How to attach jewelry to a car. Decoration on the handles of wedding cars with their own hands. Magic garden or how to decorate a wedding car with flowers

Persimmon, like tangerines, appears on the shelves by mid-December. Some love it passionately, while others refuse to use it because of the astringent properties of the fruit. Absolutely in vain, because you can get rid of it.

Berry features

Persimmon is a berry that belongs to the ebony family. It grows on trees both low and up to 30 m high. Fruits that have an orange-brown tint are eaten. Although there are also inedible types of persimmons. The taste depends on the variety and can be both rich-tart and less sweet, with a pleasant sourness.

The birthplace of persimmon is China, it also grows in Italy, Spain, Georgia, Tajikistan, Turkey and other countries. If we talk about growing in Russia, then these are the southern regions.

It has a high content of vitamins and microelements, as well as tannins. They belong to tannins and determine the ability of the fruit to knit the mouth. However, as the berries ripen, the astringent properties appear less and less.

Benefit and harm

Most of the composition of the fruit (about 80%) is moisture and carbohydrates (a little over 15%). The rest is proteins, fats, organic acids, dietary fiber. The calorie content of the fetus is 67 kcal per 100 g.

Regular consumption of persimmon, rich in ascorbic acid, is an excellent prevention of colds, beriberi. In addition, vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that slows down the aging process of cells. It has a beneficial effect on the immune system, helping to strengthen it.

Thanks to vitamin A in the composition of the berry, we can talk about its positive effect on the condition of the skin, visual acuity and the health of the reproductive system.

In slightly smaller volumes, the fruits contain vitamin E, B vitamins, which also contribute to the regeneration and slow down the aging process of cells, and have a positive effect on the state of the central nervous system.

The presence of iron and magnesium makes the berry useful for the cardiovascular system. Iron helps to maintain hemoglobin at the right level, due to which there is sufficient oxygenation of organs and tissues. Magnesium strengthens the heart muscle.

Phosphorus and potassium are essential for brain activity. Their lack can provoke distraction of attention, loss of concentration, and a decrease in mental activity.

The presence of dietary fiber determines the benefits of persimmon for the digestive tract, they remove toxins and toxins, helping to increase intestinal motility. Persimmon pulp can act as a mild laxative.

In the absence of contraindications, persimmon is allowed for pregnant women. It will increase the strength of immunity, give the body vitamins and trace elements, and relieve constipation, which often occurs during this period. As the women themselves say, the sweet, but sour taste of persimmon allows you to cope with toxicosis.

When breastfeeding, you can eat persimmons, if this does not negatively affect the health of the baby. As a rule, from 1 fetus every 3-4 days there are no health problems for the baby. More frequent use can cause bloating and colic, diathesis.

As with the use of any food, the irrepressible eating of persimmons can cause a deterioration in the condition. So, too much fiber (especially when eating unripe fruits) can cause abdominal pain, intestinal obstruction.

Despite the beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract system, eating berries should be abandoned during acute gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and other similar exacerbations.

With caution, you should eat it with kidney stones or a predisposition to their appearance. Due to the high amount of sugars in persimmons, people with diabetes should avoid or reduce their consumption.

Finally, although individual intolerance and allergy to fruits are rare, this is the reason for their rejection.

How to choose the right fruits?

Some refuse tasty and healthy berries, believing that persimmon knits. However, this is typical only for unripe fruits. In this regard, consider how to determine a ripe berry.

Ripe persimmons are soft to the touch, they have a shiny skin without damage and stains. Its stalk is brown, dry. Look at the pulp of the fruit, if possible. An orange hue indicates that the persimmon is not ripe, while a darker, brown color indicates full maturity.

There are also varieties that do not knit at all. The most famous is "Korolek", which is distinguished by a juicy, chocolate-colored pulp.

After purchase, you need to store persimmons in the refrigerator for no more than 3-5 days. Few people know that the berry can be frozen for future use - it can be stored in the freezer for up to 2-3 months. Chinese persimmon (sometimes called oriental) is well suited for freezing.

Popular Recipes

However, if you bought a viscous persimmon, you can get rid of a specific characteristic. You can keep it for 12 hours in cool water, freeze it or put it in one bag with apples for a couple of days to ripen. All these methods allow you to neutralize the viscosity of the persimmon.

Persimmon can be consumed not only fresh, but also used to make jams, smoothies and cocktails, salads and even hot dishes. It, like apples, can be baked with a bird or a rabbit. To do this, it is recommended to choose dense fruits, for example, varieties of "Korolek", which will retain their shape during the baking process.

When choosing a persimmon for a particular dish, it is recommended to take into account its variety. So, for the preparation of sauces and stewing, velvet persimmon (“Mabolo”, “Velvet Apple”) is the most suitable. It has a light cheesy flavor, pinkish flesh. If you don't like the cheesy smell, you can get rid of it by removing the skin.

Universal is considered "Korolek", which does not knit his mouth. Due to its juiciness and sweetness, it is well suited for making drinks, including alcoholic ones.

If you are looking for the sweetest persimmon variety, then this is "Chocolate". It is important to choose fruits of a dark brown hue with chocolate-colored pulp and seeds. This persimmon has been pollinated, so it pleases with high taste.

If you want to surprise guests with an unusual type of salads or desserts, as well as fruit cuts with this berry in the composition, purchase Black Sapota fruits. It is distinguished by sweetness and dark chocolate, almost black shade of pulp.


Persimmon with avocado and chicken breast


  • 2 persimmon fruits;
  • 1 red onion;
  • salad mix;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 250-300 g of chicken fillet (you can turkey);
  • 50 mg pumpkin seeds;
  • seasoning for chicken - 1 teaspoon;
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce and lemon juice.

First you need to prepare the chicken - wash the fillet, cut into pieces and marinate in spices for 10-15 minutes, then fry in a pan. Instead of ready-made spicy collection, you can use ground black pepper, paprika, suneli hops, basil.

You need to remove the skin from the persimmon and cut the fruit into half rings, for this the fruit is cut in half, then into thin slices. Onions are also cut into half rings or rings. Wash the avocado, peel, cut in half, remove the pit and cut into strips, cubes or thin slices.

Lettuce should be washed and torn with your hands, put on the bottom of the plate. On top of it - fried chicken, persimmon, onion. Dress the salad with a mixture of lemon juice and soy sauce, sprinkle the finished dish with pumpkin seeds.

With persimmon and herbs

This recipe cannot be attributed to salads, this is a sauce for dishes, however, the combination of persimmon and spices, as well as the fresh taste of this sauce, make it possible to attribute the dish to this category of recipes.


  • 1 ripe persimmon;
  • a bunch of lettuce;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 150 g cilantro.
  • for dressing - a tablespoon of olive oil, lemon juice, soy sauce and a teaspoon of honey.

Wash all salad ingredients. Persimmon and greens cut or tear with your hands. Free the pepper from the stalk and grains, cut into cubes. Clean the persimmon and cut into small pieces. Mix everything and put in a salad bowl. Mix the ingredients for dressing, pour over the dish.

persimmon caprice

Delicate persimmon may well replace the tomato in a classic Italian caprice appetizer. For cooking, you need mozzarella and persimmon, as well as a teaspoon of olive oil and a little freshly ground black pepper (optional).

The fruit must be peeled and cut into circles, removing the seeds. Cheese is also cut into circles. The thickness of the pieces of persimmon and cheese is approximately 1-1.5 cm.

Cheese and persimmon are laid out in layers on a plate, the resulting "turret" is poured with oil and sprinkled with pepper. You can decorate the dish with a basil leaf.

With persimmon and goat cheese

You will need:

  • 2 persimmons;
  • 100 g goat cheese;
  • 50 g of arugula;
  • salad mix;
  • for dressing - 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of honey and lemon juice.

Put the chopped salad mix into a salad bowl. Washed and peeled persimmons should be cut into thin slices, also sent to a salad bowl. Crumble goat cheese on top. Mix dressing ingredients, pour over salad. The dish can be garnished with nuts or sesame seeds.

With shrimp and persimmon

A hearty, but at the same time light and interesting salad. To prepare it, you need the following ingredients:

  • 2 persimmons;
  • 16 shrimp;
  • 1 red onion;
  • clove of garlic;
  • 10 olives;
  • 50 g of arugula;
  • 1 red onion;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt, pepper.

Clean the shrimp and coat them in flour. Heat olive oil in a frying pan, throw in the peeled and chopped garlic. As soon as he gives the oil its aroma and taste, remove the garlic from the oil and put the shrimps there. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

Cut the washed and peeled berries into slices, olives into rings. Put arugula, shrimp, persimmon and olives in a salad bowl. Add thinly sliced ​​red onion. Drizzle with olive oil to which balsamic vinegar has been added.

Persimmon and blue cheese


  • 2 persimmons;
  • salad mix;
  • 50 g blue cheese;
  • 50 g walnuts;
  • for the sauce - 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of cranberry syrup, 1 teaspoon of honey, salt, pepper.

Peel and cut the persimmon as you like. Chop the walnuts with a knife. Put salad castings in a salad bowl (if necessary, chop them), on top - persimmons and nuts. Drizzle with sauce; crumble blue cheese.

Fruit salad with persimmon

You will need:

  • 3 green apples;
  • 2 persimmons;
  • 4 walnuts;
  • 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt without additives, sour cream or kefir.

Peel and cut apples into cubes, berries into slices. Mix everything in a salad bowl, bowl or low glass. Pour kefir (you can add a pinch of cinnamon to it), yogurt or sour cream. Sprinkle nuts on top. The dish can be decorated with a mint leaf, or you can make a sugar rim around the edges of the glass.

Sauce "Chutney"

This sauce can be prepared from various fruits and vegetables with the addition of spices, its feature is sweet and sour taste. The use of persimmon allows you to achieve the versatility of the taste of the sauce, and excessive astringency eliminates ginger and spices.


  • 1 persimmon;
  • 1 cm fresh ginger root;
  • half a red onion;
  • half a teaspoon of red pepper;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • sesame seeds.

The fruits should be washed, freed from the skin and the stone should be separated. Finely chop the resulting pulp with a knife. Peel and finely chop half of the red onion. Ginger also peel and grate on a fine grater. Mix the ingredients, add pepper and lemon juice. Send to marinate for 2 hours in the refrigerator. You can add sesame seeds to it.

This sauce will be a great addition to fried chicken breast, rice. It can also be used to marinate meat before frying or roasting. You can puree persimmons and onions with a blender, but, as experienced housewives say, finely chopped pieces turn out tastier when marinated.


Light, perfectly refreshing compote is obtained from persimmon. It can be drunk immediately or poured into sterile jars.

To prepare it, take:

  • 5 persimmon berries;
  • 5 glasses of water;
  • 200 g sugar (adjust the amount according to the sweetness of the fruit and your own preferences).

Its preparation is extremely simple - wash the berries and cut into slices, cover with sugar and let stand for 5-7 minutes. Add water and cook over moderate heat until boiling. After that - another 5 minutes. At the end of cooking, you can add mint or lemon balm leaves, a cinnamon stick or 3-4 stars of cloves or star anise.

If you will preserve the compote, it is filtered and hot poured into jars. If it will be served immediately to the table, then it is not necessary to filter, but it is better to cool it first.

Jam from these fruits pleases with a sunny shade and original taste. It turns out not cloying and very easy. It is pleasant to eat it just like that, and spread it on sandwiches, put it in pastries.

Classic persimmon jam recipe


  • 1 kg persimmon;
  • 70 ml of water;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 stick of cinnamon.

Berries need to be washed and peeled, and then grated. Pour water into a saucepan, add lemon juice and bring to a boil. As soon as the liquid boils, put the grated persimmon into it and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

Turn off the jam and let stand for half an hour, then add cinnamon and boil for another 20-30 minutes. Remove the cinnamon stick and pour the jam into sterile jars, roll up the lids.

Persimmon and orange should be peeled and cut into pieces, and then scroll through a meat grinder. Pour the resulting mass with sand and leave in this form for 2-3 hours.

Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice out of it. It will take a little more than half a glass. Juice is also added to the mixture with sugar. After that, it is boiled over low heat for about 40-50 minutes with continuous stirring.

If it burns, you can add a little water, but then the cooking time may increase. You should focus on the consistency of the jam. Dropped on a plate, it should not spread. Roll the finished jam into prepared sterilized jars.

What can be made from bones?

Bones in fruits are evidence that the fruit is pollinated, and therefore it is juicy, tasty and sweet. As a rule, the berry contains 6-8 seed-seeds covered with pulp.

The bones can also be eaten. For example, in the United States during the Civil War, they were dried and ground, using them as flour. They were also heavily roasted and brewed, resulting in a drink that tasted like coffee.

Of course, these recipes are rather a forced measure to cope with the hardships of a hungry wartime. However, even today, bones can be usefully used. They, like the pulp, contain a large amount of nutrients, so they can be eaten. They need to be cleaned of pulp and dried, and then fried in a dry frying pan for 15-20 minutes. When the seeds have cooled, they can be eaten, added to smoothies or salads.

If you germinate a grain in a humid, warm environment, and then plant it in the ground, you can grow an ornamental tree. It will not bear fruit, but it will decorate the room. In addition, the leaves of the tree can be added to tea when brewing.

How to cook persimmon dessert, see the following video.

Persimmon recipes are not limited to jam. In the photo of persimmon recipes, we showed how to cook meat with pieces of juicy fruit. But persimmon recipes are much more diverse than it seems at first glance. Persimmon is good both fresh and dried. Fresh persimmons can be used to make jam, stuffing for pies, and rice with persimmons. Dried persimmon tastes like figs. All varieties of persimmons are suitable for drying, but the best dried fruits are obtained from seedless fruits. For drying, choose hard fruits, which are peeled, cut into pieces and dried at a temperature not exceeding 45 ° C, since the fruits darken at a higher temperature.

The recipe for a simple but delicious aspic pie with persimmon, which can be prepared in a little over an hour. The dough for the pie is kneaded on kefir with the addition of soda, and to make the taste of the dough more tender, melted butter is mixed in. The dough is obtained

chapter: Bulk (jellied) pies

Autumn and winter - it's time to eat persimmons. You can just eat fresh fruit, but it is much more interesting to bake these strips of oatmeal mixed with persimmon puree. An important point - the persimmon must be ripe! Only in this case,


Dessert is the first answer to the question "What can be prepared from persimmon?". Let's prepare a dessert that everyone will like. This is Cheesecake.
Would need:

  • Persimmon - 2 large pieces;
  • Cottage cheese (9%) - half a kilo;
  • Butter cookies - 100 grams;
  • Cream (33%) - half a glass;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar - 2.5 cups;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.

Prepare the form in which you will bake the cheesecake. Crush the cookies and mix them evenly with the butter. Place the mold in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.
Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 160 degrees. And prepare the next layer of Cheesecake. Mix cottage cheese, cream, eggs and lemon juice. Beat the mass, gradually adding 1.5 cups of sugar.
The resulting mixture must be laid out on a layer of cookies and bake 35 minutes.
Once the cheesecake is baked, let it cool. Then the dessert should stand in the cold for 3-4 hours.
Now for dessert, it remains to put the final touch. About 30-40 minutes before the dessert is fully cooked, boil the water with the remaining sugar. Cut the persimmon into slices and place in water. 5 minutes persimmon should boil. Let this syrup cool down.

Persimmon pie

What else can you cook with persimmon to pamper your family? Make a homemade pie. He it turns out incredibly tasty, but a little unpresentable in appearance, therefore, it is best to cook it for a family afternoon snack or dinner.

  • Persimmon - 4-5 pieces;
  • Flour - half a glass;
  • Starch - 3 tablespoons;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • Sugar - 1/3 cup;
  • Salt - ¼ teaspoon;
  • Butter - 5 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons (for greasing the mold);
  • Vanilla sugar - 5 grams (usually this is one bag).

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Process the persimmon. Wash thoroughly and remove leaves. Peel the too tough skin, remove the seeds and scroll the pulp through a meat grinder.
Next, add sugar, vanilla sugar, baking powder, butter and eggs to the persimmon. Whisk all ingredients thoroughly. Then add flour, starch to the mass and mix the dough thoroughly.
Pour the dough into an oiled mold. And bake persimmon pie 20 minutes.
Important point! Do not immediately take out the baked pie.
It will turn out much more aromatic if it stands for 5 minutes and tramples in the oven. Before serving, the cake should be cut into portions. Dishes from persimmon for weight loss.

A wedding is a wonderful day for the realization of all creative ideas and ideas for decorating cars. It is important to choose the right accessories and colors. It is better to think in advance what and how it should look like and how many cars there will be. You can ask for help from an agency, they often provide cars and their creative design, but since it is quite expensive, you can try to decorate a wedding car with your own hands.

When choosing a car for a wedding, it is better to focus on classic shades - white, black, metallic and silver. If the newlyweds have separate cars, then prefer a dark car to the groom and a light car to the bride.

Important!Focus on the car in which the couple will travel from the registry office. Let her be the center of attention.

Most often it is decorated with rings and hearts. If you decide to decorate the car with ribbons and flowers, carefully match them to the color of the car. Dark accessories look better on dark cars and vice versa. It is very important not to overdo it. Jewelry should not interfere with the driver. You can also rent jewelry.

How to decorate a wedding procession

To make your procession impressive, check out the basic rules for decorating wedding cars.

1. Decide on the exact number of cars. At a minimum, you need to beautifully decorate the main car for the wedding. Guest cars can be more modestly decorated on the outside.

2. Decide where the accessories will be attached. Modern technology does not harm the coatings of the machine. Usually decorate such elements: headlights, bumper, glass, door handles, interior, trunk, wheels. The most popular place for attaching scenery is the hood.

3. Choose a color scheme depending on the color of the car. Prefer the contrast between the color of the car and the decorations.

4. Combine the theme of the celebration with the design of the car. If the wedding is unthemed, choose colors that match the bride's bouquet.

5. To make the design look organic, consider the shape of the hood and other elements. If a florist is engaged in decoration, he must take into account all the features.

6. If you prefer fresh flowers, then buy the most resistant ones with strong leaves.

7. Make sure that decorations do not interfere with the driver and do not obscure windows and mirrors. Also, they should not overlap the car numbers.

8. Decide on a mount. You can tie, stick on adhesive tape or cling car decorations to suction cups.

9. You also have the opportunity to use car decorations in decorating the hall. In this case, warn the decorator in advance.

10. Do not drive at high speed (more than 60-80 km / h) so that the jewelry does not fly off the car. Take seriously the choice of a person who will deal with the design of cars.

Wedding rings and swans

If you are creating wedding decorations with your own hands, do not forget about the use of rings and swans on a wedding car - they are classic. Standard rings can be made by yourself. You will need plastic hoses that can be twisted into a ring using batteries. After that, they need to be wrapped in a spiral with a gold ribbon for flowers. Fix the ends of the tape with glue or tape.

You will need three rings. One for the base - should lie horizontally, and the remaining two are set perpendicular to the first and fixed. The finished structure is fixed on a magnet(used for taxi checkers). It is appropriate to place a pair of swans on a wedding car - they symbolize love and fidelity. Looks great with rings. Swans must be white.

Important! Birds are attached only to the car of the newlyweds.

Swans can be made with your own hands or purchased at the store. For self-production, you will need feathers, fabric, cardboard. It is important to securely fasten the swans to the car, so the nest is often decorated with flowers, baskets or fabrics.

Decorations from ribbons and butterflies for the car

Choosing the right color scheme is one of the most important tasks. Jewelry looks beautiful when the colors are matched in contrast or harmony.

Interesting!Butterflies are one of the traditional symbols of celebration. They can be created independently from paper and cardboard or purchased at needlework stores, florist shops. They are also often decorated with bouquets.

Ribbons on the roof can attach rings or decorate the car itself. There are two options for self-decorating the car with ribbons and butterflies:

Artificial butterflies are attached with suction cups. Ribbons decorate the butterflies themselves or decorate other elements of the car.

From paper or fabric ribbons on the hood, a composition is pulled in the form of a web. Artificial butterflies are sewn on it.

What fabrics can decorate a wedding car

Lightweight fabrics will help you beautifully decorate your wedding car with your own hands. The most common is to make bows from fabric. They can be created with your own hands by combining different types and colors of fabrics. For example, you can combine satin and organza. Different texture of fabrics will look beautiful. At the base of the bow, you can attach ribbons, they will flutter while riding.

Choose your bow size carefully. Prefer either one large one or a couple of small ones. All bows must be the same color, even on different cars. Then the tuple will turn out to be very elegant. Sometimes the hood of the car is covered with tulle or tulle. It's cheap, but it looks nice. The fabric composition is complemented with ribbons or flowers.

By the way, decorating a car with tulle for a wedding is very important. Often, one large piece of light-colored fabric is taken, draped and fastened to the hood so as to completely cover the hood. The edge of the tulle can be left hanging to create an association with the bride's veil.

The hood does not have to be completely closed. It will look no less impressive if the draped tulle is stretched from the upper corners to the center of the hood. Even bows are often made from this fabric and decorated with ribbons.

Choosing flowers for decoration

It is very modern to decorate the car with flowers. Fresh flowers look the most beautiful. They are located on the body, hood and door handles. Flowers can resemble wreaths, baskets or bouquets. Floral arrangements look beautiful.

Also, often the car is decorated with artificial flowers. They are often rented. You can create a beautiful flower arrangement for a wedding car with your own hands. You will need to purchase:

artificial flowers;



Fabrics, preferably tulle or mesh;

Next, you will need to make a frame. To do this, use a circle made of cardboard or plastic. Attach the flowers to the base. Choose which composition you will use. It can be round or linear. You can make it from flowers of both the same length and different ones.

Then make a bouquet. To make it more magnificent, insert greens or ribbons between the stems of flowers. Secure everything with tape. Also, tulle is often used for the bouquet, sewing it in the form of a skirt to be associated with the bride's dress.

When the composition is ready, wrap the ends of the stems with tape so as not to scratch the hood. Attach the flowers to the base and secure to the hood of the car with tape or tape. If using ribbon, secure with an elastic band on the back.

How to decorate car handles

Most often, car door handles are decorated with flowers or ribbons. Prefer simple decoration. For example, a bow from various ribbons, a boutonniere or plants. Flower bouquets are created using tulle, ribbons and mesh. An original decoration can be created with beads or rhinestones. The main thing is not to overdo it, a few ribbons or a flower will be enough.

Is it worth it to decorate the car yourself

Preparing for a celebration is hard work. It is important to think through every little thing. Decorating a car for a wedding plays an important role. An elegant wedding procession always looks beautiful. You can create a huge part of the decorations yourself. But then it is important to take into account various nuances. When you take a car in a company, check in advance whether it is possible to decorate it yourself. It may happen that you are forbidden to cling any decorations to the car cover.

Interesting! The most successful will look like a motorcade of cars of the same shade. Decorations should be contrasting. Choose classic car colors. If you want a bright car, then prefer discreet decorations.

If the cars are of different colors, then let the brightest ones be at the end of the tuple. If you decide to cling jewelry yourself, then remember about practicality. In addition to a beautiful appearance, they should not interfere with anyone, especially the driver. It is equally important to attach everything securely so that at an unfortunate moment the decorations do not fly off the car. Perhaps these are the main rules for high-quality and beautiful decoration of cars for a wedding with your own hands.

If it is not possible to use the services of the company, you can simply ask them for advice on how and with what it is better to decorate a wedding car. And if you decide that you know how to beautifully decorate a wedding car on your own, then take it seriously in order to avoid embarrassing incidents on the day of the celebration.

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Among the entire list of car costs, car decoration is far from the first place. Whether it is worth spending money on it is a big question.

Is it necessary to decorate cars for a wedding?

We are of the opinion that a good car does not need decoration. Well, if you really want to decorate it - you should do it as interesting as possible.

That is why, we will not tell you how to make swans or dolls for a car. There are a huge number of ways to decorate a wedding procession without disfiguring the car.

In this article, we have collected beautiful car decoration ideas that you can do yourself. Choose what suits you and enjoy!


Flowers are an integral part of a wedding, they are used in huge quantities and are suitable for absolutely everything, including decorating cars.

To decorate a wedding procession, any flowers will do. It is important to choose them according to the color and style of the wedding. And it is even more important to take care that the flowers remain beautiful and fresh throughout the day, regardless of the weather.

Flower garlands of roses, carnations, chrysanthemums look very beautiful. From the same flowers, you can make small bouquets and fix them on mirrors or doorknobs.

If you are worried about the weather or want to save money, you can replace fresh flowers with artificial ones.


The easiest way to decorate a wedding car with your own hands is to use ribbons.

It is better to decorate dark cars with ribbons of light shades, light ones with bright ones.

Ribbons can be used in combination with other types of decorations - flowers, balls, paper garlands.

paper garlands

You can buy paper garlands or make your own. These are beautiful and inexpensive decorations that can be attached anywhere.

Very comfortable, easy and beautiful!


Also quite a simple and interesting way to decorate a wedding car.

Remember that you should not inflate the balloons completely, otherwise they will burst when the car moves.


Quite a popular way to decorate a wedding car, which came to us from the West. Tin cans of various shapes and colors are tied to the back of the car.

Making jewelry from cans with your own hands is not at all difficult. To do this, you need to take the right amount of cans, peel off the labels and wash well. Cover them with colored/wrapping paper or spray paint them. Make holes in the jars, stretch ribbons or ropes and tie them to the car.

Things to keep in mind when decorating cars for a wedding
  1. Choose jewelry based on the color and style of the wedding.
  2. You should not weigh the car completely or use many types of jewelry at once. With the possible exception of ribbons - they can be combined with everything.
  3. Avoid large voluminous compositions, excessive amounts of decorations. Not only for aesthetic reasons, but also so as not to interfere with the driver to follow the road.

Have fun and have a great wedding!