A godsend for dry skin - night cream Natura Siberica Nourishing and Restoring. Moisturizers for dry skin. dry or not

Dry skin of the face can become a serious problem for its owner. A constant feeling of tightness, itching, peeling cause some discomfort. The causes of such troubles may be in heredity or, more often, in improper skin care. In our article, we will try to understand what a cream for dry skin should be. The pharmacy today has a fairly large selection of cosmetics. What should be included, and what should alert - we will consider below. We will also dwell on some pharmacy products that, according to customer reviews, are most effective in preventing dry skin.

Features of creams for dry skin

Dry skin is most prone to early aging and wrinkles. She needs deep hydration and nourishment. Let's dwell on the components that should be part of a good cream.

What should be in a cream for dry skin?

It is worth paying attention to the following components.

Glycerin in creams

The cream must contain glycerin, which is able to moisturize the deeper layers of the skin and retain moisture.

Acids for dry skin

A complex of acids - glycolic, salicylic and hyaluronic - dries out some imperfections on the skin and at the same time nourishes it from the inside.

Ceramides in moisturizers

The presence of ceramides soften dry skin, relieve inflammation, and reduce peeling.

UV filters in the cream

The cream must have UV filters. Dry skin should be exposed to the sun as little as possible, UV filters can reduce the negative effects of the sun.

Natural oils for dry skin

It is worth paying attention to the presence of natural oils in the composition. Especially useful are almond oil, coconut oil and shea butter.

Vitamins in moisturizers

In a good moisturizer, the presence of vitamins A.C and E is highly desirable. They are able to strengthen the contours of the face and enrich the skin with beneficial trace elements.

Natural plant extracts for dry skin

The cream will be more effective if it contains extracts of figs, olives, chamomile, calendula or cucumber. Thanks to them, the skin tone is evened out, it becomes more fresh and radiant.

What should not be in a cream for dry skin?

The presence of the following components can aggravate the condition of the skin, which is why it is very important to carefully study the composition.

Alcohol or zinc not for dry skin

Alcohol and zinc are very detrimental to dry skin, as they can dry it out a lot. You should refrain from buying such a cream.

Mineral oil is not good for dry skin

Despite the beneficial properties of mineral oils, their effect on dry skin is far from positive. Oils clog pores, causing the skin to stop “breathing”, and, as a result, problems with blackheads and subcutaneous acne are added to dryness.

Plant extracts are not good for dry skin

Extracts of lavender, mint, tea tree are more suitable for owners of oily or combination skin types. They dehydrate dry skin. In addition, allergic rashes are possible.

Selection and application of creams for dry skin

To choose the right cream, you should follow a number of rules.

Cream is a “second person”, therefore, its purchase should be taken very carefully.

  1. It is better to entrust the purchase of a cream to a trusted pharmacy, where the necessary documents for the drugs sold are present;
  2. A cream in a tube is preferable;
  3. Cream for dry skin of the face is bought according to age;
  4. In summer, it is worth giving preference to moisturizing creams;
  5. Pay attention to the composition and expiration date;
  6. The less perfume components in the composition, the more useful the cream.

How to apply the cream on dry skin?

  1. The action of the product will be more effective if applied to the skin after applying a facial scrub;
  2. Creams are not recommended to be used while in a sauna or in a bath;
  3. Applying the cream is an important process, do not actively rub it into the skin to avoid stretching it. It is enough to apply the product with the pads of your fingers, lightly patting and avoiding the skin around the eyes.
  4. The cream should be used regularly - in the morning and in the evening.

Top 5 pharmacy products for dry skin care

There are a huge number of skin care products on the market. We have identified three creams that cope well with dry skin thanks to the right composition.

Cream "Boro Plus" for the restoration of dry skin

The price of this tool is more than acceptable and does not exceed 100 rubles. The cream moisturizes well and removes peeling. Can be applied topically to problem areas of the skin.

Cream for dry skin: in the pharmacy you can buy creams Boro-Plus, Dardia, Locobase-Ripea, Losterin, Tocopherol-Acetate

Cream Dardia (Dardia) for the care of dry skin

Perhaps, in terms of price category, this tool is not the cheapest. The composition of the cream is worth the money, since the glycerin in the composition, together with lactate, actively nourishes the skin and retains a feeling of moisture for a long time. The consistency of the cream is non-greasy, it is easy to apply and absorbs quickly without leaving a sticky feeling.

Cream Locobase Ripea for moisturizing dry skin

Works well on very dry and dehydrated skin. The lipids in the composition replenish the damaged layer of the inner cells, thereby creating an invisible film. The effect remains for a long time. It copes well with overdried skin in winter, when a constant temperature difference (from a warm room to a cold one and vice versa) negatively affects our skin.

Losterin cream for dry skin

Naftalan oil in the composition promotes cell regeneration, fights inflammation and itching. The cream also exfoliates the dead layers of skin cells and promotes its renewal.

Tocopherol acetate against dry skin

It would not be entirely correct to call this remedy a cream, rather it is a liquid form of vitamin E. This is an excellent remedy in the fight against dry skin. It helps well in cell regeneration, fights fine wrinkles, perfectly moisturizes the skin and is quickly absorbed. A minimum of aromatic preservatives and a maximum of benefit.

Dry skin for the face is not a sentence. The main thing is the correct and regular care of her. Buying an expensive cream or using a more budgetary pharmacy product is the choice for each of us. Any type of skin requires attention and care, and properly selected products can help with this.

Any modern woman wants to be beautiful, well-groomed and eye-catching. This largely depends on the condition of the skin of the face, which daily takes on an invisible blow from external and internal factors: poor ecology, stress, overwork, malnutrition containing excess fats and preservatives, etc. Dry and sensitive type of skin is especially affected. To protect it and maintain youth, comprehensive care is needed: deep cleansing, restoration of damaged areas, intensive nutrition and hydration of the deepest layers of the dermis.

To solve these problems, cosmetologists offer a huge range of different products, including a face cream designed specifically to solve a whole range of problems specific to this type of skin.

Features of the skin

Beauticians and dermatologists divide the skin into several types and subspecies. One of the most in need of care and protection is dry sensitive skin, which reacts sharply to external stimuli (water with impurities, cold air, snow and wind) and to internal changes (stress, poor-quality food, hormonal surge, etc.). This is due to a disturbed hydrobalance in all layers of the skin, as a result of which the cells lose a large amount of moisture and cease to function normally. Also, such a skin has improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, which destroys the natural protective barrier. The consequences can be the most unpredictable: from excessive dryness and flaky epidermis to incessant itching.

Thin sensitive skin prone to redness, irritation, swelling and excessive dryness is usually found in women of the winter color type with a fair complexion and requires increased attention in the form of nourishing and moisturizing creams and masks.

Causes of dryness

Sensitive skin can be the result of one or a symbiosis of factors. Consider the most common:

  • aggressive weather conditions (excessive dryness or humidity, low and high temperatures, wind, snow);
  • insufficient water intake;
  • negative impact of UV rays;
  • side effects of taking medications;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • the state of beriberi - a lack of vitamins is typical for many regions of our country;
  • skin-friendly cosmetic procedures (cryotherapy, peeling, scrub, etc.);
  • allergic reactions;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • "unhealthy" food in the form of semi-finished products and fast food;
  • hormonal age or periodic changes in the body.

Due to these reasons, inflammatory reactions begin in the skin in the form of redness, rash, itching or swelling. The skin capillaries increase along with the thinning of the walls, so the network of subcutaneous vessels becomes visible (rosacea). The natural protective barrier ceases to function normally, so the skin becomes more vulnerable to external stimuli. Transepidermal water loss increases, as a result of which all layers of the integument become withering, dry and prematurely mature.

What should be in the funds

Shop windows and pharmacies are full of offers of various cosmetics, including creams from world-famous and not-so-famous brands. To choose the best cream for dry and sensitive skin, you need to carefully read the composition. A tool designed to solve cosmetic problems will contain the following ingredients:

  • hyaluronic acid- this substance is famous for its moisturizing, rejuvenating and tightening properties;
  • collagen- a component for the active fight against the processes of withering and aging: activates metabolic processes, has antioxidant properties, improves blood circulation;
  • glycerol- famous for its moisturizing effect. Since ancient times, our grandmothers have used this substance to combat dry skin;
  • panthenol- restores, soothes, heals, relieves inflammation and protects against excessive evaporation;
  • various extracts and extracts of useful plants, which penetrate into the deepest layers of the epidermis, saturate the cells with various acids and nutrients, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, make the skin soft, but firm, elastic and velvety.
  • vitamins- are necessary to activate the local immune system and intensive nutrition.

A cream for dry skin should not contain overly aggressive chemicals that can aggravate the negative impact of irritating factors:

  • alcohol;
  • salicylic acid;
  • silicone;
  • matting agents, etc.

How to choose cosmetics

Owners of dry and sensitive skin need to follow some recommendations when choosing cosmetics.

  • Follow the golden rule about shelf life: "the less, the better." Products with a large amount of natural substances are not subject to long-term storage, but are optimal for dehydrated skin.
  • If possible, use testers. This is a good way to test the body for an allergic reaction and compatibility with this cream.
  • Do not buy a cream that contains beeswax, as it can cause an allergic reaction on sensitive skin in the form of many unpleasant symptoms.
  • It is better to choose a hypoallergenic cream of a popular brand that has been tested by time, experience and has many positive reviews.
  • When choosing, it is necessary to read the instructions or instructions on the package, where a certain type of skin is prescribed, for which this cosmetic product is intended.
  • It would be optimal to purchase a cream for hypersensitive skin in a pharmacy kiosk, where the products undergo dermatological control.
  • The texture of a day cream applied under make-up should be quickly absorbed and not leave a greasy or sticky feeling.
  • As part of a nourishing night cream with a denser oily structure, there should be various nourishing, caring and regenerating substances.
  • An excessive amount of flavors can cause an allergic reaction, so preference should be given to products that have a delicate, subtle aroma.
  • During the period of excessive sun activity (spring and summer), it is necessary to choose a cream with high UV protection (SPF factor must be at least 8).

Rating of the best brands

As a result of extensive monitoring of reviews from grateful users and recommendations from dermatologists and cosmetologists, a rating of the best brands of creams for sensitive and dry skin was compiled. Let's take a closer look at some of the tools.


Aqualan is a line of Finnish-made creams developed by scientists for sensitive, dry, psoriasis and dermatitis skin. These creams are very popular among the population of the whole world and are suitable for consumers of any age, including newborns. Sold exclusively in pharmacies.

The composition of these funds does not contain fragrances, flavors and dyes, but is rich in moisturizing ingredients. The cream is easily absorbed, does not leave greasy marks and a sticky film on the surface of the skin. Depending on the type of skin (oily, sensitive or dry), the manufacturer recommends different compositions of this cream.

  • Aqualan Plus Designed for dry and very dry skin, it is instantly absorbed, actively moisturizing the deepest layers of the dermis, restoring after phototherapy procedures for those suffering from psoriasis and protecting the epidermis from UV rays.
  • "Aqualan L" recommended for dry and sensitive skin, contains up to 65% water. Natural ingredients nourish, restore and normalize intercellular metabolism and hydrobalance in all layers of the skin.

Natura Siberica

The products of the domestic brand Natura Siberica quickly won the trust of Russian users and continues to gain popularity already in the consumer market of the CIS countries and Europe. The creams of this company are developed using trendy and latest technologies using components of natural herbs growing in Siberia.

Cream for application to dry skin during the day "Nutrition and Moisturizing" contains an extract of Manchurian aralia and does not include harmful parabens, silicones, fragrances and mineral oils.

Hyaluronic acid and vitamin E moisturize, nourish and fight signs of premature aging of the skin, making it supple and firm. SPF 20 creates an effective barrier against solar radiation. Herbal ingredients retain moisture, normalizing metabolic processes.


Physiogel cosmetic products contain a "smart" formula that restores the protective barrier with the help of a lipid layer on the skin, retaining moisture inside and activating the process of self-hydration in cells. The composition contains ceramide3, squalene, glycerin, shea butter and other useful substances.

The light consistency is quickly absorbed without clogging pores and moisturizes for a long time, giving a charge of vivacity and good mood.


Cream-gel "Aisida" of a Russian company specializing in the production of cosmetics for problem skin, effectively affects the dry and sensitive type, helps to get rid of many obsessive problems of the epidermis. The non-hormonal agent consists of natural ingredients and has an anti-allergic, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. It also helps to increase metabolic processes, rejuvenates and has antioxidant and antiseptic effects.

Nutritic Intense

Nutritic Intense Nourishing Cream contains La Roche-Posay Thermal Waters and lipids, which have a beneficial effect, moisturize and restore even the most dry and sensitive skin. The tool fights against the unpleasant sensations of tightness, burning, itching and the feeling of "dry shell". Works great as a daily make-up product.


"Losterin" is a non-irritating cream that fights skin diseases and improves the condition of the epidermis. It does not contain hormonal substances, fragrances and dyes, therefore it is suitable for the most sensitive skin. Natural ingredients moisturize, nourish, restore and improve complexion.

Already after a single application, positive changes can be noted: the skin becomes smoother, toned, radiant with health and vitality.

For an overview of creams for very dry skin, see the following video.

homemade recipes

Currently, various products that care for dry and sensitive facial skin, made independently at home, are considered trendy. Let's get acquainted with the most popular homemade cream recipes.


It is necessary to pour dry chamomile flowers with boiling water (a spoon for half a glass) and insist for an hour. Combine the strained infusion with a spoonful of glycerin, melted butter, castor oil and a few drops of orange or geranium ether.

This tool is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. Leaves skin incredibly soft and radiant from within.


Mix a spoonful of butter with a small amount of grated apple and a teaspoon of honey heated in a water bath. It is stored for only a few days, but it has an amazing effect: the face becomes moisturized and velvety. The product is applied to cleansed facial skin for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Healthy facial skin without flaws is rarely a gift from nature. Most often, this is the result of careful self-care, which is unthinkable without a good day face cream.

There are no universal means, in order to choose a really effective one, you need to take into account age, type of epidermis and other factors. A quality cream does not have to be expensive, it can be made with your own hands from available products.

The skin on the face is exposed to external influences more than on other parts of the body. It is much thinner and has practically no subcutaneous tissue, which means it is very vulnerable, which is why it needs support, both at night and during the day.

At first glance, it may seem that there is no difference between day and night cream, but it is not. Differences of means for day care:

  • delicate texture that allows the product to quickly absorb into the epidermis;
  • lower concentration of nutrients;
  • in the composition, up to 80% falls on water (the basis of the night is oils and fats).

How they work

Day creams for the face perform several important functions:

  1. Hydration. A tool used during the day should fill the cells of the epidermis with moisture and protect against its loss.
  2. Regulation of the amount of natural secretions, prevention or reduction of the intensity of oily sheen.
  3. Protection against the action of UV radiation and other negative external factors that lead to dehydration, early aging and the appearance of pigmentation.
  4. Restoring cells, reducing the severity of wrinkles, maintaining skin firmness.

A high-quality day cream can replace the base for makeup, prepare the skin for applying decorative cosmetics.

The effect of the application can be seen almost immediately after application. Within a few minutes, the feeling of tightness disappears, and with regular use, the skin acquires elasticity, a healthy color, imperfections decrease or disappear altogether.

Main Components

Day creams should include:

  1. Artesian or thermal water is the basis of the products, thanks to them they acquire a delicate texture and are applied without forming a film.
  2. Emulsifiers of vegetable, animal origin or synthetic. Their function is to make the cream as homogeneous as possible.
  3. Components that fill cells with moisture and keep it there: hyaluronic acid, panthenol, glycerin.
  4. Substances that slow down the evaporation of fluid from the skin during the day: oils (shea butter, jojoba) and beeswax.
  5. Minerals that maintain the natural balance of the skin and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands: zinc, titanium dioxide.
  6. Plant extracts and hydrosols that protect the skin from external irritants. Most often, rose water, extracts of chamomile, cornflower, aloe vera, cucumber are introduced into the composition of creams.
  7. Complex of vitamins. A (retinol) maintains healthy skin tone, stimulates cell renewal. F promotes moisture retention in the epidermis. Tocopherol (vitamin E) protects the skin from external aggressive factors. Vitamin C neutralizes radical elements, activates metabolic processes in cells, maintains skin elasticity.
  8. UV filters to protect against sun exposure.
  9. Natural acids (oleic, linoleic). Their function is to restore and maintain the lipid balance of the skin.
  10. Proteins (collagen, peptides) to keep the skin in good shape.
  11. Proxylan and other components that reduce the severity of wrinkles.

Preservatives are added to any cream of industrial production, which increase the shelf life. Even organic and natural products sold in stores contain them, albeit in small quantities.

A quality product should not clog pores and contain substances that can cause allergic reactions: mineral oils, dyes, parabens and fragrances.

For day care of the skin of the face, protection of the skin from aging and fight against imperfections, you can use other means: serums, masks.

All of them give a pronounced effect after the first use, but their cost is somewhat higher.

Favorite "beauty shots" work almost instantly and last for several months, but may have unwanted side effects.

A well-chosen day cream works more slowly, but gives a good result with constant use.

Which day face cream to choose

Do not think that day cream is a universal remedy. All of them perform different functions depending on the needs of the skin.

Several classifications can be distinguished:

  • age;
  • skin type;
  • main action.

Age matters

All modern face creams are marked for which age group they are recommended. This is not just a marketing ploy. Means differ in composition, and, accordingly, in their action.


  1. Funds for young girls 20-25 years old. The main problem at this age is oily sheen, inflammation and comedones. Day cream for this age category should be as light as possible, it should contain antibacterial and matting components.
  2. Creams for girls from 25 to 35 years old solve such problems: the first wrinkles, dull color.
  3. Products for the age category after 35 years contain a complex of vitamins and active moisturizing ingredients. The task of the product is to fight wilting, smooth out noticeable wrinkles, and prevent the appearance of age spots.
  4. Cream for mature women (45-55) should intensively moisturize, nourish and slow down the aging of the dermis.

It should be noted that this gradation is averaged and may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Choose by skin type: normal, oily, dry or sensitive

Beauticians distinguish several types of skin on the face:

  • oily;
  • normal;
  • dry;
  • combined.

Each in turn can be problematic or sensitive.

Day cream for each type has features and differs in composition.

Normal skin does not have pronounced problems, all it needs is protection and moderate hydration. Women with this type should choose a product containing natural herbal extracts, fruit acids and a UV filter.

Means for dry skin should moisturize as much as possible and protect it from external factors, prevent irritation and flaking. They must include:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • oils (olive, shea, macadamia, wheat, peach);
  • low molecular weight collagen;
  • plant extracts;
  • vitamins A and F;
  • elastin.

Some women with oily skin think they don't need a day cream (allegedly it enhances oily sheen). This leads to an aggravation of the problem. After all, the lack of moisture enhances the work of the sebaceous glands.

Products for oily skin - a product with a light texture, water-based. It should contain: salicylic acid, zinc, plant extracts (aloe vera, chamomile, cucumber), caffeine. Cream functions:

  • matting;
  • moisturizing;
  • decrease in the intensity of the sebaceous glands.

Many women complain about the combined type: oily sheen on the chin in the T-zone is accompanied by dry or normal skin on the cheeks. A day cream for this type should perform 2 functions at once: matte and moisturize. If the difference between the zones is insignificant, you can use products for normal and combination dermis. With a strong difference, cosmetologists recommend choosing daily products for each area separately.

On sale you can find creams designed for two types at once: combined and oily, or for normal and combined.

Oily, combination, and even normal skin can be problematic, i.e. prone to acne and irritation. In this case, the products should contain antibacterial, soothing and healing components:

  • sulfur;
  • zinc;
  • essential oils (tea tree, lavender, lemon);
  • retinol or its derivatives;
  • salicylic acid.

Sensitive skin reacts sharply to external factors (wind, water, outdoor and indoor temperature), hormonal fluctuations, and even nutrition. This is manifested by the appearance of redness, a feeling of tightness.

Skin of any type can have hypersensitivity. Regardless of this, the day cream should not contain fragrances, parabens, dyes. Women with sensitive skin are advised to use organic or home remedies.

Selecting the desired action

Depending on the combination of components, day creams perform different functions. Distinguish:

  1. Moisturizing. Compensate for the lack of moisture inside the cells and prevent its loss.
  2. Mattifying. Absorbs skin secretions and reduces their amount.
  3. Anti-aging. They slow down the processes of oxidation in cells, stimulate regeneration, fill with moisture and collagen.
  4. Sunscreens contain UV filters. A good day cream should have an SPF of at least 15.
  5. Whitening. Designed to combat excessive sunburn, freckles and pigment spots.
  6. Therapeutic. Eliminate dermatological problems: acne, rosacea, smooth out scars. You can use products with a therapeutic effect only as directed by a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Recently, products with a tonal effect (BB and CC creams) have become very popular.

In the cold season, as a rule, the dermis becomes drier due to the inclusion of heating in the room and needs protection from cold air and wind. Cream for winter and late autumn should be dense, contain oils and natural fats.

In spring and especially in summer, the work of the sebaceous glands is activated, so the products should be very light and have a high sun protection factor. Owners of oily dermis can replace the cream with gel-like products.

Terms of Use

The condition of the skin of the face depends not only on the type and composition of the day cream, but also on how it is applied. In order for the tool to have the maximum effect, do not forget the simple rules:

  • the application is preceded by washing and toning the skin of the face with products selected for the type of skin (it is advisable to use one series);
  • the amount of cream should be small, about the size of a pea;
  • it is advisable to take the product with a cotton swab or glass rod;
  • before applying, you need to hold a little product on your hand so that it warms up to body temperature;
  • the cream is applied to the face with soft movements along the lines of lymph movement (from the center to the edges);
  • tapping with the pads of the ring fingers will improve the penetration of active substances into the cells and improve the lymph flow;
  • after 10 minutes, the face must be blotted with a clean paper towel to remove residue.

Please note that the day face cream is not suitable for the skin of the eyelids. To care for this area, special tools are used.

To enhance the effect, it can be combined with gel, tonic, serum and night cream of the same series.

Make-up is applied only after the cream is well absorbed: after 15-20 minutes in summer, after half an hour in winter.

The main rule of healthy skin is regular care.

Store shelves are stocked with face creams. Recommendations on what to do so that the chosen remedy does not disappoint:

  1. Buy only the cream that is designed for your skin type and age. However, if there are no pronounced wrinkles at the age of 35-36, you can use products of category 30+ or ​​25+. But cream 45-50+ when used by a 25-year-old girl will not slow down aging, but will accelerate it.
  2. Carefully study the composition of the cream. After that, find out how the ingredients work.
  3. Inspect the packaging, it must be intact with clearly legible production dates.
  4. When choosing between a regular jar with a lid and a bottle with a dispenser, preference should be given to the latter. Such packaging protects the bulk of the product from contact with air and bacteria.

Do not forget about the trick of marketers - the most expensive goods are placed on the middle shelves, which are at a comfortable viewing level. Examine the creams below, it is likely that they will have an identical composition at a lower price.

Face creams should be bought only in pharmacies or specialized stores to avoid fakes.

Overview of the most popular tools

The range of day face creams is extensive, here you can find both funds available to students and elite ones, the cost of which is several thousand.

  1. Phyto-cream "Cornflower and barberry" from the popular brand "Clean Line". Designed for girls over 25 years old. The cream is 80% vegetable raw materials, easy to apply, refreshes and moisturizes the skin. Disadvantage - does not contain a UV filter.
  2. Cream "Avocado" from the company ORGANICA is intended for skin care with the first signs of aging. It contains hyaluronic acid, essential oils and collagen.

The means of the middle price segment, which are popular with women, include:

  1. "Hyaluronic" from Libre Derm is suitable for girls over 25 years old with oily skin. It has a very light structure, moisturizes all day, protects against the appearance of oily sheen and blackheads.
  2. Cream "Trio Active Ultramoisturizing" from L'Oreal Paris. The product from one of the most popular cosmetics manufacturers guarantees intensive hydration throughout the day. Included in the composition of collagen, vitamin B5 and ceramides keep the skin in good shape, prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Luxury cosmetics include:

  1. Aqualia Termall from the French brand Vichy, known throughout the world. The basis of the cream is thermal water, which gives the cream an airy texture. The hyaluronic acid included in the composition contributes to active hydration. The cream is recommended for women with oily or combination skin.
  2. UV PLUS HP SPF 40 by High UV protection cream designed for girls aged 25-30 with oily skin.

The effectiveness of a day cream, although related to its cost, depends more on the characteristics and condition of the skin.

How to make cream with your own hands

Store-bought face creams contain preservatives and synthetic substances, so some women experience irritation and allergies to them. It is especially offensive if the tool is not cheap.

An alternative to them can be creams made independently from available products. Their advantages:

  • natural composition;
  • low cost;
  • always a fresh product;
  • choice of components.

To prepare the cream, you will need non-metallic containers, whisks or spatulas. The composition of the product depends on the type of skin and the desired result.

Recipe #1

For dry, dehydrated skin, cocoa butter cream, which is sold at any pharmacy, is suitable. Compound:

  • grape seed oil - 1 tsp;
  • retinol - 1 capsule;
  • cocoa butter - 1 pack (10 grams).

The last ingredient must be placed in a ceramic bowl and melted in a water bath. After that, add the remaining ingredients and beat with a plastic spatula until completely cooled.

Recipe number 2

For oily and problematic skin, a cream is needed that will dry, cleanse and accelerate the healing of damage. To prepare such a remedy at home, you will need:

  • olive, cotton or rice oil - 10 ml;
  • salicylic acid - 1 ml;
  • tea tree oil - 3-5 drops.

All components are mixed in a dark glass bottle. After morning cleansing, the product is applied with a cotton pad or distributed with clean hands.

Recipe number 3

  • glycerin - 1 vial (50 ml);
  • gelatin - half a teaspoon;
  • honey - 35 ml (st. l. with a slide);
  • mineral water without gas - 50 ml;
  • citric acid - 1 gram.

Pour gelatin with mineral water, after swelling, put in a water bath and carefully add the remaining ingredients, constantly stirring the mass. After the cream becomes homogeneous, remove from heat and continue to beat until its temperature reaches room temperature.

Recipe number 4

Improve complexion, lighten freckles and age spots with this simple tool.

  • natural yogurt - 2 teaspoons without a slide;
  • peach oil - 5 ml;
  • tooth powder or white clay - 5 grams.

Combine all components, mix thoroughly, apply in the morning with a thin layer. This cream mattifies, and with constant use improves the color and condition of the skin.

Despite the natural composition, improper use and preparation of homemade creams can cause unwanted reactions.

  1. Follow the recipe exactly. Be especially careful with acids and essential oils. An increase in their number can cause irritation and burns.
  2. Store homemade cream in the refrigerator in an airtight glass or ceramic container for up to 2 weeks.
  3. Be sure to perform a tolerance test on the wrist or crook of the elbow before first use.

Day cream review from La Roche-Posay

I take very good care of my combination skin. Maybe that's why it doesn't give me any problems.

Among my favorite creams from the French brand La Roche-Posay with thermal water. After health problems in winter, the skin on the cheeks began to peel off, an unpleasant feeling of tightness appeared, but the forehead and nose still shone.

Since my usual cream was not available in stores, I decided to try Hydreane Legere for normal and combination skin.

Cream with a light floral scent is applied very easily and absorbed unusually quickly. After use, the skin becomes matte, but moisturized.

10 minutes after the Hydreane Legere cream, I apply foundation, do not use powder. During the day, makeup does not roll off, shine and discomfort in the cheek area does not appear.

After 2 weeks of use, the skin condition improved, the difference between dry and oily areas decreased.

Alla Kokhanenko, 27 years old

A day cream is just an aid to helping your skin look healthy and beautiful. As practice shows, much more appearance depends on genetics and lifestyle. Proper nutrition, long sleep and a minimum of bad habits sometimes work much more effectively.

Several people immediately asked about the best cream for dry skin, so I will highlight this topic in a separate post. And a brief overview about care for dry skin and what to look for.

As a rule, a cream for dry skin of the face contains a lot of fatty oils (lipids), lecithin and waxes (beeswax or flower wax) or solid shea butter, cocoa. It is these substances that create a thin barrier film that prevents moisture from evaporating and drying the skin.

But apart from the barrier, the best cream for dry skin will contain:

  • hyaluronic acid and NUF components
  • lactic acid, moisturizing amino acids
  • glycerol
  • good if there is macadamia oil
  • ceramides, phytosterols, omegas and other substances to restore the barrier

Moisturizing cream for dry skin with wild rose Dr. Scheller

Dr. Scheller, Anti-Age/De-Pigment Care, Day, Organic Wild Rose, day cream for dry skin and against age spots.

Let age spots do not confuse, as part of a light complex of fruit extracts, which will give freshness and brightness to the skin. From what we need good oils + macadamia oil + hyaluronic acid, lecithin

You can add night cream and serum to the day cream, in the kit:

Dr. Scheller, Anti-Age / De-Pigment Care, Night, Organic Wild Rose night cream with oils
Dr. Scheller, Anti-Age/De-Pigment Serum, Organic Wild Rose, serum under cream

Best cream for dry skin and very dry Weleda (my mother in law)

The German brand Weleda has an iris series, designed for dry and very dry skin. It restores the normal level of hydration, gives a long-lasting effect of moisturizing and protection against drying factors.

The series is excellent, my mother-in-law has been using it for more than a decade, she doesn’t like fragrances, these creams have a slight smell. In the composition of jojoba oil, cocoa, shea butter, beeswax, lecithin, Florentine iris root extract.

Weleda Hydrating Day Cream Iris day cream for dry to very dry skin
Weleda, Iris Hydrating Night Cream, night cream with almond, shea, cocoa, beeswax and moisturizing iris extract

Protective cream for dry skin

Here I will name two creams, they are suitable for protecting dry skin or recovering from frost and wind. They are more like ointments than creams in consistency.

I tried Skinfood, took it with me to Lapland, where there are deer and bitter cold. It is also suitable for dry hands and recovery from frost.

Weleda, Cold Cream, For Dry and Very-Dry Skin, protective cold cream for dry skin
⇒ Weleda, Skin Food, cream for dry, reddened, irritated skin

Earth Science Apricot Night Cream

Night cream for dry skin with almond and apricot oils, phytosterols, hyaluronic acid and lactic acid.

Earth Science Apricot Night Cream, apricot night cream

Acure Organics Dry Skin Cream

Two more excellent creams for normal and dry skin, which include apricot kernel oil, avocado, almond, evening primrose oil.

It restores the skin barrier and reduces moisture loss down to the level of young skin. Plus plant stem cells that restore elasticity.

Acure Organics Day Cream Gotu Kola Stem Cell + Chlorella, daily cream
Acure Organics Night Cream Argan Stem Cell + Chlorella Growth Factor, night cream

Oil for dry skin

From base oils for dry skin types argan oil, wheat germ oil, almond oil, apricot oil, pomegranate seed oil rich in omega acids, sea buckthorn, primrose, borage are especially well suited.

Oils are added to the cream if there is not enough nutrition or applied to the skin under the cream, or on top of the cream, sealing in moisture. Try different ways and choose your own.

Badger Company, Seabuckthorn Face Oil, For Normal/Dry Skin
Acure Organics, Moroccan Argan Oil, Treatment, All Skin Types, pure argan oil

It is very good to add liquid vitamin E or sea buckthorn seed oil to creams for dry skin, which contains many restorative omega acids.

If you have dry facial skin, tell us about your favorite skin care products, what creams do you use!

  • Causes of dry skin
  • How to distinguish dry skin from dehydrated
  • Dry skin care
  • Types of creams for dry skin
  • Main Components
  • Overview of funds

Causes of dry skin

In the harsh Russian climate, where in some regions of the country winter does not recede for 10 months a year, and central heating can dry the face to a desert state by November, it is difficult to find a person who is not familiar with the problem of dry skin. But besides weather and climatic conditions, it has at least two more reasons.

  1. 1

    Heredity. Like other features of the body, dry facial skin can be inherited. So if your grandmother and mother had thin skin and constantly lacked moisture, most likely the same thing awaits you.

  2. 2

    Age. Starting from the age of 25-30, the body begins to reduce the production of not only collagen and elastin, which are responsible for skin tone, but also hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for turgor. And this means that there is no timely restoration of the necessary moisture reserves, the first signs of aging appear.

Dry skin is often confused with dehydration. This is a common mistake that needs to be avoided, because the care for these problems should be different.

Dry and dehydrated skin feel similar. But the first state is permanent and, most likely, is genetically determined. And the second is reparable, often caused by external factors.

How to distinguish dry skin from dehydrated

The first thing a dermatologist will advise you to do is to answer a few questions about beauty habits, dietary habits and lifestyle in general.

Do not confuse dry skin with dehydration


Dryness is based on a violation of the barrier and water-retaining structures of the stratum corneum of the skin. The sebaceous glands produce an insufficient amount of sebum (sebum), and the epidermis has a reduced ability to retain moisture.

Dry skin among residents of Russia is much less common than combination and oily. The latter occur in 70% of women at a young age. Closer to menopause, the production of own lipids decreases, the epidermis becomes thinner, the skin becomes dry.

The main signs of dry skin:

  • pores are narrow, invisible even in the T-zone;
  • the problem of acne usually does not bother even at a young age, but small wrinkles appear earlier than in their peers;
  • the skin produces little sebum and, as a rule, remains matte, does not leave a feeling of tightness throughout the day;
  • fatigue, dull complexion, lack of radiance.


This is not a type of skin, but its temporary condition, which can be caused by two reasons. The first is damage to its own lipid barrier, which loses its ability to effectively retain water. This is mainly due to exposure to aggressive environmental factors, such as improper care, cold and windy climates or stress that the skin is exposed to, for example, during flights.

The second reason is changes in the deeper layers of the skin, including a decrease in the production of its own hyaluronic acid, which begins after 25 years. To solve problems, you need gentle cleansing, delicate exfoliation and constant hydration.

The main signs of dehydrated skin are:

  • feeling of tightness after cleansing with water;
  • small wrinkles of dehydration, peeling;
  • dull color, lack of radiance, decreased elasticity;
  • pores - narrow or enlarged; skin can be dehydrated in any type, even if oily sheen, blackheads, non-inflammatory and inflammatory rashes are present.

Dry skin care

Step by step dry skin care

Stages and means

Mode of application

Cleansing: milk

Gently removes make-up and impurities.

Apply with light massaging movements, rinse with water, then pat your face with a cotton pad dipped in tonic.

Hydration: serum

Prepares the skin for the application of the cream, ensures the delivery of moisture to the deeper layers of the skin thanks to auxiliary substances.

Use after cleansing and toning.

Nourishing and hydrating: a rich night cream and a lighter day cream

Softens the skin after washing, prepares for makeup.

Apply over serum or on slightly damp skin.

nourishing oil

Restores the lipid barrier.

With patting movements, “drive” a small amount of the product into the skin. Apply on well-cleansed skin as a standalone treatment, or apply after serum and/or cream.

Types of creams for dry skin

Of course, among the necessary there will be a variety of products. But globally, the “living wage” for dry skin is properly selected day and night creams.

Main Components

When choosing a cream for dry skin, look for the following substances in the composition.

  • Hyaluronic acid- Powerful moisturizer One of its molecules is able to hold the amount of water, 1000 times its own weight.
  • Vegetable oils(shea, macadamia, coconut, argan) in the composition of creams and concentrates act as an analogue of the natural lipid layer and do not allow moisture to evaporate, eliminate peeling and even out the relief.
  • Glycerol- another hygroscopic agent, creates a moisture-retaining barrier on the surface of the epidermis, softens and smoothes the skin.
  • Collagen has a positive effect on parameters such as firmness and elasticity.
  • Panthenol promotes skin regeneration, Instantly softens, restores comfort, eliminates peeling.
  • Vitamin E has strong antioxidant properties: protects cell membranes from free radicals, restores skin color, slows down its aging.

Overview of funds

Taking note of just one item from each table, you will provide your dry skin with complete care.

Day creams for dry skin

Day creams for dry skin.



Day cream "Luxury Nutrition", L "Oréal Paris

Works against tightness and peeling, nourishes and softens. The Pro-Calcium complex stimulates the natural protective functions of the skin.

royal jelly, oils


The caring Physio Peel complex activates the process of rejection of dead cells, the Royal Lipidium complex fills the skin with energy, starting its own lipid production process.

royal jelly, provitamin C, hazelnut extract


Restores the hydrolipidic mantle, removes tightness.

thermal water, shea butter, tocopherol, MP-lipids

Night creams for dry skin

Night creams for dry skin

Moisturizers for dry skin

Moisturizers for dry skin.



Moisturizer Top Secret Instant Moisture Glow, Yves Saint Laurent Beauté

Saturates with moisture, evens tone and relief. It also works as a makeup base.

hydroactive complex, light scattering particles

Emollience Normal to Dry Skin Moisturizer SkinCeuticals

Maintains an optimal level of hydration, gives the skin elasticity and radiance.

Brazilian algae extract, grape seed oil, rosehip oil, macadamia nut

Intensive moisturizer Hydraphase Intense Riche, La Roche-Posay

Helps retain moisture in the skin for a long time.

thermal water, fragmented hyaluronic acid

Cleansing creams for dry skin



Cleansing milk Galatée Confort, LANCÔME

Has a softening effect.

honey and sweet almond extracts


Eliminates traces of make-up and impurities without overdrying the skin.

orange oil


Eliminates make-up without disturbing the hydro-lipid barrier.

rose extract