How to learn to be beautiful and well-groomed at a minimum cost. Well-groomed woman. The rules of a real woman. The opinion of men

To collect daily compliments addressed to you both from loved ones and from casual acquaintances, you need to devote a lot of time to caring for your appearance. Regularity is very important in taking care of yourself: if you buy a bunch of expensive creams and use them for a couple of days, and then forget about them for a month, then such use will not give any effect. There is no need to spend a lot of money for personal care - most procedures can be easily performed with improvised means and at home.

Beauty through the eyes of men

The perception of beauty through the eyes of men and women is strikingly different. Things that delight girls often cause a state of shock in guys. For example, women often admire manicure in the form of sharp bright nails, while men almost unanimously condemn the owners of "stilettos", considering such a work of art to be a real ugliness.

The same disagreements arise in the perception of clothing. For a woman, for example, a long gray skirt will symbolize sophisticated taste and elegance, while most men would prefer a girl to wear more revealing clothes that emphasize the beauty of the figure and reveal her legs. Some men say aloud that a woman should dress modestly, but they are also pleased if their companion looks impressive and attracts the views of others.

How to become attractive to men

Why home care is better than a beauty salon

There is an opinion that if there is enough money, a woman may not worry about her appearance at all - professional cosmetologists, manicurists and hairdressers will take care of her face and figure. But this is not entirely true - it is enough to read the mass of negative reviews left by upset visitors to beauty salons after procedures that only worsened their appearance.

Taking care of yourself at home can be more beneficial than taking care of yourself at a specialist salon for the following reasons:

  • Not all women are wealthy enough to afford the constant services of a beautician and make-up artist. Usually a course of procedures is required, consisting of at least 5-10 visits, and a one-time treatment will not give a visible effect.
  • For use at home, a woman buys cosmetics for herself, which means that she monitors its quality and shelf life. In unscrupulous beauty salons, masters can be cunning and try to use cheaper or expired cosmetics in order to save money. The result of such savings can be very disastrous for clients - from the simple ineffectiveness of the means used and ending with allergies, from which it will take a long time to be treated.
  • In self-respecting establishments, manicure and pedicure are performed with disposable instruments that are printed out at the client's presence, and reusable instruments are disinfected by boiling or using special sterilizers. But for visitors to beauty salons, there is always a risk that the master forgets to perform these operations or decides to save time by starting to work with the next client with tools that have not been processed after the previous visitor. The result of such forgetfulness can be various infections - there is a danger not only of getting felon and losing a nail, but also of contracting one of the sexually transmitted diseases that are transmitted through dirty instruments with accidental cuts. At home, when a woman uses an individual set of tools and wipes it herself with alcohol wipes, the likelihood of infection is minimal.
  • The banal saving of time also testifies in favor of home care. If a woman knows how to take care of herself, then she will not have to spend time on the road to the beauty salon, and cosmetic procedures can be carried out in parallel with household chores. For example, apply a mask to your face while ironing your laundry or do a manicure while baked goods are being cooked in the oven.

Becoming a beautiful and well-groomed girl should be done in stages. If you try to immediately correct the appearance of your face, hair and nails in one day, applying dozens of different cosmetics at the same time, then they most likely will not give any effect or even cause an allergic reaction. In personal care, it is important to perform the procedures consistently and regularly. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the skin - a girl with acne or age spots on her face cannot claim to be a spectacular beauty. At the same time, you should start your daily hand care. As the condition of your face and hands improves, you can devote more time to nourishing and improving your hair. A girl with clean skin and healthy hair looks well-groomed, even if she does not use decorative cosmetics.

What if I'm ugly

How to become beautiful and well-groomed

In order to become a beautiful and well-groomed girl, you do not need to make a lot of effort. In this work, the most important thing is the regularity of the procedures performed.

Even if a girl is busy with work or study (and sometimes both at the same time), you can always set aside 15–20 minutes in your daily schedule that need to be devoted to caring for her appearance.

Face care

Many girls complain about the appearance that nature has given them. Some are not satisfied with the shape of the ears, others do not like the nose, and still others would like to change the lips. But if a girl has clean and delicate skin, then the other flaws in her appearance are not so striking, but can even become a kind of zest.

There are many examples of famous actresses and singers who have a large nose or close-set eyes. They were able to use the originality of their appearance as a hallmark that makes a woman unforgettable. But with such skin defects as age spots or acne, it is imperative to fight, because a face with such imperfections cannot be called well-groomed.

Fight against skin imperfections

There are many options for homemade face masks and creams. Such products compare favorably with store-bought products in the absence of harmful "chemicals" (stabilizers, preservatives, excess dyes and fragrances), which means that they are much more natural and less allergic than cosmetics of popular brands:

  • The simplest mask for blackheads includes two components: gelatin and milk. Gelatin must be mixed with warmed milk until smooth. The resulting substance must be applied to the area of \u200b\u200blocalization of blackheads (usually the nose, cheeks and chin). When dry, the mask will harden, and after 10-15 minutes it can be removed. On the part of the hardened film that adjoined the face, after separation, sebaceous plugs will be clearly visible, which "jumped out" from the pores. Remains of the mask that could not be removed mechanically can be washed off with warm water. Then, to make the cleansed pores shrink, you should rinse your face with cold water. Despite its ease of implementation, such a mask is very effective and will allow you to permanently rid your skin of blackheads.
  • Lemon juice is a popular home remedy for age spots. If the skin is not very sensitive, then you can wipe the pigmented areas with a lemon wedge, let it stand for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse your face with running water. If the skin is sensitive and prone to irritation, then it is better to refuse to use this method. Gentle whitening with cucumber juice will be more suitable in this case. Pieces of cucumber (you can even use cucumber peelings) are applied with a fresh cut to the areas with pigmentation, or the whole face is wiped with cucumber slices. After a couple of weeks of such treatment, the face will look cleaner and fresher, as minor redness and darkening will disappear. If there are dark circles under the eyes, then under the influence of cucumber juice they will also become less noticeable.
  • Regular wiping of problem areas with cotton pads with a small amount of salicylic or isopropyl alcohol will help get rid of acne. Most of the cosmetics sold in the store contain exactly one of these components as an active ingredient. You can quickly remove inflammation and reduce the size of an individual pimple using the method known to all schoolgirls - apply a little toothpaste to the inflamed area and rinse off after 3-5 minutes. The toothpaste dries out the pimple and the inflammation will soon be less noticeable. Naturally, such methods will not have much effect if skin problems arise due to internal malfunctions in the body (disturbances in the hormonal system, problems with the stomach or intestines). In this case, it is necessary not to get rid of external signs, but to undergo examination and treatment by qualified specialists - doctors of the corresponding profile.
  • A daily face cream is easy to make on your own, too. As a base, you can choose any inexpensive baby cream. Products for children tend to contain fewer fragrances and dyes than cosmetics for adults, so they are safer and less allergic. Such a cream is mixed with any ingredients that you want to add. For example, adding olive oil will give the cream its moisturizing properties; a small amount of vitamin E, previously purchased from the pharmacy, will increase the anti-aging properties of the resulting product. To obtain a pleasant scent, it is recommended to add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the composition. If you apply this cream every day, your skin will become soft and velvety in 1-2 weeks.

Long eyelashes and dark eyebrows

Psychologists have long found out that the first thing people pay attention to when they meet is the eyes of the interlocutor. Therefore, every woman is faced with the task of making her look captivating and bewitching. Of course, a lot depends on the inner state of the girl: if she is scared, angry or arrogant, then it is unlikely that her look will be called attractive. But still, much depends on external characteristics: the longer the eyelashes and the darker the eyebrows, the more expressive the look.

To care for your eyebrows and eyelashes, there is no need to buy expensive cosmetic serums. There is a universal remedy that promotes the growth and strengthening of eyelashes and eyebrows like castor oil. It is sold in pharmacies and its price is relatively low. The most effective scheme for applying castor oil will be: 2-3 hours before bedtime, take a cotton swab, dip it in castor oil, draw along the line of growth of eyebrows and eyelashes, remove the excess with a paper napkin. Wash your face before going to bed so as not to stain your bed linen with oil. Some cosmetologists advise leaving the product on the eyelashes and eyebrows overnight to achieve greater effect. But sometimes castor oil causes swelling of the eyelids, ranging from mild swelling to noticeable swelling. To prevent such consequences, it is better to wash off the product before going to bed.

After a few weeks of using castor oil, many girls note that the eyelashes have become larger, the eyebrows are thicker, the hairs themselves grow darker and longer, so there is no need to use mascara and pencil.

Gentle lips

Lipstick purchased in a store often does not improve the condition of the lips, but, on the contrary, aggravates the situation: delicate skin begins to dry out, chapped, painful cracks appear. Homemade lip balm can moisturize affected skin, heal cracks and make lips look attractive anytime, even when they are not wearing makeup.

How to prepare the simplest lip balm: melt natural beeswax, add melted honey, vitamins A and E, various oils to taste (tea tree oil, olive oil, castor oil). This balm will nourish delicate skin well. If there is no beeswax, then you can create a lip product based on petroleum jelly - it will also have moisturizing properties and help heal small cracks.

Hair care

For hair to look spectacular and beautiful, it must be nourished regularly. At home, the following natural remedies are readily available and are almost always at hand to keep your hair strong, healthy and shiny.

  • Egg yolk does not even need to be mixed with any other components - it itself includes a whole system of useful vitamins and amino acids that improve hair structure, promote hair growth and even get rid of dandruff. The application is not difficult: the egg yolk is applied to the hair (it is desirable that as much of the substance as possible gets to the hair roots), after which the hair with the applied agent is closed with a plastic bag for 30-40 minutes. Then you need to shampoo your hair as usual.
  • Burdock oil has long been famous for its ability to stimulate hair growth, make them healthier and stronger. To achieve the greatest effect, you should moisturize your hair and apply oil to it over the entire growth area, then wrap your hair with plastic and wrap it with a towel on top. This layering gives a warming effect and enhances the effect of the applied product. Burdock oil should be kept on the hair for an hour, then washed off with shampoo in the usual way. After just a few applications, a visible effect will be noticeable: the curls will become stronger, healthier and shinier.

After washing, the hair should be rinsed with cool water - this procedure also contributes to the appearance of a healthy shine. When shaping the styling, you should not use a lot of mousses, varnishes and gels, because they contribute to faster hair pollution and the hairstyle will look sloppy. A girl with clean hair will attract more attention from the stronger sex, because light and fresh curls involuntarily make you want to touch their owner, while a woman with greasy hair will look dirty. Therefore, to create the image of a well-groomed girl, you do not need to do complex hairstyles and styling - such simple procedures as regular washing and combing are enough.

Well-groomed hands

The age of a woman can almost always be determined by the condition of the skin of the hands and neck. And if the neck is usually not forgotten, paying attention to it along with the face, then the hands often look very deplorable. The following steps should be taken regularly to care for your skin:

  • Moisturize and nourish your hands with a variety of creams every day. Even lubrication with the simplest baby cream will help make your hands soft and tender.
  • Remember to apply the cream before going outside, especially in cold and windy weather, and be sure to wear warm gloves.
  • File your nails regularly with a nail file, keeping the length the same. A girl cannot be considered well-groomed if her nails are bitten or of different lengths.
  • The cuticle can be either pushed back or cut off - in this case it all depends on the preferences of the owner of the manicure. It should be noted that an edged manicure (when the cuticle is removed with tweezers or nippers) is fraught with possible injuries, while an unedged manicure is safer in this regard.
  • Nail polish can be applied colorless or not at all. It is important that your nails look healthy, clean and beautiful. There is nothing worse than when women try to hide the dirt under their nails with a bright manicure.
  • From time to time, you need to remove the varnish to give your nails the opportunity to recover. Constant stay under a layer of decorative varnish can lead to various diseases of the nail, up to the appearance of a fungus, which will then have to be removed for a long time.

The mentioned tips are also suitable for caring for the skin of the feet and performing a pedicure - regular moisturizing of the heels will get rid of calluses and corns, and keeping the toenails neat and well-groomed will allow the girl not to be ashamed if she suddenly has to take off her shoes unexpectedly.

The listed rules will help any girl to look well-groomed at minimal cost, and regular self-care will certainly give the result in the form of admiring compliments from numerous fans who will definitely appreciate such beauty.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

Especially depressing for me were the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing makes a person look older or younger than his eyes.

But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Recognized - at least 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid pilling, radiolifting, laser facelift? Slightly more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find all this time? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different way for myself ...

To look well-groomed every day, you must follow a number of immutable rules:

  • cleanliness of body and hair;
  • hair care;
  • skin care;
  • care of nails and skin of hands;
  • moderate decorative cosmetics;
  • beautiful snow-white smile.

Purity is bodily beauty

One of the cornerstones of basic body care is cleanliness. A person cannot look well-groomed if he looks untidy and smells unpleasant.

It is advisable to take a shower every morning and evening. This is the quickest and easiest way to maintain your appearance.

Spending just a few minutes in the shower each morning will keep you looking clean and refreshed all day long.

It is important that the soap or shower gel is chosen with care.

You need to choose the one that smells:

  • Purity, freshness and natural aroma such as citrus fruits or light floral aromas.
  • Has a subtle, rather than heavy and obtrusive smell.
  • Smells expensive, not cheap. It is better to use a soap with a natural scent rather than one that has a rich scent.

Nice smell - self-confidence

Unpleasant body odor causes discomfort - both to yourself and to those around you. In order for the body to smell good, it is necessary to use a deodorant or antiperspirant. After taking a shower, it will help maintain a feeling of freshness and prevent sweating. What deodorants to choose:

  • No fragrances - they do not mask unpleasant odors, but eliminate them.
  • With a light and delicate aroma, freshness or flowers. Make sure the scent is not overly saturated.
  • For special occasions, it is allowed to use perfume according to taste. Dear, light fragrances are suitable for any occasion.

Skin care

A woman's skin should be clean, soft and moisturized - these are signs of her health and care.

For basic skin care, daily treatments should be followed. The main one is washing your face with quality products.

  1. The moisturizing and cleansing foam for the face gently removes the remains of dirt and grease.
  2. Face and body scrubs with exfoliating granules will cleanse the skin and remove dead skin cells.
  3. Use a pumice stone to treat rough skin on your feet.
  4. After showering, it is recommended to moisturize your face with a light day cream with special sun protection (SPF).
  5. Use a body lotion several times a week to moisturize and soften your skin.
  6. Before going to bed, remove heavy makeup from your face with micellar water or makeup remover.
  7. Choose skin care products based on your skin type.

Decorative cosmetics

Makeup always helps women look beautiful and well-groomed every day. It hides imperfections and enhances natural beauty.

However, try to achieve the most well-groomed look without applying makeup. If you use makeup, your look should be discreet.

  1. It is recommended to apply cosmetics in the morning after showering and applying day cream.
  2. The most effective make-up is a light foundation, a little blush, mascara, lipstick or lip gloss.
  3. All makeup tools must be clean and disinfected so that dirt does not infect the skin with bacteria.

Hair and hairstyle are an important element of grooming

In order for your hair to look well-groomed every day, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Keep your hair clean - wash it every day, at least every other day. It is best to wash your hair every morning to keep it looking fresh.
  • Hair should be in good condition - use conditioner after every wash. Visit your master hairdresser regularly to have split ends trimmed.
  • Choose a simple, elegant, easy-care hairstyle. Short or long hair, midi length, bob, bob, ponytail are classic hairstyles. They are spectacular to this day.
  • Keep your hair tidy - if it still looks messy after washing, re-style your hair or tie it in a ponytail.
  • Nature has endowed you with a unique hair color, so try to keep your hair as natural as possible, or dye it in a natural and elegant color.

Makeup and hairstyle give the look a well-groomed look


Close attention is paid to the nails, the appearance of a woman is judged by them.

Clean, well-groomed nails are proof of self-love and respect for aesthetics.

The nails should look like:

  1. Clean - If you shower every day, they will be cleaned under running water. If they often get dirty from a hobby or work process, use tools to clean them, and wear gloves.
  2. Neat and elegant nails - preference is given to natural and feminine outlines. The tips of the nails can be left white, short and rounded.
  3. Use a hand cream to keep your nails and cuticles soft and hydrated.
  4. The neat cuticle above the nail should be pushed aside with an orange manicure stick, otherwise it will dry out and overgrow.
  5. Keep your nails trimmed and clean. If you need to trim them, do it after a special hand bath. Then the nails will become soft, strong, it will be easier to cut them with scissors.
  6. If you use your computer regularly, place a nail file and hand cream next to it.


A well-groomed appearance is impossible without hair removal on certain parts of the body.

  1. During and after your morning shower, this is the ideal time to remove unwanted hair.
  2. Heat and steam open pores and facilitate hair removal. During your morning shower, you can quickly remove hair from your armpits and legs with a razor.
  3. After your morning shower, you can remove excess facial hair, such as above the upper lip or chin, with tweezers or wax strips.
  4. Then you can apply moisturizers and lotions as usual. Shaving razors must be disinfected with Chlorhexidine after each use.


Beautifully shaped, well-groomed eyebrows frame the eyes and are an important part of a beautiful appearance. Eyebrows can be looked after at home, but sometimes you can visit a professional.

In 10-15 minutes he will correct their shape and correct the color. Excess hair can be removed with wax or tweezers.

Your eyebrows should be shaped so that it can accentuate the shape of your face and eyes.

Natural, not thin, but not wide, and slightly curved eyebrows are suitable for most women.

Teeth and oral hygiene

A key part of future-proof and high-quality personal care is attention to dental health and oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth is important not only to remove plaque and food debris, but also to keep your breath fresh.

Poor oral hygiene is invisible on the outside, but at the level of touch, everyone smells bad.

You need to brush your teeth twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

If you have the ability to use oral lotions, they will be helpful after a meal. Rinsing your mouth kills bacteria and freshens your breath.

Toothpicks remove food debris from the spaces between the teeth and along the gum line.

Remember to visit your dentist regularly - at least once every 6 months. Dental health is the key to their aesthetic appearance!

White, even teeth give a well-groomed look. You can whiten them in a dental clinic, or you can.

Video - How to look well-groomed

So, a woman cannot look well-groomed every day if she does not follow the basic rules of personal hygiene.

You should also not forget that bad habits and heavy food negatively affect the body and beauty in general.

Eating fresh and natural food products, a normalized amount of water (1.5-2 liters per day) will help remove toxins from the body and saturate it with useful vitamins and macronutrients.

Want to look like a star? Then take on board the 5 rules of a well-groomed woman.

Actresses, models, famous media people literally amaze us from the covers of magazines and TV screens with their grooming. On the one hand, this is due to their capabilities. A stylish well-groomed look can also be called a part of their work, so visiting salons for them is something akin to professional duties.

But on the other hand, it is not impossible for a mother and wife, not being a celebrity, to look also stylish, well-groomed and expensive. And today we will show you 5 simple tips on how to achieve this.

1. Your skin must be perfect

Healthy glowing skin is the first sign of well-groomed skin. Therefore, skin care should be given close attention. And most importantly, care should be regular. It is naive to assume that one mask once a week will make you look young and beautiful. You should take care of it daily.

  • First, remember to cleanse your skin properly. Tone and moisturize it. When using skin care cosmetics, apply lighter products first and then thicker products. This ensures their better assimilation, penetration and impact.
  • Secondly, get into the habit of researching the composition of cosmetics before buying. Choose products that include peptides. These elements promote intense hydration and stimulate collagen production.
  • Thirdly, scrubs and masks should also be present in your arsenal. With their help, it is possible to narrow pores, get rid of dead cells, moisturize and nourish the skin. However, they should be used wisely to avoid damage to the skin and not cause irritation. We recommend that you pay attention to cloth masks. This deep hydration and maximum nourishment will leave your skin glowing.

2. Working on the eyebrows

It is not surprising, but it is the eyebrows that modern makeup artists pay special attention to. Actually, imagine a face on which the eyes and lips are beautifully emphasized, but at the same time the eyebrows are practically invisible or they have different shapes. Agree, such a picture will spoil the overall impression.

Today, the emphasis is on naturalness. Therefore, the first thing to do is to take care of the growth and density of the eyebrows. To do this, you can use folk remedies or special cosmetics offered on the market. Also, cosmetic companies offer products and various devices that facilitate eyebrow care.

The next important point is to choose the right eyebrow shape. Don't forget about naturalness again. And to determine the ideal shape for your face, use the following method: take a pencil, attach it to the wing of your nose and place the other end at the outer iris - this will be the highest point of the eyebrow, where the bending will begin. With the same pencil, define the direction from the wing of your nose to the outer corner of your eyes - this will be the end of the eyebrow.

3. Moisturizing lips

Lips are another element that immediately attracts attention. They should not be chapped or cracked. Use scrubs and special nourishing lip balms.

You can make a scrub yourself according to this recipe: mix thoroughly a teaspoon of honey and sugar, add a few drops of olive oil. Use the composition no more than once a week.

4. Hair and volume

Healthy, shiny and voluminous hair is a real adornment for any woman. It is very important to choose the right care products. Do not forget to apply nourishing masks periodically. Visits to the hairdresser should be regular. Trimming the ends is one of the must-have grooming methods.

5. Well-groomed hands and nails

Hand skin requires careful hydration and care. It is the hands that are primarily capable of betraying our age. Therefore, they should be nourished and moisturized no less diligently than the skin of the face.

The next important point is manicure. Unkempt nails instantly catch the eye, and in such a situation it is already difficult to talk about style and perfection. Nails should be of the same length, without burrs and unkempt cuticle edges. Even if you cannot visit a nail salon regularly, take care of home care. Use cuticle care products, get a good manicure set.

And, finally, remember about the most important female adornment - a smile!

Someone is destined to be a beauty from birth. Successful genetics ensured perfect facial features, chiseled figure, luxurious hair. And someone, with an outwardly unprepossessing appearance, has a "light" inside, which attracts those around him. Unfortunately, long legs or charisma are given to us only from above, however, there is a thing that will make any woman, regardless of genetic data, age and even financial status (although one can argue here), attractive - this is grooming. With the question of what a well-groomed woman looks like and what is necessary in order to become one, we turned to the readers and readers of our portal.

Natalia, 38 years old, manager

A woman's well-groomed appearance is first of all given by the skin, hair and nails, everything else is secondary. If a woman has really sleek skin, then she can afford to do with the minimum amount of makeup, because she has nothing to hide, mask, paint.

The main investment, in my opinion, should not be in decorative cosmetics, but in care products, especially with reaching a certain age. If you want to look good, then you need to cleanse, tone, moisturize and nourish your skin every day.

Another lady is given hands. A manicure for me is not painted three-centimeter claws, but a neat shape, moisturized skin (no reddened and flaky feet) and no burrs. Whether the nails are painted with varnish or not is not so important. I really do not like peeling nail polish or overgrown false nails. It looks so disgusting that I don't even pay attention to the rest.

A well-groomed woman should have clean hair. Always, regardless of whether she is going to the theater today or going to the dacha. Personally, I do not believe in horror stories that often washing your hair is harmful. You just need to choose a gentle shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. It is not for nothing that the French say that a clean head is already a hairstyle.

Do I consider myself well-groomed? More likely no than yes. Often I am too lazy to take care of myself once again, and frankly speaking, it’s a pity for free time, there’s not much of it. But there are things that are sacred to me: a clean head and a moisturizer for the face and hands after washing.

Sergey 23 years old, student

For me, a well-groomed girl is, first of all, hair, clean, long, shiny, silky, which I just want to touch. And she is always dressed neatly and stylishly: she wears dresses, skirts, heels, leaving sneakers and jeans for a picnic and for those who do not look after themselves. A well-groomed beauty will never wear washed linen, stale tights or unkempt clothes. Such a girl smells of freshness and a clean body, maybe a light, light scent of perfume. But when she smells like a perfume shop, I personally start to stir up trouble, and the question immediately arises, what kind of her smell is she trying to interrupt with this?

Elena, 27 years old, accountant

The real indicator of grooming is something that is not immediately visible. A woman who looks after herself does it every day, not before vacation, New Years or going to the beach. It's crazy for me to hear that some girls do not do pedicure or depilation in winter, "because no one sees anyway." But they themselves see it every day! A well-groomed woman always has a fresh haircut, at least with minimal styling, good clean skin, treated arms and legs, neat eyebrows.

Another important point is teeth. For their sake, I made huge sacrifices - both aesthetic and financial - and put on braces, I have been going with them for more than a year. If someone is more fortunate than me, then professional cleaning at least once a year is one of the essential elements of care.

Andrey, 33 years old, programmer

I do not like overly sleek young ladies. One gets the impression that such girls who, like dolls, with perfect manicure, make-up and hairstyle, are only busy creating their own beauty and are not interested in anything else in life. For me, grooming is identical to the concepts of health and neatness, that is, clean, shiny hair, nails without mourning borders and peeling varnish, teeth without nicotine yellowness. And also a slender and toned body. According to my observations, the first "bell" that a woman does not give a damn about herself is excessive obesity.

Angelina, 24 years old, teacher

A well-groomed woman can be seen from afar. For example, I consider myself very well-groomed, and others constantly remind me of this. What's the secret? I think in the attention I give to my appearance. Thanks to this, I always look my best. It is simply unthinkable for me to go out to people "without a face". Every morning I do a thorough make-up, apply a moisturizer, a foundation, use concealer to correct minor troubles like a pimple on my nose, "sculpt" a face with 2-3 tones of foundation, a little mineral powder and "meteorites" on top for a healthy glow of the skin, blush, of course , eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara and the finishing touch - lip gloss. It may sound heavy, but I only use high-quality cosmetics, so my makeup looks impressive, but at the same time quite natural. Such grooming is not cheap and takes a lot of time, but what a result! When I look at women on the street, at those who put on makeup with one hand while putting on their boots, I can say that the comparison is not in their favor.

Anatoly, 39 years old, businessman

I think that a woman simply must be well-groomed, otherwise she simply ceases to be a woman and becomes something like a "middle sex". I personally have no particular complaints about their appearance, I like very different women. But neat makeup, without the effect of putty, easy styling, manicure should always be present in the one that is not ashamed to show either to friends or to mom. There is nothing to say about depilation, there is nothing more repulsive than a woman with hairy legs or armpits.

Elena, 41 years old, doctor

In my opinion, the head makes a well-groomed woman. Look how many women are around with unkempt hair, burnt to a straw state, with regrown roots and split ends. To create the image of a lady who looks after herself is possible only with a clean, neatly laid, timely painted head. And there can be no compromises like "comb it well, tie it in a" bun "and pass for fresh" here. The most important thing on the face is good skin, it doesn't matter, with or without makeup, even teeth without dark plaque and eyebrows. The latter are the frame of the whole face, they should not be shapeless, plucked "in a string", colorless or eerie permanent. And a well-groomed woman smells good, cleanliness and a light unobtrusive smell that appears a second before her and disappears a minute after her.

Yuri, 31 years old, freight forwarder

I appreciate grooming in women, but it should be in moderation, without fanaticism. For example, it is beautiful when a woman has a fresh complexion, a light tan, but the skin, overcooked in a solarium or smeared with self-tanning, looks repulsive. Or the abundance of cosmetics, when foundation, powder, blush lie like plaster, from under which the face is not visible, too, annoying. Do these girls do not understand that such "grooming" is striking with its unnaturalness and repulsive.

Natalia, 34 years old, designer

Well-groomed, I believe, always presupposes a certain lifestyle and level of wealth. There is no grooming in electric trains, in a crush in the subway, in mud and in difficult conditions, she does not survive there. A sleek woman is made free money and time when you can get enough sleep every day, eat healthy food, play sports and walk in the fresh air, and not spin in the "children-home-work" wheel. Well, and also the work of a cosmetologist, hairdresser and dentist on it.

Who is a "well-groomed woman" and can she be with a low level of material wealth: what do you think?

A well-groomed girl is, one might think, some kind of outlandish creature. You can hear about her very often, but ask the speaker: what should a well-groomed girl look like? And, most likely, he will hesitate, hesitate and utter at best a few general and very standard phrases, none of which will ultimately answer the question posed. Nevertheless, this topic is not only interesting, but also very relevant. Among the variety of modern possibilities, it turns out that the problem of choice is no simpler than the problem of search. It is important to choose exactly those tools and procedures that will help you not only look well-groomed, but really effectively take care of yourself. And not to cross the line beyond which a well-groomed girl looks unnatural. Let's put the right emphasis on this issue together.

Well-groomed appearance, or what does a well-groomed girl look like?
You have probably heard the common phrase that there are no ugly women in the world. Everyone understands this cliché in their own way. Some believe that he is talking about a variety of tastes, others - about the need to appreciate the essence, and not the appearance. But most will probably agree that beauty is not only a gift from nature, but also the result of working on oneself. Even not endowed with ideal data, but a well-groomed woman looks attractive. And vice versa: neglect of the necessary measures to take care of oneself will make a natural-born beauty a nondescript mediocrity. It remains to find out exactly what measures are being discussed.

Appearance is not only about face, figure and / or clothing. It is also posture, gait, gaze, demeanor. Everything in the aggregate represents the signals that we broadcast to the world around us, and by which other people determine who they are dealing with. Well-groomed is one of these characteristics. It is not unambiguous and combines several components:
That's how we came to the conclusion that lifestyle influences the way a well-groomed girl looks, no less than her actual appearance. And the sooner you make a similar conclusion for yourself, the sooner you will achieve success and learn to look well-groomed.

Rules and secrets of a well-groomed girl
Each woman has individual external data, as well as taste, habits and skills with which she manages this data. Therefore, there is no single answer to the question of how a well-groomed girl should look like. To give the impression of being well-groomed, you need to keep yourself in the best possible condition on all fronts: externally and internally, in general and in detail. The only guideline here can be a universal understanding of the rules, which must be followed systematically:
All this is a diagram on which it is necessary to string specific actions. General recommendations are suitable for everyone: blondes and brunettes, young and mature, careerists and housewives. Each of them can look well-groomed if they make the proposed scheme their own strategy for self-improvement.

How to take care of yourself on your own? Pros and cons of professional and home care
Taking care of yourself is very pleasant. It's even more enjoyable when someone else is caring for you, while you can relax and enjoy a useful idleness. Perhaps this is the absolute success of beauty salons. But not only this. What is it that salon procedures give us that we are ready to pay a lot of money for the opportunity to spend time under the guidance and in the hands of a master beautician, hairdresser, make-up artist, manicurist?

  1. The intensity of the procedures. Salon care opportunities are provided, first of all, by the means available to the staff. First, it is professional cosmetics. It is not sold in regular cosmetic stores, is not cheap and is available only to specialists. Secondly, the equipment. The devices and devices with which the master cares for your body and / or face require special skills and ability to handle them. The combination of cosmetics and equipment gives results that cannot be achieved at home.
  2. Service quality. Professionals work in cosmetology clinics and beauty salons - these people specially studied how to properly care for the body, face, skin, hair, etc. If you are not a certified cosmetologist, hairdresser or make-up artist, then you simply do not know even a fraction of what experts know. Accordingly, the result of their work exceeds your efforts. The salon master will be able to find the procedures and tools that are needed exactly in your case.
  3. Relaxation. During salon procedures, you do not need to do anything - you just relax, while receiving undeniable benefits. This tempts many women to visit a beautician even without a clear need. A body, head or face massage allows you to fully relax and rejuvenate in a short time. But at the same time, the salon can be located quite far from your home. If there is no car, then getting to the master and not losing all the relaxation received on the way back is not an easy task.
  4. Attention. Clients are surrounded by the attention of masters and administrators. They try to please them, offer tea and coffee, an interesting magazine and new progressive procedures - in a word, they take care of them.
  5. Pleasure. Both the process and the result of salon care allow you to experience positive emotions. You enjoy enjoying the beauty treatments and looking at yourself in the mirror when they are over.
But there is also a significant drawback: the considerable price of most salon procedures and cosmetic products. And it is this fact that allows many women to write off their own neglect and banal laziness on financial difficulties. This is where self-care at home comes to the rescue. Here you have at your disposal a large number of folk recipes and available store products. Indeed, for real grooming, regularity is much more important than a one-time intensity of exposure. So a girl who regularly uses mild lotions, creams and masks looks more well-groomed than her friend who visits an expensive beauty salon once a year. Therefore, every girl can and should look well-groomed, regardless of income level, age and place of residence. Love yourself, take care of yourself constantly - this is the main condition for beauty.