The history of the Tatar family: his wife's older husband, Nehphspirovsky passion and the first names. Tatar Family - Muslim Family

(Jathumbnail Off) Waiting, impatient, and, ... Finally, the themes of diplomas are placed. Surprise of intuition of teachers, as if read thoughts, and determining that this topic for me. We must admit that throughout the conscious life I often thought about the "Tatar mentality" facing his features, because the mentality is formed in the process of upbringing and gaining life experience.

The culture of the Tatar people (being part of Eastern and Muslim), strong in the educational influence, felt from early childhood and the Tatar mentality is a natural and unconscious look at life. For a better understanding of the unusual features of the family life of the Tatar people, (given that the Tatars - the second ethnos in Russia), I propose to turn to the historical reference, and analyze what trends and today pronounced.

The family life of Tatars has long been built on the basis of the Holy Book of the Muslim Koran, combined with the Arm of Muslim Right Sharia, and it was Religion that served as the formation of Tatar culture, customs and traditions. The family has always been a value for the Tatars: "The person who comes in marriage has more merit before Allah than the most devout Muslim remaining bachelor."

In the raising of children and the inner routine of the life of the family, the authorities of the Father was decisive. In families, the girl was taught to be a submissive husband: "The obedience to him equal to Allah's obedience," and the boy is "dominant over his wife," while men encouraged attentive, good attitude towards wives, as they say in the statements of the Prophet Mohammed.

Given that the traditional Tatar family is based on patriarchal principles, in modern families and today the expressed father's authority and patriarchal structure with a small presence of female maitimius are traced. "At least six days of starving, but Father read," said Tatars. Mother in many cases plays the role of a certain binder between the Father and Children.

Arguing about the Tatar wives should not be noted that they love to prepare dishes of their nationality and the family honor the Tatar cuisine, which, among other things, is famous for sweets and baking. Not only wonderful recipes of national cooking, but also welcoming hospitality, because It means not so much a guest feeding as a sign of respect for a person.

Usually in Tatarstan, they do not immediately begin the business part of the conversation, it passes at the table, for tea, because Talking standing is considered indecent. "The non-smart man is defective," said Muslims.

Previously, the young after the wedding was obligatory from her husband either his parents, and there was a saying: "Yortka Kergench - Ker's duck" ("It is better to enter the fire than the head of the house"). To this day, in Tatar families there is a secretly rule that young people go to the house of the spouse.

The main form of marriage was marriage in walling. In the past, the choice of a marriage partner was calculated in economically: the bride should be worker and kindred, because For mother-in-law, it was considered unworthy to have a daughter-in-law and continue to bother the farm. The attention also appeared on the origin, pedigree, the virginity of the girl and the execution of the rites of the Muslim faith.

According to traditions, these requirements are considered today: the future wife must have hard work, and with respect to her husband and his parents, because The significant quality of the traditions of the Tatar people is the deepest respect for the ancestors and seniors.

The role of parents, at the time of choosing the bride and groom, was determining. Nowadays, the authority of parents persists, manifested and in the fact that young people listen and take into account their opinion when deciding to conclude a marriage.

From the origins of Islam Muslims, it was impossible that marriage relationship is a source of love, compassion and understanding; And the wedding rituals are attractive to this day: the redemption of the bride (calm); obtaining the dowry of the bride (BIRNE); Religious rite of marriage (nicknames), on which Mullah is present and bonded the union before God.

Among the others taken by Tatar families of religious values \u200b\u200brelated, with the ritual side of Islam, the name, reading prayers, post per month Ramadan, adoption of guests, hajj, distribution of laying (garde).

For clarity, we turn to the rite of name (described by the historian Kayumu Saturi): "When the invited turns out to be assembled, the child on the pillow is brought to Mulle. Mullah puts the child with his feet in the direction of Kaaba (the Muslim shrine in the form of a cubic construction in a mosque in Mecca) and reads a prayer, then ... Three times says: "Let your precious name be so". Guests are made by honey with butter, treating, invited to the tray of money, as can be ". This ceremony is unchanged today.

The family-related relations of Tatars have passed a difficult path of development, large families are now disappearing, there has been a tendency to form small families. But the upbringing of children, is still one of the important functions of the modern Tatar family: "Balalai She - Bazaar, Balashiz to her - Mazar" ("House with children - Bazaar, a house without children - a cemetery").

Given that under family traditions, the customs, views, norms and manners transmitted from generation to generation are understood, then, respectively, children carry samples of behavior adopted in the parent family to their family.

The fact that when choosing a spouse, children from Tatar families take into account the qualities inherent in their parents, visually, and in my case. It is probably unconsciously, the authority of the father for me and the younger sister was so great, that many, seeing him with my first husband, in full confidence they believed that he was his son, in the future, also talked about her sister's husband.

Apparently, in addition to internal identification, we were looking for our chosenses and external similarities. No less important for us was, and receiving parental approval when choosing spouses.

I will try in the context of this topic to affect the personal history of professional formation, including a family therapist. At the end of the school, he dreamed of becoming a psychologist, and listening to the girlfriends with a clock, wondered when my alignment of their problem situation brought positive fruits. But for that period of the psychological faculty in Kazan University, there was no, but to act in Leningrad, did not solve; Awareness of the need for accommodation in a hostel did not contribute to nothing romantic. Wanting to be like a mother, which is a positive model and engaged in high posts in the Soviet Trade system, in the future of the city administration, I went to fight the expanses of retail, reaching the desired heights of the career staircase, and getting a steering wheel in the regional structures of Moscow retail chains.

In work, I finally approved in the thoughts on the presence of a mentality and the difference in the perception of a number of situations perceived by me, as a norm and dance, and Moscow colleagues, as the specificity of our region. To illustrate, I will bring the quotation of a specialist in ethnology, candidate of economic sciences Andrei Ataeva: "Tatar mentality is characterized by a verbal-logical way to comprehend the surrounding world, in other words, the Tatar ethnical is distinguished by the dominant appeal to the mind, and not to feelings. It is this feature that underlies their legislation, a sense of respect for power, love for order and stability. After hitting the unfavorable situation, Tatar may show flexibility and take unprofitable rules of the game, as it does not see the meaning to go against the current. Such a skill (adapt, choosing the necessary strategy in accordance with the situation), helps them in work. "

Probably, something from this quotation contributed to the fact that they sent me to negotiations with the "first persons". The plus was considered that the Tatar woman was dealing in the "national character" of men about which Rudolph Nuriev wrote: "Our Tatar blood flows somehow faster and ready to boil always ... We are a strange mixture of tenderness and rudeness, a combination that is rarely found among the Russians ... ".

And now about the main thing. Having closed the previous heads of life, but with gratitude to the past, which made it possible to get on the material foundation, managed to embody the dream and learn at the Psychological Faculty of Kazan University. By coincidence, fate gave a meeting with wonderful people in a "psychological" environment that contributed to the road to the Institute of Integrative Family Therapy.

It was a "happy ticket" who gave me the knowledge and joy of learning in the circle of new friends and amazing teachers who forever occupied the place in the shower and heart; And the main "sample of imitation" is the magnificent Marina Aleksandrovna Bebchuk. Thanks to this "Ticket" - I began to practice in the framework of "family psychotherapy", which is environmentally friendly for me, regarding the Ecosystem "Psychologist-Client".

The family therapist has to be interested in, studying and comprehended by national specifics, otherwise it is impossible to achieve the effective interaction of spouses, since many are closed by the strength or unusualness of national traditions.

At meetings with clients, surprisingly, but when analyzing the family structure: borders, distribution of roles, hierarchies, decision-making dominance - the national flow of the family is determined even without personal data.

In addition, leaning on mental features, it is easier to navigate in the dysfunctional life of the family and look for a way out of the crisis.

For example, the following is drawn to: by virtue of greater stability of family traditions and strong related links, some Tatars deliberately live three-popular families, having the opportunity, but not wanting to touch around. And considering that one of the characteristic features in Tatarstan is the cult of parents and older man in general, Babai and Ebi (Grandfather, Grandma) are used by special respect.

In two-salted families, where children are brought up separately from the progenitors, it is characterized by a neutral attitude towards religious values, but the commitment of customs, ethnic values, related links and ethno-language is observed. The assimilation of the Tatar language, is not only the desire of admission to their native culture, but also allows communication with the older relatives (especially in the case of their lives in rural areas, where communication is only in their native language).

There is also the preservation of the tradition of compliance with the age rank between children: younger children should obey the older brothers and sisters, who guard and care about the younger, while the appeal to relatives, occurs using the terms of kinship: APA is an older sister, Abai older brother. However, the same forms of appeal are also used in relation to the brothers and sisters of parents. Knowing this, at a meeting with customers, data on related links is specified.

In Tatar families, it is considered indecent to interfere with the children in the conversation of the elders, and to interrupt each other - ignorant. Dogmas in Muslims are built on respect, i.e. Respect the younger to the elders, wives to her husband, which is a recognition of the significance of another in relation to yourself.

Accordingly, the submission and self-assessment is merged into a single structure, and the power is more harmonious, there is a skill of submission to social requirements for the "vertical" principle (which corresponds to almost all social institutions). Perhaps this is the answer to some national peculiarities of Tatar. There is an adaptation of the traditional values \u200b\u200bof the Tatar family to the trends of modern society.

My subjective experience formed by accommodation in Tatarstan and information from various sources for research with samples of respondents from different nationalities helps me focus on counseling, the goal that is to achieve the harmony of family relationships, regardless of the religion of its members.

Let me only conclude that the ethnopsychological and ethnocultural aspect of married relations is an important factor in the success of marriage, and it is impossible not to note some presence of inter-ethnic tension between ethnic groups in marital relations, but also cannot be recognized in relationships the presence of tolerance and mutual adoption in relationships.

Folk traditions are National Wealth Tested by our ancestors. But no matter what traditions and religions we consider, love and there is a virtue that all the Messiah and the Prophets bequeathed to their followers and humanity as a whole.

In the Muslim Society, marriage accompanied by the birth of children is a religious duty, and celibacy is a regrettable state. Quran allows the believer at the same time four wives. In Sura Krano, which is called "Women", it is said: "Marry those who are pleasant to you, women - and two, and three, and four. And if you are afraid that you won't be fair, then on one ... ". Socio-economic needs occupy the main place in the legal norms of the Sharia concerning the marriage-family relations.

Wife is required:

  • Live in the house of her husband;
  • Obey his orders if they are not reckless;
  • Strictly observe marital loyalty from the moment of signing the marriage contract, regardless of whether the MachR was paid or not;
  • Avoid reprehensible proximity to outsiders;
  • Not to appear without valid reasons in public places;
  • Without husband's permission, the wife has no right to acquire property nor hire servants.

It should be noted that a naughty wife cannot claim her husband's content throughout the term until she obeys his will. In the event of non-fulfillment of the present requirements, the husband can divorce with it and refuse it in the content. A recalcitrant wife's husband in the right to deprive freedom and after admission to expose to light corporal punishments.

Husband is obliged:

  • To contain an adult wife, according to its own and its condition, and in the inequality of conditions - according to the average calculation. The husband contains a married wife, after giving a divorce at the request of a husband, when divorced in the event of a pregnancy of his wife. Outlet of her husband from home for a period of 6 months and refusal to keep his wife throughout the same period are a reason for divorce.
  • If the husband has more than one wife, then he is obliged to give each individual bedroom, which has its own separate exit to the courtyard, and if possible, to share its property between them, turning to them the same in other respects.
  • In case of failure of a husband from a marriage cohabitation, the wife can refer to the people's judge, which, however, acts on the spouses alone by admission
  • The husband is obliged to let his wife visit her parents once a week, children from the last marriage - to visit them quite often, and also allow it to visit and take her own relatives in the degrees of kinship.
  • The husband is not subject to recovery (nor civil or criminal) for non-compliance with the marital loyalty, except for the case of the content in the same house with the wife of the supernits. This can be considered as an insult to the religious feeling of his wife, which constitutes the act of cruelty, in the broad sense of the word, justifying his wife for unwillingness to live with her husband and providing her the right to demand detention from him, despite the refusal to live with him
  • Husband should treat his wife well and contact her as it requires customs.
  • The husband is obliged to buy his wife a different clothes for summer and winter, for wearing day and night, as well as all the necessary underwear, blanket, pillows, carpets, etc.

The divorce on Muslim law, in contrast to many other secular and religious legislation of the world, is distinguished by its amazing ease and lack of any formalities. It is amazing that Islam so zealously struggling against celibacy and monastics, creates very easy conditions for termination of the marriage and destruction of the family.

In the case of divorce, a man is more free in his actions than a woman, although formally similar right is given to the latter. The only conditions that Sharia puts in front of a man who want to divorce is - he must be in their right mind and do not forcing anyone to the divorce. A woman who received a divorce as a widow cannot immediately get married. Sharia sets the following rules: Immediately after the divorce, a woman who was not married to nine years old, and a widow over 50 years old, as it is believed that women neither at different age can have children and therefore they do not need to expect expiration After the adjustment period set by the Sharia.

Traditionally, the Tatars sought to always have as many children as possible, namely, boys like successors of the genus, reliable support in old age, as labor for the management of the economy. Large families met approval in society. Largeness was natural in Tatar families. The average number of individual family was 8-10 people. And the modern Tatar family believes that the family should have children. But now there are a lot of families, where a woman for one reason or another can not have children. These spouses take on the upbringing of other children from orphanages, and most often from maternity homes, where women are refused or there are cases when they take a newborn child from a relative-fashioned family. At the same time, it is believed that God will pay for the good act, the family will be durable, such parents are respected in society, warmly responds and try to help with advice and affairs. Tatars have always believed that the woman should give birth, and the broken woman became the object of the robs, woven around. About such women said that they are "emptying."

The basic principles of traditional family etiquette built on impeccable respect and reverence of senior younger, parents of children, hardworking are persisted in most Tatar families. Grandfather and Grandma (Babai, Ebi) are especially respectful. Their bedrooms are located in the front (guest) part of the house, and during the common meal they are sitting at the honorable places. The transfer of folk traditions, the national self-consciousness is more successful: ("We are Tatars", "We are hardworking and therefore a successful people"), it happens in three-populated families, where the highlight is played by the elderly - Grandparents.

The most important function of the modern family remains upbringing children. No wonder Tatars say: "Balalya her - Bazaar, Balashiz to her - Mazar" (literally: "House with children - Bazaar, a house without children - a cemetery").

Education of moral - moral qualities is also considered one of the main tasks of parents who warn their children from the actions condemned by society. This parents are guided by traditions going into deep antiquity on which all previous generations were raised. The distribution of parental roles in the transfer of folk traditions to children has its own specifics. Fathers are more involved in the upbringing of national self-consciousness, while the mother mainly transmits the peculiarity of national culture and life at the substantive level. In a modern family, the tradition of supporting by adults by his members of the father's authority is preserved.

Children are learned from early age. The boys tend to perform work, which is considered for men, and girls in all help mothers and take care of the younger brothers and sisters. In the process of labor, children not only perceive labor skills, they are brought up with such moral qualities as a sense of collectivism, responsibility, debt, care and attention towards others, respect for the elders.

The tradition of compliance with the age rank between the children is maintained: younger children should obey the older brothers and sisters, which, in turn, must protect the younger and take care of them. The Tatars adopted an appeal to the senior brothers and sisters, even with a small age difference, not named, and with the help of the title forms of the terms of kinship: APA is an older sister, Abai (Absius) Senior Brother. The same forms of appeal are used in relation to the brothers and sisters of parents.

Islam prescribes men to take care of their mothers, sisters, daughters and wives. Tatars show a special attitude towards the mother. In one of the reliable Hadiths (Hadith, the prophet's statement and the message of his associates about his teaching and lifestyle) is said that "Paradise is under the legs of the mother, and therefore the attitude towards mother determines the well-being of men. Traditional character wore guardianship over orphaned children. Wostering children were not given to orphanages. Relatives took care of them, and sometimes just fellow villagers.

Tatars are a very hospitable people. You will never leave the Tatar family without treat. It is in blood. Tatar people are kind, benevolent, clean: even without living conditions, water pipes, no Tatar woman will cook, not happing, not under the head. Then, honesty was always peculiar to Tatarina: even during the war there were never castles on houses. The ancestors of Tatars - Bulgarians were farmers, from here, respectively - hard work. Most Tatars have a commercial vein, they have always been the best "buy-sell." Tatars are also peculiar to dedication to kinship.

In the process of changes in socio-political life among the Tatar population, the influence of Islam fell. Family and marriage issues transferred to state bodies. Nowadays, marriage has become an act of creating a new family cell on the basis of a voluntary union of young, united with mutual love and respect. Relationships in a modern Tatar family are more democratic, they suggest respect for the personal dignity of each of its member, but the traditional etiquette is mainly observed. The family acts as a stronghold of the National Spirit, the symbol of the inviolability and preservation of family men, the carrier of high, moral and aesthetic began, the custodian of the culture of traditions and language. Sources:

And the Tatars built a family life on the basis of the Quran and Sunna. It was the religion that largely served the formation of Tatar culture, tradition. Religion kept from the blurring of the moral values \u200b\u200bof the Tatar, which is the necessary norm of the existence of society. The family always appreciated and appreciated by Tatars, and marriage is considered a natural necessity. Among the Tatars, as among other peoples professing IslamThe marriage was considered the sacred responsibility of Muslim: " The person who combined with marriage has more merit before God, than the most devout Muslim, who remains a bachelor».

The traditional Tatar-Muslim family of the monogamna, because by the beginning of the XIX century, the cases of polygamy from the Tatar became extremely rare. Despite the unconditional patriarchal nature of the Tatar-Muslim family, in the tradition of the Tatar people, the role of the woman was always high, both in the family and social life of society.

The basic principles of traditional family etiquette built on impeccable respect and reverence of senior younger, parents of children, hardworking are persisted in most Tatar families. Parents and praodaters of her husband enjoy special respect. Also Islam Prescribes men to take care of their mothers, sisters, daughters and wives. Tatars show a special attitude towards the mother. In one of the reliable Hadiths it is said that " paradise is under the legs of the mother"(An-Nasai), and therefore, the attitude towards it determines the well-being of men in this and subsequent life.

General Marriage Regulations in Islam

Islam pays special attention to marriage and in every way encourages the joining of a person when they reach the age of majority, if he is ready for this physically, morally and financially. Most High created a man - the forefather of mankind Adama - and created a spouse for him from his own flesh - Havu So that they find comfort and rest in their union, found peace and tranquility. Creator of all the existence said:

About people! We created you a man and a woman and made youpeople and tribes so you know each other. After all, the most noble of you before Allah is the most God-fearing. Truly, Allah is a knowledgeable, knowledgeable!

Holy Quran, 49:13

The family is the sign of the Most High:

From his signs - whatHe created for you from you wives themselves so that you live with them, arranged between you love and mercy. Truly, in this - a sign for people who reflect!

Holy Quran, 30:21

Also marriage is a Sunny and quality inherent in prophets and righteous, a non-profitable refusal to create a family is unacceptable and bear Islam. Messenger Allah (S.A.V.) said: " Marriage is my Sunnae who avoids my Sunnah, he avoids me"(Ibn-majj).

There are many divine and prophetic properties in which it is clearly recommended to conclude marriage not only to avoid joining the path of delusions, debauchery and adultery, but in order to gain the benefits of this and subsequent life.

The only right way to create a family in Islam - This is the conclusion of a legitimate marriage, i.e. Nickyand. According to the canons of Islamic law, marriage can only be concluded between a man and a woman and only by their mutual agreement. Speaking of marriage in IslamIt is worth noting that this is not just a way to legally satisfy your physiological desires, but much more: this is the best that you can have from worldly goods in this life.

A family - This is the only kind of worship,

which can continue in the world of eternal.

Theologian Ibn Abidin Said: " No worship that would be establishedby the time of Adam and existed to this day, and then there was a continuation in subsequent life, except for marriage».

Under Muslim marriage means a union concluded between a man and a woman in accordance with the laws of Islamic law. These laws are implemented by Tatars through the prism of the Hanafi legal school, which is a source of family law of most Muslim countries in the world. In this regard, Sharia norms or theological conclusions (festels) concerning family-marital relations and produced in the territories of the spiritual departments of Central Russia should be carried out in accordance with the Hanafi legal school.

Islamic marriage ( nicky) There is no legal force in our country, i.e. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, it is not considered valid, therefore, in order to protect the rights of family members, newlyweds need to register marriage in the registry offices. Almighty Allah said:

Obey Allah, obey the Messenger and aboutpower trees among you.

Holy Quran, 4:59

Based on this Ayat, some theologians make a conclusion that for Muslims the laws of the region of living in the region, which are not contrary to Sharia, are the same mandatory for execution, like other laws of Sharia.

It is worth noting that the marriage that was concluded only in the bodiesThe registry office often complies with the rules for the conclusion of Islamic marriage (no). And therefore it is not entirely to believe thata certain number of ethnic Muslims who have marriage in the registry office and who did not commit an Islamic wedding ritual, are considered adulterers.

It should also be paid to the fact that the dissolution of the marriage in the registry offices often complies with the Islamic rules of termination of marriage and therefore breaks the Islamic marriage, i.e. occurs talak.

Marriage Termination (Talak)

According to the canons of the Islamic law, the termination of marriage occurs only as a result of voluntary or forced will of her husband. Forced will - this is the result of the work of the Kazyatov, which are entitled to terminate Muslim marriages, based on the laws of Islamic law.

As B. Islam The dissolution of marriage is not welcomed, which is confirmed by the saying of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V.) " The most hated doseracts before the Almighty - Divorce"(Ibn Maja, Abu-Davud), Spouse Muslims and the Muslim community should make a maximum effort to preserve the family.

And if you are afraid of a gap between both, then send a judge from his family and a judge from her family; If they wish reconciliation, Allah will help them. Truly, Allah is a knowledgeable person!

Holy Quran, 4:35

This revelation indicates the need for the existence of a certain body, which would perform the functions of a peacemaker, would allow common family problems, etc. A system of quasiats can be used as a model, which operates in a number of DUM, in particular in Tatarstan.

The decision to terminate the marriage does not come simultaneously, often this is preceded by a number of factors. Some of them are formed during a marriage, and some of the spouses are in prison. In order to preserve and strengthen the family, it is necessary to study and prevent these factors. In this extremely important process of prophylaxis, the entire Muslim community should be involved: parents, laid in future husband and wife, the right life principles and benchmarks; spiritual leaders of Muslims; Chapters of parishes and teachers of Islamic educational institutions.

Heads of the regions and municipalities are also interested in preserving marriage. These bodies are preventive to work among the population in the following issues:

- Proper building the priorities of the moral qualities of future spouses;

In this issue, Islam calls us to make a focus on the religiousness of the future satellite of life. Prophet(S.A.V.) said: " A woman is taken to his wife at four reasons: for her wealth, for her status, for her beauty and her piousness. So seek devout!"(Bukhari). Execution Prophet Muhammada (S.A.V.) does not exclude such qualities as wealth, social status and beauty, moreover, any other good quality can facilitate marriage.

- attitude to interethnic marriage;

According to the canons of Islamic law, interethnic marriages are not prohibited or relied. This is confirmed by the fact that Prophet (S.A.V.) issued Muslims of his tribe for Muslims of Naaraksky origin.

At the same time, you need to see the difference between the periodicity of interethnic marriages and the chaotic mixing of peoples and races. Given the Sharia permissibility of such marriages, Muslims should not forget about the belonging of itself and its future children to one specific people, since the national identity and dedication to the traditions that correspond to the Sharia, there is a manifestation of piousness. Weak on reliability, but the correct transmission of our blessed Prophet Muhammada (S.A.V.) says: " Love for homeland is a manifestation of faith"(AS-Sakhavi. Al-Macasid al-Husna).

A similar meaning was tried to convey the theologians to the theologians of the Khanafitsky Mazhab, who believed that the groom, who accepted Islam and the Muslim ancestors, does not correspond to Muslim, the father and grandfathers of which are Muslims. This provision indicates that the difference in the cultural and religious values \u200b\u200bof her husband and wives can later affect the fortresses of marriages.

The wife, marrying the representative of another nationality, should initially know and understand that her children follow the nationality of her husband, and her husband, respecting nationality and the tradition of their wife, nevertheless, should instill with children a sense of belonging to his family.

In order to avoid dissociation, marriage should be extremely prudently to probabilities the conclusion of marriages between extremely unacceptable peoples and races. Parent, mainly the father of the bride, is responsible for the right choice of the future spouse, he also has the full right to prevent marriage if a potential spouse does not fit the bride on conformity criteria.

- Propaganda of traditional family fears;

Article 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that a man and a woman have equal rights and equal opportunities for their implementation, thereby propaganda of the egalitarian family is supported by law, which to a certain extent complicates the prevention of patriarchal family obstacles.

However, the theory often disperse with practice, because despite such democratization of society, the spouse is often the only breadwinner in the family, and a woman, according to tradition, should give all his free time with homemade troubles and child care.

The gender principle of relationships between men and women is prescribed in the next Koranic Ayat:

Husbands stand above their wives for the fact that Allah gave one advantage over others, and for spending from their property. And decent women are reverent, retain the secret in what keeps Allah.

Holy Quran, 4:34

It should be noted that the Most High conditional husband's head over his wife tied up with the fact that the husband assumes all the material costs associated with the content of the family. But the current economic situation of the average Muslim family forces both spouses to work, while it should be borne in mind that such a state of affairs gives a woman moral right to make solutions unilaterally to the extent that it is financially involved in the formation of a family budget.

At the same time, complete female employment brings the child from the family educational process into an educational process regulated by the state system, which is distant from Islamic religious and moral family principles.

According to the data of the Kazan Muslim Court (Kazyata), the main reason for termination of the marriage is considered a complete or partial financial non-adventure of his wife's wife. In order to avoid divorces, it is necessary to prevent the conclusion of marriages in which the material participation of her husband will be noticeably less than the participation of his wife.

Therefore, the theologians of the Hanafi legal school entail the control of this issue to the father of the bride and called it "controlling the match of her husband's husband (cafa)." In the event that the material contribution of the husband will be less than the contribution of his wife, but at the same time it will cover all the basic needs of the family, then in such an alignment of financial roles there is nothing reprehensible with the condition that the material wealth will not be burdened with any obligations.

- prevention of a healthy lifestyle;

According to psychologists, the most frequent causes of the divorce of marriage are intimate character problems, marital treason, alcoholism, drug addiction and material failure of a man. Most of these reasons, one way or another, are associated with the unhealthy lifestyle of spouses. Our blessed Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V.) said: " Strong (healthy) Muslim is better than a weak (patient) Muslim, although in both of them there is a good"(Muslim).

Islam In every possible way, it encourages a healthy lifestyle, while it prohibits consuming different types of alcoholic and narcotic substances. A huge number of divorces, crimes and deaths occurs because of drug addiction and alcoholism, the fight against which is almost the main task of the entire Muslim community. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.V) said: " Welcome wine (everything that deprives you mind), truly wine Mother of all vices"(An-Nasaai).

In this regard, the establishment of systematic work on informing the population on the destructive consequences of alcohol and drug addiction, the organization of spiritual and medical rehabilitation centers, charitable (vacufted) funds, supporting the rehabilitation of alcohol and drug addicts, as well as their families, the propaganda of the ideas of social responsibility of citizens for fate Future generations Muslims is very relevant.

- control over the observance of the rights and obligations of spouses;

After marriage, a number of rights and obligations are enshrined for her husband and wife, the failure to comply with sinfulness.

Wife In relation to her husband, there have a number of rights, some of them are property as, for example, marriage redemption(mahr.), contents (natchak)and part of non-property: such as security from physical and moral injuries from the husband.

Husbandwith regard to his wife, there are only two rights, they are both non-property, this is obedience of the wife and the right to engage in its religious-moral education. The right to receive the inheritance from each other and the right to marital intimacy are the rights that spouses have in the same way.

To solve these issues, it is proposed to introduce into practice the conclusion of marriage treaties during or after state registration. In marriage contracts, it is clearly prescribed: the procedure for carrying family expenses, both during marriage and after it; The regime of separate ownership of all property and other property rights, reinforcing and strengthening family bonds.

It is also necessary to strengthen the role of the Kazyatov Institute, which will conduct advisory and educational work among the Muslim population. It is recommended to strengthen the work on preventing the formation of unstable family relations through lectures, seminars and round tables on the topic of the Islamic family model.

Muslim family and state

Fundamental family principles preached in IslamIt does not always comply with the legal norms of the Russian Federation, however, in general, both legal systems pursue the same goals and objectives in family matters and marriage.

For example, the policy of the Russian Federation for the decision of the demographic problem of Russia, which provides for the revival of the spiritual and moral tradition of the family, fully complies with the Islamic strategy for increasing the number of Muslims. The ideological basis of such a strategy correlates with the following provenation. Prophet Muhammada (S.A.V.): " Take the wives able to give birth, loving your husbands, because I will be proud of your numerous day"(Ahmad, Abu Dwood).

Meanwhile, annually in Russia about 8 million children are born out of marriage, from year to year the number of cases of deprivation of parental rights are growing, in connection with this, the law on the support of patronate family, orphans and children who remained without parental care confirms the universal and Islamic family principles. Most High said:

And they ask you about orphans. Tell me: committing the good of them - good.

Holy Quran, 2: 220

Also, the Creator of all the existing said:

NOT B.tom piety to pay your faces towards the East and West, and piety - who believed in Allah, and on the last day, and in the angels, and in Scripture, and in the prophets, and gave property, despite the love of him, close , both the orphans, and the poor, and the travelers, and asking, and on slaves, and put the prayer, and gave purification - and fulfilling their covenants when they conclude, and patient in misfortunes and distress and during trouble, are those that Were truth, it is them - God-fearing.

Holy Quran, 2: 177

Raising children on Tatar traditions

2. Features of the education of boys and girls in Tatar traditions

The submissions of the Tatar people about the family, the education of children are reflected in the complex of rules, norms of behavior, councils, recommendations, in oral folk art. Education of children has always been the most important task of the Tatar family.

In the raising of children and the inner routine of the life of the family of decisive was the authorities of the Father. In families, the girl was taught to be a submissive husband: "The obedience to him equal to Allah's obedience," and the boy is "dominant over his wife," while men are attentive, good attitude towards wives. Children are needed to continue the kind. Therefore, every father dreamed of having a son. Son is a last name successor. It was on his son who had hopes for the head of the economy, support in old age. In Tatar families, elderly parents must patient and contain adult children. This says this saying: "Kihi? T? Rennes? N - Ul? Ishka t? Beartyk "(the son-in-law does not happen better).

It is noted that the daughters are emotionally closer to the parents: "Fallet of Keshe - Urta Bai, Kyza Keshe -Kyzyl Bai." In modern families, love for children is an important pedagogical problem, as parents allow many irreparable errors. In the Tatar family, the child was always surrounded by warmth, love, called the source of joy: "Boo D? Nyada Tatla Ball, Baldan Yes, Bala Tatla" (in the life of Honey Sweet, and with the child even sweeter), but nevertheless, the child's cult in Tatar families never did not have. The people were condemned by the blind love of mothers to children, permissiveness, unreasonable requirements, indulging in children's whims. This is reflected in the saying: "BALA? AEN TORSA?, Balabulyrs?" (Baby to obey, you will become a child). The people have always been for a reasonable manifestation of love for children for parents to be responsible for the upbringing of their children, remembered that there is a child - not only joy, but also a big responsibility, and his proper education is a parent's debt to society: "Balans? ?, BUON GYNA T? GEL, AIDE DAY ERS ERSE "(Needless to grow a child, you need to grow smarter).

Education is effective when it starts from an early age and is constantly being carried out: "Balanikaravatt Arklya Yatkanda you? Lata Almaza?, Buoy Yatkach you? Laturmy Dim?" (While the child lies across the bed, it is necessary to teach his mind to teach when he lies along the bed, to teach the mind of the mind late).

As with other nations, the special role of the mother is recognized in the Tatar folk pedagogy. Mother is always softer and emotionally closer to children. "Ana Kamchysi - Mamytan, Ata s? Ze - Timerer? N" (Maternal punishment is soft, like cotton, and fatherly words are solid, like iron). But the authority of the Father is uncommon. The word of the father was always the law, it was not challenged. Mother tried to support the authority of his father, never canceled his demands, one did not accept serious solutions. Thus, the principle of unity of requirements was implemented. If there is a father's authority in the family, then conflict situations are easier to be solved when the fathers are invited to the school.

Etiquette in relations between parents and children was brought up in Tatar families from an early age and remained for life. Not only parents, but also children are responsible for their behavior, for their destiny.

Thus, the main norms, the rules of education of children in Tatar families were primarily a respectful, caring attitude towards parents, to elders, children, the responsibility of parents for the correct education of children to society, the mutual response of parents and children in front of each other, condemnation of unreasonable For children, the high authority of the Father in the raising of children, his hard hand, a decisive word in the family, humanity, mutual respect between relatives in the family.

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"In the villages of Grandparents, the Tatar language of grandchildren is no longer taught."

A sketch of the development strategy of the Tatar people turned out to be raw and unprepared.

The first public discussion of the development strategy of the Tatar people was held in Arsk. For convenience, the World Congress published on the site of the document sketches. Vice Prime Minister of Tatarstan and the head of Milli Shura Vasil Shaikhrasiev In the hall immediately hurried to make a reservation that we are talking about the sketch, and not about the finished project. So he decided to slow down the critique, which would have collapsed on the authors of the document and developers represented by the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Now the site of the WCT has been posted presentation slides in Russian and Tatar. Unfortunately, with a careful acquaintance with texts, it can be noted that they are very raw. So, stylistically, the presentation slides do not work in any way - the uncomfortable font, merging with the background of the page, the unbecable fields and indents around the text, which change from one page to the other, some frames are put on words, because of which the information is difficult to read. You have to be surprised that the collaborators of the Academy of Sciences do not know the PowerPoint program, and regret that their colleagues from the World Congress Tatars have not corrected explicit visual shortcomings of the presentation.

From the point of view of the text, the strategy sketch also has obvious problems. Firstly, the text is not calculated by the correctness, there are such typos like "... on the history and culture of Turko-Tatarl", "Popularization of the Tatar Lifestyle", "Preferential Help ...", "Promotion of achievements ... in the Mimiro space". Secondly, the document has a conceptual dampness - there is no definition that such a Tatar nation is confusing such concepts as "national", "nationality" and "nation", the incomprehensible design "Organization of the life of the Tatars".

The text also denotes "sources of generation" and "adaptation". Unfortunately, at a meeting with the residents of Arsk, Vasil Shayhrasiev, nor Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan and Deputy Head of Milli Shura Denmark Zagidullinaso did not explain when and why the Tatars need something to "generate", and then "adapt".

The discussion itself in the walls of the Agian Pedagogical College of Leaders of the VKT with the Tatar asset passed in the format, which is difficult to call the dialogue or exchange of views. Only the heads of the Congress, any questions, comments and critics from the crowded hall for 300 people were broadcast from the stands. Although Vasil Shakhrasiev and a member of the working group of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan and director of the Tatar Encyclopedia Institute and Regional Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan Iskander Gilyazov They asked the crowd to be more active. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the strategy sketch was published in parallel with the meeting and people simply did not have time to familiarize themselves with the text of the presentation.

From the strengths of the sketch, it can be noted that the definition of basic directions of growth is an emphasis on educational programs. It is mentioned here the importance of attracting benefactors to the opening and construction of Tatar kindergartens, schools and the organization of the Tatar University. There is a need for consolidated unified information space for all Tatars living not only in Tatarstan, but also in other regions of Russia and abroad.

In front of the residents of Arska Vasil Shaikhrasiev spoke about the importance of preserving the Tatar language in the family.

If parents do not speak with children in their native language, then however neither the system and open Tatar kindergartens, schools, gymnasiums and colleges, the case of the preservation and development of the Tatar language will not help, "the opinion of the Milli Shura chairman was announced.

He also responded to a critical assessment of Sabantui's "passionism by Tatar organizations."

Tatars also never spent their national holiday. And here there are Sabantuy. In fact, Sabantuy is a great opportunity to meet, communicate with your friends and relatives, come from the city to the native village. There are regions where Tatars, unfortunately, are already losing the tradition of the Sabanta. Therefore, this holiday is important for us, "said Vasil Shakhrasiev.

The Deputy Prime Minister also complained that today the Tatar village loses its role in the preservation and development of the native language.

When I was a child, children came to visit us who did not know Tatar and managed to learn him for the holidays. Now the children who come to the Tatar villages on vacation are learn to grandmothers Russian, - He regretted the head of Milli Shura.

This idea in his speech continued Iskander Gilazov.

Today, raising the Tatars and to preserve their ethnic identity in the city becomes harder. But the city no longer helps. It happens, I visit Tatar villages and see that there are already children there in Tatar, they communicate among themselves in Russian, "said Speaker.

Vasil Shaikhrasiev told the assembled Tatar asset of the Arska things that have not yet been reflected in the strategy sketch. In particular, he mentioned the importance of President Tatarstan.

Our president is not only president for Tatarstan. He is also president for all Tatars around the world. Wherever we go, we first meet with the Tatars of these places and lands. We ask for help, and the president assists them, "Vasil Shayhrasiev reminded.

According to him, the main prompting slogan of the sketch of the strategy is "by Sin, Tatar Bulmagach?", That is, "Who are you, if not Tatar?".

I ask myself, and not someone from the side, who am I? If I turn to my parents, grandparents: "You are Tatars! Were Tatars! You gave birth to me by Tatarin. Well, who am I? ". And here is my answer: "I'm Tatar! I was born by Tatarine, I will live by Tatar and Tatarine die. " In fact, there will be little such an answer. We were born, came to this light and went out of it, but we still have children and grandchildren. We must also raise them by Tatars. After all, we can say to us: "Eh, you are my parents, you were born by Tatars, and I didn't build up with Tatarin," the Deputy Prime Minister argued.

In conclusion, he turned to Tatars with a request to more carefully treat the upbringing of the younger generation, while maintaining not only Tatar identity, but also putting it to them.

Vasil Shaikhrasiev also stated about the timing of the preparation of the document. The strategy of the Tatar people should be developed by August 30, 2019. In July, it is planned to start a discussion of a full-fledged draft document.

In this plot

Humble person

So sketch on the sketch, he should not be as accurate as possible.


Bulat Hamidullin

Interesting material. I saw one rough mistake of the authors - "... director of the Institute of the Tatar Academy Iskander Gilazov ..." If it is a speech about the institute, then the Institute of Tatar Encyclopedia and Regional Studies, if we are talking about the Republican Academy, then it is not Tatar, but Tatarstan.


Ilnur Yarhimov

Thanks for attentiveness, edits will be made.

Offer news


Deputies and Public Chamber put the barrier project "Green Shield"

The implementation of the ideas of the ONF in Tatarstan prevents bureaucracy.

During the visit to Kazan to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin Asked the issue of the project "Green Shield". The inhabitants have concerns that the business will not comply with the conditions for which construction needs to be maintained in recreational zones. The head of state expressed the opinion that companies that work in the construction industry leads dear and non-heedled people, they should not forget that the loss of respect for the inhabitants can ultimately lead to the loss of capital.

The editorial office of Kazanfirst recalls, as things are concluded with the adoption of the Law on Green Shield in Tatarstan. For the first time, the material was published in November last year.

The initiative to create a "green shield" around large cities of the country belongs to the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF). Back in 2016, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin Signed a law that allows you to limit cutting down trees. Enthusiasm appearance, including around Kazan, the "green shield" was perceived by the Ecology of the Republic. In April, the Public Chamber of Tatarstan held public hearings, where all participants (LZP).

It seemed that after that, the eternal argument of officials and environmental activists would finally be solved, where and what trees could cut down, and where not. However, half a year has passed, but about the project is neither hearing is neither spirit.

LZP - Zones with a limited environmental management regime and other economic activities, in the territory of which forests are located, water bodies or parts, natural landscapes, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe Green Foundation within the boundaries of urban settlements, which are adjacent to the specified forests or make up a single natural ecological system with them .

Urbanist Julia Fireshmanova Supports this project. She believes that in the "green shield" you need to include all areas that are represented by forest arrays. For example, groves on Gavrilov and the forest on the oak.

The problem is that in Tatarstan there is no law on which forestarks in cities must be put on municipal accounting. In Kazan, all forests, except for official parks, do not have forest status. And if so, they are firing and built up for any occasion. Abroad, most forests are a gospland. Change their status, including in the "Green Shield", no sense. In the "green shield" you need to include the forests of Kazan, who have no status for today. It means to protect them, engaged in reforestation, care for. In Tatarstan, 17% of forests, and this is 7% lower than the level necessary for the comfort of the inhabitants, "says Julia Fierzrakhmanova.

The activist advocated the suggestions on the hearings, but whether they were taken into account, she does not know. By the way, as the whole public does not know what is happening with the project, which all Yaros supported. The editorial office of Kazanfirst decided to find out at what stage of implementation it is now.

So, first we will understand the procedure for creating a "shield". According to the law, the initiator is in our case the ONF - delivers a motivated petition in the public chamber (OP). She in turn spends hearing. Since their participants approved the project unanimously, OP sent the Protocol to the Legislative Body - the Committee on Ecology, Environmental Management, Agro-industrial and Food Policy of the State Council of Tatarstan. The Republican Parliament within 40 days from the date of receipt of the documents should be resolved by the issue of creating or noting the LZP. In the adoption of the law, the authorized bodies of the subject within 180 days establish the borders of the shield, which subsequently include in the Unified State Real Estate Register. All these deadlines came out, and the "green shield" still did not grow into a certain official document that must be executed.

In a conversation with a journalist Kazanfirst expert from the Public Chamber of the Republic Alexander Nikitinwhich is one of the project developers, said that he did not know, at what stage is the implementation of the "green shield", but he and his colleagues continue to research.

I was invited to suggest me a concept. She was discussed. For further actions, do not know, - says the ecologist. - We studied research. In 25 cities approved the project. We analyzed, at what stages they are, which areas they have and much more. We are working in this regard.

In turn, the initiator of the appearance of the "shield" - the All-Russian People's Front - also assures that on their part, all necessary work was carried out. According to the expert on ecology Zifara YunusovThe necessary materials have long been sent to the State Council. The OP protocol is registered in the Council of May 3, and the appeal to maintain the ONF initiative - May 30. Zufarov stressed that currently Tatarstan is one of the few regions of Russia, in which there is no legislatively created forest parking green belt of the capital of the subject of the Federation. The interlocutor says that the project was delayed because of the response of parliament.