What kind of breasts should a pregnant woman have? Changes in the breasts during early pregnancy. How much breast pain during pregnancy and how long does it last

A woman's body undergoes great changes during pregnancy, and the breasts undergo these changes in the first place. What happens to it and what processes can be considered the norm, and what should be paid close attention to?

What Happens to Breasts During Pregnancy?

Changes in the breasts of women occur throughout the entire period, but they feel them differently.

Some experience discomfort and pain, while others experience a tingling sensation; the breast increases during pregnancy and this pronounced sign indicates the onset of the most crucial stage in the life of every woman.

Enlargement and compaction

Many representatives of the fair sex, preparing for the birth of children, ask themselves the question: when does the breast begin to grow during pregnancy. It should be noted that hormonal changes occur immediately after conception.

Already in the early stages, you can see how the breast changes during pregnancy: it significantly increases in volume, becomes denser and becomes heavier.

If in a nulliparous woman, the weight of the mammary gland is about 200 g, then during lactation it increases by 300-900 g, and all changes occur gradually. Breast augmentation during pregnancy occurs until delivery.

Increased sensitivity and pain

Painful sensations and discomfort are the result of what happens to the breast during pregnancy; the activity of hormones, as in the period of menstruation, provokes the sensitivity of the nipples, causes a feeling of constriction when wearing underwear.

The hormonal explosion in women affects the improvement and change of the breast during pregnancy in order to prepare the body for the next stage - lactation. The amount of hormones during this period is much higher than in the premenstrual period, therefore, the pain sensations are more pronounced and more intense.

Darkening of the areolas

The breast of a pregnant woman looks different, already in the early stages the areas around the nipples, called areoles, begin to grow and darken. The increase occurs by about 1-2 cm. This sign also indicates that a new period will soon begin in a woman's life - breastfeeding of the baby.

Gradually, after the end of lactation, the color and size of the areoles are restored.

Discharge from the nipples

This is what happens to the breast during pregnancy and is completely normal. Colostrum secretion in some young mothers begins at the beginning of the second quarter of pregnancy and you should not worry about this. This phenomenon is associated with some features of the woman's body, therefore, with such manifestations, great attention should be paid to caring for the mammary glands.

There are special replacement breast pads during pregnancy that will prevent colostrum from getting on your underwear and get rid of stains.

Venous mesh

Due to what happens to the breast during pregnancy: an increase in volume and active growth, blood flow to it also increases.

This leads to the fact that the venous network is secreted under the skin. This physiological phenomenon is quite justified.

Stretch marks

Stretch marks on the chest in pregnant women also appear due to its rapid growth.

This happens in the first trimester, and the second stage is closer to childbirth. If the skin is not elastic enough, then unseemly striae or stretch marks appear.

Reasons for change

Hormonal changes are to blame for what happens to the breast during pregnancy. The active production of estrogen and progesterone begins immediately after conception. It is these hormones that regulate the preservation and successful bearing of the fetus. The presence of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood also characterizes the onset of pregnancy, it is its content that modern tests reveal.

Prolactin is produced in connection with the formation of the placenta, it is involved in all processes associated with changes in the mammary glands.

When does the pain begin and how long does it last?

Many women ask the question: when does the breast begin to increase during pregnancy and how long does it last. It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally, each organism is individual, and it is impossible to predict with accuracy what will happen next.

However, most often, chest discomfort disappears closer to 12 weeks, when hormonal levels return to normal. By this point, sensitivity decreases, but preparation for lactation continues, so the breast increases both in the early stages of pregnancy and in the later ones too.

The way the breast changes during pregnancy is inherent in nature, and this physiological process is necessary not only for the survival of human offspring, but also for the prevention of breast cancer.

What if the changes have stopped?

Very often, expectant mothers in this crucial period trust the opinion of girlfriends and other women, who, referring to their own experience, give advice, but, unfortunately, not always good ones. And the question: why the breast does not grow during pregnancy, or it has stopped growing, is accompanied by terrible doubts or bad feelings.

There is no cause for concern! This is a completely normal phenomenon, given that the body of each woman is individual. Some people notice breast enlargement by several sizes, while stretch marks appear on the breast during pregnancy, while others do not observe such changes, the mammary glands increase by a maximum of half the size.

However, if the cessation of growth is accompanied by other negative manifestations, then you should consult a doctor, in other cases, do not panic.


You should immediately contact a medical institution if at least one of the following signs is observed, regardless of how the breast changes during pregnancy:

  • soreness in the lower abdomen;
  • bloody vaginal discharge;
  • high body temperature;
  • asymmetric breast augmentation;
  • general malaise.

Such symptoms, coupled with a sharp cessation of breast growth, are cause for concern, as they can be caused by a dangerous pathology.

Care and relief of symptoms

Women who are interested in whether their breasts can hurt in the early stages need to know that everything depends on individual characteristics.

However, to reduce discomfort and pain, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. Choose the right bra (it is advisable to prefer models without underwire with wide shoulder straps).
  2. Periodically visit a mammologist, especially with sharp and severe pain, as well as if nodules or seals are found.
  3. Use special patch-on replaceable gaskets.
  4. Use reliable cosmetics for the care of the breast area.

Preparing for lactation

To facilitate the process, you need to take care of a special comfortable bra that fastens in the front and comfortable clothes in advance. It is not recommended to carry out special measures to prepare for lactation during pregnancy, as this can provoke unpleasant consequences, for example, loss of the fetus.

Every woman wants to know what her breasts should be during pregnancy, but the emotional background plays a major role. Stressful situations and troubles should be avoided.

If necessary, you need to use a special cream that will give the skin elasticity. Well, and of course, no one has canceled the rules of hygiene: the breast must be washed with soap to prevent the formation of crusts.

Fighting stretch marks

Many women know what stretch marks look like during pregnancy, but what to do to prevent their appearance?

In many ways, the appearance of stretch marks depends on the diet, therefore, so that a woman does not develop stretch marks on her breasts during pregnancy, she must take care of this in advance. Before conception and during gestation, you need to consume foods rich in vitamins A and E, you should also give up bad habits: smoking and alcohol consumption.

There are cosmetic products that are used for skin care, regardless of how long the breast begins to grow, but when buying, you should make sure whether they can be used by pregnant or lactating women. For this, a special marking has been developed, which is applied to the packaging.

Modern aesthetic medicine offers many ways to correct this external defect, but it is not recommended to resort to them immediately after childbirth, since the woman's body has not yet recovered during this period.

Timely high-quality care of the mammary glands will save you from many health problems, you should not neglect the advice of an experienced specialist!


How to properly care for the mammary glands during pregnancy, you will learn from our video.

If there is a delay in menstruation, chest pains, drowsiness, weakness appear, appetite has decreased, the woman may be pregnant. A change in the hormonal background brings discomfort to the general condition, the mammary glands are especially sensitive to this phenomenon.

Women are worried when their breasts begin to hurt after conception.

No matter how much you would like to know about pregnancy right away, there will be no signs in the first days after fertilization. This is due to the fact that, firstly, the egg is still too small. And secondly, it exists autonomously, because in the first 5-10 days after conception, it has not yet penetrated into the endometrium. Until a connection with the mother's circulatory system is established, the embryo cannot affect the well-being of the pregnant woman.

How many days after conception do the first pregnancy signals begin to appear? The characteristic symptoms appear shortly before and after the delay. If a woman becomes pregnant, she will have mood swings, irritability and anxiety. Minor pains in the lower abdomen are possible. At conception, they are pulling in nature and occur about two days before the onset of the alleged menstruation.

Sleepiness and nausea are the most prominent symptoms of pregnancy. If the first two signs can characterize the onset of the premenstrual period, then toxicosis is characteristic only for pregnant women. Also, in the early stages, a woman often tends to sleep.

Many women are interested in how many days after conception the breasts swell. In most cases, immediately after conception, a woman will not yet feel any changes. Symptoms will begin to manifest themselves a week after conception or later, closer to the time when menstruation should come. It is impossible to say for sure when the chest begins to hurt during pregnancy. The female body is individual, in some, the first bells, signaling conception, will begin to appear on the fifth day after ovulation. For others, they will not appear until five weeks later.

Breasts and PMS

If your period comes or after a delay the test is negative, then the breast is swollen and hurts not because of pregnancy. Most likely, the woman developed mastalgia, this is what they call pain in the mammary gland, which makes itself felt in the premenstrual period and when menstruation has come.

In medicine, it is called cyclic. Usually, pain syndrome begins to develop a week before the onset of menstruation and lasts several days. In 60% of cases, it is this nature of pain that worries women. Cyclic mastalgia is a natural phenomenon and does not require medical attention.

What happens to the mammary glands at the beginning of pregnancy

The mammary glands are a sensitive organ that reacts sharply to changes in the uterus. The breast begins to increase slightly in size, the nipples hurt. How to determine: is chest pain?

Hormones are the cause of the changes in the female breast.

After implantation of the embryo (that is, about a week after fertilization), changes begin to occur in the woman's body, to which the breast also reacts. The sensation occurs a few days before the delay. The glandular tissue increases in size and puts pressure on the vessels and nerve endings, which is accompanied by pain. Pain sensations increase under the influence of progesterone.

At the first stage, the pain is localized mainly in the nipple area. At this point, a color change is observed. The nipples begin to darken. This fact also clearly indicates the onset of pregnancy. If a woman has never had chest pain during the premenstrual period, but at some point there was pain before her period, this increases the likelihood that you are pregnant.

Even if a woman's chest begins to ache before each period, then her character will be somewhat different when pregnancy occurs. You should listen more carefully to your own feelings in order to understand if any new symptoms have appeared.

Second and third trimester

This is what stretch marks on the chest look like.

Over time, stretch marks in the form of stripes of bluish and red color may appear on the chest, this is because the breast gland has enlarged. In a pregnant woman, the color of the areoles changes, the nipples darken. A venous mesh may appear. The sensitivity increases significantly, the mammary glands begin to react painfully to the touch of clothing. The swelling is accompanied by itching, as the skin is stretched in some places.

The nature and intensity of pain for each specific case is individual, it depends on the body and sensitivity of the woman. In the chest of the expectant mother, heaviness and a feeling of fullness begin to be felt, the pain can be given to the arm or armpit. The pain is aching, tingling is possible.

The bust for the entire period of pregnancy is constantly increasing, on average it grows by 1 - 2 sizes. During this process, stretch marks appear on the skin.

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to lubricate the skin in the breast area with creams and take any medications. This is a natural process and you should get used to it. 18 weeks after conception, the woman's condition will improve. By this time, the formation of the placenta will be completed, so the pain in the chest area will decrease.

Why do pregnant women experience discomfort?

The causes of pain during pregnancy are of a different nature. The main factor is the change in hormonal levels. In the body of a pregnant woman, the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) rises.

This type of hormone stimulates the glandular cells in the female breast, and their number increases during pregnancy. At the same time, the connective tissues remain at the same level, thus, the overgrown tissues put pressure on the nerve endings and blood vessels, blood circulation is impaired, which causes pain and heaviness.

Another cause of pain is the formation of new lobes. This fact also affects the condition of the breast. The mammary gland contains up to 20 lobes. They resemble bunches of grapes. These lobes are connected to the nipples through ducts, through which milk will begin to flow after the baby is born. When pregnancy occurs, glandular tissues and lobes grow, which is why pain occurs.

How to beat pain

Painful sensations in the chest are normal, but the condition can be significantly alleviated if you follow the rules. The skin needs to breathe, so you need to shower regularly. Linen must be made from natural materials.

There are special maternity bras. These bras have wide straps that hold the cups, they do not chafe the skin, there are no protruding bones, seams and decorative elements. They are worn during the day, at night the chest must rest and breathe, so it is better not to wear a bra at night.

If your nipples hurt, breast massage helps. The massaging movement should not be too intense. For the procedure, you can use baby oil. After the massage, you will need to take a shower.

Diseases of the mammary glands

In most cases, if the breast becomes sick during pregnancy, then this is a natural process. But sometimes pain cider signals serious health problems. When the chest hurts, and the test is negative, then the reason for such sensations is of a different nature.

If the source of pain is located in the center of the chest, it may indicate heart disease.

Hormonal drugs taken by a woman can cause pain, and antidepressants can also cause this effect. In some cases, the cause of pain is the pathological processes that take place in the chest. If your period is delayed, and the pregnancy has not come, you need to visit a mammologist. The specialist will prescribe a diagnosis and determine the cause of the disease.

Pain that is not associated with premenstrual syndrome is called non-cyclic, or rather, non-cyclic mastalgia. It can affect both or one breast. The causes of the disease are very different, this is a violation of the anatomy of the mammary gland, and a developed cyst or fibrioma.

The source of pain can be nerves or joints, and discomfort begins to be felt in the chest. Non-cyclic mastalgia can be triggered by an imbalance of fatty acids in the mammary gland, in which case the cells become more sensitive to hormones.

When to run to the doctor

The most dangerous ailment is breast cancer. If such a disease has begun, a woman may not be bothered by pain. Breasts should be examined periodically. Even a small lump in the chest should be a reason to immediately visit a mammologist or gynecologist.

Any pain that develops in the chest should alert the woman. Do not think that it is only caused by PMS or pregnancy. It is necessary to go directly to a specialist who deals with women's diseases. This must be done in order not to miss a serious illness.

In any case, every woman should regularly, at least once a year, undergo a preventive breast examination and visit a mammologist.

Competent: consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist

Obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Artemieva answers questions.

- I'm 18, I have a delay of five days. For a week the stomach has been pulling, the nipples are very swollen and sore, the appetite is increased, apathy. The labia are very itchy. The pregnancy test was done three times, it is negative. What could it be?

- Most likely, you have a hormonal imbalance due to a sexually transmitted infection. Because of this, delay in menstruation and pain. It is imperative to get tested for STDs.

- The chest hurts very much, the delay is two days, and the test is negative.

- Donate blood for hCG, this test is more informative than home tests. If there is no pregnancy, go for an ultrasound scan and a gynecologist. The doctor will check the condition of the ovaries and endometrium. Treatment is based on results.

- I constantly have delays in menstruation and my chest before menstruation is very painful. The face is covered with pimples. I visited the mammologist, they did not find anything dangerous, the doctor said that this was due to a cycle failure.

- Be sure to go to the gynecologist, do an ultrasound scan, get tested. Usually tests for FSH, LH, prolactin, TSH are required. Ask about the use of birth control pills, they will help establish a cycle.

Often, women notice some changes in their bodies even before the test. One of the first "bells" - the breast during pregnancy, which swells, hurts or becomes too sensitive. Someone attributes this to premenstrual syndrome, while in fact the life of the unborn baby begins to develop.

Rapid hormonal changes quickly make themselves felt, therefore, even at the beginning of pregnancy, the female breast undergoes the first changes. It is important to understand which condition is considered normal and which should be feared.

How breasts change during pregnancy

Usually, the breast of a pregnant woman increases in size and painful sensations appear. Hypersensitivity is noted. The color of the halos and nipples changes. Often, because the breast swells, the vascular network appears.

With an ectopic pregnancy, there are the same changes in the breast as in a normal pregnancy.

Due to the fact that the mammary glands are enlarged, they appear. Rapid growth is noted in the first trimester, and then closer to childbirth. The breasts can increase by several sizes. If the skin is not elastic enough, the appearance of stretch marks cannot be avoided.

But nowadays this is not a problem - there are many safe and oils that can be used.


Every person is different. Therefore, you should not think that during pregnancy, everyone's breasts "behave" in the same way. The period when the changes begin is also different for everyone. In some expectant mothers, already at 11 weeks, the mammary glands look the same as in others only during lactation.

Expectant mothers wonder if one breast can hurt during pregnancy. Doctors answer that such a phenomenon is not a cause for concern.

Major changes

Magnification ... The intensive growth of the mammary glands is what happens in everyone, since the body prepares for motherhood, feeding. Already in the first month, women clearly notice how their breasts swell during pregnancy.

If there was a rapid growth even during the gestation period, then after childbirth nothing will change or only slightly. Do not worry if the breast does not increase during pregnancy - sometimes the process begins only by the sixth or seventh month.

Estrogens stimulate the proliferation of the milk ducts, and the glandular tissue grows due to progesterone. Connective tissue also grows, and after the end of feeding, it is converted into adipose tissue.

Hypersensitivity. Women report that they experience unpleasant sensations. Someone just has hypersensitivity, but the bulk notes that during pregnancy, the chest hurts. She pours and becomes tense. This always speaks of active preparation for breastfeeding and is the first sign of an interesting situation. Sometimes such sensations arise even before the delay in menstruation.

Changing the nipples. The first signs of pregnancy are not just an increase in size. The nipples change in color and shape. They become larger, and pimples appear around them. The area near the nipple and he himself darkens. Blood vessels begin to appear. After childbirth, these manifestations disappear.

Isolation of colostrum. The appearance of a thick, sticky yellow mass from the breast of pregnant women is a necessary stage before the appearance of milk. Colostrum contains even more vitamins and antibodies than milk. This is the first food from which the baby will receive the most useful substances.

Stretch marks. Even if the breasts are small, this does not mean that stretch marks will not be guaranteed. It can increase by several sizes, which will certainly entail striae. It's not about the volume of the breasts, but about the elasticity of the skin. If enough collagen is present, there is little risk of stretch marks.

Some people note that the breast is covered with dark purple stripes after pregnancy - this is a consequence of damage to the blood vessels. With proper care, you can avoid the appearance of bright stretch marks and quickly return your breasts to their normal appearance. It is important to start even before the woman feels that her skin itches.

What is considered a dangerous signal?

Usually, women begin to panic when, over time, the breast does not increase during pregnancy, it remains soft to the touch. This does not always mean that it is worth raising the alarm, but the expectant mother needs to listen to her body and other dangerous symptoms.

When registering, ideally at week 9, you need to listen to your feelings and tell your doctor about them.

Causes for concern:

  • appearance;
  • the appearance of blood from the vagina;
  • asymmetric breast enlargement, the presence of depressions or swelling;
  • a sharp rise in temperature;
  • general malaise.

If one or more of the listed symptoms appear, an urgent need to consult a doctor. You need to carefully consider your body if the breast has fallen out and returned to its previous size. It so happens that the mammary gland decreased even at 8 weeks - in the midst of preparing the body for lactation.

In the event that the chest does not hurt during pregnancy, the gynecologist may raise the question of a frozen pregnancy or vol. It happens that the chest "burns". Perhaps this is a manifestation of mastopathy - inflammation of the breast, in which fibrous changes and discharge occur. If at least one - left or right - breast becomes hot, it is necessary to see a gynecologist.

How long does it take to change and how long does it last?

Expectant mothers are interested not only in what kind of breast becomes during pregnancy, but also for how long it will stop changing. It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. A woman's body can respond to the release of hormones in different ways. Some have noticed that the breast hurts during pregnancy throughout the entire period. And this is a variant of the norm.

Other women say that the breast did not show itself in the first weeks of pregnancy, and during the entire period of gestation. But this does not mean that the body is malfunctioning.

Is it normal if a woman does not feel when her breasts hurt during pregnancy? Perhaps it initially has more room for the growth of glandular tissue. Therefore, the growth did not become so pronounced. Often women note that the most unpleasant sensations occur in the early stages and all symptoms go away by 14 weeks. The tissues adapt to the surges in hormone levels and it becomes lighter.

Experts note that in most cases, already at week 10, the moment comes when a significant part of the changes in the breast has occurred. This does not mean that the process is complete, it just gradually declines. Do not worry if your breasts stop hurting during pregnancy at about 12 weeks. Most likely, the time has come when the body has completed the first stage of preparation for the birth of a child.

It is important that the expectant mother remembers her individuality, and does not listen to pregnant or giving birth girlfriends. You should not compare and look for "alarm signals" in yourself. It is wrong to ask friends when the chest stops hurting during pregnancy, because there will be no single answer. Someone already at 5 weeks recedes the first signs of preparing the mammary glands for feeding.

The expectant mother may stop suffering from breast soreness at 7 weeks or much later - all these are normal options. However, if you are tormented by suspicions, it is better to consult a doctor and not worry in vain.

Useful video about preparing breasts for feeding a baby


During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many changes. This is due to the restructuring for the period of bearing the child and preparation for the lactation period. Changes in hormonal levels and an increase in the amount of estrogen and progesterone contribute to the proliferation of glandular tissue and an increase in the excretory milk ducts. Thus, a long period of preparation of the mammary glands for feeding the baby begins. In this regard, a pregnant woman begins to notice that her breasts are growing, that's just how long this happens, let's figure it out.

When does the breast start to grow during pregnancy?

So, as already mentioned, hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy make its own changes in the size and shape of the mammary glands. If we talk about physiological provoking factors, then, for example, progesterone increases the number of alveoli that make up the lobules.

The hormone estrogen promotes rapid growth of the milk ducts, which causes the breast to swell and grow.

In the last trimester, the hormone prolactin is especially activated, which is responsible for the production of breast milk.

And at this time, some women note that they have colostrum, you should not be afraid of this, this is a completely explainable physiological phenomenon.

If we consider the changes in the breast by trimester, then we can distinguish the following features of growth:

  1. The first trimester is characterized by accelerated growth of the mammary glands. It starts already in the first week, and after a certain period of time, the breast can reach an increase of 1 size. At this stage, the number of lobules increases and new milk ducts are formed. The skin of the breasts will be tight and the nipples will begin to pigment. During this period, clinical symptoms are most pronounced. Already from 3 weeks, breast weight can reach up to 400-700 grams.
  2. Breast enlargement slows down somewhat, because the expansion of the ducts may already reach its peak, but at this time, instead of breast tenderness, strong nipple sensitivity may appear. Any slightest irritation can contribute to unpleasant sensations in this area. At this time, the breast mass can reach +700 to the currently available one.
  3. In the third trimester, due to the fact that the mammary glands are enlarged, the skin is stretched and the sensation of itching is attached. The excretory ducts are clearly visible on the nipples, it itself is increased in size. In addition, colostrum may appear at this time.

It is impossible to say exactly at what time the breast begins to grow, however, if you rely on the physiology of a woman, then in many cases the increase occurs already from the first trimester of pregnancy.

Some pregnant women may notice that they do not have much breast growth. This may be due to the individual characteristics of the body or to the state of the adrenal glands, as well as the thyroid gland, which are involved in the production of prolactin. In addition, in some pregnant women, the mammary glands may begin to enlarge and grow only by the last trimester, but if this issue is very worrisome, you can consult a doctor for advice.

What clinical severity is present in this case?

When the breast begins to grow during pregnancy, then in addition to growth, a change in the woman's well-being and the addition of some clinical symptoms is noted.

During this process, as is already known, swelling of the milk ducts and an increase in the amount of glandular tissue occur. This circumstance contributes to the appearance of a sensation of swelling and a feeling of fullness inside the mammary gland. In addition, soreness is noted, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy.

The nipples and areoles (nipple area) become pigmented and darken. With the naked eye, it is noticeable that some Montgomery nodules-tubercles are formed around them, the functional feature of which is the release of antibacterial lubricant necessary for feeding the baby.

If we summarize some of the symptoms present during breast growth, we can note the following signs:

  • feeling of pain and pressure inside the mammary glands;
  • nipples become overly sensitive;
  • stretch marks may appear on the skin due to rapid growth;
  • the breast increases by 1-2 sizes;
  • in some cases there is a burning sensation;
  • due to the manifested symptoms, sleep disturbance is possible, etc.

In addition to physiological symptoms, there may be some pathological changes in the form:

  • bloody or yellow discharge from the chest;
  • aching incessant and increasing pain;
  • uneven increase in mammary glands in size.

In this case, it is worth visiting a gynecologist or mammologist to identify the cause of such violations.

Naturally, during breast growth, there may be some changes in the well-being of a pregnant woman.

In order to minimize the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms manifested during the preparation of the mammary glands for the lactation period, some recommendations should be followed:

  1. Purchase a non-compressive bra, preferably with an adjustable closure and wide shoulder straps. For this, there are special models for pregnant women, which are made from natural materials and are designed to provide a woman with maximum comfort.
  2. If the breast begins to grow quickly and rapidly, then there is a huge risk of stretch marks on the skin. To avoid such a phenomenon, it is permissible to purchase special creams in a ready-made pharmacy version that do not have side effects from use in such a delicate period of life. If this option does not suit you, you can resort to making your own healing mixture according to folk recipes. However, in this case, you must first consult a doctor.
  3. Exercise can prepare the mammary gland for breastfeeding and make the breast augmentation process somewhat easier.
  4. A contrast shower prevents the appearance of stretch marks and somewhat relieves the severity of the clinical manifestation during the growth of the mammary glands.
  5. Compliance with proper nutrition has never made anyone worse. Especially when it comes to the period of pregnancy. The exclusion and restriction of fatty, spicy and salty in the diet reduces the soreness and swelling of the mammary glands.

As seen above, there is no definite pattern for breast growth during pregnancy. This process directly depends on the individual characteristics of a woman and can manifest itself either immediately or after a certain period of time.

However, it is worth remembering that after pregnancy and lactation, the mammary glands return to their previous size.