How to get rid of pores on face at home. Effective formulations based on natural products. Facial cleansing

Are you looking for effective ways to remove enlarged pores on your face that aggravate already problematic skin? We will tell you how to get rid of them: find out and eliminate the causes, take a course of salon procedures, provide decent skin care, choose branded products and homemade masks.

Pores are small openings in the channels of the sebaceous and sweat glands on the surface of the skin. Thanks to them, thermoregulation is carried out. Through them, fat and sweat are removed, the epidermis is moistened and softened, protection from various dangerous external factors and drying is provided. The problem with them usually occurs in owners of oily or combination skin. The sebaceous glands produce an excessive amount of secretion, which contributes to the expansion of pores and becomes dangerous to health. They accumulate keratinized epithelium, dirt, fat. There is a blockage of the mouths of the hair follicles, acne and comedones are formed. Bacteria are activated that provoke the appearance of pustules, infiltrates, boils, abscesses and other inflammations. Usually, enlarged pores on the face most noticeable on the nose, forehead, chin (the same T-zone), less often on the cheeks.

Causes of enlarged pores

With oily skin type, too much sebaceous secretions accumulate in the pores, as the glands do not work properly - in an enhanced mode. Now imagine what will happen if the elastic container is stuffed with something to the limit - it will stretch. The same thing happens with pores. It usually begins during puberty, and over time the problem only gets worse. Deeper causes enlarged pores on the face lie in hormonal disorders, internal diseases and the individual characteristics of each individual person:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • hormonal disorders that occur in the female body during pregnancy, lactation, taking hormonal contraceptives, menopause, menopause;
  • pubertal age (13-17 years);
  • adverse environmental factors;
  • unbalanced diet, if the diet contains too many carbohydrates, spices, animal fats;
  • bad habits;
  • incorrect, insufficient skin care: poor-quality cleansing, use of the wrong (inappropriate or cheap) cosmetics, excessive use of foundation and powder;
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • digestive problems;
  • malfunctions of the nervous system;
  • weak immunity;
  • an excess of ultraviolet radiation (permanent tanning).

Try to understand why the pores on the face are enlarged in your case. This will help to take a number of very useful measures that, along with the main methods of treatment, will allow you to get rid of adversity. For example, if hormones are to blame, it makes sense to seek help from an endocrinologist. You can put things in order in your cosmetic bag and normalize nutrition on your own. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system are best left to the appropriate specialists. So eliminate the root cause - and be taken directly to the treatment. If you want to achieve maximum effect, start right away with effective measures - salon procedures.

Did you know that... In dermatology, pores are called the lungs of the skin.

Salon procedures

If you sign up for salon procedures for enlarged pores on the face, then get both a specialist consultation and a course of sessions that will significantly improve the condition of your skin. Since beauty and youth are in trend today, and hardware cosmetology continues to develop at a rapid pace, the modern beauty industry offers women numerous methods and techniques that not only narrow, but also thoroughly clean enlarged, gaping pores with large holes.

  1. Darsonvalization- exposure to the skin with ultrasound, which perfectly causes the pores to narrow to normal sizes.
  2. Disincrustation- cleansing of enlarged pores by electrophoresis in combination with alkaline agents.
  3. injection mesotherapy- the introduction of cocktails of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, homeopathic components, phosphatidylcholine, amino acids.
  4. Cryotherapy- treatment of enlarged pores with cold, which causes them to narrow.
  5. Laser- one of the most popular and effective ways to remove enlarged pores on the face (in particular, photorejuvenation). It acts pointwise and is characterized by minimal trauma.
  6. Mechanical cleaning face, which is often prescribed for this cosmetic defect, raises doubts among dermatologists. Yes, it removes all skin debris, but it does not always help to narrow enlarged pores, but it is characterized by increased soreness.
  7. Microdermabrasion- cleansing the skin with a diamond tip. Works exactly the same as peeling. You can buy a device for home use.
  8. Peeling fruit acids is still more effective, because due to the burning of the surface (keratinized) layer of the epidermis, the bottom of the pores rises, and they become much smaller.
  9. Plasmolifting- injection of plasma of one's own body under the skin.
  10. Professional masks based on algae, clay, polymers and other innovative and natural ingredients will help to cope with this scourge.

In the beauty parlor, after the examination, the specialist will tell you, how to remove enlarged pores on the face in your case. It will be based on skin type, individual characteristics, health status and the root cause of this scourge. Yes, you will have to pay a rather large amount for a full course of several procedures. However, the results will undoubtedly please you: not only the size of the pores will decrease, but also the number of wrinkles will decrease, and the complexion will improve, and the skin will become firm and elastic. And if at the same time you also provide proper care for your epidermis, there will be no trace of misfortune.

Useful advice. Going to the salon for a procedure that helps narrow the enlarged pores on the face should be in winter or early spring. Otherwise, ultraviolet light will negate their therapeutic and cosmetic effect.

Skin care for enlarged pores

It should immediately be noted that care for a face with enlarged pores - it is a very painstaking task and requires considerable strength and patience. On the one hand, these are necessary measures, without which the recovery process can drag on for an indefinite period. On the other hand, without the same salon procedures and cosmetics, the result may turn out to be too weak. It is possible to achieve a slight narrowing and purification, but only a set of tireless and daily actions can completely get rid of the problem. So, what to do with enlarged pores on the face: advice from dermatologists and cosmetologists.

  1. Carry out home cryotherapy: every morning, start by rubbing your face with ice cubes, in which pieces of fruit, herbs, herb leaves can be frozen.
  2. Twice a week, steam the skin over a steam bath with medicinal herbs and arrange a total cleaning with scrubs. Home peeling works wonders for oily and problematic skin.
  3. After that - make homemade masks with cosmetic clay, egg white, fruits or berries, which narrow enlarged pores.
  4. Wash not with tap water, which only contributes to even greater slagging of enlarged skin pores, but with herbal decoctions, rose or micellar water.
  5. Add essential oils of cumin, dill, fennel, cedar, pine, spruce to skin care products with enlarged pores.
  6. Practice contrasting washes. But hot water is excluded - only warm.
  7. Normalize nutrition, on which the condition of the skin depends. It can even narrow down very enlarged pores, if you exclude fatty, sweet, salty, pickled, smoked, flour foods, carbonated drinks, alcohol from the daily diet.
  8. Apply makeup not with your hands, but with a sponge that absorbs all excess fat.
  9. Use foundation creams and powders as little as possible, giving preference only to those that are designed specifically for skin with enlarged pores.
  10. Humidify and ventilate the premises regularly. Breathe fresh air daily.
  11. Don't be nervous and don't worry.
  12. Strengthen immunity.

Here how to deal with enlarged pores on the face are advised by cosmetologists who know a lot about this. So you should already have an idea of ​​​​the action plan: identifying and eliminating the root cause - consulting a specialist - a course of salon procedures - regular and appropriate care. In the meantime, we will be engaged in the selection of cosmetics for this type of skin.

On a note. Some owners of enlarged pores on the face almost every day arrange peelings for them for total cleaning. However, too frequent, they act in the opposite direction - they contribute to their even greater pollution and expansion. So there must be a golden mean in everything.

Brand funds

A drying remedy for enlarged pores on the face can be purchased at a pharmacy (good store) or prepared at home. If you want an instant effect and there is no extra time, a small rating branded products will help you make the appropriate choice.

  1. Pore ​​Control Powder Serum - serum to narrow enlarged pores. The Skin House. South Korea. $33.
  2. Tightening Plus Toner - facial toner with enlarged pores. The Skin House. South Korea. $24.9
  3. Egg Pore Silky Smooth Balm is a primer for narrowing enlarged pores. Tony Moly. South Korea. $21.
  4. Pore ​​Tightening Lotion - lotion for skin with enlarged pores. mizon. South Korea. $20.7.
  5. No Sebum Mineral Pact - Special powder for enlarged pores on the face with minerals to eliminate sebum. Innisfree. South Korea. $12.4.
  6. Normaderm Nuit Detox - night cream for faces with enlarged pores. Vichy. France. $9.4.
  7. luxury food - butter for faces with enlarged pores. L'Oreal Paris. France. $8.4
  8. Perfect Pore BB - BB cream for masking enlarged pores. The Saem Saemmul. South Korea. $7.8.
  9. Propeller is a mattifying cream-primer for masking enlarged pores on the face. Russia. $1.8.
  10. Badyaga-forte - ointment from enlarged pores on the face. Russia. $1.2.

Now you know how to narrow the enlarged pores on the face with the help of branded cosmetics. Owners of oily skin type should have a special cosmetic bag, which is very important to form correctly. This small top will allow you to do everything wisely and not make a mistake with the purchase. If you prefer natural products, it is best to cook it yourself at home.

home remedies to shrink pores on face

Are you looking for the most effective ways to get rid of enlarged pores on your face at home? Homemade masks - that's what will allow you to eliminate this cosmetic defect.

  • with clay

The best mask for enlarged pores on the face at home that you can prepare is with white cosmetic clay. Mix 15 g of kaolin, 10 ml of glycerin, 2 drops of fennel ether. Dilute all this with 30 ml of still mineral water. Whisk until creamy.

  • with ethers

Mix 1 drop of mint and lemon esters, 5 ml of jojoba and hazelnut cosmetic oils, leave for an hour.

  • With linden

A good face mask is obtained from enlarged pores from lime blossom, 15 g of which in a crushed state is poured into 100 ml of hot water, heated over low heat for about 15 minutes.

  • orange mask

Grind the pulp of an orange and apply an orange gruel to the problem area of ​​​​the face.

  • Berry

Mix 30 g of strawberry puree with egg white. Add 10 gr/ml each of starch and vegetable oil.

  • oatmeal

Mix 15 g of oatmeal and chopped dry lemon zest, add egg white, 10 ml of lemon juice.

Problematic facial skin with enlarged pores requires special care, it should not be taken too lightly, expecting that this cosmetic defect will pass by itself. This is fraught with the formation of all kinds of inflammation that can trigger purulent processes. The result is an appearance spoiled by scars and scars, internal complexes, belated and protracted treatment, and complications. You do not need to allow all this: if you have become a hostage to this cosmetic defect, take it seriously. Moreover, this is not forever: after 30 years, in 90% of women, oily skin becomes normal and the problem of enlarged pores goes away on its own. But at the same time, you must take care of it with all responsibility.

Salon and home methods for eliminating enlarged pores on the face

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Are there many people in the world, Are there many people in the world who can boast of perfectly clean and smooth skin? Perhaps much less than the reasons why we are forced to turn to cosmetologists and plastic surgeons.

Enlarged pores on the face- one of the most common aesthetic defects, which definitely does not add to our attractiveness, and in the absence of timely treatment can permanently ruin the skin.

Why are we being punished like this? At what point should you sound the alarm and who to turn to for help?

Why do pores expand?

Most often, oily skin of the face suffers from this defect, mainly the T-zone (forehead, wings of the nose and chin), a little less often - the cheeks. The fact is that the pores are designed to remove sebum from the body, and if it is produced too much, and the skin tone is weakened, they quickly increase in size. Wide pores are easily clogged with dirt, fat accumulates in their trunks, comedones appear, etc. There are, in fact, two main reasons why this can happen - genetics and age. There are many more provoking factors:

  • Increased production by the body of the male hormone androgen, which stimulates the sebaceous glands (the more active it is, the wider the pores will be).
  • Hormonal changes during adolescence and after menopause.
  • Other hormonal disorders caused by diseases or taking a number of pharmacological drugs.
  • Abuse of sunbathing and solarium - causes dehydration of the skin and, as a result, activation of the sebaceous glands.
  • The excessive use of decorative cosmetics, its poor quality, insufficient cleaning of the skin of the face - applied products, as well as sebaceous fat and dead epidermal cells clog pores, preventing them from narrowing.
  • Systematic stress and nervous disorders, weakened immunity, alcohol abuse, smoking
  • Improper nutrition - the use of fast food, smoked meats, fried and fatty foods.
  • Disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular - constipation.

Many women prefer to ignore the problem, covering it up with corrective means, and men even believe that enlarged pores are not a cause for concern. However, the lack of proper treatment over time leads to persistent and often irreversible changes that can no longer be masked with cosmetics: the skin becomes loose, like dough, and porous, like an orange peel.

Is it possible to narrow the pores and how to do it?

Skin rejuvenation technique by exposing it to high frequency radio waves. As a result, helical collagen fibers twist, tighten soft tissues behind them, restore good skin tone, thereby reducing the size of pores. Additionally, the production of its own hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen is launched, blood circulation improves and cellular metabolism normalizes. The standard course consists of 4-6 sessions every 7-10 days. The cumulative effect of radiolifting finally manifests itself after 3-4 months and lasts from 1 to 3 years, depending on the characteristics of the skin. Ultrasound therapy or phonophoresis The use of ultrasonic waves to improve the permeability of cell membranes with the application of drugs and meso-cocktails to the skin. At the same time, under the influence of ultrasound, an antibacterial effect is observed, stimulating the production of young cells, and improving local blood circulation. The course of ultraphonophoresis may consist of 10-15 or more procedures that are performed every day or every 2-3 days. Of particular importance for the effectiveness and duration of the result is the correctness of the selected medicines. Gentle, painless and safe method of cleaning the surface of the skin and pores, smoothing the skin relief and improving its quality. Very often, ultrasonic peeling is performed before or in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures in order to increase their effectiveness. Cleaning and rejuvenation of the surface layers of the skin with ablative lasers, after which regenerative processes in the skin are launched, the production of elastin and collagen is stimulated, the quality of the skin improves, and its healthy appearance returns. Cryotherapy Exposure of the skin to low temperatures, including hardware cryomassage using liquid nitrogen and a visit to the cryosauna. Cold treatment activates metabolic processes, improves skin condition and noticeably tightens pores after the first procedure. The course consists of 5-6 or more sessions, depending on the reaction of the skin to cold.

Other procedures for the treatment of enlarged pores

What is the point?
Complex facial cleansing One of the most popular cosmetic procedures, which is a combination of hardware and mechanical cleaning of the skin, cold or hot steaming, a variety of massage effects, applying masks, serums and creams from professional lines of cosmetic products (selected by a cosmetologist depending on the condition of the skin and its type). The result is a deep cleansing of the pores, their narrowing, alignment of the color and relief of the skin, inflammation and rashes are reduced. It is recommended to visit a beauty parlor for deep complex cleaning at least 2-4 times a year.
To narrow the pores, as a rule, superficial and median peels are used. Lasting results after several sessions of surface peeling (glycolic, enzyme, almond, etc.) or one medium (TCA or trichloroacetic acid, phenolic, retinol, etc.).
Care on the lines of specialized professional cosmetics Such drugs are in the assortment of almost all popular brands. Among them there are creams, lotions, masks, serums, emulsions and other external products that are designed specifically to solve the problem of enlarged pores and contain retinol, fruit acids, plant extracts and other active ingredients. They can be used in complexes of cosmetic procedures, in addition, you can ask the beautician to select these products for home maintenance care.

Pore ​​enlargement prevention

At home, completely or for a long time, it is quite problematic to solve the problem of skin porosity, but there are certain recommendations that will help to maintain the result achieved after visiting a beautician for a long time:

  • Thoroughly cleanse your face in the morning and especially in the evening, after applying makeup, use special cleansers without alcohol and aggressive detergents, wash your face with cold or cool water.
  • Regularly wipe the skin of the face with an ice cube from purified or boiled water, chamomile decoction.
  • For facial care, use cosmetic products specially designed for oily and porous skin.
  • Regularly, but not more than 1-2 times a week, cleanse the skin with soft scrubs and peels.
  • Pay attention to your diet - give up smoked meats, fast food, spicy and fried foods, reduce the amount of alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Do not squeeze pimples or comedones with your fingers - this injures and stretches the skin around the pores.

Expert opinions

cosmetologist "", candidate of medical sciences:

Reduction of pores is one of the complex and difficult tasks in cosmetology. Constant and meticulous skin care is essential. Regular cleaning procedures, ultrasonic cleaning. Also, we use the hydromechano-peeling procedure, which allows you to cleanse the pores of excess sebaceous secretion and introduce therapeutic serums in a non-injection way. In addition to those listed above, the most effective methods include the following:

  • microcurrent therapy with regular use also leads to a decrease in pores;
  • photorejuvenation - a course of procedures (carried out in the autumn-winter period);
  • laser procedures (rejuvenation, resurfacing).

All of them are carried out in our clinic. And at home, proper care is needed: thorough cleansing, soft peels, creams that are correctly selected for skin type (enlarged pores are more common with oily skin). Such supportive care is also necessary after the implementation of hardware techniques, and it is desirable that all means are selected by a doctor.

The main thing - you need to understand that it is impossible to completely remove the pores. You can reduce them using hardware techniques in the clinic and maintain the result at home with the help of creams and serums, cleansing. Courses of hardware methods should be periodically repeated, since they give only a temporary result.

Enlarged pores most often bother the owners combination and oily skin types. Less common in people with dry skin.

Comprehensive care and thorough cleansing is required, otherwise inflammation may appear. Cosmetic procedures help reduce the visibility of pores and even completely eliminate this shortcoming.

Reasons for the appearance

Enlarged pores appear forehead, nose and chin.

The most common reason for the appearance is excessive work of the sebaceous glands.

Therefore, enlarged pores often appear during puberty and turn into acne.

Insufficient cleansing and poor-quality decorative and caring cosmetics can lead to their formation. Dehydration has the same effect.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, malnutrition, gynecological diseases, hormonal disruptions contribute to their appearance. In this case, there is an inflammatory process.

It also happens genetic predisposition to enlarged pores.

Treatment in the salon

Very enlarged pores on the face: what to do? Beauticians offer a number of procedures to solve this problem. How to deal with enlarged pores selected individually, based on the characteristics of the skin and the causes.

Injection techniques

Injections involve subcutaneous injection of special preparations into the deep layers of the epidermis:

This technique is considered more gentle, since the skin is not injured.

Hardware methods

Skin treatment is performed using a variety of devices. The procedures differ in the way they are carried out, the duration of the result and the recovery period. Some techniques adapted for home skin care:

Gentle and safe way to cleanse. It is possible to carry out even at home.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

How to help the skin at home?

How to remove enlarged pores on the face at home? Solve the problem of enlarged pores possible without the help of a beautician. There are skin care products at home. It is important to know that the skin needs not only deep cleansing, but also additional care.

Daily cleansing, thorough make-up removal, weekly peels is the required minimum. Cleaned pores must be tightened to prevent dirt and dust from entering. This will help special tonics, lotions, creams, emulsions and serums.

Folk remedies

Traditionally, a decoction of flowers is used to combat enlarged pores. pharmaceutical chamomile and lime blossom.

The ingredients can be bought at any pharmacy.

Boil herbs in boiling water and cool until warm. Wipe the skin with a decoction in the morning and evening. Store the product in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

The effect will be better, if you additionally add lime juice or half a lemon and a teaspoon of honey. You can also cook cosmetic ice and apply in the same way. In this case, the visible result will appear immediately.

Easier to prepare The remedy is lemon water. Pour boiling water over the cut lemon and insist for an hour. Apply twice a day. Not suitable for sensitive and irritated skin.

You can learn how to get rid of comedones on the face from ours.

Ointments and creams

Creams and ointments will not be able to completely cope with this problem alone. However, they will help to narrow the pores and maintain the result from the use of masks.

Perfect cream for skin with enlarged pores, it should have a light texture, absorb quickly and not leave a greasy or sticky feeling.

It should also have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects and not overdry the skin.

Have a positive effect on the skin essential oils:

Also in the composition of products intended for narrowing pores, there are salicylic, lactic and glycolic acids.

However, creams containing acids are only suitable for temporary use. Also, they are not recommended for use in the warm season.

Mask Recipes

Masks are considered the most effective way to deal with enlarged pores at home. Clay masks are the most popular. They remove impurities and normalize the sebaceous glands.

Clay can not be poured with boiling water, otherwise it loses its useful properties. It should be diluted with warm water.

  1. Black clay mask with activated carbon deeply cleans pores and helps to narrow them, reduces the number of blackheads. Mix a tablespoon of clay with two crushed charcoal tablets and pour water over it. Apply to the skin in a thick layer and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  2. white clay mask with lemon juice tightens pores and has a slight whitening effect. Pour boiling water over lemon slices and insist until the water cools down. Mix two tablespoons of lemon water with one tablespoon of clay. Apply to skin and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Blue clay mask with oatmeal cleanses the skin, dries out rashes, tightens pores and evens out complexion. Pour a tablespoon of chopped oatmeal with warm water and insist until it swells. Dilute a tablespoon of clay with water and mix with oatmeal. Apply the mixture on your face and leave until completely dry.

Contraindications and frequency of use

Clay masks are applied 1-2 times a week.

Can be applied all over the face or just forehead, nose and chin.

Clay masks are rarely suitable for owners of dry and sensitive skin due to the drying effect.

Blue clay is suitable for all skin types, but it also needs to be applied. carefully.

The most aggressive is black clay, which gives deep cleansing and narrowing of pores.


Comprehensive and regular care helps to reduce the visibility of pores, but each case needs an individual approach. A quick result can only be obtained at an early stage. It will take a long time to put in order greatly enlarged and clogged pores.

Proper determination of the cause and appropriate care for the skin type - the main conditions for successful problem solving. You should seek help from a beautician if self-care does not work or the skin condition worsens.

You can learn how to get rid of enlarged pores on the face from the video:

Clear, beautiful skin is the dream of many women, especially those who have to deal with problematic skin every day. Enlarged pores are a common problem faced by many. It can be caused by heredity, aging or exposure to the sun. Do not forget that enlarged pores are the harbingers of acne and blackheads.

Pores are an important part of our body, they help keep our skin soft and hydrated, but enlarged pores can cause problems. Sun exposure, improper skin care, beauty products, acne, dehydration are some of the causes of enlarged pores.

Large pores are noticeable and can lead to various skin problems. Their main problem is clogging with dirt and grease. Further contamination of the pores causes acne. Acne is one of the common problems caused by clogged pores. Oily or very dry skin is most prone to enlarged pores. Usually large pores are quite visible on the face and look unattractive.

Although there is no way that will immediately and permanently help you get rid of enlarged pores, but some measures will help you reduce their size.

  • cleansing: If the pores are clogged with sebum, it can lead to the growth of bacteria and the formation of acne. In this case, the pores look larger. Therefore, a complete cleansing of the face is an extremely necessary thing. Wash your face regularly with a cleanser that suits your face type. Cleansing should be accompanied by the application of a moisturizer.
  • exfoliation: With exfoliation, you can get rid of dead skin cells that clog pores. Use a scrub every week. It improves the texture of the skin and helps the skin absorb moisturizer better. Scrubs containing glycolic or salicylic acid are most effective.
  • Face masks: A good facial mask will help remove dirt and oil from pores and reduce their size. Apply the clay mask on your face and wait for it to dry. Clay's natural ingredients help absorb excess oil and shrink pores.
  • Anti-aging products: Since aging is one of the causes of enlarged pores, a good anti-aging product will help maintain skin elasticity.
  • Microdermabrasion: This is a procedure to reduce pores. It can be described as an intense form of exfoliation. This procedure can only be performed by a beautician.

Facial cleansing and exfoliation

Cosmetics, of course, make the skin look better. But what about having flawless skin without makeup? Skin care in beauty parlors really leads to good results. However, this treatment is expensive. But the good news is, there are many homemade skin care products out there. One of the aspects of skin care should include the obligatory exfoliation of the skin. Let's see how you can do it at home.

exfoliation - a process by which dead skin cells can be removed from its surface. This process enhances the flow of blood and nutrients to the face. How to exfoliate your face at home? You can't just scrub your face. Gather your hair first and pin it at the back of your head. After that, follow the next steps.

The first step to exfoliating your skin is to cleanse your face. . Apply a small amount of cleanser to your fingertips, lather and apply to your face. Use a product that suits your skin type. Wash off with cool or lukewarm water.

How to exfoliate your skin

Take a special sponge for the face, lightly moisten with water. Scrub it on. Wipe your face with a sponge in a circular motion.

Steam. While this step is optional, using steam will open up your pores and purify your skin. You can add some herbs to the water to enhance the effect. As soon as the face is steamed, rinse it with warm water and dry it with a towel.

Moisturizing. Remember to moisturize your face and neck after exfoliating.

Homemade facial scrub. You can use ready-made scrubs, or you can cook it from improvised products.

  • Oats and basil oil: Grind some raw oats. Mix it with 2 tsp. vegetable oil, basil oil and apple cider vinegar.
  • Vegetable oil scrub: Mix 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. chopped almonds and 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Cautions .

  • Don't go overboard with exfoliating your face at home. Once or twice a week is enough.
  • Be careful when using the scrub, especially if it has large granules.
  • Don't exfoliate your skin if it has pimples. Wait for them to pass.
  • Do not exfoliate at home or even in a salon if you have irritation, rashes, and sunburn.

You can do this procedure every Friday.

How to shrink pores

How to reduce pore size at home.

Before you spend a lot of money on salon treatments and expensive cosmetics, there are a few natural remedies you can try to help you deal with enlarged pores.

  • Tomato face mask. Tomato masks are a good way not only to narrow the pores, but also to improve the complexion. To prepare this mask, you first need to cut the tomato and remove the seeds from it. Make a tomato puree and apply it on your face. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water. If you have dry skin, you can add some yogurt to the mask.
  • Tomato juice. It really does wonders for enlarged pores. Lubricate your face with tomato juice and leave for about 20 minutes. Wash off with water.
  • natural mask. You know that a mask will help shrink pores. Mix one egg white and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Whisk until foamy and apply to skin. Let the mask dry and then rinse with water.
  • Egg and orange juice mask. Egg white improves complexion and orange juice has whitening properties. Mix the egg white with a quarter cup of orange juice. Apply to the skin for 20 minutes, then wash with warm water.
  • Use of baking soda. One of the best ways to reduce the size of pores on your face is to use baking soda. Not only is this remedy effective in reducing pores, but it is also good at removing dead cells and dirt from the face. Use a facial cleanser to cleanse your face. Now mix two tablespoons of baking soda with some water. Massage this mixture onto your face. Rub into the skin for about half a minute, then wash with cold water. Use a soft towel to dry your face. Weekly use of this tool will help to significantly reduce the size of acne.

If you have enlarged pores, then you should also be careful about what you eat. Fruits and vegetables should be included in your diet to prevent skin aging. Drinking plenty of fluids will help keep your skin hydrated and make pores less visible. The sun's rays can damage pores, so don't forget to apply sunscreen before going outside.

Home remedies are certainly good, however, if they are not effective enough, cosmetic remedies should be used. Scrubs, masks, serums and lotions - various products can help reduce pores. The composition of these funds should include components such as nordihydroguaiaretic acid, methyl methacrylate, calcium carbonate, linseed oil, chestnut oil, lemon and orange juice.

Moisturize your skin daily, even if you have oily skin. Remember that most home remedies and beauty products will not have the same instant results as microdermabrasion and beauty treatments. However, regular use of these products and your patience will help you achieve a smooth, flawless complexion.

How to get rid of large pores

  • Remedy #1. Before you choose any pore reducer, cleansing should always be the first step. It is necessary to constantly cleanse the face to avoid problems such as enlarged pores, pimples and blackheads. First, wipe your face with a cotton pad moistened with cleanser. Then steam your face, use a scrub and finally wash your face with warm water. After that, apply a moisturizer to your face.
  • Remedy #2. Here is a face mask that will help get rid of pores on the nose and facial skin. Grind a few almonds, add water to make a paste. Apply to the skin, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. At the end, wipe your face with apple cider vinegar diluted in water. Repeat this procedure daily.
  • Remedy #3. Take 7-8 tsp. clay and add lemon juice (½ lemon), aloe juice and green tea. Mix all ingredients and apply to areas of skin with enlarged pores. Leave on face for 30 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • Remedy #4. Regular steaming is good for facial skin. Expose your face to the steam for 5 minutes without opening your eyes. Take a cotton pad and dip it into the mixture of lemon and pineapple juice. Apply to face for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
  • Remedy #5. Ice cubes are effective for shrinking pores. We can use them regularly after washing. You can also apply on the face, a napkin dipped in ice water. You can also freeze milk to rub your face with these cubes.

As you can see, there are many answers to the question of how to get rid of enlarged pores. While you are using the above products, avoid using cosmetics. If this is necessary, then choose mineral cosmetics. If home remedies do not help, you should consult a dermatologist. Procedures such as microdermabrasion and laser surgery could help you get rid of pores on your skin.

Oily skin - on the one hand, this is an advantage - this type of skin does not require additional nutrition and is less prone to the formation of wrinkles and other signs of aging.

However, this "advantage" gives its owner a lot of trouble - pronounced shine, black dots, acne and enlarged pores. It is especially difficult to eliminate large pores on the skin of the face. How to narrow the pores on the face and reduce the manifestations of other features of oily skin?,

It is known that human skin is a kind of mirror of the whole organism. It is important to identify the cause of skin problems and eliminate it. If you deal exclusively with external manifestations - the condition of the skin and do not pay attention to possible violations in the work of internal organs, then there will be no result. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, malnutrition, chronic stressful situations, hormonal disorders - all this immediately and extremely negatively affects the condition of our skin.

Why do oily sheen and enlarged pores appear on the face? Skin cells synthesize sebum, which under normal conditions creates a protective cover, nourishes the skin in a certain way.

The main problem of oily skin is excess sebum, which expands the pores. Gradually, the skin pores become clogged, comedones (the so-called black dots) form, and favorable conditions are created for the onset of a pustular rash.

The sooner you start the implementation of a whole range of cosmetic and restorative measures, the faster and more effectively you will be able to narrow the pores on your face. One of the important rules for caring for this type of skin is not only regularity, but also moderation. Excessive care, an ongoing series of cleansing and other cosmetic manipulations will not improve, but aggravate the situation.

So, the general plan for dealing with enlarged pores:

  1. give preference to proper nutrition, proper alternation of work and rest;
  2. regularly cleanse the skin at home;
  3. systematically visit the cosmetology center.

General strengthening measures

Everyone knows about the importance of proper nutrition, but not everyone adheres to its principles. In the case of problematic skin, this is the starting point of a care and improvement program. It is necessary to exclude or limit as much as possible excessively fried and fatty foods, semi-finished products and other products containing preservatives, overly spicy foods, sweets and soda.

Preference should be given to lactic acid products, cereals and vegetable dishes, honey and fruits. Also, do not forget about the regularity of nutrition, observing certain intervals between meals.

To eliminate stress and its consequences, it is necessary to allocate enough time for proper sleep and active rest, to spend a sufficient amount of time in the fresh air. To strengthen the nervous system and increase resistance to stress, you can master various spiritual practices or.

Skin care at home

It is in the regularity of home cosmetic procedures that the greatest effect lies. Single visits to even the best beauty salons will not bring results if basic home care is not enough.

To narrow the pores on the face, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of the face in the morning and evening with a neutral cleanser (for example, baby soap or a special washing gel). After washing, it is necessary to treat the face with a tonic to narrow the pores. Means based on cucumber, lemon, salicylic component have a good effect.

A nourishing cream for oily skin should have a light texture and be appropriate for the woman's age. Excessive nutrition instead of good only brings harm to oily skin. You should not use foundation and cream - masking skin defects causes additional blockage of pores and their even greater expansion.

The weekly oily skin care program includes 2 main points - a scrub (better from synthetic, less traumatic ingredients, and not from fruit seeds) and masks to narrow the pores (can be prepared at home).

The advantage of homemade masks is that the exact natural composition is known and the freshness of the product is guaranteed. The mask should be thick enough not to spread over the face and should not completely dry out on the skin. The ingredients should be mixed in a neutral glass, porcelain or ceramic dish. A course of masks (10 or more procedures) allows you to quickly narrow the pores on your face at home.

It is clear that any mask is applied to clean skin for 15-20 minutes, preferably after scrub treatment. The mask is removed with a spatula, the skin is blotted with a napkin, you should not wash your face.

There are many options for masks for oily skin. The easiest to prepare are the following:

  • honey-yeast- Mix 2 dessert spoons of ordinary yeast with the same amount of liquid honey, dilute to the density of sour cream with facial tonic, green tea or aloe juice;
  • honey yoghurt- Dilute 4 dessert spoons of honey in the same amount of low-fat sour cream or yogurt, add a few drops of lemon juice;
  • protein-potato- Mix egg white, beaten with a pinch of salt, with raw potatoes grated on a fine grater;
  • protein-oatmeal mask- mix beaten egg white with 2 dessert spoons of oatmeal ground in a coffee grinder; you can also mix oatmeal with cucumber or cabbage pickle;
  • classic fresh cucumber mask- cut a large cucumber into slices and put on your face;
  • earthenware- pour pharmacy clay with warm water and leave for 2 hours, mix thoroughly until the consistency of thick sour cream, apply on the face and cover with a plastic bag;
  • protein-apple- mix one egg white thoroughly with two unsweetened apples grated on a fine grater; mashed apricot, peach, plum, and strawberry puree also have a similar drying effect.

A mask for narrowing the pores on the face, of course, can be not only homemade. It is absolutely not necessary to choose the most expensive mask. You should carefully study not the price tag, but the composition and give preference to oil-free products.

It is advisable to select cosmetics of one line or at least one manufacturer in order to exclude possible negative interactions of cosmetic components. In general, purchased cosmetics should be good at solving the following tasks:

  • Soften the sebaceous plugs in the pores and clean them;
  • Suppress the growth of bacteria that cause acne;
  • Reduce sebum production in areas with skin problems;
  • Improve the protective properties of the skin, increasing human immunity;
  • Reduce and smooth pore sizes;

Salon beauty treatments

A face mask that tightens pores and other homemade cosmetics should ideally be combined with a visit to beauty salons. The first and most important reason to go to a professional is a deep cleaning of the skin. In addition, the condition of oily skin can be improved quite well with the help of physiotherapy procedures:, galvanization, electrophoresis.

Darsonvalization- this is the impact through high-frequency glass alternating current. This type of electrical effect not only has the ability to dry the skin and narrow pores, but also has a wound healing effect, which allows it to be used in the presence of acne. The impact of darsonvalization should not be too long, as a burn of the skin is possible.

Galvanization- this is the effect of direct current, which enhances local blood circulation, contributing to the processes of purification. In the presence of revealed elements of acne, it is contraindicated for use.

microwave therapy- an electromagnetic field that can destroy pathogenic bacteria, accelerate the healing process and narrow the pores.

Cryotherapy- one of the most pleasant procedures is treatment with liquid nitrogen. A pleasant cooling effect is combined with a drying and healing effect.

In an effort to improve the condition of oily skin (narrow pores, reduce greasy shine, eliminate acne), it is necessary to correctly combine home and salon cosmetic procedures, follow the principles of a healthy diet and gradually acquire a good habit: regularly monitor skin condition.