What to give a colleague for his birthday: choose an original and homemade birthday present for employees. Gifts at work: what is appropriate to give to colleagues

It's no secret that we devote most of our lives to our favorite (or not so much) work.

In any, even the most seedy team, employees celebrate at least three main holidays together: Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23) and New Year. True, in addition to this, there are other dates that may relate separately to different employees: birthdays, anniversaries, childbirth, retirement, etc.

As a rule, on such days it is customary to give at least small souvenirs from the team to a person. That is why we often face a problem when thinking about what can we give our employees?

The choice of a gift, whatever the reason, you need to take seriously, put your heart into it.

But the most important thing will, of course, be based on the characteristics of your colleagues. What is meant by this? Preferences, hobbies; the age of the donee will also be important, as well as gender and position.

The higher the position, the more expensive the gifts, remember? However, the very attitude of colleagues for many is much more important than the gifts themselves.

No matter how strange it may sound, it is very pleasant to receive a souvenir from the team: so you understand that you did not take the last place in the team and were an important person in this place ...

So, the most basic dates when gifts are given to employees are:

  • Weddings;
  • Birthdays;
  • Anniversaries;
  • The birth of a baby.

It should be noted that giving is a tradition. However, many other holidays are no less attractive.

What to give an employee for different holidays

The choice of a gift directly depends on the upcoming event.


With regards to the formation of a new unit of society, young people need absolutely everything in the house. In this case, it is better to collect money from the whole team and buy one but significant gift than to buy a myriad of household items that young people may have bought themselves.

Buy separately sets of glasses, plates, sets etc.

The team can donate Microwave oven, a large set of cutlery and dishes, extractor hood, stove, TV etc. You can donate the kit in the form kettle, iron and other household items... And so that you do not repeat yourself in gifts with relatives, ask in advance what the young people need in the house.


the employee is often given not in the form of a thing, but envelope with money.

In this case, the birthday person will be able to buy what he has long wanted or save money for more important purchases in the future.

If you know what an employee wants to buy, then you can get ahead of him and buy such a gift yourself.

One of the most common birthday presents for an employee can be considered , cosmetics etc.


In this case, a solid gift is a must. As it you can take laptop, tablet, e-book, camera or plaid.

Gifts of this kind will show how dear that person was to you.

Birth of a child.

When a baby is born, the gift is self-evident. Crib, stroller, or items of clothing for the baby- you decide.

If you are not sure, donate a certificate for a children's clothing store and young parents will be able to purchase what they need most.

Gifts for calendar dates

There are a lot of holidays on the sheets of the calendar, and it is simply impossible to give gifts to employees for each of them, if only because of financial constraints.

But the most popular holidays are celebrated with small souvenirs or gifts.

Do not forget that it is worth giving something. What is the best gift to choose?

Sometimes nice music is helpful.

If you want more creativity, then donate smoking pipe, expensive cigars or cigarette case.

Gifts for employees for the New Year are no less diverse, especially since gifts are chosen for both men and women. It is worth taking care of them in advance, so as not to buy up everything that comes to hand at the last moment.

Here are a couple of options.

Nice gifts will be thermo cups to workplaces or to the car.

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In this article, you will learn

  • What can you give an employee for his birthday and other holidays?
  • What to choose, what to give to the employee
  • What are the options for gifts to employees
  • How good is the decision to give the employee souvenir stationery?
  • What should not be given to employees for anniversaries and other holidays

How to determine what to give employees for the New Year, birthday or wedding, and at the same time not seem to them to be a sneak or, on the contrary, a mean person? It will not be difficult for people from the inner circle to pick up a present, because you represent their preferences, interests and desires. But how to please your colleague if you don't know him well enough? This article will help you understand all the pitfalls of such a difficult task, hit the bull's-eye when choosing a gift, and also bypass unwanted options.

What is a business gift for and what can be given to an employee

Business gift- this, oddly enough, is a thing that affects both the prestige of the entire company as a whole, and the good relationships of its employees, and therefore, the fruitful interaction of the company with potential partners. Today, at most enterprises, it is customary to include in the expenses funds for the purchase of New Year's gifts, for the manufacture of various corporate souvenirs, and so on. Gifts are a very important part of reliable relationships with partners: the image of the company depends on their quality and dignity, and how others will perceive it (as generous, attentive and self-sufficient, or as stingy, unfriendly and untenable). So what should you present to your work colleague?

There are completely different reasons and reasons for giving gifts: holidays, important dates for the company (anniversaries, birthdays, achieving special results, completing large and complex projects, and so on). The main thing here is the attentiveness and favor of the management and business partners. In addition, the present must necessarily fit into the atmosphere of the existing relationship and, in semantic terms, be suitable for a certain holiday or event.

As a rule, the following are distinguished types of business gifts:

  • a special sign of attention to a business partner, invitations (exclusive);
  • congratulations on any holiday (mandatory - formal);
  • partnership memo (advertising and informational);
  • certain insignia.

Everyone knows that the main purpose of a presentation given by a company is to maintain a positive atmosphere for productive interaction in the field of business. A gift should be pleasing to the eye, be a pleasant surprise, and be both practical and emotional. For each company, its different cost is acceptable. Quirkiness, content and price are the things with which it is important not to overdo it in such a business.

Present can be not only a material object. In one of the companies there is a tradition that its employees at a certain moment present each other with cards or flowers, and also send pleasant letters to e-mail or SMS. This is called the "gift hour". Thus, the management of the company, together with the PR department, bring positive emotions into the atmosphere, maintaining friendliness and a positive attitude in the team. When a new team member appears in a company, he directly interacts with it, developing a certain communication experience: “positive feedback” (the ability to interact kindly and constructively with other employees), attentiveness and favor to the people around him, and so on. The usefulness of these skills is usually noted by the specialists in the customer service departments. In their opinion, it is these skills that facilitate the easy building of trusting relationships with counterparties and maintain the prestige of the company. And therefore, you should always be very serious about what to give a new employee.

When can you give gifts to employees?

What to present to a colleague and when to do it? The solution to these issues is mainly up to the boss. However, in most cases, the reason for the gift is the successful completion of something (project, order, period of work in the company, year) or the birthday of a team member. In addition, any company should have certain incentives (various bonuses, awards, bonuses) that increase the degree of motivation of its employees and are an incentive for further successful work.

What nuances should be considered before choosing a gift for an employee

Consider the interests of your addressee

When choosing a gift, it is necessary to take into account not your preferences, but the desires and interests of the person to whom you intend to present it. For example, giving a journalist a pen with a voluminous and decorated body is extremely impractical, because he (she) often has to write articles or make notes, and with such a present it is not very convenient. An it-specialist, on the contrary, will like such a souvenir: he is unlikely to write something down with this pen, but he will most likely like it very much to twirl it in his palms.

In the case when you have not one, but several hundreds or even thousands of recipients at once and it is impossible to take into account all the preferences, proceed from the fact that is important to any person. An example is the story of how they managed to sell a cable car using an ordinary souvenir pen with a vibration function. It happened like this: during the negotiations, the client disinterestedly listened to the proposal of the head of the sales department, after which the manager, in order to defuse the situation, handed the potential buyer a souvenir vibrating pen and told about how to use it and what points on the human body can be massaged with it for therapeutic purposes. It turned out that health issues are of great interest to the client, who subsequently actively supported the ensuing conversation. Thus, a friendly conversation on an abstract topic contributed to the signing of a contract for the supply of cable!

Another example of what can be gifted to employees is a double cup. This is a versatile cylindrical souvenir with a full-length handle and a split (bottom) in the middle. Let's say you first drank tea, and then turned the cup over and got a container for a coffee drink!

Be aware of cultural and national characteristics

When you choose a gift for foreign representatives, you need to take into account the fact that in almost all countries there are certain boundaries related to the price range of a business presentation. The selected item must have a price of no more than 50 euros. If a multinational company has its branches in Russia, then a stricter framework is also possible, prohibiting the acceptance of gifts worth more than 15-30 euros.

The best option here is a souvenir that is not available in the country where your foreign partner lives. It should be noted that decorating a gift in the traditional Russian style will already be an unusual and original solution.

Gifts for female colleagues for the holidays

It is clear that a gift given to a woman or girl will be completely inappropriate for an older man. What to present to a female employee is a very delicate and difficult question. For the beautiful half of humanity, the following interesting and unusual congratulations are suitable.

Natural flowers. As a rule, this is the classic version. Such presents are always pleasant and relevant for the fair sex. In addition, you can give a woman or a girl some beautiful plant in a neat planter or pot to appear in front of her as an outstanding personality. This item will be a great decor for her workplace.

Topiary Is a composition made from artificial plants, which can also be a wonderful and pleasant gift. Topiary, as a rule, is created from various materials (satin and silk ribbons, paper, shells, grains and cereals, organza) and is a very original and unusual souvenir.

In the event that you are well aware of the preferences and tastes of a girl or woman, you can present her kit, which will include: fragrant soap, shower gel, bath foam and so on. However, it is worth considering that this option is far from the most advantageous, because such a present can be perceived as a hint that a woman (girl) is untidy, untidy, and sloppy.

Souvenirs from the field of feng shui - this is what gift can be called a winning one anyway. Chinese frogs with coins, a money tree, a duck with ducklings, symbolizing home comfort and warmth - all this can lead your colleague of the fair sex to incredible delight.

Various interesting and elegant interior details (stylish vase, figurine or wall clock). You should not show excessive originality here. On the contrary, the thing should look concise and versatile. A classic style is desirable, because it will suit almost any interior and is appropriate in any setting.

Everyone knows that giving clothes to colleagues at work is not at all accepted. However, here, too, there are some reservations: it is quite possible to present a graceful and elegant gift to an employee for her birthday or on another occasion. scarf, shawl or stole from silk, cashmere. This accessory will be appropriate in every lady's wardrobe. In this case, it is worth focusing on the classics, monochromatic shades and light fabrics.

A good idea for a gift for an employee will be various accessories for mobile phones: elegant and useful stand for a gadget, an original case, a neat keychain, and so on. If your colleague is very fond of talking on the phone and has a sociable, easy character, this presentation option is undoubtedly for you! The main thing is not to forget to adhere to the classic style, choosing calm color shades, restrained and elegant prints that will organically fit into any atmosphere and will not stand out much from the office interior.

Computer "tricks" for working ladies

Various computer accessories also fall under the category of versatile and always appropriate office gifts for employees. These may include the following items.

Flash drives. For the fair sex, USB drives in warm, "feminine" tones decorated with rhinestones, crystals or key chains are suitable.

Computer mice. There is also room for imagination and choice. You can stand out from the crowd and present an up-to-date and unusual computer accessory made in the form of a chocolate bar, a kitten, a toy car, and so on.

Coasters for mugs, equipped with the possibility of heating using a USB cable. If your employee is very fond of drinking coffee or tea, she will definitely like this gift!

As you can see, there are quite a few ideas of what can be given to a colleague of the fair sex. Now let's talk about what to give a colleague to a man, and what options are the most popular and advantageous here.

What to give a male employee for his birthday and other holidays

If you choose what to give a male employee for his birthday, give preference to the classics, monotony and rigor. The presentation should be discreet. Such items include the following.

Good quality stationery set. The leader among this type of souvenirs is the original and far from cheap Parker pen. It can be presented not only to a colleague, but also to the company's management.

Computer chair with orthopedic back. Such a subject is very useful and relevant when it comes to office work that requires an almost constant stay in a sitting position. You can be sure: you will not only please with a gift, but you will also make your colleague very happy.

In the event that you are very familiar with the person (you know about his interests, preferences, hobbies, and so on) to whom you are going to present a gift, you can safely choose a present associated with his hobby. Car accessories and gadgets are a good example. We'll cover this in more detail in the next section.

Male Employee Hobbies Presentations

Here we will tell you about what to present to an employee for an anniversary or birthday, and at the same time hit the bull's-eye and please the person one hundred percent.

Hobby gifts include such items.

Sports attributes and equipment. You can present sports accessories to your colleague if he is actively exercising or simply leads an active and healthy lifestyle. Undoubtedly, he will be very pleased to receive such a thing and to know that you support his passion. A football lover can be given an original ball, a swimmer - good swimming goggles, a skier - high-quality and comfortable sticks, and so on.

MP3 players, stereo headsets, headphones. An excellent gift option for an employee who cannot live without music. Of course, the joy of your colleague will have no limit, because now he will be able to listen to his favorite tracks without worrying that his hobby interferes with those around him.

Collectible prefabricated models. What man doesn't like to design, assemble or disassemble something? Even the most businesslike and serious bosses are still children at heart who do not stop loving such things and have a passion for everything unknown and exciting. Various constructors, prefabricated models of cars, planes, military equipment and so on - this is a great idea for a gift that will bring a lot of pleasant impressions and positive emotions.

If your colleague loves to read, then you can present him e-book or digital media player. This choice will be appreciated by men who often have to spend a lot of time on business trips and various trips. Do not forget that every representative of the strong half of humanity will be very happy to receive some kind of technical gift. In addition, such things can be handed to both a man and a woman, because they are completely universal.

What to give an employee as a souvenir when leaving, retiring or changing jobs

A gift to a retiring colleague

What present to give to an employee who is going to leave work and retire? In this matter, one should be guided by the fact that in such a situation a person will have much more free time than before.

Tastes, habits, preferences and interests - these are the things that the team should know about a person, working with him for several years. And therefore, choosing a present that would relate to his hobby is not a difficult task. A gift that will help a retiring employee bring something special to their free days is also a great option, doing something enjoyable and exciting. Here are the options.

  • Subscription to the gym, cinema, theater and so on. This gift will be able to take part of the free time that a person has with the release of a well-deserved rest.
  • New set of fishing rods, lawn mower, chess. This will be a very original gift for the employee, taking into account his interests and preferences.
  • A certificate to a cosmetics store or a beauty salon is an excellent present for a woman, a future pensioner.

Even if your colleague, who is going on a well-deserved vacation, has a great sense of humor, you should not hand him things that hint at age: a dressing gown, anti-wrinkle cream, a woolen blanket, and so on.

Gift to a colleague who is moving to another place of work

If an employee quits, what to give him or her? Of course, this is not such a "big" event as taking a well-deserved rest, and therefore the cost of a souvenir is usually not so great here. In this situation, you can pick up an object that will remind a person of you and the team. Here are some great souvenirs for employees when they leave.

  • Original USB stick. Try to pick up a flash drive with an unusual design: in the form of a grenade, a gold bar, a sports car, a lighter, and so on.
  • Mug with plug-plug. Your colleague will end up on a different team that doesn't know him so well. So a person who has such a souvenir may well take the cork with him so that none of the members of his new team could use such a personal thing.
  • Framed photo of all employees. If there is no general photo, make a collage yourself, where everyone can sign or leave a pleasant wish to the person leaving.
  • A souvenir set of food containers autographed by your colleagues or their images.

Now it's up to you to choose what to give to the employee upon dismissal and leave him as a keepsake of the old team.

A gift to a colleague who has been cut

In the event that an employee is worried about his dismissal, he really needs the support of the team. As a rule, "seeing off" in such situations is not arranged, and therefore it is necessary to present your present on time, because a colleague may suddenly leave the place of work, and you will not have time to do it. Here are some options for what you can give a former colleague when you leave.

  • A neat souvenir. Even the smallest present (branded lighter, soft toy, small figurine) will help you support an employee in such an unpleasant period for him.
  • A ticket to a theater, cinema or other performance. Such a present will help a person to unwind and have a good time.
  • A large box of delicious chocolates. Everyone knows that sweets help the body produce endorphins, which means they can also cheer you up.
  • A living plant in a pot or a bouquet of flowers is a very pleasant and bright present that everyone will like.

A small party organized by the team will be an excellent gift for a colleague. You can sit in a cafe, go for a picnic, order delicious food directly to the office. Your colleague should see that you care about him, that you value him as an excellent employee and a good friend, and you try to cheer him up in every possible way. In such a situation, it is very important for a person to pay attention and give him a positive attitude.

In addition to the presentation, be sure to pick up kind, pleasant words for the outgoing comrade. So that the person does not feel depressed, tell him that it is important for you to know how he is doing, how he settled in a new place, that you will always be glad to see him at your place, in the same office, just when you meet on the street. Do not forget that each member of your team may find themselves in a similar situation, and therefore it is necessary to take a responsible approach to both the gift and the wishes.

What to give an employee for a wedding and not disappoint with a gift

Well, what if an employee invited you to his wedding? In this case, the choice of a gift for the celebration must be approached thoroughly and very responsibly. It will not be difficult for you to decide on a present if you and your colleague are friends or close comrades, because you already know all his interests and wishes. If you are not sure what to choose, refer to the classic options for such cases.

Money as a universal wedding gift

Money is recognized as the most versatile gift for an employee for a wedding celebration for two reasons. First, a young family always needs start-up capital, material support. Secondly, unlike other options, here you will not be mistaken and don’t hand over something that the newlyweds will not come in handy at all. But there is one nuance in this issue: if you cannot invest in this business enough so as not to look untenable, then there are other presentation ideas. The main ones are:

  • gift certificates to children's stores, furniture salons, household goods stores and so on;
  • an original designer photo album, where banknotes from different parts of the world are placed in the cells for photos. It is also advisable to insert banknotes of different denominations;
  • a large and beautiful money tree, decorated with bills of different denominations.

All these options are not only pleasant gifts, they also characterize you as an extraordinary and outstanding person.

Traditional gifts for a colleague at a wedding

Classical (traditional) presentations include all useful, memorable, creative and beautiful things presented to a young family. If you are seriously thinking about what to give an employee for this wonderful event, then here are the best types of wedding gifts.

Household appliances and electronics

An excellent option for a gift to a young family who is going to live separately. Good, high-quality, modern household appliances (multicooker, food processor, TV, microwave, iron, camera, laptop) are what the newlyweds need first of all. The choice depends only on the amount that you can invest in the purchase.


  • crystal dishes;
  • various vases and flower pots;
  • an original samovar (you can make a donation inscription with wishes on it, and so on);
  • sets of wine glasses and glasses made of crystal;
  • various sets (canteens, coffee, tea), preferably in neutral shades;
  • sets for tea ceremonies in oriental style;
  • kitchen utensils (sets of pans, pots, plates, etc.).

Interior items

  • table lamps, floor lamps, lamps;
  • a large and cozy blanket for the whole family;
  • various souvenirs for memory;
  • small and beautiful porcelain or ceramic figurines;
  • elegant and expensive bedding;
  • original houseplant;
  • beautiful paintings or reproductions.

Your gift should be romantic in nature and be a symbol of love, happiness and harmony for a young family - this is what is most important here.

Original gifts for the wedding

In the event that your relationship with a colleague is not only official and business, but has already acquired a friendly and confidential character, it is advisable to present to the employee something original, non-standard and individual for the wedding celebration. Here you need to take into account that the gift is given to both newlyweds and should be pleasant and useful to them as a family.

It is great if the future spouses have a common hobby, interest or passion. Something from this area will be a great present: for stamp collectors - a set of a philatelist with a wedding theme, fans of antiques - a rare souvenir, travel lovers - a large family tent or backpack, and so on.

If you have not yet decided what to give an employee for a wedding, here are some more examples of original gifts:

  • florarium;
  • interior decor elements with the image of spouses (floor lamp, photo panel, pillows);
  • an elegant decanter for various drinks;
  • a set for a country barbecue;
  • fountain-fondue made of chocolate;
  • entertaining posters of a certain theme;
  • portrait of newlyweds in medieval style.

Wedding gifts from the whole team

A general present from all employees is very convenient for two reasons. Firstly, financial expenses can be divided among everyone and buy a more expensive, valuable and memorable gift. Secondly, your colleague will be very pleased to know that he has a very friendly, close-knit, caring team.

There are several options such a gift to a colleague.

  • Expensive purchase for the hearth (double bed, elegant sofa, home theater, and so on).
  • Gift card, with the help of which the newlyweds will be able to buy themselves what they really need.
  • Romantic trip- a great option. Spouses do not have to spend money on their honeymoon. Previously, it is advisable to find out where the newlyweds themselves would like to go.
  • Skydiving or flying in a hot air balloon will give the spouses a sea of ​​bright positive emotions. It is important here to know for sure whether any of them are afraid of heights, and also whether they like extreme sensations.

What should not be given to a colleague for a wedding

There are things that, according to signs, should not be presented to the newlyweds (mirrors, sharp accessories, watches, and so on). Do not forget about this when you choose a present for an employee.

It is also undesirable to give baby things for the wedding celebration and everything related to the child (cribs, car seats, strollers, etc.). As a rule, spouses prefer to choose and buy all this on their own, at their discretion, to their taste. In the event that the newlyweds are already expecting a baby, and you would like to please them, the best option would be to hand over an envelope with money or a gift certificate to a good children's store.

What to give an employee for the birth of a child - three win-win ideas

  1. As a rule, it is customary to give toys for babies that are appropriate for the age of the child, and are also completely safe for him. These items include: various soft toys, pyramids with rings, sandbox sets, swings. However, please note that the last three options, firstly, will not look very presentable due to the low price, and secondly, they are not intended for newborn babies, but for older children. That is why only large plush animals or indoor swings for the smallest can be handed out of toys.
  2. A baby stroller or a crib is an equally popular gift for a wedding celebration. Of course, before buying, you need to agree on it with all your colleagues.
  3. The best option for a presentation to an employee is money that parents can spend at their discretion. From the practical point of view, this solution is the most acceptable and useful, but from the side of positive impressions and vivid emotions, it is undesirable. A gift for a person is a kind of mystery, a surprise, a feeling of pleasant anticipation. And therefore, it is much more interesting for each of us to receive some kind of souvenir than to buy something for ourselves, even if with the funds presented. It is for this reason that from all the proposed solutions, choosing the most optimal one is often a very difficult task, because each of them has positive and negative sides. In this case, there is an alternative idea - to purchase a gift, after consulting with future or new parents.

Universal gifts that can be presented to employees for any occasion

In addition to certain options intended for a specific category of colleagues, there are also gifts that are universal: they can be given to colleagues of any age, gender and position.

These presentations include the following items.

Painting or photo collage. It is desirable that it be a neutral image: picturesque nature, city panorama or still life.

Books. World renowned works of art or nonfiction is a great option for a gift that will always be relevant. It is important that the book is beautifully and well-framed.

Office sets, having a stand for various stationery: pens, pencils, markers, paper clips, scissors, and so on. In their manufacture, materials are used for every taste: wood, plastic, metal, natural or artificial stone.

Money. If you are short on time or you are simply not sure that you can find a good gift, it is better to use this option. Money is always needed and appropriate for any holiday; it is something that can be presented to employees of any gender, age and status.

Souvenir stationery as a good example of what can be given to an employee

Many consider this gift option too trivial, and therefore often do not take it into account and present something "unusual", such as a small figurine, which, in their opinion, will make a splash. Along with the figurines, they usually give some kind of multifunctional thing, like a flashlight or an alarm clock mug. But after all, these items are practically not used by the recipient. If you think about it, it is often not a bad idea to be “simple”, because there are many irreplaceable things that have been used for years: glasses cases, pillow cases or diaries.

It should be noted that notepads today, they are again gaining popularity among gifts for colleagues, because the number of office workers whose main task is to constantly write or print something is growing rapidly. Also, we must not forget that more and more office workers are taking on creative hobbies: poetry, painting, literature, philosophy, and so on. Hence, each of them will undoubtedly need a notebook to write down work notes or creative ideas. You can confidently choose it as a gift to a colleague or friend. Notebooks are very different: with pure white or slightly yellowish antique paper, small or enlarged format, lined for notes and with blank sheets for creating craft albums or drawings. Do not forget about the external design as well, it should look beautiful, original and exclusive, like a true work of art. It should be pleasant to receive such a thing as a gift, to take it in hand.

Do not believe whoever tells you that the era paper and ballpoint pen already in the past, that to present such a present to an employee is a banality, prove to him the opposite with confidence. Beautiful handwriting and competent presentation, as opposed to the ability to quickly type on a computer, will show you as an outstanding and full-fledged personality. Experts have long proven that when writing by hand and typing on a keyboard, completely different parts of the human brain are involved. It has been experimentally confirmed that stylistically and lexically texts come out better precisely when they are written in the traditional way. Moreover, pupils and students, as a rule, have greater success in their studies if they take notes themselves, rather than those who type them on the keyboard. Even the authors of self-knowledge trainings advise to write their notes and essays first of all by hand, and then, when the idea is finally formed, to print it all on a computer. In a word, individuality will manifest itself much more strongly on a piece of paper or in a book that looks like a volume from a medieval collection of works with an author's cover from a true master of his craft.

Nice notebook or notebook- this is something that can be handed over to an employee, comrade, friend. This is a universal and original gift: a young girl will keep a secret diary in it, in which she will set out everything intimate that cannot be published for general access; an elderly person can use it to record their memories; the business boss will enter work notes there. In addition, the elegantly and expensively designed notebook acts as a wonderful business souvenir.

Today it enjoys no less popularity and diary, which you can give to a colleague and be sure that the present is to your liking. Everyone knows that notebooks for recording current affairs have been around for several centuries. But it is in the modern world that we notice an explosion of their relevance, because they help people keep track of their own time. Both high-ranking bosses and ordinary housewives, all today show an interest in time management. And therefore, each person should have a convenient and attractive diary, planner or other paper medium. The question arises: what is the advantage of such an organizer? And here's what: firstly, it is, as a rule, easier and more practical to care for and maintain than its electronic counterparts; secondly, handwritten notes are easier to remember, thus avoiding the need to constantly check lists or over time when shopping or rushing to an important meeting. In addition, it will not be discharged, it is not so scary to accidentally wet it or quickly throw it into a bag with a food container, take it with you on an extreme trip. It, in addition to writing, can also be used for drawings, stickers, various brands. A diary always gives you more opportunities for self-expression. It is also always pleasant and interesting to find old notes and return memories to your past, sorting through the brightest and best moments of it.

Almost every person has e-mail today, because it is very convenient and fast: just an instant - and you can send letters dozens of users from the most remote corners of the world. However, despite this, the popularity postcrossing and other various gift surprises does not slow down. This proves once again that the traditions of handwritten messages are still very relevant, and a letter written on paper in person is of particular value for the addressee (after all, he, of course, understands that you could not strain, but quickly type text on a computer ). Consequently, a large-format notebook, on the pages of which you can write a message, or personalized sheets, handed over in a set with unusual envelopes and original postcards, will be a very popular and good gift for a colleague. How nice it is to please loved ones with sincere messages, handwritten on paper!

When you choose what to give to an employee, do not forget that you need to focus on the appearance of the presentation, and not only on its functionality. The original design can turn the simplest thing into a "candy" that causes a storm of delight. A girl, a woman, and any aesthetically developed person who is fond of antiques and various arts - each of them will surely appreciate the beauty of your gift, which will become a source of inspiration and positive emotions for him / her. We advise you to buy a whole set made in a specific style, not just a notebook, diary or notepad. The set should correspond to the status of the recipient and match his tastes and preferences. For a creative person, a notebook with reproductions of paintings by famous artists is suitable, for a manager - a leather diary decorated with an elegant ornament, for a woman or a girl - an organizer in a beautiful fabric binding, for a novice manager - a set of notebooks of various formats in the art deco style. A well-chosen presentation design can be a real art, which is very valuable in our time, when more and more identical, inconspicuous, simple things are “stamped”. In addition, such a choice will certainly indicate that you wanted to give the person due attention, to find something unusual for him.

When thinking about what to give to a colleague, remember: on a computer monitor, all printed texts look the same, and on a sheet of paper, each entry turns into something unique, individual. Here the very meaning of presenting diaries, notebooks, address books and notebooks is hidden - this is a way to show your respect and attention to a person, and not just a primitive souvenir.

Who will help with the choice of what can be presented to the employee

Dealers. These people always have constantly updated catalogs of manufacturing companies and major suppliers of souvenir products. A dealer who knows his business will look through more than one such catalog in order to pick up as a gift to employees exactly what the customer requires of him. The main goal of a dealer is to sell existing products, not to invent something new and original that cannot be found on the market. Therefore, if your company has its own wonderful ideas or a good advertising department, you should still go there and come up with something on your own, and only after that look for a dealer who will help you choose the required assortment and place an order.

Advertising or creative agencies. They usually act as intermediaries between the manufacturer (or dealer) and the customer. Medium and large organizations usually turn to agencies for help wishing to launch a large advertising campaign, which will also include the production of gifts intended for business partners. Understanding the importance of a presentation aimed at strengthening relationships in business, agencies offer not one, but several options at once. Of course, this increases the cost of the order.

Manufacturers (suppliers) of souvenir products. Manufacturers do not usually work directly with customers. They can help in the development of absolutely unique products produced in a large batch, because only the contractor himself is able to accurately assess his own capabilities and your costs. In addition, you can contact them and jointly implement your ideas for making gifts to employees or partners of your company.

What not to give to employees

What you don't like. The principle of "being in someone's place" works very well here. Would you like to receive the gift you are going to give yourself? Ask your friends and acquaintances if they like your chosen subject. In no case do not present what you yourself do not like. An exception can be considered only those presentations in respect of which you are sure that a person will definitely appreciate this thing, because, as you know, there is no comrade in taste and color.

What was presented earlier. It so happens that those who are responsible for gifts forget who and what was presented earlier. It is very important here to keep track of the presents and not repeat themselves.

Something that can offend a person. An example of bad taste is personal hygiene items given to a woman. This may look like a hint of her uncleanliness.

In contact with

Choosing a gift for colleagues is a fascinating experience, many of them can be given a small souvenir with meaning, while someone should choose a more expensive gift. Sometimes you can move away from the style of work gifts, if you have developed a more friendly and trusting relationship, and give something that suits the tastes and hobbies of a friend outside of the general work.

What to give a colleague a man

It is usually much more difficult for a man to choose a pleasant and memorable souvenir than for a woman. Just a bouquet of flowers in this case is not appropriate. Therefore, it is worth choosing a gift that will bring pleasure to the birthday person, and at the same time will be appropriate among other gifts accepted in your team. Usually, it is customary to make personal birthday gifts among colleagues simple and inexpensive, and if the team throws off for a common gift, then you can choose something serious, for example, equipment.

What a woman can give a colleague to a man:

What can a man give to an employee with whom he works:

What they give a joint:

What to give a colleague to a woman

It is always much easier to please a woman than a man; for this there are large cosmetics and perfumery stores, as well as numerous souvenirs that women are more pleased to receive. Of course, serious gifts are usually not given personally in a team, so you should choose cheap, but at the same time pleasant and memorable things. Then the woman will keep your gift, and will remember with the warmth of the one who gave it.

What a man gives a colleague to a woman

A man should complement any of his gifts with a bouquet of flowers, and if you know what flowers the birthday girl prefers, then it is better to choose them. If you are not aware of her tastes, then you should take classic roses. Moreover, you can choose ordinary bouquets, or you can choose original ones in baskets, orchids in jars, or flowers in the form of animals or other figurines. Large baskets or flower shapes can be gifts in their own right.

What a woman gives to a woman colleague:

  • If you communicate well with the birthday girl, then you can choose cosmetics for her, it is better to take those companies that she uses:
    1. Set of creams: morning, evening and mask;
    2. Washing set: foam, tonic, milk;
    3. Shower set: gel, shampoo, conditioner.
  • Decorative cosmetics:
    1. Mascara;
    2. Shadows;
    3. Lip gloss;
    4. Pomade;
    5. Eyeliner.

It is better not to give cosmetic masking products, it will be quite embarrassing, because with such a gift you will show that you need to disguise, that is, this is a direct indication of the defects in the birthday girl's appearance.

What they give a joint:

It is customary to give women household appliances or interior items in a storeroom.

  • Coffee grinder;
  • Bread maker;
  • Sprouter of grains, for a woman watching her figure;
  • Blender;
  • Dehydrator;
  • Multicooker;
  • Nice kettle;
  • Robot vacuum cleaner;
  • Air ionizer;
  • Humidifier;
  • Painting on the wall;
  • Original lamp.

Gift ideas for a girl, an employee of your company can be found in this video:

What to give a colleague to a friend for his birthday

If you have a close friendship with a work colleague, then the gift should no longer be so symbolic, in this case more expensive, personal gifts are allowed. Moreover, you can donate not only things, but also certificates of your favorite stores, and cinema tickets.

  • Photo collage in the form of a poster, they can decorate the wall in the office of the birthday person, and collect the most funny, funny and vivid photos of him there;
  • Choose the right one for the topic of hobbies composition of suite design... Moreover, a man can rely on a bottle of alcohol, and a woman on sweets.
  • Tickets to the sensational film premiere;
  • Gift cards corresponding stores, jewelry will be appropriate for a woman, and for a man, according to hobbies, for example, fishing.

What to give your boss for his birthday

A gift to the boss, even if it is just the head of your department, should differ in status and price from those that we give to equal colleagues.

Whichever of your colleagues you choose a gift, you will definitely want to complement the souvenir with a bright and interesting postcard, in which you can write all the congratulations and wishes that you want to express. It will be great if you will wrap your present in festive wrapping paper. Moreover, postcards and packaging are appreciated not only among women, but also among men, because this is how you can see your attention to the birthday person, which you have invested not only in the gift itself, but also in the atmosphere of the holiday that accompanies it.

Choosing gifts for loved ones is not very difficult, because you know them well. But choosing a birthday present for a colleague is considered an overwhelming task for many.

If you have been working with your employee for a long time, you know well his hobbies, hobbies, habits, then it will be quite easy to make a pleasant surprise. And if the person is not so close to you, then you have to think carefully and look for a suitable gift.

The simplest and most modest gift will be a postcard. But in it you can write poems composed with humor, emphasizing in them the dignity of the employee and listing his merits. In addition to verbal or written congratulations, each person is waiting for a material gift. Often, in work teams, employees are presented with money collected from all team members in envelopes. But if it is customary for you to give a thing, or you want to present a present on your own, then you need to carefully and painstakingly choose the right gift. Worthy birthday greetings will strengthen the atmosphere of friendship in any team.

Practical birthday gifts for an employee

There are standard types of gifts that will suit almost any man. But even if you choose a universal option, then try to make a birthday present for an employee in demand and cause a sincere smile.

Practical gifts can include:

  • flash drive;
  • umbrella;
  • lamp;
  • clock, alarm clock;
  • purse;
  • diary;
  • a beautiful notebook with the name of the hero of the occasion on the cover;
  • housekeeper;
  • business card holder;
  • leather folder for documents;
  • stylish calculator;
  • organizer;
  • desk calendar;
  • a set of pens from a well-known company or a stylish fountain pen;
  • various office supplies;
  • a desktop fan that is powered by USB;
  • a device for shredding paper;
  • a bag or briefcase for documents, it can be rag or leather, depending on the amount of money calculated for the gift;
  • an employee who smokes can be presented with an original lighter along with an ashtray, a smokeless ashtray or a set of good cigars;
  • electronic cigarettes, if you know that the employee has been struggling with a bad habit for a long time;
  • elite alcoholic drinks or wine bottle made in the form of a colleague's profession;
  • from household appliances you can donate a coffee maker, toaster, electric kettle, heater;
  • comfortable office chair;
  • a massage cover for a work chair or a compact neck massager;
  • by presenting a mug with an interesting shape, you will provide your colleague with pleasant breaks;
  • USB heater for tea or coffee;
  • aroma lamp with radio and illumination. Such a gift will regularly fill the office with a pleasant aroma and music;
  • for those who spend a lot of time on business trips, you can give them a tablet computer or an e-book so that they will not get bored on the road. These gifts can be found in any price range that suits you.
Sweets and sweets have always been considered a good gift. Coffee and tea are especially revered by office workers. You can find their elite varieties.

Personalized birthday gifts for a male colleague

If it is very difficult for a colleague to choose a birthday present for a man, ask what he is fond of. Since you spend more time at work, you probably managed to find out about his interests while communicating with a colleague.

In accordance with his interests, hobbies, hobbies, it is easier to choose a gift:

  • a fisherman - a boat; a fishing rod, which is equipped with a fishing line, a reel, a float and other elements necessary for fishing; spinning rods with reels;
  • a hunter - a skillfully made knife made to order from an experienced craftsman;
  • for craftsmen - a drill, a screwdriver, a set of tools, a multi-tool (file, opener, pliers, screwdriver, knife);
  • lovers of listening to music - discs, speakers, light and music;
  • party fans - good cognac, hookah;
  • lovers of painting - a picture of a famous artist;
  • for fans of reading - a book in good cover or some kind of rare edition;
  • athletes - a ticket to a skating rink, tennis rackets, branded ball, massager, exercise machine or any sports equipment;
  • for those who play billiards - an original cue;
  • for those who like to relax in nature - a set for a picnic, a hammock, an inflatable mattress, a skewer, a folding brazier, a thermos, a tent, a boat, binoculars, a cooler bag;
  • collectors - an appropriate item that will replenish the collection;
  • computer specialists - a computer mouse, disks with exciting games. You can also give an original flash drive, because electronic memory is never superfluous;
  • for motorists - an anti-theft device, a stopper with a code lock on the fuel tank, a thermometer for the interior, a video recorder, a car charger for a cell phone, an anti-slip mat, a heated car mug, a digital breathalyzer, car air fresheners;
  • lovers of steam rooms - special sets for baths and saunas;
  • for connoisseurs of a beautiful interior - a figurine, a vase, an original photo frame, a wall or table clock of unusual design, an interesting shape for a phone stand, a candlestick, a lamp;
  • feng shui fan - a lotus tree or a beautiful amulet.
The surprise associated with the favorite business of the hero of the occasion will certainly find a worthy application.

In addition, shower and shaving sets, perfume are never superfluous, if you know about a colleague's taste preferences. Textiles are always considered a good gift - bed linen, beach or bath towel, for example, with an interesting image or the name of the birthday person embroidered on the material.

Subscriptions, certificates for the employee for his birthday

When you cannot decide on the choice of a gift, buy a gift certificate for an employee. They are now offered by various shops and salons, for example:

  • Thai massage;
  • visit to the sauna;
  • skydiving;
  • hot air balloon flight;
  • diving lessons;
  • boating;
  • flying on a glider;
  • bowling, billiards;
  • horse riding;
  • karting;
  • to a fishing store;
  • to a computer store;
  • to a perfume shop;
  • to a jewelry store, etc.
A good alternative to a certificate is a subscription. Depending on the employee's lifestyle, you can give a subscription:
  • in gym;
  • in the pool;
  • to the gym;
  • a ticket to a game of football, volleyball or hockey, if the employee is a fan of these sports.

Colleague's creative and original birthday gifts

An excellent gift for an employee will be a holiday that the team will arrange in his honor. It depends on general imagination and abilities. If there are creative people among the team members, they can compose a congratulation in the form of a humorous or laudatory poem and even a song. You can also play out a play by taking one of the working days as a plot.

In addition, it is recommended to organize a joint trip to a karaoke bar, play bowling, billiards, paintball, laser tag, fly in a hot air balloon or simply barbecue in the fresh air, renting, for example, a camp site with playgrounds. Everyone will remember such a celebration for a long time.

If you prefer that in addition to a one-day vacation there is a gift for a long memory, present your colleague with a mug or T-shirt with a commemorative inscription. You can come up with an original phrase in accordance with the character of the birthday person. Then he will wear the presented T-shirt with great pleasure. An employee with a passion for photography will love a mug made in the form of a lens.

Fans of jokes, gags can be pleased by giving something funny:

  • chewing a piggy bank, eating money with great appetite;
  • USB stick in the form of a credit card;
  • reverse running watch;
  • coughing ashtray. Such a gift will constantly remind you of the dangers of smoking. Perhaps this is how the employee will decide to quickly get rid of such a bad habit;
  • a helicopter alarm clock, which must be caught in order to turn off the morning signal. Just keep in mind that an employee who is often late may regard such a gift as a hint to show up for work on time.
Nowadays, there are quite a few original, unusual things. The choice of such a gift depends on your creative thinking.

A rather unusual gift will be an item that helps well during work, being a kind of desktop friend. It is a cube, carved out of wood, with various useful phrases written on the edges. When turning the cube in different directions, you can receive a reminder from the object of what needs to be done, or just silent support. Such a subject is very popular.

Anniversary gifts for the employee

Anniversary is a special holiday. The gift should be more expensive and more effective:
  • art objects, for example, an old painting, decorated in a gift frame;
  • a specially made portrait of an employee;
  • an aquarium with beautiful fish;
  • expensive wristwatches, preferably even made of precious metal. You can make a memorable inscription on them for a colleague.
You can leave a commemorative logo of the organization on any gifts.

Remember that in addition to the gift, oral sincere congratulations are also important. Try to sincerely please your employee on his birthday and give him, in addition to a material gift, joy. Indeed, in many respects, the attitude to work depends on the relationship between the members of the team.

Many people spend half their lives at work, and colleagues become practically a second family. Therefore, take a serious and responsible approach to the choice of a birthday present for an employee.

A lady’s novel vividly described the confusion that reigns at Christmas in every English office. Employees massively exchanged gifts, every now and then getting into ridiculous situations. In order not to be in the situation “I gave her bath foam in the form of Santa Claus, and she gave me perfume from Chanel”, people came up with a separate chapter of business etiquette. It's called Gifts. So, what is appropriate to give to the boss, colleagues and subordinates, and what gifts are best to refrain from?

General rules

    Try to avoid faceless gifts. Buying the same gifts for all your colleagues is not a good idea. Your gifts should make it clear that they were selected specifically for each person.

    Remember the timing. For example, it is most appropriate to give New Year's gifts to colleagues on the last working day, and if you have colleagues in other offices, gifts are sent to them during the last New Year's Eve week.

    The gift must reflect the service hierarchy. The greatest attention should be paid to the boss and the most important colleagues. However, giving an expensive gadget to the boss and chocolate to subordinates is also bad form. Balancing is a sign of good taste.

    Give only appropriate gifts. It is unacceptable to give something that may embarrass the recipient. For example, a too expensive gift for a colleague with little income.

    If you decide to donate food or drinks, inquire in advance about the possible religious and medical restrictions that your colleagues may have. This is especially true for multinational teams.

    When sending a gift to colleagues in foreign offices, learn thoroughly everything about the cultural traditions of their country, so as not to offend them out of ignorance. It is also worth making sure that the recipient does not have to pay tax or duty on the gift you sent.

The most appropriate gifts for everyone

    Sets of sweets. Everyone is different, taking into account taste preferences - at least when it comes to those with whom you share an office and often communicate at work.

    A small green plant or flower in a pot.

    Stationery: pens, organizers, a set of stationery. This is one of the most appropriate business gifts.

    Framed paintings, art photographs or simply beautiful original photo frames.

    Leather, glass, ceramics and metal products. For example, beautiful small vases or original figurines.

    It is appropriate for foreign colleagues to present souvenirs with a national flavor.

    Expensive alcohol. This gift is especially appropriate for men of respectable age. However, champagne or good wine for ladies is no less suitable gift.

    Gift certificates from good stores: perfumes, household appliances, premium products, and so on.

To the chief

Of course, you cannot give a gift to every person - especially if you are in charge of a very large division. Therefore, it is permissible for you to buy personal gifts only for those with whom you personally constantly work, for example, the deputy and the secretary. Give the rest of your subordinates a common gift.

    An elegant tree for the lobby.

    Bouquets of flowers or small Christmas trees in each office.

    A set of sweets for general tea drinking.

    Small souvenirs with a company logo and holiday symbols that can be used at work - for example, organizers.


It is not business etiquette for company employees to give anything to their boss - this can cause unnecessary rivalry with colleagues and thoughts of sycophant. Better to throw it all together for one truly memorable gift.

The present to the chef must be of high quality and at the same time emphasize the personal preferences of the person to whom it is intended.

By the way, if the gift allows - make a commemorative inscription. Of course, it's not worth painting a tablet, but, for example, engraving on a watch would be quite appropriate.

Gifts that are completely inappropriate

    Clothing. An exception to this list is the tie. It is among the acceptable souvenirs.

    Any items of religious symbols.


    Perfumes and cosmetics are too intimate gifts.

    Household items. Even if you know that your colleague is passionate about cooking. For you, she is a business woman, not a housewife.

You need to comply with these restrictions even if you work in the same office with loved ones. Personal gifts are, of course, appropriate for them - but they should not be given at work.