How to breastfeed correctly so that it is not. Secrets of correct breastfeeding: sitting, lying and other positions. Signs of correct attachment

The appearance of a baby is a real miracle. During this period, the main thing is to do everything to make it easier and more comfortable for the baby to adapt to new conditions for him. It is important that mom is always there. After all, this is the most dear person for him. Don't forget about breastfeeding. All pediatricians unanimously repeat about its necessity. Mom's milk has no analogues. No mixture can reliably reproduce the composition, because it has been scientifically proven that it changes during the day. But recently, more and more women are faced with the problem of establishing lactation. In the article, we will consider how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk, whether it is worth putting a baby on the first demand or doing it on a schedule. Let's highlight the basic rules that must be strictly followed.

Step-by-step breastfeeding technique

It is worth breastfeeding a newborn from the first day of his birth. Only in this case can we talk about successful lactation. A few days after giving birth, young mothers note that a clear liquid flows instead of milk. This is a normal physiological process. The body prepares for breastfeeding and colostrum appears. The baby's digestive system is still so fragile that a couple of drops of this liquid will be enough to make him full.

But it is in the colostrum that there are those important components that are responsible for the baby's immunity. On 3-4 days milk will definitely arrive. Do not worry if this period is accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature. This is a natural process.

To establish the lactation process, it is important to know how to properly breastfeed, or rather apply the baby. Experts suggest considering the following scheme:

  • Take a comfortable position, as the process can take quite a long time;
  • Make sure that the baby is turned towards you with his belly. For the first months, the baby cannot hold the head, so it is worth holding it, but not rigidly fixing it. He should be able to independently adjust the position of the nipple;
  • The nose of the baby should be as close as possible to the chest, but not rest against it, otherwise the child will suffocate;
  • Do not put the nipple in the baby's mouth, let him do it himself. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the correct bite;
  • If the child took only the tip and the mother is in pain, press the center of the chin of the crumbs, he will immediately release the breast;
  • In the baby's mouth, there should be not only the nipple, but also the halo. This will prevent the mother from developing cracks and wounds on her chest.

Choosing the right pose

Effective and correct breastfeeding is highly dependent on a well-chosen posture. Pediatricians distinguish the following positions:

  1. Lying on your side. You can control the baby, it will be comfortable for him to grip the nipple, there is no way to choke. Also a plus is that you can take a nap and rest. And this is very important for moms;
  2. Sitting. You can hold your baby in your arms or use a pillow. Make sure that the height for the baby is comfortable, and he can easily reach the chest;
  3. Standing. The position is not very comfortable for moms. During feeding, pressure is exerted on the spine. But if you can't feed your baby without motion sickness, this is a great option.

The above described how to properly breastfeed your baby. Use the advice and you will definitely not have problems with lactation.

On mode or on demand?

Many young mothers ask themselves the question: "Do you need to feed your baby on schedule or on demand?" In Soviet times, doctors had a clear schedule. Feeding was carried out every 3 hours and lasted no more than 20 minutes.

Over time, pediatricians around the world have come to a consensus that this position is fundamentally wrong. Modern science says that you need to feed children at the first squeak. This is the key to good and long-lasting lactation.

Tune in to the fact that feedings can be up to 15-18 times a day. And if the baby was born restless, then more. Don't worry, this will only last for the first few months. Over time, the regime will develop by itself. The amount will decrease up to 6-8 times.

Night feeding plays an important role in lactation. During this time of day, the highest amount of milk is produced.

We eliminate problems while maintaining lactation

Before figuring out how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk, many mothers face serious problems. Below we will consider how to solve them, while maintaining lactation:

  1. The child is hungry, constantly crying. This happens due to the inexperience of the mother. Newborn babies sleep about 80% of the time. For a woman, these are hours of rest and an opportunity for relaxation. Situations often occur when the baby eats no more than 10 minutes and falls asleep. Pediatricians recommend waking him up in this case. Since the milk is not greasy at first. To get the necessary minerals and vitamins, you need 20-25 minutes of active sucking;
  2. The kid does not want to eat, does not take the breast well. This can happen for several reasons. Firstly, incorrect attachment to the breast. This problem can be resolved by reviewing the information above. Secondly, the introduction of water into the diet. Pediatricians argue that this is not worth doing. Milk contains 80% water. This is especially true for the liquid that is released in the first 5-7 minutes. You should not think about giving the baby a drink from a bottle, this is a sure way to end lactation ahead of time;
  3. Cracks and wounds on the nipples. The problem is quite common for a nursing mother. To get rid of it, you need to properly care for the mammary gland. After each feeding, it is imperative to perform hygiene procedures. After that, treat the nipples and halo with cream or ointment. Bepanten will do well. The product does not need to be washed off, it is completely safe for babies;
  4. Inverted nipple, it is not possible to feed the baby properly. If in the old days this was a real problem, and many women had to give up breastfeeding, resorting to using formulas, now the problem is being solved by buying a special silicone nozzle. The cost is not high, it ranges from 300-500 rubles;
  5. Lactostasis. This is an excess of milk in the breast. Occurs due to improper lactation. The process is rather unpleasant. The mammary gland coarsens, swelling appears, the temperature rises. In this case, straining will help. If you cannot cope on your own, it is better to contact the clinic. It is impossible to tighten, otherwise mastitis may occur. The case will end with surgery;
  6. Lack of milk. Often you can hear from women that during a certain period, the amount of milk they produce sharply decreases. This is a physiological process. This is how the body adapts to new conditions. Doctors call the problem a lactation crisis. It happens at 1, 3, 6 months after the birth of the baby. You cannot quit feeding. At this time, it is worth eating well, resting, constantly putting the baby to the breast.

Knowing how to eliminate mistakes, the woman will continue the breastfeeding process without any problems.

It is scientifically proven that no formula can replace the composition of breast milk. Its benefits for the baby are enormous. How to breastfeed a baby has been described in the article. Pay attention to the technique and basic postures. Please be patient, the process may seem difficult at first. Over time, you will realize that this is not the case. Try not to make mistakes, and if they arise, know the algorithm for eliminating them.

With the birth of a child, every mother faces the question of how to properly feed her baby. Proper feeding means providing the newborn's body with all the necessary nutrients for normal physical and neuropsychic development. Therefore, every mother should think about what type of food she chooses for her child.

Why breastfeeding?

The most beneficial and ideal food for a newborn is breast milk, which ensures the best development of the baby. Nature has provided for the composition of breast milk, which is ideal for newborns, it contains proteins, they include essential amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements, vitamins, contained in the right amount and easily absorbed by the baby's body. It also includes immune proteins and leukocytes, with the help of which the body's resistance to diseases increases, since babies have underdeveloped immunity.

Breast milk is at the optimum temperature, sterility and ready for use at any time, anywhere. Breastfeeding provides emotional contact between mother and child, and the development of maternal instinct. When sucking on a breast with elasticity and softness, the baby's bite is formed correctly. For problems that develop during the eruption of deciduous teeth, breast milk can help relieve symptoms. It is also known that children who were fed with breast milk, at an older age, are less prone to various diseases, compared to children who were fed artificially (infant formula). Therefore, in order to achieve the best result in the development of the child, the development of immunity, it is necessary to use breastfeeding and for as long as possible, at least one year.

How do I prepare my breasts and nipples for breastfeeding?

Even during pregnancy, you should pay attention to the shape of the nipples, it depends on them how the baby will take the breast. The nipples are pronounced, flat, or inverted. Pronounced nipples are the most comfortable for the baby at the moment of gripping the breast with the mouth, and flat and inverted ones are less comfortable. Recall that the baby sucks on the breast, not the nipple, but still, with a comfortable nipple shape, the baby takes the breast more easily and with pleasure. Women with flat or inverted nipples should not be upset, as all that is needed is a little preparation of the nipples before childbirth.

Applying a halo (areola) to the area, special silicone caps, which have a hole, the nipple is pulled into it. Wearing such caps is recommended 3-4 weeks before childbirth, and half an hour before each feeding in the first weeks of breastfeeding. If you still didn't have time to prepare the nipples, it's okay, using a breast pump after childbirth will solve this problem for you in a couple of weeks. For all breastfeeding mothers, it is recommended to wear special bras, they do not squeeze or squeeze the enlarged breast filled with milk, as well as prevent harmful substances from clothing or the environment from getting on the breast skin and nipples. In these bras, you can put special pads that collect leaking milk, preventing contamination of clothes.

It is also recommended to wear clothes for nursing mothers, they provide easy access to the breast. Always wash your hands with soap and water before each feeding. The breast should be washed once a day, frequent washing of the breast a day, leads to a violation of the natural microflora of the areola area, and possible inflammatory processes. The breast is washed with warm water, without using soap (if you take a shower, rinse with clean water), they are harmful to the health of your child.

What is the mechanism of milk formation, the composition of breast milk?

Breast milk is produced by the mammary gland, under the influence of oxytocin (the hormone with which labor pains occur) and prolactin (a hormone whose concentration increases when a woman has sucked her breast). Both hormones are produced by the pituitary gland (a gland located on the lower surface of the brain) and they affect milk production. With an increase in the concentration of prolactin, the production of milk is stimulated by the cells of the mammary gland. Oxytocin promotes its expulsion by contraction of the muscles that are around the milk-forming cells, further along the milk canals (ducts), milk comes to the nipple, a woman feels this process as engorgement of the breast (milk flow). The rate of milk production depends on the degree of breast emptying. When the breast is filled with milk, its production decreases, and when the breast is empty, the production increases accordingly. Also, increased milk production is facilitated by the frequent latching of the baby to the breast. Increased milk production is noted only in the first 3-4 months of breastfeeding, in the following months it decreases.

The composition of milk changes over time. At the birth of a child, “colostrum” is secreted for several days, it is thick and sticky, yellow in color, contains a large amount of immune proteins, they provide the development of immunity, for adaptation, the sterile organism of the born baby, to the environment. Colostrum is secreted in drops, and compared to milk, it is fatty, therefore, even a very small amount is enough to saturate the baby.
"Transitional milk" appears on the 4th day after childbirth, it becomes more liquid, but its value remains the same as that of colostrum.

Mature milk appears 3 weeks after childbirth, when the baby is breastfeeding, it is white in color, liquid consistency, less fat than colostrum, but fully meets the requirements of the infant's body. Almost 90% consists of water, so you should not add water to children, this only applies to children who are purely breastfed. The fat content of breast milk is approximately 3-4%, but this figure changes frequently.

At the beginning of feeding, the so-called fore milk (first portion) is released, it contains fewer of them, therefore it is less high in calories. In hind milk (subsequent portions), the amount of fat increases, this milk is more nutritious, and the baby fills up faster. In the first months of breastfeeding, milk is richer in fat compared to subsequent months (starting at 5-6 months). Proteins in breast milk are approximately 1%. The composition of proteins includes essential amino acids that are easily absorbed by the baby's body. Among the usual beks, which are necessary for the development of a child, there are also immune proteins that contribute to the development of immunity. Carbohydrates contain about 7%, the main representative is lactose. Lactose regulates the intestinal microflora, the absorption of calcium by the body. Also in the composition of milk, leukocytes (white blood cells) are included, when they enter the child's intestines with milk, they destroy harmful bacteria. Milk also contains vitamins, various microelements involved in the complete satisfaction of the child's body.

How can you tell if your baby has enough milk?

A breastfed baby should be attached to the breast at his request during the day, and at least 3 times at night, an average of 10-12 times a day. Feeding on demand means that at the first sign of anxiety in the baby, it needs to be applied to the breast. In order for the baby to be satiated, it must be correctly attached to the breast, it should suck rhythmically for about 5-20 minutes, swallowing movements should be heard while sucking (swallowing milk), a well-fed baby may fall asleep under the breast, after feeding the breast should become soft. infant: opens his mouth wide, turns his head in different directions (looking for a nipple), whimpers, sucks on a fist.

A child sucks on the breast not only to quench thirst or hunger, but also to calm down, comfort, fall asleep easier, recover, and remove gas. Newborns are not able to regulate their intestines, therefore, in order to push out the gas, they need a new portion of milk. Therefore, the younger the children, the more often they need to be applied to the breast. If the child is not capricious, is gaining weight well, neuropsychic development is appropriate for age, this indicates that the body is developing normally, there is enough food for him and enough milk, but this applies only to children under 6 months. 6 months), gain in weight, must be at least 500 g per month, the upper limit of weight gain for each child is individual. But if the process of eruption of milk teeth began earlier, then weight gain is possible and less than 500 g.

How to stimulate milk production?

  • As mentioned above, the formation of milk occurs under the influence of two hormones, prolactin and oxytocin, which are produced in response to sucking on the breast of a giving birth woman. Therefore, in order to stimulate the formation of milk, frequent stimulation of these two hormones is necessary, this implies frequent latching of the baby to the breast (nocturnal latching is required), correct latching of the breast.
  • The elimination of stress, tension, increased mental and physical tension, fatigue, these factors contribute to a decrease in the production of oxytocin and prolactin, and if they are not enough, then muscle cells will not be able to form and secrete milk, as a result of which the child will not be able to get the amount of milk he needs. Thus, all nursing mothers need: calmness, rest, a calm environment, they should try to sleep well (a daytime sleep is required, next to the child).
  • Constant contact with the child (affects the production of hormones).
  • Warm shower promotes better milk flow.
  • Special lactogonic (better milk excretion) teas (sold in pharmacies) for nursing mothers.
  • Lactogonic drugs, for example: Apilak.
  • Walnut with honey also has a lactogonic effect, use honey with caution for mothers with children suffering from allergies.
  • A nursing mother should follow the diet: eat on time, high-calorie food and rich in vitamins (it does not matter if your weight changes or not), drink more fluids, forget about any diets.
  • In no case should you smoke or drink alcohol.
In case of insufficient milk production, an urgent need to seek help from a breastfeeding consultant.

How to latch on the baby to the breast?

Correct latching to the breast helps the baby get enough milk, gain weight, and prevent nipple pain and cracking.

You can breastfeed while sitting or lying down, whichever is more comfortable for you. The baby should be turned with the whole body, and pressed to the mother. The baby's face should be close to the mother's chest. The baby's nose should be at the level of the nipple, tilting his head back a little, for free breathing through the nose, for convenience, the woman can hold her breast at the base. The chin should touch the baby's chest. The contact of the nipple with his lips will trigger the search reflex and the opening of the mouth. The mouth should be wide open to capture the mother's breast with a full mouth, the lower lip should be turned outward, so the baby should capture almost the entire areola with his mouth. While latching on to the breast, he makes rhythmic deep sucking movements, while the swallowing of milk is heard.

Expression of milk - indications and methods

Indications for expressing milk:
  • feeding a premature or sick baby (in the case when the baby cannot suck);
  • leave milk if the mother needs to leave the baby;
  • in case of lactostasis (milk stagnation) to prevent mastitis (inflammation of the breast);
  • increased milk production (when the child has already eaten, and the breast is still full of milk).
  • With inverted nipples in the mother (temporary pumping).
There are 3 ways to express breast milk:
Expressed milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours, or in the freezer for up to 3 days.

Cracked nipples, what to do?

Nipple cracks are formed as a result of improper attachment of the baby to the breast, or improper expression of milk, frequent washing of the breast and the use of soap (when taking a shower, it is recommended to rinse the breast with clean water). If an infection penetrates through a damaged nipple, then mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland) may develop, therefore, if there are cracks, their timely treatment is necessary.

With small cracks, breastfeeding continues, through special silicone pads, with pronounced and painful cracks, it is recommended to stop feeding the sick breast, and the breast must be carefully expressed. For treatment use: washing with furacilin solution, Bepanten ointment, Panthenol spray, 5% Syntomycin ointment, washing with 2% Chlorfillipt solution, celandine juice and others. After each feeding, it is necessary to dry the nipple, treat with one of the above means, cover the nipple with a sterile gauze napkin.

Diet and hygiene of a nursing mother

A nursing mother should observe body hygiene (take a shower every day, rinsing her breasts with clean water), wear clean clothes, wash hands with soap and water before each feeding. Before each feeding, it is necessary to express a few drops of milk, to remove germs that may have gotten from clothes.

A breastfeeding woman should not smoke, consume alcoholic beverages, drugs, strong tea, coffee, and, if possible, medications.

For a nursing mother, frequent walks with the baby in the fresh air, frequent rest and daytime sleep are recommended.
Observe the diet, exclude any diets, abundant drink. The diet should include foods rich in vitamins (vegetables and fruits), iron (found in meat, it is better to eat veal), foods rich in calcium (dairy products), rich in phosphorus (fish). Be wary of eating red vegetables and fruits (tomatoes, strawberries and others), eggs, as they can cause allergies in the child. Eliminate citruses from the diet, they also cause allergies. Foods containing vegetable fiber (peas, beans) should also be excluded, since they lead to bloating in the baby's intestines. Garlic, onions, and condiments can ruin the taste of the milk.

In this article:

The issue of feeding newborn babies worries many pregnant girls and new mothers. Women should know how to feed a newborn baby correctly and not harm him.

Pediatricians from the World Health Organization agree that infant formula for newborns should consist only of breast milk. Nature took care of children and gave every mother the opportunity to give her baby wholesome and nutritious food that replenishes the body with all the necessary vitamins.

After the baby is born, the mother may experience various unforeseen situations when breastfeeding will be impossible. In this case, it is necessary to choose the right mixture for the crumbs. Experts advise buying and choosing a breast milk substitute based on the individual characteristics and preferences of the baby.

Breastfeeding is not only a physiological meal, we can say that it is a responsible and pleasant moment when the closest people communicate with each other as closely as possible. For women, the time of feeding newborns will remain in memory for a long time and will be a fond memory. In these happy moments, there is a certain birth of maternal love, tenderness, warmth, which is so important for a little baby.

Newborn baby feeding procedure

To learn how to properly feed a newborn baby, you need to listen to doctors who teach these skills to new mothers. The whole process of feeding babies should be comfortable and convenient; it should be treated with warm feelings and positive emotions.

After the birth of the baby, if there is such an opportunity, then the first feeding of the infant must be carried out in the delivery room in the first minutes of his life. Perhaps the baby will not immediately want to eat, but the direct process of latching on to the breast will give the young mother a lot of positive and pleasant emotions.

Today, in many maternity hospitals, the joint stay of a child with a mother is widely practiced. If there are no contraindications, then the baby is with the mother, from the first minutes of life, rarely when the baby is brought to the mother for 2 days. Therefore, during your stay within the walls of the hospital, you can learn and learn how to properly feed your baby with breast milk. The first meals of the crumbs will be difficult and many mothers worry that their beloved children eat small portions. But do not worry in advance, because then the baby will definitely eat the missing amount.

Newly made mothers should worry more and worry about comfortable positions for feeding babies, because they determine how fully the baby eats.

Feeding regimen for babies

Pediatricians from the World Health Organization could not come to a consensus and determine the optimal diet for a newborn baby. Some were clearly convinced that breastfeeding should be done at strictly defined hours. Another part came to the conclusion that children should be fed on demand. If you look from the point of view of the mother, then it will be convenient for her to feed her baby according to the regime, for example, every 2 to 3 hours. But it is better for the child if the mother feeds him according to his physiological needs.

If we talk about adults, then, while observing the regime, they can go to the kitchen and have a small snack when they feel hungry. Therefore, why torment the baby and feed him strictly according to the regimen, if his body requires otherwise. Each person has his own individual needs and characteristics, this also applies to newborn children. As practice shows, some children love for a long time, and slowly suck their mother's milk, while others prefer to eat quickly.

The mode of feeding an infant will change, because every month it will develop and only closer to one year old the regimen will more or less get better. In most cases, young mothers worry that their beloved babies are not getting the required amount of milk. But among doctors there is no consensus about how much a newborn baby should eat. Infant nutrition is intuitive.

Nutrition for newborns

Sometimes there are cases when the mother's breast milk can suddenly disappear, so you should think about buying a special adapted formula. Of course, the best baby food for newborns is mother's milk, but it is not always possible to breastfeed. Doctors have determined for themselves the only scheme and formula for calculating the required amount of nutrition for a newborn baby.

The daily norm of the adapted mixture is calculated as follows: the number of days of the child's life multiplied by 70.

This indicator can be used if the birth weight was less than 3kg 200g. If the weight of the child at birth was more than 3kg 200g, then the number of days lived by the child should be multiplied by 80.

The resulting figure must be divided by the approximate number of feedings per day and the end result is the volume of milk that the newborn should eat in one feeding.

But such calculations should not be blindly trusted and considered that this is the only correct formula, because every little person is an individual. And the daily rate is selected on a strictly individual basis. The above formula is great for determining the amount of finished mix you need. Many well-known manufacturers indicate on boxes or cans with baby food an approximate menu and the amount of feedings.

Every mother should remember that if her child eats artificial formula, then the "on demand" regimen is not suitable for him. In this case, you must adhere to the daily regimen. Newborn crumbs should be fed from a special bottle at least once or twice every three hours.

Does a newborn need water?

This question worries many young mothers today. Children's pediatricians did not agree on a single opinion and each offers its own version, solutions in such a difficult issue. But as statistics show, most doctors still believe that there is no need to additionally add some water to a newborn baby and an artificial.

For a baby that feeds on breast milk, there are enough nutrients, and it does not need liquid. If it is a stuffy and hot summer outside, you need to add some water to it. But don't abuse it. After all, the amount of milk produced by the mother directly depends on the frequency of breastfeeding. And the extra liquid will take up a lot of the space in the stomach that was originally intended for milk.

Baby food by month

Every mother wants her child to grow up strong, healthy and smart. The main source of excellent health is proper and nutritious nutrition. Young parents should definitely take care of the optimal diet in order to find the best feeding option for their newborn baby.

Even before the birth of a child, expectant mothers ask at scheduled appointments with a doctor, "What kind of nutrition is better for newborns?" The answer is often received that in addition to breast milk, there should be no additional fluids, for example, baby tea and water. In the first days after childbirth, a young mother has a small amount of colostrum, which is considered very useful for normalizing the intestines and gastrointestinal tract of the baby. Mom's colostrum is able to protect a newly born baby from a variety of infections and develop immunity.

In such a difficult and at the same time joyful period, every mother is obliged to devote all her attention to organizing and planning proper nutrition for her baby. It is necessary to take into account the needs of the child and feed him on demand. The more the mother puts her baby to the breast, the more milk she will produce. Timely feeding of newborns at night is important.

Feeding babies at 2 months is practically no different from the previous regimen. A 2 month old baby should drink breast milk. Very often, mothers begin to unreasonably worry that their baby at 2 months old eats little or milk is not very fat. To dispel all fears and worries about this, it is necessary to conduct an experiment and analyze wet diapers.

Breastfeeding mothers should stick to a diet and not indulge in excess. While the baby is 2 months old, the mother should not eat spicy, peppery, fatty, red and many other foods. You should refuse food, which may not have a good effect on the general well-being of a 2 month old baby.

As well as at 2 months, 3 months of the baby's life, the regime does not change and remains the same. Most often, women during this period may experience a lactation crisis. Almost half of mothers make the wrong decision and transfer their 2 - 3 month old baby to artificial or mixed nutrition. But there is a way out of this situation. It is necessary to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible and over time any lactation crisis will pass.

The diet at 4 months starts with some changes. If a mother sees that her child is ready for nutritional innovations, then occasionally give a few drops of pure or diluted apple juice.

Pediatricians and doctors from the World Health Organization recommend using green apple or pear juice. No other foods and fruits should be introduced at this age. If the baby has problems with stool, allergic rashes, then it is worth postponing for some time with the start of complementary feeding.

At the age of 5 months, some mothers want to start feeding their baby food from the common table faster, justifying this by the fact that it will grow faster. But such a statement is erroneous and completely wrong. At the next examination in the doctor's office, each mother should consult about the introduction of complementary foods. Today, doctors from the World Health Organization do not recommend starting to introduce complementary foods to infants up to 6 months. If the pediatrician did not identify developmental problems, disorders of the digestive tract and allowed to gradually introduce new products into the diet, then at the first stage it can be fruit juices or finely ground puree of a uniform consistency.

At the first introduction of a new product into the diet, you should closely monitor the baby and the reaction of its body. If there are no problems, then such complementary foods can be safely offered to him for lunch.

After 6 months, all recommendations and rules for the introduction of complementary foods should be prescribed only by the attending physician. He will give detailed and informative advice on all kinds of issues. Each mother can independently familiarize herself with the existing feeding tables in the pediatrician's office, ask questions of interest and immediately get answers to them.

Each new product introduced into the diet should be given at a minimum dosage. After the adaptation period, the rate can be gradually increased. Children's stomach and intestinal tract will be fully formed and get stronger only by one year old. Therefore, you should carefully consider baby food and monitor the amount of food eaten. After six months, you can gradually introduce various cereals and cereals. Some mothers make the decision to buy them from pharmacies. It is of course convenient and quick, but do not forget that cooked food on your own will always be more useful than instant porridge.

To please a little crumb, you need to take buckwheat or rice groats and grind it thoroughly into flour. Only after this process can it be heat treated. The same goes for fruit and vegetable purees. They can be prepared at home using fresh ingredients.

Many pediatricians and doctors of children's clinics recommend that mothers and relatives of the baby do not experiment with complementary foods and not engage in amateur activities. The child's body will not tolerate a variety of experiments and may fail at any time. Long-term treatment and restoration of normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract has not yet benefited anyone.

How do you know if your baby has enough breast milk?

When the baby eats from a bottle, mothers can control the process of feeding the amount of milk eaten. But what to do when the baby is breastfed? To determine whether a child is full, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. You can count the number of wet diapers or diapers. Of course, it is best to use diapers, because they will most objectively show the result. A baby who eats enough breast milk should go small about 8 times a day, and even more, if less than 2 times, should sound the alarm.
  2. The mother should carefully examine the child's stool. A grainy, homogeneous structure of yellow color is considered the norm.
  3. Green stools in a small crumbs can tell parents that lactose deficiency is occurring in the body. In this case, you need to seek help from your pediatrician.
  4. Make an analysis of the behavior of the baby during feeding. After eating, the child should behave calmly, give the breast on his own, or even fall asleep. This sign directly speaks of satiety and complete satisfaction. If the baby is naughty and very often requires a breast, then he does not gorge himself. With such a question, it is necessary to seek advice from specialists in breastfeeding.

Useful video on how to determine if a baby is getting enough milk

How to properly breastfeed and / or bottle feed a newborn baby?

Some simple points, overlooked by inexperience or forgotten, have a positive effect on creating harmonious relationships in the family. It is desirable to know about them.

The number and frequency of regurgitation, colic and gas in the baby, lactation and the well-being of the mother, as well as the comfortable environment of all family members, depend on how the mother feeds the newborn correctly.

Relatives should also take care of mommy and help her as needed, because it is very difficult for her in the first days and months after the hospital. Make your help to mom and baby easy, relaxed, unobtrusive.

Imagine that not just a newborn appeared - a small one, not understanding anything, endlessly screaming, but a very wise, quick-witted, but still helpless Man, “speaking” to you in his own language, the language of screaming.

You just need to learn his language as quickly as possible and teach your own, which for a baby at first will be not so much vocabulary as intonation. Strange things often happen: the baby very quickly begins to understand everyone, and even his mother can rarely understand him. But believe me - it's not difficult. Just be considerate and observant and respect his opinions and demands.

This is the most wonderful time to smooth out all the "sharp corners", if they took place in the family, and to strengthen the trust of everyone in each other - from newborns to deep elders.

Video: The Breastfeeding Myth

Feeding the baby

Breastfeeding or bottle feeding is important in a calm, comfortable environment. You can hum or recite something simple, you can speak affectionately with the baby, you can listen to quiet music. And you can create perfect silence. It's up to you. The main thing is that you and your child feel comfortable.

If you're watching TV, turn down the sound. This will help you hear better and learn more quickly all the sounds your baby makes when he suckles or is fed through a nipple from a bottle.

At first, it is advisable to feed the newborn "on demand", - as much as he asks for, at least forty times a day. And immediately, without giving the opportunity to shout. After all, he does not immediately scream, but at first he begins to worry, frown, showing with all parts of his body, especially with his mouth, that he is looking for food.

So you and the child will quickly get used to a new way of getting food. (before birth, the fetus receives oxygen and nutrition from the mother's blood from her placenta), and establish milk lactation as quickly as possible. On average, newborns drink and eat from 8 to 12 times a day. Sometimes it happens less, but mostly more. The main thing is that the baby gains weight well.

By carefully observing your baby, you will very quickly learn to determine when to give him milk.

You should not try the patience of the baby and bring the baby to a hysterical cry.

If you are already screaming strongly, then first pick it up, calm it down, and then feed it. Otherwise, air is swallowed, which may lead to or colic. By the way, at the same time, learn to quickly distinguish the cry of hunger from other cries.

If you immediately satisfy the newborn's hunger - the most important need for him at first, he will quickly learn to trust you.

Being confident that his mother, and, therefore, food, is always there, he will gradually calm down and increase the intervals between meals. Waking up, he will not sharply demand attention to himself, but will learn to study himself, the world around him.

By tying together the image of a mother and the possibility of immediate saturation, he will become calmer and soon, upon waking up, he will no longer scream so heart-rendingly, giving you the opportunity to calmly prepare for feeding yourself and prepare the baby - to carry out the necessary morning procedures, put him on his tummy, do a massage and gymnastics, work out with him on fitball, buy, change clothes.

Newborn feeding technique

Get into a comfortable position right away. When feeding while sitting, lean on pillows or bolsters, place a small bench under your feet, or place a folded item. It is very convenient to raise one knee higher above the other in order to position the baby in a half-tilt (30-45 degrees), and not in a hanging position, but so that he lies. Then your hands will not come off and your back will not hurt from overstrain.

In a comfortable position, you and your baby will enjoy the feeding process and not get annoyed.

When bottle feeding it is important to ensure that the nipple is constantly filled with milk, because it will also swallow the voids, which can lead to unpleasant phenomena - belching and hiccups, regurgitation,.

The hole in the nipple should be of the right size so that it is easy for the baby to suck, and it does not gag. As the baby grows, enlarge the hole, or change the nipple to another, with a larger diameter.

When breastfeeding turn the baby towards you completely, and not just its head. The newborn should fully capture the areola, almost resting the nose against the chest and pressing the beard tightly against the chest.

Try to exclude or minimize the swallowing of air, part of which enters the ventricle through the nose during breathing.

Any whistling, smacking, tongue clicking, pain inflicted on you are excluded. This indicates an improper attachment of the baby to the breast. Gently remove the nipple by sticking your little finger between the breast and the corner of the baby's mouth and insert it correctly, pulling the baby tightly to you. Only swallowing and breathing should be heard.

Make sure that when sucking, the baby's lips are turned outward, and the tongue tightly wraps around the bottom of the areola of your breast. That is why it is necessary to introduce the entire areola (areola) into the mouth of a hungry baby, directing the nipple to the palate of his mouth.

Many questions about correct latching to the breast will be resolved if you watch this video:

How to properly latch a baby to the breast

About night feedings, frequency of feedings and overfeeding

There are supporters of different opinions, sometimes directly opposite, on issues related to infant feeding. Someone proves the need for a 3-3.5 hour break between feedings for newborns. Someone strongly recommends feeding "on demand", scientifically substantiating their arguments. And someone advises not to rush to the baby immediately, but to pick him up only when he screams for a long time. After all, he can scream sharply from intestinal colic, and not from hunger. Draw your own conclusions.

What are the reasons for crying besides hunger and colic? About this - at the end of the article.

All babies are different. Some get saturated quickly - in 15-20 minutes, others can suckle for up to an hour. Gradually, the baby grows stronger and sucks stronger, saturates faster. But even in this case, there are often moments when the child, having eaten, stretches out the pleasure, satisfying the much-needed sucking reflex.

Milk does not flow in a continuous stream, but there are tides. Between the tides, the baby rests and waits for the next batch to appear.

When feeding with infant formula, you must also focus on its requirements. To satisfy the sucking reflex, you should give a dummy more often than during breastfeeding, so as not to appear, which sometimes can remain for life and bring a lot of trouble.

It will be better for you and the baby if, during the first one to three months, you teach the baby to distinguish between day and night (he himself does not know this) and feed the baby at approximately the same time during the main milk receptions. The baby learns very quickly, he subtly feels everything that is good for him.

“Consult” with him, “follow” his requirements, but keep track of the quantity and quality of food, then there will be no unwanted overfeeding and, as a result, immediate regurgitation of a large amount of milk. It is better to feed babies who eat a lot more often so as not to stretch the ventricle so that the food has time to be absorbed. Be guided by your own crumb and trust your feelings more.

There is a professional opinion that it is impossible to overfeed with breast milk. I will not argue. Some pediatricians even allow babies to gain weight up to 2 kg per month. Up to three months, supposedly, let him gain more, because then he will begin to move more actively and begin to lose weight. I believe that it is necessary to look at the child and be guided by the way of life that you lead.

An overly fed child, who is little stimulated to acquire active motor skills, can get sick much more often and harder than actively and moving children, who quickly process food into the energy they need.

Over time, the baby itself increases the time between feedings, you just carefully feel what the baby wants to "tell" you. For example, you noticed that for several days he wakes up the same feeding for half an hour or an hour, or even longer. So follow this new schedule for the days to come. Then somewhere else the baby "stretched" the time between feedings. He himself "tells you" how exactly it is more convenient for him.

Very soon you will be feeding your baby 8, 7, 6, or even 5 times a day. And it's great if a one and a half to two month old baby will already give you the opportunity to get enough sleep at night. Always talk to him kindly and tenderly, hum a lullaby when you need to calm him down or sleep.

Sometimes this is at odds with your schedule. Well, do not resist, it is worth learning to "negotiate" with your baby as early as possible. This will help you further understand your child as he grows up.

At night, let us understand in every possible way that this is a time for sleep, not wakefulness. At first, do not refuse night feedings, or rather, pre-morning feeds. Feeding from about 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. will help you lactate in the best possible way! At this time, there is a kind of "ordering milk" for the next day.

At night - no cheerful notes. Just calm, very quiet communication, limited in time. It is better not to speak, but to lull, or even be silent if the baby is sleepy and just hungry.

The kid screams in different ways. When and why?

  • wants to eat, drink or sleep
  • wet or poop
  • stomach ache, head or something else
  • you need to change your posture
  • hot or cold
  • there is dry air in the room and its nose is uncomfortable
  • a bright light hit the eyes
  • annoying silence or, on the contrary, - harsh sounds and noise
  • reflexively threw up the handle and scared himself
  • wants mom to talk to him, play or pick him up
  • wants and cannot pee or poop, especially boys. It is necessary to free the baby from underwear, diapers and hold him over the diaper. The sound of flowing water helps a lot. You can bring the crumb to the sink and quietly turn on the tap.

Let this time not be a heavy burden for you and give you all the opportunity to rejoice and be surprised at every new movement of a small child, his new facial expressions, sounds he makes.

I always feel calmer when I hear. The silence always worries me, especially when the kids are already moving a lot and actively. Sounds means - he lives!

Expressing while breastfeeding. When and why is it needed?

How to stimulate lactation

How to choose utensils for infant formula bottle feeding

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To the entry "How to feed a newborn baby. Video. Feeding a baby" 22 comments

    You talk very well, Irina Olegovna. You know, with my first daughter, I did not understand anything at all. I looked at the child as an alien. Of course, I read a lot of information, and began to feed the baby on demand. Although what is "on demand" and how to distinguish this requirement from others - I did not understand at all, out of inexperience. My daughter fell asleep on my chest, and I was afraid to move. When she woke up, she also sucked on the breast. For every squeak, I gave her a breast. Then I thought it was on demand. The break without breasts was very small - 15-20 minutes. As a result, my daughter often spit up, and her mother became more and more nervous and tired every day. Plus, colic, gas, etc.
    With my second daughter, everything changed as if by magic: I already "read" every squeak of the child - it’s to eat, it hurts, it just wants to snuggle up to the chest, it’s a toy that interests me ... Probably, everything comes with experience. But next to a young inexperienced mother, there should still be a person who will help and prompt - a grandmother or a nanny, who is trusted. I had to comprehend everything on my own, on my mistakes. But with the second daughter, everything is immediately clear and understandable.

  1. Irina Olegovna, well, just the most beautiful article. This is how all feeding issues are covered. Great.
    And most importantly, I’m reading everything again, and in every word you can feel your Love for the little ones.
    I immediately remembered all our feedings. I then, so as not to get confused who fed, even wrote down. Especially at night, of course, hard. My daughters ate at night for a long time. Yes, one by one. Therefore, in the morning you get up and do not understand - I slept, I did not sleep, and now I began to write down the feedings.
    Yes, it is not so easy to raise children. There are so many subtleties to know. And I really liked the advice to listen to the baby.
    I now have a nephew with an almost 5 month old daughter. And just recently I also got involved. She had to go to college. Well, nothing, my daughter and I coped ...
    Most importantly, I caught myself that everything is forgotten like that. I took Mashenka in my arms, and I think how long ago I had everything ... But then nothing, we settled down. Still, what a great time. And what happiness for every mother is a child. So all the pleasant New Year's joys. And you, Irina Olegovna, too. And health to everyone, of course. Happiness and warmth for the new year.

  2. Irina Olegovna! Your article is just a treasure! So much useful information! So everything is deployed! I think she will help many young mothers to solve feeding problems!

    Breastfeeding a baby is a sacred rite that requires full mother's commitment, then the baby will be full, healthy and calm 🙂 Great article, thank you for writing about it with such love 🙂 Happy New Year! Happiness, health, well-being and kindness, harmony and warmth!

    Irina Olegovna, you cover any issue in such detail in your articles that you no longer need to go somewhere else for additional information. Thank you for such a responsible attitude to business.
    Happy New Year to you! May he please you with new impressions, new acquaintances, new knowledge! I wish you health, excellent mood and joy of communication with others! Good luck and prosperity!

    My opinion is that during breastfeeding, mom and baby communicate. At this time, I kicked everyone out of the room, I should not be distracted by ANYTHING! Just me and my daughter.
    Unfortunately, my daughter, while she was feeding her baby, could still do a bunch of "necessary" things for her: talk to everyone, watch a movie, read a book. Anything, except communication with the child. But she's only 21 years old. Maybe later the realization of the importance of feeding the baby will come.

    Feeding a baby is really a huge job, which requires a lot of effort from the mother, and even from the father. I would like to wish all babies a good appetite!

    Every article about breastfeeding priority is a good thing! The main myth, from my point of view, is that the mother does not have milk to feed the baby. This is a misleading indicator, to overcome it requires a deep confidence that my baby should be breastfed. This will help the mother, the first weeks to withstand very frequent latching on to the breast (literally at every request of the baby) and the baby, appreciating the care of his mother, will do everything himself - make nature work for him, for his health!

  3. Breastfeeding can be painful if the breasts are not prepared for it. The first time I had painful cracks, because I neglected cosmetics for the breast.
    However, I quickly dealt with it. After all, breastfeeding is great!

    I do not agree that there is never enough milk. I'll tell you by example. When I gave birth, I simply could not take a comfortable position for feeding, as the stitches interfered, in addition to everything, the child simply did not want to breastfeed, which I just didn’t try. Perhaps, if someone else was at home with me for the first month (my husband is constantly at work), who could take care of everyday life, bring me food, I would be able to establish this process. I managed in another way, began to express, although this is also not easy and takes time, at least this is how I understood the child was full or not. Over time, the milk began to decrease until we completely switched to ridiculous doses. I could have continued to suffer like this, but who would feel better about it.

    • It was different for me. She fed her first child for over a year. But once there was a moment when we moved from apartment to apartment (we rented housing then, we didn't have our own), got nervous, my milk was gone. There was no money for food - they spent on the move. They could only afford scrambled eggs with bread. My daughter is crying, but I cannot feed her - there is nothing. With fright, they borrowed money. I ate, I drank normally. Milk appeared again.
      The second one already fed less - up to 10-11 months. Because I had had milk fever and it was very difficult to continue feeding.
      And she stopped feeding her twins even earlier, at 7-8 months. Rather, the husband persuaded to transfer them to a common children's table.
      And really, why suffer if it becomes a burden? It is necessary to choose the acceptable options specifically for yourself.

      There is little milk. but if it came, then you are a normally lactating woman. Who is able to feed her child. And you simply could not save it due to some circumstances. or laziness. or are simply used to relying on others. My mother-in-law came from the hospital and fed piglets, calves, smoke, husband, who worked from morning to evening. I ran to fetch water to feed and drink everyone, there is no washing machine, and you know, the village. She breastfed 7 children. everyone. and my husband was not there. just everyone chooses for himself. I have only two so far. I have a well-established life and I live in the city, my husband feeds us and of course he is not around, like grandmothers and aunts. and the second birth was difficult. but nursed, just because she wanted to. crisis - frequent application, apilak in a course, a lot of liquid and food. but no one canceled washing and cooking at the same time.

    • When I got very sick and had to take antibiotics, I started pumping to maintain lactation. The kid was temporarily transferred to an artificial one. So my milk began to very much decrease in quantity. Literally on the 4th day it became 20 grams each. On my own fear, I gave up the medicine and began to feed the baby. During the day they recovered, thanks to the frequency of application. Because pumping it is not the same as when the baby. It's good that I learned about the principle of GW. This is my second child, and I am still feeding him. But even now from the article I learned about some of my mistakes, and I understood how to help the baby not to regurgitate so much.

Leave your comment

In the postpartum ward, there are young mothers who have no idea how to breastfeed properly. The nurse brings the children, quickly distributes them to the women, and runs away on other matters. One is asleep, the other is crying, the third took the very tip of the nipple with his sponges and greedily pulls milk, and there is no one nearby who can give advice, teach how the first feeding of a newborn should take place. About 30 years ago, this situation was in almost every maternity hospital, babies were taken away from their mothers, they were not allowed to drink the healing colostrum that appears immediately after childbirth. Now you can avoid such an attitude if you take care of the choice of the institution in which the long-awaited baby will be born in advance. Most good maternity hospitals teach mums how to properly breastfeed.

Choosing a suitable maternity hospital

Parents-to-be dream of their baby being born in the best possible conditions. You have made inquiries in advance about the qualifications of doctors, the method of delivery, the availability of modern equipment. Do not forget to ask about the environment in which the newborn will spend its first days. There are also medical institutions where the baby is immediately taken away from the mother, is not allowed to be in the same room, and for the first feeding the baby is brought no earlier than a day later. There, too, it is not villains who work there, but qualified specialists, and they justify their methods with reasonable arguments. How do you know which is better?

One of the arguments of the supporters of the separate stay of a nursing mother and a newborn: a woman is tired, the first days she needs to lie down alone, rest and gain strength. At the same time, for some reason, it is not taken into account that the baby was also very hard, he walked a difficult path through the narrow birth canals and ended up in a new, completely unfamiliar world. The child is stressed, he wants to snuggle up to a loved one, but he found himself all alone in an unfamiliar bed. It is impossible to separate for physiological reasons. Immediately after birth, the baby should take the breast and drink the first drops of colostrum, which have analgesic and sedative effects. All fears will be left behind, the baby will fall asleep. It will also be a signal to the female body that it is time for the uterus to contract, and milk should be produced in the breast.

It is in the first days that the lactation algorithm is laid, and if you follow the rules of breastfeeding from the very beginning, the child will not need any additional nutrition for up to six months. The composition and quantity of milk is not constant, the mother's body adjusts to the needs of the children and produces the food that it needs this month. Do not interfere with natural processes and you can breastfeed your baby for up to 2 years.

First feeding

The first attachment to the breast should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist who will give the necessary advice on how to teach the baby to breastfeed. In the first days, get used to getting comfortable. Breastfeeding is not just about the absorption of food by newborns, but also your communication, which should bring joy to both mom and baby. What pleasure can there be if an arm becomes numb from an uncomfortable position or a back hurts? First, position yourself so that you feel comfortable for about half an hour, and then you can attach the baby to your chest. The first days it is better to feed lying down: you have not yet gotten stronger after childbirth, the breaks have not healed - you need to give rest to the exhausted body.

Place the baby next to him, hold him with one hand and see if he is lying correctly:

  • the body is straightened and turned by the tummy towards mom;
  • the head is slightly tilted back;
  • the cheeks and nose are pressed to the chest, but not tightly so that the child can breathe freely.

If the baby has not started to eat, you need to teach him to breastfeed. Slide your nipple over your lower lip. When the baby opens its mouth, put the nipple in there. Correct Breast Latch: Lips turned outward to cover almost the entire dark area around the nipple. Listen to the baby's breastfeeding: you should not hear panting, smacking, or any other sounds other than swallowing.

Some kids love their mother's breasts so much that, even when they are full, they do not want to let go of it. Do not pull the nipple out by force, as this can lead to cracks. When you realize that he has eaten as much as needed, lightly press on the baby's chin, and if he does not open his lips after that, gently insert the tip of your little finger into his mouth and turn your finger slightly. The baby will open its mouth, and you can easily release the chest.

Get into a comfortable position

There is no one best position for feeding a baby, different circumstances can be arranged in different ways. For the first month, it is better to give the breast while lying down, this will be a wonderful rest for the mother and will help the organs damaged during childbirth to recover. Then you can feed while sitting, and reclining, and standing, and in motion. It is better not to dwell on one position, but to change positions each time and teach the child to take the breast in any position. If all the time is located the same, some part of the breast may be constantly squeezed, milk will stagnate in it. If once you fed the baby while sitting, and the other while lying down, the breast will be completely free.

Make sure you have a comfortable place to sit when feeding. The back should not get tired so that the mother does not fidget and does not bother the baby. Put the leg under the breastfeeding breast not a slight elevation. Both of you will truly enjoy feeding in a rocking chair. A quiet swaying will lull both the baby and the mother, you will take a sweet nap together. Take care in advance so that the baby does not fall out of the hands, secure it with a sling.

In a month, the wounds will heal, and the nursing mother will want to move more. If you don't want to sit with a baby in your arms for a long time, learn how to breastfeed a newborn while standing, here, too, a sling will become your reliable assistant. Turn on gentle music and dance with your baby in a smooth dance. The time will come, and you will be able to do a lot with the baby at the breast, just do not do things that require all your attention. You will communicate with the baby, and let your hands do the usual work. And when you get tired, sit down and take a nap together.

After feeding, be sure to hold the baby upright for a few minutes so that air comes out of the stomach.

When to feed your baby and how long to keep him at the breast?

There are many recommendations for a mom about a baby's feeding schedule. The range of opinions is very wide: both the guideline is to strictly follow the established regime, and advice to breastfeed any time the baby cries. Do not go to extremes, it is better to independently determine what is best for you and your baby. Having chosen the right tactics, stick to it constantly, then your body will also adjust to this routine and begin to produce as much milk as needed. In the first month, the child will eat 7 to 10 times a day. If you feed him more often, the baby will not fully suck the milk out.

You should keep the baby at the breast for about half an hour: if he stops sucking after a few minutes, he will drink only the first, most liquid portion, and the most nutritious last milliliters will remain in the breast. It is necessary to teach the baby to eat everything without a trace. If he fell asleep, take out the nipple and lightly stroke his cheeks, the baby will wake up and continue the meal. If he is already full, then the nipple will not take more. Each time you breastfeed only one breast, most often the milk is produced as much as needed, especially the first month. It's just that little sly ones do not always try to finish eating to the end, it is more convenient for them to take another breast and suck without difficulty. A second breast can be given if there is really not enough milk.

Until the baby is one month old, one feeding should be enough for him for at least two hours. If the child asks for breast more often, do not refuse the first days, but figure out why the baby does not eat as much as he needs. When he falls asleep, try to wake up and feed him; if the mother has little milk in one breast, give the other and in the near future get advice from the doctor on how to increase the production of food for the baby. If there is too much milk and the baby cannot eat it, be sure to express the excess after each feed. Congestion can lead to mastitis.

Do not wash your breasts with soap and water before each feeding, carry out this procedure only in the morning, and in the middle of the day it is enough to wipe the nipple with boiled water. There is a special lubricant on the skin that prevents the growth of bacteria; frequent use of soap destroys this protection.

Problems and mistakes of young mothers

Why study tips on how to breastfeed properly, if nature has already laid the sucking instinct in children, the baby will still breastfeed and gorge on milk? Of course, he will not remain hungry, only then he will suffer from gas and colic, and mom will cry from pain in cracked nipples and treat mastitis. Have you heard creepy stories about how, just a month after giving birth, the breast swelled and turned to stone, abscesses appeared, requiring surgery? They are about those mothers who believe that there is no need to follow any recommendations, the correct latching of the breast will occur naturally.

Correct breastfeeding gives both mom and baby great joy, do not deprive yourself of this pleasure.

Cracked nipples are very painful for women. Do not stop breastfeeding newborns because of this, but purchase special pads at the pharmacy. In the first month, there are often small wounds, but the unpleasant sensations from them arise only at the moment when the baby takes the breast, then everything goes away. Never decide for yourself whether to transfer a child to artificial nutrition or not if a nursing mother is sick. In case of dangerous infections or serious illnesses, breastfeeding of children may be contraindicated, but this decision is made only by a doctor.

Each generation of doctors makes their own innovations, and they do not always benefit. Ask old pediatricians if it is necessary to give the baby water, and they will unanimously answer: it is necessary already in the first days, milk is food, not drink. Now it is believed that the mother's breast provides the baby with everything he needs, he does not need to be given water or supplemented. Like any question, this problem requires an individual approach. If a nursing mother has very thick milk, and the heat is unbearable outside, it is not surprising that the baby will be tormented by thirst. In the first month, the doctor will prescribe blood and urine tests, their results will show whether the child is dehydrated or not. Increased hemoglobin and red blood cells, low ESR can signal that the baby is not getting as much fluid as he needs.

A young woman is in doubt: to breastfeed her baby or to transfer to a formula in the first month, so as not to spoil the figure? In fact, there is no problem: the shape of the bust depends on natural characteristics, and on body care, and on the way of life. There are women who have nursed several children under one year old and retained their breasts, which are not ashamed to show at a beauty contest. There are nulliparous girls who are forced to insert silicone to lift the saggy perches. Feed your newborn correctly, and the beautiful shape will soon recover.