How to determine the spontaneous miscarriage on early. What does the miscarriage look like on early: the difference from the next menstruation

Symptoms of miscarriage in the early period of pregnancy are pain and bleeding. How the situation can develop when the abortion of pregnancy is threatened and the expulsion of a fetal egg from the uterus, we will also tell me further. It is also necessary to remember the measures of emergency independent help to their body and when you need to urgently consult a doctor.

About pain

Usually, the women's feelings are described as those that happen in painful menstruation. That is, these are spasms, strong noving pain. But which is usually quite easily removed using spasmolitics.

Future mothers should know that miscarriage on early signs, symptoms in the form of pain can have, but they are by no means basic. Each woman in the first-aid kit must lie "but-shp" (or its analogue) and rectal candles "Papaverin hydrochloride". In case of pain, they need to use. And if the pain is long or regularly repeats - it requires consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist.


When a fetal egg detachment occurs, even a small, incomplete - bleeding appears. Moreover, there are less than them - the usual prognosis is more favorable. No need to believe in the fact that in the first trimester blood from the vagina is a normal phenomenon. There is no monthly during pregnancy! And if you do not pay attention to this symptom, and it is very serious, you can lose a child. At the same time, the pain is not always painful.

By the way, brown isolations are equal to scarce bloody. The brown color of the discharge gives a small amount of blood, falling into them.

But at the same time the doctor must correctly diagnose. After all, the blood may not be due to the detachment of the fetal egg, but the diseases of the uterus or cervix, as well as ectopic pregnancy.

The diagnosis of "threatening miscarriage" is placed in the event that a woman has pain in the field of abdomen or a lower back and (or) scant bleeding.

The symptoms of spontaneous miscarriage "in the go", that is, when it has already begun and it is impossible to correct the situation, this is still an extended cervical canal, which breaks the fruit egg. The miscarriage of up to 12 weeks of pregnancy is almost always complete. That is, after a few days, the uterus is completely reduced, and the bleeding is stopped even if the uterus's bank was not produced.

What else to pay attention to

There are still signs that may indicate a frozen pregnancy or an existing threat of miscarriage. This is an unattended, painless chest, which has slightly decreased in the amount suddenly. Also suddenly ended toxicosis, which still literally reminded himself with nausea and vomiting.

Some women during pregnancy continue to make tests and hand over HGG. So, if the test has become negative, the level of hCG in blood tests is significantly lower than the norm or the more declining is a bad symptom.

How to treat a threat to pregnancy interrupt

The main drug is progesterone. Preparations "Utrezhastan" and "Duphaston". Take them recommend at least until the middle of pregnancy, if there really exists a threat of miscarriage.

Plus, antispasmodics preparations are prescribed during abdominal pain. They usually take symptomatically.

If there are bleeding - can be prescribed to the hemostatic drugs. In such cases, treatment is always carried out in the hospital.

According to statistics, 15-20% of all pregnancies end with miscarriages. In most cases, this happens when the woman still does not recognize that pregnant. But sometimes it happens with those who have already been attached to their puzzle and loved him. How to console the woman in this case? Only next pregnancy. But those who had such a misfortune in life, and those who have not yet known the bitterness of loss worth passing a small educational program on issues related to the unbearab of pregnancy. The most important thing is to know what factors can cause abortion, and what can be taken to prevent the miscarriage.

The conversation will go about the early miscarriages that occur on the period of up to 12 weeks, for their overwhelming majority happens during this period. So, the most common causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy are:

1. Genetic violations of the fetus

According to statistics, about 73% of miscarriages occur for this reason. As a rule, these genetic defects are not inherited in nature, but are the result of single mutations that occurred in the genital cells of parents under the influence of harmful factors of the external environment (radiation, professional harm, viruses, etc.) Abortion of pregnancy for this reason - a kind of natural selection - Getting rid of weak, non-visual offspring. It is almost impossible to prevent such miscarriage, one can only reduce the risk of genetic anomalies before conception, the most defending itself from the impact of mutagenic factors. But with modern ecology, the probability of mutations still remains, because the miscarriages that occur for this reason can be honored for the benefit, for they save a woman from many problems and troubles in the future.

2. Hormonal violations

In disruption of the balance of hormones in the body of a woman often there is an early pregnancy interruption. Most often it happens with the lack of the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone. With timely detection of this problem, pregnancy can be saved with progesterone drugs. An excess of male sex hormones can also cause early miscarriage - they suppress the development of estrogen and progesterone. Often, precisely androgens are the cause of repeating (familiar) miscarriage. Influence on the formation and development of pregnancy also hormones of adrenal and thyroid gland. Therefore, the violation of the function of these glasses can also cause miscarriage.

3. Immunological reasons

As a rule, this happens with a rhesus conflict. The embryo inherits the positive Father's rezes, while the Mother's Negative Mother's Negative Organism rejected the embryo fabric for him. For the prevention of pregnancies in the immune conflict, progesterone preparations that have an immunomodulatory effect in this case are used.

4. Featuring infections

Infections transmitted by sexual way: trichomoniasis, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, chlamydia, as well as herpetic and cytomegalovirus infection often become the cause of miscarriage.
Pathogenic bacteria and viruses cause fetal infection, the defeat of the fetal shells, as a result of which the miscarriage occurs. So that this does not happen, treatment of infections is preferably carried out to pregnancy.

5. Common infectious diseases and inflammatory diseases of the internal organs

All diseases accompanied by intoxication and an increase in body temperature above 38 ° C can lead to miscarriage. Lidd on this list of rubella, viral hepatitis, flu. Even a banal distress can become fatal for a period of 4-10 weeks of pregnancy. And pneumonia, pyelonephritis, appendicitis is a serious risk for the fetus. That is why planning pregnancy, it is worth passing a complete medical examination, to identify and treat all the foci of chronic infection.

6. Anamnesis abortions

Abortion is not just a medical manipulation: it is a huge stress for a female organism that can cause dysfunction of ovaries, adrenal glands; promoting the development of inflammatory processes in the genitals. This may cause infertility and familiar miscarriage in the subsequent.

7. Medicinal preparations and herbs

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid taking drugs in general. Many of them are able to cause abortion or cause the formation of fetal development defects. So, for example, narcotic analgesics or hormonal contraceptives often become perpetrators of pregnancy interruption. It is also necessary to be careful with medicinal herbs: parsley, nettle, Vasileuk, St. John's wort, Pijm - are contraindicated in pregnant women.

8. Stress

Strong fright or unexpected grief, offense or long-lasting mental overvoltage is dangerous for little creation in your womb. If you, the will of the fate, are forced to be under the influence of stress, discuss with your doctor the possibility of receiving sedatives, at least the same Valeriate.

9. Unhealthy Lifestyle

Acceptance of alcohol, drugs, smoking, excessive use of coffee, improper and defective nutrition - all this allies of miscarriage. Correct your lifestyle better before conception.

10. Falls, raising gravity, sexual intercourse

Physical exertion, lifting weights, unlocking falls, contrary to widespread opinion, in itself extremely rarely lead to miscarriage. They can appear - and are often the "launcher" of a spontaneous abortion, if some of the above problems are present. However, if the mother's organism is healthy and the genetic program of the fetus is normal, then the fall or physical overload must be truly terrible to harm the germin.

Signs of starting miscarriage

If in time to notice the first signs of the approaching miscarriage, then pregnancy is usually possible. Pains at the bottom of the abdomen or in the lower back, especially a grapple nature, bleeding, bleeding - when any of these symptoms appear immediately, please contact the doctor, call "ambulance". In such situations, the road has every minute. Bleeding with pieces of fabrics suggests that the miscarriage has already occurred.

When a woman is pregnant in the early stages, she often does not know about it and guesses only when menstruation delay occurs. Sometimes after a pause, monthly periods flow, but they are larger than with common life, reinforced pain syndrome are marked. Spontaneous miscarriage in the earliest time occurs with a sufficiently moderate and localized pain in the stomach with strong bleeding. In this case, often women do not come to the doctor. Sometimes bleeding does not stop over a couple of days. Then you have to sign up for a reception to the gynecologist. So a woman learns that she was pregnant, but not successful.

Sometimes monthly from the very beginning pass with constant severe pain syndrome. At a certain point it turns out quite large blood clots. According to it, it can be compared with the burst bubble. For many, it looks frightening.

If a woman noticed such a phenomenon, it is advisable to consult a doctor, since in some cases special cleaning is needed.

The miscarriage often occurs with great pain not only for the body, but also for the soul. To prevent the repeat of this phenomenon, it must be remembered that the spontaneous miscarriage of up to three months of pregnancy is a prevention for parents. He testifies either about the unwillingness of the mother to fully endure the child because of too early age, or about the problems in the health of someone from his parents, which is why the fruit is imperfect and spontaneously rejected by the mother's body.

What precedes miscarriage?

In order to designate the possibility of miscarriage in advance and prepare for him, you need to check the body to the following pathologies. If they are detected or suspected, before conceiving a child to weigh the risks and think about readiness for the birth of a child.

Possible pathologies affecting the formation of spontaneous miscarriage:

The main symptoms of spontaneous miscarriage

The main symptoms of spontaneous miscarriage - pain at the bottom of the abdomen and abundant, sometimes long-term bleeding. Sometimes pains are interrupted by pauses, often give in the back, have a sinking character, as in the fights, only their intensity is always incomparable. If there are strong allocations from the vagina, this aspect also appears, then this aspect also points to the risk of miscarriage. When a woman detects selection in red or brown, she must immediately consult a doctor. Sometimes you can reveal and prevent the development of pathology.

If a lot of bleeding is noticeably, then the probability of miscarriage increases. With the designation of only a small amount of discharge of this unpleasant fact, it is possible to avoid much more often, so treatment makes sense. Increased uterus tone is a symptom of miscarriage, but only if the future mother feels discomfort. You need to listen on time to your feelings to quickly recognize and temper this unpleasant symptom. The main method of treating this problem is to reduce or complete liquidation of physical exertion and getting rid of stress.

How to understand that there is a threat of miscarriage?

If the pregnancy was planned in advance, the parents passed a full course of surveys and, if necessary, fully cured all diseases, then miscarriage.

When conceiving a child, it is necessary to take into account all contraindications and at the slightest manifestation of symptoms of miscarriage should be referred to a doctor to detect disorders and prescribe treatment methods.

With a sharp occurrence of pregnancy without prior passage of surveys and treatment of diseases, it is necessary to undergo a gynecologist. After determining the approximate period of pregnancy, the doctor looks at all the standard parameters of the state of the genitals.

Aspects that should accurately match the term of pregnancy:

  1. The volume of the uterus.
  2. The absence or presence of tone.
  3. Opening or closing the cervix.
  4. Results, nature and frequency of vaginal discharge.

What rules need to be performed so that there is no miscarriage?

To prevent the emergence of early symptoms of spontaneous miscarriage or its implementation in the early periods of pregnancy, it is possible to follow these actions:

When the threat of miscarriage in the early stages is very large, the woman remains in the hospital for a long time, perhaps even before childbirth or attends the hospital regularly, periodically lies on saving. Before pregnancy and in the first months of her passage, it is necessary to conduct a healthy lifestyle to reduce the likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage. To reproduce a healthy offspring, it is necessary not to deviate from the prescriptions of the attending physician to childbirth.

Video - Behavior in the threat of inconvenience of pregnancy

When complying with the main norms of the behavior of pregnant women, following the recommendations of the doctor, the necessary actions for the elimination of the risk of miscarriage practically no probability of its appearance. In the event of the above negative symptoms, it is necessary to dramatically reduce the load on the body and to engage in restoration, and when the spontaneous miscarriage is originally, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

In this article:

Pregnancy - a wonderful period in the life of a woman. But it is not always destined to end the child's appearance. Sometimes the body itself makes the decision to expel life from the female leave. In most cases, miscarriages occur at the very beginning of pregnancy - in the first trimester. But why and how is the miscarriage? The many reasons are from the harmful habits of the mother to chromosomal pathologies of the fetus.

According to statistics, each fifth pregnancy ends with spontaneous interruption. To avoid this, a woman should know the symptoms and signs of miscarriage, and what to do if it was in a similar situation.

How does pathology develop?

How the miscarriage is happening - the question that disturbs each woman faced with the threat of abortion. The body turns fruit as a result of the influence of negative factors. It is excreted from the uterus or completely, which is typical for the first weeks of pregnancy, or partly. Often, women and missed the symptoms of miscarriage, not noticing their condition.

Depending on the cause, for example, the presence of an acute infectious inflammatory process in the body (influenza, rubella, etc.), the immune system begins to exercise aggression towards developing pregnancy, resulting in miscarriage. Violates the formation of the communication of the mother with the future child, ceases to function, the fruit is deprived of support and nutrition.

As a result, the fruit egg turns away from the mucous meter and comes out of it with bleeding. Depending on the mechanism of development of miscarriage, experts establish its causes.

Types of miscarriage

Consider the main:

  • Incomplete miscarriage Also called inevitable. In this case, the woman notes pain in the sacrum and in the lower part of the abdomen, which is accompanied by bleeding and the extension of the cervix. If we are talking about the inevitable miscarriage, then in this case the rupture of the fetal shells occurred. For incomplete miscarriage symptoms of pain and bleeding are constant.
  • Full miscarriage This means that a fruit egg or the fruit is completely expelled from the uterine cavity. In such a situation, bleeding can independently stop as the remaining symptoms.
  • Failed miscarriage . Embryo or fruit dies, but remains in the uterine cavity. This condition is usually called frozen pregnancy, and it is found randomly during a planned ultrasound study or examination of the gynecologist.
  • Anembonia . Despite the fusion of genital cells of men and women, the fetus is not beginning to develop their development in the uterus. At the same time, signs of pregnancy may be noted and even diagnosed with ultrasound gestational bag and yellow body, but the child is missing in it, scraping is necessary, as after miscarriage.
  • Repeated miscarriage The woman is diagnosed in the event that she had at least three spontaneous abortions with each other. This violation rarely occurs, no more than 1% of families. Usually it enters the group of consequences after miscarriage.
  • Horiondenoma . This violation also precedes the fertilization, but during it there is a breakdown of chromosomal information, and instead of the embryo in the uterus, tissues develop, which over time grow and increase in volume. Pathology can end spontaneously in the type of miscarriage, or clean the uterine cavity.


About 20% of pregnancies end the miscarriage. Most often, this happens at a time when the woman itself does not know about his position. But this may be with those who planned pregnancy and managed to appeal to her offensive. Why is this happening?

The reasons for the miscarriage of the early period of pregnancy (mostly until 12 weeks, since it is the first trimester that is a crucial link in this matter) will be as follows:

  • Chromosomal problems in the fetus . Specialists believe that approximately 73% of cases, pregnancy is interrupted exclusively due to genetic disorders. At the same time, chromosomal mutations are not always inherited at the genetic level, their emergence may affect negative environmental factors, for example, radiation radiation, viruses, and more. It is believed that in this case the pregnancy is interrupted by the type of natural selection, that is, initially such a germ is non-visual. Therefore, we are talking about such a state as Microwaves, which is happening much earlier than the 12th week of pregnancy. Many women do not even know that they were pregnant, perceiving unexpectedly abundant monthly for violation of the menstrual cycle.
  • Hormonal violations . Hormonal background fluctuations in early pregnancy often lead to its interruption. Usually, the culprit of this becomes progesterone - a hormone, aimed at supporting pregnancy. If the problem is detected on time, the fruit can be saved. Also provoke a spontaneous abortion can excess male hormones - androgens that oppress the synthesis of progesterone and estrogen. This usually leads to multiple repeated miscarriages.
  • Immunological problems . Most often occur during the blood of the mother and the fetus. In this case, the child inherits the Father's Rh Factor with the "+" sign, while the Mother Resv "-". The immune system of a woman perceives the positive feeder of the embryo for foreign bodies, starting an active struggle with them.
  • Infection . Cateribly of cytomegalovirus, herpes, chlamydia and other pathogenic bacteria and viruses infect the fetal shells and the fruit itself in the uterine cavity, causing miscarriages. To avoid this, you need to prepare for pregnancy and in time to treat any infectious inflammatory processes in the body. General infectious diseases are also fraught with a threat to the development of the fetus, they include influenza, rubella, etc. All these diseases proceed with intoxicating the body of the body and a strong increase in body temperature, which can cause spontaneous abortion.
  • Transferred abortions in the past . This is not just a medical procedure aimed at removing the fetus and the fetal shells from the uterus. It is also the most serious stress for the body of a woman who can give complications. For example, dysfunctional disorder of ovarian work, changes in adrenal functions, inflammatory phenomena in the reproductive system. In the future, all this leads to infertility and problems with entering subsequent pregnancies.
  • Reception of medicines and medicinal plants . Almost all pills and other medicines in the first trimester are dangerous, as there is an active formation of the fetus. Most of the drugs provoke the malformations of the embryo or violates the formation of the placenta, all this can lead to spontaneous abortion. Tablets, because of which may be, for example, for 12 weeks - hormonal drugs, analgesics of a narcotic row, etc., not only the medicine can cause miscarriage, but some medicinal herbs, quite harmless at first view of mint, parsley, nettle, pyrhem and Much.
  • Stress . Any mental shock is dangerous for pregnancy. If it is not possible to avoid stress, it is important to contact a specialist for help to prevent the likelihood of miscarriage.
  • Bad habits . Alcohol abuse, smoking, drug addiction can cause early pregnancy. If a woman wants to give birth to a healthy and strong child, she must abandon the detrimental habits at the planning stage of conception and ask for a partner.
  • Excessive physical exertion . Stormy sexual intercourse, fall, lifting weights sometimes become a starting mechanism for miscarriage. Pregnancy is a time when you need to relate as much as possible to your own health.


What symptoms occur when a miscarriage? The first sign is the pain in the stomach, to which bloody discharges will soon join. Painful sensations are not always localized at the bottom of the abdomen, many women note that intensively gives everything to the sacrum area.

Selection from sex tract can be different, varying in color scheme and intensity. But their detection, in any case, requires a doctor's advice. Weak allocations can talk about the threat of miscarriage and the ability to save pregnancy. Abundant uterine bleeding, especially with frequencies of fabrics and clots, speaks for itself - the fruit died and need cleaning after miscarriage.

These signs are characteristic of any period of pregnancy, so it doesn't matter at what week they appeared. It is more important to know which symptoms are characteristic of the child's loss, and what measures need to be taken in this situation.

There are 4 stages of miscarriage, consider them briefly:

  1. Threatening vykidysh . The woman complains of pain in the lower back and below the abdomen. Minor bleeding from the vagina may appear. In this case, the pregnancy can still be saved.
  2. Stayed miscarriage . The pain is growing, it becomes similar to the contractions. Options are enhanced. Weakness and dizziness appear. Chances save the fruit minimal.
  3. Miscarriage in the go . The pain is enhanced, bleeding is significant. The fetal death at this stage is obvious. The fetus can leave the uterus together with the bloody secretions completely, or clean after miscarriage.
  4. Accomplished miscarriage . The fruit and his shells are expelled, the uterus is reduced after miscarriage. Bleeding stops. It is necessary to conduct an ultrasound to determine the state of the uterus and the presence of residues of the fetal egg.

What time is the miscarriage?

Typically, pregnancy is interrupted in the first trimester due to the fact that the fruit is not visceptable. It happens more often during the period of the alleged start of menstruation, and then the woman may not even know what was pregnant. If this happened later, the fruit egg rarely gets completely, a vacuum cleaning of the uterus is needed after miscarriage.

Much less often, pregnancy is interrupted in the second trimester. This condition is called late miscarriage.


Diagnosis of miscarriage for a specialist is unemployed. The doctor examines the patient on the gynecological chair, determining the correspondence of the size of the uterus. The term of pregnancy, the presence of a tone, the state of the cervix and the nature of the selection. Ultrasound is assigned to the final assessment of the state of the woman. With it, the specialist sees the localization of the fetal egg, the presence of a detachment or its complete absence.

Based on the diagnostic inspection, the subsequent tactics of therapeutic action is solved. If pregnancy can be saved, a woman is sent to the hospital. If we are talking about the death of the fetus, the patient requires cleaning after miscarriage and treatment.

Is it possible to independently determine what was miscarriage?

Independently determine, is the miscarriage , It is difficult if the term of pregnancy is small and the woman knew nothing about her; Another thing is if the spontaneous abortion occurred later, for example, for 12 weeks. In this case, a woman simply cannot skip the symptoms associated with the death and expulsion of the fetus. This situation requires a mandatory appeal to the doctor, as it takes cleaning after miscarriage.


Therapeutic measures are fully dependent on the results of ultrasound and clinical manifestations of pathology. In case of threatening and started, the woman is prescribed treatment aimed at preserving pregnancy.

If the fruit egg penetrated and began to bleed, then the pregnancy was already interrupted, and cleaning or scraping after miscarriage.

With miscarriage at later deadlines, for example, in 28 weeks, funds are needed to reduce the uterus and artificial causation of bouts (oxytocin). After the expulsion of the fetus, so that the uterus is better than reducing and bleeding decreased, a bubble with ice on the belly of a woman.

The treatment after miscarriage does not end. The woman must pass the survey to clarify the causes of spontaneous abortion: ultrasound of a small pelvis, diagnosis of infections, hormones, cytogenetic study of the fetal egg, etc. For up to 6 months, the woman is issued oral contraceptives to restore the reproductive system and prevent unwanted pregnancy, since sex soon after miscarriage may lead to a re-situation. The body needs to give time to strengthen.

Complications after miscarriage

Complications after miscarriage are often connected with the fact that the situation may repeat. Therefore, it is important to pass rehabilitation and find out why there was a failure and when you can get pregnant again.

If the treatment after the incurred miscarriage will be ineffective, a woman can have the following complications:

  • development of inflammation in the bodies of the reproductive system with the subsequent chronization of the process in the endometritis, salpingooforitis, adhesion process, etc.;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • problems with conception and secondary infertility.

In addition, frequent consequences after miscarriage - The strongest stress, depression, psychological experiences of the failed mother.


To warn the miscarriage to 12 or at any other week of pregnancy due to genetic factors it is impossible - it is impossible to influence genetics. But adjust the lifestyle, to engage in your health under the power of every woman who wants to have children.

So, how to minimize the likelihood of miscarriage and complications after it:

  • plan a pregnancy in advance, while making meals, abandon the bad habits, to pass surveys and treatment;
  • after the occurrence of pregnancy, direct all the forces on its preservation, for example, to deliver in a timely manner in the threat of miscarriage;
  • avoid stress, physical and psycho-emotional overwork, visit the gynecologist in time.

Since complications after the accomplished miscarriage can be serious, it is recommended to plan a new pregnancy in six months after failure. At this time, doctors advise to use hormonal contraceptives in which the body is restored faster.

According to statistics, sex after miscarriage already on the twelfth cycle day can lead to the onset of a new pregnancy. Some women enjoy this, wishing faster to forget the failed pregnancy. Thus, they substitutes themselves under a new blow, because the weakened organism can again turn the fetus. Do not hurry, only time and strength will help to set up a reproductive system to wait for a child.

Useful video about miscarriage in the early stages

The miscarriage in the early periods of pregnancy is a common phenomenon that is found in women. Many of them do not even know about their position. Each girl needs to know how the spontaneous miscarriage is happening in the early stages to know how to act in a dangerous situation and prevent serious consequences.

Causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy

Experts allocate the following reasons for miscarriage:

  1. Genetic violation. In the first weeks of pregnancy, it is important that the fetus have the correctly laid all the organs, which require 23 chromosomes from mother and father. If a mutating element is present in one of them, then it is considered incapacitated, as a result of which pregnancy is interrupted. Such an element may occur with unfavorable ecology, viruses and professional harmfulness.
  2. Hormonal failures. For the well-being and health of women respond to hormones. Their imbalance can provoke miscarriage. The deficiency or oversupply of the male hormone of progesterone also causes this phenomenon. It is important to diagnose hormonal disorders to pregnancy to pass hormonal therapy appointed by the doctor.
  3. Rhow conflict. In order to avoid interrupting pregnancy before conceiving a child, a man and a woman should pass the blood test to the definition of the group. If a woman has a negative rhesus factor, then it is important that the man has the same rhesus. Otherwise, a rhesus conflict may occur when the fetus inherits a positive figure of his father, and the mother's body perceives his fabrics, like foreign, and does not accept, thereby saving himself. To eliminate such risks, a hormone progesterone should be taken, which is responsible for protecting the embryo during pregnancy.
  4. Infectious pathology. In the presence of infection, transmitting sexually, it is necessary to cure it before the occurrence of pregnancy, otherwise the fetus will come and the rejection of its organism.
  5. Abortions. If the abortion happened earlier, the probability of spontaneous miscarriage or infertility was high.
  6. Receive medicines. In the first trimester, it is forbidden to use any drugs to prevent defects in the development of the fetus. There is also no champs based on parsley, nettles and pyrms.
  7. Frequent stresses and emotional overvoltage. Strong stress and unstable mental state can lead to a sudden interruption of pregnancy. Patient with such a threat prescribed sedatives.
  8. Lifestyle. A woman is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke. You should also establish the power mode and make the ration balanced.
  9. Physical impact. Strong loads in the form of lifting weights, unsuccessful fall can lead to miscarriage.
  10. Mother's system pathology. If a woman, the disease of the thyroid gland or autoimmune violations, then it increases the risk of spontaneous interruption of pregnancy.

Do not provoke a miscarriage of moderate exercise, sessions of sex until 13 weeks, as well as flights by plane.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, special attention is paid to the healthy layout of all organs of the future person, for which they need equal 23 chromosomes from mom and from dad. And if in one of them suddenly a mutating element will be, then it is recognized as incapable, and miscarriages

Signs of miscarriage

The symptoms of miscarriage in the early stages are:

  • painful syndrome at the bottom of the abdomen and lower back;
  • bleeding from the vagina with a piece of fabric or without them;
  • isolation of accumulate waters.

With minor discharge there are chances to keep pregnancy. If bleeding was accompanied by parts of the embryo, it testifies to the already occurred miscarriage.

You can avoid unpleasant outcome events if you direct the doctor in a timely manner. This must be done in such cases:

  • bleeding on any time;
  • strong pain attack at the abdomen;
  • an unpleasant sensation in the field of paha, which was not before;
  • highlighting a large amount of liquid;
  • the weak state of the body;
  • heat.

To diagnose symptoms of miscarriage in early pregnancy, the following research methods are used:

  • PAP test.

When ultrasound, the doctor can reveal the fetus from 3-4 weeks of pregnancy. After another week, the heartbeat of the embryo appears. If, with minor bleeding, the specialist discovered the palpitation of the fetus, the probability of making a pregnancy to the period exceeds 95%. If bleeding is combined with damaged fruit, the embryo is too small, and there is no heartbeat, the abortion is an inevitable procedure.

Important! Quite often, when bleeding ultrasound shows a retrocharial hematoma. It is not dangerous if it does not have large sizes. In the case of a strong detachment and large hematoma, the risk of abortion and abundant bleeding increases significantly.

The study of chorionic gonadotropin is accepted only in early terms, when the ultrasound does not show the vital activity of the embryo. If the term is not more than 4 weeks, and the fruit is not found, that is, the need to determine the HCG 2 times, with an interval in the 2nd day. Depending on the results obtained, an ultrasound is prescribed or a pregnancy interruption state.

In some cases, when bleeding makes smears on oncocytology. Such a measure is necessary if a live embryo was revealed on an ultrasound, the hematoma in the chorion area was not detected, but the bleeding does not stop. The smear helps to exclude cervical cancer.

If at an early term, the miscarriage happened, be sure to consult a doctor to find out if cleaning is needed. Specialist will examine you and addate recommendations

How is the miscarriage on early?

First, the woman feels weakness and dizziness. Her bothering the pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Such symptoms should not be ignored. If there has begun a small bleeding, then timely appeal to medical help will help him stop. Usually, the miscarriage occurs at home according to such a scheme - a small delay in menstruation, the test shows 2 strips, then minor bleeding appear.

Important! When a woman realized that he had lost his child, she had to turn to the doctor, since the miscarriage was almost impossible in an early period without cleaning. Removal from the body of the remaining tissues. If you do not fulfill such a procedure, then the remnants of the fetus will begin to decompose, which will lead to the spread of harmful microorganisms and the appearance of the inflammatory process.

Cleaning is carried out 2-3 days before the start of menstruation (after miscarriage it is not always possible). The scraping of the remains of the fetus is carried out on the gynecological chair. First, anesthesia will need, after the doctor introduces a special extender in the vagina, which allows you to visually observe the state of the cervix. Then the probe is introduced into it to inspect the cavity using a portable camcorder. For scraping use a surgical instrument, in appearance resembling a spoon. The specialist gently removes the surface layer of the uterus, then the material obtained is used in histological examination. The operation on average lasts 30-45 minutes.


The treatment of threatening miscarriage depends on the cause that can cause it. It is impossible to influence the course of events to 3 months of pregnancy. Often, doctors to stop bleeding are prescribed to patients with drugs. If a woman had an experience in unsuccessful pregnancies, then a Ubeda was prescribed to her.

Do not bring any effect when bleeding such drugs:

  • Baratgin;
  • Magna B6;
  • Vitamin E.

With a high level of men's hormones, a woman prescribed medicines from hyperandrode. Do not do without certain drugs in the threat of rhesv conflict. If the rhesus conflict still occurred, then therapy includes the conduct of intrauterine blood transfusion to the fetus through the umbilical cord. After birth, the child will need the treatment of jaundice. To do this, it is placed under special blue lamps. Sometimes there is no need for such treatment.

Most patients with a threat of miscarriage in early pregnancy are treated under a hospital. In some cases, therapy begins in the hospital, and then the woman can let go home.

Quite often, the doctor prescribes the drug Duphaston in the threat of miscarriage in the early stages. It is a synthetic analogue of progesterone in a tablet form. The dose of the drug is prescribed in each case individually, focusing on the state of the future mother and its hormonal disorders. It should take it at the full course until all the symptoms of miscarriage on early last period will disappear. When the woman improves the well-being and signs of the threatening interruption of pregnancy are absent, it is prescribed a "supporting" dosage of the drug. In case of re-threat, the course of treatment must be repeated.

Dupaste's side effects include:

  • stool violation;

When painful syndrome appears in the right hypochondrium, as well as during explicit signs of jaundice, a defaston can be discontinued.

Prevention of miscarriage

Pregnancy planning should be meaningful. A woman should undergo a medical examination to make sure that she is healthy and ready to endure a child. This significantly reduces possible risks. Future parents need to refuse to eat alcoholic beverages, smoking cigarettes and uncontrolled reception of any medicines.

A woman before conception must treat all available infectious pathologies. Also, during a child tooling, avoid companies with infected people.

Pregnant women are important to keep track of their food and once again not nervous on trifles. If for some reason stressful situations can not be avoided, then sedatives should be taken, which will recommend the attending physician. Strong physical exertion and shocks in the stomach should also be avoided.

If the woman's first pregnancy happened at the age of 30-35, she should especially carefully follow health and regularly undergo a survey from.

What to do after transferred miscarriage?

In many cases, it fails to avoid interrupting pregnancy. This situation becomes a huge tragedy for a woman and her loved ones. Natural reaction is the speedy conception of a new child. However, the doctors strongly recommend planning a pregnancy only 6 months after miscarriage. It is important during this period to take a contraceptive drug. According to statistics, the pregnancy occurred immediately after miscarriage, has a high risk will also end with interrupt.

If a woman has sexually transmitted infection, and bleeding has been dragging, then after miscarriage it is necessary to take antibacterial drugs. With abundant bloody discharges, do not do without the use of medication, which includes iron for therapy.

With repeated miscarriage (there were more than 3 of the woman), it is necessary to pass additional procedures and pass all the necessary analyzes.