What pyrite is made of. Pyrite stone - properties, meaning and influence on different signs of the zodiac

The pyrite stone gets its name from the Greek word "pyros" - "fire", which was associated with its ability to strike sparks on impact. In addition, the mineral is called sulfuric, vitriol or iron pyrite, as well as fool's gold. And that's not all: synonyms such as iron liver ore, gold snag, cat gold, health stone, alpine diamond and Inca stone are also used.

The pyrite stone got its name from the Greek word "pyros" - "fire", which was associated with its ability to strike sparks on impact

The mineral received the name "fool's gold" for the reason that in pre-Columbian America the Spaniards took it away from local residents, mistaking it for a precious metal. This term is simply a characteristic of the Spanish conquistadors, whose greed and stupidity were more than enough to deceive themselves, remaining in the fools. However, the same stone became a symbol of civic valor and generosity for French women of Napoleon's time, who received jewelry with pyrite from the state for services to the army, for which they donated their jewelry.

Composition and properties

Pyrite stone is the most widespread iron sulfide, the formula of which is written as FeS2, the hardness on the Mohs scale is from 6.0 to 6.5 units, the density is 5.0-5.2 g / cm³, the system is isometric, and the luster is metallic. Its color can be either light golden or brass. The mineral is paramagnetic and weakly conducts electricity. Completely insoluble in hydrochloric acid and slightly soluble in nitric acid. Pyrite crystals are opaque, their cleavage is imperfect, and the fracture is uneven.

Possible impurities of gold and silver, as well as cobalt, vanadium, copper, selenium, zinc and arsenic.

The mineral received the name "fool's gold" for the reason that in pre-Columbian America the Spaniards took it away from local residents, mistaking it for a precious metal

In rocks and ores, the mineral is in the form of dissemination of small crystals or grains, sometimes of very beautiful iridescent color. There are also large druses, in which crystals look, as a rule, as cubes, octahedrons or pentagon dodecahedrons. Russian rainbow pyrite currently costs about $ 90 for an oval crystal weighing 30.2 carats and measuring 28.3 x 19.1 mm. There are excellent large collection specimens in the form of intergrowths of pyrite with marcasite, galena, arsenopyrite, etc. Some minerals, similar in appearance to pyrite, differ from it in the following features:

  1. Gold is characterized by a yellow trait color, while pyrite has a dark green or dark brown trait. In addition, it has a hardness of only 2.5-3.0 Mohs.
  2. Chalcopyrite is characterized by a more intense yellow color and less hardness. On the Mohs scale, the hardness of chalcopyrite ranges from 3.5 to 4.0 units.
  3. Cobaltin is distinguished by the absence of yellow color and lower hardness, equal to 3.5 units on the Mohs scale.
  4. Pyrrhotite is characterized by a darker color shade and lower hardness, equal on the Mohs scale from 3.5 to 4.5 units.

Gallery: pyrite (25 photos)

The use of pyrite

The largest pyrite deposit in the world is located in Spain and is called Rio Tinto; beautiful collectible crystals are brought from the Spanish town of Logroño. There are large deposits in Congo, Azerbaijan and throughout Russia: in the Urals, near Irkutsk, near Tula, etc. Pyrite-containing ores are the main source for the production of sulfuric acid, sulfur and ferrous sulfate. By-products are associated metals such as gold, cobalt, copper and zinc. Iron cuts that remain from roasting ore are used to make paint or are used to obtain iron. One of the main sources of selenium is pyrite ore processing products.

In addition, beautiful pyrite crystals are used to make inserts for jewelry, for example, from the Ural pebbles from the Berezovskoye deposit. Moreover, they are cut mainly in the form of cabochons and pendants, rings and pendants are made. Nevertheless, in jewelry, stones are used much less often than in the field of mineralogy as collection samples. Not so long ago, the mineral was still used in the form of a flint for striking a spark, filling flint tools, including lighters.

The magical properties of pyrite (video)

Healing properties

The healers of the ancient world considered the properties of the stone to strike sparks as a manifestation of the soul of fire, therefore they treated depression, nervous breakdowns and exhaustion with it, suggesting that the fiery nature of the mineral would restore the patient's vitality, replenish energy reserves, cheer up and increase efficiency.

However, for people who are cheerful, positive, with a large supply of vitality, it is better not to wear jewelry with pyrite, since its fiery nature can make them irritable and quick-tempered.

Modern healers recommend wearing jewelry with pyrite to protect against infections, in the chest area - to stimulate the cardiovascular system and improve blood circulation. In addition, the mineral here will stimulate the work of the lungs and bronchi, which in turn will eliminate bronchial asthma syndrome or prevent it. The fiery nature of the stone has a positive effect on the sex glands, returning previously infertile women the possibility of conception. In villages, a piece of mineral is still tied to the leg of a woman in labor in order to facilitate and speed up the process of childbirth.

Magical influence

The magical properties of pyrite have been known since ancient times. Even medieval alchemists believed that this mineral could be turned into gold. Modern esotericists use stone as a protective talisman for people in dangerous occupations associated with risk, for example, firefighters, military men, blacksmiths and construction workers. Sorcerers often use the magical properties of pyrite to restore their vitality after performing magical rituals and witchcraft rites.

The fiery nature of the mineral makes its owners more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex, enhancing their sexual energy. At the same time, men become more masculine and passionate, and women become more confident in themselves and their sexuality. No exact correspondence with astrological signs has yet been identified, however, it can be assumed that it is better not to wear jewelry with such a stone for hot-tempered and hot Aries. This assumption will be true for those people who, not being Aries in the horoscope, have the stellium of the planets in this sign.

Fascinating with its brilliance, pyrite has long been able to enchant a person, suggesting that he is pure gold. The Greeks gave it a name, and it brought a lot of trouble to the Spaniards and Americans. The history of the stone begins from antiquity and stretches to our time.

History and origins

The stone owes its name to the ancient Greeks - translated from their language, pyrite means "carving fire." This name accurately describes its properties - the nugget really has a golden, fiery color. With its help, ancient people carved sparks to kindle a flame.

Another, historically known name for pyrite is "fools' gold". Because of its external resemblance to the precious metal, it was often mistaken for gold.

The greed of the Spanish conquistadors played a cruel joke with them - they took away the mined rock from the population of the American continent even before it was discovered by Columbus, hoping to get rich. But, having brought this mineral to their homeland, they turned out to be fools, being ridiculed by more experienced gold diggers.

This is interesting: Throughout the history of the stone, its other names have been mentioned: "Inca gold", "cat gold", sulfuric or iron pyrite.

Since the time of Ancient Egypt, pyrite has been used as a mirror and also as an ornamental stone. Hindus believed that a pyrite amulet around the neck protects against attack by crocodiles.

The Europeans of the Middle Ages made all kinds of jewelry from the fire stone - bracelets, watches, shoe buckles. However, these objects were not very pleasing to the eye, because under the influence of moisture, pyrite quickly oxidizes and loses its attractiveness.

Noble ladies of Napoleonic times proudly wore jewelry with an insert of pyrite. The fact is that it was customary to donate jewelry to the needs of the French army. In return, the women received a pebble of pyrite, which they later liked to brag about, boasting of generosity and participation in charity.

An interesting story is described by the chronicles of the Swedish city of Falun. In an old mine, miners found the remains of a long-dead miner. It seems to be nothing strange, apart from the fact that the body was petrified.

In those days, people sacredly believed in the existence of all evil spirits, so they took it for the tricks of gnomes or trolls. Many years later, scientists have found a simple answer to this phenomenon - in the right environment, minerals such as pyrite completely displace organic matter, replacing it with themselves. The body of the Falun miner is a prime example of this.

Deposits of "Inca gold"

A unique feature of pyrite is that it is mined in parallel with other, more valuable metals - cobalt, copper or zinc. Deposits are located all over the world, so there is no need to conduct a separate costly mining - the mineral is found wherever there is pyrite ore.

The largest deposits are located in the United States, Russia, and Sweden. Extraction is also carried out in Azerbaijan, Norway, Spain. However, only Italy supplies valuable samples that are loved by jewelers all over the planet.

Physical properties

Pyrite is an iron sulfide. It is present in almost all geological rocks, only in magma its share is very small, but some types of sedimentary rocks may consist entirely of pyrite and silicon.

The mined samples of firestone most often have a cubic shape, as well as almost perfect facets with a mirror image. The only drawback is that the stone oxidizes quickly upon contact with water or air.

Density4.95-5.10 g / cm³
The melting temperature1177-1188 ° C
ColorStraw yellow, golden.

Firestone healing power

The healing properties of pyrite were discovered by healers of ancient times. A stone tied to the body helped relieve joint pain. For women in labor, they tied him to the leg so that childbirth was quick and easy.

A pyrite crystal worn around the baby's neck helped the baby maintain a healthy, restful sleep. And it was also believed that the mineral is able to cope with bleeding, leprosy, deprivation, cataracts and remove freckles.

Interesting fact: Despite the fact that pyrite fights depression and psychological disorders, it is absolutely contraindicated for people with a high emotional threshold, too hot-tempered and vulnerable, as it can enhance these qualities.

Modern esotericists, lithotherapists, as well as traditional healers attribute a wide range of medicinal properties to pyrite:

  • relieves nervous tension, helps to drive away fatigue, depression;
  • improves the quality of sleep, increases the efficiency of the body;
  • helps to improve the functioning of the respiratory system, circulatory system;
  • protects and eliminates infectious and viral diseases;
  • relieves fungal skin lesions;
  • increases muscle tone;
  • helps to treat infertility.

It is believed that pyrite is able to cope with chronic diseases, relieve fever, chills, and protect a person from complications caused by the flu. As in ancient times, the mineral is credited with the ability to restore strength, increase endurance, therefore it is advised to wear the stone to people who perform hard, exhausting work.

The magic of golden edges

And again, a chain of references goes back to ancient times, starting with the ancient Greeks, who attributed to the stone an indescribable protective power for men, considering it a symbol of Ares - the god of war.

Each warrior carried a protective crystal with him. It was believed that this amulet endows with incredible strength, both physical and sexual. Greek men believed that the stone endows them with determination, fearlessness, and protects them from death.

In the not so distant times of the Middle Ages, pyrite was used by alchemists for experiments. And modern psychics also resort to the help of a stone to restore the energy field after energy-intensive rituals or ceremonies. Only for these purposes is a perfectly smooth stone suitable, without chips or cracks, since a damaged stone will harm its owner.

It is interesting! Pyrite is a capricious stone. He does not tolerate the proximity of other minerals besides or. Only strong-willed and strong-willed people can always wear the talisman. The rest of the tandem with a stone for more than three days can cause serious harm, making the owner nervous, irritable, up to the point of clouding his mind.

As a talisman, pyrite is suitable for people of dangerous professions - the military, firefighters, law enforcement officers. He is able to protect, give physical and moral strength, awaken courage, endurance, help in making important decisions.

To experience the magic of the mineral, you need to have pure thoughts and good intentions. The slightest falsity or evil will turn the pyrite against the owner.

The talisman with this stone endows a person with confidence, determination, purposefulness. He will become a special assistant for passive individuals who are prone to inaction in difficult situations and often give up, afraid to make independent decisions.

Although pyrite has become famous since ancient times as a male talisman that endows a person with purely masculine traits, nevertheless this nugget is useful for the weak half of humanity. A woman will look more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex by wearing such a talisman. And for married ladies, the stone will help revive the extinguished passion and return the former freshness to the relationship.

Jewelry with pyrite

Despite the prevalence of the mineral in nature, as well as low costs for its extraction, jewelry with pyrite is of high cost, especially if made of precious metals:

  • a silver ring with an insert will cost from 18 thousand rubles, a solid pyrite ring is estimated at 20,000-22,000 rubles, and a gold ring - from 90,000 rubles;
  • prices for earrings fluctuate between 17,000-30,000 rubles;
  • bracelets from 900 rubles to 2500;
  • beads will cost 5000-9000 rubles.

Despite the high cost, such jewelry is popular. Although the prices of simpler jewelry stores are much lower than those of designer houses. And jewelry will cost the buyer a ridiculous sum, since pyrite itself is an inexpensive mineral, and many jewelry alloys are affordable.


There are two types of pyrite in nature:

  • Bravoit. Due to the fact that one-fifth of its composition belongs entirely to nickel, these samples are distinguished by a bright brass-yellow color.
  • Marcasite is distinguished by a special structure of the crystal lattice, has a rich golden hue, silvery overflows.

In rare cases, pyrite crystals contain small inclusions of pure gold. When mining, there are both individual crystals and cubes of different sizes, but of an absolute, ideal shape with the same unsurpassed edges, carved by nature itself.

How to distinguish a fake?

Today, a plastic or glass counterfeit can be passed off as pyrite. However, it is not so difficult to recognize a natural mineral. First, natural pyrite does not show through, which distinguishes it from glass or plastic. Secondly, if it is a fake with a spraying, you just have to rub it with your fingernail - the genuine material will be revealed under the scratch.

It so happens that pyrite is not forged, but on the contrary, it is passed off as gold. In this case, it is enough to test the metal for softness, and also try to make a scratch on the glass - gold will be softer, a dent will remain on it, and it is easier to scratch the glass with pyrite. Moreover, a pyrite product cannot be refined, with small details, most often pyrite jewelry is solid and massive.

Mineral product care

Pyrite jewelry needs special, gentle care. The stone itself is hard, but very fragile, so it should be protected from mechanical stress, as well as from the influence of chemicals.

The main advice for preserving the original appearance of the stone is to cover a new, washed, dried product or insert with colorless varnish. Then the jewelry will be able to please the eye longer.

Even with very careful care, pyrite will lose its appearance over time, and may even collapse. For collectors, it is recommended to store pyrite specimens in a vacuum, and for those who cannot afford it - at least simply boil them in paraffin.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

("++" - the stone fits perfectly, "+" - can be worn, "-" - absolutely contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion++

In astrology, the pyrite stone is considered the patron saint of the fire element. This nugget is most supportive to Aries and Lions. Representatives of this sign, who take an active position in life, will preserve and increase their energy. Such people will gain confidence, determination, faith in success, overcome all obstacles with this talisman.

Scorpios and Sagittarius can also count on the favor of pyrite. The nugget will endow these signs with physical and emotional strength, endurance, protect on long journeys, bringing good luck in travel. The twins will receive the magical help of pyrite in the service sphere - it will help them move up the career ladder in the near future.

Other signs of the zodiac will not feel the power of the fire stone on themselves. Pyrite is very strong and also demanding. This is a stone of iron will, capable of not only giving strength, but also taking it away, leaving a person energetically exhausted, sluggish, sad.

A pyrite crystal can cause the greatest danger to signs that relate to the water element. The stone is capable of inflicting special harm and damage to life energy to Cancers, therefore, it is better for people born under this constellation to bypass such a talisman altogether.

An interesting fact is that pyrite is patronized by two planets of the solar system at once - Neptune and Mars. It is this, according to astrologers, that endows the stone with incredible energy, as well as the magical ability to influence the life events of many people.

Pyrite occupies a special place in the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. The unique abilities of the stone are used by this people to attract prosperity, family happiness, financial prosperity, and good luck to the house. All kinds of figurines, coins and other figurines are made from the mineral.

To protect the house from evil forces, such decor is placed at the entrance, and to lure money - in the southeastern zone of a residential building or office. A pyrite Chinese coin put in a purse or wallet helps to solve many problems, attract finances, and gives confidence.


Having so many names, preserved in the bowels of the earth for so many centuries, pyrite has conquered people with its strength since ancient times. Despite its simplicity, not standing next to gold in value, although it can rightfully be called its twin brother, this stone nevertheless took its significant place for humans and became a reliable patron for many.

In the modern world, a stone capable of striking fire is no longer considered something great and divine, however, if you look into the depths of the past, you can understand that it is precisely such human discoveries that have helped a person rise to such heights of civilization year after year and now help to stay on them.

Pyrite - a stone for carving fire

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Synonyms: Sulfur pyrite, iron pyrite.

Pyrite is the most abundant sulphide in nature.

Pyrite name of Greek origin (pyros - fire) and is associated with the ability to give sparks on impact.

Photo of an intergrowth of cubic pyrite crystals Ural, Berezovskoe deposit

Chemical composition of pyrites

Theoretical composition - Fe - 46.55%, S - 53.45%. It often contains very small amounts of impurities: Co (cobalt pyrite), Ni, As, Sb, Se, sometimes Cu, Au, Ag, etc. The content of the latter elements is due to the presence of mechanical impurities in the form of tiny inclusions of foreign minerals, sometimes in a finely dispersed state. In these cases, we are dealing essentially with solid pseudo-solutions - crystal sols.

Mixed crystals or varieties: bravoite or nickel-pyrite (Ni, Fe, Co) S2, a0 \u003d 5.50 - 5.58 * 3; villamanite (Cu, Ni, Co, Fe) (S, Se) 2, a 0 \u003d 5.66

Melnikovit- pyrite is a cryptocrystalline pyrite of gelatinous origin. Laurite has a low osmium content;

Auerit exhibits a strong non-metallic character, probably due to the diamond-like type of bond.

Crystallographic characteristic


cubic; didodecahedral c. from. 3L24L3 63PC. Space group Pa3 (T 6 h). a 0 \u003d 5.4066 7A, Z \u003d 4.

Crystal structure of pyrite mineral

NaCl-type structure. Atoms glandform a face-centered cubic lattice (corresponding to sodium atoms in the structure of NaCl. Double sulfur atoms take the place of chlorine atoms, also forming a face-centered cubic lattice, but displaced by a 0/2 with respect to the cation lattice. The axes of double sulfur atoms are oriented along non-intersecting diagonals of the cubic spatial lattice The distance between sulfur atoms bound in each pair by a covalent bond is 2.05 A

Main forms:

Pyrite is widely distributed in the form of well-formed crystals. The main forms, along with a (100), o (111) and e (210), are also represented by n (211), p (221), s (321), t (421), d (110), m (311), h (410), f (310) and g (320). Depending on the predominance of certain faces, the habit of crystals is also found: cubic, pentagondodecahedral, less often octahedral.

Form of being in nature

In numerous rocks and ores pyriteobserved in the form of disseminated crystals or rounded grains. Continuous aggregate structure of pyrite masses is also widely developed. Sometimes it forms drusen.

Crystal Form... Crystals are widespread, mainly cubes, pentagondodecahedrons, or octahedrons.

a - hexahedron (cube) cube a (100) b - pentagondodecahedron e (210)
r - octahedron o (111)
e - a combination of an octahedron (o) and a pentagondodecahedron (e) - the so-called mineral icosahedron

Pyrite crystal shape:

  • a - cube a (100);
  • b - pentagondodecahedron e (210);
  • c - the same shape in combination with a cube (100);
  • d - octahedron o (111), blunt by the faces of the pentagondodecahedron;
  • e - a combination of an octahedron (o) and a pentagondodecahedron (e) - the so-called mineral icosahedron (a combination of an octahedron with a pentagondodecahedron).

Crystals sometimes reach several tens of centimeters across.

The streakiness of the faces parallel to the edges of the cube (100): (210) is characteristic, i.e. a: e. This streakiness is in accordance with the crystal structure (the arrangement of sulfur atoms in the structure) and is always oriented perpendicular to each neighboring face, i.e., the outer the elements of symmetry are quite consistent with the features of the structure.

For pyrite, germination twins are very characteristic along (110), rarely along (320).

Regular intergrowths are known between pyrite and marcasite, tetrahedrite, galena, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, etc.

Pyrite crystalsformed at high temperatures, as a rule, are poor in simple forms. The latter are usually represented by cubes, octahedrons, or (210). The same is true for low-temperature formations, while crystals that arise at intermediate temperatures and depths are richer in simple forms. Crystals up to 10 cm in size are found in such deposits. According to Sanagawa, the crystalline habit of pyrite depends on the size of the crystals. The smaller crystals are predominantly cubic, the larger ones are pentagon-dodecahedral. Detailed studies carried out by the same author at numerous deposits in Japan have shown that cubic pyrite crystals in metasomatic deposits are characteristic of the most high- and low-temperature zones.

Pentagondodecahedrons are typical of low-temperature, but intensely mineralized zones. Crystals of the pentagondodecahedral habit are formed in intermediate situations. This is consistent with the developmental sequence of the main types of pyrite habit. Cubic habit is typical for weak supersaturations, pentagondodecahedral - for high supersaturations, octahedral - for intermediate ones. The occurrence of crystals of pentagon-dodecahedral and octahedral habit in vein deposits and cubic habit in bedrocks, usually in the form of inclusions, can be interpreted in terms of supersaturation. A definite dependence of the relationship between the crystal habit and impurities has not been established. Under reducing conditions, nodules or dissemination of pyrite are often formed in sedimentary rocks.

Under sedimentary conditions, a cryptocrystalline variety of pyrite (mel'nikoeite) is also deposited, forming mixtures with a dimorphic modification of FeS2 - marcasite. The latter mineral is rhombic, artificially obtained in an acidic medium, while pyrite is formed only in a neutral or slightly acidic medium. Pyrite can arise during metamorphism from clayey deposits enriched in organic material. Pyrite is mined for the production of sulfuric acid, mainly from the world famous Rio Tinto mine in Spain.

Aggregates. The most common are dense, confluent and granular masses, as well as kidney-shaped, gum-like discharge; coarse-fibered, thin-stemmed, radial-radiant formations, often pyritized rock layers.

Sedimentary rocks often contain spherical nodules of pyrite, often with a radial-radiant structure, as well as secretions in shell cavities. Aciniform or reniform formations are frequent in association with other sulfides.

Physical properties

  • The color is light brass-yellow or straw-yellow, often with yellowish-brown and variegated tints, somewhat darker in samples depleted in sulfur; finely dispersed soot varieties are black.
  • The line is greenish gray, dark gray or brownish black.

Pyrite has a strong metallic shine.


Separation by (010) is also often observed.

  • The density is 4.9–5.2.

Chemical properties

It dissolves with difficulty in HNO 3, decomposes with difficulty (easily in powder), releasing sulfur. It does not dissolve in dilute HCl.

Other properties

Pyrite conducts electricity weakly. Refers to paramagnetic minerals. Thermoelectric. Some of the differences have detector properties.

Diagnostic signs

It is well recognized by color, crystal shapes and streakiness of edges, high hardness (the only one of the widespread sulfides that scratches glass). By the totality of these features, it easily differs from marcasite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, gold, and millerite, somewhat similar in color to it.

Associated minerals.The satellites are varz, calcite, chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, gold, gold tellurides, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, wolframite, antimonite.

Galena, pyrite. Druse crystals

The origin and location of the mineral

Pyrite is the most common sulfide in the earth's crust and is formed in a variety of geological processes: magmatic, hydrothermal, sedimentary, metamorphism, etc.

1. In the form of the smallest inclusions, it is observed in many igneous rocks. Formed during liquation phenomena

In most cases, it is an epigenetic mineral in relation to silicates and is associated with the superposition of hydrothermal manifestations.

2. In contact-metasomatic deposits, it is an almost constant companion of sulfides in skarns and magnetite deposits. In some cases, it turns out to be cobalt-rich. Its formation, like that of other sulfides, is associated with the hydrothermal stage of contact-metamorphic processes.

3. As a satellite, it is widespread in hydrothermal deposits of almost all types of ores of various compositions and occurs in paragenesis with a wide variety of minerals. Moreover, it is often observed not only in ore bodies, but also in lateral rocks in the form of inclusions of well-formed crystals that have arisen metasomatically (metacrystals).

4. Pyrite is found no less often in sedimentary rocks and ores. Nodules of pyrite and marcasite are widely known in sandy-argillaceous deposits (often beautiful crystals), deposits of coal, iron, manganese, bauxite, etc. Its formation in these rocks and ores is associated with the decomposition of organic remains without the access of free oxygen in deeper parts of water basins ... In paragenesis, it is most often found under such conditions: marcasite, melnikovite (black powdery difference of iron disulfide), siderite (Fe), etc.

In the oxidation zone, pyrite, like most sulfides, is unstable, being oxidized to ferrous oxide sulfate, which, in the presence of free oxygen, easily transforms into ferrous oxide sulfate. The latter, hydrolyzing, decomposes into insoluble iron hydroxide (limonite) and free sulfuric acid, which passes into solution. In this way, pseudomorphs of limonite over pyrite, which are widely observed in nature, are formed.

Pyrite itself often forms pseudomorphs over organic residues (wood and various remains of organisms), and endogenous formations contain pseudomorphs of pyrite over pyrrhotite, magnetite (FeFe 2 O 4), hematite (Fe 2 O 3) and other iron-containing minerals. These pseudomorphoses are evidently formed by the action of H2S on minerals.

5. Pyrite can arise during metamorphism from clayey deposits enriched in organic material.

6. In volcanic exhalations, subvolcanic rocks and hydrothermal pyrite deposits (together with chalcopyrite, etc.).

From an economic point of view, hydrothermal veins and metasomatic deposits are important.


Pyrite. Disseminated in mudstone. Rostov region iron pyrite cabochons

Pyrite ores are one of the main raw materials used for the production of sulfuric acid. The average sulfur content in ores exploited for this purpose ranges from 40 to 50%. The ore is processed by roasting in special furnaces. The resulting sulfur dioxide SO 2 is oxidized with nitrogen oxides in the presence of steam to H 2 SO 4. Arsenic is an undesirable impurity in ores used for sulfuric acid production.

Copper, zinc, sometimes gold, selenium and others, often contained in pyrite ores, can be obtained by side methods. The so-called iron cinders obtained as a result of firing, depending on their purity, can be used for the manufacture of paints or as iron ore. Ores containing cobalt pyrite are the source of about half of the cobalt consumed in the world, despite their low content of this element (up to 0.5-1% in the mineral)

Inserts for jewelry are made from pyrite from the Berezovsky deposit in the Urals.

Pyritemainly cut in the form of cabochons.

Physical research methods

Differential thermal analysis

Differential thermal analysis. DTA curve

The main lines on the pyrite X-ray diffraction patterns:

2,696(8) - 2,417(8) - 2,206(7) - 1,908(6) - 1,629(10) - 1,040(9)

Ancient methods. Under the blowpipe, the feed cracks, melts into a magnetic ball on coal, and a bluish flame appears and smoke is emitted. Easily loses some of the sulfur, which burns with a blue flame. Part of the sulfur sublimes in the sealed tube, leaving the monosulfide FeS.

Crystal-optical properties in thin preparations (thin sections)

In polished thin sections, pyrite is creamy white, isotropic, but sometimes anisotropic due to the substitution of iron atoms for sulfur atoms (according to Gordon-Smith). According to the same author, pyrite formed at temperatures above 135 ° is isotropic and is characterized by a statistical distribution of iron atoms in place of sulfur atoms. (Below this temperature, anisotropic pyrites form.) This property can be used in geological thermometry.

Translated from Greek, "pyrites lithos" means "carving fire." A rock pyrite received such a name for the fiery color and sparks that arise when it hits. Two centuries ago, pyrite served as a match - with its help, like a chasal, they lit a fire.

The mineral has been known for a long time: In America, long before the arrival of Columbus, iron pyrite (another name for pyrite) was mistaken for a precious metal - gold miners hunted for pyrite crystals that looked like gold, and took it away from local residents. Hence the name went - "the gold of fools" or " fools gold«.

In ancient Egypt, it was used instead of a mirror, and the inhabitants of India hung pyrite stones around their necks, believing that they would protect them from the attack of crocodiles.

The nobility of medieval Europe used pyrite stone as a material for making jewelry. Buckles for shoes and bracelets, watch cases and other items were made of pyrite - the mineral looked attractive, but quickly lost its luster when exposed to moisture. Oxidation of pyrite turned the stone into a nondescript, dirty-brown limonite.

In the days of Napoleon, women who donated their precious jewelry for military purposes were given a pebble of pyrite in return. Ladies wore jewelry with a pebble like gold, for show, proud of their generosity and patriotism.

From the point of view of science

Considering pyrite from the point of view of chemistry, in terms of its composition, the mineral is iron sulfide (the chemical formula of pyrite is FeS2). Pyrite is brittle, its hardness on the Mohs scale is 6-6.5.
In nature, iron (sulfur) pyrite, which is pyrite, has a light golden yellow color, occurs in a cubic form, often with perfectly smooth, almost mirror-like edges. It oxidizes easily when exposed to oxygen. You can find pyrite in various geological rocks.

Sulfur pyrite can be found everywhere, but high quality specimens are rare. There are large deposits in Europe (Spain, Austria, Germany - in Bavaria, Poland, France and other countries), America and Russia, in the Urals. Beautiful crystals used in jewelry are mined mainly in Italy.

Iron pyrite has the unique property of replacing living tissue. Pyrite ammonites are often found in silt deposits. Pyrite replaces calcium in shellfish shells, resulting in amazing things - shells shine as if covered with gold.
Varieties of pyrite

Marcasite and bravoite, two varieties of pyrite, have the same formula. Bravoite has a strong metallic luster, yellow color, and contains up to 20% nickel.

Marcasite, which is also called drip silver, is used in jewelry making jewelry with it look attractive. Marcasite is used as inserts in silver products, marcasite inserts look beautiful in combination with ornamental stones - malachite, turquoise.

Mineral application

The fragility and ability of the stone to quickly oxidize despite its external attractiveness does not make it possible to use it widely in the jewelry industry.

Pyrite is a stone that is mined for the sake of those impurities that it contains:

  • gold;
  • copper;
  • uranus;
  • cobalt;
  • selenium;
  • nickel.

Video on the mysterious properties of pyrite.

Since ancient times, the properties of pyrite have been used to extract fire, later pyrite ore began to be used as a raw material for the production of sulfuric acid, ferrous sulfate. After firing the pyrite ore, the cinder is used as a source of iron. Known use of pyrite in the technology of preparation of certain types of concrete, cement, mastics.

In addition, iron pyrite has the ability to release gold in the form of a precipitate from solutions.

The magic of pyrite

Pyrite, similar to gold in color and brilliance, was endowed with magical properties in ancient times. It is believed that the mineral is patronized by Mars and Neptune. In ancient Greece, pyrite was considered a symbol of the god of war Ares, so the soldiers carried it with them as an amulet, which was supposed to give them courage and strength, to protect them from death in battle.

It is believed that you cannot keep the stone with you for more than three days, otherwise all the magical properties of pyrite do not just lose their power - they begin to negatively affect the owner, causing him irritability and negative emotions.

Astrologers attribute properties to pyrite to have a positive effect on Sagittarius and Scorpions and, conversely, do not recommend the stone to Cancers, on which it can be dangerous and harmful. It is recommended to carry a pebble with you for people who are in danger at work, experiencing constant nervous tension. Others should not have pyrite as an amulet.

The magic of the stone lies in the ability to return vital energy to the owner, relieve him of fear. A person who has a talisman with pyrite becomes more self-confident, more purposeful. Therefore, it is recommended to be worn by those who need to strengthen their leadership qualities. However, only a person with pure thoughts can help a stone. The mineral does not tolerate bad thoughts, it will harm a person who has unrighteous intentions.

Pyrite is considered a male talisman because it gives a person the characteristic masculine features:

  • courage;
  • determination;
  • self confidence;
  • striving to achieve the goal.

However, the power that the mineral bestows must be handled carefully. The stone will "calculate" unkind thoughts and turn against the owner. But it is useful to those who, in difficult life situations, are ready to fold their hands without fighting. He will help those who are afraid to make independent decisions.

The stone is also useful for women. For those who want to revive faded feelings, pyrite will help bring passion back into the marriage relationship. The pebble makes a woman attractive in the eyes of a man, but it is not recommended to wear jewelry with pyrite in combination with other stones. The mineral makes an exception only for hematite and coil.

The healing properties of the mineral

Lithotherapists look for special properties in each stone that will help heal diseases. In the old days, it was believed that pyrite sharpens vision, helps in the treatment of various types of tumors.

For babies, a pebble of pyrite was hung around their necks so that the child's sleep was calm. Even in ancient times, he was tied to the leg of a woman in labor to facilitate childbirth.

It was used in the treatment of lichen and leprosy, to relieve painful sensations in the joints, as a hemostatic agent.

It is believed that pyrite:

  • improves sleep;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • relieves stress, depression, phobias;
  • improves performance.

Pyrite will protect the owner from infectious and colds, it is able to reduce fever, relieve chills, and will not allow complications after the flu to appear. If you wear a pebble on your chest, it stimulates the respiratory system of a person, heart, accelerates blood circulation and promotes oxygenation of tissues. The ventilation of the lungs improves, the bronchi are cleared, and the person gets rid of asthma.

To believe or not to believe in the magical properties of pyrite is everyone's business. Much more important is its use as a raw material in industry.

One of the most famous and widespread sulfides in the earth's crust is pyrite, which strikes fire. Pyrite crystals come in a wide variety of shapes and masses.

Pyrite is primarily a fairly rare mineral that has several names:

  • Inca stone.
  • Health stone.
  • Gray pyrite.
  • Iron pyrite.
  • Alpine diamond.
  • Fool's gold.
  • Cat gold.
  • Bravoit.
  • Perit.

Pyrite happens light brass and golden yellowthat resembles chalcopyrite or even gold. Pyrite occurs in cubic form:

  • Pentagon-dodecahedron.
  • Octahedron.
  • A simple cube.

Photos are shown below. As for the photo, you just need to type in the search engine the query "pyrite photo" or "stone pyrite photo" and you can see a huge number of illustrations.

Sometimes, the Inca stone can be found in the form granular and massive aggregates... On the surface, this mineral is very quickly oxidized by air and water and transforms into the state of limonite and goethite. Has a strong metallic luster. This mineral is common in all geological formations and even in rocks formed after the eruption. This stone is the main constituent of all hydrothermal and metasomatic deposits. As for the sedimentary rocks, it is found here in the form of nodules and grains. Sedimentary rocks are composed of flint and pyrite and form pseudomorphs over ammonites and wood.

The main hydrothermal deposits are:

Inca stone is found in shale and iron-bearing rocks. The purpose of the development deposits is the extraction of impurities such as:

  • Gold.
  • Cobalt.
  • Nickel.
  • Copper.
  • Uranus.

Photos of the main deposits are shown below.

Healing properties

Pyrite stone by its properties very close to gold, therefore, it has a beneficial effect on the human central nervous system. In folk medicine, it is said that wearing jewelry with it improves mood, stabilizes the general tone of the body and increases efficiency. But there are also contraindications, so people who are prone to excessive excitability cannot wear this stone. There is also evidence that pyrite nourishes the body and normalizes all internal processes.

Magical properties

Lithotherapists believe that the Inca stone is the strongest magic tool... Since ancient times, it has been believed that this stone is suitable only for men and gives them tremendous emotional strength. But excessive emotionality can harm the owner of the stone, so it should not be worn for more than three days.

When choosing a stone itself or jewelry with it, it is important to remember that it does not tolerate being adjacent to other stones. The only exceptions are coil and hematite. When choosing a stone, you need to remember that there should be no cracks or chips on the stone, otherwise pyrite can cause harm. It was also used by alchemists in ancient times, who believed that the Inca stone was capable of giving power and negative qualities to the owner.

Influence on chakras

Chakras are of great importance in the study of metaphysical processes. Pyrite affects Manipura, which is the center of each person's personal strength. Thanks to this chakra, a person absorbs the life-giving power of the sun and establishes a connection with the outside world. In addition, Manipura develops the personality of a person as a whole and transmits emotions to the world around him. This chakra is the center of energy, desire, self-realization and ego. She helps to achieve position in society and recognition, guides the desire to stand out and be an extraordinary person. In addition, the realization of their potential depends entirely on this chakra. Therefore, additional stimulation of Manipur through the Inca stone will not be superfluous.

Influence according to Feng Shui

Despite the fact that in the world of digital technology and innovation, the desire for power dominates, many live and equip their homes according to the laws of Feng Shui. Therefore, pyrite must be placed indoors in place of the money sector. It is believed that pyrite activates the circulation of cash flows.

The use of the mineral in industry

Pyrite matters for the production of sulfuric acid, and the residual products that are formed during the firing of pyrite (pyrite cinders) are used to obtain concrete. In addition, some elements from the periodic table (Co, Se, Au) are also mined from pyrite ores.

The use of the mineral in the manufacture of jewelry

Jewelry with this mineral is quite rare, but they are often used as an amulet or talisman. Photos of such jewelry are more than enough. They help in all endeavors people with an open heart and pure soul, as well as practicing magicians. Pyrite instills confidence and develops leadership skills. However, this stone is very strong, so not everyone can accept its power.