Bed linen must be out. What does this give and what is the economic effect? Types of natural fibers

The first thing to start with is the size, so to speak, from the beginning. Of course, I do not argue, you know the size of your berth, but still I consider it my duty to reflect this, tk. due to the wrong choice of bed linen size, you will face many inconveniences.

Possible sizes of bed linen.

Advice: all cotton fabrics tend to shrink, so you can safely subtract at least 2 cm on each side from the size written on the kit package.

I also want to note that many manufacturers allow themselves to carry out the size of bed linen with an error of +/- 1cm. Therefore, with a simple mathematical calculation, we can get, for example, a sheet 3 cm smaller on each side. Based on this, you will have unnecessary inconveniences, but do you need them? I think no! Therefore, I recommend buying a set of bed linen with a Euro sheet for a 2-bed bed, and for Euro, respectively, a sheet in the size of max Euro. Since we are talking about the sheet, I cannot tell you about the sheet with an elastic band. This bedding also has its own nuances. Firstly, when buying a separate sheet with an elastic band or a set of bed linen with a sheet with an elastic band, check with the manufacturers how the elastic is made:

This is also an important aspect, because it is preferable, of course, when the sheet with an elastic band is made in a circle, because the sheet will never "come off" from the mattress.

The note. Many manufacturers, in order to save money on the production of sheets with an elastic band, do not indicate on the packaging how the product is made.

What are the types of fasteners on duvet covers and pillowcases?

It seems like such a "trifle", a fastener on a duvet cover or on a pillowcase, but each housewife has her own habits of making bed linen. Let's see what kind of fasteners are generally available:

No clasp (slit) Button-down

With a zipper On buttons

Each clasp has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, it is common for a blanket to fall out of a slot, but a washing machine will thank you for the absence of rivets, buttons, zippers and other details. And vice versa, bedding with a zipper, buttons, rivets will save you from "falling out" of a blanket from a duvet cover, a pillow from a pillowcase, but do not forget, the zipper can jam, the rivet may stop attaching, and the button will fall off. In general, to each his own.

What are the materials of bedding?

In fact, there is a huge variety of fabrics from which bedding can be sewn: coarse calico, poplin, satin, stripe - satin, terry, silk, twill, pique, ranfors, etc. We will consider a detailed description of the most popular types of fabrics today: calico, poplin, percale, satin.

Name Composition Weaving pattern Peculiarities


100% cotton
  • dense;
  • tough;
  • does not wipe off;
Poplin 100% cotton
  • soft;
  • dense;
  • smooth;
  • shrinks slightly after washing.
Percale 100% cotton
  • very dense;
  • smooth;
  • resistant to wear;
  • tough;
  • do not sit down after washing.
Satin 100% cotton
  • smooth;
  • dense;
  • resistant to wear;
  • silky.
  • glitters;
  • does not shrink after washing.

"Which bedding is best?" You ask. Everyone will have their own answer. Someone likes a softer fabric, someone harder, but, for sure, no one likes to change bedding after 2 washes! I can assure you that all of the above fabrics: coarse calico, percale, poplin, satin, made of 100% cotton without the addition of synthetics, with proper care, will last you a lot of time. They will also have time to bother you. Approach only sensibly to the purchase of bed linen and "do not enter" the "cheap" price, because a good fabric cannot be cheap! I remember an anecdote on this topic: "If you buy blue Chinese bedding, then in the morning you can wake up as an Avatar." These words are 100% true. And in order not to become a blue, red, yellow man, ask for Certificates of Conformity for products.

Bed linen care.

I want to say right away that it is imperative that when leaving (washing, ironing, drying) for bed linen, pay attention to the labels. They reflect all the information on how not to spoil the product. Unfortunately, very often, due to our everyday mistakes (washed / ironed at a temperature that is not the same as the fabric), we have to say goodbye to bedding. You can familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of care here.

Summing up the results.

So, it's time to summarize all of the above. Hope you now approach with extra care:

    Determining the “right” bedding size for your bed.

    When choosing bed linen with a sheet with an elastic band, pay attention to the type of elastic band, how it is made.

    Decide for yourself on which fastener the duvet cover with the sheet should be.

    Regardless of what fabric the bedding is made of: coarse calico, percale, poplin, satin, etc. make sure the composition contains 100% cotton, no synthetics added.

    You will monitor prices for a certain type of bed linen and will not buy goods in a place where the price is significantly different.

    You will take care of the bed linen according to the directions on the labels.

Hopefully, these six simple tips will help you choose the best bedding for you!

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The choice of bed linen: basic characteristics

In order to find a really good set, you should pay attention to the following parameters of bed linen:

  • packaging and labeling;
  • canvas;
  • the density of the fabric;
  • smell;
  • bed linen sizes;
  • what fabric;
  • design.

Let's deal with all this in more detail.

Packaging and label

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a bedding set is its packaging. A manufacturer that produces a really good product and values ​​its reputation will not save on packaging. Therefore, we do not even pay attention to goods with poorly printed and poorly glued labels that do not have manufacturer's coordinates.

A good bed linen label should include the following information:

  • the name of the manufacturer, its address and telephone number;
  • the composition of the fabric (often by especially cunning manufacturers it is indicated in the corner and in small print);
  • set diagram and dimensions of each product;
  • advice on care.

Cloth fabric

The second thing worth looking at is the canvas. Poor quality fabric has a sparse structure and is translucent. It is better to refuse to buy such a kit - it will not withstand even 3 washes.


Weave density- the number of threads per square centimeter of fabric. The durability of bed linen depends on this parameter: the higher the density, the more durable the fabric is.

Fabrics can be divided into the following categories:

  • low density (20-30 threads per 1 sq. cm) - cambric, chintz;
  • density below average (35-40 threads per 1 sq. cm) - some varieties of coarse calico;
  • medium density (50-65 threads per 1 sq. cm) - cotton (coarse calico), linen;
  • above average density (65-80 threads per 1 sq. cm) - Turkish silk, ranfors, synthetic fabrics;
  • high density (85-120 threads per 1 sq. cm) - Chinese silk, satin, percale, some synthetic fabrics;
  • the highest density (130-280 threads per 1 sq. cm) is Japanese silk.

Fabric density information is usually indicated on the packaging of high quality bedding. The optimal figure for daily use is 60 threads per square meter. cm.


To choose the right bedding, you need to look at the inside of it. Good linen should only be stitched with a linen seam.

If it is sewn using a regular seam and has raw edges, you should not take it, it will creep along the seam after two or three washes. It is worth paying attention to the threads with which the linen was sewn - they must be strong enough and strong, matched in color. Their ends should be hidden.


Good bed linen should smell only of new textiles, additional smells (paint, mold or chemicals) indicate its poor quality. If the kit has too strong a smell of paint, then it will most likely fade quickly. In addition, such underwear can provoke allergies and even poisoning.

Pay attention to the intensity of the color: it should not be very different from the inside and the front side.

We check the durability of the paint application as follows: strongly with three hands on the front side, if there are no color marks, then the paint is resistant, and the linen is of good quality. You can also find out how good the dye is from the values ​​on the label: if the maximum permissible washing temperature is 60 ° C, then it is stable.

Bed linen sizes

Choosing your bedding starts with determining the size you need.

Bed linen is divided into five basic sizes:

  • one and a half sleeping (duvet cover dimensions: 160 × 220);
  • double (duvet cover dimensions: 175 × 210);
  • euro (duvet cover dimensions: 200 × 220);
  • euro maxi (duvet cover dimensions: 220 × 240);
  • family (two duvet covers size: 160 × 220).

To determine which size is best for your bedroom, you need to measure the dimensions (length and width) of your bed and your duvet.

Pillowcases can be of two sizes: 50 × 70 and 70 × 70 cm. Many manufacturers complete bedding sets with pillowcases of both sizes, so that the bed linen fits any pillow size. But it is also quite common to find bedding, which includes only one pillowcase size 50 × 70 or 70 × 70 cm.


This is the most important parameter. High-quality fabric is good for moisture and air permeability, and also absorbs sweat. Only natural bedding made from materials such as linen, silk and cotton can meet these criteria.


A very useful characteristic. Since the laundry needs to be washed frequently, durability is a guarantee of its long service life.

A set that is made of too delicate and soft material, after a couple of washings, can present an unpleasant surprise in the form of holes and creeping seams. When choosing, it is worth remembering that the more weight the fabric has, the more dense and durable it is. Also consider the wear resistance and the intended use of the materials (summer / winter).

The choice of linen by the level of density and the way of weaving

  • Calico: tight weave, thick threads, lack of shine. Bottom line: practical fabric, inexpensive, withstands a considerable number of washes.
  • Satin: twisted thread, double weave, fabric sheen. Bottom line: strong, expensive (in comparison with calico), durable, dense and comfortable fabric for sleeping.
  • Poplin:"Gloss" and a small scar of the fabric. In terms of quality, it is average between the previous options.
  • Chintz: thick threads, rare weaving. Low cost, same quality.
  • Terry cloth: softness, presence of villi, high hygroscopicity, comfortable for sleeping.
  • Flannel: an excellent choice for our winter - it perfectly warms, absorbs excess moisture, is pleasant to the body.
  • Batiste: rare weaving of threads, lightness and translucency of the fabric. Such underwear is not very practical, but expensive: it is usually given to newlyweds and on other special holidays.
  • Jacquard: embossed pattern, dense and complex weaving. Durable fabric, perfect for home and gift use.

Bed linen fabrics - which ones are better?

Bed linen is made from linen, bamboo, cotton, silk and synthetics. As for viscose and other (exotic) materials, they are rarely used for this purpose. Although, combinations such as cotton / synthetics, cotton / linen, etc. are allowed.


Silk bed linen is luxurious and romantic. But only if the silk is natural and of high quality. The best silk comes from Japan. The cost of a silk set will be comparable to the cost of an "airplane wing", but it is not worth saving on it - a cheap silk set will not add either romance or convenience, but rather bring unpleasant sensations: from puffs that appear instantly to sleepless nights caused by creaking, sliding , cold or heat.


Atlas is a fabric of increased density. The main distinguishing feature of the atlas is the different appearance of the front and back sides. The front side, smooth and pleasant to the touch, has a festive shine; the reverse side is a matte surface. Bed linen made of satin fabric is characterized by minimal stretch. As well as high resistance, in the event of fabric breakage, to loops unraveling, due to the increased density and uniqueness of weaving. Atlas is a durable material. He is very practical and unpretentious to care for. Quite expensive bed linen made of satin fabric, nevertheless, is considered economical, since its cost is fully compensated by its durability.

Satin bedding can withstand more than 300 washes without problems, absolutely not losing its original rich color, brightness and shape. Satin bedding is a casual bedding, but it can also make a wonderful luxury gift.


100% cotton is the most common bedding material. The popularity is understandable: cotton has many advantages, while it is more practical than flax and much cheaper than silk. Cotton underwear does not slip, does not stick to the body in the heat, does not electrify. It is also hypoallergenic and does not irritate even sensitive skin. For the manufacture of high-quality and safe bed linen, they mainly use 100% cotton. On the basis of cotton, according to the method of weaving of fibers and dyeing, several types of fabrics are distinguished: cambric, chintz, flannel, calico, poplin, satin, etc.


Ranfors is another cotton derivative. Ranfors is 100% cotton in composition without any additional impurities, which, by the way, does not really need it. The highest weaving density significantly exceeds coarse calico and flax (53 units). In winter, such bed linen will bring warmth, in summer - coolness. The material is one of the "breathable" fabrics. It is quite hygroscopic, does not interfere with the natural circulation of air and has good thermal insulation, i.e. keeps you warm remarkably. Eco-friendly, reliable, unpretentious bed linen from ranfors certainly deserves special attention.


Very thin fabric with a cotton or linen backing. Inexpensive bed linen is sewn from cambric. They are often decorated with lace or embroidery.
The main disadvantage is that the fabric is very thin, delicate, and therefore a delicate wash is recommended. Batiste can withstand only 50-70 washes.


Chintz is a fabric created on the basis of cotton, patterned or plain dyed. Bed linen made of chintz is a good option for daily use, is highly durable, inexpensive. Often manufacturers make children's bedding sets from chintz. However, in our time, such bed linen is rarely sewn.


Warm, cozy, very soft fabric (it was not in vain that diapers for newborns were made from flannel in the days of our mothers and grandmothers). Flannel bedding warms well and absorbs moisture. An excellent solution for the cold season. However, now finding a set of flannel is also quite difficult.


Calico kits are good both for a gift and for everyday use.
The material is made on a cotton basis, but denser than chintz and cambric. Coarse calico sets are affordable, and also have a fairly high level of strength, they can withstand 100 or more washings.


Poplin is a dense and durable natural fabric that will last a long time. It can be shiny and quite soft at the same time. Poplin linens are easy to wash and iron.


Satin bedding is made from a lightweight cotton-based material that consists of twisted double-weave yarns. The more the thread is twisted, the higher the satin shine. With the help of threads with a pile, they produce bed linen, ideal for winter time, from dense and warm satin velvet. The material is characterized by high wear resistance and can withstand up to 300 washes. Satin bed linen belongs to an expensive price category; elite bed linen sets are made from it.


Cotton-based material, very dense and durable. It is even used to make sails and parachutes. But for the manufacture of bed linen, the fabric is created thin, with a light velvety structure that perfectly retains heat and is able to "breathe".


Jacquard bed linen is durable, wear-resistant. Perfect for home use and as a gift. Resistant to high temperatures, deformation and stretching. Jacquard fabrics can be made by interweaving threads of different textures and qualities - for example, cotton and silk. The peculiarity of jacquard is the original woven pattern with a repeating rapport.

Such bed linen has only one drawback - a rather high cost.


This is a 100% cotton twill weave fabric. This weave guarantees high wear resistance. And the thick, short, soft pile on the front side of the canvas will give you warmth and comfort. Velor bed linen does not slip on the bed, practically does not wrinkle and does not lose its shape. Can be a great gift.


More recently, bedding sets made from ... bamboo have appeared on the market. "Bamboo" is very soft, shiny (looks like silk), has antimicrobial properties. Bamboo bedding "regulates" the temperature and optimum humidity during sleep. Sleeping on a bamboo bed is pleasant and comfortable at any time of the year.


Undoubtedly, linen bedding is elite. Flax is grown without the use of pesticides, and therefore the material is especially appreciated for its environmental friendliness, safety and hypoallergenicity.
Especially if you prefer unbleached and unpainted linen bedding that has not been treated with chlorine-containing preparations.

Terry cloth

For the manufacture of bed linen, terry cloth began to be used relatively recently, but it has already won many fans! The fabric is as cozy, warm and soft as flannel, but with slightly larger fibers that gently and delicately massage the body during sleep. Terry bed linen is characterized by high hygroscopicity, and therefore is perfect for both summer and winter. So which lingerie should you choose? Be guided by your own taste and preferences, taking into account financial capabilities.

Bed linen design - for comfort and beauty

Despite the variety of colors, for many, white bed linen remains their favorite. Such a classic fits into any interior. As for the color sets - they are chosen, both for the mood and for the general decor of the bedroom.

  • For kids - bright and funny bed linen, with cartoon characters, natural and space stories.
  • Lingerie with lace - for romantic natures.
  • The oriental style is usually typical for business, self-confident people.
  • Calm, homely people choose pastel shades and a light ornament.

When choosing a design, the main thing is to remember the purpose of the laundry. That is, about sound sound sleep. Therefore, underwear of aggressive or acid colors in the bedroom is completely useless. The color scheme should calm the nervous system, not excite.

When choosing a bedding set, be guided by the following rules:

  1. The stronger the material, the better. Loose fabric is immediately visible.
  2. Be sure to smell your laundry before buying - it should not smell like chemical paints, mold or dampness.
  3. Feel the fabric - it should be pleasant to the touch for you personally.
  4. One of the main rules of the market is that the better the packaging, the better the product.
  5. Choose bedding with a fabric density of at least 60.
  6. Pay attention to the seams - they should be linen, neat and even, not have protruding or torn threads, the color of which should match the shade of the set itself.
  7. Frills and embroidery on linen should be made of high quality threads and fabrics that do not scratch the skin. It's easy to check - just rub the frill on the back of your hand.
  8. A high-quality bedding set should be sewn from a single piece of linen and not have seams in the middle.
  9. Good linens usually do not have bright, flashy colors.
  10. The packaging must be reliable and durable, it must contain information about the manufacturer, the size of the kit, as well as advice on care.
  11. When choosing bed linen, pay attention to its cost. A quality kit cannot be cheap!

Reading time: 6 minutes

Bed linen is chosen for a long time. So that it does not wear out and fade, you should pay attention to the ratio of fibers and their origin. In addition to decorative properties, health safety is important. Some canvases are breathable or allergic. What fabric is better to buy bed linen from? What to look for, and is it possible to find a universal option for all seasons?

What materials are fabrics made of for bedding

The fabric for quality sets consists of at least 60% natural fibers.

Types of natural fibers

There are four types of them:

1 is a popular fiber. Attracted by the low price and durability. In the cold season it is warm to sleep on it, but in summer it is not hot. High-quality cotton will last a long time, but inexpensive cotton will shrink after the first wash, the colors will become dull after a while. 2 is the most durable material. Rough, not suitable for people with delicate skin. After many washes, it will become softer, but it will take a long time to wait. The paint will remain on linen for a long time, will not wash out or fade. 3 - shiny luxurious canvas. Good quality natural silk is expensive. Soft and cool, comfortable to touch. It is difficult to care for it, it must be delicately washed. Best dry cleaned. The best quality silk is produced in Japan. Four hundred types of this fiber are made here. 4 is used from different animals, but in 95% of cases from sheep. To prepare it for the creation of textiles, it goes through several stages of processing. For bed linen, it is used in the manufacture.

Cotton and linen are plant fibers, silk and wool are animal fibers.

Types of chemical fibers

When creating sheets, pillowcases and duvet covers, they are mainly mixed with natural fibers:

1 - made from molten oil. Strong and durable textile, does not deform for a long time. Pills do not appear on it. It is waterproof and therefore does not absorb sweat. Sleeping on it is unpleasant in hot weather. 2 - Also made from refined petroleum products. Wear-resistant strong fabric, does not wrinkle or shrink. Poor air permeability, almost no moisture absorption, electrifying. Irritating to sensitive skin. 3 began to be used for the manufacture of bedding sets not so long ago. The main plus is antimicrobial effect. 70% of harmful microorganisms that penetrate this matter are eliminated. Bamboo textiles will last a long time, they are soft and pleasant to the body. Allows the skin to breathe. This is a hypoallergenic material, suitable even for asthmatics. 4 - Eucalyptus fiber, feels very soft and velvety like a peach. Smooth, shiny and silky fabric. Does not wrinkle, does not shrink, has strength. Has all the positive qualities of natural fibers. - a good choice. 5 - Feels like linen or shiny silk depending on the type of processing. Made from cellulose wood fibers. A soft material that is easy to paint in bright, eye-catching colors.

Polyester and lavsan are synthetic fibers (made from synthetic polymers), bamboo, tensel and viscose are artificial (made from natural polymers).

Usually natural and synthetic fibers are not used in their pure form for the manufacture of bedding. Some of the properties of artificial materials will help the linen retain its shape, color or elasticity.

Varieties of fabrics for bedding

Depending on the type of weaving, fibers used and density, textiles differ from each other in quality properties and appearance.


It is considered a commonly used fabric. This type is found on the shelves of bedding more often than other materials. This is a relatively inexpensive fabric with a density of 50 to 140 threads / cm.

The quality of the fabric increases with the density. Cheap cotton threads, woven in the simplest way, make an unreliable fabric with seals or bald spots.


It looks like silk, smooth and shiny. It is made from cotton or blended double fibers. It looks nicer than coarse calico and will last longer, but it also costs more.

Satin jacquard

Due to the complex weaving, it has fancy embossed patterns. Different types of fibers are used, such as silk and cotton. Elite are made. Lingerie looks expensive.

Nice to use, not electrifying. Good absorbency. Easy to wrinkle, ironing should be slightly damp and on the inside.


In comparison with coarse calico and satin in terms of comfort for sleep, it is between them. It is made by weaving threads of various thicknesses. Plain weaving, like coarse calico, but thicker threads are used for the weft, and thin ones for the warp.

The average density is 115 threads / cm. The varying thickness of the threads contributes to the peculiar luster of the matter. It stands slightly higher than the calico and is more pleasant to the touch.


For northern and Siberian cold winters, it is an ideal material that retains heat well. This delicate, soft fabric is synonymous with comfort. It is made using twill or plain weaving from cotton and wool. The flannel is covered with a fine downy.

It is easy to care for that fabric, the main thing is to wash it in cool water. They do it with their hands and in the washing machine. Flannel absorbs moisture well and only becomes softer after each wash. Not the most durable material, pellets appear.


It has a dense weave, so it is ideal for down and feather pillows: not a single feather will slip through.

Smooth, soft and delicate cotton canvas. , it is comfortable and pleasant to sleep on percale bedding. Due to its high density, it will withstand a large number of washes.


Very cheap linen, rarely used to make bed linen. , hardly felt by the skin. It is difficult to iron, without a steamer or an additional piece of damp cloth, you will not be able to do this beautifully.

Has a large number of colors. However, it wears out quickly, suitable for those who like different shades and frequent bed changes.


The thinnest, translucent fabric with a density of 20 to 30 threads / cm. Special weaving allows you to apply even very small patterns.

Batiste wears out quickly, so it is rarely used, for guests or special occasions. Batiste underwear sets are mainly given for the holidays. After a few washes, abrasions or puffs may appear.


It is made of ultra-fine fibers, usually cotton or polyester without impurities. The color does not fade or wash out. On

Wear-resistant material that retains paints for a long time. Such linen is easy to wash. You do not need to iron, as the terry cloth is almost not wrinkled.


Contains 30% to 85% polyester. With a small percentage, it can be difficult to distinguish it from coarse calico. good quality almost does not wrinkle, does not shrink and is easy to iron.

Strong, soft fabric that will last a long time. The paints do not fade or wash out, so juicy bright colors are often used for such linen.

When choosing lingerie, it is worth considering all possible factors and personal wishes.:

  • It is necessary to purchase natural fibers or with a slight admixture of synthetics to improve wear resistance. You should not choose sets of 100% synthetic fibers, otherwise unpleasant sensations are provided for the entire time of use.
  • For year-round use, coarse calico or poplin is suitable.
  • If you want density, you need linen, cotton or bamboo in the composition.

  • If you wish to sleep on a pleasant shiny canvas, it is recommended to choose satin instead of silk. The sensations are similar, but you can take care of it at home, without dry cleaning, and the price is lower.
  • If you are choosing a set for a gift, you should buy linen made of cambric or jacquard. When you have enough money, choose silk.
  • For feather and down bedding, percale is ideal.
  • If you want to feel light, you should choose chintz or loose coarse calico, but you will have to change it often.
  • To create a warm, comfortable bed, flannel or terry cloth is purchased.
  • If your skin is sensitive and prone to allergic reactions, a terry or bamboo cloth is the best choice.
  • For hyperhidrosis, fabrics containing a large percentage of natural fibers are suitable; they absorb moisture remarkably.
  • If you want a long service life of a set, you should pay attention to linen sets. Natural silk, satin, jacquard and dense high-quality coarse calico are slightly less durable.
  • With a limited budget, you should pay attention to polycotton, chintz, flannel, inexpensive coarse calico.

The choice of bedding sets is not based on a low price or an attractive shade. These qualities are important, but not as important as the composition of the fibers and the type of weaving. A large number of types will help everyone choose the right one.

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Today's article is on the necessary and very pleasant topic of choosing bed linen.

Long gone are the days when a set of bed linen was in short supply. Today, there is a real abundance on store shelves!

However, it is precisely this that often introduces us to a state close to prostration: what to choose - linen or coarse calico, satin or poplin, flannel or polyester?

What is the best bedding fabric? After all, you really want the linen to please the eye with colors and be pleasant to the touch, and also - so that it will serve faithfully for as long as possible!

Let's try to find the answer to the most difficult question when choosing bedding: which material is better for bedding?

Acquaintance with a set of bedding begins with a label. It is there that you can find such important information for us about the composition of the tissue and its density.

Composition. It is better to choose bed linen from natural fabrics: they are hygroscopic, remove moisture well and allow the body to "breathe" - only this guarantees a comfortable and healthy sleep.

Weave thread density... This indicator is "responsible" for the wear resistance and durability of bed linen, as well as its air permeability and heat-shielding properties. A reasonable question arises:

It's simple: the higher the density, the higher the quality of the fabric and the longer the kit will last!

As a rule, an honest manufacturer indicates the density on the label. In order not to get into a mess, let's see what the weave density should be according to the standard:

  • low - from 20 to 30 weaves per 1 cm 2 (cambric);
  • below average - 35–40 (cotton, linen);
  • medium - 50–65 (cotton, linen);
  • above average - 65–80 (Turkish silk, artificial materials);
  • high - 85-120 (percale, satin);
  • very high - 130–280 (Japanese silk, gloss satin).

So we smoothly moved on to the next question -

Bed linen fabrics - what are they?

The properties of fabrics used by modern manufacturers depend not only on the composition and density, but also on the weaving method - that is, the number and order of the threads relative to each other. It is this pattern that determines the different properties of various fabrics. Let's dwell on this in more detail, plus about the fabrics, the bedding from which I bought, I will add my own small reviews.

Linen fabric - what is it?

Flax is one of the "oldest" materials known in Ancient Egypt. It is very durable, wear-resistant and resistant to deformation, perfectly absorbs moisture and conducts heat - which means that it will be pleasant and comfortable to sleep on linen both in winter and in summer. They do not like flax and bacteria with fungi - this material perfectly "fights" against harmful pathogens. Linen is also ideal for allergy sufferers.

When growing flax, all kinds of pesticides are not used, so linen made of flax can also be called environmentally friendly (especially unbleached flax). And linen bed linen, according to reviews, can be washed less often, since due to its smooth surface it becomes less dirty compared to other materials. It washes easily, dries quickly, and after washing it becomes only softer and more pleasant to the touch.

But this barrel of honey also has its own fly in the ointment: bed linen made of 100% linen is expensive, wrinkles strongly, and ironing is bad. To eliminate this disadvantage, manufacturers often add synthetic threads to flax.

I have quite a long-standing experience of buying and using linen linen, perhaps since then manufacturers began to add “extras” to the linen thread to facilitate the ironing process, but since I had a set of real 100% linen, ironing it really was not too easy. You can cope with the problem if you do not let the fabric dry out in the washing field, but remove it slightly damp. There are no more complaints about linen: it is pleasant to the touch, easy to clean, and lasts for a long time.

Flannel - what is this fabric?

Hardly anyone is unfamiliar with flannel. After all, both baby diapers and undershirts are sewn from it. And for good reason. This cotton material is incredibly soft! It is warm and very cozy, and its gentle "fluff" will perfectly warm not only babies, but also adults, therefore it is perfect for use during the off-season.

Among the shortcomings - flannel bedding, as confirmed by the reviews of the hostesses, after a few washings is covered with "spools", and no longer pleases with its wonderful appearance.

When buying flannel linen, pay attention to the density: it should be from 170 to 257 g / m 2.

But among the "flannel" assortment, I am familiar only with diapers and clothes for babies) It would be very interesting to know the opinion of those who used flannel bedding sets.

Calico fabric - what is it?

Calico is one of the most common materials for bedding. Why is coarse calico so popular? What is this fabric?

Calico is considered almost ideal for everyday use. It is inexpensive, “has” a wide variety of colors, and its performance properties cannot but rejoice: the coarse linen is dense, durable, wear-resistant and practical (it washes well, dries quickly). It will easily “survive” multiple washings and does not require any “delicate” care.

Often buyers have a question: is coarse calico cotton or not? You can safely buy coarse calico bed linen - it's 100% cotton! The use of thick cotton thread and rather dense plain weave gives it "special" properties. Calico is denser than its "brother" - chintz and, accordingly, more durable. This fabric is matte and, unlike satin, does not have a glossy sheen.

"GOST" coarse calico has a density of 145 g / m 2. In practice, coarse calico with a density of 125 g / m2 is more often used - although it is not so durable, it is softer and lighter, and, therefore, more comfortable to use.

I used coarse calico sets, left behind a rather pleasant impression - natural material, though quite thin, but located in a democratic price category. I don’t know what the other kits are in terms of color fastness, but on mine the fabric became dimmer over time.

Satin fabric - what is it?

Satin is another representative of the cotton fabric family. Its main difference and "highlight" is a special double "satin" weave of twisted threads, thanks to which the fabric acquires a beautiful smooth and shiny surface. The denser the twist of the fibers, the more expressive the satin sheen of the fabric.

To the touch, satin underwear is silky, delicate, soft and even. It drapes perfectly, glides on, hardly wrinkles and is abrasion resistant. The color palette will also delight you: bright and juicy shades and clear lines of prints will remain so for at least 200-300 washes!

There are several types of this material.

Types of satin for bed linen:

  • satin jacquard
  • coupon;
  • mako satin.

Satin jacquard is a kind of satin with a complex and dense weave of fibers, forming a fancy embossed pattern. As a rule, two shades of the same color "participate" in the creation of a printed pattern. Monophonic sets are also produced.

Both look very luxurious, so when choosing bed linen for a gift, pay special attention to satin jacquard - this bed linen is not only very beautiful, but reviews about it are only positive! It is very strong, durable and at the same time soft and smooth.

Bed linen made of noble satin jacquard is, as they say, a royal luxury, but it costs accordingly - such sets are classified as "elite".

Coupon satin is a real picture on your bed)) Pillowcases and duvet covers are sewn from fabric, the pattern of which is designed taking into account the size and variety of the product (as opposed to ordinary satin with a uniform stamped print).

Mako satin is made from long staple Egyptian cotton, which has a thin but surprisingly strong fiber. Lingerie made of mako-satin is durable, keeps its shape well, washes well, dries quickly and is easy to iron. All the properties of ordinary satin are not alien to this material: it is light, smooth, silky and pleasant to the touch.

I have tested the satin sets most of all, since this is really the most "popular" material, which most successfully combines the quality-price categories. And if the bed linen is made of high-quality satin, then, in my opinion, it will withstand even more than the declared 300 washes;) without losing either color or density.

I have a duvet cover at home (by the way, from a Belarusian manufacturer), donated back in time immemorial, endlessly exploited, but remaining just as bright and sunny after a myriad of washings. I love him :)) despite the fact that there are no pillowcases or sheets for him, I still gladly “dress up” blankets in him.

Satin or coarse calico for bed linen - which is better?

If you can't decide in any way whether calico or satin is best for bedding, you will have to weigh all the pros and cons, and make a choice based on personal preference)

Satin is more pleasant tactilely and more attractive in appearance, it is more durable than coarse calico and will delight you with bright colors for many years. However, the price of satin underwear is much higher.

Coarse calico is more rigid and has a slightly "rough" surface with barely perceptible thickening of the thread. But its price is very democratic, and the variety of designs (plain and with all kinds of prints) allows you to choose a set for every taste and age.

Polyester - what is it?

Polyester is a fully synthetic fiber. Its advantages include ease of maintenance (polyester bedding does not wrinkle, is easily washed and dries very quickly, does not deform and does not shrink) and cheapness. But before you buy polyester bedding, read the reviews!

Many buyers complain that it is not comfortable to sleep on it (polyester does not absorb moisture and is highly electrified), and when you wake up in the morning, you can find “war paint” all over your body - polyester underwear sheds very much. For the same reason, it should only be washed separately from other laundry.

Allergy sufferers should be especially careful: since polyester is produced from petroleum products, allergic reactions are not excluded.

Polyester can be "discovered" only by carefully examining the composition of the fabric. Typically, manufacturers disguise polyester with other trade names by adding fibers such as cotton to it.

I think many people have come across polyester underwear, even if they never dreamed of buying it, you could still get it as a present. Due to its cheapness, such underwear is often donated in organizations on Women's Day, March 8)) and on similar holidays. Of course, like all other products, such linen also probably has its own buyer, but, in my opinion, polyester is completely unsuitable for bed linen, at least we did not use it even in the country ...

When choosing bed linen, many of us choose not only the composition and color, but also the manufacturer. After all, there is always more trust in a “proven” brand! Today, as an example, I will tell you about the experience of buying bed linen from one of the famous Russian brands - "Mona Lisa".

Bed linen "Mona Lisa", review

This underwear is of high quality and wide assortment. The brand offers bedding sets of all sizes (up to bed linen for newborns) from satin, calico, cambric, satin jacquard, percale and mixed fabrics (50% cotton, 50% polyester), as well as exquisite linen from satin with embroidery, jacquard tuton and very interesting satin bed linen with 3D effect.

I have a set of "Mona Lisa" made of satin, which has many advantages and one significant disadvantage.

The set, like in general all the others offered by this brand, is superbly packaged, of interesting colors, it looks very beautiful on the bed, in operation it is simply wonderful - it does not crawl on the bed, does not wrinkle or wrinkle, while pleasant to the touch, hygroscopic , very easy to iron.

But it has an outlandish minus that I have never met before, after washing, the entire fabric becomes covered with incomprehensible adhering lumps, the first time I decided that the washing machine drum got paper (judging by the bloom on the fabric - toilet paper :)) But when this happened again and again and again, it became clear that the matter was in the fabric itself.

And every time after washing the laundry, you have to rinse it additionally, which is both inconvenient and economically unprofitable - a double wash comes out ... I asked about the reviews, I thought maybe it was just me who had such miracles, no, quite a lot of the same claims. If next time I am going to buy bedding from the same manufacturer again, then I will choose a fabric of another quality, perhaps there will not be such an outrage.

In today's article, it turned out to consider only some of the materials from which bedding is sewn, so in the next article we will continue to look for the answer to the question!