Crafts Robot from boxes with your own hands. Robots and transformer toys made of match boxes. Robot from "Lego"

Make robots from the cast material all easier. Why? Because the robot itself consists of numerous details that we offer a child in the form of a cast material: covers, plastic, boxes, tubes, rolls from under the paper and so on. As a fastening material, we take plasticine or glue. Next, we think about how or where the robot will be located, it can be separately worth it 🙂 or attached to something: cardboard, plastic.

I will give 3 variants of craft robots using a cast material. I am sure that such a material can always be found in the house.

Option 1.

For the crafts took plastic packaging from under cookies, a roll from under the t / in paper, covers, corn constructor, corks, plow glue.

Glue fill the container, after which we glue the materials so that it turns out the robot.

Option 2.

Worked for fame. Robots came out different, not template. Occasionally it was possible to hear how children were shared by the fact that their robot can or for what he needed this item.

When someone did not succeed, I wondered, but what should work out, as it should look like and, where it should be located, showed and explained how to do without changing his rule, the craft is doing a child, not a parent (adult ). Answering, the child saw in more detail what should be the aircraft that should be done. Prophoving in rumor and discussion helps not only in creativity.

Robots are ready! Nastya, Vladik and Veronica

Option 3.

Vladik himself found a box, additional materials (they are always in access) and made a robot that he needed to play. Unplanned aircraft, which saw after was ready.

Speech games on the topic "Robot":

  • What robot? Strong, smart, complicated, manageable and so on. Children can invent their words at that moment, that is, the word "arises
  • What can make a robot? Talk, walk, perform this and then do ... and other

Developing moments of creative activity:

  • imagination: The child learns to create his own, make his work - a robot abilities;
  • motoric development and coordination of movements: This is due to plasticine and small parts;
  • speech development and vocabulary expansion:the craft can always be called, ask the child about the craft, for example, why he decided to do so, and not otherwise, what does it mean, and so on, come up with a story on it

Vlad: 5 years old 4 months and Veronica, Nastya: 5 years 1 month

Childhood is a wonderful time in which even a simple cardboard box can easily become a house for dolls, a spacecraft or a funny robot. Make a robot out of boxes with your own hands for any parent will not be difficult, especially since this process can easily involve your child, which will be delighted and from the result, and from the manufacture of crafts. In this article, you will find detailed instructions for the manufacture of a variety of robots from girlfriend.

What you may need

Before proceeding to the manufacture of a robot from the boxes with your own hands, check that you have all the tools that may be needed during the work:

In order for the work to bring you only joy, read these simple tips:

  1. Do not stick the boxes to each other with the help of PVA glue - it swings the cardboard and does not allow the product well to hold. It is also not worth resorting to the help of a pencil glue - it is too unreliable. The optimal solution will be glue - moment or adhesive gun.
  2. Let it be good to dry the layer with water-free paint before covering the product paint from the can.
  3. Treat your robot paint from the can only on the street, balcony or in the stairwell, in order to avoid inhalation of a large number of harmful evaporation.

Robot out of boxes, do it yourself made

In order to make such a workpiece for a robot:

  1. Pick the boxes of different sizes and install them one to another.
  2. Change the boxes in some places, try to make different compositions.
  3. Secure the box with glue.
  4. Clear all the connectivity of the boxes with paper scotch, so that these joints can be seen under paper or paint.
  5. If you wish, skid the entire surface of your future robot with white paper or simply paint the water-meulsion white paint.
  6. Reduce your robot at will.

Crafts with a child "Big Robot"

Great way to raise the mood to your baby at the time when it is impossible to go for a walk and you need to take it with something at home, it can be the manufacture of a robot out of the boxes with your own hands. The excellent feature of this type of creativity is that you will most likely be fully represented by the final version of your product, because you will invent the appearance of your robot on the go. To begin with, collect home all the boxes that you have. Immediately remove those in which the technique was sold, the warranty period of which has not yet expired. With the rest of the boxes you can create as much as you like. It is desirable that cardboard on the boxes is not glossy, since other materials are baptized into it.

Fold the box in several ways. Mark your hands, legs, head. Experiment! Perhaps the hands of your robot will be made at all out of the boxes, but, for example, from the old hose or foil tube for ventilation. Do not be lazy to find the materials left after repair - the remains of the plinths, the ceiling tiles, wallpaper and other.

When the image of your craft is thought out, glue parts with a glue-moment. Working with such a material as quickly drying glue, it is better not to trust the child under 10 years old. Take this part of the work on yourself.

Now smear the entire robot with PVA or pencil with a pencil and glue the paper on top. You can leave the robot in the original form.

Connect all the fantasy when decorating it: Give the child plasticine, paint, matchboxes, ropes, covers from bottles of different sizes and colors. Imitate levers and light bulbs. Such an occupation for the evening will definitely become an excellent pastime for a child from 5 to 12 years old, the main thing is that the parent itself is passionate about this moment.

Robot suit out of boxes, do it yourself created

Popular in the west holiday Halloween firmly occupies its position in Russia. Now in many schools, a party dedicated to the day of all saints, when children, and adults are glad to be changed in various characters. An excellent idea for a costume party can be a robot costume. For its manufacture you will need:

  1. Choose two boxes for the head and body. One more, and the other, respectively, is somewhat less. Check that the head can easily go to one, and in the second - the child's body.
  2. Cut a hole for the head in one box, and in the second, remove the bottom line, also ride the hole for the head and two holes for hands on top.
  3. In a box that should serve as a robot head, cut the eye hole. You can make antenna from the wire and consolidate them from the inside.
  4. Color and reorganize both boxes. Choose the paint silver to simulate the steel robot case.
  5. To put on the hands and legs to wear foil pipes or just wrap their foil.

In such a hand-made suit of a robot suit from the box from your Chad, I will definitely not be possible to stay unnoticed.

Robot made of match boxes

The robot you are going to do with your child does not necessarily have to be in full. It can well be placed on her palm, while remaining absolutely charming. In order to make a robot from matchboxes with your own hands, take 8-10 boxes, fold the robot of them and glue the boxes between themselves with any glue. Here it is possible to use even a conventional pencil glue, as the boxes are very lungs.

Now neatly tassel paint the product, pre-waiting for the complete drying of the glue. Decorate the product to your taste.

Head robot out of the box

In the event that you don't need a whole, and the child really wants to feel like this particular character, you can restrict ourselves to one helmet. Make him with your own hands the head of the robot out of the box, and it will be extremely happy. In order to make such a toy:

  1. Find the box to the size of your child's head or a little more.
  2. Well glue her so that it does not open.
  3. Throw a hole in which the head could be placed.
  4. Cut the eye hole.
  5. From the bottom you can make ties so that the helmet holds tightly on the baby's head.
  6. Paint the box with water-free and toned it from the canister.
  7. Add a grind or smile, make antennas or ears, glue a pair of temperature sensors.

Ready! Your child is not one day fascinated by the game in the robot.

Thus, you learned how to make a robot from the boxes with your own hands and realized that such an occupation could be turned into a passion for you and your child. Show a little fantasy and even the usual material will be able to instill your child.

The robot is one of the most beloved crafts for children of all ages. Figures can be made independently from different and sometimes even unexpected materials: from unnecessary boxes to edible mastic. Consider in detail what methods can be made by a robot quickly and easily with their own hands. Descriptions and step-by-step photos are shown below.

We make different robots with your own hands in step-by-step master classes

Robot Bibi Crochet.

One of the most pretty and funny characters is Bibi's robot from all the favorite "Smesharikov". The round figurine is easy to connect with a crochet from the remnants of a colorful yarn.

Necessary materials:
  • acrylic or cotton yarn yellow and turquoise, as well as some black, brown, green and red thread;
  • hook suitable size;
  • sintepon;
  • cardboard;
  • wire;
  • needle;
  • scissors.
Operating procedure.

Yellow threads are gaining two hinges and closed them into the ring, we bind it with 6 columns without Nakid. In the second row, there are 12 columns without a Nakid, then in each row evenly add 6 columns to 6 columns. From 9 to 16 row knit without add-ons, in each row it should be 48 columns. With a 17 row we reduce the loop in the reverse order, until it turns out the round blank. As you knit, you feed the part of the Sintepona.

Establish to knitting the case. For one detail, we recruit the turquoise-colored threads two air loops, closing them into the ring and we are tied up with 6 columns without Nakid. In the second row, there are 12 columns without Nakid. In the third and subsequent rows, we make uniform gains of 6 columns, alternating classic and embossed columns. In the 9th row, they check the last increase, 54 columns should be turned out without Nakid. The next row knit without add-ons, then we bind the harvest with semi-brass, introducing a hook for the back wall of the loops. In 12 row, we alternate 2 columns without Nakida, a bump of 4 unfinished columns with an attachment and 8 columns without a Nakid. Then in 13 row we are taking the resulting half factor with columns without a nakid and tear the thread. Similarly, knit the second part. You can use other cable knitting schemes.

We collect the yellow base and details of the housing, leaving the place under the eyes. From the thread of turquoise color knit arbitrary handles and attach them to the body. Then, from cropping threads, knit wheels, antenna, decorative keys and light bulbs, eyes. Send details to the figure, embroider pupils and glare on the eyes. In the antenna, pre-insert the wire and tighten it with a helix. Threads cut and carefully refuel. Robot Bibi ready!

Soft toy from felt.

Who said that the robot must necessarily be made of metal and plastic or, at worst, cardboard? A funny robot girl from felt may well replace a soft toy or a miniature figurine amigurum.

For the manufacture of a small toy in amigurumi style from soft felt or fleece, cut the square details of the following dimensions:

  • 4.5 cm for torso;
  • 3.5 cm for head;
  • 2.0 cm for legs;
  • 1.5 cm for hands.

For each part of the body, you will need 6 squares. If desired, the size of the blanks can be significantly increased so that you can sew a large soft toy.

I cut the blanks without letters or with minimal allowances of 1-2 mm. We sew the items on each side with a mixture seam until a cube is obtained. Before you glue the last side, we feed the workpiece with a syntheph or other filler. Watch that the fibers of the filler are not sticking along the edges of the cube, if necessary, cut off.

Similarly, we sew all parts of the body of the future robot and connect them with a needle and a thread or a glue pistol. Send eyes from semi-sin, embroider eyelashes, if you wish, we sew a bow and other decorations. The miniature figure can be issued as a fridge magnet, keyfob or brooch.

Robot out of boxes.

A funny and very cute robot is obtained from unnecessary boxes. You can use the boxes entirely to get a large-size product, or trimming a box corrugated cardboard for obtaining a miniature figurine.

To make a small robot out of boxes, you can use the following template.

The pattern of the desired size is transferred to the cardboard and gently fold the parts along the bending lines. In order not for the ribbon chances and folds, the stationery knife should be used. In the details for the head, we carefully make slits in the form of eyes and nose, if desired, the shape of the holes can be modified. We glue all the allowances with the help of PVA or "moment" and collect the figure, starting with the case. Hands and legs can be made on a hinge attachment so that they can move.

If you have ready-made neat and clean boxes of suitable size, you can use them. This method is perfect for beginners. Similarly, you can make a robot from other, more durable materials - wood or plywood. In this case, it is necessary to cut out of the plywood of the workpiece of the required size, to take the edges and glue them into cubes using adhesive tape. Next, the assembly is carried out by analogy with the figure of cardboard or finished boxes.

Robot made of match boxes.

Simple and pretty robot can be made from match boxes.

For the manufacture of the crafts, it will take 9 match boxes, colored paper and glue. Five boxes for pens, legs and heads to salary with colored paper, on the head blank to draw an image of a face with a black marker. The four remaining box glue together and get the resulting billet with colored paper. Collect a robot, if desired, decorate it: make antennas from matches or chopsticks, stick or draw additional items.

Robot from packs of cigarettes.

The classic handicraft of our childhood is a robot from a pack of cigarettes. It will take several empty packs and glue for its manufacture.

Of 8 packs we collect the housing, we glue the head on top, putting cigarette packs perpendicular to the case. From the covers we make ears and mouth. We collect legs of three packs each and put on them a housing with a glued head. Of the two bundles we make a hand bent in the elbow. We glue the handles to the housing in the places of the covers. We make a robot face, from pieces of cardboard we make eyes and antennas.

Applique of geometric shapes.

Even kids can easily cope with the manufacture of the image of the robot - a fun applique from geometric shapes.

It is necessary to draw in advance and cut the geometric shapes of different shapes and size: circles, rectangles, squares, triangles. With the help of PVA and the adhesive pencil glue, together with the child, the shapes on the sheet of paper so that the image of the robot is. Drawing small details with marker or design background. This work will teach kids to navigate in colors, sizes and forms, will develop a small motorcy.

Earrings "Robot" from wire.

In the form of a robot, you can make an unusual decoration - original wire earrings and large beads.

Cut the wire on the segments of the same size and make thick spirals from them, winding onto the rod or thin tube. From the wire, four spirals and two white beads or silver colors fold the head, the wires of the wire are made to a large color bead and extend to the sides for the formation of hands. For each hand, two spirals and four small beads will be required. Having folded the robot, proceed to the formation of the body and legs. To do this, again we skip the ends of the wire through a large color bead and make legs consisting of two spirals and a small bead each. Fix and cut wire. Similarly, we make the second earrings, attaching the tween.

Robot from plastic bottles.

From the cast material you can make a variety of crafts. A very unusual and original robot figurine is obtained from plastic bottles.

In order to make such a robot, it is necessary using a stationery knife to cut the neck and the bottom of the bottle for the body, as well as cut curly parts for hand and legs. As decorative elements and fasteners, we use covers and other parts from plastic containers. With the help of sewing, we make holes in the right places and combine all the blanks with wire. Fix the wire and hiding it inside the figurines.

Robot made of mastic.

Edible robot can be made of mastic and decorate them cake for a children's holiday.

For the manufacture of such a figurine, the food mastic of red, blue and white is required. Each item is lyre individually and connect with toothpicks or glue. Last but we draw out face and make additional details. Candles for cake can be used as antennas.

Video selection on the topic of the article

Other robots options you will learn to do, looking below the video.

On the shelves of modern stores for children, you can find a large number of diverse toys. And every child asks for the parents to buy it, one or another toy "new clothes". And if the family budget planning does not come in? In order to save it, you can try to make a new toy yourself. For example, how to make a robot at home, is it possible? Yes, it is quite possible, it is enough to prepare the necessary materials.

Is it possible to collect a robot yourself?

Now it's hard to surprise someone with a robot toy. The modern technological and computer industry stepped far ahead. But still you can surprise information on how to make a simple robot at home.

It is indisputable, it is difficult to understand the principle of operation of various microcircuits, electronics, programs and structures. It is difficult to do in this case without basic knowledge in the field of physics, programming and electronics. Even despite this, each person is able to assemble the robot on their own.

A robot is called an automated machine that is capable of performing various actions. In the case of a self-made robot, it is sufficient that the machine is simply moving.

Reformed assembly will help breed funds: handset, plastic bottle or plate, toothbrush, old camera or computer mouse.

Vibrating bug

How to make a little robot? At home, you can make the simplest variant of the vibrating bug. Need to be stockpit:

  • motor from the old children's typewriter;
  • lithium battery of the CR-2032 series, similar to a tablet;
  • holder for this very pill;
  • paper clips;
  • tape;
  • soldering iron;
  • lED.

First, it is necessary to wind the LED with a tape, leaving free tips at the same time. Soldering iron solder one LED end with the back wall of the holder for the battery. The remaining tip solder with the contact of the motor from the machine. Clips will serve as a vibrating bug. Wiring from the battery holder are connected to the wires of the motor. The bug will vibrate and move after contacting the holder with the battery itself.

Brushbot - Children's Fun

So how to make a mini robot at home? A funny car can be collected from girlfriend, such as a toothbrush (head), double-sided tape and vibromotor from an old mobile phone. It is enough to glue the motor to the brush head, and everything is a robot ready.

Power supply will appear thanks to a flat battery. For remote control, you have to come up with something.

Cardboard robot

How to make a robot at home, if a child requires him? You can come up with an interesting toy from simple cardboard.

Need to stock:

  • two cardboard boxes;
  • 20 covers from plastic bottles;
  • wire;
  • scotch tape.

It happens that Dad wants to make a sort of sickness for the baby, but nothing sensible comes to mind. Therefore, you might think how to make a real robot at home.

First you need to use a box as a trunk for a robot and cut the bottom. Then you need to make 5 holes: under the head, for hands and legs. In a box designed for the head, you need to make one hole that will help to connect it with the torso. For fastening parts of the robot, a wire is used.

After joining the head, you need to think about how to make the hand of the robot at home. To do this, the wires are encouraged into the side openings, on which plastic covers are worn. We get moving hands. Also act with your feet. Make holes in the lids can be seeded.

For the stability of a cardboard robot, close attention should be paid to cuts. They give the toy a good appearance. It is difficult to connect all parts with an incorrect cut line.

If you decide to glue boxes among themselves, do not overdo it with the amount of glue. It is better to use a solid cardboard or paper.

Simple robot

How to make a light robot at home? It is difficult to create a full-fledged automated machine, but you can still collect minimal design. Consider the simplest mechanism that, for example, will be able to perform certain actions in the same zone. The following materials will be needed:

    Plastic plate.

    A pair of medium-sized brushes to clean the shoes.

    Computer fans in the number of two pieces.

    Battery connector 9-B and battery itself.

    Clamp and screed with snap function.

We drill two holes in the plate for brushes with the same distance. Krepim them. Brushes should be located at the same distance from each other and the middle of the plates. With the help of nuts, we attach the adjusting mount to the brushes. In the middle location, we set the sliders from the mounts. For robot movements, you need to use computer fans. They are connected to the battery and are placed in parallel to ensure the rotation of the machine. It will be a kind of vibrating motor. Finally, you must throw the terminals.

In this case, you will not need large financial costs or any technical or computer experience, because it describes in detail how to make a robot at home. Get the necessary details is not difficult. To improve the motor design functions, you can use microcontrollers or additional motors.

Robot, as in advertising

Probably, many are familiar to the browser commercial, in which the main character is a small robot, spinning and drawing figures figures on paper. How to make a robot at home from this advertising? Yes, very simple. To create such an automated cute toys, you need to stock:

  • three markers;
  • dense cardboard or plastic;
  • motor;
  • round battery;
  • foil or tape;
  • glue.

So, we create a form for a robot of plastic or cardboard (more precisely, cut out). It is necessary to make a triangular shape with rounded corners. In each corner, we do a small hole in which the marker can crawl. One hole do near the center of the triangle for the motor. We obtain 4 holes all over the perimeter of the triangular form.

Then we insert the markers in turn in the holes done. You need to attach a battery to the motor. This can be done with glue and foil or tape. In order for the motor tightly held on the robot, it is necessary to fix it with a small amount of glue.

The robot will move only after joining the second wiring to the fixed battery.

Robot from "Lego"

"Lego" - a series of toys for children, which consists mainly of the details of the constructor connecting to one element. Details can be combined, while creating more and more new items for games.

Collect such designer love almost all children from 3 to 10 years. In particular, child interest is increasing, if you can collect a robot from the details. So, to assemble the moving robot from "Lego", it is necessary to prepare the details, as well as a miniature motor and control unit.

In addition, ready-made sets with details are now sold, allowing you to collect your own robot. The main thing is to master the attached instructions. For instance:

  • cooking the details as indicated in the instructions;
  • screw the wheels if they are;
  • we collect fasteners that will serve as support for the motor;
  • insert a battery into a special block or even a few;
  • install the engine;
  • we connect it to the motor;
  • we load a special program in the design memory that allows you to control the toy.

It would seem that the robot is quite difficult to collect, and so man without certain knowledge will not succeed. But it is not. Of course it is difficult to build a full-fledged automated car, but each can do the simplest option. It is enough to read our article on how to make a robot at home.

Olga Grunina

Robotics - Fascinating occupation at any age. Designing homemade robot not only an exciting occupation, but also

the process of knowledge in many areas. And not necessarily be an engineer to create robot, at least from the girlfriend.

Education robotics It is becoming increasingly important and relevance at present. Classes for robotics The child acquainted with the laws of the real world, teach apply theoretical knowledge in practice, develop observation, thinking, intelligence, creativity.

For work you will need:

Two boxes, covers, jars, christmas garland, self-tier paper, glue.


1. Develop a shallow motorcy.

2. To introduce children with the world robots.

3. Develop the creative abilities and logical thinking of children.

4. Form interest in the world of science, technology.

5. Promote the development of design skills.

6. Develop speech, thinking, imagination.

Whose is heard there?

Came to work robot.

Muscles metal,

Thoughts electric.

The robot lamp was coming,

Robot paw wax:

"Look, guys,

How I scratched me! "

Valentin Berestov

Science Day in kindergarten

Plug the suitable boxes with self-keys.

It is useful for non-working New Year Garland and sticks from hangers.

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