Treats at the wedding table. What to cook in the summer for a wedding on the table for guests and newlyweds - a selection of delicious and unusual dishes for the menu

Ah, this wedding! How many worries, worries, worries fall on the future newlyweds so that the upcoming celebration becomes unforgettable. The choice of outfits, flowers, rings, scenario for the celebration - all are important points of the plan as the key to a successful celebration. And if in solving these issues the couple proceeds from their own preferences, then the organization of a wedding feast, without which it is difficult to imagine this celebration, will require a different approach. What should be considered when drawing up a banquet menu?

The future newlyweds will not be able to start choosing a menu for the festive table until they decide on the venue for the celebration. The restaurant, which specializes in holding wedding feasts, will certainly recommend which dishes, drinks and how much to choose so that guests will be satisfied and well-fed. If the groom, the bride and family still have doubts, then when choosing a menu, a number of factors should be taken into account:

  • There is no dispute about tastes, therefore a variety of dishes is the main principle on which you should rely when drawing up a menu for a celebration. Even theoretically, it is impossible to please every guest, and the option with different dishes - albeit in small portions - is suitable as a universal one.
  • Decide on the number of guests invited, will there be children at the banquet and how many? Even if little guests come, it is better to provide them with a tea table with sweets.
  • Seasonality is another important factor that should be taken into account when compiling a menu. In summer, you will have to increase the number of soft drinks, and in winter you will need to serve more hot dishes than snacks on the festive table.
  • The tradition of holding a wedding feast calls to take into account that a banquet, from salty to sweet, lasts at least four hours. Therefore, the dishes of the wedding menu are served to guests gradually and at a predetermined interval, which, as a result, creates the effect of an abundance of the festive table.

Cold appetizers and salads

Salads and cold appetizers have the right to open the festive table. At this stage, the principle of variety works in the best way. Serving should be organized before the start of the wedding banquet, and when drawing up the menu, one should proceed from an approximate calculation: 350-400 g of salad and 250-300 g of cold snacks per person. Fresh vegetables, pickles, cold cuts, cheeses, seafood, caviar, smoked salmon and other snacks - all this, except for warm salads, is served before guests are seated at the table.

Hot appetizers

Before the main dishes with garnish are served for the festive table, it makes sense to provide hot snacks in the menu. If among those invited to the wedding banquet there are fans of healthy food, vegetarians or those who adhere to a diet, then baked vegetables, mushroom julienne, cheese truffles, shrimp in batter, crayfish will be necessary. These dishes are served either in portions or on large plates, and in time - not earlier than half an hour from the beginning of the banquet.

Hot dishes and side dishes

In any wedding menu, these are the main dishes of the festive table. The best option is the choice in favor of classic dishes, variety also plays a role, because not everyone eats meat. Offer your guests a choice of several hot meat or fish dishes, and the menu will vary due to the poultry (chicken, turkey). When calculating, it should be assumed that the weight of a portion per person should not exceed 300 g of the main course and 200 g of the side dish. It is recommended to provide sauce for meat and fish, and hot dishes should be served two hours after the start of the banquet.

Potatoes as a side dish for main dishes are also the best option, since they are served in different forms - from mashed potatoes to fries. Roast vegetables are not as versatile a side dish as potatoes, but it should be provided at least in small quantities. Observing the order, first, the guests are offered the main dishes in the form of fish with a side dish, then the meat is brought out, and then the game. Hot can be served in portions or as a whole, if the newlyweds want to treat the invited guests with stuffed pig, goose or sturgeon.


An hour after the main course is served, it is the turn of the dessert. Traditionally, sweet is referred to it, although in fact this is all that is offered to guests after hot. The role of the main dessert is intended to be played by a wedding cake, the removal of which is a whole ritual. When drawing up the menu, expect that the share of the dessert is about 200 g, about the same amount is accounted for by the fruit plate.


And what is a wedding feast without drinks ?! There are no general rules, it remains only to assume what and in what quantities guests prefer to drink. The season factor will play an important role. On a hot summer day, soft drinks will be needed twice as much as for a banquet held in winter. This factor will also have an influence on the choice of alcohol, because in summer you will have to serve less spirits.

It is easy to determine the number of drinks based on an approximate calculation, which provides for two people:

  • 1 bottle of champagne,
  • 1 bottle of wine (red accounts for 70% of preferences, and the rest is white),
  • 0.5 l of strong alcoholic drink,
  • 2 liters of soft drinks (on hot days of the year, it is recommended to double this volume).

Rules for ordering a wedding banquet in a restaurant

Holding a wedding banquet in a restaurant has become a convenient tradition for newlyweds. A beautifully decorated hall, professional chefs, partial or full service - all this immediately solves many issues related to the celebration. The rules for ordering in each institution will be different, but there are general principles:

  1. When meeting with the administrator, ask him important questions for you. Wait until you get a complete answer before signing the contract. Without it, any oral assurances and agreements are not valid, therefore, taking into account the interests of the two parties, it must be drawn up without fail.
  2. Be sure to ask permission to bring your own alcohol or food, the ability to use sparklers, candles or other paraphernalia. Find out about the amount of the fine for broken dishes, broken furniture, table setting is paid separately or not.
  3. The duration of the festive event is not endless, so be sure to check before what time the holiday should be completed.
  4. In the overwhelming majority of cases, establishments require prepayment - this is normal, since this serves as a guarantee that in any development of the situation, the time spent on preparation will be paid off.
  5. Many establishments have already calculated the average bill per guest. When discussing the details of the menu at a personal meeting, be prepared for the fact that the amount in it will increase.

Who is the best to be entrusted with choosing a wedding menu?

Preparing a wedding banquet yourself is too time-consuming and troublesome. Many nuances, which only a professional can foresee, can influence the celebration, so it is better to trust the organizer of the event when choosing a wedding menu. Taking into account the wishes of the newlyweds, the specialist will settle issues with the administrator of the institution or hire a catering company to make the wedding feast perfect.

The wedding does not have to be pompous and luxurious. Not everyone can afford such a celebration. A modest stylish wedding has recently become more and more popular with young couples. In this article, we'll show you how to create a budget wedding menu.

Budget doesn't mean cheap and low-quality. Budgetary means well-planned. If you do not have a significant amount, then throwing a pompous party for which you will pay for a long time is not worth it. A modest wedding can be just as interesting and memorable.

What should you pay attention to?

The following factors affect the amount of costs:

- season;

- the number of guests (women, men and children);

- location.


Buy alcohol by the number of men and women. For the male half of the guests, vodka, for the female guests, wine. Champagne is an obligatory drink. The first solemn toast for the young couple, two bottles for the bride and groom for the wedding anniversary and the birth of their first child. For an event for 20 people (the average number of guests at a modest wedding), you will need to stock up on:

- a box of champagne,

- 10-12 bottles of vodka,

- 10 bottles of wine (red, white).

Autumn menu

A wedding in the fall will cost significantly less. Autumn is the most fertile time of the year. It is rich in vegetables and fruits. In autumn there is a large selection of fresh meat at the farmsteads.

An inexpensive wedding feast in the fall can consist of the following dishes:

- a fresh vegetable salad;

- salad with chicken breast, cheese, corn and vegetables;

- Mushroom Glade salad;

- fish, cheese, sausage (meat) plates;

- sandwiches with red caviar, decorated with parsley leaves;

- canapes with red fish, cheese, vegetables and fruits;

- a mixture of baked vegetables as a side dish: potatoes, bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplants;

- pickled mushrooms;

- eggplant rolls with cheese and walnuts;

- homemade boiled pork;

- salmon fillet baked in the oven with lemon.

How easy it is to make delicious boiled pork at home, see the master class from the chef:

And here is the salmon recipe:

The most economical option for hot dishes is poultry. It is better to make portions than to cook the whole carcass. So you can cook a treat for more guests and there will be no waste (bones). There are a lot of recipes with chicken breast, or fillet. They are all delicious and easy to prepare. One of them is French medallions. The recipe is simple, but the dish turns out to be exquisite and beautiful, juicy and satisfying. Try it, it's easy:

For dessert, sweets, fresh fruit, light cream cake, garnished with berries:

Don't skimp on the cake. The main wedding dessert should be both tasty and beautiful. Order it to a professional.

Winter menu

In winter, vegetables and fruits will cost more, but the choice is still quite large. The counters will delight you with a large selection of meats. Festive meals should be hearty and nutritious. Meat is present not only as a main course, but also in salads. The table is diversified with pickles. This is a great snack with vodka.

A sample list of meals for a winter wedding might include the following:

- vegetable mix;

- slicing cheese, meat, fish;

- sandwiches with red caviar;

- canapes with vegetables, fruits, cheese, fish;

- herring with pickled onions;

- "Olivier", or "Capital";

- "Herring under a fur coat";

- salad of canned beans, vegetables and herbs;

- boiled rice;

- beef with prunes. This dish is easy to prepare. Prunes perfectly set off the taste of beef and add sophistication and piquancy to the dish. We bring to your attention a detailed recipe in our video:

- oven baked chicken breast with cheese sauce;

- hake baked in the oven with vegetable gravy;

- portioned sour cream dessert with berries will delight both children and adults. It is light, delicate, tasty and beautiful. Here is his recipe:

All of the above recipes are simple to prepare and are not expensive in terms of money.

Summer menu for a budget wedding

The most practical option for a summer wedding would be an outdoor picnic. Summer heat is not conducive to plentiful and high-calorie meals. The main emphasis is on light snacks, vegetables, meat, weak alcohol.

Sample menu for an inexpensive summer wedding:

- okroshka;

- a fresh vegetable salad;

- cheese, sausage plates;

- canapes with cheese and fruits:

- tartlets with pate;

- fried meat: grilled, barbecue for a wedding in nature;

- meat baked for a wedding at home;

- vegetable or cereal side dish;

- mushroom julienne;

- fish stewed in sour cream with vegetables and herbs;

- light mousses and creams with jelly and berries, ice cream for dessert;

Children's table

The wedding feast lasts 6-8 hours. If children are present at the wedding, then they certainly will not sit for so much time at the table. Set up a separate table for them. One type of salad will be enough, put the hot one on the plates right away. Delicious tea and fruit are all you need.

Soft drinks

Don't forget juices and water! For non-drinkers and for drinking, for a children's table. There should be several types of juices: vegetable and fruit. Water also with gas and without. Lemonade.

It is not difficult to compose a budget menu for a wedding, as you can see. Considering that cooking will be your own hand, you can save a pretty decent amount!

Calculation of the menu for a wedding banquet

The most economical option is if you (provided that you organize the wedding yourself) or we (when we take care of all the worries) manage to agree with the restaurant / cafe on permission to use "your" alcohol for the banquet. In a very good scenario, you can bring not only "your" alcohol, but also "your" cold snacks that do not need cooking, and fruits. But how do you calculate the rate / amount of alcohol or snacks?

The serving size per person is easy to calculate. On average, 50-60 grams of salad or other snack is enough for one person. In addition, it is known that guests actively eat only in the first 15-20 minutes of a feast, and then drink more. After appetizers, hot dishes follow. There must be at least two of them. Traditionally, these are meat (poultry) and fish. For hot dishes, dessert is served and, finally, the highlight of the program is a wedding cake. Before ordering a cake, you need to consider the number of guests. So that everyone can enjoy a masterpiece of culinary art, estimate the approximate weight of the cake in the calculation of 2 kg for 10 guests. If the banquet is attended by 50 people, a cake weighing 10 kilograms will be just right.
If you know the habits of your guests well, it will be easier for you to calculate the quantity and decide on the range of drinks. But on average, the following figures can be taken as a reference point: 3-4 bottles of spirits, 3-4 bottles of wine, 2-3 bottles of champagne for 10 people. "

Please note: in summer you need a lot of water

The menu and the number of servings will help you choose in your restaurant or cafe.
Don't get carried away and order a bunch of food:
- 3-5 types of salads and snacks (1 portion per person, or even half a portion).
- Assorted meat, fish, vegetables
- Hot snack.
- One or two types of hot with a side dish.
- Ice cream
- Fruits
- Tea coffee.
You can try to agree to bring some of your products - the same cuts, caviar, fruits. It will come out much cheaper.

Below you will find a helpful list for calculating drinks and food per person, from which you can build your banquet menu.

Cold appetizers and aperitif:

1. Cold cuts: we recommend 3 types of meat (carbonate, neck, etc.), 40 g net / person of each type and 1 type of raw smoked sausage, 20 g / person
2. Cheese - hard (1-2 types) at 20-25 g / person
3. Vegetables: 50 g / person (cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes); sweet peppers (preferably red and yellow) - 25-30 g per person; greens - cilantro, parsley, dill (mainly for decorating dishes)
4. Pickles: cucumbers and tomatoes (preferably not pickled) 40-50 g each; mushrooms - 30-40 g each;
olives / olives - 10 g each; wild garlic and pickled garlic at banquets, as a rule, are not popular
5. Fish: any red and white (preferably hot smoked sturgeon) - 40 g net (note that out of 6 kg of untreated red fish, 4 kg will remain after processing)
6. Caviar: red (chum salmon) - 15-20 g per person, black - 10 g each
7. Fruits (the quantity primarily determines the season): lemons, tangerines, grapes (green and black), apples (small), pears, etc .; bananas are strongly discouraged in winter (they turn black very quickly)
8. For an aperitif: fruits, chocolates in boxes and nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, etc.)
9. Wedding cake: 100-150 g per person

Drinks / spirits:

1. Juices and water: more than 1 liter per person. Juices - no more than 2 types (apple / grape / fruit drink and orange); min. water and cola - we strongly recommend small bottles (0.5 - 0.6 liters), although 2 liters and more profitable, but tables will not be crammed with bulky containers
2. Champagne: traditionally inviolable 2 bottles that will stand in front of the young (one is drunk for the wedding anniversary, the other for the birth of the first child); and a maximum of 1-2 toasts for all guests (150-200 g per person)
3. Wine: we recommend only red (because the emphasis, as a rule, in the banquet menu is on meat) - 1/2 bottle 0.75l per person
4. Vodka, whiskey, cognac and vermouth: it is difficult to recommend or advise anything. Only you, knowing your guests, can assess their capabilities. But we recommend that you buy all the alcohol with a small supply, so that you don't "run twice", and that the guests "don't mix" if their favorite drink runs out.


1. If you have planned a walk with guests before the banquet, do not forget about champagne, water, sweets, sandwiches, napkins and disposable dishes. By the way, we recommend buying glasses made of transparent plastic, so that it looks aesthetically pleasing in the photographs. Plastic cups look terrible! :(
2. It is likely that your banquet hall / restaurant / cafe will be asked to pay for cutting and serving the products you brought.
3. As practice shows, few of your guests will remember in a couple of weeks what exactly he ate at your wedding, but how beautifully this evening was organized will be reminded by photos and videos for many, many years.

Alcohol calculation:

What kind of alcohol will be drunk at your wedding depends on your personal preferences and the amount of money. But usually it is vodka, wine and champagne.
Cognac, martini, white wine, whiskey, liqueur, etc. - all this is "for an amateur" and is drunk much less often.
When calculating the amount of alcohol and drinks, you can follow the simplest rule:
Vodka - 1 bottle for 2 people,
Wine - 1 bottle per person,
Champagne - 1 bottle for three.
Soda, juice, mineral water - 1.5-2 liters per person.

It is more difficult, but more accurate to calculate individually. After all, it all depends on many factors:
- and on the number and composition of guests (young people or almost nondrinking grandmothers),
- and from what state you want to drink guests (slight intoxication or falling face down in a salad)
- and from the time of year (in summer, in the heat, there will be much less people who want to drink vodka)
- and on the duration of the banquet.
An approximate alignment is as follows (for a one-day banquet lasting 6 hours)

Drinking guests
Wine (bottle), Vodka (bottle), Champagne (bottle), Soda (l), Juice (l), Mineralka (l)

1 woman (1), (0), (0.3), (0.5), (0.5), (0.5)
1 man (0.5), (0.5), (0.3) (0.5), (0.5), (0.5)
1 child (0), (0), (0), (1), (0.5), (0)

Mediocre guests

1 woman (1), (0.3), (0.5), (1), (0.5), (0.5)
1 man (1), (1), (0.5), (1), (0.5), (0.5)

Drinking guests
Wine (bottle), Vodka (bottle), Champagne (bottle), Soda (l), Juice (l), Mineralka (l)
1 woman (2), (0.5), (1), (1), (0.5), (0.5)
1 man (1), (1-1.5), (0.5), (1), (1), (0.5)
1 child (0), (0), (0.5), (1), (0.5), (0)

However, when calculating alcohol, it is important not to forget that you will also drink at home, in the registry office, and on a walk. For these purposes, it is better to use champagne or wine.
1.Houses (at the groom's and at the bride's) - only 3-4 bottles
2. On a walk - 1 bottle for each walker
3.In the registry office - only 2-3 bottles
Soda or mineral water is also better to take - six bottles, just in case.
Another 2 bottles of champagne must be prepared for tying with tape (at the banquet). You will sing one on your first wedding anniversary, and the other on the birth of your first child.
If this amount seems small to you, feel free to take more. After all, everything that remains will be drunk on the second day or subsequent holidays.

A good wedding party is simply impossible to imagine without a rich treat. Guests should rejoice at the happiness of the young, admire the elegant banquet hall and, of course, enjoy delicious dishes. Friends, magazines, cafes (for example, and parents offer a great variety of menu options. And the groom and the bride, perhaps, also have their own requirements, which delicacies just need to be served, and which dishes should in no case be on the table.

How many grams do you need?

Before choosing a menu for a wedding in a cafe, the question often arises of how many products will be needed for a banquet. After all, it is important that at the holiday everyone is well-fed, and after the celebration there is not too much food left. When calculating, you should consider how long the fun will last. As a rule, weddings are celebrated in banquet halls for 7-8 hours. At one time, a person can eat about 1.5-2 kg of food to be full. Plus, it is worth considering incendiary dances, games, as well as strong drinks, which noticeably increase the appetite.

When preparing a wedding banquet, it is recommended to proceed from the following arithmetic: count each snack at 100 g per person. Hot - 150 g of meat and 100 g of side dish. Additional hot dish (optional) - also 100-150 g per person. Fruit - 150 g, cake - 150 g and sweets - 50-70 g per person. Based on these simple calculations, we are planning a menu for a wedding feast.

We start with snacks

Special attention should be paid to the snacks, because they start the wedding feast and remain on the tables throughout the entire celebration. When guests are seated, there should already be portioned snacks in front of them. As a rule, this is some kind of salad or aspic. Then the invitees can put common snacks on separate plates: salads, cuts, stuffed vegetables, tartlets, pickles and other goodies.

Of the slices, sausages are the most popular. Therefore, it is worth putting more of them on the tables. Cold cuts should include at least 3 types of sausages and meat delicacies, for example, cervelat, carbonate, chicken roll, boiled tongue. It is advisable to put less cheese and fish platter, however, they should also contain several types of cheese and fish. Vegetable cuts with slices of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers, decorated with sprigs of dill and parsley, will not be superfluous.

Salads are best prepared from more familiar foods, such as chicken, beef, fish. Do not get carried away with exotic shrimps and mussels, especially if you are not sure that most of the guests love them. Of the stuffed vegetables, tomatoes and champignons are most accepted at a wedding banquet. Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes will be a good snack for strong drinks. And from hot appetizers, you should choose chicken skewers on skewers, julienne, fish in batter.

Serve hot

After the guests drank the first toasts for the young, their parents, for a happy married life, after several dances and competitions - about 3 hours after the start of the banquet - guests are served a hot dish. For hot portions, a baked or well-done piece of meat is most often chosen. It can be chicken with a delicious cheese crust or pork escalope with mushroom sauce. Red fish steak is much less often chosen as a hot steak. Meat is traditionally garnished with mashed potatoes or fried until crisp.

An excellent table decoration and a great addition to the hot dish will be a dish with a whole roasted suckling pig, or stuffed with sturgeon, or baked rabbit with a creamy sauce. Such a treat is served on the table during a change of dishes along with portioned hot ones. Usually 2-3 such dishes are ordered to be enough for all guests.

A special effect can be achieved if a whole fried rabbit or piglet is brought in with lit fountains stuck into it in the semi-darkness of the banquet hall. However, you need to check with the cafe administrator whether it is possible to use such pyrotechnic elements within the walls of this establishment. But even without fiery fountains, a fried sturgeon or piglet on a large platter will undoubtedly add luxury to the wedding celebration.

In addition, in the middle of the wedding banquet, guests can be offered a common hot dish, which guests can impose on themselves at will. It can be stuffed cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers, chicken legs.

Moving on to dessert

From the very beginning of the banquet or when changing dishes, vases with fruit are placed on the tables. Most often, this includes apples, pears, grapes, bananas, oranges, tangerines. Depending on the season, you can put berries (strawberries, cherries, cherries) or watermelon and melon.

The main dessert is, of course, the wedding cake. It can stand the entire banquet on a separate table. But, as a rule, the cake is brought into the banquet hall with all solemnity, where the newly-made spouses jointly cut off pieces and treat all those invited. Tea or coffee is served with the cake. Also, if you wish, you can offer guests sweets for sweets.

Preparing food and food requires attention and patience. After all, the general impression that will develop from the wedding depends on how you treat your relatives and friends. It is worth taking care not only of the composition of the menu, but also of how all the dishes will be decorated. Then the treat will look even more elegant and appetizing.

Having carefully thought over and prepared a menu for a wedding in a cafe, you are guaranteed to provide yourself and your guests with a fun, joyful, rich and truly magnificent wedding.

Newlyweds spend a lot of money on organizing the most important day in their life. But the most expensive is not even a wedding dress, but a festive banquet! The official registration of a relationship is a reason to drink to a young family. Guests often toast and refresh their glasses, so a snack should be enough for every person invited. Newlyweds do not have enough experience in order to correctly calculate the menu for the wedding. As a result, the snacks are never eaten to the end, and the husband and wife have to give a considerable amount of money for this gala evening. The table, which is bursting with an abundance of food, does not play a major role. Young people need to calculate the number of dishes so as not to stay aground, and at the same time each guest would get up from the table full.

We select drinks for the wedding table

When composing a menu for a wedding, special attention should be paid to the choice of alcohol. Do not forget that children and some guests will not touch alcohol, therefore soft drinks should also be on the festive table.

Before going to the store, you need to write a list of guests and mark in front of each name that the invitee usually drinks. If you are not aware of someone's preferences, it is worth asking this question delicately. Then you need to calculate the total number of people who drink this or that drink. You will have an idea of ​​how many alcoholic drinks you need. During the first toast, guests usually drink champagne, but then they prefer to raise their glasses with stronger drinks. This applies to both women and men. A sparkling drink should take its place on the table of a young family. One bottle of this alcoholic drink is enough for you. For a dozen guests, 3 bottles of champagne are placed on the table. From the same calculation, 2 bottles of vodka, 2 bottles of an elite drink and 5 bottles of wine are placed on the festive table.

Please remember that guests must have access to soft drinks. You can't go wrong with just the right amount of juice, soda, or mineral water. If you have planned, 1.5 liters of soft drink per person will be sufficient. In the hot season, this figure rises to two liters. Do not forget that a person's unfinished soda can be drunk by his neighbor at the table, to whom

Determining the range of wedding menus

The restaurant staff will offer you a wide range of dishes. From so many snacks, desserts and hot dishes, you can get confused. But here logical reasoning comes to the rescue. Your guests are unlikely to eat more than a kilogram of treats in just one evening. It is worth starting from such calculations.

We will compose the approximate menu for the wedding and the weight of the dishes for each person a little lower, try to focus on it. Also review your notes and calculate the amount of food you need. The calculations shown here are based on a single guest:

  • cold snacks and salads (0.5 kg). When the festive feast is just beginning, guests do not look away from their plates. But over time, people are switching to a variety of salads. They sit down at the table between entertainment and dancing. It is light snacks that make it possible to quickly grab a bite and return to the fun. That is why there should be as many of them as possible.
  • hot meals (0.15 kg). Such dishes will be eaten while they are still warm. Cooled warm snacks are no longer of interest to anyone, so guests return to salads. You should not order more warm snacks than indicated in this calculation.
  • side dish (0.3 kg). This is a must-have dish because guests cannot do without it. They will not look at whether the side dish is complex, so they can opt for simple dishes.
  • dishes with meat (0.25 gr). Meat is everyone's favorite product. But no one will throw themselves at meat dishes, because you want to try everything.
  • fruit cuts - (0.15 kg). You do not need to gain a lot of fruits. As practice shows, after an abundance of hearty dishes, few people pay attention to them. You can put grapes, apricots or cherries on the wedding table. Usually, it is these cuts that are eaten by guests several times.
  • sweet (0.25 kg). Appetizing sweets are instantly eaten by guests, because they have already danced a lot and have lost a lot of energy. Appetizing sweets will help them replenish their energy reserves.
  • wedding cake (0.15 kg). Usually, this delicacy is introduced at the very end of the holiday. It no longer fits into the stomachs of people who have eaten many different foods. But some people can take a slice of cake home.

There are no dishes that should never be put on the wedding table. The newlyweds make up the menu for the wedding, taking into account the tastes and wishes of the guests. Not the least role is played by your own addictions. Perhaps, certain traditions will become the basis for compiling the menu. Very often, dishes are chosen based on the established budget. But there are certain rules that still need to be heeded.

The wedding table is not the place for any soups. This rule especially applies to newlyweds, whose wedding will take place during the hot season. And they don't look very appetizing. You're just wasting your money on this unnecessary dish.

Do not study the preferences of each guest and try to fulfill them. You will not be able to adapt to everyone, because the tastes of people are completely different. Classic yet beautifully presented dishes will help you out. Guests will be happy to eat the treats they are used to. But there is an exception to the rule - these are vegetarians and raw foodists. If you don’t order them what they are used to using, then you should not even invite them to your holiday. A few servings of such food will suffice. Guests will surely appreciate your concern.

There is no need to opt for exotic dishes. Many guests may refuse such a treat. No trendy foreign dish can replace our favorite food. But if suddenly the relatives of the newlyweds are of different nationalities, be sure to take this into account when drawing up the menu. Dishes of their native cuisines should be present on the table. In this case, each guest will be satisfied and satisfied.

The festive table is not only about the main dishes. The menu will definitely include pickles and sauces. Do not forget to order bread, because without it the table cannot be called complete. You should not make a choice in favor of dishes for the preparation of which you need to use garlic or onions. Otherwise, you will suffer from a stench that is mixed with the smell of alcoholic beverages.

No celebration is complete without salads dressed with mayonnaise. This dish is served even in the hot season, because people are used to such treats. But you should be aware that such salads will quickly "flow" in the summer. As a result, the culinary masterpiece will turn into an unattractive slide that no one wants to touch. As a result, money can be considered wasted. Opt for salads that are seasoned with olive oil, sour cream, or sunflower oil. They are light and tasty, so guests will appreciate such a treat.

Also, portioned snacks will be superfluous, because very often they do not justify themselves. You will not calculate the number of people who will be present at your party. Perhaps someone you haven’t invited will come. Or, on the contrary, the invited person will not be able to come to your holiday. It is impossible to guarantee that all guests will enjoy this appetizer. When choosing snacks, choose three different types. The selected treat is placed on the table so that each guest can reach the dish that interests him.

Choose a wedding cake based on the bride's dress. Have you chosen a champagne wedding dress? So, order delicious pastries with marzipans from the pastry chefs. If you wear a wedding dress of any bright color, then experts can make a similar element on the birthday cake, which will differ not only in beauty, but also in unsurpassed taste.