The urge to urinate in cats. Prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system, the cat often pees. Treatment of urolithiasis in cats

Diseases of the genitourinary system? not uncommon among representatives of the feline family. Urinary retention is an alarming symptom. Violation of the natural physiological process requires the earliest possible clarification of the causes and emergency care.


You can understand that an animal has problems with urination by the following signs:

1. The cat stopped going to the litter box.

2. On the contrary, the pet visits the toilet too often, urine comes in small portions.

3. In the discharge, blood, mucus, salt crystals, small stones are noticeable.

4. The bladder is firm to the touch. In a healthy cat, it is soft and hard to find.

5. The animal is anxious, spinning around the tray, with its stomach pressed against the side, while experiencing pain. After 48-72 hours, it becomes lethargic and apathetic, does not react to anything.

Feline urological syndrome

Feline urological syndrome, or USC, is a group of diseases associated with various disorders of the urinary tract. Retention of urine is one of the main signs of USC.

Factors contributing to the development of urological syndrome:

  • high concentration of magnesium in food, which leads to crystallization of salts;
  • unhealthy psycho-emotional state of the animal, stress. For urban cats, for example, moving to the dacha is a great stress .;
  • a dirty litter box that the cat simply ignores;
  • urinary tract infections against the background of general alkalization of urine;
  • bacterial or viral cystitis, which leads to recurrence of USC;
  • poor quality food, improperly selected diet. For example, frequent fish feeding; -reduced water consumption;
  • features of a particular breed;
  • obesity.

The disease is more susceptible to cats than cats. This is due to the anatomical features of the structure of the urinary tract: in cats, it is narrower and longer.


The causes of urinary retention in cats are manifold. Only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis of a pet. Do not under any circumstances treat yourself!

Let's consider the most common reasons:

1. Colds and infectious diseases. If the cat urinates with blood, it may have cystitis. This disease is caused by bacterial and viral infections. Climate change, hypothermia, etc. can become a catalyst.
2. Finding crystals of salts, sand, stones, mucus in the departments of the urinary system in case of urolithiasis. Droplets of blood appear in the scanty secretions, subsequently the animal cannot urinate at all - a complete blockage occurs.
3. Kidney disease. At the same time, urine has a cloudy color. Symptoms such as exhaustion, dehydration, loss of appetite, thirst, and sometimes vomiting are observed.
4. Stress. In this case, urinary retention is successfully treated with sedatives.
5. Atony of the bladder, impaired contractile function of its walls, rupture as a result of overstretching or injury.
6. Anatomical features of the urinary tract, kidney pathology.

7. Rarely: tumors, spinal cord injuries.


Depending on the etiology of the disease, clinical manifestations, on the severity and condition of the animal, the veterinarian (and only!) Selects an individual treatment regimen. The first measures will be aimed at ensuring the outflow of urine from the bladder. The doctor inserts a special catheter or punctures the abdominal wall.

In severe cases, surgical intervention is necessary. If a cat has a blockage of the urinary tract several times, is an operation performed to expand it? perineal urethrostomy. After the first urgent procedures, the animal is usually prescribed special medications, intravenous fluid is injected to eliminate dehydration and remove toxins from the body. An obligatory point of treatment is antibiotic therapy.

The pet is in the hospital for some time with a catheter installed, where the doctor monitors its condition.

After discharge, antibiotics, antispasmodics are prescribed, the veterinarian gives recommendations regarding nutrition.


To avoid urinary problems with your pet, follow these simple guidelines:

First, try compose the animal's diet, taking into account the recommendations of the veterinarian don't forget about vitamins and amino acids. For prevention, it is recommended to give special diuretics to help dissolve uroliths (stones). This is especially important if the pet already has a USK. The animal's bowl must be filled with fresh water.

Second, try to keep the feline moved more... Castrated cats lacking essential hormones are especially susceptible to obesity. The fat animal, of course, is much prettier: there is something to see and what to stroke, the bear cat evokes admiration and emotion. But is the cat itself happy? Not at all ... Every owner should know: excess weight of an animal is fraught with serious consequences.

Thirdly, keep the tray clean... Change filler in time. Cats are quite picky about the cleanliness of the toilet.

Be considerate of your pet. Timely detection of urinary retention can save the animal from death!

Frequent urination (pollakiuria) in cats can indicate a variety of conditions that occur both in normal health and in pathological processes. Some of these conditions are of medical interest, while others may be behaviorally related. The difference in these manifestations can be established based on a number of factors, the most important of which is the owner's observation of the cat's behavior. Below are the possible causes and symptoms of certain conditions manifested by frequent urination.

1. The most important and common cause is urinary tract infections.

Although this painful condition is very common in both cats and cats, it does not diminish the severity and danger of the problem. In many cases, frequent urination can be caused by various diseases and is just a symptom, including feline urolithiasis, which consists in the formation of stones or sand in the bladder, which irritate the bladder mucosa and give frequent urge to urinate. In addition to increased urge, almost all causes are accompanied by pain syndrome (dysuria) in addition to frequent urination, the appearance, and also urination in the wrong places (outside the litter box).

2. Inflammation of the bladder (cystitis)

Bacterial inflammation of the bladder and urinary tract infections often occur at the same time, and therefore the causes and external manifestations can be similar. The main difference is that bladder inflammation occurs as a primary process, usually as a result of a bacterial infection, dietary disturbances or stressful situations.

3. Urinary incontinence in a cat (weak bladder)

Urinary incontinence does not lead to frequent urination as such, constant urine leakage as the bladder fills can create the illusion of natural urge. Urinary incontinence can develop as a neurological disorder with age, with diseases of the nervous system, the spine after injuries. In fact, the act of urination occurs in such cases as soon as the pressure in the bladder rises. This condition is especially common in older cats. Incontinence is less common in spayed cats, especially when the cat gets up from a prone position to a standing position, since cats often sleep on beds, the owner often perceives the detected wet place as a behavior disorder.

4. Increased amount of urine due to thirst

The most common cause of increased thirst in cats is diabetes mellitus. Most often, the diabetic condition develops in adult cats, as well as in overweight animals. Frequent urination is one of the early signs of diabetes, which also includes, in addition to thirst, symptoms such as weight loss, apathy, vomiting, acetone odor from an animal in severe cases. Increased urination in a cat in such cases occurs due to the large amount of urine formed, which needs to be excreted and outwardly such an animal visits the toilet more often.

5. Kidney disease accompanied by renal failure

Renal failure is one of the most dangerous conditions for a cat's health. It develops as a result of the kidneys losing their structure and the impossibility of full reabsorption of water in the tubules. This leads to increased urine production. Renal failure develops as a result of chronic inflammatory processes, infectious diseases, with age. The loss of more than 70% of its function by the kidneys leads to irreversible consequences and the accumulation of toxins in the blood. In addition to frequent urination, the cat will experience loss of appetite, vomiting, lethargy and drowsiness, trembling, and a decrease in body temperature.

6. Tagging the territory

Despite the fact that most of the causes of increased urge are painful in nature, they are often associated with behavioral factors. It is known that cats can mark territory with their own urine, doing it in non-designated areas, usually this happens when there are several animals in the house or if the owners bring the smell of other animals from neighbors. Such cases, when the owner of the increased urge is associated with a particular disease, the reasons may be exclusively of a behavioral nature.

In any case, if you suspect a disease of the urinary system, a number of tests should be performed: urinalysis, blood biochemistry to fully understand the nature of frequent urination in a cat.

Diseases such as urolithiasis in cats are common and require the professional help of a trained veterinarian. Sand and stones form as a result of the crystallization of salt sediment in the urine of cats and cats. Coming out with urine, stones and sand can injure the animal's urethra, causing pain, and causing bleeding and inflammation. Urolithiasis of animals is accompanied by frequent painful urination, the color of urine changes to cherry, often there are traces of blood.

Clusters of grains of sand or small stones block the urethra, making it much more difficult for urine to drain.

Urine gradually accumulates in the bladder, dropping out, often there is no urination at all. As a result, the bladder overflows, the condition of the animal worsens. Urolithiasis in a cat is accompanied by severe asthenia.

The cat loses appetite, stops drinking, moves a little and has a constant urge to urinate. Urolithiasis in Persian cats is especially difficult.

Kidney overload is the main cause of urolithiasis in a cat

Regardless of the fluid intake, urine continues to fill the bladder as a result of the continuous work of the kidneys. Excessive stretching of the bladder leads to a rapid deterioration of the condition. Through blood vessels in the walls of the bladder, which have burst as a result of stretching, urine enters the bloodstream, which leads to general intoxication of the body.

In this case, cats are seriously ill. Signs of severe poisoning with urine components are trembling, vomiting, convulsions.

Urolithiasis in cats can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the location of the stones, their size and shape. If the stones do not block the urinary tract, do not have sharp edges that damage the mucous membrane, then there may be no external manifestations of the disease.

In practice, there are cases of detection in cats and cats of conglomerates with a diameter exceeding 2 cm in the complete absence of external signs of the disease for more than one and a half years necessary for the formation of a calculus of this size.

If the cat has frequent urge to urinate

It is possible to suspect urolithiasis in cats due to difficulties with urination, in which the cat or cat reacts to frequent urges by sitting down, but attempts to urinate remain unsuccessful, or only a small volume of urine is released, often containing fine sand, while the stream of urine excreted is weak, may be interrupted.

Urinary retention, characterized by overflow of the bladder, requires immediate veterinary intervention, as it poses a danger to the life of the animal. Urolithiasis in cats is carried out as in humans - they start a medical history, which reflects all diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Diagnose on the basis of the observed clinical picture, anamnesis data and information on the composition of the saline sediment of urine.

Salt composition diagnostics

The composition of urinary stones includes various salts (oxalates and struvites), crystallized around the organic skeleton of the stone.

X-rays and ultrasound (ultrasound) scans can give an idea of ​​the number, location, size, and shape of stones. The composition of the calculus can be determined using chemical analysis, which is the simplest and most accessible diagnostic method at the present time.

Urolithiasis of cats and cats is a serious disease caused by various reasons associated with metabolic disorders, therefore, it requires complex treatment, which can be both conservative and operative. Timeliness of diagnosis and implementation of therapeutic measures contributes to a favorable outcome of the treatment of ICD.

This is especially important when urolithiasis has developed in castrated cats.

Treatment of urolithiasis in cats

It is possible to remove calculi from the body with the help of surgical intervention, but the operation does not completely eliminate the animal from the disease. With ICD, conservative treatment is carried out both before surgery and in the period immediately after surgery and for a long time later.

First of all, it is necessary to restore the patency of the urethra to resume the normal outflow of urine, for this purpose, bladder catheterization is performed. The manipulation is performed under general anesthesia. If it is impossible to insert the catheter, surgical intervention is necessary.

In the surgical treatment of feline urolithiasis, an epicystotomy is usually performed, during which the bladder is opened and cleaned, the abdomen of the animal is used for catheterization, which temporarily ensures the outflow of urine from the bladder.

The duration of treatment after surgery is usually four days to two weeks, after which the catheter is removed and the animal returns to normal life. The result of surgery in animals with urinary retention of up to three days is usually recovery. Conservative treatment of cats and cats is carried out with sand or small stones with the possibility of their independent discharge.

With the conservative treatment of urolithiasis in animals, a set of therapeutic measures is used: - the use of analgesics and antispasmodics; - anti-inflammatory therapy; - measures for general strengthening of the body; - dietary nutrition;

Homeopathy for urolithiasis in cats is useless.

The veterinarian selects medicines for animals for urolithiasis and the treatment regimen individually.

Surgical treatment of ICD of cats is carried out in the presence of a stone that cannot go away spontaneously, the exit of which is accompanied by hematuria and pain, with prolonged infringement of the stone with manifestations of urinary stagnation.

The operation is also indicated in the case of severe intoxication, in the presence of a concomitant infection, usually accompanied by an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees.

Surgical treatment of urolithiasis is contraindicated in hepatic or respiratory failure, the presence of cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular accidents and other organic diseases of cats and cats. loss of fluid and blood.

For this purpose, appropriate infusion therapy is carried out, the work of the heart and kidneys is monitored, urine and blood tests are performed. The necessary complex of therapeutic and preventive measures is determined by the veterinarian in each case of the disease individually, based on the data of the clinical examination and the results of ultrasound and laboratory diagnostics.

Prevention of the development of urolithiasis in cats

For the prevention of ICD and relapses of the disease in cats, it is recommended: - drinking plenty of water to increase urine output; - preventing hypothermia; - stabilizing the functioning of the digestive tract, if necessary, the use of laxatives that do not violate the electrolyte balance in the body; - reducing body weight by reducing the calorie intake; - dietary food according to the type of urinary stones.

Diet for urolithiasis in cats and cats

If urolithiasis is diagnosed in cats, it is necessary to analyze the nature of the diet and drinking regime of the beloved pet. Medicines for urolithiasis in animals will only be truly effective with a proper diet that prevents stones from forming.

If the stones are oxalate

If oxalate stones are found in a cat, the veterinarian recommends a diet, the purpose of which is to minimize the intake of oxalic acid in the animal's body, because stones are formed from the products of its decay. There is a lot of oxalic acid in the liver and kidneys, and their introduction into the animal's diet is greatly reduced.

The amount of milk and products from it also decreases. A diet with a high alkaline valence is recommended, so the animal should receive beets, beans, cauliflower. Boiled meat and fish, vegetables, cereals, in which magnesium is present, are useful.

From the ready-made food for cats, the Hill's Prescription Diet Feline X / D therapeutic and prophylactic food is suitable, and the Eukanuba Oxalate Urinary Formula medicinal food. Urolithiasis in Persian cats or urolithiasis in castrated cats is perfectly corrected by using high-quality medical nutrition, which is offered by the above companies.

Diet with struvites

Animals diagnosed with phosphate urolithiasis need to maintain such a regime so that the alkaline reaction of urine turns into acidic. To achieve this, the diet should not contain foods rich in calcium - milk and its derivatives, egg yolk.

Boiled beef and veal, liver, egg white, eel and pike, rice and a little oatmeal, carrots and cabbage will also be very useful. Hill's Prescription Diet Feline S / D as a dietary supplement; Hill's Prescription Diet C / D - Eukanuba Struvite UrinaryFormula Special Nutrition will be helpful to prevent phosphate stones.

When your pet is on a diet, it should be remembered that food can contribute to the acidification of urine inadequate or, conversely, in excess. It is necessary to regularly collect the pet's urine and take it for analysis, even when outwardly everything looks good.

When using ready-made prophylactic food, due to the existing contraindications, consultation with a veterinarian is needed. It is undesirable to feed a cat or a cat with regular food and ready-made food at the same time, all the more it is undesirable to mix them in one bowl (this is why cats get sick). The drinking bowl should always contain clean filtered water. A complete diet that is not monotonous and does not lead the pet to obesity will help to avoid urolithiasis in cats.

It should contain fish and milk, seafood, vitamins. Prepared feed should be purchased if it is indicated that it is for castrated animals or for the prevention of urolithiasis. Ready meals "premium" are recommended: Hills, Eukanuba, Roval Canin; others do not give the expected prophylactic effect. Diseases of cats are not a sentence, but a signal that you need to notice in time and help your beloved cat.

Frequent urination in veterinary cats is called pollakiuria and can occur for a variety of reasons. This is a rather unpleasant condition, in which the main thing is to consult a veterinarian at the first sign in order to treat the pet as effectively as possible. Positive dynamics can be achieved only with an integrated approach, but if this condition is prolonged, then in the future there may be a lack of urination, which can lead to the death of the cat. In our article we will tell you why and under what diagnoses this condition can occur in cats, and how to treat it.

The reasons for which pollakiuria may occur

When the owner noticed that the cat goes to the toilet very little and often, and sometimes with blood, then this may be a sign of a malfunction of not only the urinary system. Also, a similar condition occurs if the cat drinks a lot with diabetes or even when the pet is under stress. The most common causes of pollakiuria are:


One of the most common reasons that a cat rarely walks small is cystitis. Animals from a year and older are predisposed to it, as a rule, a small kitten does not suffer from this ailment. This disease can occur in both acute and chronic forms. The most common symptom is when the cat often visits the litter box, urinates in small portions, possibly even with blood or pus. While visiting the toilet, the kitten meows plaintively, can walk next to the litter box, walks slightly hunched over, often licks the crotch. The most common causes of cystitis are:

  • Metabolic disease.
  • Formation of sand and kidney stones.
  • An improperly balanced diet of a kitten, as a rule, most often it is: low fluid intake, poor-quality dry food, insufficient amount of protein.
  • Infectious diseases.

Urolithiasis disease

One of the common causes of a condition when a cat urinates little by little is urolithiasis. Veterinary statistics claim that the main category of sick animals is an elderly castrated cat. However, there are times when a kitten may suffer from this complex disease.

To understand that the cat has urolithiasis, the following symptoms will help:

  • Excretion of urine occurs literally drop by drop.
  • The kitten often visits the litter box, but sometimes unsuccessfully.
  • The cat walks in a small way with blood.
  • Vomiting, which is rare at the beginning of the disease, and then quite often.
  • Temperature increase.
  • The kitten becomes lethargic and lethargic.

A pet can get urolithiasis if he has suffered infectious diseases, he has obesity (therefore, a castrated cat is most susceptible to him), a genetic predisposition, too much water intake.

There are some cat breeds that are most prone to this ailment: Siamese, Persian, Scottish Fold.

Psychological problems

Sometimes a cat often goes to the toilet due to psychological trauma, which can be caused by stress. It is stress that leads to a decrease in immunity, in connection with which the kitten begins to get sick often, which leads to an inflammatory process in the urinary system. A kitten can experience stress in the following cases:

  • Changing of the living place.
  • The appearance of a new tray can have a deplorable effect on the urinary system, the kitten quickly gets used to such an intimate container that with its change it may not only categorically refuse to go to the new tray, but also acquire unwanted diseases.
  • Change of berth.
  • Change of the usual feed.
  • Change in relationship with the owner. If the beloved owner has lost interest in the cat or is forced to spend a lot of time at work, then she is acutely worried about this moment.
  • When a new kitten appears in the house, the old cat is stressed about this.
  • A cat is a very clean animal, when she regularly has a dirty litter box, it is very difficult for her to use it, which can result in a violation of urination.

When a cat is stressed, he has frequent urination, and he urinates in small portions, sometimes even with blood. The pet also shows an aggressive state, anxiety. Frequent urination due to stressful situations can lead to a blockage in the urinary tract.


A diabetic kitten can often urinate because he drinks a lot, but urination with blood is not observed in this case. The pet's thirst is either due to the heat or due to diabetes mellitus. If it's hot, then there is nothing terrible, and when the temperature is normal, and the cat is constantly thirsty, then this may be a signal that it needs to be checked for diabetes. Very often castrated cats suffer from it, as they sometimes have obesity, which can lead to hormonal disruption.

Urinary incontinence

Sometimes it may seem that the cat often and gradually runs to the toilet, but in fact it is urinary incontinence. In connection with spinal injuries, age-related changes in the bladder, stress, frequent urge to urinate occurs, urine leaks, pressure on the bladder increases. Most often, old and neutered animals suffer from this disease.

Leaving marks

Another factor of portioned urination is the marking of the territory. These can be behavioral features of the animal. Sometimes even a kitten can mark territory. In this way, he satisfies his feelings of the owner, this is especially true when the owner brings another pet.

How can you help

First of all, in order to provide qualified assistance to a pet, it is necessary to determine the cause of frequent urination. Especially if discharge with blood is visible in the tray, then you need to immediately contact the veterinarian. Moreover, the sooner, the better, since only in the first stages of the disease can a complete recovery be achieved.

You cannot diagnose yourself, you need to consult a veterinarian, since only a professional can prescribe qualified treatment.

For the appointment of treatment, it is necessary to undergo an examination, which includes: blood and urine analysis, calculation of the drunk and excreted fluid, ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, x-ray. Only with the help of diagnostic data can you correctly diagnose, and in accordance with it, prescribe treatment.

When stress is the source of the problem, the first step is to remove the source of stress, depending on the condition of the pet, the veterinarian may prescribe sedatives.


To prevent the kitten from urinating problems, the following preventive measures must be followed:

  • When feeding a cat with dry food, you need to monitor the amount of water you drink, that is, the kitten should drink 3 times more food.
  • It is necessary to provide the cat with movement. Inactive pets are more prone to diseases of the urinary system.
  • Care must be taken to ensure that the animals do not gain excess weight, this is especially true for spayed pets.
  • It is necessary to monitor the diet of cats, exclude raw fish and meat, sausages, smoked meats, salted foods.
  • Regular prophylactic examinations will help to identify the disease at an early stage.
  • It is necessary to take tests twice a year.
  • You can give Cotervin 2 times a year - this drug has a prophylactic effect on the genitourinary system of the animal.

When a kitten urinates frequently and little by little, then in this case, first of all, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian. Moreover, the sooner the cat is delivered to the veterinary clinic, the faster recovery can occur. If the appeal to a specialist is delayed, then there is a risk of acquiring a chronic form of the disease or even losing a pet.

Frequent urination symptom(pollakiuria) in cats almost always indicates health problems, some of them are easy to correct and treat, but there are those that lead to the death of the animal. If you notice that urination up to three times a day is considered the norm, then you need to urgently take the phone and seek advice from a veterinarian. It is worth knowing what reasons lie behind the cat's frequent trips to the toilet and help the animal in time.

Pollakiuria reasons_ why the cat often pisses

If a fluffy pet frequently urinates, and the volume of urine may vary for certain pathologies, it is important to know the main reasons why this happens so as not to miss the onset of serious diseases.

Urolithiasis - the cat often pisses

One of the most dangerous reasons that a cat often pees, consists in the formation of stones in the bladder and kidneys of the animal.

    Mainly suffer from urolithiasis:
  • castrated and middle-aged seals;
  • have had an infectious disease;
  • genetically predisposed (Persians, Siamese, Scottish Fold);
  • getting excess nutrition.
    If urolithiasis is suspected should alert such symptoms:
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • high temperature;
  • the cat often goes to the litter box, but urine is released drop by drop, sometimes with blood;
  • vomiting, rare at first, later becomes more frequent.

Remember that urolithiasis, if ignored, can deprive you of your pet in 3-5 days!

Cystitis - the cat often pees

Inflammation of the lining of the bladder is called cystitis and affects both cats and cats. The cause of cystitis are infections of the urinary tract, kidneys, metabolic disorders associated with improper diet, as well as hypothermia. Cystitis can cause sand and stones in the urine of the animal, as they scratch the lining of the bladder and cause it to become inflamed.

    With cystitis, the following signs are characteristic:
  • the cat often pisses a little;
  • cloudy urine with blood or pus;
  • the animal experiences pain when urinating, especially at the beginning and at the end, meows, licks itself;
  • the cat may begin to walk in small ways to other places, as the litter box is associated with pain.

Diabetes mellitus - the cat often pees

This is an endocrine disease accompanied by increased thirst(polydipsia) and, accordingly, the cat urinates a lot and often. In addition to these symptoms, there may be increased appetite or lack of it, lethargy, vomiting, the smell of acetone from the cat's mouth, and emaciation. The cause of diabetes there may be obesity, hormonal disruptions, pregnancy, stress. If you observe such changes in the health of your pet, immediately contact your veterinarian for a blood glucose test and other tests.

Stressful situations - the cat often pisses

Yes, stressful situations also cause frequent urination in cats.

    Stress is triggered by the following situations:
  • the appearance of a new pet;
  • NS moving to a new place;
  • new tray;
  • unusual food;
  • change in relationship with the owner, lack of attention;
  • dirty tray;
  • period of sexual activity;
  • recent neutering of a cat.

As you can see, in cats, almost all diseases are "from the nerves", so try to remove or minimize the factors disturbing your pet.

Marking the territory, the cat often pisses

The cat can be quite healthy, he just grew up and claims the rights to this territory. Leaving marks- This is frequent urination in small portions in different parts of the house, while the animal's tail trembles. This is part of the sexual behavior of an adult animal, the castration of the cat can solve the problem.

Urinary incontinence - the cat pees frequently

Often elderly individuals suffer when the weakened sphincter of the bladder is unable to withstand the increasing pressure of urine, and the cat runs to write often and little by little. This happens and with spinal injuries, and from stressful influences.

Failure of the kidneys, - the cat often pees

Kidney failure occurs mainly in animals over eight to ten years old, characterized by such signs as pallor of the nose and mucous membranes of the oral cavity, wounds in the mouth and tongue, salivation, bad breath.

The cat pees often: treatment

In this case, it is not necessary to treat the symptom itself, but to look for the original source of the problem and deal directly with its elimination. What will help your pet to get rid of frequent urination should be decided by your tandem with the attending veterinarian, without a doctor you will not make the correct diagnosis and will lose precious time.

    If you turned to a veterinarian with this problem, then he can prescribe the following tests and examinations:
  1. Blood tests.
  2. Urine tests.
  3. X-ray.
  4. Blood glucose levels.
  5. For the presence of acetone.

If a cat is diagnosed with cystitis, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics, bladder lavage, antispasmodics, and a diuretic.

If the cat is diagnosed with urolithiasis, then it is necessary to ensure a free outflow of urine, for which a catheter is inserted under general anesthesia. Surgery to remove stones from the bladder and intensive symptomatic treatment are often required. In no case should you try to treat this disease on your own, since only specialists will save your furry pet from death!

If the animal has diabetes, doctors will determine what type it is and treat accordingly. You may need to inject your cat with insulin. If diabetes of the second type, insulin-independent, will help a special diet, weight loss in obesity, drugs to improve the functions of the pancreas.

If a cat simply marks its territory, then this condition does not require special treatment, since it is not pathological. You may choose to sterilize the animal, after which this behavior usually disappears.

If the cause of urinary frequency is stressful, try to eliminate the cause. However, to make sure the animal is really healthy, take it to your veterinarian.

Prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system, the cat often pees

Every owner needs to know the basic measures for preventing urinary problems in their furry purr.

If your animal is at risk for any reason (age, belonging to a certain breed, past illnesses and operations, gender), then you should regularly conduct routine examinations with a veterinarian, which will allow you to diagnose ailments at the beginning.

Consult your veterinarian about the composition and amount of food for your pet, adequate drinking regime, nutritional habits of castrated cats. The domestic cat's menu should be replenished with quality food and water.

Take care of routine vaccinations for your kitten and adult cat. The stronger the immunity of the animal, the less problems there will be with the genitourinary system and the general condition of the body.

Protect cats prone to cystitis from hypothermia on a cold surface, provide rest in a place protected from drafts on a warm bed. This will help prevent your cat from peeing frequently.

In conclusion, I would like to say that many diseases of the urinary system in the early stages are successfully and quickly cured. If the disease is of a chronic nature, regular observation by a veterinarian will help to avoid its complications and relapses. The veterinary center "I - BET" employs specialists who face more than 150 different pathologies in their practice. We have gained a successful experience of on-site veterinary care, when it is easy to provide almost any service and treatment at home in compliance with all the conditions of the veterinary clinic.

At the same time, the animal will recover faster in a familiar environment, and the owner will save his time and effort. Of course, a hospital with all the necessary equipment works for severe patients. You can get a free consultation, arrange a doctor's call, find out the prices for services and veterinary drugs by calling our center. We work for you around the clock, 365 days a year!