Causes of prenatal and postnatal back pain in women. Choose a position, a comfortable mattress and pillows for sleeping. How to get rid of tailbone pain with exercise

Often, a woman's tailbone hurts after childbirth. According to gynecologists, such unpleasant ailments on the coccyx after childbirth are considered common. However, such pain should disappear after a while.

If a woman during maternity leave feels unpleasant ailments on the coccyx for 2-3 months or more, then it is definitely necessary to find the cause and eliminate it.

Over time, such an ailment only becomes stronger, and it becomes more and more difficult to cure such a disease, as well as remove all pain symptoms.

Why does pain appear?

Why does the tailbone hurt after childbirth? Pain after childbirth on the coccyx is formed for the following reasons:

In what situations does pain appear?

During childbirth, a woman's body undergoes a variety of physiological changes.

When the pelvic bones are moved apart, then the coccygeal bone is sometimes touched. Therefore, after childbirth, the coccyx hurts a lot.

A young patient feels pain on the coccyx in such situations:

  • with a long sitting position. When sitting on the coccyx, the pain becomes more acute;
  • when you get up abruptly, the coccyx also hurts;
  • when lying on the bed, on the back - on the spine after childbirth;
  • when going to the toilet "in a big way." During childbirth, the coccyx sometimes breaks, and unpleasant ailments become more acute. They last around the clock. Similar pains are given to the groin.

Thus, it becomes difficult for a young mother to take care of her baby, because she constantly feels the above painful symptoms.

The nature of the pain syndrome

If unpleasant ailments on the coccyx are not associated with its traumatization, then the pain in the coccyx after childbirth is usually aching, less often burning or sharp. In this case, the patient suffers from discomfort in the perineum. This often occurs when sitting, staying in one position for a long time, or when bending over.

After injury to the coccygeal bone, a sick woman feels intense pain that radiates to the buttocks and legs.


Exercises for tailbone pain


When conducting diagnostics after childbirth and if the coccyx is damaged, the gynecologist makes the correct diagnosis for the young mother and selects a specific treatment plan. Thus, the doctor conducts such a diagnosis:

  • the use of instrumental manipulation. Here, the gynecologist checks the nature of the injury to the coccygeal bone - combined or not. If the injury of the coccygeal spine is combined, then the young mother during maternity leave also injured her pubic bones, as well as other formations.
  • Collection of anamnesis. Here, the gynecologist analyzes the features of delivery (for example, vacuum extraction), checks if there are predisposing specific factors, and also finds out from the young mother during maternity leave what period of time the coccyx hurts.
  • Palpation. The gynecologist performs this procedure through the rectum. At the same time, the gynecologist sometimes detects mobility or hears a specific sound of displacement of bone fragments, which resembles a snow crunch.
  • X-ray. During the x-ray, the gynecologist examines the condition of the female pelvis and coccyx after childbirth, and also checks for fractures and cracks. However, with such a study, it is difficult to detect small lesions - they are determined by MRI;
  • MRI is itself an effective diagnostic method. During an MRI, a gynecologist detects even the smallest injuries, and also evaluates tissues in layers.

When to See a Gynecologist

Often, gynecologists attribute damage to the female coccyx to the difficult nature of childbirth.

Patients during maternity leave often develop postpartum pain syndrome on the coccyx, as well as swelling and sprains.

Gynecologists often do not pay attention to this and discharge a woman with a baby home.

After a short time, the young mother has pain on the coccygeal bone if the displacement was small.

With stronger displacements in the vertebrae of various parts of the spine, they do not fall into place, the ligaments are tense, and the pain becomes very strong.

Thus, the patient who has given birth suffers from acute pain while walking. Moreover, unpleasant ailments are given to the buttocks, and it feels like inflammation of various sciatic nerves.

A patient who has given birth should seek medical help from a gynecologist when:

  • suffers from discomfort in the coccyx area for more than 14 days;
  • unpleasant acute ailments give to the buttocks;
  • stretched (pubic joint);
  • unpleasant ailments spread in the direction of the various sciatic nerves.

Usually, gynecologists cure the coccyx during special manual therapy, treatment with pills against various inflammations, as well as various analgesics.

Selected drugs should not give any side effects. In difficult situations, surgeons operate on a woman.

How to get rid of pain?

What to do if the tailbone hurts a lot?

To relieve unpleasant ailments on the coccygeal bone, immediately after childbirth, gynecologists prescribe a woman to undergo relaxing and supportive physical therapy.

Thus, a sick woman during maternity leave performs various exercises with a gymnastic ball.

With unpleasant coccygeal ailments, the patient who has given birth follows the following medical recommendations:

  • at first, he does not sit on soft sofa or bed surfaces and does not lift any weights;
  • lies more than sits;
  • for prevention uses warming compresses. Then the patient warms with a boiled egg or applies red-hot salt to it, which is wrapped in a towel;
  • wears a special bandage.

Depending on the nature of the formation of unpleasant ailments, the gynecologist prescribes the following treatment for the patient:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • undergoing vitamin therapy;
  • when various sciatic nerves are pinched, a young mother is prescribed bed rest, taking drugs against various postpartum inflammations and various analgesics;
  • manual therapy;
  • acupuncture.

If the gynecologist found cracks and fractures on the coccygeal bone, then at the acute stage he prescribes conservative treatment, in which the patient who has given birth mainly lies on the bed for at least 7 days.

If the gynecologist has diagnosed a dislocation or fracture with a displacement of a particular bone, the surgeon sets it through the rectum during a manual medical examination. After that, the patient basically lies on the bed for 10 days.

If the gynecologist diagnosed non-union, and also if the above-mentioned conservative treatment did not give the desired concrete results and the coccygeal pains did not go away, the gynecologist-surgeon performs a surgical operation.

Medical therapy

All concomitant ailments that are identified by the gynecologist during the examination of the patient must also be cured. For example, a neurologist prescribes treatment with various drugs to relieve stress.

During pregnancy, women cannot take psychotropic or other medications. Therefore, they relieve unpleasant ailments in this way: they sit on a special rubber circle.

It significantly reduces the load on the coccyx.

It is used by all people who have such an ailment.

If the coccyx is very sore, the patient who has given birth relieves such pain with the use of Ibuprofen and Naproxen. The patient also makes microclysters and inserts candles.

In more difficult situations, gynecologists inject novocaine into the affected area.


If there are no serious pathologies and injuries after childbirth, then the sick woman undergoes a treatment complex of exercise therapy. In such a situation, she performs the following exercises:

  • lies on the back, bends both legs and pulls them to the chest. Then he brings his legs together and spreads them. The number of such exercises: 11-15 times.
  • In the supine position on the back, squeezes the ball between the legs, and then squeezes it for 6-10 seconds and relaxes. Number of exercises: 7-8 times.
  • Further, straightens the bent legs, and the ball rolls over the inner region of the left or right lower leg for 6–10 seconds. Number of exercises: 9-10 times.
  • Bends the legs and puts the heels to the buttocks. Carefully, slowly raises the pelvis without straining the dorsal muscles. Thus, only the muscles of the buttocks, back, and abs are tensed.
  • He rolls over on his stomach, and then immediately raises his legs and arms high. The exercise is performed 3-4 times. Between repetitions, pause for 6-7 seconds.
  • Gets up and completes exercise therapy in this way - leans or turns from side to side.

After exercise therapy, the patient goes for a tailbone massage.

Manual therapy

Since, during breastfeeding, a sick woman does not take any drugs for treatment during maternity leave, she undergoes manual therapy. Thus, the patient easily and quickly copes with existing problems and ailments.

When feeling and gently tapping the patient, the chiropractor identifies problem areas in which organs, tissues, vertebrae are motionless or very tense. After identifying the problem, the therapist begins to remove it with the help of hands.

As a result, the female muscular ligamentous apparatus assumes the correct position, it ceases to compress various nerves.

With prolonged manual therapy, muscle memory improves and the patient gets rid of pain syndromes and their causes.

Folk methods

After childbirth and after agreement with the attending gynecologist, the sick woman also uses various recipes from traditional medicine.

To remove pain in the coccyx after childbirth, the patient who gave birth uses the following folk methods for treating pain in the coccyx:

  • takes a bath of geranium decoction. Takes 4 teaspoons of geranium and pours 4 cups of boiled water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Further, he leaves this healing solution to infuse for 30 minutes, strains it and pours it into the bath.
  • Apply geranium compresses to the damaged area. Next, he soaks gauze in a herbal solution of geranium, puts it on the affected coccygeal bone and covers it with a film of polyethylene. From above covers the coccyx with a terry towel. The patient who has given birth performs this procedure every day until the discomfort has passed.
  • Puts compresses from tincture of valerian. Then, moistens the turunda from cotton wool or gauze and applies it to the damaged area. Covers the tailbone with a warm thick blanket.
  • Rubs fir oil into the diseased coccyx 3 times a day.
  • Takes ordinary table vinegar and honey in a ratio of 1: 2, mixes well and rubs into the affected area.
  • Sometimes, when removing the inflammatory process on the coccyx, it draws a grid of iodine.
  • Lubricates the coccygeal bone with troxevasin ointment.

Preventive measures

The body of the patient during maternity leave is greatly weakened and is in a stressful state. A woman needs a lot of time to fully restore her health.

Every year, the number of women who are forced to seek help from doctors because of severe pain in the back and coccyx is growing inexorably. According to statistics, every third woman complains of pain of various localization and nature in the postpartum period, as well as on the eve of childbirth.

The most common cases are when women in labor note that they have severe back pain after childbirth. Such pain manifestations can disturb for several weeks, but sometimes it happens that the pain does not go away even within a month.

The reason for the occurrence of pain in the lower back after childbirth is that the maximum load on the spine during the entire period of pregnancy falls on its lumbar region.

At risk are those pregnant women who, even before the conception of a child, had problems with the spine, for example, suffered from one of the most common diseases at the moment - scoliosis. Carrying a child is a huge burden on the back, which often provokes a violation of posture.

The occurrence of lower back pain before childbirth is preceded by many factors, the main of which is a complete restructuring of the body due to pregnancy. During this period of time, changes occur in the physiology of a woman: stretching of the muscle, as well as the divergence of bone tissue, and much more. Due to the appearance of the fetus, the internal organs of the expectant mother diverge to the sides, thereby stretching the ligaments, which in most cases are attached directly to the spine, which provokes the appearance of pain.

Other causes of pain on the eve of childbirth include:

  • Omission of the kidneys.

If you feel that your lower back hurts before childbirth, and discomfort radiates to the perineum or legs, then you should definitely visit a doctor, since the cause of this phenomenon may be a serious pathology.

  • Divergence of bones.

This process occurs gradually and begins before childbirth, and ends 4-5 months after the birth of the baby.

  • Start of fights.

Many women have severe back pain before giving birth. The appearance of these painful sensations is explained by the fact that the birth of a child is preceded by unpleasant feelings in the lower abdomen of a cramping type, which often migrate to the lumbar region. These painful manifestations are caused by increasing pressure on the cervix, as well as contraction of its muscles.

The recovery period for each woman in labor requires an unequal amount of time. For some, this process lasts only a few months, and in some situations it does not end even after six months.

Throughout this period, the female body is gradually restored, gradually returning to the state preceding childbirth. But, unfortunately, this phenomenon is not always painless. For example, many women tend to experience recurring back pain after childbirth, as well as in other locations.

Pain in the back and lower back

Question: “why does the lower back hurt after childbirth?” interested in many women in labor. The main cause of such pain is the stretching of the muscles of the back and abdomen, which are deformed throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Such painful manifestations can disturb a woman for a long time, and after all, after the child was born, she has to actively move, providing the necessary care and care for the newborn baby. So what to do in this situation? How can a new mother get rid of back pain?

Pain around the coccyx and sacrum

According to statistics, most often in women who have given birth, the coccyx hurts after childbirth, and painful manifestations are also felt in the sacrum. Such a painful condition occurs due to the fact that the ligaments and muscles of the pelvic floor, which took an active part in childbirth, were injured. In such situations, the pain syndrome in these areas tends to increase when the body is tilted, when walking, and also when urinating.

Why does pain occur in these locations? Causes:

  1. A long-standing injury to the coccyx, which has not been fully and correctly treated, can also provoke the appearance of pain in the coccyx after childbirth;
  2. Inflammatory phenomenon in the genitals;
  3. Lack of calcium in the skeletal system;
  4. Natural changes in the female body.

In preparation for the birth of a child, the pelvic organs change their natural position due to the fact that the uterus increases in size, like the fetus, displacing all the organs located nearby. In this case, the coccyx deviates back. If you feel that you have - this means that he is returning to his original position.

  1. Birth trauma in difficult childbirth.

Sometimes during difficult births, hemorrhage occurs in the soft tissues that surround the coccyx, which is accompanied by severe pain that decreases over time.

Despite this, in most cases, the causes that cause pain in these locations are natural and disappear with time. If you feel that you have a strong or coccyx after childbirth - consult your medical specialist. Perhaps, as a result of childbirth, a crack formed in the sacrum or tailbone.

Postpartum back pain

If your spine hurts after childbirth, then most likely this condition is the result of changes in posture that occurred as a result of the redistribution of loads on the spinal column at the time of bearing the child. Such pain manifestations cannot be tolerated, since changes in posture are one of the most harmless factors that cause pain.

Intervertebral hernia, scoliosis, followed by displacement of the internal organs can also provoke pain. Therefore, if the pain in the spine after childbirth does not decrease for a long time, consult a neurologist.

The joy of motherhood and the expectation of the birth of a baby for a woman is often overshadowed by various uncomfortable and painful conditions. The reason for their occurrence often lies in the physiological processes occurring in the female body.

How to cure the back and tailbone after the birth of a baby?

First of all, you need to find out the factor that provokes the appearance of pain in these areas. For example, if a woman complains that her lower back hurts after a cesarean, then it is most likely that her painful condition is caused by anesthesia, which is injected directly next to the spine. Unsuccessful anesthesia is a clear reason to consult a medical specialist, since in this case, without professional help, you are unlikely to be able to improve your well-being.

  1. Consult your doctor and get tested to find out why your back hurts after childbirth.

In medical practice, physiotherapy exercises, special massage techniques, physiotherapy procedures and other methods are used to treat pain.

  1. For five to six months after you become a mother, avoid physical activity, as your muscles have not yet recovered during this period of time.
  2. Perform special gymnastic exercises for postpartum recovery.
  3. Provide yourself with such comfortable conditions for caring for a newborn baby so that you do not often have to bend over and make sudden movements. If you still need to bend down, it is better to sit down or kneel.
  4. Wear a corset or postpartum bandage.

If you feel on the eve or after childbirth - do not ignore these body signals, consult a doctor. If the manifestation of pain is a natural process, then it will pass with the restoration of the body. But, if the reason for their appearance is a serious pathology or disease, then your health will improve only after appropriate treatment.

In general, there are no obvious features in coccygeal pain in trimesters. Therefore, we will consider the general reasons, dwelling in more detail on a particular period, if this turns out to be relevant.

During the period of bearing a child, expectant mothers often find pain in the coccyx. This phenomenon is well known in obstetrics and gynecology and has a special definition: anococcygeal pain syndrome.

It combines several diseases that can occur during pregnancy, associated with the localization of pain in the coccyx, anus (anus) and perineum.

These are the diseases:

  1. Proctalgia or anal neuralgia. Spasm of the muscles supporting the rectum. The inflammatory process is not accompanied, it may have a psychosomatic nature.
  2. Coccygodynia. Pain syndrome that occurs in the coccyx, perineum, anus. Its most common cause is inflammation or pinching of the coccygeal nerves.
  3. Anorectal pain. The second type of coccygodynia, characterized by the localization of pain in the anus.

In principle, anokopchikovy syndrome cannot be associated only with pregnancy. It can manifest itself outside of it, but, anyway, it is more common in women than in men. Pregnancy, on the other hand, often either exacerbates the factors of anokopchikovy syndrome laid down earlier, or provokes its manifestation on its own.

The nature of coccygeal pain in pregnant women and their causes

So, pain in the coccyx during pregnancy occurs for a number of reasons. They can be roughly divided into three large groups.


That's just how they usually work in the early stages (in the first trimester). The abruptly changed hormonal background contributes to the relaxation of smooth muscles, including the sacral ligaments. The bones of the pelvis diverge as the fetus grows and the coccyx moves (deflects) back.

The uterus grows, its pressure increases on the bones of the pelvis and sacrum, as well as on the ligaments that support them. By the way, it is this factor, as well as constipation of pregnant women, that can lead to coccygeal pain in the second trimester.

In the third trimester, it is quite possible to pinch the nerves in the sacrum due to a fairly grown intrauterine baby. Well, that is, it is not at all necessary, but if the coccyx is already sick, then maybe for this reason.


It's just psychosomatic. Anxiety due to the possibility of unsuccessful gestation, fear of the upcoming birth, fear for the health of the unborn baby or for one's own - all this can give pain in the coccyx during pregnancy.


Here, first of all, the old ones should be attributed:

  • injury,
  • operations,
  • diseases of the spine, especially in the sacral region.

Everything from this category that happened once, before getting into an interesting position, even in childhood, can make itself felt during pregnancy.

In addition, problems in the gynecological, urological and proctological spheres can make the coccyx hurt, for example:

  • inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs or the bladder,
  • operations and diseases in the anus and rectum,
  • prolapse of the pelvic organs.

A separate line should mention the most terrible threat, which may indicate coccygeal and / or sacral pain - the threat of miscarriage. Although, to calm the nerves, it should be remembered that in such a situation, the pain in the coccyx is not limited to one.

And, as always, the deficiency of vitamins and microelements, especially calcium and magnesium, also contribute to the occurrence of pain in the bones and muscles in general, and in the sacral region, in particular.

For what reasons can the tailbone hurt after childbirth?

Basically, according to the same ones that cause pain in the coccyx in pregnant women. In postpartum coccygodynia, the most important thing is to detect its timing and duration.

If coccygeal pain lasts no more than three weeks, it is absolutely normal, because in the process of childbirth, especially rapid, the coccyx undergoes an excessive load, it can pretty much shift and deviate. And that hurts. Within two to three weeks, he rises to his usual place, and the pain goes away.

It should be noted that postpartum coccygeal pain is felt even by those mothers who gave birth by caesarean section. This seems surprising, because the child did not pass through the natural birth canal, and, it would seem, the bones of the pelvis and sacrum should not have been moved apart and displaced.

However, the power of nature is such that these processes occur even in the case of operative delivery, albeit not in the same form as in natural childbirth. Actually, the above-described cause of pain in the coccyx after childbirth can be classified as physiological.

If the postpartum pain is already very strong, or drags on for more than three weeks, and even more so persists for 3 months or even a year after delivery, the same pathological causes come into effect as during pregnancy. It is important to diagnose and treat them in time in order to avoid further complications.

Which doctor should I go to? To your obstetrician-gynecologist. If necessary, he will refer you to another specialist: a surgeon, traumatologist, proctologist or chiropractor.

When do you need a doctor's help?

A pregnant woman should urgently consult a doctor or even an ambulance if:

  • pain in the sacral back is too strong and difficult to bear, it spreads to other parts of the back or to the stomach;
  • vaginal discharge (especially bloody) appeared;
  • problems with urination and/or defecation;
  • the temperature has risen.

The above symptoms may signal a threatened miscarriage.

Also to the doctor, but not so hastily it is necessary to go in all other cases. Yes, even if it's purely physiological, and there is no reason to be afraid. If the tailbone hurts during pregnancy and even after childbirth, the first thing to do is to make sure that this pain is safe.

But only a qualified doctor, an obstetrician-gynecologist, can seriously and truly convince us. Which, in which case, he will prescribe treatment and send to other specialists for examination if the pains are not of a gynecological nature.

How can a pregnant woman help herself with tailbone pain?

We found out that in most cases, during the period of bearing a child and after childbirth, the coccyx hurts not at all because of pathologies, but quite physiologically. But what if there is no threat of pregnancy, and discomfort is present every day? How to help yourself and alleviate this, even if it is a very minor and harmless pain syndrome?

Put off your high heels

First, although this should have been done immediately, as soon as you found out about your pregnancy - get off your heels. For good. You can leave only a slight rise under the heel, up to three centimeters.

Choose a position, comfortable mattress and pillows for sleeping

Secondly, think about how, and then organize a comfortable sleep for yourself: you need to lie down so that, if possible, nothing pulls anywhere, does not numb, does not lie down. In the coccyx, respectively, too.

Ideally, of course, you should choose an orthopedic mattress for pregnant women along with an orthopedic pillow, but if this is difficult for some reason, you can operate with ordinary pillows. In every way, wrap them around and fit on them until it becomes pleasant and comfortable.

Do gymnastics and swim

Thirdly, although, in the main - gymnastics for pregnant women. Feel free to ask your doctor about what exercises can and cannot be performed specifically in your case. In addition, it is very important to swim, unless, of course, there are some individual contraindications.

Swimming for many pregnant women is generally one of the main pleasures. By the way, this activity relieves not only back pain, but also calms down, inspires confidence in a successful pregnancy and prepares for an equally successful birth.

Choose a prenatal bandage

Fourth, when the tummy is already rounded, do not ignore the bandage. Often, expectant mothers do not like this special corset product, justifying this by the fact that it interferes with walking, breathing and living in general during pregnancy.

However, it is the bandage that facilitates the load on the spine, which means that it can also serve as a prevention of pain in the coccyx.

Avoid hypothermia

Fifth, try not to freeze. From the cold, pain in the coccyx during pregnancy will intensify. On the contrary, to reduce its attack, warm your back in a warm shower, or wrap your lower back in a woolen scarf in the manner of grandmothers, or lie down with a heating pad.

The only condition for warming up is that they should not be excessive. Let there be pleasant warmth, not extreme heat. By the way, if this is not contraindicated specifically for your pregnancy, go to the sauna, it is very pleasant.

It is better, however, to do this in a group for pregnant women, since the temperature in the bath should not be too high. Why, it should be noticeably lower than in a conventional sauna - no more than 60 degrees.

If you take another look at these simple tips, you will understand that you need to follow them in any case, regardless of whether your tailbone hurts or not. Such a lifestyle is quite capable of making a pregnant woman calm and happy.

For any woman, childbirth brings not only the joy of a long-awaited meeting with the baby, but also a painful period of rehabilitation. Even if everything went smoothly, after a while pain in the coccyx may appear. What is the reason for this and how to cope with discomfort? The tailbone hurts badly after childbirth, what should I do? The answers to these questions can be found by reading this article.

Under what circumstances does pain appear?

During childbirth, a woman undergoes physiological changes in her body. During the expansion of the pelvic bones, the coccyx may be affected. Pain in this area is called coccygodynia.

A woman after childbirth may feel pain in the coccyx:

    When sitting for a long time, it becomes acute if the woman in labor decides to get up.

    While lying on your back, you may feel pain in the coccyx area.

    When defecation.

During childbirth, the coccyx can be broken, then the pain will be acute and around the clock. It can also radiate to the groin area. It becomes difficult for a woman to take care of her child, she constantly experiences discomfort. She may feel pain in the coccyx after childbirth when sitting.

How does pain feel?

Feelings in the process area may have different characteristics. A woman may feel:

    Burning in the region of the coccyx.

    Intense character.

    Sharp pain.

    Pulling sensations.

    Aching pain.

Usually, the sensations become stronger if the woman in labor bends over, also while sitting in one position for a long period of time. Pain in the tailbone area in women may appear a couple of months after childbirth. It occurs due to diseases such as cystitis, hemorrhoids, endometritis, and also due to the deposition of salts that appear when the body is in the wrong position while sitting. Therefore, the coccyx does not always hurt due to the process of childbirth. You can determine the exact cause with a doctor.

Why does the tailbone hurt after childbirth?

Since the process prevents the baby from freely passing through the birth canal, nature took care of the way out of this situation. During pregnancy, the coccyx softens and, shortly before a joyful event, deviates back, making way for the baby. For this reason, even during gestation, a woman may feel discomfort in this area. As the body recovers, pain in the coccyx after childbirth decreases and disappears completely. But if this does not happen, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

The main causes of pain in the coccyx in women:

    Inflammatory processes in the joints, osteochondrosis.

    Diseases of the genitourinary system and pelvic organs.

    Cartilaginous and salt formations.

    The child is very large.

    The baby has a big head.

    The pelvic bones of a woman are narrow, so childbirth can be complicated.

    Incorrect presentation of the child.

    Rapid labor activity.

    Intense pushing.

Even during normal childbirth, there may be slight swelling and soreness of the coccyx area. It is considered a common occurrence and is not treated when it is not pathological.

How to get rid of pain in the coccyx?

Coccygodynia mostly disappears on its own. After 2 weeks, it gradually begins to fade. The complete disappearance of pain in the coccyx after childbirth occurs in each woman in different ways. One woman in labor may feel relief in just a few weeks, and another in a couple of months, and sometimes more. Usually no treatment is needed, except for very severe pain. Then she can turn to a gynecologist, who, after examination, will refer her to a specialist.

Doctors can use the following treatments for tailbone pain in women:

    Physiotherapy - ultrasound, paraffin, therapeutic exercises.

    Local or general anesthesia.

    Massage in the coccyx.

    The doctor may prescribe bed rest and the use of orthopedic stool pillows.

    Acupuncture, hirudotherapy and other non-traditional methods of treatment.

To reduce discomfort and reduce inflammation, you need:

How to treat tailbone pain at home

  • Take a bath with a decoction of geranium, which will help relieve pain. To do this, you need to take 2 tablespoons of grass and pour them with a liter of boiling water. Then bring to a boil and cook for 5-10 minutes over low heat. Let the geranium brew for half an hour, then strain and add to the bath.
  • Make compresses from a decoction of geraniums. To do this, moisten a piece of gauze or cloth in a decoction of grass and apply to the affected area. Then you need to cover it with polyethylene on top and wrap it with a warm blanket or scarf. Compress to do daily at night or during the day during the rest. Gradually the pain will go away. In the same way, you can apply a compress from valerian herb tincture.
  • Rubbing with fir oil will help to anesthetize and remove inflammation. To do this, you need to rub the product into the coccyx area 3 times a day.
  • Make an iodine mesh in the place of concern.
  • Rub the sore spot with an ointment of one part vinegar and two parts honey. Can be used alternately with fir oil.
  • Use troxevasin ointment as an anesthetic.

If home remedies are ineffective, the pain does not subside, then you need to urgently consult a doctor. He may order x-rays to find out the causes and further treatment.

How to get rid of tailbone pain with exercise?

If a woman has no restrictions on physical activity, then a set of exercise therapy exercises can be performed. But it will help only if the pain really appeared due to the birth process, and not due to diseases or injuries.

Exercises to relieve pain in the coccyx:

    The woman lies on her back with her legs bent, after which she pulls them up to her chest. Then he performs mixing and breeding of the legs 10-15 times.

    Lying on her back with bent legs, a woman pinches the ball between her legs and begins to squeeze it with her knees for 5-10 seconds, repeat 6-8 times.

    The patient is in the supine position. The ball is clamped as in the previous exercise, but the legs are straight. The woman rolls it with the help of the inside of the lower leg for 5-10 seconds, repeating 8-10 times.

    In the starting position, the patient brings the feet to the buttocks. She slowly raises her pelvis so that she feels tension in it, in the back muscles and in the press.

    The woman lies on her stomach, then slowly raises her arms and legs as high as possible 2-4 times. Between repetitions, take a break of 5-7 seconds.

    The patient performs the last exercise while standing. She gradually bends and turns her body in different directions.

It is advisable to do a therapeutic massage after exercise. Exercise therapy should be performed until the woman in labor improves. If the pain continues to bother, then you should undergo a medical examination, which will help identify the cause of the discomfort.

When should you see a doctor?

It is not always necessary to endure pain in the coccyx. It can be a sign of various pathologies that may appear or worsen in the postpartum period.

You need to see a doctor if:

    Severe pain does not subside after 14 days.

    She gives to the gluteal muscles.

    Pain is felt in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve.

    There are sprains in the pubic joint.

So: pain in the coccyx after childbirth can be both a normal physiological phenomenon and a sign of pathology. Therefore, you should not delay going to the doctor if it does not go away after two weeks from childbirth. You can use exercise therapy and traditional medicine. But before treating pain in the coccyx at home, you need to make sure that the cause of concern is not related to diseases.

On the body of a pregnant woman, alas, there is a double burden. Unfortunately, such a load is rarely tolerated without consequences. Among the most frequent complaints: pain in the coccyx during pregnancy. There are quite a few reasons for this painful phenomenon, which is why it is simply impossible to make an accurate diagnosis in the shortest possible time.

Of the doctors who could consult and provide real assistance, you should, first of all, pay attention to a traumatologist, gynecologist and, of course, an osteopath. Moreover, the latter often turns out to be more competent in these matters and is able to offer not only the mildest, but also the safest method of diagnosis and treatment, both for the expectant mother herself and for the developing baby.

The coccyx closes the sections of the spinal column, representing an almost immovable structure of fused 3-5 vertebrae. And it is the coccyx that often becomes the culprit of a feeling of pain that limits movement. Patients cannot always correctly explain their feelings and accurately indicate the location, complaining of general back pain.


Pain symptoms are divided by specialists into several types. If the pain is clearly localized in the coccyx, then the localization of pain will be indicated in the diagnosis. But with a disease of other organs (or systems) that radiate pain to the lower spine, completely different diagnoses can be made. The cause of discomfort can be, for example, inflammation of the uterus, cyst, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, osteochondrosis, problems of the large intestine, etc. That is why for the correct diagnosis you need to contact several diversified specialists.

The cause of pain in the coccyx can be a trauma once suffered (a consequence of an unsuccessful fall, a long-forgotten blow in the gluteal region, etc.). It would seem that a harmless passion for cycling and constant walking on bad roads in heels, but can cause displacement and microcracks in the bones. Pain can appear both spontaneously, years after the injury, and immediately after it.

In addition, the skeletal system of the expectant mother undergoes characteristic changes during pregnancy and, of course, is subjected to additional stress. The pelvis expands (especially before childbirth), and the coccyx gradually moves back, making room for the passage of the fetus. In addition, pain in the coccyx during pregnancy can be recorded with:

  • pinched nerve;
  • calcium deficiency;
  • magnesium deficiency;
  • salt deposition;
  • inflammatory process in the joints themselves;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • diseases of the genitourinary organs;
  • the threat of abortion;
  • stress, etc.


What to do when pain occurs? First of all, come for a consultation with the gynecologist who is leading your pregnancy. After the first examination, if necessary, he will definitely refer you to other narrow specialists.

If excruciating pain is a variant of the norm (you will also be told about this), then the only way out is to wait, endure. If possible, sign up for special courses for pregnant women created at most antenatal clinics. In the course, you will be shown exercises to relax the lower back. Most of them use the Swedish ball. But one or two sessions are not enough: the pain in the coccyx during pregnancy will recede only with the daily implementation of the complex. Moreover, the participation of the instructor is mandatory here.

Do not provoke pain by prolonged sitting, do not stand in one place for a long time, this will only further increase the load and intensify the pain. Walk, warm up, massage the disturbing part of the spine. To ease the load, put on a bandage (there are a lot of them in pharmacies and stores for expectant mothers). Don't lift heavy things.

Sometimes acupuncture helps, but the course will require the approval of a doctor. In addition, acupuncturists must know their job perfectly, since the body of a pregnant woman is more susceptible and fragile, and it is much easier to harm it during such a defenseless period.

Heat relieves pain well. You can heat clean sand (or salt) in a frying pan (or in the oven) and, wrapping it in a cloth (or towel), attach it to the coccyx area. But remember: not everyone is shown thermal procedures, so the possibility of warming up should also be discussed with a gynecologist.

In addition, a simple compress of five drops of the “articular” mixture (several essential oils at once) and Traumel ointment helps well.

All of the above activities in the complex will help, if not forget, then significantly ease the pain in the coccyx during pregnancy. Just do not forget about the consultation with the doctor observing your pregnancy.