A strong conspiracy so that your loved one has come to you. How to ask the Saints about help? Universal way to lick a successful chance

In the life of every person there are difficulties, to solve which it is necessary to find a certain amount of money, and do it immediately. If you urgently need money - find out how to get money urgently with the help of witchcraft.

In the article:

Conspiracy for quick money with candles

To rituals candle witchcraft All those that are as their main component include the use of a candle - one or more, conventional or church, color or unpainted. In order to strengthen and attract cash energy, the candles can be rubbed with aromatic oils, pour into herbs with an appropriate value. They are an essential attribute of any witchcraft, and the wax from the candles burnt with rigging becomes a faith.

For one of the conspiracies, only five church candles will be required for the rapid receipt of money. Behind them will have to go to church. Knowing people hold church candles at home about the reserve, in case you need the help of higher strength. So, the candles should be viewed and reading, stalling on them:

Christ Jesus Delica Yes Support, Holy Devo Marie, Jesus Puzzle, passed on the nebushka with God's son, carried money bags, bags opened, the money was poured. I, the Slave of God (name), was walking around the Earth, I found money, I brought the house, Ichilled with candles, Gota. Candles burn, fly money to the house! Till the end of time! Amen!

Looking at Flaming Clamps, imagine a safe resolution of your problem. They cannot be awake, the fire is obliged to ruin completely. It is strictly forbidden to be distracted and depart from them. Wax from church candles is collected and subsequently stored in the wallet, like. Do not get rid of it after you get the desired amount of money. Do it only when you feel that the power of his magic ends.

The use of church attributes is not suitable for everyone. If you do not have a desire to refer to Christian Egregor, try another rite from candle magic. This will require three candles - brown, white and green tones. In this magic you will symbolize a white candle, and the rest of two are money colors, often applied in witchcraft for profit and wealth. Place the candles on the table with a triangle vertex to you. White candle should be closer to you, green - on the left, brown - right.

Light a white candle with such words:

Flame as a soul, soul as a flame.

Lighting the green candle, say:

Profit in profits, money in money.

And finally, words during the insight of the brown candle:

Cases in affairs, paths in paths, all vozoses.

Now you need to connect all the candles into one. At the same time, they must continue to burn. So you seem to associate yourself with the cash flows of the universe. Install the candles so that they do not fall, and tell me:

In force - power, in power - power, I am with strength and with the authority of that.

Candles are obliged to turn to the end. During their combustion, you should look at fiery tongues and visualize how your money will come true. With wax, it should be done in the same way as described earlier - to collect it and put it in a wallet, without showing anyone.

Money conspiracy

This strong plot for quick money should be remembered by heart. However, it consists of only three proposals - it will not be difficult. A good solution is to get a conspiracy and apply when the need arises. To do this, go to any place with the accumulation of people. The more passersby - the better. When you come there, count 21 step, and then stop and read:

I go, and money towards me. They are waiting for me, they joyfully go. How many people here walk, so much money will come to me. Amen.

You can read in a whisper, to myself or very quietly, it depends on the place where you are. For example, someone is unlikely to pay attention to a person murdering conspiracies. But it is impossible to attract attention, it is better not to risk and read a conspiracy about myself. He reads 21 times.

After reading again, count the 21st step and return strictly to the place from which they came. Only after that you can return home. On the way to a crowded place and back to the house it is impossible to talk to anyone. Avoid contacts with others, do not apply alms, don't even look at passersby. You can talk only after you return home.

Conspiracy on the rapid attraction of money for coins

If money is urgently needed, and weakness will come to the rescue. The rite with coins is one of the simplest, because it will require only 12 coins that are available in a wallet for each person. They must be the same nominal. Excuse money in advance to score the right amount of coins.

This plot for very quick money is read only for a young month. If you do not have time to expect this phase of the moon, pick another conspiracy. However, any money magic is going on only on the growing moon, in the new moon or full moon. On a decreasing moon, a challenge for money can not, no matter how important the need for them is.

So, when a young month appears in the sky, go out on the street, holding 12 coins in my hands. Watch the time of its sunrise and sunset in advance you can in the calendar. Open palms with coins so that the light of the night shine got on them, and read seven times:

All that grows and lives, multiplies from sunlight, and money from the light of the moon. Grow money. Set money. Adjust money. Me (name) robe, come to me. Let it be so!

After the seven-time reading of the conspiracy words, hush the coins in your hand and hurry home. On the way, you can not be distracted and discouraged with anyone. Do not look back, even if the sounds behind will seriously scare you. The unclean power loves to organize the tests, and especially for beginner magicians. Copy coins are put in the wallet, you constantly use you. Spend them are prohibited.

Conspiracy on urgent receipt of money for bills

For this conspiracy, the bill will need a bill of any dignity. But there is a condition - it should be in circulation at least in some country of the world. Its corners should be adjusted in such a way as to get a triangle. The way of adding bills can choose any, the main thing is to get a figure with three corners, similar to the arrow, which will indicate the money path to you. Now tell the bill:

As the river mighty streams attracts, and the sea - the mighty river, as a man's woman attracts, and a man - a woman, as the night, attracts the day, and the day is the night, so that you attract the like yourself. Let it be so. Amen.

The larger the bills - the better. In the text of the conspiracy, it is indicated that it will attract the like herself. Therefore, you do not need to be greedy, take the largest money available to you. Corrected bills carry with me, it is best to store it in a wallet. She must be where you store money. It is impossible to spend this bill, remove from the wallet too.

When you receive bills of the same nominal that the conspiracy money, put them next to it. During the use of this money talisman, you cannot recalculate money in the wallet. Do it only during spending or receiving income.

Green witchcraft to green presidents

Green is called magic, which implies the use of plants. Do not underestimate the strength concluded in plants. With their help, you can heal, you can be perished, and you can establish a financial position. This conspiracy on the urgent acquisition of money is only suitable for people who love houseplants and have time to care for them. You must have more than two plants that are suitable for monetary magic.

Categorically not suitable for witchcraft for money cacti - These are plants protection against negative, they will not miss even positive energy if it is not peculiar to your home or you. The plant brings the plant to grant, Aukuba or a gold bush, bougvillery and many others. Under each pot you need to put a note with the following plot:

For the tried lands, the Garden Eden stands,
In Garden-Eden, the wonder tree grows.
On the miracle tree, what will you write, then the Lord will give you.
So I write myself riches, good luck yes.
From wood paper, burns, in the ground is sisted, the flowers are surrounded.
As colors bloom-blossom, so the money grow-grow!
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Behind plants need to carefully care. If one of them dries down, for two or three days should be replaced with a new one. Your magic garden can grow and expand, make new money plants, under which there will be a note with a plot, no one prohibits.

Strong conspiracy on urgent money for milk

There is an old and very strong plot - if money urgently needs money, try to speak milk. It is necessary to buy it not in the supermarket, but on the market. The seller must cause sympathy. According to the old one, buy milk for witchcraft follows an elderly woman. Milk will need a lot - 10-12 liters. It is impossible to save on its purchase, it is desirable to fit with the amount of money to give the seller a little more than the cost of milk. It is impossible to pick up.

At home, run milk to 12 capacities in which it will be stored. During this, you need to continuously read a strong conspiracy on urgent money:

In the pure hill field, and the mountain is high, under the mountain the meadow is green, there is a bull with a cow on a meadow. Beach horn to the sun delivered, Bourously fluttering half of the ground of Ogbalo. In the field, I go out, on the hill a large one, I find a green meadow. The bull of the horns cut off, I give out the cow of milk. The horns of the bull immediately grow up, Korovkino udder will fill the milk. So in my house, my wealth grows, wearing wealth to visit me. Amen!

Now you have to come up with 12 dishes, the composition of which will be milk - all 12 bottles. In each dish you need to use only one bottle. You need to prepare them in one day, and to use in food - for three. Most of the food should be handed over to good people. Cohere your colleagues, bosses, customers, if possible. Invite friends or neighbors for dinner.

Please note that the people you have treated cooked from the conspiracy of milk treats will bring you money in the near future. Perhaps it will be an increase or an additional source of income. You can also get a valuable advice or just money in debt that will help you in a difficult situation.

Women's Magic \u003d Quick Money

There is a conspiracy on an urgent, which is available only to women. It is done only for himself or his family - you will not work with a friend with such a witchcraft. Men can not use this witchcraft. But they can offer a spouse to hold a rite - he will work for the whole family, including you.

Purchase a new nightie - any color, from any material. It should be laid out and stroke, clearing from extraneous energy influences. In addition to shirt, it will take a long red thread of natural silk. It should be passed through the wax of the candle, which was bought in the church. After that, inhale the red thread into the Gypsy needle and place somewhere near your bed. Now everything is ready for ritual. Put the night shirt and go to sleep in it.

Wake up to dawn. First of all, you should do not wash or cooking coffee, and the heating of the hem of the heaters. During this, it must still be as hoping for you. The hem must be sewn to "to themselves" with such words:

Son of God Jesus Christ, nice me, my servant of God (name). My words are weak, and my sins are stronger and great. You, Lord, rich and merciful. Give me, Most High, not for sins, and in your infinite wealth! Amen!

During the heating of the hem, read these words continuously. The number of readings does not play. The conspiracy in the middle is impossible, even if you have finished sewing, read the conspiracy to the end, and only then cut the thread.

In general, conspiracies for urgent receipt of money are able to come in handy every person. Monetary witchcraft will come to help in any situation. If you do not have additional sources of income, and money to solve the problem is urgently needed, ask for help from the highest strength.

In contact with

It happens, once "pull a cat for the tail", you need to immediately achieve the result by reading. Though for love, on the edge, money, glory ... Though such, from the dental pain: "I will become az, I will go from the hollows with the doors, from the gate of the gate, I will go to cystoely flight. Clear Mysterius due to the dark forest, due to the high mountains. I will ask for a clear Misita: Does the teeth do not hurt, does the Alacof do not spine? "No, says, not painful teeth, not Sure Alakof." So Jo in Mojo infant is not Boliti, his teeth, not Schhem Alacof. " Will such a quick conspiracy help in this case? Let's talk about it in more detail!

The role of rapid conspiracy

For many Slavic magic - a steep potion, cooked from two thirds of rustic magic, one third of people will accept, a small share of shamanism, confused by knowledge of herbalism, sprinkled on top of the overseas remains of yoga, positive thinking and qigong. The basis of modern Slavic magic is the legacy of "old knowledgeable people," as they say in the north.

Of course, the manuscripts are not preserved, but the tradition never died finally, stored in the hidden corners of the people's consciousness, was transmitted in the form of receptions, takes, fairy tales. Perhaps this fragrant boiler in which modern Slavic magic is boiled, boiled on the fire of ancient, powerful, still hot conspiracies.

There are big, a few pages are plots - "shepherd leaves", read on the well-being of livestock at the first pasture. Fishery, professional (for example, beekeeping), on the happiness and well-being of the family, on beauty and honor - plots are large and reusable. There are also similar to the toothed pain. In the northern tradition, the shorts were read on cases requiring a rapid result - from dental pain, from wounds, from snake bite, from children's insomnia and screaming, at the entrance to the forest, for example.

The merit is not fast conspiracy

tableware for the magic of herbs Artel "Northern Fairy Tale"

Most modern people engaged in magic appeal to their own generic heritage in search of practical knowledge, wisdom and inspiration. And the ancient conspiracies can just become for you transforming elements of healing, making kinds, making magic faiths and blessings of the harvest, livestock, dwellings.

Ultimately, the measuring speech and the ancient magic of words set you up on the desired condition in which you are divinely almighty. Therefore, many folk conspiracies are long enough to immerse a person in the right mood - because we need to tune in, throw back the siene, go through the path of the soul, to see other worlds and there to persuade the gods for help in getting the desired.

In Slavic wicked, as in magic as a whole, still great preparation, mood, rites and long, not fast conspiracy.

Fast plots and magic of herbs

Herbal beam for magic Artel "Northern Fairy Tale"

And yet there is a region of Slavic wicked when Quite effective. This is the magic of herbs. It can be seen, the very magic of the birth of a small seed, growth, flowering, saved in every blade, already gives us the necessary "story" and the right to enter the subtle world. Want to quickly clear your dwelling? Try to breathe the slim fragrance of the Hypericum, wormwood, or juniper - and your consciousness is ready to change, the body becomes easy, and you take off on the white wings of inspiration, following the short tip of the rapid conspiracy.

Here is a simple ritual of cleansing your home - every grandmother knows how to do it. You take a candle with herbs or delivering the bug of herbs, and go around the embonodents (clockwise) from the entrance door. Stay in the corners formed by furniture, or walls of the house, look after, will the burning of the candle or the direction of smoke from an inquisitive beam will change.

Read a quick plot. Tune in front of the ritual just - feel your great desire to clean the house from the unclean, inspire the smell of grass and go around the house, repeating one of the fastest conspiracies, which knows Northern Magic: "Andes", that on the adverbs of the Northern Old Believers means "Leave! Away!"

Herbs that help with rapid conspiracies Known: nettle, wormwood, thistle, hunting, juniper, mint. All of them by themselves have vividly pronounced "antidiment" properties, speaking by the old language, "Navyev chase."
Properly assembled, dried and collected in a bundle, these herbs are able to create fast magic, magically introducing the wicked in the right state and configuring it on , rapid commodity.

Here are examples of northern rapid conspiracy

herbs Pouch for Magic Artel "Northern Fairy Tale"

These are pronounced simultaneously with the ignition of grass in the form of herbal candle, beams or grass in the cadylon. The candle is set fire to the easiest, but it is the inhibitory of grass in the form of a powder on coals, or in the form of a beam, will give the desired result.

Fast plot From the fire: "The gods followed me, carried a bowl with water, if the fire be, the gods will stew fire. Do not burn once, not two, do not burn not three. Neither today, neither tomorrow, never burn. The gods are standing, my house is guarded. "

Fast plot From bleeding: "Care goes a horse, the man goes old, goes the woman, leads the dog, the dog fell, the blood began, the whole pinning lag behind (the name of the river) in the eyelids. The key, castle, let it be so! ".

Fast plot From the orphanage: "Tickness, tickling, tanks, tickling, over a stone, over a curly smoke, above the smoky window. My baby (name) is not a trunk, not a disturbance, nor per day, nor on the night, no one hour and in any minutes. "

Herbal decoctions contribute to the pronouncement of rapid conspiracy

ivan-tea Artel "Northern Fairy Tale"

Herbal decoction of Ivan-tea, drunk by the magician, allows you to quickly "go the border between the worlds", leave the explicit world, join the world of the Divine. Ivan-tea is useful to bodily health, and easily helps the spirit of the spirit, the basis of any magic. Following your heart and natural alarm, breathing in the aroma of herbal tea, you can easily use the northern, get visible results.

Fast plot For the protection of a warrior: "Thunder will face, Molon flashes, Vikhore poses, picks up the grass from Zemvi. How Grass Vihore is eaten, so that the spell of the arrow did not go from Luke directly, and it didn't beat the goal. Key, lock.

Fast plot For a wart: "The grass is dry, will no longer be young, like a fish in a bull will not turn into a milk rooster not to wait. So you, a wart, on my body do not sit, on the month there is a flammable. As stated, so it will be. Key, lock. It will be useful to moisten the sore place herbal infusion.

Fast plot For beauty and honor: "I will become az, to the native gods, I will go into a purely field, under the eastern side. There, the river flows, that I was working with the water, the white zaremy, I jerks, joining the asterisk, I prenate a red month, decorate the sun, decorate the sun. I will go az, in a purely field, in the feast and walking, everything I seemed good, beautiful and good, and Mileu would be all - to your sweet one I love. Everyone would be more painful and better and loved me stronger than everyone. My words strong and modeling. Be in my opinion. " It will be useful will wash her herbal infusion.

In conclusion of conspiracy

People recognizing the strength of Slavic magic, usually with pleasure studying herbalism, seek knowledge to understand the laws of nature, the time of year and the life of plants. They know how to grow the right herbs next to themselves, they know how to collect in nature. An excellent addition will be the study of Slavic ancient singing words - fast conspiracyand conspiracies are more.
Look inspiration in the music of the ancient Slavic conspiracy - and your life will be happier!

Ivanova Irina, chief editor of the northern fairy tale publisher

Unrequited love often delivers the most severe pain and takes all soulful forces. Make reciprocity, find personal happiness and re-feel the joy of life will help fast conspiracies for love.

Conspiracies used our ancestors. Of all the magic rituals, they are the least simple, but at the same time very effective. In order to achieve the desired, enough to pronounce a few words, which limitly concentrating on its purpose. Conspiracy to love will help to draw attention to men and regret in it mutual feelings.

Love Conspiracy

For a conspiracy, you need a red thread of about twenty centimeters long. It was long ago it was believed that the red color accumulates love energy, because such a plot is characterized by high efficiency.

It is necessary to pronounce a love plot immediately after midnight. In addition to the threads, no other attributes are required: quite simply is in silence and solitude. Thread alternately wounds on the index and thumb of the left hand so that it visually it becomes similar to the eight - the symbol of infinity. Tie the thread, say the following words:

Tying a thread - you bind you to yourself. As two fingers are connected, so we are inseparable. Like a thread strong and red, and your love is strong and bright. The sun will go up - in you love flames me. Amen.

After that, remove the knotted thread with the hands, but do not unlock it: let it remain in the form of the eight. Put the thread under the pillow and go to bed. Soon the object of love will begin to show signs of attention.

Fast love plot

Love conspiracy on the candle is read five minutes before midnight. It is best to use a church candle - it has light energy.

Light a candle and closely look at the flame, pronouncing the text of the conspiracy:

A candle lit up - Your love was lit. Candle to burn for long, and your love is all my life. The flame shines brightly, and your love will still brighter. Be how midnight will come. Amen.

After reading the conspiracy, you hinder the candle. Try the next day to meet with a man who are experiencing feelings. Change in its attitude to you you will notice immediately.

Plot for love by photography

A photograph for a conspiracy is quite possible from social networks. It is not necessary to have its printed option: the conspiracy pronounced in front of the photo on the screen will be no less effective. Keep in mind that the photo should have only the man for whom you read a plot. Otherwise, you risk awaken feelings in someone else.

It is necessary to produce a ritual after twelve at night. Sit in front of the photo so that your face is on the same level with it. Look straight into the eyes of the Love object and say such a text:

I can't take your eyes away from you, and you do not answer my eyes. Opposite your photo I sit, you will sit opposite me. I give my love, and you give me yours. As the sun goes, feelings will wake up. Amen.

After that, go to bed, for some time holding the image of the one who is captured in the photo, in your head. Imagine that he was awakened with a response feeling, and sleep with this thought. After a while, the desired will be embodied.

Do not require serious skills and skills, but possess high strength. Before resorting to them, think well, whether you need the love of this person, because it will be strong and long. We wish you happiness and reciprocity, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

07.10.2015 01:00

If a tragedy and a beloved person happened to another woman in your life, it's best to ask for help with the highest ...

Confirmed existence has always been considered one of the most popular desires of any person. Someone was looking for additional sources of income, someone was arranged for several works, someone hopefully expected the inheritance. And only intelligent and resourceful treated witchcraft, making special rites.

Choosing the strongest conspiracy for money, people could solve all their financial problems, attracted good luck to their home and did that the money was always conducted and did not end. Making money rituals is easy, it suffices to follow easy instructions and comply with the general rules for conducting.

Conspiracies for money can radically differ from each other. However, so that the rite turns out to be strong and effective, you need to follow the general recommendations in the fulfillment of rituals.

  • The best day to perform a conspiracy for money - Wednesday.
    On this day, very strong rituals are obtained, especially if the tools are needed urgently. In addition, to increase your capital, push the debtor to return debt or increase profits quite effectively on this day. Any rites made on Wednesday will bring the result.
  • The rite is best done during the descending moon.
    This time is considered the best period in order to read conspiracy for money. The power of the moon during this period contributes to the improvement of the financial position of a person.
  • You can read prayers and perform rites only in complete loneliness.
    No one should know about what you have conceived and are going to do. Otherwise, the consequences and results can be opposite. For money plot - magic is very delicate, which, with any inconsistency of instructions or publicity, may not work.
  • Conspiracy for money must be performed in accurately in accordance with the instructions.
    If it is written that you need a certain color of the candle, then you can only use them. If it is written that you can read the rite only at midnight, then any other time is not suitable.
  • In order for the conspiracy to the money affects, be sure to believe in its effectiveness and that magic can cope with this problem.
    Increase profits, multiply capital, urgently get some amount - most importantly, believing in the result.

Varieties of rituals

Magic money, like many other rituals, maybe several types, depending on what purpose a person is pursuing:

  • conspiracies for money when a person wants to get back the financial resources he gave.
    In such a situation, as a rule, the debtor is in no hurry to return debt, and the return time can be delayed by year. Powerful ritual will help solve the problem. Magical impact will make his own business: the debtor will only think about the return of debt and will not be able to get rid of these thoughts until everything returns.
  • conspiracy to money that will attract well-being and wealth to the house.
    It happens that the whole family works, and there is still not enough money. Spells and prayers or other rituals will help make it so that wealth come to the house and the money was conducted. And when everything is settled, with the help of simple faces you can hold the result.
  • strong conspiracies for money when quickly obtaining a certain amount is required.
    It may be a lottery gain, and getting a loan, and many other situations that suggest very rapid decisions.

As can be seen, conspiracy for money can be used in a wide variety of situations and can decide, it seems not solved, the problem. Spells read as soon as possible, immediately the field occurrence.

Money ritual for attraction

Strong conspices of money help solve various material problems. And if it happened so that the funds are needed not at all, but I want to establish the financial situation of the family in general, you can use the following conspiracy for money.

For its execution, you will need twelve coins of yellow metal. During the timeless Moon, at midnight, you need to go coins on the street. There, on the first deserted intersection, holding coins in his palm and substituting them under the moonlight, you need to read the words of prayers:

"Everything grows from the Sun and multiplies, and money from the lunar light.
Grow, set, add.
Enrich me (your name), come to me.

You need to read the words of prayer three times, after which you can go home, where coins are cleaned into the wallet and are used to buy the necessary things. The rite will start immediately after execution, and the first results will be noticeable somewhere in a month.

Using a conspiracy for money guarantees the result only if a person believes in it. Otherwise, magic will not have a positive impact on your situation.

Effective and fast ritual

Get quick money if you urgently need a certain amount, it will help the conspiracy with the money with a green candle. This rite will help find a solution to the most difficult situation and allow all problems. To fulfill it, you will need two green wax candles.

At noon, you need to light the candles and, looking at the fire, read the words of prayer:

"Lord God, Jesus Christ, help me find help!
Your slaves went through the sky, the bags were dragged, there were money in bags.
These bags opened, all fell money!
I then went on the bottom, the money all collected yes home would take.
Candles are burning, go to the house.

Ritual for improving financial condition

To increase profits and improve financial position should make cash rituals. The magic of these rituals acts in a single direction - to attract good luck in the money plan. Conspiracies for money should be read only when you believe in their power.

For this ritual you will need a glass of water and three medium dignity coins. At noon, lower the coins into the water and read the words of the prayer:

Words to repeat five times, the field of which a glass with coins and water to remove in an inaccessible for an extraneous place. In order for the rite to run in the morning and in the evening you need to splash the water to your wallet.

Already during the first month, rituals help increase profits and attract new funds.

Ritual on bill and piggy bank

Monetary magic can be used in a wide variety of situations. But for stable improvement in the material situation, it is best to make a conspiracy for money on a piggy bank. To fulfill the ritual, one bill of average dignity and a new piggy bank will need.

On Wednesday, lower the bill in the piggy bank and read the words of the prayer:

"Cash rites do I, I attract bills to the piggy bank.
To make money into my house, the road was not forgotten.
One to one, the second to the second!
And all to me! "

Repeat three times a conspiracy word for money and leave a piggy bank in a prominent place. Each day, lower one coin or bills there. The rite begins immediately and quite soon it will be possible to see the first results.

Improve financial position, solve monetary problems and settle in the house and family wealth will help the conspiracy for money. If someone did one of these rituals, the results were noticeable during the first month.

Vintage prayers, spells and rituals will help to find a way out even from the most difficult situation, multiply capital and get big money.

It is very important to follow all the recommendations of the rite strictly in accordance with the instructions. Magic will affect only if you believe in its power and the effectiveness of the conspiracy for money. Otherwise, the consequences and results can be opposite.

Vera in success and positive emotions - and everything will turn out exactly as you need!

How to achieve a quick result when conducting conspiracy?

In order for any ritual to bring a positive and fast result, a strong will and good concentration will be required when conducting a rite to quickly attracting money. Words should not be just so read or pronounced, but to pronounce with the maximum sincerity and strong faith. Your desire must be very strong.

Urgent need for a large amount of money

The rapid obtaining a large amount of money can be achieved if you use this rite. If you fell into a situation in which the money is needed immediately, use this ritual.

For the rite, prepare 5 church candles. Now burn, and looking at the last minute candles, say the words:

"Jesus Christ, Nadezhda and Support, Nazidelo Marie, Jesus Puzzle, went across the sky, carried bags with money, the bags opened, the money fell. I, the slave of God (pronounce his own name), on the bottom it was, the money gathered, the house was carried, the candles lit, his own. Candles, burn, money, in the house arrive! Till the end of time! Amen!".

Carefully look at the flames from the candles and imagine how the welfare is improved. Be sure to wait for the candles to make themselves alone. The remaining wax after, burned candles should be collected and constantly carrying in your wallet. It will be your money talisman, which will attract the necessary amount of money.

How to return the money spent with a conspiracy?

It is in it that needs to put a leaf with a plotted plot. The money spent can help return one rite. You need to write his words on paper and put a leaf in your wallet. It is advisable to learn the words by heart. With each cash of cash, it is necessary to pronounce this plot.

"In the Golden city of Jerusalem, a merchant was tightly sleeping in the Golden Laven, the merchant was sleeping firmly, Son saw how devils were shaggy into golden money and the merchant merchants were adapted. Oh, you are money and money, from the merchant to take off, and to the servant of God (your name) will forever go. Key. Castle. Tongue. Amen".

But the ritual has one feature that needs to be observed. You should not tell anyone from the close words of the conspiracy until you learn it. Text can only be recorded under dictation without mentioning the name of the person. Thus, you do not give your luck, and the receipt of funds will come quickly.

Getting money from an unexpected source

This ritual aimed at rapid receipt of money from an unexpected source. You can not worry, the money will be honest. Conspiracy Magically can help what you once lost. Words to learn by heart. Conspiracy for money or attracting money from any source to go into a crowded place on the road or the street. Going through it, counts 21 step, now repeat the words:

"I am going, and the money towards me to meet. They are waiting for me, they joyfully go. How many people here walk, so much money will come to me. Amen".

Try to repeat the words at least 21 times, but better more. Next, start counting 21 step again. Now you can safely do your affairs or go home. Release your desire or as if forget about him. Soon you will have money.

Attracting money with conspired coins

Receiving money is possible with one conspiracy, which should be carried out only in the new moon. We take 12 coins and with the appearance of the Moon, that is, on the first day at midnight go on the road. Open your palms with coins, exposing them to the moonlight. Now you need to repeat the words 7 times:

"All that grows and lives, multiplies from sunlight, and money from the light of the moon. Grow money. Set money. Adjust money. Me (to pronounce your own name) God, come to me. Let it be so!"

After holding a rite, all coins firmly clam in the fist and quickly return home. Come home, all the coins that you "spoke", put in your wallet. It should be a wallet that is in your constant use. This ritual has a fairly effective action.

Powerful Mascot Introducing Financial Welfare

Obtaining a certain amount of money is easy to achieve, if you correctly use cash rituals. This is a strong rite, which contributes to the rapid attraction of money into life.

To carry out you will need 3 candles of different shades: white; green; brown. White shade is associated with you as a conductive rite. Green shade is the money you use. Brown tint characterizes your activity. You need to set the candles so that a triangle formed, in which all parties are equal. Remember that it is necessary to put them in a strict order.

Place the white candle in front of it, the green should be on the left side of the white candle, and brown - on the right side of it. Introduce the white candle first, then green and then brown candle.

White candle Take a white candle, burn and say:

"Flame as a soul, soul as a flame." Having fierced the green candle, say the following words: "Profit in profits, money in money."

And brown to upload with the words:

"Cases in affairs, paths in paths, all noses."

Now you need to quickly connect all three candles in one. They must continue to burn at the same time, that is, by one fire. Brown candle in the center of the figure, in which the candles were located, now put all 3 candles. During this, say the words of the conspiracy: "In force - power, in power - power, I am with strength and with the authority of that." Make sure the candles burned to the end. All the remaining wax collect. The resulting wax will be your conspiracy mascot you need to store. He will bring you good luck in all financial affairs and the amount of money will definitely increase.

Conspiracy for money (on the dead)

Conspiracy on the dead man is also a powerful plot of attracting wealth and money. Ritual is based on a conspiracy on a dead hand. If in front of the holly on whose funeral you will unnoticate these spells, it means to be a rich and influential person to you.

Go to the dead in the process of farewell, look at the hands and say a conspiracy words:

"How everyone is bowed to the dead for goodbye, teach to his hand with a secret trepidation, in fear of deceased,
So it would be all bowed to me and bowed to my hands the power and wealth went. Amen"

Conspiracy win money in cards

They read before sitting on the cards. Do not win more than three times, postpone the game next time.

"On the mountains of Athonian stands, Oak Mokrezsky, a demonic boy sits, playing cards, on the table there are throwing them, the money collects. So I would, the slave of God (name), played in the card, the money was collected, beat everyone. Amen"

So that wealth went to the hands

On the young month bake bread, inspiring on the dough before the oven:

"How will you be, dough, grow, rise and increase,
So I will grow, in the position to rise,
Above people in the glory of its increase in the money. Amen"

Conspiracy to quickly get rich

They put copper money on a white saucer without a pattern, pour on the bottom of the wheat grain, closed with a handkerchief, every third day is watered with warm water (a little) to give rise to wheat and crucial:

"Wheat Movement, you feed and young and old, and beggars, and a bar.
From the grain you give ten, and fifteen, and twenty.
Give me, God's slave, the money to be born like this wheat.
How she grows in day and night, he does not die with hunger,
So let my money grow and feed me.
Lord, bless.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

To give money (borrow, loan)

Three days of the nasal handkerchief are worn under the mouses, and when you come to ask for money, extend the face on the threshold and tell me:

"Lord, God, my Christ,
My angel is brought to
My Lord, you said:
"Assist and will be given." Amen"

Woman asking for women's day, man in male.

Conspiracies for good luck is a magical means of solving a variety of large and small problems. Have you ever got into a situation when urgently need help over? The boss unexpectedly causes, and the work is dust in the table drawer. It is clear that now thunder will thunder such that it will not seem little. Or I want a movie, and there is a crowd at the box office. Tickets most likely no longer. There are no such small disasters in our lives. So I would like to feel behind the back of a strong angel. Hear his unearthly voice: "Not drifting, everything will work out! Forward!".

Causes of bad luck

Chances fall out to every person. But not everyone can see the shortest way to implement desire. This is the main reason for failures. Explained from where bad luck, behavioral factors and installations are taken:

  1. Concentration on issues, inability to distract. A person needs the ability to consider the situation from different sides. This expands perception, forms opportunities.
  2. Excessively emotional perception of a problematic issue. The conflict destroys successful output options.
  3. Demagogy. We tend to think on the topic: "And if, then ...". It's too much. The problem situation is desirable to break on specific tasks. Decide one at a time.
  4. Negative worldview. Internal installation that the trouble will necessarily happen, destructive. At the energy information level, it is a mental order for a negative event in the future.
  5. Inability to solve accumulated questions. No experience, wisdom.
  6. Damage, evil eye, curse. Black programs are confused by brains, interfere with perceive what is realistic.

Self-confidence also harms. This setting makes it close to the opportunity, now not included in a promising plan. A person stubbornly breaks through the wall, not distinguished by a very wide open gate.

Basic rules of constant luck

The potential of luck is concluded in calm confidence in its own forces. Panic, despair, despair destroy the prospect of a collision with a happy random. People seeking decisions, a conspiracy to attract good luck, money, a happy chance works instantly. It creates a temporary energy flow in the right direction. Its power is such that all obstacles are washed off by waves. There are two inconveniences:

  1. We will have to learn the formula. After all, read at the most critical moment.
  2. Use it ahead of it is inefficient. Exposure time from a few minutes before half an hour.

Important: Magic means of rapid attraction of lucky in good, highlighting mood are applied. They work on the energy of the reader.

Long luck we need in different spheres of life. There are short spells for love, for luck in affairs, in domestic situations. There are universal formulas. The choice is provided to the wizard. Do soul like intuition suggests.

How to read

Suppose you learned words, do not forget about them in stressful moments. This is not enough. Conspiracy must be filled with its own energy so that he launches the stream. And words to perform this task are not enough. It is necessary to form an energy impetus. We do this:

  1. Become a face east.
  2. For a second, we present that the sun lights up in the heart area. Probably feel it will not succeed. It is necessary to seriously prepare so that it automatically succeed.
  3. I speak in mind: "I have the sun in my chest!".
  4. We take a deep breath and quickly pronounce a conspiracy formula. After that - exhale.

Important! As soon as they created their future success, switch to something else. You need to get out of this stream, let go. Otherwise, zaocyt him on itself. Then he will go into emptiness, that is, in the experience of the critical situation.

Universal way to lick a successful chance

This formula is used by knowledgeable people in the most critical situations. Behind the wheel, for example, when a collision with another car avoid, it seems impossible. I would still remember these words in such a situation! Not everyone, as they say, is given. It is necessary to pronounce this phrase:

"Angel Light I go through the light. Amen!".

Protects, calls on heavenly defenders. Like SOS signal.

Not every person is able to take advantage of the conspiracy attracting good luck. It `s naturally. You need to learn how to switch thoughts, stop your own, emotionally charged, lying.

From the wrath of the head

Before entering the Cabinet of the Chef, an important meeting to pronounce mentally:

"Slavsa King David and all the meekness of him!".

The priests claim that it is a prayer. Do not argue. We also need a result, not the theological dispute. This prayer protects well. That is, it is recommended to pronounce in a situation of possible aggression from the persons denounced by the authorities.

To create a permanent potential for success, it is necessary to apply regularly a conspiracy to good luck to the case. It has a long impact on fate. Therefore, protects against potential crises.

So that there was no failure

Troubles take us on every step. We are going on affairs in the treasury house, and there they are sitting, the paper is moving. There are no time on visitors. It is more important a seagull to drink, picked up. Such a strong success conspiracy:

"From evil acts, from black bars, on a good way. Amen!"

It is necessary to pronounce at the moment when the door for the handle took.

For winning

The successfulness of business people helps to enter into favorable contracts, players - get a serious kush. Many of the lucky ones use the ancient success spell:

"All my, all to me!".

Pronounce at the moment when the first promise is to solve the issue:

  1. How to sat down for a playing table. It is necessary to pull the furniture slightly, mentally read three times the phrase.
  2. As negotiations started, they are also doing. Documents pull the closer, read the plot of good luck.
  3. Lottery ticket decided to buy, remember again. Pull up the paper, say these nursed words to yourself.

For good luck in money

It is necessary to find three coins of one dignity. They have been released in a leap year. Coins are put under the threshold. Preferably after the ritual they do not move, not to clean. Talking needed such words:

"The money under the threshold will open the way the road. Amen!".

Conspiracy for happiness and good luck:

"As the moon arrives, the river in the ocean runs out, so God's slave (name, his or native, which goes on the road) will be successfully completed, with a disheve of insidious. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!".

You know, if people used such important magic little things, then our space would be cleaner and lighter. Share this material with friends. By this, dear readers you will help yourself. We are all here in one energy information field. The stronger the neighbor, the better for us with you.