How to remove bulldog cheeks on the face and why they occur. How to remove fleas on the face: salon techniques and effective home procedures

No matter how women want, but youth passes and over time the question arises of prolonging the beauty and preservation of a tightened facial contour.

How to remove cheeks in 1 day - an integrated approach to the problem will help.

Due to some circumstances, it is not always possible to visit beauty salons and pamper yourself with massages, masks and other skin care procedures.

Do not get upset and give up. You can also take care of your face at home.

In the fight against sagging cheeks, a variety of methods are used, including food. Looking in the refrigerator, you can certainly find lifting assistants there, on the basis of which face masks are made.

Masks nourish the skin, improve color and lift the contour of the face.

In addition to cosmetic methods, there are a variety of exercises and massages., also helping from the effect of "bulldog cheeks". The main thing is not to let yourself go and not bring the situation to a critical point, when nothing will help, except for surgical intervention.

The main ways to get rid of sagging cheeks

The main methods of getting rid of sagging cheeks can be considered as follows:

  • modern cosmetic procedures;
  • exercises;
  • self-massage;
  • proper nutrition;
  • masks.

For 1 day, the appearance will not change, but regular self-care will lead both to getting rid of sagging cheeks and to a general improvement in facial contours.

Diet for slimming cheeks

When following a diet for weight loss, excess weight goes away from all parts of the body. All nutritionists unanimously argue that the diet should not be short-term, but become a way of life.

Respectively, it is better not to reduce the quantity and quality of food consumed, but to learn how to eat right. In the diet of each person there are such products that contribute to rapid weight gain, on the face, as well.

These products include the following:

  • sweet and flour;
  • salt;
  • sauces based on mayonnaise and ketchups;
  • beer and snacks to it;
  • semi-finished products;
  • alcohol.

This list should either be completely eliminated, or the use of listed products should be reduced to a minimum.

It is necessary to replace these products with healthy ones that promote proper metabolism. and, consequently, weight loss.

Useful products include:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • calcium-containing products;
  • cereals rich in fiber;
  • clean water at least 2 liters per day;
  • green tea.

Sweet can be replaced with a small handful of dried fruits, a couple of dark chocolate bars or a protein bar.

Gymnastics to get rid of cheeks

The systematic implementation of the exercises will lead to the desired result in a short time.

The skin will become taut and elastic, sagging will go away, wrinkles will be smoothed out. As with a body lift, facial exercises target a specific area. It is better to perform each daily or at least every other day.

Exercises for tightening the facial muscles

This approach among professionals is called face-building, i.e. physical exercises to correct the shape and contour of the face without surgical intervention. A facelift with the help of a set of exercises will give results in 2 weeks.

Eyelid massage

Due to this exercise, blood circulation increases, muscle tone increases. As a result, the skin is tightened. It is necessary to squeeze the hands so that the thumb is on top. Gently, without pressure, massage the eyelids: 5 times clockwise, and 5 - against.

For brow muscles

With this exercise, you can prevent the formation of vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows. With the tips of your index fingers, you need to lightly press on the area where the eyebrows begin and frown. After 2-3 seconds, relax. Repeat 10 times.

Face lift

A clear oval of the face is one of the first steps towards attractiveness and youth. The exercise will help to delineate clear boundaries, tighten the skin and remove wrinkles at the corners of the mouth.

With the help of systematic gymnastics and facial massage, you can tighten the contours and get rid of sagging cheeks.

To perform this exercise, you need to protrude the lower lip down so that the lower teeth are exposed. The jaws are compressed, tension in the chin is felt. Slowly repeat 5 times.

Lower face lift

This exercise strengthens, corrects the muscles of the chin and the area under it. To perform it, you need to sit down, straighten your back and straighten your shoulders. Tilt your head back so that you feel tension in your neck.

You should fold your lips with a tube and stretch forward, as if for a kiss. Hold for 3 seconds and relax. Run 8 times.

Exercises that correct the shape and size of the cheeks

With a simple set of exercises, you can get rid of sagging, excessive plumpness or irregularly shaped cheeks. In this case, the cheekbones become more pronounced, and the face seems thinner.


Lips tightly compressed. You should inflate your cheeks as much as possible and linger for 15-20 seconds. Relax and lightly stroke them with your palms. Further you need to inflate your cheeks at an accelerated rhythm and blow them off, pressing on them with your hands. Repeat 15-20 times.


To perform the exercise, you need to slightly pull your cheeks up, as with a smirk. It is important that only the muscles of the cheeks are involved and no more. Perform within 2-3 minutes.


You need to fold your lips with a tube and stretch forward. Perform circular motions for 2 minutes.

Air rolling

To perform the exercise, you should smile broadly with your mouth closed and take air into your cheeks. Slowly roll the balloon from one cheek to the other.

Exercises for chubby cheeks

Puffiness in the cheek area is due not only to a genetic predisposition, but also to muscle weakness in this place.

The following exercises will help reduce the volume of the cheeks and give the face a clear outline:

  1. Grip the pencil with your teeth and draw figures, letters, numbers, etc. in the air. Do this exercise for 3 minutes.
  2. With your mouth wide open, turn your lips inward. To carry out pressing movements with lips on the teeth. Cheeks and lips should be in tension. After the appearance of a feeling of tension, relax. Repeat 5-8 times every 10 seconds.
  3. Close your eyes and make clear movements with your lips, as if the words "Auh" and "Uuuuf" are pronounced.

Cheekbone exercises

Expressive cheekbones are fundamental in a beautiful facial contour. Their clear outline gives the appearance of femininity and a certain aristocracy.

To tighten the cheekbones, you need to regularly perform the following exercises:

  1. With the index finger inside the mouth, move the cheek below the teeth. With the help of the muscles to resist, as if trying to push it back. Work this way on each side 8 times.
  2. Clench your palms into fists. Use the knuckles to make describing movements along the line of the cheekbones starting from the nose to the temple. You can alternate sides or do both at the same time.
  3. Sit up straight with a straight back. Look ahead. Lower the corners of the lips, while straining the muscles of the cheekbones and cheeks. Stay in this position for a while and relax.

Facial massage that cleans the cheeks

To learn how to visually remove cheeks in 1 day, you need to consult with a makeup artist who will select the optimal makeup.

To actually remove the cheeks, you need to not only do gymnastics, but also do a massage.- it is not only useful, but also a pleasant procedure. Massage relaxes, sets in a positive mood and improves blood circulation in the vessels.

As known, increased blood flow to the tissues, promotes their elasticity. There are several types of facial massage: just with your hands, with honey and with a towel. Regardless of which type is chosen, the skin should be cleaned and patted dry with a towel.

Hand massage

Before performing the massage, cleanse the skin of the face and apply a cream on it. It is advisable to use a bold one so that your hands glide over the surface better and the skin does not stretch.

You should start with stroking and light patting movements. Next, pinching, walk from the cheekbones to the temples. All movements are done from the bottom up. It is necessary to pinch and smooth out the folds and wrinkles. It is important not to stretch the skin during the procedure.

Towel massage

A small terry towel should be moistened with herbal infusion (chamomile, calendula, sage). Next, grab the ends of the towel and bring your hands together. It is necessary to sharply, but moderately spread your arms to the sides to make a light clap. With such cottons, you need to go through all the problem areas on the face.

Honey massage

Dip your fingertips into a container of natural honey, then apply it to your face with tapping movements. Pinch over the face several times. Press the pads of your fingers against the skin and quickly tear them off.

Cheek tightening cosmetics

Exercises and massage are very effective in combating irregular facial contours and sagging cheeks. However, if the approach to the problem is complex, you can not do without cosmetic products.

These can be creams with a lifting effect, salon or store masks, and homemade recipes. Creams with a tightening property can be purchased at salons, stores or pharmacies: Q10 (coenzyme) from NiveaVisage, Lift-active cream from Vichy, SoinNoir (lifting night cream) from Givenchy, etc.

However, one should not expect a miracle from the mere application of this or that cream - it must be combined with other methods. Masks will better cope with the issue of tightening the skin on the cheeks and on the face as a whole.

There are many recipes for masks, of which the following can be distinguished:

  1. Egg mask. Beat the white of one egg until foamy. Depending on the type of skin, add honey (dry) or oatmeal (fatty). Apply to face and wait 10-15 minutes. Rinse with room temperature water, then rinse with cool water.
  2. Yeast mask. Dilute fresh yeast (50 g) with warm water to the consistency of sour cream. Cover with a towel and leave overnight in a warm place. Then, apply thickly on the face and wait 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
  3. Oatmeal mask. Hercules in flakes or ground pour hot water and let it brew for 1-2 minutes. Optionally, you can add honey or yogurt. Apply to the face and massage along the massage lines. Wash away.

Makeup and hairstyle corrective cheeks

A well-chosen hairstyle and applied makeup can work wonders with your appearance.

With the help of makeup, you can not only give yourself personality, but also correct existing shortcomings.

When giving the face the right contour with the help of cosmetics, you need to consider the following:

  1. This is not a panacea for excess weight and stretched muscles. For 1 day, full cheeks cannot be removed even with the help of cosmetics, no matter how hard you try.
  2. It is necessary to correct the contours of the face correctly Otherwise, you can only aggravate the situation.
  3. Corrective agents should not look like a mask on the face.

To learn how to remove cheeks in 1 day with makeup, you should consult a makeup artist. With the help of correctly applied cosmetics, you can visually correct the contours of the face.

In a cosmetic bag there should be correctors of different shades, powder and blush. Usually big cheeks are darkened with a dark color and emphasized with blush. To do this, draw a line from the middle of the cheeks to the eyelids and shade it well. Blush is applied under the cheekbones. This approach can visually reduce the face.

As for the hairstyle that can hide the swelling, it all depends on the original image. Straightening is suitable for owners of thick long hair. Straight, hanging hair stretches the face and conceals its volume. A low-knotted ponytail has the same effect.

Also a haircut “elongated caret” just below the cheekbones helps well. A cascade haircut is also suitable. When choosing a hair color, you should not resort to bright colors. If you want variety, you can do highlighting.

In pursuit of a change in appearance, the main thing is to know a sense of proportion.

No matter how much you would like and no matter what the cosmetologists promise, you cannot get rid of sagging and large cheeks in 1 day. A modified lifestyle and an integrated approach are the main allies in solving the problem under consideration.

Useful videos on how to remove cheeks in 1 day

Effective gymnastics for cheeks and cheekbones (facebuilding):

How to remove cheeks in 1 day with massage - practical recommendations from a specialist:

« How to tighten sagging cheeks? - no, this question is not always asked to plastic surgeons by older ladies. In the modern world, there is a trend of premature chronoaging, when women of absolutely all ages equally often face its manifestations. A young, and even slender girl with a double chin and a "floated" oval face is now far from uncommon.

Why is this happening? First of all, free radicals have a detrimental effect on the natural turgor of our skin. And we face them every day, without knowing it.

They are synthesized in high concentrations with ultraviolet radiation, pursue us in ecologically unfavorable regions, which are now almost all large cities, enter the body with running water.

But they are not the only ones responsible for the premature onset of our old age. Aggressive household chemicals, many foods and additives are indirectly guilty of it. Alimentary causes are also extremely important - poor posture, physical inactivity, stress, bad habits. Let's figure out what to do if the cheeks sagged and the oval of the face deteriorated at a young, and even mature age.

Eliminate the elemental causes of aging

The first and most important step on the way to long-lasting youthful and fresh skin is to review your own regimen, lifestyle and nutrition. These factors are literally necessary in the victorious battle for eternal beauty.

Very rare women, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, and without looking, eating two McDonald's cheeseburgers, can boast of excellent skin condition. This is more an exception than a rule, moreover, these very units have simply amazing hereditary data.

Even if genetics has generously rewarded you with beauty and attractiveness, you need to take care of it from a young age so that at the age of 40 you don’t have to wonder how to get rid of sagging “bulldog” cheeks. Of course, gravitational ptosis is a more than natural and inevitable process, but still, by providing proper decent care for your face, you can easily neutralize and mitigate its manifestations.

Why do our cheeks sag? There are many reasons for this, and we have mentioned only a tenth of them. Despite widespread progress and the constant increase in life expectancy, high technology and the benefits of civilization only complicate " beautiful side» of our lives. But do not despair - it is in your power to change everything! And this can be done without resorting to a plastic surgeon or a qualified cosmetologist.

We are looking for the causes of the problem

As we have already noted, it is better to start a full-fledged and comprehensive exercise at a young age. Optimally - from 25 years. But if the manifestations of old age have already descended, you are able to quickly "heal" them on your own. The main thing is to show a sincere desire and real fighting tenacity. After all, you have to step on the warpath with the most inexorable thing - time.

If the skin of the face has sagged, and the ill-fated second chin is already visible in the lower part of the jaw contour, the moment of truth has come - and right now you must take maximum care of your skin in order to avoid the progression of such unpleasant phenomena and mitigate the already existing "symptoms".

It is not at all necessary to have large sums in bank accounts in order to provide yourself with excellent care. Global rejuvenation can be achieved through simple procedures available to everyone at home. But before moving on to their practical implementation, let's analyze what could cause premature old age in your case.

Sagging cheeks at an objectively young age can appear for the following reasons.

Gravitational ptosis

It usually concerns women who have crossed the threshold of 40-45 years, but now it also occurs in very young people. And this does not only mean that you may have been unlucky with heredity.

Flabbiness of the skin and its omission is a direct consequence of the weakening of the musculoaponeurotic complex. There are more individual muscles in our face than in our entire body. And they definitely need to be strengthened, like other parts of the muscles.

Judge for yourself - if you start to pump the press, and even achieve the coveted "cubes", but soon give up the exercises and start eating exclusively fast food - what will happen? Of course, your cubes will quickly become overgrown with fat, and will definitely cease to please your eye with their relief.

The same is true with the face. Forgetting to strengthen the muscles, we artificially atrophy them, which leads to such undesirable consequences as “bulldog cheeks”. To get rid of them, it is important to do local exercises and massage on a regular basis.

Reason 1: bad habits

A lot has been said about them, and we do not want to repeat ourselves, especially turning to moralizing. We only note that the majority of women who have crossed the threshold of the age of thirty consciously and voluntarily give up smoking and limit alcohol not at all out of concern for their own health, but because of the awareness of the deterioration in appearance against the background of addictions.

Reason 2: bad posture

Look at people who hunch over and keep their heads down all the time. We almost guarantee you that most of them have a double chin and a blurred oval face. Why? Because their facial and neck muscles are constantly in an unnatural state for themselves. Keep this in mind and start working on your own posture today!

Reason 3: being overweight

There is also not much to add here. Subcutaneous fat seems to displace muscle tissue and makes it feel "extra". She, accordingly, atrophies, and fat lumps are drawn lower and lower to the ground, complemented by an unattractive double chin.

Reason 4: Abundance of Sun

If you abuse artificial or natural insolation, without bothering to protect the delicate skin of the face from ultraviolet radiation, nutrients cease to flow to it. It loses its natural elasticity and tone, quickly fades and becomes weak, devoid of elasticity.

Massages and exercises

If you have eliminated all possible alimentary causes of your dramatic aging, but your cheeks have remained in their original place, it's time to do their local "warm-up".

Express exercises to eliminate sagging cheeks:

  • Turn your neck to the left as far as it will go to feel a significant stretch in the skin. Stay in this position for 3-4 minutes. Repeat in the opposite direction;
  • Turn your head to the right, stretch your lips and move your mouth as if you are vigorously trying to chew a trailing food like toffee. Do this for 2 minutes, then lower your head and repeat. Return to the original, and then do all the steps on the other side;
  • Turn your neck alternately to the left and right, as quickly and vigorously as possible. Count up to 15-20 times;
  • Raise your head and turn it to the left. Make a movement as if you are trying to pull the lower lip over the upper one. Repeat with your head down and turn to the right. Keep doing the exercise.

Sagging cheeks are one of the signs of aging, therefore, for those who take care of their appearance, the women's club "Who is over 30" will tell you how to solve this problem. It is good if you pay enough attention to your appearance and do not forget about face creams and masks. It fights well with sagging cheeks, which we talked about on the site. But there are other equally effective ways to remove sagging cheeks.

Simple preventive measures

The reason for the appearance of sagging cheeks, in the first place, is considered age. With a lack of collagen, by the age of 35-40, the skin is not as elastic and elastic as it was before. They also play an important role heredity, overweight, smoking and other factors.

You need to start fighting sagging cheeks even before they appear. A simple secret will help to avoid their appearance.

After you wash your face, lightly dampen a waffle towel and massage your cheeks from bottom to top. The same exercise can be done with the back of the hand. With quick movements, go over your cheeks several times, as if you want to lift them up.

You can, of course, go the radical way: do a facelift and remove sagging cheeks. But to get rid of the problem in this way, many have neither the opportunity nor the desire. Therefore, it is better to perform a simple complex every day that can tighten sagging cheeks.

Exercises do not require special training and are very simple. The more often you perform them, the more effective the result will be. All of them are aimed at stretching the skin on sagging cheeks as much as possible.

  1. Pull your head forward and turn to the right until you feel the skin on your cheeks stretch. Fix your head in this position for 3 minutes.
  2. Perform the previous exercise with a turn to the left.
  3. Turn your head to the right. Close your lips and move them in a circle. You can use your tongue to massage the cheeks from the inside in parallel.
  4. The previous exercise with turning the head to the left.

The face seems sad and dull if you have sagging cheeks.

Gymnastics to do women over 30 It is considered a good prevention against flabbiness of the skin of the face. Its regular implementation will add volume to the cheeks, help improve the contour of the oval of the face without resorting to surgical measures.

Women's club site advises to remember childhood and buy air balloons. When you inflate them, not only will you improve lung function by filling them with air, but you will also be able to remove sagging cheeks. How to remove them with gymnastics, read on.

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Gymnastics against sagging cheeks

Exercises are divided into two groups: for the upper part of the cheeks and for the lower.

Upper Cheek Exercises

Each is performed 10 times.

  • We release air from the mouth. We inflate our cheeks, hold for 3 seconds and relax them. You will feel that at first this exercise is not as easy to perform as it seems. Cheeks may hurt.
  • Chasing air. Inflate your cheeks, but do not just keep the air in your mouth, but roll it from your left cheek to your right.
  • We drive the air in a circle. Distill the air in your mouth slowly in a circle. Connect your tongue to work: drive it along your cheeks and gums.
  • We push air. Take as much air as possible into your mouth and push it out jerkily through closed lips. Then we push the air alternately through the left, then through the right corners of the mouth. Lay the upper lip over the lower, and push the air out through the gap.

The following exercises work on the cheeks from the outside.

  • Like a stone. We inflate our cheeks and gently press them with our palms, offering resistance.
  • Breaking through the defense. Take a mouthful of air again, cover your mouth with your hands and act as if you want to break through the defense. Release the air from your mouth through the gap. Repeat 20 times.

Exercises for the lower part of the cheeks

Each is performed 10 times.

  • We turn our lips. First cover the lower lip with the upper lip, and then vice versa.
  • Get your lip to your nose. Look up, slightly stretching your neck, stretch your lower lip to your nose.
  • Kiss. Open your mouth, round it, as if pronouncing the letter "O". Close your lips like for a kiss.

Saggy cheeks: bodyflex

In all the forums where people with a similar problem communicate, they assure that sagging cheeks can be tightened with bodyflex exercises for the neck.

  • Grimace. Half squat. Put your hands on your knees. The head is directed forward, the muscles of the neck are stretched. Perform a breathing exercise (inhale through the nose - hold - exhale loudly through the mouth). Then we become even, the lower jaw moves forward: the muscles of the neck stretch. We open the mouth. We raise our head up, we take our hands back. It should feel like you want to kiss the ceiling. Hold in this position, counting up to 8. Repeat 5 times.
  • Show language. The lips are drawn into a circle, wide-open eyes look up. Lips tight, stick out tongue. Count up to 8 - 10. If you do it correctly, you will feel how the muscles of the cheeks stretch.

Believe me, if you find time to exercise, then You won't get sagging cheeks.

Who is over 30 - a club for women after 30.

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One of the most difficult to correct age-related changes is soft tissue ptosis. The swollen contour of the face and its individual sections cannot be corrected with ordinary creams, however, there is a solution for each problem. How to tighten sagging cheeks? Today, there are many answers to this question. A variety of ways to deal with sagging cheeks have different effectiveness, principle of action and cost. And to choose the best method, you need to get acquainted with each option in more detail.

Procedures at home

Activities carried out at home on their own cannot completely eliminate ptosis, however, they are quite effective and affordable as prevention and control of the defect at the initial stage.
First of all, it should be noted that the cause of sagging cheeks is a lack of collagen caused by age-related changes, heredity, bad habits and other external factors. Try to exclude such prerequisites as much as possible, and you will reduce the risks of ptosis to zero.

The simplest massage takes no more than a minute and can be done in the bathroom. After you have washed your face, actively rub your cheeks with your palms in an upward direction. If necessary, such manipulations are performed with a hard towel. At the end, do not forget about the need to apply anti-aging or moisturizing cream.

Among other things, the following preventive exercises should be performed on a regular basis to help tighten the skin:

  • Puff out your cheeks, hold your breath for up to 10 seconds and release the air. When the exercise is performed correctly, discomfort is felt after exhalation.
  • Take air into your mouth and roll it from cheek to cheek.
  • Take air into your mouth and slowly push it out, trying not to open your lips as much as possible.
  • We inflate our cheeks and press them with our palms, while providing resistance from the inside.

All exercises are performed 10 times, on a daily basis. It is possible to start them before the defect appears.

Cosmetic methods

Professional methods of correcting ptosis of the middle part of the face, as a rule, are resorted to by patients aged 35-40 years, with pronounced problems or after significant weight fluctuations. The most common ways to deal with the problem in this direction are:

Cheek correction with hyaluronic acid fillers

It involves the injection of liquid implants that replenish the volume of soft tissues and help maintain the achieved result by attracting a significant amount of water molecules. Due to the additional volume, the skin of the cheeks is stretched, sagging tissues disappear. Results are stored for a maximum of a year. Injectable lifting can also be carried out on the basis of liquid silicone or polylactic acid, these types of fillers provide a longer result from 1 to 3 years.


Restoration of the volume of the soft tissues of the cheeks due to own fat deposits obtained during liposuction. The natural implant of the fence ambassador goes through cleaning, and only then is introduced into the problem area, restores its volume, provides skin tension and rejuvenation. Quite often, fat injections are carried out in two stages, since it tends to dissolve. A positive result lasts up to 2-4 years.

Thread lifting

The introduction of special threads into soft tissues (from absorbable or non-absorbable materials). The tightening effect in this case is provided by the natural tension of the skin and increasing its elasticity, because the materials from which the threads are made stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The results of the procedure are stored for a period of 1 to 5 years.

Laser lifting

Light exposure to problem areas of the skin in order to activate internal processes that contribute to the healing of tissues and increase their elasticity. Positive changes are explained by the heating of the dermis cells, the compaction of collagen fibers and the destruction of damaged areas of the epidermis. Changes are fixed for up to 3-5 years.

Thermage or RF lifting

Exposure to high-contact electric current to heat the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Thermal energy promotes enhanced collagen production, restores skin elasticity and tone. The procedure is carried out in a course of 4 to 10 sessions, the effect of them persists for up to one and a half years.

Ultrasonic massage

Stimulation of collagen production necessary to increase skin elasticity due to ultrasonic vibrations penetrating into soft tissues. The technique is carried out in a course of 10 to 20 sessions, it is relevant as a preventive measure and at the initial stage of sagging cheeks.

vacuum massage

Stimulation of collagen production due to negative pressure, normalization of blood circulation and internal processes. It is also carried out in a course of 10–20 sessions and is not suitable for combating severe sagging with soft tissue deficiency.

The described techniques are classified as minimally invasive, in most cases they are easily tolerated by patients, are performed without anesthesia or under local anesthesia and do not require prior preparation.

Thread lifting and filler injections suggest a longer rehabilitation period after the procedure. Violation of the integrity of the skin, albeit small, is often accompanied by inflammatory processes, swelling, hyperemia. For recovery, it is required to do cool compresses and treatments with antiseptic preparations, avoid visiting tanning salons, gyms and swimming pools.

As a preventive measure and in the initial stages of ptosis, injection techniques such as biorevitalization or mesotherapy will also be relevant. They have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, provide it with additional hydration and accelerated collagen synthesis.

An alternative to thread lifting is bioreinforcement, the implantation of biodegradable threads, which dissolve in the skin over time, provoking the creation of a natural collagen framework.

No matter how a woman takes care of her skin, no matter what super-brand expensive creams she uses, this will not save her from changing the features and oval of her face over time. Consequently, a different approach is needed to the problem of age-related changes in the contour of the face, because any woman will want to know how to remove the resulting flares quickly and without problems.

With age, the skin on the face, and throughout the body, loses its firmness and elasticity.

What is bryl

First of all, they flew - this is what visually ages and gives out the age of a woman.

They are called "bulldog cheeks" - the skin of the cheeks and subcutaneous fat, under the influence of the gravity of the planet, "flow" down, sag with untidy leather bags at the level of the chin and deform the oval of the face.

The formed fleas pull down the corners of the mouth, deepen the nasolabial folds; as a result, the face looks 10 years older, an expression of fatigue and sadness is fixed on it.

Flews and sagging skin make women look older

In order to successfully deal with such a negative manifestation of time as flying, you need to know what causes sagging skin on the face.

The process of shaping

Adipose tissues on the face are located mainly on the cheeks (Bish's lumps) and are held by muscle tissue and cell membranes of the skin. In addition, on the lower jaw, to the left and right of the chin, there are no muscle tissues at all.

The reasons for the formation of "bulldog cheeks":

  1. The strength and elasticity of cell walls are determined by the amount of elastin and collagen. With age, their production by the body is significantly reduced, cell partitions become unable to retain and evenly distribute subcutaneous fat. As a result, the fat "moves out" from the face to the level of the lower jaw, where it forms untidy leather pouches.
  2. The muscles of the face play a big role in retaining subcutaneous fat in the cheeks. But over time, they lose their tone and no longer help to retain adipose tissue.
  3. With hormonal changes, as well as a lack of a number of trace elements in the body, thinning of the bones occurs, as a result of which the face becomes flatter, the cheekbones are “smoothed out”. This leads to a "drainage" of the skin to the level of the chin.

Overweight as a provoking factor

Although fleas are usually a sign of age, “bulldog cheeks” often adorn overweight people. This is quite natural, because both the cell walls of the skin and the facial muscles are able to hold a normal amount of adipose tissue, and not the cheeks, which are visible from behind.

Excess weight is a condition for the appearance of fleas

Thus, the fight against bryly should be carried out in two directions:

  • normalization of weight;
  • strengthening facial muscles and increasing skin elasticity.

The main methods of dealing with brylyami

There are many ways to remove already formed jets, including:

  • cosmetic surgery;
  • various cosmetic procedures;
  • a wide range of home methods.

All methods for correcting sagging jowls are different ways of facelift (facelift) and have both strengths and weaknesses.

Plastic surgery

Surgical cosmetology successfully solves the problem of fleas. In modern institutions, such as Professor Penaev's clinic, the main focus is on minimally invasive facial plastic techniques, in particular, chin or brow correction.

Plastic surgery will come to the rescue in the fight against jowls

Facial plastic surgery to eliminate blemishes is performed by various lifting methods:

  • endoscopic - through small incisions in front of the ear, a subperiosteal lift is performed, without removing excess tissue; used in the initial stages of sagging skin;
  • MACS - through a small incision in front of the ear, a lift is performed with vertical fixation of tissues; the method is indicated for pronounced signs of skin aging;
  • short-scarring - a low-traumatic technique similar to MACS, but not applicable in the presence of skin laxity;
  • SMAS – voluminous cervicofacial plasty with incisions in front of and behind the auricle, mobilization of the complex of muscular aponeurotic tissues is carried out, followed by vertical fixation; the effect of complete facial rejuvenation at any age;
  • deep - deep layers are involved, but this highly effective method is associated with a risk of injury to the facial nerves;
  • Platysmaplasty - gives the best cosmetic effect when removing the second chin, jowls and eliminating sagging skin in the neck area; often used in conjunction with SMAS.

In the clinic of Professor Penaev, plastic surgery of jowls and folds on the neck is performed for any degree of facial skin fading.

Non-surgical methods of defect correction

The clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology of Dr. Penaev offers a wide range of non-surgical treatments for the removal of jowls.

Hardware cosmetology, the use of injections and combined methods in the Penaev clinic are carried out at the highest modern level. Here you can choose procedures that allow you to get rid of the second chin or remove the jowls without surgery.

In a clinic or salon, a specialist should carry out procedures to remove the jars

The specialists of the Penaev clinic will quickly conduct an examination and offer sparing procedures, individually for each case:

  • contouring - subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid gels, the effect of exposure lasts no more than a year - the time of resorption and removal of the gel from the body;
  • thermolifting - a directed temperature effect on the skin, the processes of tissue renewal and the breakdown of subcutaneous fat (flews) are accelerated, the production of elastin and collagen is activated;
  • mesotherapy - a lipolytic (a drug that breaks down fat deposits) is injected directly into the jowls;
  • bioreinforcement using 3D mesothreads and Bioexpander; the effect lasts up to 1.5 years;
  • vacuum technologies LPG Integral - activates lymphatic drainage and the process of lipolysis.

Even plastic surgery fades into the background compared to such a procedure as thread lifting, a technique that has no contraindications and does not give complications.

When using a thread lift, you can quickly get rid of jowls and other formed skin folds.

Penaev's clinic uses various threads:

  • non-absorbable (platinum, gold, Aptos, Teflon Gore-Tex);
  • prolonged resorption (Tissulift);
  • absorbable (3D mesothreads, Anchor and others);
  • combined (a combination of absorbable cones and non-absorbable threads).

Depending on the purpose - reinforcement or lifting - the threads differ in material, the presence of notches or branching, which increase the ability to hold the skin, and the shelf life of the result (from 3 to 7 years).

At the Penaev Clinic, thread lifting is a popular alternative to plastic surgery.

Positive results close to the plastic effect in the fight against skin folds can be achieved at home.

Methods of home cosmetology

Not everyone can afford the services of cosmetology salons and clinics, so most of the population tries to clean the fleas on their own at home. This is a very real task, especially if the "bulldog cheeks" have appeared recently.

You can fight sagging cheeks without resorting to salon procedures

Since the fleas are the result of a decrease in skin elasticity and a decrease in the muscle tone of the facial muscles, efforts should be made to eliminate or significantly reduce the significance of these factors, which can be successfully done at home.

In order not to resort to plastic or reinforcing threads, but to remove the cheeks on your own, you should use all possible tightening methods:

  • lifting masks;
  • facial massage;
  • facial gymnastics with exercises for muscles in need of a tightening.

Lifting masks

For home use, masks with a lifting effect can be bought ready-made or prepared by yourself.

When buying tightening masks, you need to pay attention to what components they include. A good effect on masks containing collagen, kelp, marine plankton, fucus, lecithin and allantoin.

When buying ready-made masks and lifting creams for fleas, you need to take into account your skin type and age. A new mask is initially recommended to be tested on the elbow and in case of signs of irritation, in no case should it be used.

You can make your own tightening masks from jowls. Despite simple recipes, their effectiveness is not inferior to cosmetic masks from salons, they are no less successful in smoothing out small folds and wrinkles.

Face masks you can make yourself

A few simple effective masks for tightening the cheeks:

  • protein - apply egg white to problem areas and hold for 20 minutes;
  • honey with lemon - mix 1 teaspoon of honey with lemon zest, apply to problem areas and hold for 20 minutes;
  • cottage cheese - 1 teaspoon of cottage cheese, the same amount of olive oil, mix everything and add 1 egg; keep on problem areas for 20-25 minutes.

Rubbing the skin with a piece of ice has a good tonic effect, it is even better to freeze the tea and wipe the face with such a cube, focusing on the cheeks and other problem areas.


Well removes jets massage of the lower jaw and chin area. It can be carried out with improvised means - roll a towel into a tourniquet, soak it in salt water and pat on the area of ​​​​bryl.

You can do a hardware massage at home to remove the jars. There are a large number of cosmetic devices for self-use:

  • ultrasonic - effective for tightening the skin on the face and smoothing irregularities and scar tissue;
  • galvanic - cleanse the face and carry the nutrients of cosmetics into the skin cells, increasing its elasticity;
  • microcurrent - provide a non-surgical tightening of the facial muscles;
  • radio wave - have an effect similar to a circular tightening.

Massage to eliminate jills or solve other problems must be carried out regularly - this is the only way to get a stable result.

Gymnastics for facial muscles

Facial muscle tissue, like any muscle, loses its tone over time and without load, which is reflected on the face with wrinkles and jowls.

Facial muscles, like any other, can be pumped up, to restore their tone. However, the muscles of the face have one feature that must be considered when performing exercises - their fastening.

Special gymnastics is effective for skin tightening

Only the masticatory muscles are rigidly attached (to the bone tissue), while the mimic muscles have at best one rigid attachment to the facial bones, with the other end softly woven into the mucous tissues or skin. There are muscles that do not have a rigid attachment at all.

Therefore, repeated tension of such a muscle - and the essence of any gymnastics is the repeated tension of a muscle under load - will lead to the formation of a new wrinkle or a deepening of an existing one.

Facebook building allows you to pump up the muscles of the face, relieve clamps and muscle tension, which will lead to the normalization of blood supply and activation of the lymphatic system. When performing gymnastics for the face, you should not engage in amateur performances so as not to harm yourself. It is safer to use ready-made sets of exercises from such luminaries as Eva Fraser, Carol Maggio, Camilla Voler. The technique of performing exercises to restore the tone of the facial muscles is simple and affordable.

For example, one of the exercises to restore the oval of the face from Carol Maggio:

  • head position - straight, chin raised;
  • compress your lips and stretch your mouth as much as possible in a smile (lips are compressed!);
  • grab the base of the neck with your hand and fix it in this position;
  • raise your eyes to the ceiling;
  • tilt your head back and relax in this position;
  • slowly count to 3 and return the head to its original position;
  • perform 30 times.

  • the head is raised;
  • close your teeth (no need to squeeze);
  • place the back of the hand under the chin;
  • press the tip of the tongue with force to the upper palate 1.5 cm from the teeth;
  • the palm, feeling the tension of the geniohyoid muscle, resists;
  • perform tension and relaxation alternately for 2 counts;
  • perform at least 20 times.

Maria Runge's isometric exercises have become very popular. Regular performance of this complex gives an effect similar to a thread lift.

Performing complex gymnastics for the face (face-building) will help to remove blemishes, smooth out nasolabial folds and wrinkles on the forehead, and restore a healthy look to the skin.

Regular face-building exercises in combination with other methods of facial skin care give a lasting effect of rejuvenation - the cheeks are tightened, swelling disappears, wrinkles are smoothed out, and pigment spots fade due to improved tissue trophism.

Ways to deal with jowls and sagging skin of the face will certainly give results

Facebook building does not require much time, while the result of the effort will be healthy, well-groomed skin and no jowls and bags under the eyes.