Modern facial procedures. The most effective facial rejuvenation procedures

Double action is much better point impact. Especially in order for your transformation program and skin rejuvenation, twice-efficient, Marie Claire experts picked up 5 pairs of the best hardware, injection and plastic procedures that produce a real WOW-effect, working in a duet.

1. Phototherapy + fractional laser

The technique invented by the doctors of Lumenis Ltd is called Photofractional and combines two consecutive effects on the skin: IPL light (phototherapy) and fractional laser. Due to the effects of the IPL light, it is possible to get rid of pigmentation (it is often manifested after staying in the sun), and the fractional laser starts the collagen synthesis - thus, it is possible to restore the fibers of the skin, which are destroyed under the influence of UV rays.

The photofractional procedure is quite aggressive: it gives the effect of a slightly burntable face (redness, peeling). For 1-2 days, lightweight swelling is preserved. After a week, the peeling is increasing, the skin becomes smoother, smooth and well reflects the light.

The combination of two different impacts gives the printing result after one procedure. First, the skin is influenced by the IPL light, but on the parameters are more sparing than those used for the independent procedure of phototherapy (getting rid of pigment spots) - they are selected individually. After anesthesia is applied and the skin is worked with a fractional laser. Phototherapy removes pigment, vascular mesh, whitens and gently stimulates collagen synthesis. The laser penetrates a large depth and "spurs" the synthesis of new skin fibers. The final effect will be noticeable after 1-2 months. On average, it is necessary to make 1-3 procedures (regularity individual) with an interval between them per month. After the procedures, it is necessary to protect the face with SPF creams.

2. Face massage + botulinum injections

Face massage ─ Manual or hardware ─ One of those procedures that is appropriate to be used to prevent age-related changes even in a sufficiently young age. It gives a good effect when adjusting the age-related changes (pronounced nasolabial folds, "cride wrinkles" and longitudinal wrinkles in the forehead, "goose paws" in the eye, the loss of the face, the second chin). Massage allows you to work and bring relaxed muscles into the tone or, on the contrary, to relax squeezed. Due to this, we get the effect - a decrease in the severity of wrinkles, an improvement in the facial oval. Massage is made by the course (on average 10 procedures for two per week), after which mimic wrinkles can be corrected using injections Botoululovoxin. In this case, it will be possible to do without a smaller amount of drug and get a more pronounced result.

3. Fractional laser + PRP therapy

Fractional laser ─ One of the most popular and efficient rejuvenating procedures. This is a soft, but deep skin update with a laser, which reduces the depth of wrinkles, return the skin even color, smoothness and density, launch the natural process of formation of fresh collagen and elastin. Achieve such an effect allows the principle of operation of the device : The thin laser beam penetrates into the skin on a given depth and forms therapeutic micro-injunction with a diameter of no more than 0.2 mm. This impact destroys the old collagen and stimulates the formation of new cells responsible for the operational restoration of damaged areas. It is at the expense of this that the skin lift is carried out and the improvement of its texture. The fractional rejuvenation procedure can help if you notice the leather and small wrinkles, you do not like uneven colors of the face and extended pores, you have pigment specks or tabs.

Despite the small period of rehabilitation after laser exposure, the complete and final effect will manifest after 3-5 sessions. At the same time, the mechanisms of rejuvenation are activated already a week after the first procedure (and continue to increase), and the effect remains up to 1.5 years.

Combine fractional laser procedures best with PRP therapy - injections of their own blood plasma. Plasma contains platelets that accelerate the restoration of the skin after laser exposure. Plus, there are also growth factors in it, which additionally stimulate fibroblasts - cells that produce new collagen and elastin fibers. With a combination of two of these procedures, you can get a more pronounced rejuvenating effect.

4. Lifting of the skin of the face + injection of fillers or outbreaks

Through plastic surgery The effect of lifting can be achieved, but to completely get rid of wrinkles with its help, alas, it is impossible. After plastics, there are, for example, wrinkles around the mouth, as well as "wrinkles of puppets" (the so-called "folds of grief"). In order to make them less noticeable, use injection of phillers In the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasolabial folds, lips, the zicky region. An alternative to filler injections is the lipophiling procedure, when their own fat cells are used to replenish the volume. They are closed by a syringe from certain zones of the body (abdominal area, the inner surface of the hip, knees) and are introduced in small quantities in the desired zone. It is necessary to do it very carefully, because the main task is to ensure that the fat cells adapt in the right place and have taken root. The advantage of lipophiling before the injections of the philler is obvious: Fillers need to be updated every year, while fat cells remain in the introduced area for years. Also, in the case of lipophiling, a possible allergic reaction is excluded, which can manifest themselves to the filter entered.

5. Blefaroplasty + laser procedures

To a greater extent, this combination will be appropriate when plastic Lower Centurywhere the muscles are "soldered" to the skin and can not be removed all her surplus. That is why three weeks after the operation is shown laser treatment of this zone. The laser has a stimulating effect on the skin, thereby reducing it and activating the synthesis of new collagen and elastin - after the skin is compacted and becomes more elastic. For a pronounced effect, one session can be enough.

Often, this technique is used in cases where it is necessary to get rid of hernia bags (this problem, by the way, can disturb enough young people). Operation to remove such hernia is carried out transconjunctivally (through a small incision from the bottom of the lower eyelid), and after removing fat packages, excess skin remains that you need to tighten - for these purposes and a laser is necessary.

Young and healthy skin will be shining and beautiful, even if it does not care for her. But over the years, the rehabilitation processes of cells, natural humidification, nutrition begin to slow down. Covers lose natural elasticity, elasticity, color, dried stronger.

After 30-35 years, the number of collagen fibers decreases, the woman begins to notice the endlessness, wrinkles, folds. The face dulls, the skin will become more demanding, it becomes more difficult with dark circles, and the manifestations of aging appear increasingly. We can not stop old age, but delaying her offensive and extend the youth easier than it seems. Consider which techniques and cosmetic procedures for the face rejuvenation after 30 years will help preserve beauty and radiance.

We keep youth at home

The processes of aging and their external manifestations in some women begin pretty early, even after 25 years. In order to look at young and fresh, it is necessary to allocate time for treating yourself.

Clinical picture

What do the doctors about wrinkles say

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Plastic Surgeon Morozov EA:

I have been engaged in plastic surgery for many years. Many famous personalities who wanted to look younger through me through me. Currently, plastic surgery loses its relevance. Science does not stand still, there are still new and new techniques for the rejuvenation of the body, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or have no opportunity to resort to the help of plastic surgery, I will recommend no less efficient, but the most budget alternative.

For more than 1 year, the European market has a miracle preparation to rejuvenate the skin of Novaskin, which can be obtained IS FREE. In efficiency, it is several times greater than the injection by Botoks, not to mention all sorts of cream. It is easy to use and the most important thing you will see instantly. Without exaggeration, I will say that small and deep wrinkles take place almost immediately, bags under the eyes. Thanks to intracellular effects, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, changes are simply colossal.

Learn more \u003e\u003e

The nature of the change with the face depends on the set of factors:

  • Lifestyle;
  • Presence of diseases;
  • How often the woman is stress;
  • If she has children;
  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Living place.

Wrinkles begin to appear, the backup reserves of the epidermis, the dermis layer are thinned, the synthesis of collagen decreases, the dead cells accumulate, the elasticity deteriorates. Cells lose moisture faster, pigment stains appear.

Start careful and systemic skin care is time at the first manifestations of aging. The best output is a complex, systematic approach to the problem. One single cosmetics will not give persistent result. Consider effective methods of home care, as well as effective rejuvenating procedures for the face after 30 years and a little older. Where to begin?


Before any manipulation and rejuvenating face procedures after 30 years, skin covers must be cleaned of contamination, fat. In the evening, it was washed off the whole could, in the morning - toxins, which at night go to the surface.

The washbasin is selected individually. Previously need to become familiar with the composition. Components should not cause allergies.
Purchase three tools for cleansing. Their appointment:

  • Remove makeup (milk, lotions);
  • Flush dirt (gel, foam, special soap);
  • Toning the skin.

After cleansing, they make a light peeling, removing the upper layer of epidermis with toxins. It can be special cosmetics with acids or agents from natural components. The walnut kernels are crushed into powder. Mixed with fresh lemon juice, orange, carrots or cabbage, until Cashier works. If the skin is too dry, a little milk is added. You can apply lemon juice, but it should be softened by olive oil.

Water is the main assistant in cleansing. Herbal infusions are added to it, milk. Too low solution temperature narrowed vessels, which can lead to their rupture. The red mesh is not the most attractive phenomenon. Too hot water leads to the same unpleasant effect. The main stap of washing is carried out with warm water. Finishing - cool.

Cleansing can be daily and periodic. Clean from pollution and makeup epidermis should twice a day. Deep cleaning with peels, masks that are designed to get rid of dead cells, intensify local metabolism, level the relief, spend twice a week. Cleansing cosmetology procedures for the person after 35 years - once a week.

Additionally, some ladies need regular cleaning from acne, rashes, comedones. This is better to trust a specialist. Not all techniques with which the Internet is shot can approach you. In the salons offer the following cleaning:

  • Mechanical;
  • Ultrasound;
  • Vacuum.

Other ways of home care

In the complex with cleansing, the procedures for the rejuvenation of a person at 30 years of age twice a week should be made of nutritious masks, which drink the epidermis with the useful substances, align it, heal. They are also applied to the neck, neckline zone. Wash off 20 minutes after applying. Well nourish masks with cream, honey, sour cream, oils.

After cleansing manipulations, the cover is better perceived moisturizing, nutrition. Fill the skin with useful components creams with vitamins, oils. Other indispensable components: plant extracts, various active ingredients. They longer support moisture balance. In the summer and day must be moisturized, in winter and in the evening. Creams with hyaluronic acid protect, hold moisture, do not allow the epidermis to be puffed. The cream may also contain a substance that stimulates the production of collagen, Coenzyme Q10.

From the burdown layer will help to save the scrub of oat flakes. Fatty skin is suitable salt, coffee scrubs. Sensitive - Fastened herbs with milk.

Gymnastics and massage - another effective method. Tell and show the massage technique cosmetologist. After you can do it yourself. Massage makes 10 sessions courses, gymnastics - daily.

The correct order of persons serving procedures after 30-35 years always starts with purification, ends with meals.

The best time for peels, masks - evening. Fabrics will have time to recover, and the body will be well perceived manipulation.

The effect will be even more pronounced if you visit the cosmetologist once a week. We learn more about which procedures for the person after 30-35 are made in the cabin.

Professional rejuvenating face procedures after 35 years - a more radical and effective method to preserve beauty. At this age of creams, masks, a full rest (as in youth), it becomes little for restoring and care for fading skin. It should be referred to a professional in a reliable clinic or a cosmetology office.

A pre-specialist should learn about those diseases that have ever transferred a patient, allergies, other contraindications.

It will help you choose effective methods of fighting aging. Perhaps you will have to be brushing, which will save from rashes and other unwanted manifestations.


This is one of the most popular and efficient cosmetic procedures for the face rejuvenation after 30-35 years. Injectionally introduced vitamin cocktails with amino acids, minerals, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid and other useful substances that affect the dermis, epidermis and general health condition.

Mesotherapy activates regeneration processes, heals the covers, increases elasticity, turgor. There are injecting and non-involute techniques. Plugs are healing on the second day. Non-invasive mesotherapy does not cause discomfort, does not require a rehabilitation period, but is considered less effective.

Deep peeling

This procedure for the person after 35 years is very effective not only for rejuvenation, but also for cleansing. The following peeling techniques are used:

  • Chemical;
  • Fruit;
  • Diamond;
  • Dermabrasion.

The top layer and part of the epidermis are removed under it. The processes of self-healing, rejuvenation are launched. Small wrinkles disappear, color is aligned, pigment stains are deleted, the condition of the cover is improved.

This is a rather traumatic way. Peeling is performed only by a professional cosmetologist. A certain time is better not to go out and handle face with the compositions assigned to the beautician.

The introduction of the philler is a useful procedure for the face rejuvenation of 35 years and older. Their basis is hyaluronic acid. Thanks to her, skin becomes elasticity, fresh look, wrinkles are filled. With this manipulation, you can raise your eyebrows, make traits more symmetrical, change volumes. This is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery.

Preparations for contour plastics:

  • Based on hyaluronic acid, they are used to replenish the volume of facial tissues;
  • Biorevitals - Fillers with hyaluronic acid intended for moisturizing;
  • Botulinum-toxin type A blocks cuts from mimic muscles.

Preparations collapsed over time, derived from the body. The effect lasts from six months to a year, comes immediately. Fillers are used to increase the volume of lips, models oval, adjust the shape of the cheekbone, nose. Anesthesia is usually not required.


Facial procedures after 35 years include lifting. Pick up the muscles of the face, get rid of the second chin, wrinkles, reduce nasolabial folds.


  1. Handmade massage, ultrasonic, vacuum. The goal is to prevent and correct the manifestations of aging, therapy of skin-cosmetic defects. Provides a pronounced effect, improves blood circulation, leads into tone muscles, produces elastin, collagen. Entrances go, sharing products are displayed. Massage must be trusted only by a specialist. Contraindicated with inflammatory elements, glasses, dermatitis.
  2. As a procedure for rejuvenation of a person after 35 years, radio frequency lifting has good reviews. The effect of radio frequency radiation occurs. Promotes the formation of new collagen fibers, smoothes the cover. About 8 sessions are required. First they apply a special gel, then the apparatus is performed. Improved microcirculation, metabolic processes. Contraindicated in oncology, presence of implants, epilepsy, diabetes, scars, other diseases.
  3. Golden, platinum threads. The introduction of threads is a popular procedure for the face rejuvenation in 35 years and older. After the introduction, they are tightened. Such threads are not solved. But there are also resolveing \u200b\u200bthreads. Over time, they are out of the body, but the collagen frame remains, providing a long result. The threads are aptos there are notches, which after installation cling to the fabric. Sinking threads are easily established, able to eliminate moderate signs of wilting. This is a serious operation, which is worth attributed to cosmetology surgery. Despite the anesthesia, many patients complain about the soreness of such a technique. Rehabilitation period takes 2-4 weeks.

One of the effective procedures for the face rejuvenation after 30-35 years. The work of the lymphatic system is stimulated, the blood circulation is improved, the swelling is eliminated. Impulse currents affect the problem areas, strengthening muscles, leveling wrinkles, toning. Muscles are reduced at different times.

After such an effect, the skin perceives different drugs and means. Mostimulation is safe, does not cause discomfort, but they do not make it with inflammation, rays.

The following tips in the complex with the above methods will help improve the state of the epidermis:

We draw conclusions

If you read these lines, it can be concluded that you are still looking for a method to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles, at the form of which in the mirror it becomes unable.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and most importantly checked most of the ways and means against wrinkles, ranging from popular methods and ending with the procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

All means, if they gave, then only a small temporary result. As soon as the procedures stopped, after a few days everything was returned back.

The only drug that gave a significant result is novaskin.

This serum is the best alternative to Botex. The main feature is that novaskin acts instantly, i.e. Literally a few minutes you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy networks, but is funded by the Ministry of Health and applies IS FREE. Reviews about novaskin can be read here.

  1. The skin needs timely purification from pollution, cosmetics, toning, nutrition, moisture.
  2. Adjust your diet. Healthy, fractional food will save the complexion. Eat more fruits, vegetables.
  3. Drink clean water for two liters per day.
  4. Sports will help speed up metabolism. Especially in the fresh air.
  5. Try to fall out.
  6. Throw smoking, drink alcohol. Do not drink coffee too often.

All of the above cosmetic procedures for the person after 35 years and techniques help to achieve excellent results. Woman can outwardly thinning for 10 years.

With regular, competent, careful care, the skin will look fresh, tightened, shining still for a very long time.

But cosmetology procedures do not make it possible to exacerbate chronic diseases, pregnancy, lactation, ORVI, inflammation, rash in the field of exposure. More about contraindications will tell a beautician.

In recent years, the popularity of rejuvenating cosmetic procedures has increased significantly. This is due, first of all, with efficiency, security and a large variety of services offered. What a technique is best, the advantages and disadvantages of each are bothering women when choosing a procedure for face rejuvenation. This will be discussed further.

Methods of face rejuvenation

The face is the main weapon of a woman, so constantly maintaining his beauty for her very important. Fortunately, modern cosmetology offers many diverse ways, the use and combination of which will fully satisfy the desire of patients.

Rejuvenating facial procedures are divided into such types:

  • Plastic surgery - a cardinal method for skin rejuvenation. A fast and effective result is contrasted with a long-term rehabilitation period, pain and risk of complications.
  • Injections of beauty and Fillers - according to most professionals - this is the second way to return the previous elasticity and beauty of the epidermis. It is painless, the recovery period is short due to the low invasive method of the method. Along with this, the rejuvenating components of the drugs are directly delivered to the internal layers, where they immediately begin to actively act. The main action of the technique is to improve the skin and accelerate the mechanism of natural restoration of the tone and the turgora of fabric fabrics.
  • Botox injections, dysport - the direction of injecting cosmetology, which rejuvenates, relaxing the mimic muscles. The recreation effect does not provide, but the instant smoothness of the relief is guaranteed.
  • Hardware Cosmetology is an effective technique for rejuvenation of the dermis, aimed at stimulating and accelerating the formation of new collagen construction fibers. Under the action of electric current, ultrasound, laser, light and thermal rays, pulses occurs partial destruction of old and fat cells, the places of which will later take the newly formed elastin tissues. Procedures are painless, without special restrictions and are easily combined with other rejuvenation techniques. One of these techniques is the RF lifting of the face - an innovative method of combating aging.

It is worth noting that the hardware cosmetology has stepped forward so much that you can spend your favorite procedures yourself at home. It is only necessary to purchase the appropriate device for facial rejuvenation and explore its action. It is convenient and significantly saves time and means.

  • Face massage - a nice version of the correction of age defects. Regular and correct effects on fabric strengthens them, smoothes, enhances lymph and blood flow. The action of the method is able to delay earlier the skin and absolutely harmless to the body.
  • Cosmetic tools - Leaving facilities needed for daily use. Masks, scrubs, lotions, serum and face creams help not so much to rejuven, but also support fabrics in tone, protect against external influence and premature aging. These are an indispensable assistants for everyone who is not indifferent to the appearance and the condition of the skin. In addition, homemade masks and folk cream will give confidence in the naturalness and harmlessness for the epidermis.

Salon rejuvenating methods

The most effective procedures for solving age problems without surgery is:

  • Laser skin rejuvenation - the procedure for rejuvenation includes deep cleaning of the surface, eliminating old fibers for the appearance of young, elastic. You can estimate the effectiveness of the technique in a couple of weeks, but the growing effect will delight for a long time. The varieties of laser rejuvenation include fractional procedures, laser grinding, photorejuvenation and laser biorevitalization. The procedure is carried out by a qualified technician on the relevant equipment, in compliance with all safety and precautionary standards. Before processing a laser beam, a special gel is applied to the skin. It enhances efficiency and simultaneously protects against the burn.
  • RF lifting is the most demanded method of hardware cosmetology. The essence of the method consists in the effects of radio wave radiation on the inner layers of the dermis, heated them. Heat stimulates the intensive production of new collagen fibers, elastin and the destruction of old. The procedure is permitted from 25 years, but more suitable for mature skin (about 40 years). Age changes such as flabbiness and ptosis of tissues, loss of clarity of contours and wrinkles, thanks to the Russian Federation, the lifting will remain in the past. To add and secure the resulting lifting effect, you can mesotherapy.
  • Contour plastic - refers to injection methods for solving age problems. The essence of the methodology is to be in the subcutaneous administration of drugs containing hyaluronic acid. The composition of the drug and the dosage is determined individually. Thanks to the contour plastic, you can adjust the form, the volume of the face, cheeks, cheeks, smooth wrinkles and get rid of scars. The procedure for modeling and rejuvenation of the face is actively used with hardware cosmetology.
  • Mesotherapy is a way of improving skin cover, after which the overall effect of the youth of the face is achieved. The preparation for mesotherapy includes vitamin, nutrient components, minerals and microelements, if necessary, hyaluronic acid. After the procedure, the tone is aligned, the skin shines health, the contours become touched.

Home Cosmetics and Massage

It is impossible to underestimate the importance of cosmetics. Daily face care - mandatory conditions for a young and beautiful face. Active care procedures worth starting from 25-28 years. It is during this period that age changes of the epidermis begin.

Facial masks 2 times a week intensively moisturized and saturate the skin with nutritional components. These can be independently prepared mixtures based on honey or laminaria.

For owners of active facial expressions, it is important to include in a regular use of a cream for the area around the eye. By nature, the skin in this zone is thinner and more sensitive, so the first is subjected to aging.


Today in beauty salons you can find all sorts of procedures that promise us a quick result on face rejuvenation. And it is not surprising at all that any woman can be very easy to get confused in what cosmetology offers her. Some women may generally seem that the number of procedures increases every day. All this is quite similar to the truth. After all, there is absolutely every woman wants to look young and attractive, regardless of its age, it becomes an incentive for scientists to invent all new and new facial rejuvenation procedures.

Types of procedures that are able to rejuvenate face

Procedures for rejuvenation of the person who offers modern cosmetology can be the most different. Select them need to consider the type of skin of women and defects that there are on it and from which the client wants to get rid of. Therefore, at first, all this huge amount of services offered is to divide into several volume groups. Depending on how these procedures will affect the woman's face, the following groups can be distinguished: hardware, mechanical and manual.

The first type of procedures include radio lifting, photorejuvenation, laser, ultrasound or vacuum therapy, as well as local and local darsonialization. To the second type, experts include mesotherapy, the introduction of Botox, biorevitalization and many others. The third type of procedure is based on the facial rejuvenation can still be called spas procedures, because they include mud, collagen, alginate masks, as well as salt peels and aromatherapy.

Such procedures are carried out exclusively in beauty salons. It should also be borne in mind that the procedure should make an experienced specialist, because not a professional can only harm your face and skin. Before proceeding with the procedure, he must tell about it. To clarify what the procedure there are stages, how will the rehabilitation period be and how to care for the person after performing this procedure.

  1. Radio lifting. The whole essence of the procedure lies in the fact that certain problem areas will affect current pulses. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to relatively quickly and effectively solve the problems of premature aging of the skin of the face, as well as tighten the skin and its tissue, stimulate the natural production of collagen cells of the skin. Thus, you will get more clear contours of the face and the absence of too deep wrinkles on your face.
  2. Laser, ultra-sound therapy. The skin is affected by a laser or ultrasound and thus remove the top layer of cells that have already buried. Using such a procedure, small wrinkles can be very easily eliminated, get rid of pigment spots of small size. Also, this procedure helps very carefully and deeply clean the face from pollution of various kinds and align not only the complexion, but also its relief.
  3. Vacuum therapy. Such a procedure can only help with minor signs of aging or fading the skin of the face. It may also be preventing aging. When the skin is absorbed by a vacuum, thus stimulation of collagen and elastin production, which are very important to preserve the youth and freshness of the face. Such a procedure, many women note, is very effective if only a minor omission of tissues is observed, because it allows them to return them to the previous place and simulate the contours of the face.
  4. Photorejuvenation. For this procedure, a laser can use, but no less good result you will receive when using infrared emission devices. Thanks to the photorejuvenation, you can forget about pigment stains on your face, reduce deep and get rid of mimic wrinkles, as well as stimulate the production of such necessary skin collagen and elastin.
  5. Darsonvalization. When performing the procedure on the skin, the current affects. Thus, you can stimulate the muscles of the face, which then independently begin to shrink, shrink and relax. Thus, you can very well improve blood circulation and intensify the production of all those substances that help keep skin youth and its beauty for a long time.
Each of the above procedures also has a number of positive qualities, but at the same time do not forget about contraindications that every method of skin rejuvenation. Therefore, before proceeding to a procedure for rejuvenation of a person, it is necessary to learn very detail about all sorts of contraindications and complications that may arise at different stages of skin care in this way. This will help not only avoid unwanted consequences, but also to get a really desired result.

Mechanical procedures for efficient face rejuvenation

It is these procedures that are considered the most popular and in demand. All experts advise to carry out the procedures for this nature to women who only begin to show the first signs of aging on the face. Some of the procedures are possible, as very effective prevention of aging of the skin of the face.
  1. Mesotherapy. During this procedure, hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin. This method of rejuvenation differs from biorevitalization by the fact that drugs that use specialists can penetrate exclusively in the middle layers of the skin. When biorevitalization occurs, a deeper and effective penetration of drugs occurs. However, it is not necessary to refuse from mesotherapy, because it showed just excellent results in eliminating shallow mimic wrinkles on the face.
  2. Biorevitalization. During this procedure, hyaluronic acid injection is also introduced under the skin. Preparations based on this acid help help very gently and effectively stimulate the natural production of collagen and elastin, also help moisture to be kept in the skin, because enough moisture is very important for fading skin.
  3. Botox injections. Such a procedure is very popular among women, because it helps to smooth out minor wrinkles, remove the folds near the nose and lips. But it should be remembered that such injections are powerless in stimulation of collagen production, which is the most considerable minus of this type of skin rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation of a person with a spa procedure

Most women know what actually denote the masks for the face that we mentioned above. Moreover, they also know that some of them are quite actually prepared independently. Of course, the procedures in the cabin are good because it is not necessary to cook anything and something to calculate that it is that mask with those proportions that you need. When a woman comes to the salon on a spa procedure, then she can relax there, enjoy the process itself and at the same time get out of the office younger and more beautiful.

It is also worth remembering that before any spa procedure you will need to make some more very important manipulations with the skin of the face.

  • Surface cleansing of the skin from possible contaminants;
  • Sparking the skin, so that useful substances have the opportunity to penetrate much deeper into inside;
  • The overlay is necessary tools or peeling depending on the type of procedure itself;
  • Soothing of the skin after the procedure and its toning.

Everything, without exception, wish to look great at any age. Modern cosmetology and plastic surgery allow you to remain young and attractive for many years.

Today we offer to your attention rating of the most efficient rejuvenating proceduresIn which the latest achievements of the beauty industry entered.

The operation always gives a visible effect, but is a rather risky method of rejuvenation, if it is certainly not the best plastic surgery clinics, in view of the mass of contraindications and side effects. The most popular surgical procedures for rejuvenation are the circular lift of the face, blepharoplasty, lifting with the help of the APTOS threads and the face s-lift, in which the cuts will be minimal, and the medical bathrobe will still have to buy.

9. Dispositive lifting

Doctors cosmetologists offer customers several methods of skin suspenders without surgery. The most popular are ultrasound lifting, photolifting, cryoralifting. It is very common RF-lifting or thermal, in which an electric current in the radio frequency range affects the skin.

8. Massage

One of the most affordable rejuvenation procedures can be performed manually or using special equipment. Having learned from the cosmetologist with the simplest techniques of the face massage, it can be done at home on their own.

7. Peeling

Removal of dead cells allows you to make the skin smooth and healthy. Peelings differ in the methods of impact on the skin and intensity. The most common is mechanical peeling, compositions for which can be used at home. In the beauty salon, you can conduct superficial or median chemical peeling, as well as peeling ultrasound.

6. Mesotherapy

The rejuvenating effect of the procedure lies in the fact that the active substances are introduced into subcutaneously, i.e. where they are needed. Mesotherapy is used to improve the condition of the face, body and hair. A set of necessary drugs picks up a cosmetologist. Most often it is collagen, elastin, a cocktail of vitamins and amino acids, hyaluronic acid, antibiotics and other drugs.

5. Laser biorevitalization

The essence of the procedure is to introduce into deep layers of skin of hyaluronic acid drugs under the influence of laser radiation. Unlike classical mesotherapy, the method is painless and does not require injections. The result is preserved up to 6 months.

4. Ozone therapy

This procedure affects the entire body as a whole. The oxygen-ozone mixture is subcutaneously introduced intraderially, which stimulates metabolic processes in the body.

3. Mostimulation

The rejuvenating effect is achieved by influencing different sections of the face and body to the currents of different frequencies. Often, the procedure is combined with applying drugs to the skin, which are effective under the influence of microtons.

2. Bioarming

The method is directed to the correction of the contours of the face without surgery. Under the skin with the help of biogel injections, a supporting frame is formed, which will preserve the form for 2-3 years.

1. Botox and dysport

Perhaps these are the most popular procedures in our ranking. They are directed to the fight against facial wrinkles. The essence of the method is to introduce botulinotoxin, which has a locally paralyzing effect on individual muscles of the face. The effectiveness and safety of the procedure depends on the experience of a cosmetologist.