Karmic relationships by dates of birth of partners online. Decoding of karmic numbers. Calculate karmic relationships by date of birth

Numerology is a science that allows you to calculate karmic relationships based on the dates of birth of partners. Moreover, you can make these calculations yourself using simple mathematical calculations or for free on the Internet online. Let's figure out what the methodology for such calculations is and how reliable they are.

Methodology for calculating karmic numbers

To calculate the karmic date of fate, you need to know your date of birth and the date of birth of your partner. Next, you need to write all the numbers in a line, skipping the number zero, and calculate the amount. We will carry out an example of the calculation below. Let's take two dates as an example: the girl is 09/11/1986 and the man is 04/30/1975. Then add the components: 1 1 9 1 9 8 6 3 4 1 9 7 5 \u003d 64.

Further, the same magic number 22 must be subtracted from the result obtained. This must be done as many times until the result is less than 22. It is this number that will be the very karmic number that will describe the compatibility of the pair.

Let's continue the calculations with our example. From 64 we subtract 22, we get 42, respectively, we subtract again, the result is the number 20. Next, we look at the meaning of each number in the decoding.

The value of numbers from 1 to 9

Number 1. This number indicates that karmic relationships will never be easy and smooth. There will always be a note of rivalry between partners, as both will strive to take a leadership position. It is important to keep the middle ground, not letting anyone feel unnecessary.

Number 2. These karmic relationships can be called the most touching and tender of all possible. A man and a woman in this union are one, like yin and yang. Such a union lasts for decades and often lives up to the golden wedding.

Number 3. Such karmic relationships are characterized as romantic. Often more than one child is born in such a tandem. The whales that support the marriage are:

  • Mutual respect
  • The trust
  • Romance

However, it is important not to allow outsiders into such a union, as they can destroy the karmic relationships built brick by brick to smithereens.

Number 4. There is pure patriarchy here. And from the outside, such a relationship is similar to the everyday life of an Italian family. There simply cannot be a single day without a showdown and passionate reconciliation. The primary problem the couple faces is excessive jealousy.

Number 5. These karmic relationships may not be so long, but they will play a bright role in your life. This will most likely be an unequal union:

  • Union with an older man
  • A marriage where the woman is older

Your partner will be a teacher, mentor, someone who will show you the right path in life and turn your world upside down.

Number 6. One of the strongest couples. Harmony, mutual understanding and respect reign here. But, unfortunately, love very quickly develops into a habit under the influence of everyday problems. It is worth saying that this outcome of relations suits many, so the tandem can be called quite successful.

Number 7. A man and a woman in this combination will be constantly in motion, they will not have to sit still. Both halves of the union strive for development, love to travel and discover more and more new facets of the world.

Number 8. It is impossible to call such a union 100% successful, since there is no love, like friendship, in it. However, there is a complete understanding that is so necessary in the work. Such people can be excellent business partners, as each of them can fully trust their partner.

Number 9. This marriage is called ambiguous, since a man and a woman continue to live their own separate lives, which is unacceptable in a loving karmic relationship. Each side will feel lonely and inferior. Therefore, with a high probability, such a union will not exist for a long time and the couple will soon disintegrate.

Digit values \u200b\u200bfrom 10 to 15

Number 10. The future of this couple is cloudless and, for the most part, prosperous. However, one should beware of the influence of the evil eye, which can ruin karmic relationships. Numerologists do not exclude the possibility that such a marriage can be built on financial relations, that is, money will dominate.

Number 11. Two units mean that each partner will tend to pull the blanket in his direction. Finding compromises and giving in to a friend is extremely difficult for them. This can be the reason for the breakup. Parents can often interfere with the relationship of such a couple. How long such a relationship will last will largely depend on their opinion.

Number 12. There is love in this relationship, it is indisputable. But in order to keep the sparkle and not let the flame go out, you need to endure a lot and make sacrifices for the sake of the relationship. You need to be prepared for the fact that a man's partner can cheat and only you can decide whether to put up with it or not.

Number 13. The most fragile tandem. In many ways, this is due to the fact that the karmic number is unfavorable, since many negative magical prejudices are associated with the number 13. If we trace in more detail the development of such relations, it will be clear that their roads will never cross for a long period.

Number 14. Pure patriarchy is observed here. And from the outside, such a relationship is similar to the everyday life of an Italian family. There simply cannot be a single day without a showdown and passionate reconciliation. The primary problem a couple faces is work, which could be the top priority on a man's list of priorities.

Number 15. The most insincere relationship. There is always room for deception, blackmail and betrayal. This may be due to a banal mismatch of characters or outside influence. Often magic intervenes in such an alliance, leaving its indelible mark. If the relationship is not worth it at the very beginning, it is better to abandon their further development.

Value from 16 to 22

Number 16. Such a union cannot be called long, most likely it is a fleeting affair. Both partners will experience tremendous passion and sexual attraction. However, it is unlikely that they will be able to build a family. Even if Mendelssohn's march sounds, and wedding rings shine on your fingers, sooner or later the idyll will lead to divorce. The fact is that a man and a woman do not suit each other at the level of space.

Number 17. This marriage is called ambiguous, since a man and a woman continue to live their separate lives, which is unacceptable in a love relationship. Each side will feel lonely and inferior. Therefore, with a high probability, such a union will not exist for a long time and the couple will soon disintegrate.

Number 18. Such relationships only live as long as the woman wants it. While she is ready to put up with all the shortcomings of her partner and forgive his behavior. It often happens that a man in a relationship plays a role that he invents for himself. And his real face is not visible to anyone, so it is difficult for a partner to understand who the man really is.

Number 19. A man and a woman in this combination will be constantly in motion, they will not have to sit still. Both halves of the union strive for development, love to travel and discover more and more new facets of the world.

Number 20. Couples, whose karmic number is twenty, have a very tender relationship. In such a union, many children are born, often more than two. It is about this marriage that words can be said - both in sorrow and in joy, and in health and during illness, and so on.

Number 21. Difficulties can arise only at the stage of the inception of a relationship. However, in the future there is complete mutual understanding, which is so necessary to build a strong union. In order for such a relationship to continue, it is important to go through the initial stage, to show maximum patience and respect for each other. If this fails, then at least you will remain good friends for centuries.

Number 22. Is in a relationship like living on a powder keg. You never know what to expect from a partner, the reaction can be so unpredictable. You must be ready not only for quarrels and frequent showdowns, but also for violent reconciliation and passionate sex. In order for a relationship to be long-lasting, you need to try hard and make every effort.

Let's sum up that the most favorable karmic numbers for relationships, based on the date of birth, are: 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 14, 17, 19 and 21. The numbers that should be avoided are 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18 and 22

Each person has a chance to meet a soul mate. However, there is an opinion that such fateful meetings can be dangerous and even lead to unpleasant consequences. It should not be ruled out that acquaintance with a potential life partner may not be accidental: perhaps you have already seen him in a past life. There are many ways to recognize a karmic relationship, but experts suggest you use the most powerful one. To do this, you just need to know your partner's date of birth.

Signs of a karmic connection

According to the laws of the Universe, not a single meeting in our life happens by chance. Before determining a karmic connection by date of birth, you can pay attention to the signs that indicate it. Perhaps, with their help, you can understand that your partner is not just a soul mate, but a messenger of destiny.

Familiar all my life. If you have a karmic connection with a person, first of all you will have the feeling that you have known him for a very long time. Sometimes it may seem to you that you are familiar with all his habits, addictions, so you can literally understand each other perfectly.

Sudden acquaintance. Perhaps a few minutes before your acquaintance, you did not even know that after a couple of minutes you are about to meet a life partner or best friend. To some, this will not seem strange, but sometimes such a combination of circumstances is not at all a mere coincidence.

You are drawn to each other with great force. If you cannot live a day without a person, you may be in a karmic relationship. This attraction is very difficult to explain, but if even a short separation drives you crazy, then there is reason to think.

Rapid development of relationships. Sometimes lovers rejoice when their relationship is developing at a tremendous speed. Many of them mistakenly think that strong love is the reason for such rapid development. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. In some cases, this may mean that you have become a hostage of a karmic relationship.

Dramatic changes in life. Yesterday you did not even think about changing your place of residence, but today a new acquaintance turned your life upside down and you are ready to follow him to the ends of the world. Do not give in to emotions: before deciding on such changes, you should think about everything well. If the karmic relationship goes too far, it will be much more difficult to get rid of it.

Diseases and ailments. If after meeting a person you began to get sick and suffer from emotional distress more often, there is a chance that you have become part of a karmic relationship. In this case, the harmful connection should be severed immediately, otherwise the consequences can be sad.

Relationships make you suffer. Because of the constant quarrels and disagreements, it is difficult for you to be with this person, but it is much more difficult to imagine your life without him. The problem is that it is very difficult to break a karmic connection, but it must be done. If your current relationship makes you suffer, you need to step over yourself and take the first step towards breaking up.

Relationships are like a scenario. If you often communicate with a person using lines from books, TV shows or films, this is a clear sign that your relationship is proceeding according to the script. In most cases, this means that you are bound by karma.

You often see a person in a dream. If you dream of a loved one occasionally, there is nothing to worry about. If he visits your dreams every day, your connection with him can be dangerous for both him and you.

Love addiction. Love addiction itself is a disease. If you are literally dependent on a person and suffer during his absence, first you need to see a psychologist. If visits to a specialist have not brought a positive result, it is possible that the cause of the addiction is a karmic connection.

How to determine a karmic connection by date of birth
Having determined the karmic connection using the date of birth, you can once again confirm that there is a person next to you with whom you have already met. For calculations, you need to use your dates of birth.

For example, your date of birth is 08/15/1982, your loved one is 05/22/1987.

It is necessary to sum all the numbers - 1 + 5 + 0 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 \u003d 68.

You only need the last number with which you can find out the result.

0 - the resulting number indicates that your couple does not have a joint future.

1 - such a relationship is mainly based on passion, but karma has nothing to do with them. As soon as feelings begin to fade, the love union will cease to exist.

2 - you have met once in the past, and your love was strong. However, in this life, the connection between you is unlikely to lead to a good result.

3 - in such a union, the woman is the main one. If a man can accept this, then the relationship can last a long time.

4 - there is a karmic connection in such a relationship, but it is very weak. Therefore, the partners are not in danger.

5 - a strong spiritual and karmic connection, because of which people are drawn to each other. Such a relationship can last for a very long time.

6 is a dangerous number. It means that in the past, partners were very close, but one of them died early, which made the other suffer. Relationships can be long and painful.

7 - a successful union. The number seven promises partners a long and happy life together.

8 - in numerology, this number is considered a symbol of infinity. It suggests that partners met in a past life and will meet more than once in the future.

9 - there is no karmic connection, therefore the duration of the relationship depends only on the partners themselves.

If you suspect that you are currently in a karmic relationship, do not worry in advance. They are not always dangerous: some in such an alliance get the opportunity to solve all the problems that haunted them in a past life. If you feel that the relationship does not bring you anything but problems, then you will be able to break the connection and find your true life partner.

Hello dear readers and blog guests. Throughout our lives, we get to know a lot of people: some disappear quickly and without a trace, others cause passion and love at first sight, and still others torment and do not leave alone. If you have ever felt a strong, unfounded attachment to a person, despite all their flaws, or experienced burning hatred, it is likely that fate itself intervened. To understand this, it is enough to calculate what the karmic connection will be by the date of birth. The resulting number will show whether your souls have met in past lives, tell you how to break invisible bonds and avoid mistakes of the past.

12 signs

The karmic relationship between a man and a woman can be of two types. The healing bond is extremely rare. They are two kindred souls who have been together for many lifetimes. They help and support each other, know how to trust, forgive and love selflessly.

Karmic connection between a man and a woman

A destructive connection is built on reproaches, conflicts, overcoming difficulties. This relationship is very difficult to break. Their essence is that two souls could correct the mistakes of past lives and with dignity accept the punishment for all wrongdoings and atrocities.

Interesting. If in a past life you were not distinguished by devotion, get ready for the fact that in your current incarnation you will suffer from betrayal and betrayal.

To understand whether you have a karmic relationship, you should pay attention to 12 main signs:

  1. Feeling of old acquaintance. As if you have known a person for 100 years, although you have recently met him.
  2. You are strongly attached to each other, but at the same time you are completely different. You have different social and financial status, religion, hobbies, worldview, goals, aspirations.
  3. Uncontrolled physical attraction.
  4. Rapid and too rapid development of relations.
  5. With the advent of a partner, your habitat changes dramatically. You can move to another city or country, stop communicating with relatives and friends, or completely isolate yourself from any social contacts.
  6. Serious trials after several years of a prosperous and joyful life together.
  7. Inability to have children.
  8. Constant struggle and conflicts with a partner. Relationships are devastating and exhausting, but there is no strength to part.
  9. Feeling of déjà vu.
  10. Even if you broke up, your partner continues to appear in your dreams.
  11. After breaking up, you constantly see signs that remind you of your once loved one: you hear his favorite songs, change the channel and find that his favorite movie is on, and so on.
  12. In a relationship, you have lost part of yourself and are no longer able to make decisions or control your own life without your partner's approval.

There can be a karmic connection with the mother. The soul itself chooses parents based on the main tasks that need to be completed in the current incarnation in order to step over to the next stage of development. Know that personal karma is always associated with the karma of the clan and your soul takes over your mother's baton.

Looking at the closest person, analyzing his life and actions, you can understand what mistakes were made and try to build your life in a completely different way.

Karmic connection by date of birth: signs of the zodiac

In astrology, there are 4 types of karma that correspond to the elements:

  • Earth signs carry the usual karma. This means that in this life they will absolutely not be able to fix anything and will make the same mistakes again;
  • the weight of dying (last) karma presses on Air signs. It is determined by the actions that Aquarius, Gemini and Libra performed on their deathbed. Fate gives them a chance to become a completely different person;
  • residual karma is possessed by the signs of Water. Thanks to the calmness and ability to control one's actions, the past life did not affect the present one. They have practically no sins, so there is nothing to work out;
  • weighty karma governs the fate of the Fire signs. In past incarnations, they were too active, and their actions were reflected in the world around them. In this life, it is necessary to clearly understand that any action bears serious, and not always positive, consequences.

People of habitual karma greatly influence the life of residual karma. But astrologers advise them to connect fate with a person of last karma.

Fact. It is easy for dying karma to go through life with a person of residual or habitual karma.

Significant karma affects all people, but receives much less return. It is almost impossible to influence it.

Working out karmic connections

Now let's move on to one of the main questions: how to work off bad karma. At the same time, it is important to determine how to restore peace to the soul and allow it to move to a higher level.

In the relationship between partners, there are two ways that will help break the karmic connection:

  1. Patiently work off the debt by joint efforts, accept all the shortcomings of a loved one, fulfill obligations.
  2. Forgive, no matter how hard it is.

To work off karma faster, try not to deceive a loved one and help people in need. Realize your mistakes, correct your flaws, respect the decision of your other half and accept it as it is. Stop lecturing, pointing, prodding. It is better to show care and support in the most difficult situations.

Important. The karmic connection will be nullified if there are no conflicts, quarrels, swearing, revenge, envy, jealousy in your relationship.

How to know that the karmic connection is broken? You can easily part with your once loved one and he, in turn, will let you go freely. You will learn a painful, difficult but important lesson and never repeat the same mistakes.

Or you can stay together. Only now the relationship will be full of peace, harmony, love, mutual respect and support.

How to calculate the number of karmic relationships

If you want to know if your relationship is karmic, you can calculate compatibility. Add up all the numbers in your date of birth and your partner's birthday.

For instance:

Marina 12/20/1985: 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 \u003d 28

Stanislav 12/24/1982: 2 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 2 \u003d 29

Now subtract 22: 57-22 \u003d 35

Subtract until the difference is less than 22: 35-22 \u003d 13

The resulting figure determines your karmic relationship. It remains to study the interpretation:

  • 1 - a complex relationship in which partners are fighting for leadership. If a girl shows wisdom and gentleness, tries to accept the point of view of her man, the union will be successful and very interesting;
  • 2 - a very harmonious couple with the same characters, worldview, ideals. They are the whole universe for each other;
  • 3 - strong and stable relationship, in which everything will be - from love and mutual understanding, to material well-being. The main thing is to protect your family from the interference of friends and close relatives, especially mom;
  • 4 - a passionate connection filled with strong, sometimes uncontrollable, feelings. It is important not to believe in gossip and to pacify jealousy;
  • 5 - a relationship with a person will play a huge role in your destiny. He will become a teacher and mentor. Having received the necessary lessons, you will part, because of differences in views, interests or social status;
  • 6 - you are two halves of a single whole who will love and support each other throughout life. Try to steadfastly endure all the difficulties at the very beginning of the relationship in order to build a strong family;
  • 7 - there is a high probability that the connection will not be long-term. However, the short time that you will spend nearby will be filled with a lot of travel, drastic changes and pleasant emotions;
  • 8 is the number of karma. Most likely, in past lives you have done something wrong with each other. It's time to answer for your wrongdoings and correct your mistakes. Don't try to change your partner. Look for a compromise, improve yourself, get rid of vices and change for the better;
  • 9 - the union of two people who do not hear or listen to their partner. The constant feeling of loneliness, the inability to rely on a loved one and receive support from him, will ultimately lead to separation;
  • 10 - you were connected in heaven. First, the union can be built on material gain. But over time, feelings will be overwhelmed by a wave, and a happy family life will last for many years;
  • 11 - excellent compatibility in the intimate sphere. Everyday life will be filled with discord and struggle for supremacy. There is a possibility of treason. It is important to learn to make concessions and find a compromise. Otherwise, the relationship will fall apart;
  • 12 - the number of karmic relationships. Betrayal, misunderstandings, grievances, mutual accusations are possible. Such a connection will certainly leave a deep imprint on life. But remember that you can overcome any troubles thanks to love;
  • 13 is a karmic relationship, but, alas, there will not be a happy ending in this life. The connection is complex, short-lived, in some way even dangerous;
  • 14 is one of the best compatibility options for building a strong family. Partners know how to find a common language, they have the same goals and aspirations;
  • 15 - you shouldn't even start such a connection. It will be built on a strong intimate dependence of one of the partners and constant manipulation;
  • 16 - you do not match each other on a spiritual level. The relationship will sooner or later end in parting. The connection will devastate, take all the strength, but will have a strong impact on future life;
    17 - a wonderful future awaits a couple, filled with harmony, love, happiness and joint creativity;
  • 18 - an incomprehensible and strange relationship in which both partners cannot consider the very essence of a loved one. There is a high probability of betrayal and immoral lifestyle;
  • 19 - harmonious, strong union, built on mutual respect and love;
  • 20 - good compatibility. However, partners will have to adjust to each other. Then they will be bound not only by love, but also by strong friendship;
  • 21 - partners are ideal at the energy level. There is every chance to build a happy family;
  • 22 - extremely unstable, karmic relationship, in which one of the partners strives for freedom. Passionate quarrels and stormy reconciliation, complete ignorance and violent jealousy. Great efforts will have to be made to achieve stability. There is a risk of divorce.

You can also karmic relationships with your former partners to see patterns and understand your own mistakes.

Now you know everything about the karmic connection by date of birth. Open up to your destiny and do not be afraid to learn its lessons in order to reach a new level of spiritual development.

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It so happens that a man and a woman meet for the first time, begin to communicate and the feeling that they have known each other for many years does not leave them - they finish phrases one after another, understand them from half a word and half a glance. This often happens if there is a karmic connection between them, which arises when in a past life they had emotional outbursts or any debts remained, that is, they could not solve some situations, so they hung in the air. Fate, arranging a meeting for them, gives a chance to get rid of the traces of the past, parting forever, or, conversely, to get closer.

How to understand whether acquaintance is accidental or predetermined by fate? You can turn to clairvoyants, tell fortunes on cards or runes, and also make an astrological forecast. And there is another method that is easy to use at home - numerological. To do this, it is necessary to subtract 22 from the birthday of a man and a woman (a dual number that can both attract and repel, this is how karmic relationships develop). For example, a man was born on May 8, 1972 (his birthday number: 8 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 2 \u003d 32), and a woman was born on September 2, 1979 (her birthday number: 2 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 9 \u003d 37). Add these two numbers: 32 + 37 \u003d 69; and subtract 22, bringing it to a number less than or equal to 22: 69-22-22-22 \u003d 3. The number of this pair is 3.

Calculate karmic relationships by date of birth:

Date of birth of one partner: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Date of birth of the other partner: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

The meaning of numbers in numerology

Such a karmic relationship will be quite difficult, as partners will constantly compete for the right to be a leader. To maintain such a union, it is important to stick to the golden mean.

Such a relationship can hardly be called karmic, since love is more important here. In the union, tenderness and mutual understanding reign, which is usually not inherent in a karmic marriage. Spouses often live to see their golden wedding.

If this marriage is called karmic, then with only one caveat: partners have karma - to live always in love. Their union rests on three pillars - trust, romance and mutual respect. The main thing is that no outsider should interfere in their harmonious relationship.

There is complete patriarchy in this karmic relationship. They constantly swear, moreover, in a raised voice, reminding an Italian family, which, most likely, has a grain of truth, perhaps in a past life they lived in Italy and were passionate and zealous spouses.

Such a marriage can be considered unambiguously karmic, because it is in it that such patterns are observed: one of the partners is more than seven years older than the other, or same-sex partners. One of the spouses will be a mentor, the other will be a student.

A strong relationship, which is usually not inherent in a karmic marriage, therefore such a union can be called strong and durable, where respect and mutual understanding reign, but not love. It suits both of them.

This union is more businesslike than love, so it's not even worth talking about karmic relationships. In such a marriage, both will be happy, since they can completely trust each other without fear of being deceived.

Spouses each live their own separate lives, which is unacceptable for a karmic relationship, therefore such a union will very quickly disintegrate.

In such a union, financial relations are more important, which are unacceptable for a karmic marriage, so it is not worth talking about it. Partners in such a union are usually happy, unless there is a third nearby - a child, parents or other relatives.

A karmic marriage, in which everyone pulls the blanket over himself, because of which he suffers a lot, but such partners cannot part. Even if they decide to break up, fate will bring them together again.

These karmic relationships will be difficult for the fair half - the spouse will constantly walk to the left, but it will not work to change something. Most likely, in a past life, he was abandoned by his beloved for the sake of another man. This is a kind of revenge on a woman for past grievances.

Unfavorable karmic relationships that cannot be ended now, so the marriage will be short and very difficult.

Karmic relationships will be short but memorable. There is a high probability that the spouses will soon part, but they will remain friendship forever.

This is an insincere karmic relationship - deception, blackmail and betrayal of both partners. Most likely, in this life you will not be able to finish them if you do not start working on yourself and your vices. In order not to torment each other, it is better to break up immediately.

Sexual attraction, colossal passion, but nothing more - partners will not be able to create a family. Even if the couple decides to marry, it will be very short, since they should not be together karmically.

This couple will not be happy in marriage, but they cannot change anything, since they are karmically dependent on each other. It is possible to improve coexistence only by ignoring each other's vices.

In such a union, one should not talk about a karmic connection, rather, it is a marriage of two loving hearts that will carry their feelings throughout life.

Difficulties in such a marriage may arise, but they will not have a karmic character, there will be a conflict of characters that are very different. However, spouses will be able to find common ground in order to live a happy married life.

In such a couple, a tender karmic relationship will reign that will last a lifetime. Many children are born in such a marriage. The spouses will live in perfect harmony, will be there for both joy and sorrow.

Problems may arise in the family, but only in the first year of marriage. They will not be associated with karma, since a man and a woman are not connected with each other in such a relationship. The spouses will respect each other and value the interests and desires of their partner.

In this couple, there is 100% karmic relationship - today they cannot tolerate each other, and tomorrow they will not live a minute without a voice and a kiss from their partner. At the beginning of the week, they make joint plans for the future, and on Sunday they go on long business trips. They swear often and violently and reconcile loudly as well. They live like a powder keg, but they cannot change anything.

A karmic relationship is love or marriage that took place in a past life. It is karmic only because the man and the woman still have some joint unresolved problems.

Often, such relationships can be recognized by some signs, which, however, are not always accurate. In this case, numbers come to the rescue, namely the date of birth. Karmic marriage and love can be easily calculated if you are not sure of your predictions.

Numerological calculation by date of birth

So, you have two dates of birth - yours and yours. For example, let's take the following dates: 02/25/1990 and 10/11/1986. First, you need to add up all the digits of each date and get two numbers. If you get a number from 10 or more, then you will need to add the numbers again. You will need to do this until you get a number from 1 to 9:

  • 2+5+0+2+1+9+9+0 = 28, 2+8 = 10, 1+0 = 1 ;
  • 1+1+1+0+1+9+8+6 = 27, 2+7 = 9 .

By themselves, these numbers do not mean anything in relation to the karmic: their difference and sum are important. To get two karmic numbers, you need to first add the resulting numbers, and then subtract the smaller from the larger. In this case, it is also important to remember that numbers of 10 or more require re-addition of the numbers.

  • 1+9 = 10, 1+0 = 1 ;
  • 9-1 = 8 .

The sum number is karmic number of the first degree... Second number - karmic number of the second degree... Next, you just need to find the decryption of your received number.

Deciphering karmic numbers

The first number, the sum. This number shows the nature of the karmic relationship, as well as the likelihood of their existence between you.

Unit. If you get One, then most likely your relationship is far from karmic. The only thing that can tell you about them is your incredible similarity, or polar differences in everything. In the first case, we can talk about the fact that it is not worth changing anything. If you differ so much that difficulties in communication appear between you almost immediately, but for some reason you simply cannot break off the relationship, then this is the action of karma. In a past life, you were together for a long time, but because of problems in your relationship, your children or other close people could suffer.

Deuce... Such a number of karma of the first degree means that, probably, you do not have any karmic attachments. The only thing that is quite likely is an equally strong craving for creating a family, which stands above the love for the second half. Decide for yourself whether it is a reward or a curse, but you have every chance to live together your whole life. It's just that love will eventually fade into the background. This may be an echo of a karmic relationship, but it is not dangerous.

Troika. You will come to a standstill at some point in your relationship. This is a karmic sign, but it has no fatal consequences. An early divorce or breakup is possible, so do not rush to get married and have children, although children can be a deterrent for you. Love will return if you have children at the time of the relationship crisis. There are two ways out - either wait or have children.

Four. Both of you can become victims of your selfishness. Some of you may be too narcissistic. If this is you, then the problems will be very easy to solve. If this is your beloved or beloved, then there will already be much more problems. Four among the primary type of karma is a bad sign. Even if you put up with the shortcomings of your soul mate, it is far from the fact that you can live with it. It is possible that in a past life you yourself were the same that destroyed the family.

Five. The number Five is obtained from extremely strong-minded people who are ready to do anything for the sake of the family. Such a union is almost certainly devoid of any problems in terms of karma and fate. In past lives, you behaved correctly in relation to your second half and your family, so in this direction you have nothing to pay with happiness.

Six. The primary karmic number Six is \u200b\u200ba mismatch in desires. If you want your marriage or relationship to be successful, it's best to dot the i's from the beginning. Otherwise, you will regret not doing it later. This should be done unobtrusively so that your loved one does not close from you. Of course, the easiest way is to take and run away, but not everyone checks karmic compatibility right away, so you either have to be flexible yourself, or wait for insight from your spouse.

Seven... This is a dangerous number because it indicates that your relationship will keep going in circles. You will not be able to find a way out of this difficult situation. All the bad things will come into your life and stay in it. Your fights will accumulate, which will gradually lead to the destruction of the relationship. The only way out is to give your soulmate as much freedom as possible, if you are already married or even have children. Don't hold back your loved one.

Eight... Perhaps you have a marriage of convenience. If your beloved woman or man was not financially successful before marriage or relations with you, and you were, then almost 100% can be said that this is a karmic relationship. They are not in love with you, because they want something material from you. You can be used. Be very careful. In other cases, when your material opportunities are approximately equal, everything can be very good.

Nine. If your karmic number of the first degree is 9, then your relationship is unlikely to be karmic. The most that fate may need them for is to solve someone's problem. But this is just a side effect, nothing more. Nothing threatens your happiness.

Karmic number of the second degreecan be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8, and also 0 when the numbers based on the date of birth are equal. Nine cannot be obtained, because the maximum number from the initial calculation by date of birth is 9, and the minimum is 1. We remind you that the karmic number of the second degree is obtained by subtracting the smaller number from the larger number.

The second degree number is the inverse probability that karmic relationships can enter your life. The lower the number, the higher the likelihood that you will pay in your current life for your sins and mistakes in previous lives. If you get zero, then you absolutely certainly have already met with karmic relationships or have already partially paid off your "debt". One way or another, but you need to keep your ears open your whole life, especially if the primary number turned out to be not the most encouraging. If the karmic number of the first degree turned out to be good, and the secondary is equal to zero, then you should not worry.

A karmic relationship is not something unique. More than half of the people around the world meet with them. The main thing is not the presence of a problem, but how you deal with it. Perhaps your problem lies with yourself. These can be negative programs, curses, evil eyes, whatever. If you are sure that you completely surrender yourself to love, and you are met with negativity or nothing happens, then you can already think about karmic problems. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and