Create yourself a New Year's mood. How to create a New Year's mood? Stroll around the central streets

You happen to you: Soon the holiday, everyone is fussy, are building plans, and you in the midst of this excitement feel like a penguin in the desert, absolutely stranger and "foreign"?

Mood - no desire - missing, the soul rolls melancholy, I want to have a sidelice and not see anyone. Believe it, it's not order! You can not put up with such a mood. Holidays are designed completely for another! These are the days of "swap" energy with new stunning emotions and impressions. Why lose at least one, especially if we are talking about a new year!

Fortunately, the mood is a big deal. The secret is simple - to create a New Year's mood, you need to deal with New Year's business! Let's consider the methods of combating melancholy and despondency on the eve of the most important holiday of the year.

New Year's mood for home!

Sometimes in order to breathe a new wave of forces, you just need to join the festive bustle. Look at your home through the eyes of a third-party person. Is it ready for a celebration? Is everything cleaned if "testimonies" of failures and troubles were thrown away. Maybe they do not allow you to gain the desired mood.

Then imagine that you are waiting for this Santa Claus, which will fulfill all your desires in the coming new year: O).

Will he be lingering in the house not prepared accordingly? Of course not.
So what's up? Urgently for work! After all, Christmas toys and tinsel are waiting for a long time when you remember them. They missed the whole year so!

Dress the Christmas tree, decorate the garland house or apartment: Last Minutes in the twilight lights look just magically! Fill the house with New Year's smells: Live Christmas Trees, Mandarins, Bake Gingerbread Cookies, put fragrant candles, build New Year's compositions and you will immediately feel the feeling of the upcoming holiday!

Magic of New Year's music!

Do not forget that we have not one body of perception. Your eyes are already happy with New Year's decorations, and nose with New Year's smells, so remember the sounds! Place a New Year's playlist, and listen to cheerful music doing household chores, or in a car ...

Believe me, for many (maybe, it is you relate to their number) sounds are priorities in creating harmonious feelings. Put your favorite melody, and you will see how your melancholy, taking melancholy and apathy, is rapidly.

New Year's mood in gifts

New Year is not only a feast that you may not want to organize. This is still time surprises. This is a magical day when you can instill a lot of people simultaneously. And if you think we are talking about you to go to the monastery, your mood really needs "intensive therapy."

In fact, you can arrange a small "holiday of own significance", making a shopping trip. Purchase gifts for all relatives and friends! It is not necessarily spent, even the choice of ordinary souvenirs will give you a feeling of the upcoming holiday. Bright showcases and huge decorations of shopping centers will definitely raise the mood and delight with their appearance.

Do not forget about yourself! Buy yourself a couple of elegant things, think about what to celebrate the New Year? Make a New Year manicure and winter drawing on the nails. Choose the outfit and accessories for the New Year's party. Now you will see, the New Year's mood will not make himself wait!

Set up for the new year!

The house is decorated, gifts - prepared, from the thought of which you already want to rejoice. But you forgot about your phone and desktop! What picture do you watch now? We urgently change the wallpaper for a bright New Year's picture

Subscribe to several New Year groups in social networks to please yourself with winter pictures and melodies regularly!

The easiest way to create a positive attitude for a holiday is to take a walk through the pages of the Internet, see pictures, and recipes, find out what is in fashion for this holiday 2015. After all, the expectation of the new year is an amazing time! Especially if the mood is suitable: o).

You help you some interesting ideas to create a New Year's mood

Based on the materials of,

You must create a New Year's mood. And if you do everything right, then the corresponding attitude will not wait long for a long time.

Why sometimes there is no mood in the New Year holidays

Sometimes, it seems that the ability to sincerely enjoy the New Year holidays goes along with childhood. In adults in their lives, there are always too many concerns - planlers at work, a broken vacuum cleaner, a quarrel with mother-in-law. All these, at first glance, the little things, completely capture our attention and do not allow to relax for a minute. Therefore, about the approaching new year and Christmas, we usually remember in the last days. About proper preparation and the more New Year's mood under such circumstances and it is not necessary to speak.

Another reason for a bad mood during this period - dissatisfaction with itself. Looking at a passing year, we do not always see victories and achievements. Surely over the past 12 months and the moments of which I do not want to remember.

Sometimes we built on the eve of the last new year plans do not become a reality. In such a situation, it is better to stop looking back into the past and, on the contrary, boldly look ahead. Behind the black band should always be bright, and what will be coming for a coming year depends on you.

And remember - create a New Year's mood you should not for yourself, but for your loved ones and relatives. After all, from how you feel about Christmas holidays depends on the New Year's mood of other members of your family. And therefore, it's time to take appropriate measures.

7 ways to create a New Year's mood

  1. Decorating home. On the eve of the New Year and Christmas, it is time to take care of the inner decoration of your home. Remove from the top shelves of the cabinet box with New Year's garlands, christmas toys and other integral celebration accessories. If you don't have such a box yet, it's never too late to create it. Year of year, it will be replenished with various New Year's decorations, each of which has its own history and carries a positive emotional charge. Drop the New Year's Christmas tree, decorate her toys, tinsel and garland and you will see how immediately Christmas spirit will appear in your house.
  2. Prepare gifts to relatives and friends. The storage trip to shops in search of cozy, funny and memorable things for their loved ones is a great way to create a festive mood. But it is also a chance to avoid unnecessary stress, which will certainly overtake you if you go to search for a gift at the last moment. As a rule, during the holiday days the range on the store shelves is no longer so large, and the shopping centers are overcrowded to people. In such an atmosphere, it will be extremely difficult to choose suitable gifts. But if you did not happen to take care of gifts in advance, do not worry. Calm and without stress, go shopping. Better late than never.
  3. We listen to New Year's music. Christmas melodies will greatly help create a New Year's mood. Include them quietly while cleaning in the house or games with children. After a while you will notice that they involuntarily begin to sing along and swing their head in the beat. New Year's songs are cheerful and thoughtful, joking and dreamy - but they all give the feeling of the holiday.
  4. Watch New Year's films. Another excellent way to create a New Year's mood is watching movies. Surely there are many christmas films that you know and love since childhood. In addition, there are many both domestic and foreign paintings that you have not seen. Make a list and start viewing movies in a couple of weeks before the new year. They will not only give to feel the approach of the holiday, but also teach that the biggest Christmas miracle is a family.
  5. Make a Christmas calendar. For us, this tradition is still new, but gradually she begins to conquer their positions. You can make such a calendar of waiting for your child, and it is possible for the whole family as a whole. Its essence is simple - with the help of multi-colored paper and glue, we create a small cardboard house with opening windows. Each of these windows hide chocolate candy, a note with a wish or a small present. The rule is only one thing - you can open one window per day. If you provide in your house, for example, 24 cells, then the festive mood in your home will begin to form 24 days before the new year. When it is starting a Christmas marathon - a choice for you.
  6. Thunderstand the New Year's table. Planning festive dishes will allow instantly to feel the messenger of the celebration. And since the new year is only once a year, he also represents an excellent opportunity to pamper himself and his relatives. Include in the list those dishes that have long wanted to try, but I still could not afford it. Only from one anticipation of such goodies your mood will immediately rise.
  7. Choosing a New Year's outfit. Even if you meet the new year at home with your relatives, you should not celebrate it in old workouts and stretched T-shirt. Pick up for yourself that outfit, in which you will be convenient, and in which you like yourself. If nothing like does not come to mind, then it's time to spend a little on the clothing store. You can buy something universal to wear this thing and further. But each time this item wardrobe will raise you mood. If you are calm about the New Year's outfits, meet the New Year in what you are most convenient and comfortable. The Spirit of Christmas will come himself, along with comfort and warmth of home clothing.

Today, many people complain about the absence of New Year's Eve. But the fact is that you should not expect it to appear in itself. Our mood is exclusively in our hands. And because it's time to take care of it in advance.

As a child, we have always been waiting for the new year with impatience, writing letters to Santa Claus and made a wishes for New Year's Eve. But because of the everyday troubles, we lose the amazing ability to believe in miracles and a fairy tale. And in vain! New Year is always something fascinating and fabulous. After all, on the threshold a new stage of life, with new achievements and successes!

How to create a New Year's mood - mandarine mood

Surround yourself with mandarins! The very first harbinger of the upcoming New Year's holiday is of course, the aroma of Mandarins. New Year's fruit will give a charge of cheerfulness and a good mood!

How to Create New Year's Eve - Christmas Euphoria

The smell of needles is an integral part of the holiday! Put the Christmas tree, get the New Year's decorations and decorate the house. Even if you just hang garlands on the window and make a pair of snowflakes, the New Year's mood will come to your soul! If you have a big family, get along the Christmas tree all together, believe it is very fun! Turn your house into the present fabulous kingdom, where the coming new year will come with pleasure.

How to create a New Year's mood - Festive shopping

  • Go for gifts to your family and loved ones! When you strive to give a New Year's mood to another, you are unnoticed for yourself become a member of the holiday.
  • This method is simple, but effective. Works on the principle: "Do you want to become happy? Give the happiness to another! "
  • Packing gifts Do not trust the usual and boring foil, and make the original decorations and postcards with your own hands. The creative process will undoubtedly configure you to the New Year's motive.
  • Remember to yourself - nothing is in this way, like a new dress or suit. After all, it is also like more than a holiday to dress up and go to have fun. Select New Year's attributes to a new purchase, here you will see, during the fitting you will be on a positive!

How to create a New Year's mood - Return to childhood

  • Browse your favorite children's movies, remember with what a thrill and delight you waited for the New Year. As waking up on New Year's morning, you were waiting for a New Year's gift under the Christmas tree brought by Santa Claus.
  • Open the photo album with New Year's children's photo, having seen yourself in a snowflake costume or bunny, you will chase a smile for a long time and forget about sad emotions.

How to create a New Year's mood - chocolate magic

Let's go back again in childhood! Remember, what kids with candies did our parents give us? Play the game "Himself Santa Claus!", Buy a chocolate gift in the store and put under the Christmas tree. Of course, now you will not find such sweets, but to deploy and eat sweets under the Christmas tree clearly bring you a New Year's mood and pleasant memories!

How to create a New Year's mood - Magic Drink

New Year's drink will bring you warmth, good mood and feeling of the upcoming holiday. In many families, this drink is considered one of the main components of the New Year celebration. We need:

  • Favorite mug.
  • Chocolate and nut pasta.
  • Whipped cream.
  • Milk chocolate.
  • Milk.

Pour into the mulk mug, add 2 tablespoons of the paste, mix and put in the microwave for 7-9 minutes. Mix the cooked drink again and add whipped cream. Drink ready!

How to create New Year's Eve - Children's New Year

If you are a young mother or dad, what kind of New Year Handre can we talk about? You have small angels who are waiting for no wait for this holiday! Give them a magical fairy tale on the eve of the new year. In preparation and bustle, you will not even notice how they plunged into the festive euphoria and wait for the upcoming miracle.

  • If you have friends who also have little kids, offer to meet New Year together. Prepare a script with bad and kind characters. Distribute roles and prepare costumes. A pair of rehearsals in front of the final performance is obligatory!
  • When you see during the holiday burning eyes of your children and a snap-free laughter, the bad mood will disappear instantly!
  • If you celebrate the new year with a narrow round of the family - Drop Dad Santa Claus and give the staff! The effect of emotions received by children is stunning!

New Year's mood, happiness and family well-being!

New Year's mood is what is so often adults on the eve of the winter holidays. Avral at work, considerable financial expenses, the coming price increase - this is what our head is busy. For daily troubles, we do not even have time to see how beautiful on the street, when snow falls out, and how brightly can be decorated with a city during the winter holidays.

The New Year Miracle will come much faster if you start creating it yourself. In the forces of each person with their own hands, create an atmosphere of the holiday in the house. To do this, you need to show fantasy and work a little. In which directions it is worth attaching efforts? Tells "easily oxye"

Create a New Year's mood in the office

At work we spend a huge amount of time. There we not only carry out our professional duties, but also communicate with colleagues, we bring together friendships. Therefore, the decoration of the office for the holidays in many teams has long been a tradition. In just a couple of hours at the workplace, you can create a New Year's mood. How to do it?

First of all, it is necessary to remove the room: wipe dust on the shelves, disassemble the dawns of papers, decompose important documents on folders. Of course, in the office it is not always possible to install a live fragrant fir, but you can buy a desktop artificial mini-tree. It is easier, and cheaper, and more useful to the environment. Why, another village go to the trash after 1-2 festive weeks?

Many of the artificial Christmas trees have a very stylish look and do not require additional decorations. You can also buy a small live plant in a pot - it can be a cactus, succulent and in general any greens. For the new year it can be decorated with balls or garland, and after the holidays to remove the decoration and leave the plant in the office. Boring plastic windows can be decorated with paper snowflakes or pictures made using stencils.

You can also start Mail Santa Claus - put in the room a beautifully decorated box or box, where everyone can throw a congratulation addressed to the colleague.

Another important moment: anticipation of the upcoming weekends will be brighter, if you finish all the old projects and not to leave "debts". The last working days before the holidays dedicate in order to put all their affairs and paper.

How to create an atmosphere of a holiday in the house

The decoration of the apartment requires responsibility and at the same time creative thinking. If you come to the case in detail, not forgetting about creative thinking, the dwelling will be cozy and original.

How to create a New Year's mood in the apartment? The first thing to be done to create a unique atmosphere of the holiday is to put and decorate the Christmas tree. Someone recognizes only live spruce, and someone else like an artificial tree. Christmas tree decoration with balls, toys, garlands and tinsel - creative process. You can attract the whole family, and adults, and children.
Now it is time to decorate rooms. They will have a stylish look if you choose the New Year's decorations in a single color scheme. It looks very impressive, the combination of red and golden color, green and silver shades looks. Pay attention is absolutely all: on the windows, window sills, interior doors, furniture, walls. The windows can be decorated with special LED garlands, put decorative candles on the windowsill. Doors easy to transform with suspension or christmas wreaths. Those who can sew or knit can make pillowcases for pillows in the New Year's style.

On the walls easy to fasten paper snowflakes or figures of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Pretty attractive idea to lay out their silhouettes with glowing garlands. Especially such decoration will be happy children.

In the question, how to create a New Year's mood in the house, no place for strict rules. What the owners of the home will be creative, the better the result will be.

Diverse nice little things

On the eve of holidays it is worth remembering their talent to the needlework. You can make decorative balls from threads, christmas wreaths, compositions from cones, Christmas tree toys, or even clothespins. The materials needed for this will be found in every home. This is glue, cotton, yarn, color cardboard, paint. Children can be attributed to the manufacture of crafts, and then it will be a full-fledged developing occupation, which will go to the baby benefit and will develop his fantasy.
A special atmosphere in the house can be tried to create with the help of odors, because aromatherapy is a separate type of art. New Year is associated with us with a smell of fresh ate and citrus: mandarins, oranges, lemons. Buy tangerines and place them in a decorative vase - a pleasant fragrance will fill the whole house. A few more ways to flavor their apartment are to purchase perfume cards, freeze aromatic candles or aromalamp.

The feeling of the holiday is created not only things, but also actions. On TV during the holidays traditionally, Soviet movies are shown. Why not replenish the home collection with new films creating a New Year's mood? A lot of good romantic comedies were shot on this topic.

Let a holiday music sounds in the house, the New Year rington can be installed on your mobile phone. Each incoming call will be heard a cheerful melody.

It is also worth taking care of your appearance. You can not only buy a new dress, but also consider outfits in a single style for the whole family, and then go to the New Year photo session.
It is necessary to realize that the process of creating a festive mood is entirely in our hands. Do not blame someone in the absence of a wish to have fun. It is better to take control of everyday life and do everything so that the New Year holidays have passed an unforgettable on the whole family.

In order for the main holiday in the year to become truly memorable, it is not necessary to go on a journey or order a table in an expensive restaurant. New Year's Eve can become special and at home, if you show fantasy and think about how to create a festive mood. Especially for you, we have prepared 8 inspirational ideas of the New Year's decor.

1. Set the tone holiday

First of all, select the basic color of the design of your holiday. The house for the new year can be decorated in colors characteristic for winter time - pastel, blue, red, brown or green. Choosing the appropriate color, keep in mind that he must harmonize with the interior of the house. Deciding with the basic color of the design, add additional accents: for example, decorate the tablecloth and christmas toys with silver or gold paint.

2. Dress up the Christmas tree correctly

The chief element in the New Year decoration is, of course, the Christmas tree. But this does not mean that it needs to hang all in the house toys. Select only those that are combined with the basic color of the design and are harmonized with the interior. The tree should not be overloaded with decor. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase new, more appropriate toys, buy Mishuur - it is cheaper, but it looks stylish.

3. Gasim light and light the candles

You will be surprised how much the atmosphere in the house change, if you replace lamps and lamps on ordinary candles. With the help of glue and materials for sewing (bead beads, ribbons, strips of bright tissues and unnecessary buttons) you can easily give them a festive look. Create whole compositions from the candle throughout the house, grouping them in New Year's wreaths. So that the candles burned longer and did not go out before the in the morning, put them in the bag and remove the day before the holiday.

4. Jump garlands

Hired garlands will also create a New Year's mood. Hang them literally everywhere - on the railing of the stairs, along the dining table, on the walls, windows and, of course, on the Christmas tree. Thanks to this, the house will immediately transform and shine with new paints.

5. Decorate the house with natural materials

Let the winter nature in the house - bumps and fir branches can be the original decor decor. Decorate their silver paint or tie with ribbons, and you can safely decorate the Christmas tree, a festive table, as well as doors and windows at home.

6. We serve the table

Like the tree, the New Year's table also should not be overloaded with various accessories. Looking for a tablecloth (it is desirable that it coincides with the basic color of the design), arrange a beautiful dishes. The picture will complement the candles, New Year wreaths, decorations from cones and fir branches.

7. We draw up the windows

Draw on the windows frost patterns. To do this, mix the toothpaste with water, plunge in the resulting mixture with a sponge and get into the windows. Now let the will imagination and draw on the glass of snowflakes and frosty curls.

8. We select textiles

Soft decorative cushions with thematic prints and inscriptions are perhaps the easiest and effective way to create a festive mood at home. Decorate the sofas and armchairs - and your home space, as a magic wand, will begin to fill the long-awaited atmosphere of the holiday and magic.