Foreign from the cradle: how to learn a language with a child. How to teach a child to read and learn letters in a playful way - at what age to start and interest the baby Why do you need to know all this

04/20/2017 at 10:02 am

Let's make a conscious and meaningful choice.

You will be able to instill a love of reading that a teacher is unlikely to succeed if you have regular reading and discussion in your home.

Be prepared that at school they will tell you that you don’t have to teach anything, we will teach you everything at school ourselves.

Here, there are usually 30-35 people in the class, the lesson lasts 30 minutes, i.e. less than a minute per student.

We invite you to discuss this issue and weigh the pros and cons of teaching reading at home, as well as learn the secrets and avoid mistakes.

Do you read to your child at night? A simple question, but it is this habit that allows you to instill a love of reading from a young age. Which is better to choose, we will analyze in detail with the names and names of fairy tales.

The pros and cons of reading bedtime stories are posted, as well as various aspects of this teaching methodology.

An excellent ally in games is any material that is at home. Let's disassemble and apply for learning to read.

And it may happen that the child will not be in time, then the teacher will tell you to study at home, because. the child does not read.

Reading technique will be tested to determine how many words per minute he reads. And the requirements are quite specific and measurable 1 class - 30 words per minute, 2 - 36, 4 - 100 to 120.

From here, choose whether or not to teach a child to read at home, but remember, you can’t instill in your child a love of reading if you don’t read yourself.

The child learns what he sees in his home!

Let's take a look at how to teach a preschooler to read quickly, correctly and easily in syllables, as well as to read whole words fluently at home.

When can you start teaching your child to read?

  1. The child clearly and correctly pronounces letters and words without errors and cleanly, i.e. without defects.
  2. When he already knows a few letters. You started learning them when he showed interest in them himself, and not at 3 or 2 years old, when a friend said that they were already learning letters.
  3. When he easily recognizes them in any spelling.
  4. He does not confuse them and clearly distinguishes O from A and K from G.
  5. With pleasure sculpts them, draws or plays with them.
  6. Learn letters exclusively starting with vowels and then moving to the study of consonants.
  7. Be careful when pronouncing letters and sounds. Pronounce consonants without vowel overtones.

Video tutorials on how to properly prepare for parenting education:

Important hidden difficulties

The desire of parents to teach usually results in a copy of the school, when the child sits motionless at the table, and you, in the role of the teacher, explain, but this is fundamentally not the right idea.
It is better when learning comes in the form of a game, let the child be a teacher, so he will learn many times more.

Play when you have free time, and 5 minutes is enough for the child to learn many times more in practice than in 30 minutes of training in the usual sense for us.

  • incorrectly memorized letters with the help of audio primers or books, for example, often weighing tables pronounce not M and ME, not P, but PE.
  • the child does not understand how to connect them;
  • special difficulty is caused by om, mind, av when vowels go ahead of consonants;
  • starting to read words of 5-6 letters, the child forgets the beginning of the word.

What to do with this nightmare, and most importantly how?

  1. Start to understand what the child does not understand.
  2. Reading exclusively in 2-3 letters, roschitka (table of syllables) is the best helper. It is on our website, and it can also be purchased in the book version.
  3. Do no more than 15 minutes a day, in the game and with joy.
  4. Praise for the smallest successes.
  5. Show the kid why he needs this skill. For example, ask to read the name of the store, street, etc.
  6. Criticize using a schema PDA - compliment, program, compliment. What a good fellow you read everything correctly, made a little mistake, but then you managed, I'm proud of you!
  7. Move from simple to complex, until the child can easily read syllables of 2-3 letters, you can’t move on to reading words!
  8. A list of games to play with letters so that the child understands that it is easy and simple.

Pros and cons of teaching a child to read at home:



  • if you overdo it and the child learns more than just reading, then he will not be interested in the lessons;
  • it is necessary to teach correct reading, from here it is correct to name the letters not BE, but B, etc.

Why do you need to know all this?

In order to avoid mistakes and abandon the idea of ​​a child learning on his own using talking books, telephones or primers, in these cases there are many more disadvantages.

How to teach a child to read at 6 years old at home quickly and in a playful way?

The fastest method always has a lot of disadvantages, and among them, the fact that the child also quickly begins to forget all this.

Therefore, start today, because even a very busy mom or dad can find 15 minutes a day. The child will learn in a playful way much easier and without coercion and tears.

Always start any activity with the words: Let's play a game ...

Games that will develop your child's reading skill constantly:

  • what letters are hidden in the picture;
  • draw a letter and decorate it, a letter with eyes, arms, legs;
  • mold a letter from plasticine, clay, dough;
  • put the learned letters out of the mosaic;
  • cut out of paper and cardboard play role-playing games, for example, M is mom, and P is dad, and they also have D for daughter and C for son or by name. You play a familiar game, you just call it by name P, M or D, S. (These can be such games: fire station, construction, car repair, school, kindergarten, concert, travel ...)
  • we play letter loto;
  • while walking down the street, name 5 words starting with the letter A or any other that you learn.
  • make a word of no more than 3-4 letters from letters;
  • from a big word we add small words;
  • words on the contrary, you say the word on the contrary, and the child rearranges and calls correctly Ohu - Ear, Thor - Mouth.
  • draw letters on semolina or any other croup and, without finishing, ask to guess what the letter is.

Video about learning to read in the game:

For boys

You can come across the following wording: how to teach a child - a dunce boy to read at 6 years old at home?

Sticking labels to a child is fundamentally wrong, so let's call him a quickie or passionate about anything other than reading.

The task is to captivate him, ask what he is interested in?

Do not give up immediately, reducing everything to the fact that he is not interested in anything other than a computer and a tablet. Take a closer look at what games he plays, what is especially exciting and what he is ready to do from morning to evening.

In the cartoon about Luntik there was a series where a small bug was led to the river and to the clearing, and he just wanted to draw. Ask your child too.

Make a list of topics:

  1. Games.
  2. Cartoons.
  3. Favorite characters (robots, dinosaurs, cars).
  4. Sections where the child goes, for example, judo, football, swimming.
  5. Space or other interesting.
  6. Stories or legends about warriors.

And do everything with the use of any related topics.

For example, we take words related to the theme of our favorite characters from fairy tales or cartoons, and it can also be about space. Then the child will begin to play close and exciting games, and not read, in general, reading becomes an auxiliary tool.

For example, a child who is interested in space is given an encyclopedia or a book about it, then even just looking at the pictures, he will want to find out what is written there.

Let `s together!

The most magical phrase that works wonders. Don't expect your child to pick up a book and read on his own. Invite him to read and look at pictures together, everything that you do together very soon he will be able to do it himself, without your help.

Video on the implementation of the advice come on together:
Find in various coloring pages with your favorite characters, where the words are signed in block letters and try to read, stopping at the most interesting place.

What would it look like for a boy?

Hobby: fishing.

We write words related to fishing for reading and riddles: fishing, fish, fisherman, fishing rod, river, sea, river, perch, crayfish, bait, worm, float, hook, bite, bite, tackle.

Books about fishing for children: Borrow from the library or buy from the store.

We prepare puzzles from the words written above + rearrangement of letters.

Tongue twisters and sayings about fishing:

  • You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
  • I didn’t get up at dawn - I lost fishing.
  • Who is not lazy to fish, he catches fish.
  • To the one who gets up early, the fish goes into his hands.
  • You can see the chatterbox by the word, the fisherman by the catch.
  • Talk about the ear when the fish is in the hand.
  • An avid fisherman is not pushed in the sides in the morning.
  • I fished until the evening, but there was nothing to eat.
  • And in fishing, luck is hard work and patience.

May also collect advice or recommendations and observations.

For girl

For a girl, an example: hobbies for Winx fairies and domestic rodents.
We are looking for a magazine about Winx fairies or an encyclopedia about rodents, a library for books or a store, but there is an additional option - this is the Internet, we recommend choosing high-quality articles and printing them while reading with your daughter.

Word choice: Fairy names, witchcraft, fairy, magic, girlfriend, wings, fly, nature, bright sun, dragon flame, waves, technology, music.
We make puzzles and words.
We play words, pronounce the word, she spells it.

We talk about the hero, you need to guess him and put his name out of sticks or matches, any sticks are possible, for example, for makeup removal or counting sticks.

Compose the names of Winx fairies or favorite princesses from letters.

Reading in syllables

Let's take a look at how to quickly and well teach a child to read by syllables?
When you and your child have already overcome vowels and started to study consonants, then it's time to start learning to read by syllables.
To make the learning process as easy as possible for parents, we suggest that you make a version of the calculation table in Russian and a calculation in Ukrainian.

Such tables are very convenient to use, especially when acquaintance with syllables has just begun. If you want to play syllables, then print 2 copies of the tables at once, try to add simple words from letters, no more than 3-4 letters.

The best options are when the words are simple, for example, Mom, Masha, Dad, Sasha, Petya, Vasya, baba. When the child is not confused with the new consonant learned, then it's time to offer different syllables, for example, MA, MO, MU, but also AM, OM, UM, i.e. you make sure that syllables begin with both consonants and vowels.

Do not get irritated again and again explaining to the child how the letters are read together and how they sound separately. Sometimes it may be required several times, in other cases it is necessary to repeat several dozen times.

Always say everything is ok! Well done! Everything works out for you! Look, last time you did not name this letter, but now you have already said it right away, and in a week, you will be able to read it in syllables!

If the baby did not succeed, you say: Come on together!

Video help to parents, how to make sure that the child learns everything easily:

Do not forget to repeat these 2 phrases and point with your fingers: Everything is in order! Well done!
Try to sing syllables, just call pointing together with a pointer. When a child begins to easily recognize them, then it's time to try to put simple words into syllables or from individual letters and read.

How to fold?

It is important not to rush to read until the syllables from the table are easily read by him, he will recognize them right on the fly. Practice syllables to automatism in different games.

1. Familiar books or poems are perfect, choose familiar verses with simple words and try to read them, laying out from the syllables that your baby reads. Mom washed the frame. Masha drank juice. Sasha ate porridge.

2. Try to show syllables in tables and individual letters. So that the child guesses such words: cancer, poppy, mouth, nose, ear, car, steam, woof, heat, thief.

Working with the table in turn, first you, then the baby, and you add up the words. Ma-Ma, CHA-SH-KA, RE-P-KA, PA-PA, MA-SHA, MU-HA, LI-ZA, SA-SHA, FI-LA, i.e. you are working with a table. You show a syllable, then 1 letter, then another syllable, for example, the word cup, if there are 3 letters, then a syllable and 1 letter ra-k.

Why is a table better than the alphabet of letters and syllables?

Parents often purchase them at the request of the teacher, but then they turn out to be of little demand. Their disadvantages are that they need to be cut out, especially if it is on cardboard, letters and syllables do not always fit into the connectors and stay there.

Poorly organized for use and storage, require envelopes or other containers for storage and end up crumbling and getting lost altogether. It is very inconvenient to store cut letters, as well as to use them.

In these cases, it is better to use cubes with letters, they are more practical for clarity and storage, but with poor-quality printing and stickers, they will quickly peel off, and there are often very few of them for words with 5 or more letters.
We practice all these games as the child masters new letters. It's great for relaxation, then build a tower out of cubes and break it down, so that any training goes through the game.

How to read in syllables?

If you succumbed to the temptation and bought your child “My primer” a wall table or a poster with letters, by clicking on them he sounds the letters, there are also tablets and books.

So this is the main mistake of such devices, that they call letters, not sounds, i.e. instead of - R -ER, V - BE, B-Be, etc.

And the worst thing is, when unsuspecting parents start teaching their child to read, a real brain explosion begins instead of Mom we get WE A WE A.

In mom, well, it doesn’t add up. Therefore, we do not recommend following the lead of such devices, if you still decide to use them, listen to what such a poster or book says, if it’s wrong, then it’s better not to take it.

But what to do?

We hang a similar poster, or a printed table, and every time the child asks, the sound is CORRECT, because now it is known why it is extremely important to immediately teach the child to name the sounds correctly.

What is the fastest way to learn to read?

Definitely gaming, if your ideas run out, then use our recommendations. We play a game, first mom shows you are reading, then we change roles.

  1. We solve puzzles, draw pictures and through them we think of a word, for example, the word milk. Masha Olya Luna Window Porridge Lunch
  2. Find all the syllables in Ma in a small text.
  3. From syllables, add words invented by the child and come up with your own gibberish language.
  4. Video about what gibberish is:

  5. Spread words vertically, read words from top to bottom and vice versa.
  6. Syllables or words may lose letters. Such guesses.
  7. We add words with a sock or mitten, the child teaches them what letters are and how to read. We close 1 letter and you have to guess the word.

Variant of the game with a sock in the video:

Now you have a whole range of games for learning to read correctly and without mistakes, it is important that this happens in a fun way and gives parents the opportunity to adjust the learning process for each child individually.

Changing the theme according to the hobbies of the baby.

If you find it difficult to come up with or implement any game, we recommend that you do not be upset. The site site offers you detailed descriptions from materials to implementation.

We choose puzzles for the child correctly, to avoid mistakes, read the article.

We make a game plan for children easily and competently, and also take into account secret aspects that help the child develop and not get tired of the link.

What book to choose for learning?

  1. With large letters and colorful pictures.
  2. Letters appear one at a time, and after studying 2-3 they already go in syllables.
  3. Different reading options for syllables, for example, MA - AM, MO - OM.
  4. Remember about the time 15 minutes is the maximum amount for the lesson.

Video from a speech therapist on teaching reading:

When a child has started to read, it will be a big mistake to calm down and give up learning. there are requirements for speed and this is not only a test of reading technique.

The slower your child reads, the more time it will take him to complete homework and extract information from what he has already read.

It is no coincidence that the requirements for reading speed are growing: grade 1 is 20 words per minute, 2-40, but a child can read with pleasure at a speed of 60 words per minute.

How to teach a child to read quickly and correctly in grade 1: exercises

When the child has mastered the letters, he calmly recognizes them, now it is only the time to engage in reading speed. Before you start working with it, record how many words per minute your child is currently reading - this will help track progress.

Set aside no more than 15 minutes a day for these classes so that he does not have time to get tired and come up with motivating moments that will record his progress and development.

For example: a table where a child writes at what speed he read and indicates the day, such a mini diary, if the speed increases, then he receives a gift - this is a game with parents or a story from them, going to the zoo together or go rollerblading, skiing, skating , take a walk in the park, play bowling or other games.

Motivation in the form of money or gifts can backfire.

Choose texts according to the age of the child, it is extremely important.

You can make in a playful way the method by which you will learn speed reading, for this, write the names on the cards and let the child choose which method you will read today.


  1. We attach a sheet of paper to the text so that all unread lines are closed. As we read with the help of the curtain, we open all the following lines, but it is important to move a little faster than the child reads.
  2. We apply a sheet of paper to the top of the line and close the words, a little faster than the child reads.
  3. Noisy texts, when words not related to it are inserted into the text. It is easy to add to the finished text in Word and print.
  4. Tops - roots. We close the bottom of the line with a ruler or a cut-out strip, a bookmark. Do the same with the top.
  5. Cut the text in the form of a lattice and push it apart. It's easy to do this if the text is a picture, then just put empty bars.
  6. Lattice or frame. We cut out a grid from paper in shape with rather wide cut-out columns, where thin stripes left from the paper will cover pieces of text. Its size is equal to the size of a sheet of paper - 29 * 27 cm. The width of a thin column is 0.5 cm, a wide column is 2-3 cm, we put it on the text and read it.
    When this method is mastered, make the strips wider - 2-3 cm, let there be 2-3 of them on the sheet.
  7. Wise trees are a pyramid. When the text is arranged in a trapezoid shape, expanding from the middle to the edges.

Video with examples of exercises for quick reading: Lesson in video format classes with a slowly reading child:

Physical exercise

Give this physical exercise 5-10 minutes daily and you will notice how much faster your brain began to work. Such gymnastics helps the 2 hemispheres to work synchronously, which allows the brain to work in a state of over efficiency.

  1. I am a student.
  2. Ear - nose or Winnie the Pooh and Piglet.
  3. Winnie the Pooh.
  4. Captain's.
  5. I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles.
  6. I am a winner.
  7. We complicate when everything began to work out: we add claps, we march, we move our feet.

Schulte tables

The video will teach you how to use the tables correctly and expand the angle of view:

Where can I get more speed reading materials?

  1. Tatyana Djalo - it is for children from simple learning to quick reading that she has an excellent course.
  2. Books, videos Andreev.
  3. Online games on the Internet with Schulte tables and not only, but how much time the child will spend at the computer, phone or tablet is up to you.
  4. There are a lot of articles on the Internet about speed reading.

It is important to understand that speed reading is a skill that is recommended to be taught at the age of over 10 years, while we begin to train fast reading with the help of games and exercises at the age of 6-7.

What is a reading technique?

To understand the issues of fluent reading or quick reading, let's look at what it is by definition? They check the reading technique in the classroom, in parallel with the beginning of the child’s reading, the stopwatch is turned on, when the minute is over, the student is stopped and the number of words read is counted. Which words count and which do not? Is the child's understanding of the text checked? If the child did not read the word correctly, will it be taken into account? In fact, the technique of reading consists of several skills:

  1. Ways of reading (by letters, syllables or whole words);
  2. The pace of reading, the speed at which a new text will be read in 1 minute.
  3. Awareness. When the child understands what is read and can answer questions.
  4. Expression, but this skill is worth discussing with your teacher separately. Since for fluent reading, pauses are minimal, unlike regular checking. And if you require a child to read quickly, then it is quite logical that the entire reading process be fast.

Accelerating reading technique from 40 to 74 in 10 lessons in the second grade

Video with a ready-made selection of games to speed up reading from 40 to 74 in 10 lessons:

Now you know how to teach a child to read quickly and the reading technique is not terrible for your family!

Try different methods and options, we wish you an easy, fast and fun learning to read. Let your kid easily master reading and enjoy it constantly mastering new books and knowledge!

The second year of life is a sensitive period for language development. And the development of speech, in turn, is the key to the further successful mental development of the baby. That is why experts pay such close attention to the speech development of the child. Let's see what happens to the child at this moment.

The function of understanding speech develops up to one and a half years. After a year and a half, active vocabulary replenishment begins. It often happens that in the vocabulary of your child there are several words, sometimes denoting a whole phrase. For example, “nya” means both a request to take it in your arms, and a demand for some little thing you like, and an offer of a toy to you. And you, as a loving and caring mother, wonderfully understand your baby.
However, if up to a year and a half such anticipation and understanding of the child's needs gave him a sense of stability, then after a year and a half it becomes a serious obstacle to development.

TIP: You just need to stop being a smart mom and meet the needs of the child before he voiced them. Try to have the child say the whole word, accurately expressing his desires. With normal speech development, by the end of the second year of life, the child's vocabulary is about 300 words, among which are the names of objects, the names of their qualities. Next comes phrasal speech.
Here it is necessary to remember that there is an individual pace of development for each child. And boys start talking a little later than girls.
In addition, for the development of each individual function, there is its own dynamics. Children who begin to speak later than others usually speak more correctly and understandably.
In no case do not force the child to say anything or repeat after you! Just don't understand him.

Let's discuss it
Today, a paradoxical situation has developed: children, surrounded by our attention, begin to speak later. Why?
A young mother complains: “The baby is about two years old, but he doesn’t speak at all!” Painfully familiar situation!
It would seem that domestic problems faded into the background. Most families live in apartments with all amenities. Material wealth is present, nutrition is complete. And with all this comfort, the kids are silent! As if a mysterious virus attacks their speech centers. The first words appear at best after two years. Even then, children's chatter can only be understood through an interpreter. Children who speak normally in the younger age groups of kindergartens can literally be counted on the fingers! These talkers, to paraphrase Leo Tolstoy, are very similar to each other - they are cheerful, lively, spontaneous. And only every non-speaking child is unhappy in his own way.

There are many reasons for speech disorders. It makes no sense to talk about them without seeing or hearing a specific child. Let's talk about how to overcome speech delays. All paths here, in general, go in the same direction, the difference is in minor details. At the initial stages, everything is built in approximately the same way. A child needs to be cared for and given constant attention. A massage of the articulatory organs is welcome, as well as a variety of developing finger games. Massage is best left to professionals. But games can be successfully played by parents, grandparents and even older brothers and sisters.

Game conditions
The whole process of "producing speech" takes place under certain conditions:
- firstly, the child needs positive emotions;
- secondly, there should not be any violent actions on the part of relatives;
- thirdly, the direct participation of adults is necessary.

By the way, if the “speech genre” is at its best in the family, then the child has practically no problems with speech. If adults prefer to spend all their free time at the TV, at the computer or watching movies recorded on DVD, the silence of the baby is quite understandable.

It is useful for parents to know that the nervous system of a child of 1-3 years old is not particularly strong. Therefore, games (and, above all, educational ones) should not last more than 10-20 minutes (depending on age).

The fact that the child is tired can be judged by his behavior. If he is naughty, refuses to follow the instructions, this indicates that the baby's "resources" are at the limit, and it's time to end the game.

What else should be remembered when working with a child?
The little man is most attracted to bright objects, lively emotions and expressive speech. So, before you take up teaching the crumbs, sit in front of the mirror and tell yourself a fairy tale, for example, about Ryaba the chicken.

Well, how did your own acting arouse your keen interest? If not, then it is unlikely to attract a baby. A bad experience is also an experience. Work on yourself. Remember the facial expressions and intonation of your favorite actors. In the end, talent lies dormant in each of us. And without him in subsequent games, we simply can not do without it!

Sand, stones...
Young parents often complain that they do not have free time to communicate with their child! All life is devoted mainly to work. After all, it is she who provides a decent existence for the baby!

But what is the point in all these material goods if the baby does not please those close to him with his sonorous voice and clear speech?
Take a vacation, because in our country all workers are supposed to rest for at least two weeks. So spend them with benefit not only for yourself, but also for the child. And the appearance of the first words in the crumbs will not keep you waiting.

Are you going on vacation to the warm sea (now you can arrange it in any season)? Start exercising on the go. Read a fairy tale to your child, look at a picture book, give your baby a finger massage. The flight will not seem so tiring, and the baby will not be capricious and interfere with other passengers.

Hot sand, warm sea, sun! This is not only a great opportunity to improve the child's health, but also a chance to cope with his speech gaps.

Many parents know how enjoyable sand play is. They relieve emotional stress, help to relax, activate the mental activity of the baby. Take an example from those parents who pack not only outfits in a suitcase, but also children's buckets with spatulas.

The kid can pour sand, build castles out of it, just slap his hands on a wet surface - all this contributes to the development of fine motor skills.

Classes where there is something for the fingers activate the speech centers. Fresh air, freedom of movement give an additional incentive for the baby to utter the first words. He so wants to express HIS feeling of happiness! Therefore, it is on vacation that he will definitely speak!

talking fingers
Finger games are that fertile material that will help to talk even the most silent baby. The movements of the fingers awaken and make the dormant speech centers in the cerebral cortex work.

If you have never done finger games with your baby before, start with the elementary - just look at the fingers. Name each of them, gently stroke. Then take a ribbed pencil and roll it over the palm and fingers of the crumbs. This will give the muscles of the hand the necessary tone, prepare them for the following exercises.

On vacation, a pencil will successfully replace the sea pebbles. Pick up a few smooth oval pebbles and roll them over the child's palm. And then let him play himself - you need to hold a handful of pebbles in your hand and rub between your palms.

It is very important to develop tactile and motor sensations of all fingers.

The baby's hand is like a crane: the thumb and forefinger of his right hand pick up a pebble and direct it straight into the bucket.

First slowly show your baby how to do it. Each finger, paired with a large one, should perform similar work after the index finger. First with the right hand, and then with the left. Simultaneously with the movements of children's fingers, mom or dad should comment on the crumbs' game, choosing the kindest and most affectionate words.

Remember, a child under three years of age develops only through joint games filled with action. He still does not know how to occupy himself, playing alone. So, despite being busy, caring adults (it can be not only mom and dad, but also grandparents) should keep the child company.
The game will captivate the baby, he will certainly try to follow you to do not only hand movements, but also repeat the words. Naturally, not everything will turn out the first time. Patience and more patience. As they say, repetition is the mother of learning. So, day after day (but by no means occasionally) diligently deal with your baby.

The result will not keep you waiting. You will surely be able to talk to the little man.

Little fingers will find something to do
When "Goat-Dereza", "Boy-with-a-finger" and similar games are mastered, you can learn something more difficult.

Bee hive
- What kind of house-pod?
(You and your child clench their fists and make a surprised expression.)
- Who lives there? Mouse?
(We examine the children's fist from all sides.)
- Not! What are you, what are you!
(We wave our hands indignantly.)
- Bees live in the house.
(Shake the fist, bring it to the ear, buzz.)
- Bees fly...
(We cross our palms at the wrist and wave both hands like wings. Buzz.)
- The children are counted in the house.
(Child clenches fist again.)
- One two three four five…
(The adult releases the fingers from the child's fist one at a time.)
We won't interfere with them.
(Let's put both hands behind our back - as if we were hiding something.)
- Bees collect honey ...
(An adult taps his fingers on the baby's fingertips.)
- And Dashutka (Andryusha, Danyusha, Katyusha ...) will be given.
(An adult runs his index finger over each finger of the baby from the base to the tip.)

Who lives in the house?
- Snail, snail!
(The hand clenched into a fist "creeps"
on the table.)
- Stick out the horns!
(The index and middle fingers stick out of the fist and quickly withdraw.)
- I'll give you a pie!
(Show open palms.)
- I don't need a pie!
(We shake our heads negatively.)
- I love freedom!
(Twirl with clenched fists.)
- I'm crawling along the path ...
(The fists are again "creeping" on the table.)
- I want to - stick out my horns!
(Release and straighten the index and middle fingers.)
- And touch a little ...
(We touch the baby's index and middle fingers.)
- Remove the horns!
(The snail hides the "horns" again.)

- Hello, turtle!
(We clench our fists.)
- Here's your shirt!
(We cover the baby's fist with our hand and squeeze slightly.)
I have my own protection...
(Twist with clenched fists.)
- She's well made!
(Fists knock against each other.)
- Here are your boots.
(An adult, having collected his fingers in a handful, strokes each finger on the baby’s hands from the base to the very tips.)
- Do you have legs?
(We clench our fists again.)
- I have paws!
(Open up, open up
fingers on both hands.)
- They play hide and seek.
(We clench our fists tightly again.)
- Where is your head?
(Release and show thumbs up.)
- Hide well!
(The thumbs retract into a fist.)

white-sided magpie
Cooked porridge -
fed the children,

(Clockwise with light pressure, stroke the baby's palm with your finger.)

I gave this
He carried water.
(Press on the tip of the little finger and rub it lightly.)
I gave this
He chopped wood.
(Press on the tip of the ring finger and rub it lightly.)

I gave this
He swept in the hut.
(Press on the tip of your middle finger and rub it lightly.)
I gave this
He lit the stove.
(Press on the tip of your index finger and rub it lightly.)

And this - did not!
He did not carry water
Didn't chop wood
I did not sweep the hut,
Didn't turn on the stove
Didn't cook the porridge
No porridge for him!

(Take your thumb to the side in a circle, press on the tip of your thumb and rub it with force - “beat” it).

This finger went to the forest
This finger mushroom found
This finger began to clean
This finger began to fry
This finger ate everything
That's why he got fat
(you need to bend your fingers, starting with the little finger, you can do it in the form of a massage)

Ladushki (clap your hands on stressed syllables)
Okay, okay, where have you been? By Grandma!
What did they eat? Porridge!
And what did they drink? Brazhka!
Butter bowl!
Sweetie brat!
Grandma is good!

We drank, ate, sh-u-u-u ...
Shuuuu!!! Fly home!
Sat on the head! "Ladushki" sang
sat down, sat down
Then we flew home!!!

Sleepy elephant (ringing the bell)
Ding dong. Ding dong.
An elephant walks in the alley.
An old, gray, sleepy elephant.
Ding ding. Ding dong.
It became dark in the room:
Elephant blocks the window.
Or is this a dream?
Ding dong. Ding dong.

Finger gymnastics:
Exercises for the fingers - the development of subtle movements, very useful for young children, it is known that the speech center and the center that controls the movements of the fingers are located in the cerebral cortex next to each other, so the work of the fingers has a stimulating effect on the speech center and contributes to the mental development of the child , you want your baby to speak faster, then do finger gymnastics with him every day.

Palms on the table- the child sits at the table, hands lie on the table with palms down, at the expense of one-fingers apart, two-together.
Fingers say hello- the baby sits, holds his hands in front of him, at the expense of the thumbs of both hands are disconnected, two - index, three - middle, four - nameless, five - little fingers.

little man- the child, sitting at the table, depicts little men, first the index and middle fingers of the right hand run around the table, then the left. Children run a race - the movements described in the previous exercise are performed by both hands at the same time.
Goat- the kid depicts a goat, stretching out the index finger and little finger of one, then the other hand.

goats- the same exercise, but performed with both hands at the same time. Glasses- the child depicts glasses, forming two circles from the thumb and forefinger of both hands and connecting them.

Bunny- the baby pulls up the index and middle fingers, thumb and ring, and connects the little finger (bunny on the left).
Palm-cam-rib- the child sits at the table, at the expense - spreads his hands on the table with his palms down, two - clenches his fists, three - puts his hands with an edge.

Trees- the baby raises both hands with his palms facing him (the trees are standing), spreads his fingers wide (the branches are spread out).
Checkbox- pull the thumb up, connect the rest together.

Nest- connect both hands in the form of a bowl, fingers tightly clenched.
plant roots- press your hands with the back side to each other, lower your fingers down.

Bee- index finger of the right, then left hand rotate along the axis. Sun rays- cross your fingers, raise your hands up, spread your fingers. Spider- fingers are bent, slowly move around the table.

Table- bend the right hand into a fist, put the left horizontally on top of it.

Gates- connect the tips of the middle and ring fingers of both hands, raise the thumbs up and bend inward.

Bridge- raise your hands up with palms to each other, place your fingers horizontally, connect the tips of the middle and ring fingers of both hands.

chamomile- connect both hands, spread straight fingers to the sides.
Hedgehog- put your palms together, straight fingers point up.
Barrel of water- slightly bend the fingers of the left hand into a fist and leave a hole on top.

Hide and seek game(squeezing and unclenching the fingers) - fingers played hide and seek and removed the heads, like this, like this, this is how the heads were removed.

Game "forty"- when pronouncing the text, the child runs the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left: to the words “I gave this”, he bends each finger in turn, except for the little finger: forty, forty cooked porridge.

Game "finger-boy"- the child connects the thumb alternately with the index, middle, ring, little fingers on one hand, then on the other: finger-boy, where have you been? I went to the forest with this brother, cooked cabbage soup with this brother, ate porridge with this brother, sang songs with this brother.

The squirrel game- the kid holds his hand with his palm up, runs the index finger of the other hand across the palm of his hand, then bends his fingers in turn: the squirrel sits on the cart, she sells nuts: to the chanterelle-sister, sparrow, titmouse, thick-fifted bear, mustachioed hare.

The game "this finger"- the child alternately unbends his fingers, first on one hand, then on the other, starting with the big one: this finger is grandfather, this finger is grandmother, this finger is daddy, this finger is mommy, this finger is me, that's my whole family , then bends his fingers one by one: this finger wants to sleep, this finger jumped into bed, this finger crouched, this finger fell asleep, hush, finger, don’t make noise, don’t wake the brothers, fingers got up, cheers, it’s time to go to kindergarten.

Mushroom game- the baby alternately bends his fingers, starting with the little finger: one, two, three, four, five - we are going to look for mushrooms, this finger went into the forest, this finger found a mushroom, this finger began to clean, this finger ate everything, that's why he got fat.

The orange game- the kid alternately unbends his fingers, clenched into a fist, starting with the little finger: we shared an orange, there was only one orange, this slice for the cat, this slice for the hedgehog, this slice for the beaver, this slice for the siskin, well, the peel for the wolf.

The game "Come on, brothers, get to work"- the child unbends his fingers, on one hand, alternately tapping on them with the index finger of the other: come on, brothers, get to work, show your desire, chop wood for the big one, heat everything for you, and bring water for you, and cook dinner for you, and for the little girl to sing songs, to sing songs and dance, to amuse her brothers.

The game "scarlet flowers"- the baby connects both hands with palms to each other, in the form of a tulip, slowly opens his fingers: our scarlet flowers open the petals (shakes his hands): the breeze breathes a little, the petals sway (slowly closes his fingers): our scarlet flowers close the petals (shakes folded brushes ): fall asleep quietly, shake their heads.

Our Tanya is crying loudly
Dropped a ball into the river.
Hush Tanechka, don't cry!
The ball will not sink in the river.

There is a goby, swinging,
Sighs on the go:
"Oh, the board is over,
Now I'm going to fall!"

I love my horse
I will comb her hair smoothly,
I stroke the ponytail with a scallop
And I'll go on horseback to visit.

The hostess abandoned the bunny,
A bunny remained in the rain - I couldn’t get off the bench,
Wet to the skin.
Try to accompany the reading of each poem with an imitation of the corresponding actions that the child understands.

Doll games:
Play with dolls with girls and boys. Come up with little stories from the doll's life. Show your child how to dress her, feed her, put her to bed, take her for walks... Constantly stimulate the child to communicate through gestures and actions. Ask more questions to the child.

For example: “Anechka, look what kind of girl came to visit us. Let's say hello. Give her a pen. What is the name of such a beautiful girl?

Role play:
By the end of the second year of life, begin to play with the child in various animal simulation games with which the child is familiar.
For example, play a game of cat and mouse. Give your child the role of a mouse, and take the role of a cat for yourself. The "cat" walks around the room, and the "mouse" hid. Then the "cat" went to bed, and the "mouse" came out of its hiding place. The “cat” woke up, stretched, meowed, and the “mouse” needed to run away to his house (arrange in advance with the child where he will be).

Or play "Bear-toed":
Show your child how the bear cub moves, how it growls, shakes its head. Now the child portrays a bear, and you read a poem to him:

A clubfoot bear walks through the forest,
He collects cones and puts them in his pocket.
Suddenly a bump fell right on the bear's forehead.
The bear got angry and kicked - top!

Teach your child to portray other animals: birds, frogs, horses.

See picture books
An adult, together with a child, examines pictures that depict familiar characters and situations. "Who is this? the adult asks. - Who's that? What is he doing?”, “Where is the bird?”, “Show the tree”… If the child is silent, you can suggest an answer, but after that you can still get the kid to answer himself, looking at the same picture.

For older children (in the 3rd year of life), the adult's questions may be more difficult. For example: “Where did the boy go?”, “Where is the bird sitting?”, “What are the children doing?”, “Why is the girl crying?” Answering these questions requires not only recognizing familiar objects and actions, but also understanding the plot and meaning of the situation depicted in the picture.

Speech accompaniment of actions.
This technique is very important for building an image of their actions in children. It consists in the fact that the actions of the child are indicated and accompanied by certain words. For example, when a baby (1.5 - 2 years old) runs or dances, he can say “top-top”, when he knocks with a toy hammer - “knock-knock”, when he draws raindrops - “drip-drip” ... At first, such a sound the designation comes from an adult who closely monitors the child's actions. Then the baby echoes the adult, and they already accompany the sounds of the child's actions with sounds, and then the baby himself acts and makes sounds at the same time. At an older age (after 2 years), this technique can be complicated and the actions of children can no longer be accompanied by a complex of sounds, but by extended speech. To do this, you need to name all the independent actions of the child and ask him questions about them: “Kolya runs, Kolya washes, Kolya digs ... What is Kolya doing? What does Kolya want? It is also good to use folk games here, in which a simple and constantly repeating poetic text suggests what needs to be done and in what sequence. For example: “Hare, stomp your foot, hare, clap your hands, hare, turn around ...”

Naming spatial sensations.
The child is taught to distinguish and correctly designate spatial relations with adverbs and prepositions, which not only enriches the vocabulary, but also develops thinking. An adult demonstrates different options for the spatial arrangement of two toys (a bunny and a bear, or two ducklings, or a doll and a fox ...). Toys are either close, then they diverge far, then one climbs onto the other (one above, the other below), then one runs away from the other (one in front, the other behind). Your questions encourage the baby to comprehend these provisions and try to convey them in words. In such a game situation, children actively and with pleasure learn every word that you pronounce, because they are interested in the game. Their emotional involvement in a funny spectacle is the main condition for mastering new and rather difficult words for them.

However, we emphasize: the designation of spatial relations is a very difficult task for kids, they master prepositions and adverbs later. Therefore, this method of teaching speech is best used by the end of an early age (after two and a half years).

Play with toys.
The child is shown simple and short scenes with toys. The content of the scenes should be very simple. For example, a bear fell and cried, or a doll lost a ball and is looking for it, or a doll went outside for a walk and froze without shoes. The most ordinary toys are suitable for such a performance, and it is not at all necessary to purchase props for a puppet theater. It is much more important that the adult's display must be accompanied by words that the baby would recognize. Your little performance should make him feel sympathy for the toys and a desire to help them: wipe the bear’s tears, look for a ball with the doll, warm her legs ... Immediately after the scene, you can ask the child what he saw. With the help of tips and questions from an adult, the baby in his own way can convey his impressions of what he saw. For example: “Misha fell, bo-bo” or “Ball bye-bye, where is the ball?”. This game is best used in the 3rd year of life, when the vocabulary of children already has enough words denoting actions and states. Gradually, you can complicate and diversify actions with toys, while the toys themselves are best left the same - soon the child will get used to them, they will become his favorite, and he will be able to play well with them himself. These are just a few of the techniques that activate the speech of young children. Of course, there could be many more. It all depends on your imagination and desire to communicate with the child. However, when conducting classes, we advise you to consider the following. Classes should be interesting for the baby and bring him joy. Forcing a child to do what he cannot or does not want is unacceptable. All techniques aimed at the development of speech are included in the child's own activity, in his interests. Words are necessarily associated with specific impressions and activity of the baby. Passive repetition of words does not lead to the development of active speech. The child should be focused on what you say and show. The duration of such classes is no more than 3-5 minutes. Longer than this time, a child from one to three cannot keep his attention on one thing. It is better to repeat the same techniques at different times and in different situations.

Finger games:

Finger games from Ekaterina Zheleznova - educational cartoon "Music with Mom":

Finger games. Early development. Finger gymnastics. Toddler games:


The child does not just learn to speak, he learns:
- memorize the appearance of the object - a picture;
- memorize the name of an object in the form of a certain set of sounds;
- draw an analogy between a picture and a title (an example of analog thinking);
- and then only, pronounce the name of the subject.
This is a serious logical and analytical work of his brain. Such work develops, all the more permanent and gradually becoming more complex ... For this reason, training should be started gradually.

Thanks to these exercises, the child will learn to read quickly and correctly.

Many of us still remember that same red primer with a big bright letter "A" on the cover. Thanks to this book, millions of children quickly learned to read. Time has passed, and now these children have matured and become parents themselves. But now they no longer turn to the very book from which they themselves once learned to read. Today, there are so many methods for teaching children to read that you can easily get confused - what to choose in order to quickly teach a child to read and, most importantly, correctly. Tyulenev's technique is designed to teach kids almost from the cradle, Zaitsev's cubes and the rough letters of Maria Montessori promise miracles in learning. Young parents rush between all these ways, and with them their child.

And yet, how to teach a child to read, which method to give preference to, when to start learning and with what? These questions concern many young fathers and mothers. But few of them think about the fact that learning letters and being able to put them into words and phrases with sentences is not at all the most important thing.

Now it is very fashionable early development of kids. As soon as the child is one year old, they already begin to teach him to read and count. But it has already been proven that this is fraught with consequences for the emerging psyche of children. The belief that the sooner a child’s education is started, the better, is wrong. According to neurologists, parents who strive for very early learning can harm their baby.

Let's see how the formation of the child occurs.

- From early pregnancy and up to three years, the first functional block of the brain is formed, which is responsible for the emotional, cognitive and bodily perception of the child.

- At the age of three and up to five years - eight years, the second functional block of the brain is formed. It governs perception: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch.

According to ophthalmologists, early teaching a child to read is fraught with consequences for the eyes - myopia may develop from premature visual stress. Experts do not recommend learning to read before the age of five or six. Before this age, the formation of the ciliary muscle, which is responsible for visual acuity, occurs.

- The development of the conscious mental activity of the child occurs at the age of seven to fifteen years.

The functional blocks of the brain are formed sequentially. All attempts by parents to "jump" any of the stages will negatively affect the development of natural processes that occur in the child's body in a given period. There is simply a distortion in the natural development of the baby. The consequences of a child's early learning may not be immediately apparent. That is what they are fraught with. Years later, this can affect the emotional and personal relationships with people. And it can also result in an unpredictable form: stuttering, tics, neurosis, various speech disorders and obsessive movements.

How to determine that physiologically the child is ready to learn to read?

- the child has formed a speech, he can speak in sentences and compose a coherent story;

- the child has no speech pathology disorders. And here we mean not only the correct pronunciation of individual sounds, but also violations of the rhythm and melody of speech;

- the child is well oriented in space, not getting confused in the concepts of top and bottom, right - left;

- the child's phonemic hearing is quite developed - he easily recognizes the sound not only at the beginning of a word, but also in its middle part and at the end of a word.

How to properly teach a child to read, so as not to cause tears, reproaches and resentment? This question is often asked by parents of future first-graders. Of course, you can stop at the usual method for everyone. It comes down to daily monotonous activities, during which the child learns to write hooks and sticks, and also reads the primer. But all moms and dads know that such activities bring boredom, fatigue and irritation, the child does not learn to read thoughtfully. As a result, a reluctance to study develops. And although the child will receive certain knowledge and skills, such training is unlikely to become for him a good school for the development of feelings and emotions, as well as a means of learning about the world around him and himself in it. To make learning an exciting game and turn it into a joint creative process of children and adults, so that the child learns to read correctly and quickly, choose a different path.

Just as babies learn to understand spoken language, they must learn to read words and sentences. But the most important thing is that it is quite real and the facts confirm it.

Scientists have proven that the eye sees but is not aware of what it sees; The ear perceives sound, but does not understand what it hears. The whole process of understanding this happens purely in the brain.

When we hear a spoken word or sentence, the sounds are split into multiple electrochemical impulses that are sent to the brain. Our brain connects all these impulses together and perceives their meaning and meaning. A similar action occurs with vision. Our eyes see what is written, but do not understand it. The brain does not see what is written, but understands it.

Visual and auditory endings are passed through the brain, which processes the information received. In the event that the baby would have to master only one of the many skills, then the ability to read would undoubtedly become such a skill. It is it that is the basis of all types of standard, formal and non-formal education.

How to quickly teach a child to read so that he does not get tired and does not lose interest? Exercise regularly, but not for long. For the first lessons, five to ten minutes will be enough. Gradually, this time can be increased to thirty minutes. Conduct a lesson in the form of a game - the child should be easy, interesting and not bored.

Before proceeding with the reading technique, learn all the letters with your baby. Cubes will help a lot with this. The pictures drawn on them will help you recognize the subject and associate it with the letter. Teach your baby to name the letters correctly: watermelon - "A", house - "D", etc. Play a game with your baby - ask him to find the letter "A". At the same time, do not rush to give hints. The child must learn to independently find the right cube. If he can't, he needs help.

10 important tips to help you teach your child to read correctly:

What method of teaching reading to follow? When teaching your child to read in syllables, give preference to the usual primer, which was compiled by K. Zhukova. This book is an effective helper for a child who is learning to understand how to put letters into syllables, syllables into words, and these words into whole sentences. There are few pictures in the book, but they are quite enough so that the child is not bored.

In what order to learn vowels and consonants. First, we teach the child open vowels - A, O, U, E, Y. Now you can proceed to hard consonants - M, N. But make sure that the child pronounces them correctly: not “em”, and not “me”, but simply “m”. The next in line are deaf and hissing sounds: Ш, С, etc.

Do not forget to repeat the material of the previous lesson with the child at each lesson. Remember together what sounds you learned in the last lesson. By consolidating the material covered, you will help develop a competent reading mechanism in your child.

Take a look at the primer. Show your baby how the first letter of the syllable "m" hurries to the second letter "a". Explain to the child that this is how it should be pronounced: m-m-ma-a-a - m-m-ma-a-a. In such an accessible form, the child understands that one letter runs to another. As a result, they speak together, without separating from each other.

Now let's start learning simple syllables. To easily teach a child to read, you need to start with simple syllables, in which there are only two letters: ma, la, ra, mu, mo. The kid must master and understand how two letters form a syllable. It is important for him to master the mechanism of reading by syllables. After he understands this, he will easily learn to read more difficult syllables - with deaf and hissing consonants: shi, yes, in, etc.

You can start learning more complex syllables. Do not rush to read words or books. Give your child a better understanding of the mechanism of reading by syllables. Just complicate the task - read with him syllables that begin with a vowel: am, av, he, y.

After all the syllables have been mastered, we start reading the simplest words: “ma - ma”, “ra - ma”, “we - lo”.

How easy is it to teach a child to read by syllables? Be sure to teach your child to pronounce syllables correctly. This is a guarantee that he will learn to read well. Note. According to one of the methods, teachers and educators in kindergartens teach children to sing syllables. Kids quickly get used to it and sing syllables constantly in one breath. However, they do not make any pauses between words. Some kids get so carried away that they sing the entire paragraph without respecting the punctuation marks - periods, exclamation marks and question marks. If you decide to teach your child to read, do it well. No need to let the child sing everything. Pay attention to the pauses between words, and especially between sentences. Teach your child to this order: sang the word - pause, sang the second - pause. In the future, he himself will learn to shorten the pauses. But at the beginning of training, it is simply necessary to do them.

What is the best age to teach a child to read? Do not get ahead of events. At the age of three or four, it is unlikely that your child will be interested in poring over books, learning to read and putting letters into syllables. At this age, it is definitely too early to start learning to read. The only exceptions are those cases when the child himself unequivocally shows a desire for this.

But at the age of five and six, children must be engaged so that they can read and write words in block letters. Those children who go to kindergarten are taught this by educators. If your baby does not attend kindergarten, you will have to deal with the child. Let this responsibility be at least partially taken over by the grandmother or grandfather. As a last resort, hire a tutor. This is necessary because modern methods assume that the child will come to the first grade already prepared and reading in syllables. This is also important from a psychological point of view. If you teach your child to read before school, it will be easy for him to read in the first grade and the first stress from school will be avoided.

To quickly and correctly teach your child to read by syllables, turn learning into a game. Do not force your child to expressive or fluent reading. It is much more important that he independently be able to put letters into syllables, read them in a book, and be able to compose words, phrases and sentences. He just needs to master the technique of reading. It does not matter if at first it will be slow and difficult for the baby. Remaining calm, smoothly and quietly help him correct mistakes while reading. Let it be like a game. After all, in the game you can relax without getting stressed. In the process of learning to read, it is necessary to ensure that the baby, without straining, understands what the elders want from him.

If you follow these tips, you will be able to teach your baby to read quite tolerably in a month and a half.

If your child already knows how to read whole phrases tolerably in syllables, we gradually move on to teaching the baby to read fluently. Below are 14 lessons with which you can teach your baby to read fluently, and most importantly - correctly. It is advisable to teach a child of six to seven years of age fluent reading no more than 30 minutes once or twice a day. You can complete these lessons in any order. No more than 4 lessons per day.

How to develop vigilance in a child

Try this task:

- In a series of five or six vowels, insert one consonant. Invite the child to find the extra letter. You can change this assignment.

- Write down the words in which only one letter is different: whale - cat; juice - bough; wood - weight, etc. The child must answer how the words differ from each other.

Gymnastics that develops articulation in a child

These activities help you improve your pronunciation, promote proper breathing, and help you speak more clearly.

The game "fold the word from the halves"

Pick up simple words consisting of two syllables. At least ten words are required for one lesson. Write these words on two cards and ask your child to put the words together correctly. Cards need to be changed constantly.

How to quickly train attention

The task is as follows. Your toddler is reading a text in a book. At your command "Stop!" he takes his eyes off the book, closes them and rests. On command "Read!" the child must find the fragment where he paused his reading.

Semantic guess (anticipation)

The principle of anticipation - when reading, the peripheral vision of the child sees the outline of the next word. From what he read, he concludes what word should be next.

To develop a semantic guess, you can do the following exercise with your child. Write words in which either a letter or a syllable is missing. Let the child guess which letters to enter. These activities greatly improve a child's ability to learn to read fluently.

Teach your child how to read

You will need two identical texts. Start reading slowly, and let the child read after you, following the lines with your finger. Gradually speed up the pace, but make sure that the baby does not lag behind.

Reading for time

Choose simple text. Record the time (for example, a minute) and let the child read. When the time is up, count how many words the child managed to read in a minute. When reading again, the child will read more words.

To develop a clear pronunciation, read tongue twisters with your child. First, read them slowly and in a whisper. Then - confidently and loudly. Make sure that the child clearly pronounces the endings of the words. In the same way, read proverbs and sayings with your child.

The game "make an accent"

Choose a word with several syllables and try with your child to stress each of the syllables. The child must determine which accent is correct.

Try to involve your child in the reading process. When reading your favorite fairy tale to him, stop at the most interesting place. Say that you are tired of reading and ask the child to read a short passage of text.

See filmstrips

This lesson is the best way to train the technique of reading.

How to develop a child's field of vision

a) Draw a table. Write one letter in each cell. Invite the child to read them all silently, pointing to the letters with a pencil. You need to read as soon as possible and memorize the sequence of letters.

To teach your child to read fluently, read upside down. This is how the memorization of integral patterns of letters develops. The child will learn to combine the semantic ending of the word with the letter analysis. Go to this exercise not immediately, but when the child learns to read without errors. Thanks to this exercise, the child will learn to read quickly and correctly.

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The process of teaching your baby to read is a painstaking and time-consuming process. It was easier for me. This is due to the fact that one of my closest relatives is a primary school teacher.

For a certain standard, you can take the age of five, ideally, by the age of five, it is quite possible to teach a child to read texts of any complexity. But it is worth recalling the most important thing. In the process of learning, especially at its first stages, it should not contain violent actions; in the best case, this should all take place in the form of a game. We have had the alphabet hanging on the wall since early childhood. Cubes with letters and pictures were bought. It is obligatory to have a primer, we had a primer by N.S. Zhukov. There was a magnetic alphabet on the fridge. And the more and more varied the amount of training equipment, the better.

We started using blocks actively when Masha started walking. The game was as follows. The cubes were scattered on one side of the room, we were on the other. Any letter was called. In the early stages, it was duplicated by the fact that Mary was given a card with this letter. And for a competitive effect, in a race, it was necessary to find this letter in a pile of cubes. At first, simple letters were called, easy to remember. Subsequently, the task became more complicated and more complex letters were called. And they were called in turn by both players. There is another version of the developing game. Mashunka and I sat at different ends of the room. Magnetic letters scattered in front of her. I had a typewriter and a magnetic drawing board. A letter was written on a tablet and a typewriter was rolling with a request to send this letter.

We have learned to read syllables from the primer. In N.S. Zhukov's primer, there are very good pictures for understanding syllabic reading (a little man runs from letter to letter). When the letters and the most common words were mastered, everyone began to notice that Masha herself sometimes began to take the initiative in reading store signs and especially the names of cartoons on disks. From that moment on, we regularly, every other day, yes every day, began to read texts from the primer. Later, the child begins to read on his own. Your task as a teacher is to monitor that the read text is comprehended and its meaning is clear to your baby. To do this, it is enough to ask the child to retell what they have read. Better in game form. You can dream up and develop the read situation. Or beat her with toys.

As a rule, the protest of the child associated with the unwillingness to read is connected precisely with the fact that this process causes great difficulty. It turns out a kind of vicious circle. Therefore, it is better to get the first reading skills early. So that by the age of five a certain skill is already present. And the natural interest in knowing the world was reinforced by the ability to receive information from books. Do not forget only about the correct illumination of the working area. Because It is very easy to spoil vision, but it is not always possible to restore it. Remember that your child's health and development is in your hands.

A well-rounded child is the dream of every modern parent. It is especially important for moms and dads that their baby learn to read early. After all, many school institutions are waiting for first-graders who already have the skills to read, and also know how to count and write.

Today, many methods and systems have been developed that help parents teach their child to read on their own. But many parents are lost and do not know at what age to start teaching their child reading skills and what method to choose for this. Let's consider everything in order.

When to teach your child to read

Few adults think about the fact that reading is a rather complex process, which consists not only in learning letters, the ability to form syllables from them, or even to reproduce long sentences.

The essence of learning to read is that the baby is able to consciously perceive and reproduce the text.

In this regard, the answer to the question of when it is allowed to teach a child to read such as "The sooner the better" is incorrect. Neurologists warn parents that teaching a child early to read can in some cases harm him. After all, the nervous system and the human brain develops gradually. If you begin to forcefully influence the parts of the child's brain that are not yet physiologically ready to function in full force, then neurosis, insomnia and other psychological problems may develop.

Each parent can independently determine the physiological readiness of their little child for reading:

  1. The baby has developed and fully formed speech. He not only speaks in complex sentences, but is also able to compose a short coherent story.
  2. The child has fully developed phonemic hearing. The kid can easily independently determine the sound at the beginning, at the end and in the middle of a word.
  3. The child already correctly pronounces all the sounds, and also he does not have a violation of the rhythm of speech, melody and other speech therapy problems.
  4. The crumbs have fully formed spatial orientation.

Teachers and psychologists recommend that parents start teaching children to read no earlier than 5 years old. At this age, the child's brain is able to easily master any sign systems. But, each kid is individual, and in practice there are cases when children begin to read on their own even at an earlier age.

Methods for early learning to read

Today, many methods have been developed that help kids quickly learn to read with the help of their parents. Let's consider the most relevant of them in more detail:

Teaching a child to read correctly: Zaitsev's technique

The essence of this technique, which has been successfully used for more than 20 years, is that kids do not immediately study sounds and letters, but warehouses. Zaitsev's static cubes contribute to the development of the phonetic composition of the language by the crumbs. This didactic material includes 12 groups. Cubes can be gold, wooden and iron, inside of which there is a variety of fillers. In a playful way, the child learns to distinguish between consonants and vowels, as well as hard, soft and deaf sounds. The set for early learning to read includes not only Zaitsev's cubes, but also special tables that are shown to be placed just above the height of the child on the wall, and audio cassettes.

Parents in the process of learning to read should not pronounce warehouses, but sing.

In Zaitsev's methodology, this technique is called "chants". In this case, tables should be used that contribute to a more active memorization of the material. As a result of systematic studies, children can easily memorize about 246 warehouses of the Russian language.

It should be noted that Zaitsev's technique is more relevant for "left-handed" children, who quickly and easily perceive the warehouse and the whole word, as well as for children with mental-emotional violations. At the same time, the speed of a child's learning depends on his age. If the baby is more than three years old, then in six months he will be able to learn to read. At the same time, you should engage with the baby at least twice a week. The duration of the lesson is 15-30 minutes.

Teachers don't think Zaitsev's technique is ideal for a child and note both the pros and cons. positive side methodologies are such moments:

  • the child remembers the combination of letters in a playful way and he does not need to think about how to read the warehouse;
  • on Zaitsev's cubes the correct combinations of letters are depicted, which in the future will help the child write correctly;
  • the Zaitsev system is not tied to any age category;
  • the child can independently play with Zaitsev's cubes, learning early reading;
  • Zaitsev's cubes have a positive effect on the development of the senses and fine motor skills.
  • This technique also has some disadvantages:
  • a child who has learned to read using this method often swallows the endings and it is difficult for him to understand the composition of the word, since he immediately studied the warehouses;
  • difficulties in the first grade with phonemic analysis of the word, since in Zaitsev's method, sounds are marked with completely different colors;
  • method inconsistency;
  • expensive manuals and lengthy preparation for the start of classes.

Teaching a child to read correctly: Glenn Doman's technique

The essence of this popular technique of an American scientist is that the baby does not remember sounds or warehouses, but automatically masters whole words. For this, special cards are used, with the image of a word and a sentence. Parents show the baby a certain card for 15 seconds and loudly call its meaning.

Classes according to this technique should be carried out regularly and initially last about 5-10 minutes. As a result, the baby will not only quickly learn to read, but he will develop intellectual abilities, photographic memory, attention and the ability to concentrate on a specific object. The advantages of this technique the following:

  • the technique can be used from the very birth of the crumbs;
  • classes can be independently organized by parents, without the involvement of specialists;
  • didactic material can be done independently;
  • the baby receives a comprehensive development, as the cards are of various subjects.
  • Teachers identify the following disadvantages of this technique:
  • the child in the course of learning takes a passive position;
  • the baby does not learn to read on his own, but only listens to information and analyzes it;
  • it is impossible to show creativity in the learning process;
  • the learning process is the same: you need to show the baby a variety of cards every day;
  • children who are older than three years are not very willing to accept this technique.

Correctly teaching a child to read: the development system of Pavel Tyulenev "MIR"

This technique is relevant today for many parents, especially the author's book "Read before walking." The teacher and innovator is sure that a child can easily put letters into words by the age of one, and read fluently by the age of two. To do this, you need to deal with the crumbs from birth, namely, to demonstrate cards with letters, voicing them loudly.

The first four months of the child are especially important, when his brain actively perceives any graphic images.

At the same time, it is important that any toys or foreign objects distracting attention do not fall into the field of view of the baby. Thus, a favorable developmental environment is created for the child, which contributes to active learning in the future to read. The author of the methodology invites parents to skip the figurative and sensory-motor developmental stage of the baby.

Teaching a child to read correctly: a classic way of learning - Primer

This manual is distinguished by a variety of pictures and images on the pages of your favorite characters. The principle of this traditional technique is that the baby learns to combine individual sounds into syllables, and the resulting syllables into words. At the same time, the child is provided with special offers for various combinations of a vowel with a consonant and vice versa. It is important that in the primer acquired by the parents, all the letters of the alphabet are not immediately presented, and then information is provided about their connection to each other. The best option is a primer in which this process is carried out in parallel. After all, it is in the course of many foldings that the child learns to read actively and realizes its basic principles.

It should be noted that many parents, having tested many modern methods, are returning to the traditional method of teaching reading. Of course, this technique is not easy and simple, but it allows the child to independently analyze the information received and read the first warehouses and words, and then short sentences.

An easy way to teach your child to read

We offer you to master the easiest way to teach your child to read. This method consists of several stages. Let's consider them in more detail:

Learning only vowels

To do this, parents must prepare a special didactic material: red circles with a diameter of 10 cm. On these circles you need to write all 10 vowels. This color was not chosen by chance, since in sound schemes vowels are indicated by a red dot. Introduce the baby to each vowel sound separately and sing its name along with it. Circles with vowel sounds can be pasted around the house and periodically ask the baby to sing a song for a particular sound. After a while, change the location of the circles.

This technique can no longer be used if the baby remembered all the songs correctly.

Then you can play with the baby in interesting hide and seek with vowel sounds. To do this, take a text with a large enough font or write simple words on separate sheets of paper yourself. The task of the child is to find the vowel hidden in the word. Thanks to this game, the kid will better remember the graphic image of the letter, as well as learn how to distinguish a letter from a word, regardless of its color and size.

Learning to read individual syllables and simple words

When the baby has fully learned the vowel sounds, you can proceed to the process of combining them into syllables. In doing so, use the following method. For example, today you will introduce the letter H to the baby. It should be noted that the information about whether the letter being studied is hard or soft is not important for the baby. First of all, draw the child's attention to the features of its graphic image and think of what objects the letter is associated with. Try to create a clear image of the letter H in the baby’s head.

Next, we attach the letter being studied to the finished red circles with vowels and read the educated syllable together with the baby. You can sing the received syllables, pronounce with different intonation and use other techniques so that the baby understands the principle of syllable formation. This lesson should be carried out in a playful way and should not exceed 10 minutes.

After the baby has mastered two or three consonants, you can learn to compose simple words of three or four letters. For example: co+k, co+n or but+s. For these purposes, you can prepare cards with syllables and letters, or use a magnetic alphabet.

Reading difficult words

When the baby learns to read individual syllables and small words, you can start reading complex words consisting of 6 or more letters. For faster results, write familiar words for your child on a piece of paper and post them around the house. Read with the baby together all the new words several times. Then during the day in a playful way, repeat these words several times. In this case, you can change the location of the leaves with words. When you have already mastered the first group of words with your child, proceed to new words.

In addition, repeat previously learned words periodically.

The above method will help the baby quickly learn to read syllables first, and then words. It is enough to pay attention to this technique for 15 minutes a day, and your child will soon read individual sentences and short stories.

Rules for Successful Learning to Read

  1. Teaching a child should be carried out in a playful way, since in this age period it is the game that is an active form of learning about the world.
  2. Interest in classes should be constantly supported by multifunctional manuals and exciting didactic material.
  3. The most effective for the baby are short lessons of a consistent nature.
  4. Your explanations should be clear, short and concise, as a preschooler is not able to take long and many hours of instructions.
  5. Start teaching your baby to read only if his oral speech is fully developed and there are no defects in sound pronunciation.
  6. The structure of your lesson should include not only the training part, but also short warm-ups, physical exercises, finger gymnastics and other activities.
  7. Be consistent, flexible, and patient throughout the session.
  8. Don't compare your child's reading achievement to other children's. After all, each child has his own individual pace of acquiring reading skills, which depends on many factors.
  9. Do not start with the baby if he or you are in a bad mood. These classes will not be effective and will negatively affect the further development of the baby.

It should be noted that the process of learning to read is a long and multifaceted process. At the same time, the child develops his own pace of learning the basics of reading.

Parents, first of all, should focus not on fashionable methods of early education, but on the individual developmental characteristics of the crumbs of thinking, memory and attention. After all, it depends on how correctly you teach a child to read whether a competent and thoughtful reader will grow out of him.