How to determine the size of a men's T-shirt. Determine the size of the women's T-shirt

A T-shirt is considered not only an integral part of both women's and men's wardrobe, but also a good gift. The variety of types and designs of this seemingly simple garment is so huge that it is simply impossible not to find a suitable option that would perfectly match yours.

The selection of a T-shirt, like any other clothing, begins with a fitting. But there are a number of cases when it will not be possible to try on a new thing before purchasing. For example, you buy it as a gift, on order or on the Internet. In order not to be mistaken and not to be disappointed when receiving a parcel because of an unsuitable size, we came up with a special universal dimensional grid, which you can always check with and decide on the selection of a wardrobe remotely.

Each country has its own size designations, so it is undesirable to confidently repeat to the seller that you have a 44th size, without looking at the country where the thing was produced.

There is a huge risk that such an attempt to hit the sky with your finger will not be crowned with success, and you will get too small or, on the contrary, too large, because the Russian 44th size corresponds to the European 36th size in women's clothing, and the European 44th - as much as the 52nd Russian. Imagine how much you can make a mistake without specifying which dimensional grid to look at.

How to determine the size of a T-shirt

So, it is quite simple to determine your T-shirt size, for this you need an ordinary fabric "centimeter" or a simple thread with a ruler, which takes a couple of measurements. The girth of the chest is measured and divided in half (otherwise - half-girth), as well as the length from the highest point of the shoulder to the waist. Further, the obtained dimensions should be rounded up to the maximum (this is the margin in case of shrinkage) and compared with the base dimensional grid of the country of origin.

For example, if the floor girth of the chest is 48 cm, then rounding the value to the maximum (50 cm), we get the correspondence to the international size M (for men) and XL (for women).

But everything is not so simple, there are a number of different standards for designating clothing sizes, which differ significantly from each other. So, the Russian size standards are visually the largest, but at the same time they correspond to the smaller European and letter marks of international standards. In Russia and Ukraine, by the way, this half-girth of the chest is used as a digital designation of the size of a T-shirt and clothing in general.

Let's take a closer look at how to determine the size of a T-shirt, knowing our parameters:

# male bust size equal to 46-48 cm and length up to 70 cm corresponds to size S (international) / 46 (RUS) / 44 (EU) / 12 (USA);

# in women's equivalent, bust half girth 44-46 cm and length up to 70 cm corresponds to sizes S (international) / 44 (RUS) / 38 (EU) / 10 (USA);

# international sizes are marked like this: ( XXS) Extra Extra Small, ( XS) Extra Small, (S) mall, (M) edium, (L) arge, (XL) Extra Large, (XXL) Extra Extra Large, (XXXL) Extra Extra Extra Large, also differing by about 2 units and 2-3 cm half girth.

For clarity, we will present everything in the form of a table.

Men's T-shirt sizes

half-girth 42-44 44-46 46-48 48-50 50-52 52-54 54-56 56-58
RUS 42-44 44-46 46-48 48-50 50-54 54-56 56-58 58-60
EURO 40 42 44 46 48 50 52-54 56-60
UK / USA 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

Women's T-shirt sizes

half-girth 40-42 42-44 44-46 46-48 48-50 50-52 52-54 54-56
RUS 40-42 42-44 44-46 46-48 48-50 50-52 52-54 54-56
EURO 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48
UK / USA 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

In modern online stores, often, there is a page with a dimensional grid of a particular product, which will greatly facilitate your choice. Only now you need to know the size by heart, preferably in all dimensional grids, and also remember the parameters so as not to constantly re-measure the chest girth and body length before each purchase in a new place. When purchasing a T-shirt as a gift, check with its future owner the above parameters: half-girth (width) and length.

We figured out the sizes, now a little about how not to be disappointed in the purchase, even if you correctly indicated your size.

Site tips site how to choose a quality t-shirt

Firstly, the material used for sewing the T-shirt must not be overlooked. Some types of fabrics, after the first wash, can shrink significantly, and it will be problematic to squeeze into an almost new thing. In the best case, you can give it to your younger brother or even send it to a landfill. Cotton fabric is considered the most dangerous in terms of shrinkage, but when sewing high-quality clothing, cotton is processed in such a way that subsequently shrinkage will be insignificant. In any case, in order not to miscalculate with the size, you should not deliberately underestimate your dimensions, because a thing one size smaller will only emphasize the flaws of your figure.

Secondly. Remember, a good T-shirt cannot be too cheap, especially if it is decorated with a bright print or appliqué. Often, inexpensive prints are not applied with high quality and will wear off after the first wash, and they can either just wash out of the fabric or "float", making the T-shirt suitable only for wearing at home.

If you buy a T-shirt in a store, do not be lazy to rub the drawing with your finger a little, bad paint will easily take, leaving a colored mark on your finger. It is better not to buy this product, because you risk not only throwing your money down the drain, but also causing an allergy to low-quality dye.

And thirdly, it would be nice to check the seams for strength, slightly stretching them to the sides, this is very important, especially in the case of buying tight-fitting T-shirts, which women usually prefer.

Happy shopping! And do not forget about the sense of proportion and really estimate your size!

Alexandra, specially for the site site

04 September 2009

It is not always possible to choose the right T-shirt without trying on. With the advent of the Web and online stores, many purchases began to be made, so to speak, at random. It is good if you are guided by the sizes that are indicated in the product description on the site when purchasing a product. But if you do not have knowledge in this area, then you need to first consult with a knowledgeable person or surf the Internet to find out what sizes are right for your man.

By the way, a good online store will have a separate page where each size will be detailed and explained for any type of clothing or footwear. If you find such a site, you can mentally give it a "plus" - this is definitely one of the points that characterize a high-quality site, where they take care of their client.

The first and easiest way to determine the size

You can determine the size with the greatest probability and guarantee for the item already in your wardrobe. It is clear that there are some kind of T-shirts or shirts that are constantly worn and in the right size. In this case, find the label on which all information about the product will be indicated. There will be both the size and information about the manufacturer, information about the material and how to care for it. If it's not clear what the label is on one shirt, look at the other. The easiest way is to find the American designation, with this system it will probably be clear what size is needed, and already being guided by it, you can find out the required size according to the Russian or French system.

Why there are problems with determining the size of clothes

The problem appears, most likely, due to historical circumstances. Previously, there were no uniform standards for sizing. Therefore, manufacturers, starting their own business, came up with their own standards, which over time have already been adjusted to the reference ones. As a result, we now have at least five different standards that are dictated by countries such as Russia, the United States, Germany, Great Britain and France. All these sizes, including T-shirts, have their own designations that are easy to find.

The main parameters to be guided by

T-shirts for men? First of all, you need to know the height of a man. The dimensions are focused precisely on this parameter, and it is according to it that the size scheme is determined. You should also pay attention to the weight of the man. If he is large and short, then you should take a T-shirt a couple of sizes larger, depending on how large the representative of the stronger sex is for his height.

American size system

This is probably the most common size system on the labels of our clothes. We have long been accustomed to the designations XL, XS, XXL. The basic letters S, L and M stand for small - "small", middle - "medium" and large - "large" size. X stands for "extra", that is, "very". So, for example, XS would mean very small size. For men, this is a T-shirt with a height of up to 168 centimeters.

Standards of other countries that can be found in our market

Domestic and European standards are indicated by numbers. There are some differences between them, which is why you can buy not quite what you would like. The best assistant for orientation in all designations (and in this case we are discussing the sizes of men's T-shirts) is a table. It will help to most clearly demonstrate the differences between them. Such a table will be given below in the text.

Also, the size of a men's T-shirt is sometimes affected by its further processing. This is a wash, after which the product may shrink a little. Natural fabrics that have not been treated with special means or in a special way often shrink to about a value of no more than five percent of their original size. Other T-shirts that are made from cheap materials, including synthetics or high percentages of synthetics, almost never shrink. Expensive things are most often made from fabric that has already been specially planted, so they do not lose their shape after washing. But there are exceptions in this product category. Now let's move on to the table, which will indicate the sizes of different countries.

Sizes of men's T-shirts. Table

That is, you need to understand that not only height will affect the size of a men's T-shirt. You also need to remember about shrinkage, as a result of which you immediately take the product one size larger. It is imperative to take into account the complexion of a man: for a thin one, one T-shirt may be suitable, but for a full man of the same height it will be inappropriate. And do not forget what to try on when buying - this is the easiest and surest way to determine the size.

T-shirts and T-shirts are the most beloved pieces of clothing that are most popular with men, so the T-shirt size chart is an excellent guide for creating a beautiful and attractive look. In everyday life, such a necessary thing as a T-shirt is the paramount part of the wardrobe. It can be worn under a business suit and combined with any jeans, trousers or shorts.

It is possible to give solidity and organicness to the appearance if the size is correctly selected. All size charts include the parameters of men's and women's products for European, International and American standards.

How to calculate the correct size for a T-shirt

At a time when manufacturers did not have common systems for designating quantities, their own numbering registers were used. Nowadays, most companies are guided by certain standards, but some manufacturers do not adhere to a single system.

There are times when T-shirts purchased in the same country with identical parameters on the label differ in size. To find the right size clothes you need to try them on. But this method does not work if the item is purchased through online stores.

To determine the Russian parameter, it is necessary to measure the girth of the chest. Stand up straight and pull the tape measure across your armpits and shoulder blades. The point of intersection of the tape should be the convex part of the chest. Divide the resulting value by 2 and get your parameter.

If you have a preferred T-shirt in your wardrobe, look at its specifications on the tag. When going shopping, be guided by the measurements of the previous product. You can use another convenient and effective method of determining the size - try on several models in the store, remember the parameters of the model that best "sat down".

T-shirt size chart for men

Many men use the services of foreign online stores. In search of high-quality clothing from world brands, representatives of the stronger sex make purchases, risking making a mistake with the size, since imported sizes differ from domestic ones.

Based on the table of sizes of men's T-shirts and T-shirts, you can determine the desired one and buy the model you like. For example, the 50th Russian size corresponds to the 48th Italian size with a height of 176 to 179 cm. The products of German manufacturers are similar to the Russian ones and their 48th coincides with the Russian 48th.

Bust (cm) Height (cm) Russia USA,


Germany France Italy Letter designations
86-89 44 170 34 44 44 42 XXS
90-93 46 173 36 46 46 44 XS
94-97 48 176 38 48 48 46 S
98-101 50 179 40 50 50 48 M
102-105 52 182 42 52 52 50 L
106-109 54 184 44 54 54 52 XL
110-113 56 186 46 56 56 54 2XL
114-117 58 188 48 58 58 56 3XL
118-121 60 189 50 60 60 58 3XL
122-125 62 191 52 62 62 60 3XL
126-129 64 194 54 64 64 62 4XL
130-133 66 196 56 66 66 64 4XL

How to match Chinese to Russian size

Chinese clothing sizes are very different from Russian ones. This is due to the fact that many Chinese models, from which measurements are taken for future sewing, have a miniature figure. Accordingly, Chinese manufacturers often sew "small size".

When buying clothes from a Chinese online store, take 1-2 sizes larger than yours. Each Chinese manufacturer has a table according to which you can translate the Chinese parameter into the Russian one.

Growth Chinese designation Russian designation
164-170 S-M 46-48
170-176 M-L 48-50
176-182 L-XL 50-52
182-188 XL-XXL 52-54
Above 188 XXL 54-56

T-shirt size charts allow you to purchase products from any manufacturer without any possible risk. Knowing your size, you can buy the thing you like and wear it with pleasure. A well-chosen T-shirt gives a man the image of a stylish and tidy person.

How to choose the right t-shirt

Among the various color shades, men prefer classic colors. All dark shades look beautiful with any jeans or trousers. Vibrant models add contrast to the look. Products with an ornament look unusual and interesting, but they require a certain occasion. It is better to refrain from incomprehensible and unfamiliar inscriptions. Not knowing the translation can play against you and embarrass you.

The number of T-shirts in a men's wardrobe must be at least 5 pieces. If you combine them correctly with jeans, then the image of a man will constantly change. In this way, you can avoid a monotonous image.

For meetings in an informal setting, the "polo" model is appropriate - a T-shirt with a collar and buttons. Long products spoil the appearance and look sloppy. The optimal length of the model should be at the waist level.

Choose products made from natural fabrics that allow your body to breathe. Models made of pure cotton have the property of "shrinkage", this can noticeably affect the length of the model. Considering this feature, buy one size larger. Do the same with the products that you purchase as a gift if you have doubts about the correct parameter. Sewing from silk or linen is pleasant to the touch, but wrinkles quickly.

When shopping for a T-shirt, consider your height, weight, and sleeve length. It should not be very wide or tight. Choose a fabric that is durable and soft to prevent pilling during wear. Pay attention to the seams without sticking out threads. An integral part of a wardrobe should be practical and comfortable. Children's T-shirts are selected according to this principle.

Things to Consider When Choosing Men's T-Shirts

The correct size can be determined based on the size of the wearer. The most difficult thing for obese men is to choose beautiful clothes. A wide or baggy T-shirt can hide figure flaws. But clothes that are too loose will create a feeling of sloppiness. Avoid using bright colors that attract unwanted looks. For men with large weights, monochrome models with a vertical stripe are suitable, visually tightening the figure. Opt for lightweight fabrics. Fabrics such as velor, corduroy, tweed should be avoided as they add extra volume.

Thin guys try to hide their thinness and buy loose-fitting models. It is recommended for this category of people to give preference to light colors and refuse black colors, since black makes it even more slim. When buying a polo model, choose products with a tight cut. It is advisable to fasten the buttons so as not to expose the chest.

Nowadays, online shopping is becoming more and more popular. Agree, it is very convenient to order goods through the worldwide network - the necessary thing will come directly to your home. The only difficulty you face with this type of purchase is the size of this or that item. This issue is especially acute when it comes to clothing not for oneself, but for other people. Today we will talk about how to determine the size of a men's T-shirt, because there are several systems for clothes.

Men's T-Shirts

A T-shirt is a piece of clothing that is the most popular among the entire wardrobe for men and women. It was invented in order to be present in the form of American soldiers. Subsequently, this product was used as a unit of underwear. At the end of the twentieth century, this clothing attribute has become quite popular and is used in daily dress as an everyday item.

In a T-shirt, you can go for a walk, visit, to work, use in combination with a business suit. In the latter case, it is necessary to combine correctly with a jacket and trousers. This attribute of clothing looks ugly only if the size of the men's T-shirt was chosen incorrectly when buying.

How to determine the size of a men's T-shirt?

Many manufacturers of menswear started production at a time when there was not yet a single designation system for all sizes. At that time, each factory could independently come up with its own dimensional grid system. Of course, today most of all manufacturers have replaced unauthorized measurements with generally accepted systems.

However, there are old factories that value their history and do not make such changes. You have probably met when clothes from different stores of the same country, with the same size on the label, "live" differ from each other quite strongly in their parameters. Therefore, it is very important to relate to the question of how to determine the size of a guy's T-shirt, if you buy without him, that is, it is impossible to try on with your own eyes.

Method 1

In fact, determining the size of a T-shirt is not such a difficult exercise, because you only need to know one parameter - this is the chest girth.

Important! In order to measure it, a man must stand upright, with his feet on a flat surface, straightening his shoulders.

Measure the required parameter using a measuring tape:

  • Measurement takes place through the shoulder blades, armpits and the most prominent points on the chest.
  • The tape should be level and horizontal.
  • The resulting number should be divided by two, and you will know the Russian size.

Method 2

Another way to choose a T-shirt size is to open your wardrobe, grab your favorite item in this category and look at the label. The number that will be applied is the right one.

Important! Depending on the country of origin, it may be necessary to correlate the marking according to a specific size chart of different countries.

If there is no such thing in your wardrobe, then we advise you to go to the nearest expensive clothing store and try on several models of T-shirts. The one that will best “sit” on you is your “native” size. Pay attention to the number on the label and remember it. Further focus on exactly this size when ordering clothes via the Internet.

We buy a men's T-shirt

If you are thinking about how to find out your size for a men's T-shirt, then you need, as we described above, to measure the volume of the chest. Let's say if your measurement result is 104 cm, then 104/2 \u003d 52 cm. This is your size, which corresponds to the Russian system of values.

Important! According to the system, this product is suitable for men whose height varies from 179 cm to 182 cm.

If you make a purchase in American stores, regardless of whether "live" or via the Internet, then you need to know not only the volume of the chest, but also the length and width of the product. For this purpose, you should measure the T-shirt that you have worn before:

  • The width of the garment can be measured by applying a measuring tape from the right point of the armpit to the left.
  • The length from the neckline to the bottom edge of men's clothing will be the length of the new product.

Dimensional chart of different countries

To determine the size of a T-shirt, before buying, you need to consider which store you will purchase this or that item from:

  • If your choice arose in European stores, then you will not have any difficulties. The size grid of Eastern Europe coincides with the Russian one.
  • In the US, the system is slightly different. Subtract 10 units from the Russian value. For example, if a man has 52 clothing sizes, then in the US it would be 42.
  • When buying men's T-shirts in Italian boutiques, it is necessary to calculate 2 units from the value of the Russian dimensional grid.

Important! Consider the same example for a size 52 men's T-shirt:

  • In Italy you can buy the same thing, but only in size 50.
  • The letter designation will correspond to the international system and denoted by the English letter L.

We buy T-shirts for men

If you already know how to choose a T-shirt size, then you can start shopping. The modern market offers a huge number of models in different colors. However, we recommend that you opt for these shades: black, white, blue and gray. These are classic colors that go with virtually any outfit. If you want to buy yourself bright products, then you should not wear them with business jackets.

Important! Do not buy clothes with lettering, the meaning of which you do not know. In this case, you can get into an awkward situation.

There should be about 5-7 T-shirts in a men's wardrobe. Every man can combine them with jeans, shorts, and use them in business suits. Moreover, every time it will look beautiful and in a new way.

Important! Polo shirts with a collar and buttons are made in a business style. The optimal length of the product is when the item ends at the level of the buckle of trousers or jeans.


  • Among all kinds of materials from which T-shirts are made, cotton occupies a leading place. It is characterized by a huge number of positive characteristics and has no drawbacks.
  • Popular material is

So, Americans are accustomed to the literal measurement of sizes, and the Europeans to digital. In Russia, it is also customary to determine the size using numbers. But I must say that the values \u200b\u200bof European and Russian sizes differ by at least one unit.

"His size", or the size of a man's t-shirt

How to guess by height and weight what size is right for a man? Choosing a T-shirt is not as difficult as it seems. For example, a man's height is 174 cm, which corresponds to the size 46-48. Height 180 cm corresponds to size 48-50. If the man has a thick build, then take a T-shirt one size up. In any case, men usually don't wear tight-fitting T-shirts, so even if you buy a larger T-shirt, you won't go wrong.
By the way, in order not to get into a mess, you need to know that the smallest size numbers are indicated on the T-shirts of English manufacturers. If the numbers 36-38 are written on the label, then they correspond to the 46-48th size.
If possible, you can also see the size indicated on the T-shirts worn by the man, or measure his T-shirt or T-shirt.

Corresponding size chart for men's t-shirts:

Determining the size of women's T-shirts

When buying things, women often attach them to themselves. Still, the best way to correctly determine your size is to take and try on a T-shirt. The most important thing a woman should know is what kind of T-shirt she wants: tight, loose, or snug. Do not take a T-shirt or T-shirt one size smaller, as the fabric shrinks after washing.

Both women and men constantly wonder what the designations S, M, L or XL are. These are dimensions in the American system, not the European one. The smallest of them are XS and S, they correspond to a height of 158-163 cm for women and 168-174 cm for men. Then there are M and L, which can be suitable for people of average and slightly above average height. The largest are XL, XXL and XXXL.