeated marriages in India were previously prohibited.

The traditions of Buddhists have a great influence on Indian family life. According to them, a man should:

  1. Show respect to the spouse.
  2. Do not change.
  3. Provide a family.
  4. Teach children craft.
  5. Select a suitable pair of children.

Woman should:

  1. Respect your husband.
  2. To raise children.
  3. Perform all home duties.
  4. Do not change your husband.
  5. Perform all wishes of the spouse.

Traditions of Tatars

Tatars - Muslims, therefore, family injections are based on Sharia and Quran. The Tatar has a family creation is considered a necessity dictated by religion. Interestingly, after making a marriage, the husband gets full power over his wife, and the wife is in his dependency - it does not even have the right to get out of the house without the consent of her husband.

Divorces from the Tatars occur extremely rarely exclusively at the initiative of her husband. Children accepted to raise his wife, but they are obliged to show full obedience to the Father.

What family traditions are important in raising children

Family customs play a crucial role in raising children. It is extremely difficult to vaccinate the tradition of an adult person, so there is a frequent phenomenon to be transmitted from generation to generation from parents to children. Children perceive the world as their parents do, therefore the perception of the family of families depends on pleasant family customs as the main element of his life, as well as determining its place in the value system.

Tradition of family reading

Family reading will be useful before bedtime, singing the lullabies, kisses at every meeting, joint lunches, walks. They define the concept of stability, the inviolability of family styles, give the feeling of cohesion, make children more gentle and affectionate. It is also important to instill the custom from childhood to respect and honor their ancestors, regularly visiting them on holidays.

Proverbs and poems on family traditions

There are many instructive proverbs about family customs and traditions:

  1. "What is the treasure when in the family of the way".
  2. "Children are not in tightness, but in joy."
  3. "When sunshine warm, with a good mother."
  4. "It's not that mother that gave birth to, and the one that grown."
  5. "The family is strong when there is one roof over it."
  6. "The whole family together and the soul in place."
  7. "The tree is rooted, and the family is family."
  8. "If the granddaughters of May and the fairy tales know."
  9. "Do not hide your favors from parents."
  10. "Parents of honor - you will not betray from the true path."
  11. "In the family where you help each other, trouble is not terrible."

Poems about the family, as well as traditions:

Family and home - like light and bread.
Native focus - Earth and sky.
In the salvation are given to you,
Whatever your concerns were.
Let humbered running
Wherever the road led
In your volatile fate
There is no more beautiful gift from God.
They keep you always
How much I wanted in the light,
As a guide star
And there is no shield of shrine this.
Your family warm and light
Here is the best soul of Otild.
There is no other happiness in the world,
There is no other happiness.

Family traditions are one of the most important aspects of the life of every person, so it is important to cultivate them in every way, support.

Family life without traditions would be boring.

Fine when young families themselves, relying on the experience of the family life of their parents, adding their personal moments to them.

The main goal is rapprochement with the other members of the relatives, building a strong reliable family, as well as enjoying communication with family loved ones. Be happy!

Video on the topic

5 ideas of interesting family traditions

Video Channel "Loving Moms".

Family traditions and customs are an integral attribute of family happiness and well-being. It is very important to instill them with children from the very early age, because general traditions not only strengthen related bonds, but also create unforgettable children's memories.

In today's video, we have collected 5 ideas for you for family uniting traditions that can become a base for your own.

Family traditions and values \u200b\u200bof our ancestors and modernity

On the video channel "Tale of the Russian Earth". Vitaly Sundakov talks about family traditions and values \u200b\u200bof our ancestors:

  • The attraction to each other from the mind - leads to respect!
  • The attraction to each other from the soul - leads to friendship!
  • The attraction to each other from the bodies - leads to passion!
  • And only all three types of attraction together - lead to love!

Publication Source: Video on the topic and article