If you kiss on the lips. When is a kiss on the cheek appropriate?

A kiss on the cheek has its own rules, and if you don’t follow them, you can get a complete misunderstanding instead of a kiss, and a wrong kiss on the cheek can put you in an awkward position.



A kiss on the cheek of a girlfriend on the part of a man should not be just a kiss for appearance, but a kiss with a manifestation of tenderness. In terms of duration, one touch on the cheek of a girl should not exceed a few seconds. That is, you can kiss the cheek, pull back a little and kiss the cheek again in another place.

If you kiss your girlfriend on the cheek, while you are a girl, then, in order not to show your behavior to society and not create wrong thoughts, kiss your girlfriend on the cheek, lightly touching her cheek with the edge of your lips. As if showing a greeting and joy of meeting.


If a kiss on the cheek is made when meeting in a business center, then such a kiss should in no case indicate any sympathy and desire to make a longer kiss. Often, a business kiss on the cheek is made without touching the lips, but only a kind of kiss is made.


If you don't know how to kiss your girlfriend on the cheek in an intimate way, then kiss as passionately as possible, but don't rush. Try to kiss on one cheek several times, then change cheek and kiss on the other, moving along the cheek with each kiss. You can even lightly kiss the edge of your girlfriend's lips with your lips, and then completely turn into a kiss of the lips.


Alina: Among our friends, it is customary to kiss each other on the cheek when meeting, but this is done more for appearance than for a kiss. Usually we don't even touch our cheeks with our lips. But when my boyfriend kisses me on the cheek, I like it when he smacks his lips slightly during the kiss, but it’s still better to let him kiss on the lips than on the cheek, I like it better, because he’s my boyfriend.

Igor: I was on a business trip in a Muslim country, where it is customary for men to kiss on the cheeks when they meet, for me it was wildness, but I had to follow the tradition. So, the men kissed each other, lightly touching each other's cheeks with their cheeks. I was told that when holding meetings with very expensive partners, a kiss on the cheek is done in the form of a real kiss.

Alice: I like it when they kiss me on the cheek, slightly smacking, while I like to feel the lips of a person and the touch of his cheek.

It is unlikely that anyone can imagine their life without kisses, especially when it comes to intimate life. These simple actions help us express our own emotions, as well as predict further sexual actions. But besides this, kisses have other advantages. They, for example, help to improve digestion, mood, and strengthen the immune system.

Various psychologists say that kisses are needed to stabilize our mental background, since it is in the process of kissing that endorphins (hormones of happiness and joy) are actively produced. These same hormones cause passion.

In addition, kissing stimulates the lungs and heart, as during the kiss, the pulse quickens and the number of breaths increases. In the process of kissing, a person works 29 facial muscles. Thus, combining the useful with the pleasant, we not only enjoy, but also perform a kind of gymnastics.

If we talk about gender aspects, then women and men have a completely different attitude towards kissing. For men, this is, first of all, a prelude before sex, and for women it is the whole world, a source of inspiration, satisfaction and mood.

It is worth saying that a fresh and pleasant smell from the partner’s mouth is very important for women, as well as the actual kissing technique. It is enough just to kiss a partner once to understand whether he suits you or not. Men are less picky in this regard, because they are more interested in the end result, and not how the process itself goes. As you can see, the difference is significant.

The ability to kiss comes with experience, but it is always the same and knowing it, it will be easier for you to take the first step.

Of course, kissing is an important part of a relationship, but talking and talking is what you spend days on, so in you will read about what to talk about with a guy on a first date, at a meeting or on a walk.

Psychology and kisses

In the development of relations between a man and a woman, much attention is paid to the importance of kisses. They allow you to find out about the compatibility of partners. Any kiss is a kind of coded message.

It can be a friendly smack, accompanied by a pat on the back and hugs, and a polite kiss (light touch), and an inexperienced excited first kiss, remembered for a lifetime, and foreplay to sexual relations, and so on.

Many couples who live together do not pay enough attention to kissing, forcing them out of the love game, leaving them a niche of formality. A kiss is given before leaving for work as a goodbye or as a thank you for an ironed shirt or a delicious dinner.

The very same lovemaking takes place without this attribute of sexual play. But do not underestimate the role of a kiss in intimacy, because it gives sex a touch of romance and tenderness.

Kissing can be used to determine if partners are a couple. They can often discover the true incompatibility of a woman and a man. Partners feel interest or strong sympathy for each other, but the first kiss can show that there is not even a smell of passion here, but only a touching and tender friendship.

Even one touch of the lips can reveal a strange reaction like coldness and hostility.
Kissing skills are of great importance in achieving success in a love relationship. If already at this stage there is no approval of the partner, then there is no point in further relations.

The most passionate and tireless lovers first shower their partner with kisses in order to demonstrate their own abilities in bed most successfully in the future.

Kissing meanings have been given attention since ancient times. In the 3rd century AD, a kind of textbook on the conduct of sexual relations even appeared, which has survived to this day. This is the Kama Sutra, in which one of the chapters is devoted to kisses, their classification and meaning.

In the Kama Sutra, kisses are divided into 4 types: moderate, soft, pressing and tightening. They differ to a greater extent in the amount of energy invested in them. A very detailed description is given of a nominal kiss, during which the woman simply touches her partner's lips with her lips, without making any movements with her lips.

With a bowed kiss, the woman and man tilt their heads towards each other. With a squeezing kiss, a woman or a man squeezes the partner's lower lip with his lips, while touching it with his tongue.
A kiss can tell a lot about a person and his mood.

If the lips are compressed, then the partner has no desire to participate in a further love game. If the lips open during the kiss, it means that the partner expects decisive action from you. The movement of the tongue towards it indicates a pronounced passionate desire, and the more tense the tongue, the greater the passion.

The elusive and soft language speaks of the partner's desire for a slow love game. Real lovers already at the stage of a kiss can reach a complete understanding and get a lot of pleasure from it.

In the case of a long-term relationship between a woman and a man, the meaning of a kiss is already fading into the background. Kissing becomes the first victim of a habit. When kissing disappears, sexual relationships become dull, boring and monotonous.

But if the partners stopped kissing, this does not mean at all that there is no more passion and love between them. However, this is a signal that their relationship has become something for granted. To return bright colors to relationships, you need to kiss more often.

Now let's talk a little about the meaning of kisses. The next time you kiss your loved one, pay attention to how he does it. Here are some examples of kisses described from the point of view of psychology.

A tense kiss. He seems to be trying to take your lips by storm, digging into them, choking with passion. This kiss is something like a passionate attack. Psychologists say that you cannot see a bright future with such a man, and an affair with him risks being very short.

Dry kiss. He kisses softly and dryly. His lips are very calm and it seems that he wants to kiss you, but does not. Such a man is considered a fairly good and reliable life partner. But there is one drawback - such a thing as romance is completely alien to him.

Kiss "bracket". During the kiss, the guy tries to cling to you with his whole body, constantly hugs you, trying to show you with his gestures how much he wants to feel you. Such a man differs from the rest in that he will be a faithful companion and an excellent husband.

Kiss "fireworks". Such a kiss includes many small kisses, and in the main kiss, the man may bite and suck on your lips. Sometimes it may seem that he chooses a new technique for kissing each time. Psychologists believe that such men are unfaithful husbands and excellent lovers.

The most pleasant are unexpected kisses without the consent of the partner. Most women and men love such kisses. There are also some kind of "sleeping" kisses, when you kiss a partner during his sleep. It causes a surge of emotions even in a dream. For an “awakening” kiss, a partner needs to be kissed gently right away, gradually increasing passion until he wakes up.

The kiss of a butterfly is very gentle when you caress the cheek of a loved one with your cilia. There are also soothing kisses, during which you hug the face of your loved one.

The meaning of kisses depending on the place that is kissed

The place that the partner kisses is also very important. People have many erogenous points, and they each have their own.

A kiss on the nose means that your partner thinks you're cute. A kiss on the corner of the mouth indicates that the partner is not yet sure that you will agree to be not just a friend to him, but is trying to express his own
emotional attachment to you and the desire to enter into a relationship with you.

  • A kiss on the ear speaks of involvement in a love game;
  • A kiss on the eyes indicates sincerity and tenderness;
  • A kiss on the neck expresses the desire for something more and, as it were, means that the partner wants you;
  • A kiss on the cheek means you have friendly warm relations;
  • A kiss on the lips indicates a trusting relationship, love, and if this is the first kiss on the lips, then soon you and your partner will begin a close relationship. If a girl kisses another girl on the lips, this usually means friendship between them. A kiss deep on the lips expresses the need for physical contact. If a partner bites his lower lip during a kiss, this indicates authority in a relationship;
  • A kiss on the hand expresses deep reverence and respect, and a kiss on the forehead or top of the head expresses concern for a person or patronage over him. If you are kissed on the hair - this is an expression of sympathy;
  • If a partner kisses you with open eyes, he is watching you, and if he kisses you with closed eyes, this indicates that he is immersed in your kisses.

It is important to understand that for each person the meaning of kisses is a very individual concept. Sometimes even psychology turns out to be powerless in such a matter, because as many people exist in the world, there are as many all kinds of emotions that, like stars in the sky, are intertwined into unusually beautiful pictures.

Or maybe you shouldn’t try to find a description of your relationships and feelings at all, but just try to enjoy communicating with each other. In such a case, the main thing is to try to listen to your own heart - this will be the best clue for you.

But in any case, whatever the kiss means, it opens up a whole new world of sensations and experiences that excite to the core. So fall in love, kiss and enjoy every moment!

Kisses. Every person on earth, even a baby, knows what it is. And at the same time, no one knows about kisses. It can mean tenderness and love, devotion and friendship, care and passion. With a kiss, Judas even managed to betray. Psychologists believe that a kiss helps us maintain mental health, because so many endorphins are produced during it that a person is almost under the influence of a drug. It is believed that the kiss appeared several years ago and was used to show respect to the gods. What does kiss mean? How to make it unforgettable, relevant and correct? Let's figure it out together.

The meaning of kisses

There are so many different ways to kiss, so many situations when we kiss or are kissed that it is sometimes difficult to make out what this or that kiss meant: sincere love, light flirting, passionate desire. Even a kiss in a dream can mean different things. For example, if you see kissing children in a dream, it means that reconciliation reigns in your family. Seeing you kiss your mother portends business success. Kissing a sister or brother is a sign of good friendship. Kissing a stranger in a dream means being ready for a rash act. There are many such interpretations. What does a real kiss mean? It all depends on the place where you are kissed.

What does a kiss on the neck mean

By right, a kiss on the neck is one of the most intimate. For women, a kiss on the neck is a step towards madness. It incredibly excites almost all women on the planet. Men, kissing on the neck, say that they want to possess them. It should be noted that much more often a man kisses a woman on the neck than vice versa. Indeed, among other things, a kiss on the neck shows who is in charge in a relationship. And what man does not like to be the "master" of his woman?

What does a kiss on the lips mean

It is said that the souls of lovers meet on the lips. Looks like the truth, right? A kiss on the lips can also be different, but, without a doubt, it always means love between a man and a girl. A gentle, barely sliding kiss on the lips means a reverent attitude towards your partner. French kiss means strong sexual desire. A light touch on the lips of a partner can mean affection. Such a kiss is often found in long-established couples when the passion has subsided.

What does a kiss on the forehead mean

Each of us in childhood received a kiss on the forehead from our mother. Like when she was checking her temperature. And why do guys kiss on the forehead, which means a kiss on the head? Kisses on the forehead make you fall in love and charm. They remind us of parental love, and therefore we feel that we are taken care of, protected. A kiss on the forehead, like a kiss on the top of the head, is a kiss of the patron. On the forehead, men kiss their beloved women most often when they feel sorry. At the same time, they tell us something affectionate and sweet. By the way, girls should remember that mothers kiss not only daughters, but also sons. Therefore, for a man, a kiss on the forehead or crown is also a symbol of parental care and love. If you want to support your loved one in a difficult situation, kiss him on the forehead and stroke his head. He will be pleased.

What does a kiss on the eyes mean

If a guy kisses a girl on the eyes, it means romantic love. With his kiss, he seems to dry her tears. Most often, a girl is kissed in the eyes when she is upset or even crying. It is hard for men to see the tears of their beloved, so a kiss in the eyes for them serves not only as a manifestation of love and sympathy, but also as a kind of self-defense from negative experiences.

Other body parts for kissing

What does a kiss on the cheek mean? Often people kiss each other on the cheek. In some countries, this is a tribute to traditions and etiquette. So, for example, in Russia, when they meet, they traditionally kiss a friend on the cheek, and three times. But first of all, a kiss on the cheek means a manifestation of friendship, warmth in a relationship.

What does a kiss on the hand mean? A kiss on the hand means deep respect for a woman on the part of a man. And besides this, such a kiss speaks of the upbringing and gallantry of the gentleman.

Sometimes they think about what a kiss on the nose means. With a kiss on the nose, we say to each other: “You are so sweet!”. And with a kiss on the ear, the partner flirts with us, involves us in a love foreplay, teases. Kissing a girl on the stomach from a man speaks of his conscious or unconscious desire to have children from her. And adults kiss children on the stomach to cheer them up, because this often causes a feeling of pleasant tickling. A kiss on the hair means sincere devotion. Their partner, as it were, tells us: “I can’t live without you!”.

What does air kiss mean

An air kiss is not just a gesture, it is a symbol, a sign of attention, an expression of feelings. An air kiss means flirting. I must say that most often it is used by girls. Probably because men are more practical. It is easier for them to approach their beloved and kiss her for real. A girl with an air kiss draws attention to herself, adds mystery and impregnability in the eyes of a man.

Whatever the kiss, it is always a form of communication that helps us express our emotions and feelings. By learning to recognize such a "language" you can achieve mutual understanding with almost any person. In general, talking about kisses is pretty useless. So get off the screen and go kiss your loved ones. After all, this is perhaps the most enjoyable activity in the world!

There are moments in life when interpersonal friendships between a man and a woman develop into something more ... And it is quite possible that a completely innocent kiss on the cheek can become the “first sign” of romantic meetings. This type of contact has many hidden meanings, which sometimes we don’t even know about. And those who have unraveled the secret of such a kiss skillfully use its magic to achieve their goals in the love field.

What does a kiss on the cheek mean and how best to perform it?

A harmless “smack” on the cheek is a kiss that balances on the verge of friendship, which, quite possibly, will develop into close and romantic ones. In ancient times, only close people could kiss on the cheek. Today, this kind of proximity is usually compared with the meaning of the abbreviation TMN - I need you. This thesis is confirmed by most psychologists. According to the general opinion of healers of souls, a kiss on the cheek expresses a need for a person, which is by no means physical, but spiritual. How to correctly carry out this action, and put in a kiss the necessary, and most importantly, understandable message to the partner? Certain rules will help to make the right impression without mistakes.

1. Surprise. A kiss on the cheek should be easy and produce the effect of surprise. Having done it with special tenderness, the positive reaction of the partner will not keep you waiting.

2. Freshness of breath. An unpleasant smell can spoil even the most desired kiss. You should not decide on active actions if you have recently used such products as: onions, herring, garlic, and others.

3. Accuracy. Since the kiss is carried out with the help of lips, then the requirements for this part of the body are high. Lips should be dry, without peeling. Otherwise, the touch of chapped lips on the cheek of a partner may forever depart the desire to kiss. As for girls, bright lipstick should be avoided. It is better to use hygienic gloss. Guys will tolerate such a kiss, but they should not be forced to convulsively wipe the imprint of lips from the skin.

4. Smell. A pleasant aroma should come not only from the oral cavity, but also from the body and clothes. Toilet water should not be abused. A few drops are enough on the pulsating points on the body and a pleasant thin plume will spread throughout the area.

If the kiss takes place in a calm environment, the realization of the need for each other at a psychological level comes. If the kiss is initiated spontaneously, at the level of a reflex, then you really need this person, and the subconscious mind wants to say this in such a way. A public kiss on the cheek will make it clear to the other half the seriousness of the partner’s intentions, the desire to show others their feelings and need for a partner. The most interesting thing is that partners on an intuitive level feel each other's desires, and even such innocent closeness can say a lot.

As for the kissing technique, it is quite simple. It is necessary to choose the right moment, remember all the rules listed above, and as soon as the counterpart is distracted - immediately kiss unexpectedly. How? Easy! You should close your lips with a "tube" and touch your partner's cheek. The kiss can last for a fraction of a second. During the action, you do not need to bite or lick your partner. Since the touch of the lips should leave only pleasant emotions.

The meaning and decoding of various kisses.

From birth, a person is programmed to kiss. First of all, it is a kind of "oral" memory that occurs in the womb. After all, it is there that the child sucks his fingers to relax and calm down. Every kiss and touch of the lips has its own meaning.

Many girls are interested in the meaning of kisses, because the guy on a subconscious level decided what his partner means. With the help of a kiss, you can determine how a guy treats you.

Kiss options:

  • Sliding. It's a kiss by the way, which could mean that the guy wasn't going to kiss you.
  • Seductive. Most often, this is a kiss that involves the lips and tongue. Suctions may be present. This kiss speaks of sexual desire.
  • teasing. This is a kiss, when the movements of the lips are either active and sucking, then they stop kissing.
  • Provoking. This is a kiss that hints at sexual intercourse. In this case, the tongue inside the mouth moves, as friction occurs during sex.

The neck is an erogenous zone for most women. A kiss in this area causes a lot of excitement and sexual desire in the fair sex. The most interesting thing is that a US citizen was given a life sentence for kissing a woman on the neck. It was equated with sexual harassment of the first type. Therefore, if a man kisses you on the neck, he wants to possess you.

A kiss on the cheek has different meanings. Abroad, it is customary to greet your acquaintances with a kiss on the cheek. This is the usual friendly kiss that says that the person is glad to see you. But if you are in a relationship, then kissing a young man on the cheek indicates that he values ​​\u200b\u200byou and is glad to see you.

This kind of touching of the lips is called the kiss of an angel. It is believed that this is the highest degree of intimacy and only those who have serious intentions kiss in the eyes. Although the people believe that such a gesture promises separation.

Usually this is how small children are kissed. The same thing happens for a woman. In this case, the man takes care and is ready to support, patronize and protect you. This suggests that the guy treats you like a little girl.

The attitude of women to such a kiss in our country is ambiguous. In European countries, such signs of attention are considered the norm. It's just considered a greeting. But in Russia, the attitude towards such touching is ambiguous.

They are positively treated by older women, but young people do not really like it. But if you are unfamiliar with a man, and he kisses you on the hand, this indicates his interest and attention. If your wrists are kissed, then the man idolizes you and wants intimacy. Kissing fingers indicates a strong sexual desire.

The meaning of kissing a guy, a man in the hand, palm, wrist - why do men kiss a woman's hand?

A kiss on the nose means a desire to attract attention and bring a smile to your face. Used by mothers who want to cheer up their children. Often couples in love who have been together for a long time, with the help of a kiss on the nose, want to improve the mood of their soulmate.

This is a passionate kiss, it is often combined with nibbling of the lobe and indicates the passionate desire of the partner. A man makes it clear that he wants you.

This kiss usually has no sexual overtones and expresses patronage. A man in every possible way wants to protect you and take care of you. This often happens in couples where the man is older than the woman.

This kiss is ambiguous. This is still naev lips, but not on the forehead. Often this speaks of hidden passion. A man wants you, but so far he manages to restrain his desire.

Such a smack is usually used when people greet in a friendly company. In that case, it doesn't mean anything. But if it was an accidental kiss, then perhaps the partner is eyeing you and wants more. He decided to evaluate your reaction and the ability to move forward.

This is a classic kiss that speaks of passion. This is how newly-made lovers usually begin to kiss.


  • Tilt your head forward, relax your lips and touch them to one lip of a man
  • It could be the lower lip. Next, hold your lover's lip between yours, hold for 2-5 seconds
  • If your partner reaches out to you, you can suck on your lip, run your tongue over it, or bite

This is one of the most passionate kisses ever. He talks about the sexual desire of a man, which he is not able to restrain. At the same time, the partner's tongue moves in a businesslike way in your mouth.

Reasons for smacking with open eyes:

  • Wants to be in control
  • Wants to see that you are good with him
  • Can't relax until the end
  • I read in a smart men's magazine that kissing with open eyes is fashionable

If a man closes his eyes, then most likely he is head over heels in love.

Initially, many will think that this is a manifestation of passion. But it's not quite like that.

Causes of biting lips:

  • If during a kiss your man bites his lower lip a little, this symbolizes that he is not sure of your feelings, and the partner expresses jealousy.
  • If he lightly bites his upper lip when kissing, then this is usually how authority is expressed towards you.

Often there is not a single kiss, but a series called rain. It starts from the neck and goes down to the chest and stomach. Talks about the passion of the partner and his sexual desire.

This kiss is possible between lovers. Your partner is trying to tell you that you are close. After all, there are a lot of nerve endings in the lower abdomen. When stimulated, sexual desire is activated.

Such a smack speaks of the uncertainty of the partner. He is afraid that reciprocity will not follow from you. Perhaps the partner doubts your interest.

A kiss on the knee area speaks of the partner's tenderness and care. The man wants to dominate you. In you, he saw a little girl who needs care.

This kiss means the uncontrollable and violent passion of a partner. A man needs you as a woman and wants sex.

With the help of an air kiss, girls flirt. It adds mystery and zest. Men rarely do this, because they are used to acting.

As you can see, there are many options for touching the lips, and they all carry a hidden meaning.

VIDEO: The meaning of kisses