Modest wedding: how to organize a decent party on a budget? Modest wedding. How to properly organize and stylishly decorate an event

Each person has bright moments that deserve special attention - this can be the birth of a child and other wonderful moments. But, as you know, one would like to meet such events in a festive atmosphere.

If we imagine for a moment that two loving hearts have decided to unite themselves by marriage, then a delicate question immediately arises: "Will it be a modest wedding?" After all, the organization of any holiday, no matter how long-awaited and bright it may be, will cost a lot of money. The first will be associated with the acquisition of wedding rings, the modest brilliance of which should not darken the holiday.

But if the young people have decided on the scale of the upcoming wedding and decided to organize a wedding only for themselves and the closest people, now there is no need to think about whether the celebration will pay off.

Now the future spouses need to clearly plan a solemn event, which will help to avoid unnecessary material costs.

First, you have to decide on the list of guests, and if it was initially decided that a modest wedding will be held with the involvement of only the most dear and dear people, then you do not need to succumb to emotions and expand it to incredible sizes. You can draw up invitations on your own or with the help of friends.

Now we will talk, probably, about the most important and expensive component of the celebration - the banquet. Lovers must decide on a suitable place.This may not be an expensive restaurant, but the cozy walls of a family home or a summer cottage located in nature. The next step is to create a menu and purchase the necessary food and drinks. A trip to a wholesale grocery store can be useful and economical. Dinner sets and other table accessories can be borrowed from friends and relatives.

You can decorate the banquet venue with your own hands using improvised material - balloons, handwritten posters. And let the relatives who have the unsurpassed gift of a pastry chef take over the creation of a wedding cake.

The next costly moment will be transport, toastmaster, music. Close people can provide a beautiful car, a modest wedding can go well without a limousine. The role of toastmaster is quite capable of taking on the most active and cheerful person among friends. Therefore, musical accompaniment is unlikely to be a problem.

But the newlyweds should be different from the invited guests in their appearance. A beautiful white dress for the bride and a formal suit for the groom can be rented or bought used outfits, which will also save the budget of a young family. The bridal bouquet and the groom's boutonniere can be made from inexpensive delicate flowers.

If the future spouses are serious about organizing the holiday, then it is likely that a modest wedding filled with sunny, cheerful moments will remain in memories for the rest of their lives not only among the newlyweds, but also among the invited guests.

One of the most important issues in organizing a small and cozy wedding is choosing the right place. You are practically not limited by any framework, and even the smallest sites will do. Undoubtedly, when choosing a specific place, you need to start from the chosen style and concept of the wedding, both cozy cafes (for example, where your first date took place) and country hotels where you can accommodate all guests are suitable.

It is worth paying attention to the initially non-wedding grounds: lofts, country houses, small hangars, a forest or a beach. To give the wedding a zest and individuality, choose unusual places for the ceremony and wedding dinner: meadows in the forest, gazebos on the waterfront, aircraft hangars, amusement parks - whatever comes to your mind!

If you choose a restaurant, be sure to consider the option of a warm and cozy evening: a fireplace, gatherings by candlelight - this will add soulfulness to your wedding. For an evening pastime, a separate area can be distinguished: in the fresh air, put armchairs, poufs, comfortable sofas. Prepare blankets in case of coolness.

You can pamper yourself and your guests not with one day of the holiday, but with two! Have a weekend in nature - you can go out of town together and have an unforgettable wedding weekend.

Buffet and ceremony

An excellent decor option, as well as additional entertainment for guests at the buffet table, will be special areas of master classes. You can organize a small workshop on wreaths or boutonnieres, a clay modeling lesson or watercolor painting - the main thing is to take into account the hobbies of your loved ones.

If there are people who are passionate about something among your guests, you can ask them to organize such a master class and talk about your hobby. By the way, at the end of the evening, instead of the traditional wedding dance, you can organize a small dance master class.

A small wedding is not at all a reason to refuse a romantic and beautiful ceremony. On the contrary, she can be even more touching and atmospheric - invite her close friend or family member to spend, prepare vows and share this important moment with the people you dearest.

You can change the usual course of the wedding day program and plan the ceremony not in the daytime, but in the late afternoon, at sunset, when the warm light will flood the grass and the foliage of the trees will take on a golden hue. Decorating the ceremony with candles and lanterns will add even more charm to this moment!

Evening program

At such a small celebration, special attention should be paid to the evening program. Many brides refuse the host, because they think that a stranger will be superfluous at such an intimate celebration, but a good professional, on the contrary, will help create an even more sincere atmosphere. Live music will be a great surprise and pleasant part of the evening for you and your guests. These can be completely different styles - jazz, rock and roll, the main thing is that they are to your liking.

If there are not too many guests, set aside a separate table for board games. Pick up different games: strategy, logic, puzzle. But don't overdo it - they shouldn't be too long or too complicated. Guests will be able to choose, split into groups and play, and don't forget to take care of the winners' gifts!

One of the entertainment options in the evening can be an outdoor cinema. Pulling a sheet instead of a screen and placing your guests on chairs, benches, armchairs or poufs, you will arrange for yourself and them an unforgettable evening. Don't forget to leave yourself some last kissing seats!

Important details

For a small family dinner, guests may not be seated at several tables, but all sit together. For such a long table, the option of one continuous path of flowers, greenery, moss, candles and small decorative elements is perfect.

In this case, you need to take care of the serving of the dishes. Arrange with a restaurant or catering company so that the serving is portioned and that plates of common snacks do not take up most of the table. You can also organize buffet tables. Highlight a separate table with cold and hot appetizers, cheese and sweet tables, and lemonade, tea or coffee tables. It is not only delicious, but also incredibly beautiful.

Set aside a separate area for wishes with a book or mailbox, where guests will put letters for the young family. And don't forget to provide complimentary gifts for your guests! Allocate time for a beautiful photo session - it is best if the shooting location is close to the place of celebration. And for photos with guests, you will definitely need a photo zone: it can be a photo booth or just a beautifully decorated area with fun props and accessories.

The wedding day is not only very important, but can be very expensive. For many couples, the question arises, what can be done to make a modest wedding celebration a pleasant experience? And the money saved could be used for a honeymoon, for example.

This question has always been relevant, and it is not only not a shame to resort to it, but it is also useful for the family budget, especially if any purchases or investments are planned. On the net you can find a lot of reviews about a similar wedding experience.

Newlyweds share secrets and give practical advice. The advantage of this choice is not only the amount saved in the wallet, but also a huge amount of time spent on preparing a big celebration. And also the absence of quarrels and fights among newly-made relatives, common during such events.

What you can save on:

  1. outfits;
  2. rental of premises;
  3. wedding agency;
  4. toastmaster;
  5. photographer;
  6. feast.

Just you and me - a modest wedding

A wedding for two is the most economical option. All you need to do:

  1. submit an application to the registry office;
  2. pay a state fee;
  3. register on the appointed day;
  4. buy a cake.

Actual costs are only for tax and sweets. Still, it is worth noting such a significant event at least with a tea party. But the question remains - should you buy rings? Yet they symbolize the new social status of the newlyweds. And it's simple, it's romantic.

If you prefer silver to gold, then such an acquisition will not hit your wallet hard. And silverware is not only beautiful, but also considered useful for the body. As you can see, this type of entry into a life together cuts expenses on literally everything.

The closest

The next least expensive ceremony is with a very close circle of friends or family. Often these are just witnesses of a marriage, which, in principle, is no longer needed in our time, but the tradition has remained.

Here you can dress up a little, and after visiting the wedding palace, go to:

Fast food cafe.

It will not only save the newly-made couple from kitchen problems, but also save time.

An educational and entertainment center or a museum of the wonders of science.

Such an excursion will appeal to opponents of the classic marriage. There you can not only relax, but also have fun.

Extreme view.

A parachute jump will definitely make this day unforgettable.

With family and friends

If you need a family audience or close people still convinced the newlyweds of their obligatory presence, then you should think about the venue. A small feast at home is quite appropriate with the family. Parents and close friends will not only help with the preparation of meals, but also the subsequent cleaning, which is very important for a tired newlywed.

In this case, it would be appropriate to rent wedding dresses. This is a very advantageous offer, because usually the bride's attire is one of the most expensive items of expenditure.

Several ideas can be considered for thinking through this option.

Theme party.

Decorate the house according to the chosen decor and prepare the appropriate meals. Decorating elements are also good in the hand-made version: inflate balloons, cut paper doves, and more.

On open air.

If the festival is in the summer, then a park or water body will be a great place to hold it. The cost of a dress can be replaced with the purchase of a swimsuit and a pareo. And at the end of the holiday, when twilight has already begun, you can fire up the sky lanterns. But since they are now prohibited on the territory of settlements, this option is only suitable for suburban events.

Inexpensive cafe.

If you still want to have a feast with waiters in order to free yourself on such a beautiful day from everyday problems, then an inexpensive, tastefully decorated cafe can cope with this. You can do without a toastmaster, but ask one of your friends or relatives to think over an entertainment program.

On the Internet, there are already many resources with ready-made scripts and tips on how to spend a holiday. And if you're lucky, your own presenter will create an individual program. Most importantly, this is a close person who knows the newlyweds and his efforts will be more sincere than that of a professional.

The nuances of a modest wedding

Whatever idea of \u200b\u200bholding a celebration the choice of a young couple stops, do not forget about photo and video material. Let it not be a professional shooting, but memories of this memorable day should be preserved in the family archive.

Also, chic wedding dresses can be replaced with attributes. Veil and bow tie - budget, but very symbolic. Do not dwell on the pure white color of the dress, it can be of any pastel shade. In this case, it can be worn for other festive events as well. And the classic shirt of the groom can be transformed into an office shirt.

If there is a desire to observe the tradition of a wedding bouquet, then you can also make it yourself. The cost of flowers will already depend on the budget.

The main thing is not to forget, behind all these cost cuts, that the bride should be not only happy, but also beautiful, and the groom - not only with the saved amount in his pocket, but also satisfied with the result. And behind all the thoughts and problems of how to organize an event, the main thing to remember is that the wedding day is not an ordinary calendar day.

This is an event worth celebrating!

More details about the options for modest weddings can be seen in the video below:

Many people associate a wedding with pomp and high expenses for the event.

There is not always enough funds for this. What if there is no money for a lavish banquet? Do not cancel the celebration! A modest wedding can also be original, stylish and memorable! Options for such a wedding: a family celebration and a wedding for two. Let's take a closer look at both options. Let's start with the first one.

Family wedding celebration

This is when only the closest relatives gather: parents, sisters, brothers. It is not necessary to rent a huge room for a family wedding in a narrow circle. There are options here: you can limit yourself to a home meal, and to make the entourage more solemn, a cozy cafe with a small hall is suitable, or you can hold an event in nature. The intimate atmosphere will create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort, only the most dear and dear people will be nearby.

Even a family-style wedding needs to be thought out how to organize it in an interesting way. It is better to entrust the role of the leader to a specialist. But if you plan to save money on the organizer, then one of the guests can act as a toastmaster. He has to thoroughly prepare, stock up on ideas for various contests and congratulations. His task is to make a family celebration not just a gathering, but a small creative holiday! Come up with a scenario for the event yourself or rebuild a ready-made one for yourself.

Wedding theme

In order to set the tone and direction for the event, you need to think over the concept of the wedding. It can be a themed fancy-dress celebration on a pre-selected theme. For example, a pirate wedding. This topic is very popular now!

Costumes for this theme can be rented and are easy to make with your own hands. Better to hold a pirate wedding outdoors, where nature itself will replace expensive decorations. Especially if there is also a reservoir nearby! In addition, a significant amount will be saved on renting a cafe. Children are especially interested in such an event. The main little pirate can be instructed to steal a shoe from the bride's foot, and then demand a piastra. Guests can be invited to prepare the presentation of their gifts in an original way in the spirit of pirates. For example, hide the “treasure” box in advance, or bury it (shallow!) If the wedding will take place in nature. And the young must find. Thus, an interesting competition will be combined with the moment of presenting the gift.

Wedding celebration for two

Modern young people are increasingly opting for a wedding for two. This is understandable: a wedding is an event in the life of two loving people. How to hold such an event so that it is bright and memorable for everyone? To begin with, the most touching and beautiful part of a wedding is registration. Of course, friends and relatives will be present! Here you can take the experience of Western weddings with an exit registration as a basis. Prepare a place for the celebration in advance, decorate the site for the ceremony with balls, ribbons and flowers, fabrics and other things.

A small wedding is a celebration attended by no more than 20 guests. This has its own charm, because only the closest and dearest people will surround you. There is no need to try to please everyone, behave decorously and pose for the audience. Let's take a look at the most interesting ideas for a small wedding. In such an environment, young people can really enjoy their wedding day.

Features of organizing a small wedding

If you decide that you do not want to arrange a magnificent celebration, then a small wedding will be an excellent solution. You can organize an unforgettable outdoor ceremony with a small banquet for your guests. Where is it better to arrange it? There are a lot of options: in the woods, on the roof, in a cozy restaurant, on the banks of the river. However, so that the wedding does not turn into an ordinary picnic, you need to take care of its organization and think over the script. Arrange a magical performance for your loved ones and loved ones, let them remember this day. What are the benefits of a small wedding?

  1. Saving. An insignificant budget is the main plus of a modest ceremony. If you decide to have a small wedding, you will have the opportunity to save a large amount of money. So, for an ordinary event, about three thousand dollars are usually spent, and a small party is easy to organize for just a thousand. The savings are substantial. Moreover, you can use the money not spent on an expensive celebration on anything, for example, to go on a honeymoon trip.
  2. Calmness. There is no need to puzzle over which restaurant to choose to accommodate 200 guests, how to get them there and where to seat them. The beauty of a small wedding is that the organizational part associated with the event is greatly simplified. You can easily arrange a small holiday yourself. Some girls may not want to give up the pre-wedding hassle. But for those who don't like the hustle and bustle, this wedding option will provide peace of mind on the eve of the most important day.
  3. Small number of invitees. Almost all newlyweds dream about it. Who wants to watch a huge number of unfamiliar and sometimes completely unfamiliar people at their holiday? A small wedding assumes that only the closest people will surround you. And since there will be few guests, they will all be able to participate in fun games and contests. Nobody will get bored.
  4. Choice of cafe / restaurant. If the young people intend to hold a small wedding with their parents and friends, then choosing an institution for a small number of people will be much easier. You do not have to save on dishes, you can safely pamper yourself and your guests with the most delicious and expensive treats.
  5. Originality. Ideas for small weddings can vary. If young people love extreme and adventure, then it is worth flying with guests in a hot air balloon or helicopter. Such a plan is feasible with only a small number of invitees, so why not take advantage of it? Such fun will require additional costs, but your loved ones are guaranteed to get a lot of positive impressions and appreciate the efforts.
  6. Everything's under control. A small wedding, unlike a regular one, is much calmer. Even if there are any problems, it will be much easier to settle them, since there are only the closest and most understanding people among the guests. A modest celebration will not give young people a reason to worry, but will allow you to calmly enjoy this beautiful day.

Where and how best to hold a small wedding?

A nice detail of a mini-wedding is that you have the right to organize the day the way you want, without thinking about the desires of numerous guests. A modest celebration will take place in a close circle of family and friends who will accept any of your decisions. No one will condemn the bride if instead of the traditional white fluffy dress she wears a light summer sundress and decorates her head with a wreath of fresh flowers instead of a diadem.

A small wedding allows young people to come up with an original holiday and enjoy it without fuss and excitement. For example, newlyweds can rent a convertible and go to a neighboring city together, or go on a hike, picnic, or take a parachute jump. The main rule to follow on your wedding day is to do what you want!


If the young people decide to organize a small wedding in nature, it must be held in such a way that it differs from the usual picnic trip. Hire a presenter, take care of the decorative elements, use the services of a photographer. The advantages of such a wedding will be fresh air, unlimited celebration time, and a spacious territory. It will be possible to create your own holiday schedule, so as not to wait in line at the registry office, but to register your marriage on the road. Arrange a photo session against the backdrop of picturesque nature - the pictures will definitely delight you.

In a cafe or restaurant

If you prefer the option of celebrating only for two or in the company of your closest people, you can afford to go to an expensive establishment. Order whatever your heart desires that you could not afford at a banquet with a huge number of guests. Perhaps you want to emphasize the original design of the room or an interesting concept of the restaurant. Choose what you like. The bride does not have to wear a wedding dress. An evening dress will be appropriate for such a celebration, especially since you can wear a practical thing in the future.

Modest wedding at home

Do you want to organize a holiday at home to cut costs and enjoy the atmosphere of home comfort? Then the important point will be to prepare the premises for the arrival of guests. Equipment of rooms is task # 1. Do not forget that people invited to the wedding will not only eat, but also dance, participate in competitions, and relax. Create the appropriate conditions for this. For guests not to get bored, the scenario of a small home wedding should be no less bright than in a restaurant.

Options depending on the season

Ideas for a small wedding, one way or another, depend on the time of the year for which the celebration is scheduled. Each season has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's figure out what period of the year and why is more successful for a wedding celebration, and what options for organizing a holiday should be considered taking into account a small company of invited guests.

Spring Summer

Spring weddings are rare, despite the fact that this season is considered the most romantic. The advantages of such a marriage are the low cost of wedding dresses, the absence of queues at the registry offices, the reduction in prices for the services of organizers of celebrations and rental of premises. The disadvantages include the high cost of vegetables, fruits and the ban on weddings due to Lent.

The most popular time for weddings is summer. Favorable weather is a great opportunity to organize a celebration, anywhere: from a restaurant to the seaside. By choosing a summer wedding, you can organize an outdoor ceremony outside the city (for example, invite guests to a country house or outdoors). The abundance of inexpensive vegetables and fruits is an important plus of the summer celebrations. And young people can spend their honeymoon this time of year wherever they wish. The disadvantages of summer weddings will be high prices for merchandise, including costumes, and unimaginable queues at the registry office.

In spring and summer it is possible to organize a small tourist wedding or picnic. Young people can come to the painting in T-shirts and jeans, and a buffet table should be arranged in nature. The details of a traditional wedding are irrelevant here, so there will be no need to spend money on them. A modest ceremony means saving on wedding dresses, floristry, and a host.

An ideal, and most importantly, original solution would be a small wedding on a boat. Here it is worth giving free rein to your imagination. Arrange everything in a pirate style (young people can take the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" as a basis) or organize a simple romantic holiday with a nautical theme. Place wine, seafood and vegetables on the table. Fresh sea breeze, waves beating against the sides, the sound of the sea - this will make an indelible impression on the guests. When evening comes, invitees should be offered cozy cabins for relaxation.

Autumn winter

The advantages of a wedding in the fall will be low prices for the necessary attributes, products and fresh flowers. Discounts on dresses after the last season should also be attributed to the bonuses of the autumn celebration. However, there are significant disadvantages of holding a wedding during this period of the year: unstable weather and the need to purchase additional accessories for the bride's dress (warm capes).

You can organize a small winter wedding at the lowest prices. Many restaurants offer good discounts to young people for the holidays. In winter, very beautiful photographs are obtained against the background of the beautiful landscapes of this season, which should also not be forgotten. The only drawback of a winter wedding will be the lack of an assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables and the limited choice of venue for the celebration.

Despite the fact that weddings are rarely celebrated at home now, this option has not been canceled. If you, your family, have a spacious house or apartment, feel free to celebrate the holiday there. This solution would not be suitable in the case when there is a need to accommodate a hundred guests, but since the young people chose a modest little wedding, this option will be successful. The holiday will be cozy and sincere, which will not be offered in a restaurant or cafe.

Video: an example of a wedding with a small number of guests

A script for a small wedding can be unusual and interesting. A big plus for modest celebration is that you don't have to worry about a large number of guests. As a result, many frames and restrictions will be removed. So, not only guests will be pleased with the celebration, but also you. The easy format of the wedding will bring positive emotions to all those present, including the young.

Ideas for a beautiful photo shoot for a small wedding

On horseback. Thanks to a wedding photo session with horses, the young will have wonderful pictures. In the future, they will bring a lot of joy to spouses when they remember a happy day and a romantic walk with noble animals. Horses will help create a magical atmosphere on a festive day, will cause a lot of positive emotions. You need to decide on the plot and location of the photo session.

Picnic. Since most weddings take place during the summer, the idea of \u200b\u200ba picnic style photo shoot is a good idea. There are no downsides to shooting a romantic picnic, but solid pluses. Young people will not even have to go to nature for this, since in every city there are beautiful park areas with a lot of greenery, which will become an excellent background for a photo.

Amusement park. Why not organize a photo session in a place that is saturated with magic and reminds of a happy childhood? The main thing is to approach the process with humor, stock up on bright props and have fun from the heart! These photos will be a parting gift of a carefree youth, before starting a family life. On the other hand, you can wait until evening comes when the rides the lights will turn on, and take a romantic shoot in the style of Paris.