Device massage cheaps for face. Chealed - criminal cosmetologists. Desheli - ultrasonic device at home! Examples of massage movements are described in the instructions

Two physical factors of non-operation rejuvenation: ultrasound and light therapy in one machine.

Good suitable for everyday face care, neck, zone.

Power supply: DC 15 V, 100 mA
Network adapter: AC 220 V, 50 Hz / DC 15 V, 100 mA
Current consumption: 100 mA
Dimensions (in packaging): 22 x 18 x 7 cm.
Weight without a network adapter: 150 gr.
Weight in packing 500 gr.


  • Seborrhea, fatty skin with the presence of comedones, acne and pedestrian
  • Rough oroging leather
  • Scar skin changes
  • Hyperpigmentation, dark dots and spots on the skin
  • Hypotonic dehydrated leather (loss of tone and dehydration)
  • Wrinkles, folds and other age changes
  • Lymphostasis, swelly
  • Introduction of cosmetics in the skin in order to enhance the effectiveness and duration of their impact

It is impossible to carry out procedures using the device on the following zones:

  • Eyes
  • Area over heart and thyroid gland
  • Sender organs
  • Over silicone implants, regions with gel contour plastic

What do, being in front of a big mirror, all without exception? Carefully peer into familiar reflection, spend the fingertips in the face, slightly pulling barely noticeable folds and wrinkles. Time is reflected in our mirror twin and on the face. So I want to stop his run! And the lifting becomes our hope, a chance to resist time.

Different creams, gels, masks are good, definitely. But at some point, the campaign in the spa or the Cabinet of the cosmetologist suddenly becomes clearly becoming inevitable. Find out what to fight with the laws of nature is quite real, for many becomes revelation. Rejuvenation of a person without surgery now, with the advent of magnificent hardware technologies, increases the chances of women to be more.

The intensity of cosmetics in a duet with the instrument of the cliahon is repeatedly increasing. The device combines two physical factors of influence with the aim of non-operation rejuvenation: ultrasound and light. Ultrasonic effects of various intensity during the operation of the device launches deep metabolic processes. Photochromic (light-color) Therapy is an effective means for the benefit of beauty, many have already rated a unique chance to make houses desired procedures.

Perfect skin without problems!

The cliahon is a new way to look at the old problems. And even get rid of them. Angry rash is scary at any age, causing anxiety. It is possible to eliminate the fat brilliance, withstand dryness and pigmentation of the skin. And finally, win a decisive fight with black dots. Their appearance is the result of stress, pollution of the external environment, disrupted nutrition.

Methods of rejuvenation of the face multifaceted, ultrasound is one of the advanced.
Cleaon is universal, this is his commercial advantage. Any type of female and male skin wins from its application. And specialist assistance can be excluded, so available and simple. Step-by-step instructions, a couple of procedures - and you become your personal cosmetologist. Ultrasound affects several mm surface of the skin, its inner layers, but the consequences of its exposure have a long and resistant effect.

Red, blue, green - choose anyone!

Red wave spectrum - for serious, mature women. It warms, stimulates metabolic processes, acts on the capillaries. Naturally, as a result, we can talk about the regeneration of tissues, cells. And this leads to obvious smoothing of wrinkles, and the risk of new decreases. Photochromic pulses lead to an anesthetic effect.

Blue makes a suitable young skin procedure. Its main priorities are the effects on the sebaceous glands. In this active struggle, the cliar wips up over a violation of rigorous secretion. And voila, acne and acne gradually disappear! We will add the effect of skin suspenders of the blue range suitable for everyone.

Green universal! He gives the skin the second breath. And by this removes the ethnicity, lines the texture of the skin, reaching an explicit cosmetic effect.

The most important thing that is not in the instructions: the device returns confidence! Is it so important!

Photon-ultrasonic apparatus Urivon is designed for efficient use at home specifically for israeli cosmetic Companies "Desheli". All ultrasound devices themselves have healing effects, helping repeatedly enhance the penetration of many medicinal substances in the deepest layers of the skin. Uniqueness Kliaon. It is that it has the most efficient and at the same time the safest ultrasound index among devices with a similar principle of action in the global market. This is due to the fact that fluctuations with a frequency of 3 MHz are applied, which are valid only within the skin, that is, no more than 1 cm. Thus, the cliar causes an incredible lifting effect of your skin, without damaging other fabrics. The result from the procedures is achieved by oscillations, which lead to a change in skin density - soft massage at the cellular level. Due to this, the exchange of metabolism inside cells and blood circulation, the release of biologically active substances, the normalization of the skin glands, the elimination of the spasm of the mimic muscles, forming wrinkles, smoothing scars and inflammatory seals. Thus, the synthesis level of collagen and elastin increases several times, which are so necessary for the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. Clinical trials confirmed reliability, efficiency and complete user security.

Technology application

Rejuvenating effect of application Kliaon. It is achieved using radiation of ultrasound waves of different lengths, as well as light waves of different colors: red, blue and green.

Blue light is needed for relaxation. It penetrates a depth of 0.5 mm. Its main tasks are the fight against acne and acne by regulating the secretion of sebum, calm, pulling and sealing the fading skin. Suitable for any of its type, including for sensitive and greasy, prone to inflammatory processes.

Green light adjusts balance. It has an action already by 3-5 mm, that is, on the upper and middle layers of the skin - epidermis and dermis. The lower layer gets only 5% of radiation, as the green light is needed to change the processes of cellular respiration in tissues. It also reduces the swelling of the face, speeds up microcirculation. Therapeutic effect is associated with the normalization of the processes of excitation and braking in the skin. Suitable for mixed skin.

Red light brings cheerfulness. It penetrates the skin to a depth of 8-10 mm. It is necessary to improve blood circulation and the recovery of collagen with the help of a warming effect, to enhance the regeneration of tissues, removing muscle spasms. All this leads to a decrease in wrinkles, and the skin becomes more elastic and smooth. Suitable for any type of skin.

The result from the simultaneous use of sound and light-waves of the cliahone is noticeable after the first procedure: the intensity of blood circulation increases, the supply of skin cells increases, the acne and acne increase, increases the color of the face. Make sure that the emitter tightly comes into contact with the skin of the face.

The cliah cannot be used without conductive means, that is, without an active liposomal gel from cosmetic set from "desheli"designed specifically for the hardware procedure. In the Crystal Youth Pro Age series for young girls up to 35 years old, the device activates the properties of such cosmetic drugs as night nutritious cream and an active liposomal gel, which are applied in the appropriate order. In the "Crystal Youth Anti Age" series for women after 35 years, the substances that are in the composition of the collagen serum, the night phyto of cream and, of course, are activated, and, of course, active liposomal gel.

Mode of application

  1. To begin with, you need to clean the face with the cleansing lotion from the Crystal Youth Pro Age series and the cleansing milk from the "Crystal Youth Anti Age" series. The skin should be perfectly clean when exposed to ultrasound, otherwise the dirt particles can achieve deeper skin layers and thereby cause inflammatory processes.
  2. Connect the cliar to the network and check its readiness by the "ON / OFF" button. If the indicator caught fire, you can proceed to the next step.
  3. Now it is necessary to apply a smooth layer on the skin of the person a special agent, avoiding the area around the eyes. The amount of gel should be sufficient to make the device easily slide on the skin. Active liposomal gel from "Desheli" Bring you a guaranteed result, since it is designed specifically for the hardware procedure by the cliath.
  4. A small amount of special gel applies to the surface of the emitter itself.
  5. For a different level of the intensity of exposure to ultrasound, use the "Sonic" button: 1 - low intensity, 2 - average intensity, 3 - high intensity, 4 - shutting down the mode of mode.
  6. To select the color of radiation during phototherapy, use the "PHOTON" button: 1 - green light, 2 - blue light, 3 - red light, 4 - turning off the mode of mode.

It should be noted that the modes of ultrasound therapy and phototherapy can be used both jointly and separately. But regardless of this, using the cliath, it is necessary to slowly slide the device on the skin of the face, calculating the speed so that, for example, the movement from the chin to the ear of the ear occupied 5 seconds. Move only in the directions from the bottom up or right / left symmetrically.

Basic care

Takes 8 minutes. Uniformly massagon Cliathon face skin. First, treat the skin surface on the right side of the face within 4 minutes, and then on the left side. It will be better if you use the timer. This will help you make the procedure correctly and achieve the greatest result. Progressive movements from top to bottom down along the lines on the following instructions, repeating each movement 3 times:

  1. Along the edge of the face from the chin to the ear.
  2. Along the edge of the face from the chin to an external corner of the eye.
  3. Along the line from the corner of the mouth to the ear of the ear.
  4. Along the line from the bottom of the nose to the outer edge of the eyebrows.
  5. Along the nasolabial fold.
  6. Along the second chin line.

Special care

Takes 2 minutes. Applies only after the main care. In this case, it is necessary to fasten to press the ultrasonic apparatus to face to lift the skin and muscle. Repeat each movement should be taken 10-20 times, depending on the degree of manifestation of the problem. In order to properly perform the procedure of special care and achieve the best results, you need to know the facial muscles: brush muscles, cheekbone, chewing muscle, dummy muscle

  1. If you want to pull out the facial oval, move from the corners of the mouth to the area near the eyes.
  2. If you want to raise the corners of the lips, move upwards along the corners of the mouth.
  3. If you have eczema or acne, treat the skin around the lesion zones. Do not use the device directly on the affected areas.
  4. If you want to remove the second chin, move from the bottom up from the chin to the ear, from the chin to the lips.
  5. If you need to care for the T-zone, drive the radiator along the wings and the nose line as shown in the figure for 1-2 minutes.
  6. If you want to get rid of bags and dark circles under the eyes, move from the inner corner of the eye to the temple, along the face of the face to the area behind the ear, from the ear of the ear to the clavicle, from the clavicle to the armpit. This procedure must be repeated at least 20 times.

In general, the cliath procedure is carried out within 10 minutes. After the time expires, the device is turned off automatically.

Cautions on use

Can not use Cliahon In the following zones: in the area of \u200b\u200bthe thyroid gland, in front of the stomach, on joint joints (knees, elbows, and others), on damaged skin (sections of tissues with dermatitis, skin allergies for cosmetic products, rash, eel, burns, stains caused by Physical impact or simply accompanied by itching, sections of the skin after depilation or epilation, after surgery). You must clearly follow the rules of the instruction described above!

All huge hello!

Each girl should take care of him. Let it be care not in the expensive beauty salon, but at home. Each has its secrets, recipes, etc. And each has its own "helpers" of beauty. Such an assistant appeared at me. In this review, I will introduce you to him.

My speech will go about photon-ultrasonic cosmetology massage machine "Cleartone", designed for the Desheli brand.

A little about this firm:I think that many familiar with her. Representatives of this company, usually by telephone, and usually very intrusive, offer to try their brand cosmetics, completely free. Cosmetics has age limitations. But the most important feature of the cosmetic means Desheli is that they are very expensive And sold "Case". Approximate price 50000-60000 thousand rubles. But judging by the reviews, the funds fully justify their value!

This unit is the brainchild of this company and is sold separately from Case. The price is 5000-6000 thousand rubles.

I will say right away that in life I would never bought it !!! I was given it, because The former hostess of the case with cosmetics did not go.

Perhaps perhaps about the device.

The device is sold in a pretty box and has the following content:

  • Cleartone apparatus itself

  • Protective glasses

  • Adapter (the device works from the network)
  • Instructions for use and warranty card


Appearance: Color apparatus - purple. Pretty compact, but a little weighty.

On the case of the device 3 buttons:

  1. Turning on-off button
  2. Phototherapy mode
  3. Ultrasonic therapy mode

And 4 indicators showing ultrasound intensity.

The device has limitations:

You can not use the device:

  • In the eyes and neck;
  • On burned skin;
  • If the skin is rash, acne;
  • On any stains accompanied by itching;
  • After depilation;
  • If there is an allergy;
  • If you are pregnant;

This is a small part of restrictions. Simply put, use only on clean (without pouring) face, protecting your eyes! And strictly according to the instructions. Honestly, I needed a lot of time to remember everything but!

How the device works:

Ultrasonic emitter causes fabrics and dermal cells to change their density-shrink and squeeze. Such a soft tissue massage does not injure the skin. As a result of the work, blood circulation is activated, the operation of the skin glands is normalized, wrinkles and scars are smoothed.

Depending on the selected instrument mode, it shines with different colors. Each light has a different effect on the skin of the face.

  • Blue lightsoothes the skin of the face and struggles with the advent of acne. Suitable for sensitive, bold and prone to skin rashes. Also blue color pulls the skin of the face.

  • Red light-suitable for any kind of skin. The warming effect improves blood circulation, thereby reduces wrinkles.

  • Green light-suitable for mixed skin. Reduces the edema of the tissues, changes the process of cellular respiration in tissues.

Mode of application:

To apply this instrument you need special gel. But I think you can pick up any gel yourself . It may be an anti-aging gel face, or just moisturizing. They are on store shelves - a huge amount!

The device is used on a purified face. A gel is applied to the face and dressing goggles. Also, a small amount of gel is applied to the surface of the emitter. Next, the intensities of ultrasound and color are selected. The device uses a certain number of minutes.

The instructions offer 2 methods of using the device: main and special.

  • Basic -duration 8 minutes.
  • Special - Duration 2 minutes.

Examples of massage movements are described in the instructions

My impressions of use:

Because I still have a young I use the device to combat rashes and just like a massage

I use the device, approximately 1 time in 2 weeksDepending on whether I have rashes on the face (use with them - contraindicated)

I use a special liposomal gel from above the described Case. In principle, the gel is necessary to slide the device.

For all time using i noticed improvements. I had pimples, they disappeared. If used to eliminate wrinkles and to pull the skin of the face , He too effective (Verified on mom, it uses them more often than me).

After the procedure, the face blushes. Redness pass quickly, this is a skin reaction to ultraviolet. Redness look like a light tan.

Why do I rate the device for 4 stars? Of course because of the price!

I believe that the price is very overestimated and the device is not for everyone for pocket. Perhaps there are such devices for a lower price.

Another reason for reducing the assessment was precautionary precautions and instructions for use. It is very good to use it. The consequences, after incorrect use, I do not know (pah-pah-pah), but beware of them!

And so, a good apparatus. If someone wondered him to acquire - my review (I hope) you will be useful!

Thanks for attention

In order to intemine the penetration process in the deep layers of skin of highly active substances of the Desheli cosmetics, the Cleartone photon-ultrasonic apparatus was developed.

This device was created specifically for deceived, it is easy to handle and is ideal for applying at home. "Cleartone" is characterized by the most efficient and safe ultrasonic index among the devices with a similar principle of action. The oscillation frequency is 3 MHz, exposure area - not more than 1 cm. The effect of the device repeatedly enhances the penetration into the skin of active nutrient and moisturizing components of Desheli. The skin is experiencing additional therapeutic effects.

The purpose of the use of this device consists in strengthening the regenerating and tightening effect, which is obtained as a result of more intensive penetration of cheesed products in deep layers of skin, and, as a result, activation of metabolic processes, blood circulation, oxygen saturation and active substances, the normalization of the sebage glands, getting rid of accumulated toxins, accelerating collagen production.

Conducted clinical trials confirmed the effectiveness and absolute security of the work "Cleartone". The use of this device, together with DESHELI cosmetics, contributes to the smoothing of scars and scars, withdrawing inflammatory processes.

Technology application

The Cleartone apparatus has a regenerating rejuvenating effect due to ultrasonic waves of different lengths and light radiation. Its power depends on the color: blue - weak, green - medium, red - strong.

Blue color Suitable for any type of skin, including sensitive and fat. It has an impact at a depth of 0.5 mm. Eliminates acne, various inflammation, pulls up and seals the skin.

Green light Suitable for mixed skin. It has an impact at a depth of 3-5 mm, affecting not only the epidermis, but also a dermis. Improves the breathing of the skin system, blood circulation, reduces the swelling of the face, normalizes the processes of excitation and braking in the skin.

Red light Suitable for any type of skin. It has an effect on a depth of 8-10 mm. Accelerates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, eliminating wrinkles and thinning folds, removes muscle spasms, enhances the regeneration of tissues.

For a more obvious result, use ultrasound and light waves in the complex.

Mode of application

The "Cleartone" device cannot be used without a special conductive. For this, Desheli has been developed a unique active liposomal gel, which is ideal for hardware procedures. From the series "Crystal Youth Pro Age" to 35 years old under ultrasound, it is recommended to use night nutritious cream and an active liposomal gel. From the series "Crystal Youth Anti Age" after 35 years, the device can be used collagen serum, night phyto cream and an active liposomal gel. Please note that the device's emitter tightly touched the skin during the procedure. We work slowly, but counting the speed so that the movement from the chin to the ear of the ear took no more than 5 seconds. Move only in the directions from the bottom up or right / left symmetrically.

  • The procedure with photon-ultrasonic apparatus begins with cleansing. To do this, it is recommended to use a cleansing lotion from the Crystal Youth Pro Age series to 35 years or cleansing Milk "Crystal Youth Anti Age" after 35 years. Make sure that no contamination remains on the skin, since the device can enhance the negative impact of these substances.
  • Connect the "Cleartone" to the network, use the "ON / OFF" button to turn on the machine.
  • Apply a special active liposomal gel on the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. It must be in sufficient quantity so that the device easily slides on the skin. If necessary, additionally wet the skin with water, thereby diluting the tool.
  • Select the desired level of the intensity of the device and the light mode:

1 - low intensity;

2 - average intensity;

3 - high intensity;

4 - Turning off the mode of mode.

1 - green light;

2 - blue light;

3 - red light;

4 - Turning off the mode of mode.

Modes of ultrasound therapy and phototherapy can be used both jointly and separately.

Basic care

The duration of the procedure is not more than 8 minutes.

For proper and effective care, evenly massage the skin from top to bottom, starting to work with the device "Cleartone" on the right side of the face, and then with left (no more than 4 minutes each of them). The procedure should be carried out along the following lines, repeating each movement 3 times:

  • Along the head of the face from the chin to the urine of the ear.
  • Along the edge of the face from the chin to an external corner of the eye.
  • Along the line from the corner of the mouth to the top tip of the ear.
  • Along the line from the bottom of the nose to the outer edge of the eyebrows.
  • Along the nasolabial fold.
  • Along the second chin line.

Special care

The duration of the procedure is no more than 2 minutes. It is carried out only after the main care. Special care is necessary to combat specific problems:

  • In order to adjust the oval of the face, it is necessary to work from the corners of the mouth to the area near the eyes.
  • In order to raise the corners of the lips, it is necessary to work, moving up along the corners of the mouth.
  • In order to get rid of the eczema or acne, it is necessary to treat the skin around the zones of the defeat, in no case using the device directly on the affected areas.
  • In order to get rid of the second chin, it is necessary to work apparatus, moving up from the chin to the ear, as well as from the chin to lips.
  • In order to treat the problematic T-zone, it is necessary to drive a radiator along the wings and the nose line for 1-2 minutes.
  • In order to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, it is necessary to move from an inner corner of the eye to the temple, along the face of the face to the area behind the ear.

Each of the special care procedures is carried out by no more than 10-20 movements of the apparatus. When working with the device "Cleartone", it is important to tightly press his skin tightly, lifting and strengthening the muscles of the face. A comprehensive procedure that includes the main and special care, takes 10 minutes. After this time, the device turns off automatically.

Cautions on use

When working with the Cleartone apparatus, avoid the following zones: on the stomach, around the eyes, on joints of the joints (knees, elbows and others), in the area of \u200b\u200bthe thyroid gland, on the skin with open wounds, burns, diseases (dermatitis, skin allergies, rash, UGRI), as well as skin sections after depilation or epilation and surgical intervention.

Clearly follow the rules of the instructions above! It is not recommended to use the apparatus of pregnant women!

I really liked the shortest result, decided to buy myself home, because there is a sense and it costs me.

It was bought for only 800 rubles. It comes complete with different nozzles, you can still order. This allows not easy to work with the face, but also use the zone of the buttocks, hips, legs, hands, and so on on problem areas.

It has a number of contraindications. I do not conduct procedures with him when I have monthly periods, during the headache, during pregnancy, the flow of blood pressure and its jumps, the presence of strong uphties and inflammatory processes in the skin.

Weighs very little, such a simple and accessible in operation, what I want to use all the time.

Cosmetic photon, glows with a variety of shades, each of which performs its own mission. He has pronounced as a cosmetic result and therapeutic, preventive.

Those people who have a problem type of skin will understand me, because the device perfectly decides the threat of attack on the side of acne, after it is less than the erochive rash, there are no more irritation, redness is gorgeous. If there are even huge acne, then he dries them with a moment, but the skin is still not dry from it. In the process, it is not heard, only a bright light is published, no smell.

This is an ultrasonic apparatus, but due to its low frequency waves and radiation penetrates deep into each cell, removes all fungi, infectious diseases. It comes with three light modes. I like it in him that it perfectly helps to remove the first fresh wrinkles, makes less noticeable mimic, powerful work is performed so that the skin becomes more elastic, so that it is also a suspension. The light from the beam blue is designed to handle the skin of a problem type, that is, for teenagers. Also protects against re-origin of acne, soothes the skin, has some effect as an antiseptic. If there are bites, some not significant origin of damage, wounds, scratches, then all this is faster begins to heal, accelerates the supply of blood and oxygen, is accelerated to strengthen the vascular grid, capillaries.

You can not use in an area where fine and sensitive skin, that is, it is under the centuries, near the lips. But still risked and it was fixed me in the morning from dark circles, there are practically edema.

The device is wonderful fighting with the advent of acne, reduces the supervoliness of the manifestation of cracks and roughness. I make sessions for the buttocks and hips with him, which solves the problem with subcutaneous fats and cellulite in particular. Drainage work, it pulls the skin of the face. You can apply with a skin of absolutely any type and age.

My mother has a flabby and fat, everything was greatly strengthened. It disappeared after 5 times the second chin, there is a clear outline, less wrinkles. Changes in the best direction of the shade of the face, that is, more noble, healthy, peeled, pleasant, smooth feelings. There is neutralization of oily shine, the face is fresh and well maintained 24 hours a day every day. The session lasts no more than 10 minutes, it is better for them on the wash face and plus to wipe it with tonic or lotion, but without the content of alcohol. And so every day in the morning and at night, after a little lubricate the face with cream according to your type and problems. The course is completed by 12 procedure.

Before applying, be sure to consult a specialist

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