Theoretical and practical foundations of economic education. Economic education in the process of education of younger students

In the younger school age, the basis of the future formation of personality is laid, so economic education should be started in elementary school. Economic education of students is the most important direction of educational work of educational institutions for the formation of basic culture of students.

Economic education at school is necessary to educate members of society that can correctly understand the occurrence of socio-economic processes, to carry out economic functions (consumer, employee, job seeker, owner, taxpayer, depositor, entrepreneur, etc.), as well as to form the foundations of economic knowledge And the ability to make decisions in vital socio-economic situations. Economic knowledge is an integral element of a system of knowledge of schoolchildren about society, and economic views, ideas, convictions, installations - an integral part of their scientific worldview.

The problem of economic education as one of the independent directions began to be developed in psychological and pedagogical science in the 60s of the 20th century. In the 70s - 80 years of the 20th century, many scientists have dedicated their studies to the economic education of schoolchildren. So, A.F. AmenD, I.A. Barilo, Z.A. Valiev, I.B. Icin, V.P. Kiselev, L.P. Kurakov, L.M. Nulman, O.V. Plohens, I.P. Ryabinina, I.A. Sasova, i.e. Sergeveva, V.A. Tovstik and others examined economic education as an independent direction, part of the education system; and Yu.K. Vasilyev, N.P. Kulakov - as part of the element of labor education.

These works are given different definitions of the concept of "Economic Education". AND I. AUTONOMOV, A.F. AmenD, M.L. Malyshev, I.A. Sasova, B.P. Shemyakin and others. Under economic education understood the mastery of economic knowledge, the formation of skills and needs to apply them in practice.

Currently under economic education It is understood as the purposeful interaction of the teacher and pupils aimed at mastering economic knowledge, skills, skills, on the formation of economic beliefs and economically significant qualities of personality (hardworking, organized, economy, enterprise, initiative, independence, responsibility, etc.). Goal of Economic Education It acts the formation of economic culture of the individual, the education of the economically competent and economically active member of society, who knows how to understand and evaluate socio-economic processes and capable of participating in the economic life of the country.

Economic culture Personality There are synthesis of knowledge system, skills and skills, as well as qualities allowing it to act successfully in the production and economic sphere. In accordance with this, the tasks of economic education in secondary school are formulated.

Objectives of economic education:

  • 1. Formation of economic literacy, economic consciousness, development of the foundations of economic thinking.
  • 2. Education of economically significant personal qualities: hard work, economy, initiative, organization, etc.
  • 3. Development of moral and value motivation in the process of learning to students of economic knowledge, the formation of skills and skills of economic activity
  • 4. Formation of the ability to independently acquire and apply economic knowledge in practice.
  • 5. Inclusion of schoolchildren in practical activity (labor, environmental, organizational, etc.), which allows to actualize and consolidate economic knowledge, form economic skills and skills, experience of moral and valuable economic behavior.

The economic education of younger schoolchildren is closely related to education, so many of its tasks are solved in the learning process.

Economic education helps younger schoolchildren to know the importance of natural resources for a person, and are penetrated by the careful attitude of people to nature. The elementary ideas about family income and expenses, types of ownership, reasonable spending, pocket money and rational spending, the cost of school property, etc.

Already in elementary school should be mastered by the main economic terms: property, leaning, bank, production, price, market, product, money, trade, etc.

In the process of economic education, schoolchildren are formed economic thinking. It contributes to the comprehension of the phenomena of economic life, the assimilation of economic concepts and theories in their logical interconnection, reasonable operating knowledge.

Economic thinking - This is a reflection by the man of the patterns of social production in the form of concepts, or rather, in their specific system, a logical connection. Therefore, it is obvious that it requires a constant increase in economic knowledge and skills. The effectiveness of economic education increases through the pedagogical leadership of the teacher who owns the foundations of the economy and the methodology for economic education, methods of diagnosing the formation of economic ideas, the economic liction of younger students.

The formation of economic education of schoolchildren is carried out in the process of studying educational items ("man and peace", mathematics, labor learning, visual art, etc.); in the process of extracurricular work and optional classes on economics; In the course of socially useful or productive work and the actual economic activity of knowledge and ensure the learning of the main economic concepts.

In the Republic of Belarus, a program of an optional course on economics has been developed, as well as a program for the economic education of schoolchildren (L.V. Bautko et al.). In the course of extracurricular activities of economic themes in elementary school students, "sprouts" of economic knowledge are formed: an idea of \u200b\u200beconomics, money, household, family budget and its planning, work in general and organization of work in the family, services, the role of banks in the economy and T .P. Pupils of junior classes need to form ideas about a person as a lean, economical and good owner.

After analyzing various approaches of scientists, teachers to the problem of economic education of younger students can conclude that as a basis for the implementation of methodological development of the economic training of elementary school students, the following theoretical provisions can be determined:

  • 1. Focused pedagogical work as the basic principle in organizing the economic education of younger students.
  • 2. Formation in children of economic thinking, representation of economic culture.
  • 3. A comprehensive approach to solving the tasks of economic education of younger schoolchildren, training economically thinking, the inclusion of children in active economic activity, the development of their creative potential.

The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the issue of research makes it possible to conclude that economic education of younger students - This is a targeted process of formation in students of the economy as an object, the formation of their ability to perceive and overcome economic difficulties, strive to extract material tools themselves and be able to use them.

Based on the definition, we can conclude: in the process of economic education, tasks are solved aimed at the perception of the surrounding world; comprehending economic terminology; Education of economic culture; Development on the example of market relations, economic needs, the formation of a value attitude towards the world of things, material means. The process of economic education of younger students includes: mastering the knowledge of knowledge in the field of economics; development and understanding of their concepts; work out with the help of various means and skills to summarize their life and social impressions; development of economic ideas; awareness of children of economic ideals as personal value; Formation of students in the process of economic education of universal, moral qualities; Imagination to active social life.

It is in this case that economic education will be able to realize its main functions (educational, economic educational, organizational and pedagogical); will ensure the mastering of children with economic knowledge, skills and skills, will teach to think a host, enriches the experience of ancestors; It will contribute to the development of organizational and economic, economically and socially significant skills of younger students.

Thanks to economic education, the child will be much easier to enter adulthood. Both the school and the family should raise economic culture in the child, just he can understand the economy and its features.

Economic education is a pedagogical work that is aimed at forming students of economic consciousness.

Thanks to the economic education, schoolchildren assimilate the ideas and concepts of the economy itself, on the development of economic relations, as well as the current economic mechanism.

It is very important that economic education will be universal to cover all social groups and the categories of the population, while the main emphasis must be made on the formation of a scientific approach to the assessment of social problems, independent thinking, the development of consciousness with an economic bias. All this should primarily comply with the economic laws of the current restructuring of society.

Economic education should be started at an early age, since the personality of a person begins to form from 6-7 years. Organizations, laundry, thrift and many other important qualities of a person must be raised from early age. Consequently, the economic education of younger students should be systematic and targeted, so that they can further understand the importance of this learning.

The main goal of economic education is the disclosure of the surrounding objective world of material values, and training the appropriate form of behavior, which will help save or acquire these subject values.

Today, many times increased economic literacy requirements for all ages, and all segments of the population. So that the schoolboy in the future was able to deal with the complex concepts of the economy, it is necessary to start working in this direction as early as possible.

The result of economic education will manifest itself in the right attitude of the child to work; In his behavior, in solving issues of spending any resources: clothes, shoes, money, water, electricity, food, time, health, etc.

Schoolchildren thanks to the right economic education are aware that the dependence of the well-being of a person directly depends on the quality of labor. In addition, schoolchildren learn to distribute work work, correctly measure time and spend it, learn to organize a workplace. Children master various techniques, which, as a result, increase the quality of labor in many times. The foundations of the economy is part of the culture, without which it will be very hard in the modern world. So, every child must understand and know these basics, have certain skills.

Economic education helps schoolchildren to realize the importance for human natural resources, and imbued with a reasonable careful attitude towards all of nature. They receive the right ideas about what property can be, about pocket money and their rational spending, about the income and expenses of the family, on the value of the property of the educational institution, books, expenses for the repair of school and equipment, etc.

A schoolboy in any case is a member of economic processes. He walks along with his parents shopping, sometimes independently makes purchases, it is the primary economic experience. It is not the task of not in the amount of economic knowledge that the child is given. First of all, you need to teach it rightly dispose of these knowledge.

It is very important that not only the school, but also parents participated in economic education.

The possession of any "property" is developing a sense of responsibility in man, and contributes to the independence of thinking. That is why parents need to comply with the guarantees of the inviolability of the child's property. The child must be the owner of his things, you need to give him the opportunity to dispose of them alone. This should be absolutely to all: money, books, toys, etc. That is, if it was previously agreed that any thing belongs to the child - it is impossible to scold him for solving this thing to give it to someone, or exchange , Or he simply spoiled her. Only awareness of the consequences of their actions may in the future keep a child from incorrect steps.

In other words, let it better understand that in vain presented to his friend a new toy dump truck than in 20 years - which grumblefully broke up with an apartment or car. Of course, when some new things appear, you need to try to find her "this owner" and explain to the child that he can do with this thing as it can be disposed of, etc. You can also tell memories from your childhood, as personally - Your toys and things, and that of it came out. That is, you need to outline the prospect of "further life" things. Thanks to this, the child will be ready for various surprises with which he will face in the future, because the thing can be lost, break, break or vice versa, to be preserved for many years.

The child needs to constantly explain why money can be spent in this way. Very important discussion of the purchase. Here are possible options, discussing the value ratio and quality of the acquired thing, its influence with friends, for example, buying this disc to invite friends and listen to it with them. This taught the child to choose from, which means he also tends him to an existing alternative. It is necessary to consult with the child and with joint acquisitions, especially if they are done for him. The benefit in this case is double: you can see how a child thinks that it means a successful purchase ("like anyone", "like everyone else", "looks expensive", "very cheap", "everyone will envy" and .) And get a side view.

It is also necessary to observe the agreement very clearly: the lack of financial injections (optional), if the child is irrational in the primary sum; You always need to give promised, in another case - never promise that it is impossible. The most common, and the most terrible mistake of the parents - compensation of an incorrectly spent or lost by a child. In this case, the economic education of schoolchildren will not bring any fruits, since parents do not give to aware of the child loss.

It is also necessary to determine the system of receipt of funds to the child. Cash handling skills are formed with direct action and its repeated repetition.

The financing system is pocket money. Pocket money, the child can dispose of at its discretion, even despite the advice and recommendations of adults.

Pocket money should not be a way to punish or encourage. This is primarily a means of developing certain economic skills, a peculiar instrument for the development of the child's economic culture. Therefore, it is very important to identify the main positions of the financing system: the amount (amount) of the issued funds; frequency of issued funds; What will be included in the list of costs; Penalties.

It is best to issue money to the child once a week. The amount of funds must correspond to the age of the child, that is, the child younger, the amount will be less. It is necessary to proceed, of course, from your capabilities, but it is necessary to ask the child himself, whatever his amount arranged. This will define its requests. If requests are too high, you need to adjust them together, while explaining that only a certain amount of funds can be highlighted.

The list of costs is that the child must or can buy on pocket money. It is necessary to remind a child more often that money is a means thanks to which you can get something. (Many children want to become rich, it's from a dream. It is better if they want to have money to ... open school, build a ship, travel around the world, etc.) you need to be interested in which pocket money has been spent. However, you should not insist on the full test report - you need to respect the secrets of the child.

As for fines, this system should be built in the form of a business game: losses do not bring large losses, but are still unpleasant. Such a game for a child can serve as a good diagnostic procedure. Thanks to the game, you can see how much the child is ready for responsibility, as far as he is independent, attentive and fair to the various needs of others. The child must learn to understand the value of funds, since in the future it all is very useful.

Economic education of the child ensures the correct development of its thinking, the child has economic and moral qualities that are necessary for the economic activity of the child. In addition, economic education teaches a child to enterprise, careful attitude towards property and public domain. Thanks to the participation of parents in this direction of upbringing, a child from an early age begins to understand the essence of economic culture, which gives him the opportunity not to make "big" mistakes.

Analyzing everything written above, we can conclude about the roles that the school and the family performs in the economic education of children. Thanks to this upbringing, you can grow a sensible society.

Economic education is a systematic, targeted impact of society per person in the interests of the formation of knowledge, skills and skills, needs, interests and other socio-psychological qualities, and the main thing - the image of thinking and activity, in developing certain features of the economically educated personality corresponding to the nature of the market.

Economic education at school is an organized pedagogical activity a specially thought-out system of work aimed at the formation of economic consciousness of students. In the process of its implementation, schoolchildren assimilate the amount of concepts and ideas about the organized and efficient economy, on the development of productive relations, on the current economic mechanism.

Tasks: to form economic consciousness of children, economic thinking; Awake healthy interest in money; Become acquainted with elementary economic concepts; Learn to solve the simplest economic tasks; Develop logical thinking, observation, replenish the active vocabulary, the ability to make conclusions; Create conditions for the formation of elementary economic knowledge in children 6 - 8 years; Teach to understand and appreciate the surrounding world (as the result of the labor of people).

Quiz. What is the difference between the store from the market? What is a supermarket? Why did the money appear? How does the money appear in the wallet? What is rationality? What is the economy? What is the currency? What country is this currency. What is the advertisement for? What large enterprises of our city do you know?

Theory. 1. How Misha from the buyer turned into a seller. 2. Where did the Mishina honey come from? 4. How forty Mishin goods praised. 5. How Misha prescribed the price. 7. As Misha sold a lot, many raspberries 8. Why does Misha grow not only raspberry, but also the price. 10. How Misha has an assistant woodpecker. 11. How Misha realized that the money was loving 13. How Misha studied money to share. 14. Misha - Broker. 16. What deficiency and oversight is. 17. How Misha was insured. 19. Why Misha pays taxes. 20. What is a switching bank. 22. Holiday in Mishina Store. 23. How Misha has conceived a fair in the forest to arrange. 25. How Misha decided to build a factory. 26. What the Misha needed for the manufacture of a chair. 28. How Mishutka turned money to capital. 29. How Misha visited a foreign guest. 31. How Misha has become a shareholder. 32. On how the Bank opened in the forest. Practice. Classes 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 31, 33 - Solving economic tasks from the Tasknik of Wise Filin.

Tasks from the tasks: 40. The distributed roles of forest shareholders among their friends. Throw in turn game cube. How many points fall out, so much coins make every member of the joint-stock company. And in return, he receives the same stock. Calculate how much shares received fox, wolf, hare, protein. Take away from 30 the amount received and find out how many shares are left by Misha. Now spend your vote. Calculate the number of shares from each shareholder and decide that you will build: stadium or cafe? 15. Two businessmen argued: who will receive more profit? As a result, one reversed 5,000 rubles from the sale of its goods, and its expenses amounted to ZOO rubles. And the other span on 1000 rubles less, but also spent 1500 rubles. Who won the dispute?

Conclusion. So, we see how great the possibilities of funds, forms and methods of school pedagogy for the successful assimilation of elementary economic knowledge by younger schoolchildren. Developed materials can be used in their work teacher of primary classes, teachers of additional education.

Economic education in the education process

Junior schoolchildren

Kiseleva OS, primary school teacher

In the new conditions of the socio-economic development of Russia, the issues of forming the economic culture of the younger generation become an important strategic problem of the educational system. In modern conditions, continuous economic education and upbringing must be started from the initial classes.

Early Economic Education Helps Children to develop economic thinking, master the conceptual apparatus, so necessary for the orientation in the modern market world. The purpose of economic education is the acquisition of elementary behavior skills in market conditions, creating a conceptual basis for further, deeper study of the economy in high school.

W.cenik even elementary school should know what needs and limited opportunities for their satisfaction; be able to make a conscious choice; represent the appointment of money; Must understand what the family and school budget is consisted; What is the price of goods and from which it depends; How is wealth and what is its sources.

Pupils of the 1st and 2nd class are mainly dealing with the family economy. An integral element of economic education is the formation of a respectful attitude towards the labor of the people around the people and its results. The lack of economic education is often manifested in the fact that children carelessly refer not only to public facilities, but also to home utensils, personal things.

Schoolchildren from the first steps of training must realize that all the most surrounding material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bare created by the work of many millions of people spent on this tremendous efforts, and are designed to serve for the benefit of people. Economic information will help students better understand the peculiarities of labor in industry, agriculture, in the sphere of trade relations, to realize the importance of various professions.

One of the topics of basic economic concepts of the initial course of the economy isLabor, profession. " From the 1st grade, schoolchildren learn about the world of professions, gradually deepening their views. In the 1st grade, the child is enough to name the professions depicted in the pictures, and in the 2-3rd classes he needed to imitate the actions of some professionals, then by the 4th class, he is already able to explore the world of professions of his hometown (edge). Knowledge of the world of labor, division of labor, the economy of the nearest environment (schools, cities, edges) is the most important component of the concepts of concepts.

At the same time, in the process of economic training, schoolchildren need not only to increase the number of professions known to schoolchildren, but also to ensure their deeper studies (the content of the profession, its prestige, demand, working conditions, etc.; classification of professions in groups based on the development of skills allocate general and special in professions; determination of professionally important qualities of representatives of famous professions).

Main forms of work:

    Mini lecture (mini-story) on the content of the profession.

The story should include such moments as: the history of the profession (where did the word came from how the appearance of the profession, etc.); labor content; Professional quality; restrictions on work for this profession; A description of interesting stories and cases from the professional life of various people.

    Games associated with the profession.

The main thing is to speak the child about the complex world of the economy in the language, it is understandable. Therefore, the main form of education in the elementary class is a game. It is through the game that the child is mastered and knows the world. Plot-didactic games are helpful to make the economy.

So, playing in the profession, children comprehend the meaning of labor, reproduce the employment processes of adults and at the same time "study" the economy. Real life situations are simulated in plotactic games: operations of the purchase and sale, production and sales of finished products, etc. Connection of educational and real activities is most effectively for the assimilation of schoolchildren of complex economic knowledge.

    Conversation with invited specialists.

It is important to remember that specialists need to be preparing and directing their speech in the direction of children. As a rule, they appeal to parents who can come and tell about their profession. Many parents are shy to speak in front of the audience and they themselves will not be able to make a performance plan - you need to work with them. Experience shows that students are very interested in going to visit their parents.

    Registration of a corner of the profession in class space.

In this corner there may be books, photographic materials related to the profession. It is better for replaceable stands to use the material corresponding to the professional holiday. Almost every profession has its own festive day - its own professional holiday.

    Organization of excursions to enterprises and organization of the city, district.

An observation of the work of a specialist in the workplace can be agreed with the head of the company closest from the school, office, shop, factories. In conducting the excursion, the main thing is to focus on one of the profession or a group of interrelated professions, and not to look at the factory at all.

The economic education of students in 1-4 classes is organized not only in the lessons of the economy, but also of the Russian language, mathematics, the surrounding world, labor learning, as economic information is easily integrated with the material of the main training items of primary school.

In mathematics lessons, you can conduct short conversations about the profession mentioned in the condition of the task or when solving tasks, as well as the demonstration and values \u200b\u200bof this subject in the life and activities of people.

The lessons of the surrounding world also contribute a certain contribution to the solution of the objectives of economic education. When studying the topic "Nature of our region", students get acquainted with the peculiarities of labor of their terrain. For example, children are invited to solve the crossword, in which the vertical is encrypted the word denoting profession, and horizontally, the objects of the labor of this professional.

In the lessons of the Russian language, younger schoolchildren also perform a large number of tasks associated with a particular profession. For example, when conducting dictionary work, we recommend, other than others, use the following words: director, agronomist, turner, teacher, educator, policeman, driver. Also in the lessons of the Russian language, the teacher issues cards with various names of professions, and students should write 5-7 labor items in their notebooks.

The considered forms of economic training of students are maximally accessible to their age, are quite diverse and are based on an activity approach, the active participation of children in the process of assimilation of economic information.

Market relations. They covered the whole society, including family and school. Of course, the formation and development of a market economy in the country puts serious Zhadach to the school in the field of targeted work on the economic education of the younger generation, whose decision depends on the future of our state.



Economic education of younger students,

Or how to develop the quality of a business person

Rtishcheva Galina Anatolyevna, primary school teacher, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, MBOU Gymnasium No., Chekhov in the Moscow region

Market relations. They covered the whole society, including family and school. Of course, the formation and development of a market economy in the country puts a serious task in the field of targeted work on the economic education of the younger generation, from which the future of our state depends on the solution. The market makes great demand for man: a kind of working sample of life, the formation of such qualities of personality, as independence, organization, decency, businesslikeness, conscientiousness of others. Economic knowledge is needed not only to those who want to become a businessman. Elementary economic education for the benefit of each person. Without it, it is impossible to establish your life, your life, etc.

The times have long passed when parents dreamed that their children became teachers, doctors, academics or cosmonauts. Businessmen are the real heroes of our time. How to see the future "owner of CA plants, newspapers, steamats" in his own child? Carefully watching him. The baby, from which in the future there may be a successful business man, as a rule, possesses creativity, pronounced by the deposits of the leader, independent, independent personality. Such characteristics of the nature are most often manifested in a fairly early age. The child is facing the games, other children stretch to him, he openly and boldly expresses his opinion, behaves independently among his peers, and in the family. Crocha emotional, sociable, the fiscal and what is called, is positive. Parego chase to support, develop and cultivate these important quality in the child for his adult life. Is it possible to grow a lucky businessman from your child and how to do it? "It is possible," many parents believe, "if you create favorable conditions in the family for its development in the right direction." "A child must have certain deposit collars, which, we can form the character traits necessary in the modern business world: independence in the search and decision-making, the sequence in their implementation, the skill is not to think standard, and also to convince people, Intuition, organizational abilities and responsibility for their words and actions. "

A special place to the economic education of younger schoolchildren should be a cool leader. Today, a student of junior classes should know what money is what the budget of families and schools is, what is the price of goods, from which it depends, how wealth is created and what its sources are created. And, of course, work in the field of economic education of younger students requires use when submitting a variety of technologies.


1 class

Grade 2.

Grade 3.

4th grade

I. Money in the family: income and expenses

1. Money: What is it?
2. Money in your family.
3. What does it cost?
4-5. Income and family expenses.
6-7. We are going to the shop

II. Wealth and people.

1-2. What is wealth?
3-4. Wealth and culture.
5-6. How do people relate to wealth?
7. If you become rich?
8-9. Meeting with successful people.

III. School economy.

1-2. School library economy.
3-4. School dining room: income and expenses.
5-6. Economy school workshop.

IV. School economy.

1-2. Educational and experienced plot.
3-4. Cost of utilities.
5-6. Chief economist of school.
7-8. Our contribution to the school economy.

In the 1st grade, a large place should be given to the plot roles: "Shop", "Mail", "Pharmacy", etc. Frequent guests of the guys fabulous heroes (cat in boots, Cinderella, Pinocchio). For this age, the widespread use of proverbs, sayings, fairy tales.

In the classes on income and expenses of a family of students, you can form several groups of families: "Family from Prostokvashino", "Cinderella Family", "Family Pope Carlo and Pyratino", etc. Each group calculates the monthly income of the family. Learned whether small family members can help their families make the necessary purchases. The disciples discussed these questions and came to the conclusion that they could also increase the wealth of their family:

Helping the family in conducting a regime of savings, small repair of things;
- participation in productive work with adults (work in the garden, in the garden, etc.)
In the 2nd class, you can work on the section "Wealth and People". The guys come to answer the question: "What way is wealth?", "What would you do if it became rich?".

In the 3rd grade, it is reasonable to organize a "club of business people", which would be part of the students and parents. The club must develop and accept Charter:
1. Professional training person - businessman.

2. Honesty and decency.

3. The skill clever risk.

4. Healthy lifestyle.

5. Skillful following the rules of etiquette (mood, appearance, etc.)

6. The mandatory ethical norm is a patronage.

The 4th year of classes shows that children are not bad oriented in school economy issues. The guys work well in pairs and groups, for them it is not difficult to issue an economic newspaper, calculate the cost of a set of textbooks for the next year, to calculate the cost of cosmetic class repair, etc. The class teacher should apply cooperation technology. Then the communication "Teacher - Pupil - Parents" will work. And frequent participants in educational classes are parents.

When educating a future business man worth being attentive, you can become parents of a business man if you see in your baby already from the first years of his life the ability to logical thinking, activity and leadership, but many parents inspire children with their own example, that success in life Depends only on the thickness of the wallet. But this can lead to the opposite result. The kid will grow and disappointed, learning that not everything is bought in life with the help of money that there are more important concepts and values. Therefore, it is important to explain to the child that the case of life, first of all, should like and bring pleasure, and the money will definitely be the result of such activities.

Basic qualities for the future businessman

1. Determination to act.For a successful person, the ability to act with risk is important, showing activity even in adverse situations. You need to instill a child skill move forward under any circumstances. For business success, an active constant movement is necessary to feel the desired turns on time and see new opportunities. Risk is a noble thing! Let us understand this to your future businessman.

2. I study on your mistakes.Any business man needs to be able to endure valuable lessons from their misses. It is important for a businessman to understand that life around changes and be able to rebuild, corresponding to these changes. Winning one who is more flexible and pre-predefine possible changes. Talk to the baby that he always has the right to mistakes, and they, in turn, can teach a lot.

3. First of all, people and relationships. For any case, so that it brings income and pleasure, good goals are needed in its foundation. It is important for the child since childhood to understand that something that he does should not be simply satisfactory for his personal needs, but also help others. In business, as well as in ordinary interpersonal, it is important to put an understanding and love of a person in priority. Rising respect for people, to their needs, you grow a successful leader working for the benefit of people, high quality and honestly performing their work.

Parents must remember that the child himself has the right to decide who he should become in the future life. You can only help him determine what kind of unique features will help him realize himself as efficiently as possible for itself and for society.

No knowledge, skills and mind will do your child successful if he does not learn them to use it for the benefit of himself and the people around him, independently analyzing the situation and accept the corresponding decisions.It is very important to remember:

  1. When a child is busy, do not mix into a creative process with suggestions and comments. Let him independently acquire a valuable experience for him, and with him a feeling of its own significance.
  2. Support any original thoughts, ideas, solving your child. Admire by them, subheady in case of failure. Only from non-standard thinking people are great entrepreneurs.
  3. Be yourself for a child with a worthy example. After all, watching you, he learns how to behave in various situations, to think about either going, plan their actions, to embody the conceived, to realize the problems and solve them.
  4. Try as much as possibletravel with child. He dove wives to see the world in all his variety of Ziya, get acquainted with the best, which was created by human civilization. It develops a horizon of a child. Shi rock development contributes to initiative and business activity. Stray constantly learn and learn something new - this is exactly what is distinguished by the High Class Manager from the so-called office plankton.
  5. Do not save English to the English language learning. In the idea of \u200b\u200bAle, teachers should be two - but the pedestrian language and Russian teacher.
  6. The happiest person is the one who gives happiness to the greatest number of people (Denis Didro). Let the child communicate and have a large number of friends and acquaintances. Expanding his worldview by communicating and receiving experience, he becomes wiser and happier.

This is just a few rules for parents. However, everyone is humanly mistaken. It is impossible to become a good father or mother. But if you adhere to effective rules, you can really raise wonderful children who can be truly proud of.


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