Child development: second trimester of pregnancy. Second trimester of pregnancy: what to do

The second trimester of pregnancy is the most touching and carefree period of expectation of a child.

At this time, you have already forgotten about toxicosis, your tummy is already rounded, but at the same time it does not constrain your movements, and most importantly, it is during this period that you will be able to feel the jolts and movement of your baby for the first time.

But you must be prepared for new troubles, such as heartburn or anemia. It's time to find out what else to expect from the second trimester and how your baby is developing.

Signs of pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

2nd trimester of pregnancy is 13-28 weeks. And if at the beginning of the period it is not yet necessary to talk about obvious external changes, then by the 20th week your tummy will frankly indicate your interesting position.

There are other signs that indicate pregnancy:

  1. External signs. An increase in waist circumference, a gradual expansion of the pelvic bone, an increase in the fat layer in the lower abdomen, a significant increase in the chest area - all these external signs together indicate your pregnancy;
  2. Allocations. During this period, you may experience yellowish discharge from the chest, but do not rush to panic - this is a normal physiological process. And excretion is something like colostrum. But about other secretions, menstruation, you probably already forgot. There is no menstrual flow during pregnancy;
  3. Fetal movement. The first tactile acquaintances with the baby take place precisely in the second trimester, somewhere by the 20th week you will specifically feel your belly button: first with slightly noticeable movements or tickling, and then with more and more demanding pushes (also read the current article How many weeks does the baby start to move? >>>);
  4. Well-being. Former drowsiness and regularity is replaced by an energy upsurge and an increase in pulse and pressure. If you still doubt whether you are pregnant, measure your pulse: in women in position, the pulse is not the standard 60 beats, but 80-90. The pressure is also higher, but not as noticeable: an additional 10-15 mm Hg. column.

It may seem ridiculous to you that at 14 weeks we are talking about signs of pregnancy, but there are cases when women find out about their interesting situation at later dates, especially during breastfeeding, when the menstrual cycle has not yet recovered.

Second trimester of pregnancy: belly

The second trimester of pregnancy is a time of active growth not only for your baby, but also for your tummy.

  • By the end of the 28th week, the bottom of the uterus will already be 2 cm above your navel, and the waist circumference is two times larger than the initial one;
  • If you have a fragile physique, then the growth of the tummy will become noticeable already at the beginning of the 2nd trimester;
  • By the end of the sixth month, a dark stripe may appear in the middle of the abdomen. Do not be alarmed - this is the influence of hormones, no measures need to be taken, pigmentation will pass by itself, but already in the postpartum period;
  • The belly in the second trimester of pregnancy can even become covered with fluff, such a phenomenon is not entirely aesthetic, but not critical, and will also pass by itself;
  • Since the skin on the abdomen is constantly in a taut state, you may feel a slight itch and notice peeling and stretch marks. Physiologically, this phenomenon can be explained as follows: the skin does not keep up with the rapid growth of the abdomen, in addition, the lack of vitamins affects, but this process should not be left unattended.

Water massage, moisturizing oils and lotions that support bandages and the quality of clothing will come to the rescue: no synthetics, only natural fabrics and loose cuts. In addition, it will be easier for you to make a choice about what you can and should do with stretch marks after reading the article Stretch marks during pregnancy >>>.

  • The stomach should be protected not only during wakefulness, but also during sleep. Forget about your favorite resting position on your stomach, now you can sleep either on your back or on your side.

Pain in the second trimester of pregnancy

All discomfort during pregnancy can be divided into physiological and pathological. If you just need to get used to the former, then the latter signal certain deviations. It's time for you to learn to understand your body.

Physiological pain

Tolerable pains include discomfort in the lower abdomen or back after walking or staying in one position for a long time.

  1. During pregnancy, not only does your mood and belly size change, but even your gait changes. During this period, the pelvic bones gradually expand, which become softer, and the joints? respectively? weaker, hence the pain with fatigue;
  2. The dislocation of pain in the second trimester of pregnancy is the lower abdomen, namely the place of support for the uterus. Short-term sensations that pass by themselves are the norm;
  3. The cause of pain may also be banal bloating or flatulence, which are not alien to pregnant women (read the article on the topic of Bloating during pregnancy >>>);
  4. You can also feel pain in the sacral zone or lower back: during this period, the load on the spine is increased, the center of gravity is shifting, in addition, the growing uterus and its contents compress all internal organs.

Pathological pain

All painful sensations that do not go away, but only increase with time, are pathological in nature.

  • Pain in the lower abdomen, which lasts more than 2 minutes and is systematically repeated up to 10 times a day, is a signal of increased uterine tone, which is fraught with the threat of miscarriage. Spasms that accompany uterine contractions can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus, the development of intrauterine anomalies, and even termination of pregnancy;
  • Heartburn, which you can get acquainted with already in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, is both a physiological and pathological phenomenon. It appears due to a weakening of the tone of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract under the action of the hormone progesterone and the release of gastric juice into the esophagus, but the intensity of discomfort may depend on what you eat and how (more about heartburn during pregnancy >>>);

With proper nutrition in small portions, heartburn can be minimized, in addition, you can take acceptable medications, like Rennie or Galstena, the main thing is to study the instructions with contraindications (read Rennie's article during pregnancy >>>). In addition, be sure to pay attention to our book on proper nutrition: Secrets of proper nutrition for the expectant mother >>>

  • Headaches and dizziness can signal you about the development of anemia and a decrease in pressure. Monitor these indicators in order to take the necessary measures in time;
  • But pain and heaviness in the legs can be caused by swelling and venous insufficiency. Drink pure still water, eat less salt and preservatives, and get more rest during the day. Please note that excessive swelling can be caused by kidney disease, so you should not refuse additional tests;
  • The cramps that may bother you in the 2nd trimester directly indicate vitamin starvation. Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium in any form will help you forget about unpleasant numbness of the limbs. Also study the article on the topic: Hands and feet go numb during pregnancy >>>;
  • Local pains in the side with secretions can signal you about inflammatory processes. Do not forget to tell your doctor about this phenomenon (relevant article on the topic: The right side hurts during pregnancy >>>).

Do not ignore any discomfort. Do not be afraid to ask questions, because in most cases, pain can be relieved in a fairly simple way.

Vitamins in the second trimester of pregnancy

The main vitamins in the second trimester of pregnancy are calcium, iodine, iron, B vitamins. Let's take a closer look at how and what they affect and what other useful substances both mother and baby need:

Vitamins for a child

  1. In the second trimester, the baby's brain is actively developing, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine will contribute to this;
  2. For the development of the skeletal system, as well as the formation of teeth, calcium and vitamin D are needed;
  3. The nervous system of a growing child needs iodine, folic acid, phosphorus and magnesium;
  4. Vitamin A is also needed during this period, it is responsible for genetic processes and the development of the organs of vision;
  5. Protein is essential in the 2nd trimester, but carbohydrates will need to be minimized.

Vitamins for mom

Your permanent assistants - calcium and iron are again in the lead. But other vitamins should not be abandoned either:

  • Calcium is needed for the baby, but it takes it from your body, so if you don’t want to be left without teeth, replenish calcium reserves on time;
  • Potassium is essential in this period, it will help the cardiovascular system cope with the additional load, while reducing the risk of premature birth;
  • Sodium is indispensable for swelling;
  • Magnesium will help you cope with stress and forget about cramps;
  • Vitamin C is needed by your immune system, as well as for better absorption of calcium;
  • Vitamin E is essential for both your skin and hair. In addition, he is responsible for the supply of oxygen to your baby.

Second trimester of pregnancy: discharge

The fact that in the second trimester there should be no regular menstrual flow is an axiom. But there may be certain highlights. The main thing is to understand what is the norm and what is a cause for concern:

  1. White, clear, odorless discharge and accompanying itching or burning is normal. But there is one caveat: heavy discharge when changing several pads a day can be a sign of amniotic fluid leakage;
  2. Cottage cheese discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy with a clear kilo-milky smell will indicate the development of thrush. Read the article Thrush during pregnancy >>>;
  3. An unpleasant smell and itching of even transparent discharge is a reason to be tested for the presence of bacterial infection. This may be a sign of cervical erosion;
  4. Yellow discharge with pus is an inflammatory process;
  5. Brown or bloody discharge is especially dangerous and can be a signal of termination of pregnancy (read the article on the topic: Brown discharge during pregnancy >>>).

Colds - second trimester of pregnancy

A cold in itself is an undesirable phenomenon, and especially during pregnancy. If we assess the level of risk, then a cold in the second trimester of pregnancy is no longer as dangerous as before the 14th week, since your baby is already actively protected by the placenta, but your baby cannot but feel your general malaise.

  • The main problem is a serious restriction in taking drugs. If you can bring down the temperature with paracetamol, then most antibiotics will have to be abandoned;
  • A cold during pregnancy can cause a violation of oxygen exchange between you and your baby, and this is a threat of oxygen starvation and the development of fetal hypoxia. In addition, the disease during this period can cause premature birth and the birth of a child with a small weight. A cold is also unsafe for the baby's nervous system, which is just developing;
  • A cold at week 13 is a big risk for the development of the baby's thyroid gland;
  • At 16-17 weeks, the child's bone marrow is actively developing, and a cold during this period can adversely affect this process;
  • If you are expecting the birth of a girl, then take care of your health at 19-20 weeks, it is at this time that the ovaries are actively developing, and the disease can provoke developmental deviations and problems in the reproductive system in the future;
  • A runny nose does not always indicate a cold, it can be allergic in nature, or the so-called hormonal runny nose, characteristic of your situation. Treatment also depends on the causes of the common cold. Read more about this in the article Runny nose during pregnancy >>>.

Please note that your body temperature during pregnancy in the second trimester can be around 37 degrees, and in the absence of concomitant runny nose or cough, this will be normal.

Sex in the second trimester of pregnancy

You can calm down yourself and please your sexual partner: doctors not only do not prohibit, but even recommend sex in the second trimester of pregnancy. For the baby, sexual intercourse does not pose any threats, since it is reliably protected by the placenta. The positive emotions that you experience are only good for the child, in addition, blood circulation in the uterus improves, which also has a good effect on the development of your baby.

Contraindications to sex can only be the threat of interruption and high uterine tone.

The requirements for how to behave in the second trimester of pregnancy during sex are simple: attention to your partner, choosing a position that is comfortable for you and hygiene.

Tone in the second trimester

The tone of the uterus in the second trimester of pregnancy is an extremely undesirable phenomenon that can provoke a miscarriage. You may suspect that something is wrong with your uterus by mini-contractions from muscle contraction or a feeling of stiffness in the lower abdomen. There are several reasons that bring your uterus into tone:

  1. Carrying and lifting weights;
  2. Nervous breakdowns and stress;
  3. Decrease in the level of progesterone, which affects the relaxation of the muscles of the uterus;
  4. Ultrasound examination and breast massage;
  5. Fibroids and other gynecological abnormalities.

Know! Even if you have been diagnosed with uterine tone, it can be easily treated with rest and antispasmodics.

Ultrasound - second trimester of pregnancy

The passage of ultrasound in the second trimester of pregnancy falls on the 20-24th week. This is a very important examination, as it will give answers to various questions about the development and timing of the baby's birth.

  • measurements and calculations. The first thing the specialist will do during the second ultrasound is to measure the body and limb length and calculate the approximate weight of the fetus. Then the baby's face and mouth are examined to refute genetic diseases, measurements of the internal organs are made and they are reconciled with standard sizes. Depending on what he saw and read, the specialist will indicate the approximate date of birth;
  • Sex determination. During the second ultrasound, you can find out the gender of your baby, unless he is too shy and does not close from inquisitive eyes;
  • condition of the placenta. Dimensions, structure, thickness - all this is important for the protective barrier that the placenta is for your baby. For week 20, a thickness of 20 mm is ideal;
  • The state of the amniotic fluid. Oligohydramnios, norm or polyhydramnios - this will be the doctor's verdict. In addition, they will tell you about the general condition of the waters;
  • The presence of pathologies. At the 20th week of pregnancy, the specialist will already be able to discern pathological abnormalities and assess their scale. The child is mobile, it is possible to examine it from different angles, but do not despair at a pathological diagnosis. A complete picture can only be obtained with additional screening tests;
  • Pulse measurement. One of the most touching moments of ultrasound is that you will hear how your baby's heart is beating, a heartbeat of over 110 to 180 beats is considered the norm. By the way, you can also listen to your heartbeat through your tummy with a stethoscope;
  • Umbilical cord. During the ultrasound, the umbilical cord also enters the field of vision. The norm is three arteries. In addition, the umbilical cord should not wrap around the neck or other organs of the child;
  • Uterus. The condition and length of the organ is being studied, at this stage it is at least 30 cm, the uterine os must be tightly closed.

Do not forget to ask the specialist for a photo of the baby, the outlines are already clearly visible.

In addition to ultrasound, you will be asked to undergo other studies. Tests in the second trimester of pregnancy:

  1. General analysis of blood and urine;
  2. Glucose tolerance test when blood is donated in the normal state and after taking sweetened water;
  3. Second screening for congenital pathologies.

Fetal development in the second trimester

It is simply amazing what happens in the second trimester of pregnancy with your baby: he begins to actively move, hear, smile and develop as a person.

  • During the 4th month of intrauterine development, the baby’s muscular system is formed, milk teeth are laid, the first hair breaks through the head. Interestingly, at this time the skin is still very thin and blood vessels are clearly visible through it. Your baby already knows how to empty the bladder and he does this every 45 minutes. By the end of the 16th week, the baby weighs about 130 grams, and its height reaches 15 cm;
  • 5 months significantly changes the appearance of the baby. There are already eyebrows and cilia, but while they are colorless, there are even fingerprints. The entire skin of the baby is covered with a white lubricant that protects against water. The pancreas and intestines are already working. The baby at the end of 5 months weighs more than 300 grams, and its height is about 20 cm;
  • 6 months is a period of active communication between mother and baby. The child moves, pushes, calms down if dad puts his hand, hears voices and music. The baby is actively gaining weight and by the end of the 2nd trimester weighs about 900 grams with a height of 30 cm. All organs work except for the lungs.

Analyzing the second trimester of pregnancy: do's and don'ts, you need to prioritize correctly. You can do everything that is useful and pleasant for the baby, but it is worth giving up bad habits, overwork and avoiding stressful situations.

The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is the most favorable time for a woman. All fears and worries are left behind, you can relax and enjoy new sensations. What happens during this period with the baby, what dangers you may encounter, we will consider below.

What changes are happening to the baby

The second trimester of pregnancy is the period from 13 to 26 weeks. All the internal organs of the baby are already formed, so you can practically forget about the risks of miscarriage. According to statistics, only 25% of cases are assigned to spontaneous abortions in this period.

If a woman's pregnancy proceeds without pathologies, then the 2nd trimester is the time to enjoy her interesting position.

How does the baby develop? Consider the changes by calendar months.

13-17 weeks (4 months):

  • The baby's skeleton not only grows, but also strengthens. Connective tissue is replaced by bone;
  • On ultrasound, the organs of the abdominal cavity are already clearly visible;
  • The kidneys begin to do their job. Now swallowing amniotic fluid, the baby pees and excretes urine;
  • In this regard, the gastrointestinal system begins to function;
  • The brain continues its intensive development;
  • The adrenal glands produce hormones.

The fruit weighs about 60 grams. His height is about 7 cm. By this time, the woman, as a rule, already clearly hears the baby moving.

18-21 weeks (5 months):

  • The glands of the endocrine system enter the work, the hormonal background is normalized;
  • The skin of the fetus is covered with a dense film that protects the baby from injury;
  • The spleen begins to produce blood cells.

By this time, the height and weight of the child increase several times. Experts say that the baby already hears and understands everything, so you need to talk to him, listen to classical music.

22-26 weeks (6 months):

  • The baby's lungs begin to work. He makes the first breathing movements;
  • The baby is already quite large, so the movements are very noticeable. Sleep time is approximately 16-18 hours per day;
  • The baby develops mental abilities. Experts assure that if the mother experiences a depressive state during this period, then these notes may also appear in the baby in the future;
  • Gradually, the sense organs are formed.

By the end of 6 months, the baby reaches a weight of 800-1000 grams, height - 30-35 cm.

What risks may arise?

Despite the fact that the second trimester of pregnancy is considered the safest, you need to carefully monitor your health. The appearance of these symptoms should alert you:

  1. Drawing or sharp pains in the lower abdomen. In this case, you need to consult a doctor, you may need to conduct an ultrasound scan to exclude uterine tone. If it is available, the candles "Viburkol", "Papaverin", "No-shpa" and bed rest will help;
  2. Blood secretions. You will need immediate hospitalization. There is a risk of placental abruption;
  3. Preeclampsia. It begins to manifest itself with slight swelling and weight gain. Gradually, swelling increases, nausea and vomiting are added to them. This is a rather serious and dangerous pathology, both for the fetus and for the mother herself. Inpatient treatment is indispensable;
  4. Curd secretions. Thrush at this time is a common occurrence. Do not put off treatment indefinitely. Douches and candles will help to cope with the problem.

What's good about the second trimester? When diseases occur, the doctor can prescribe many drugs. The process of formation of internal organs in the embryo is completed, now the baby is only growing. The placenta is quite dense, the risks of infection of the fetus are minimal.

New sensations of the expectant mother

What changes occur in the body of the expectant mother:

  1. The mammary glands increase significantly in size. Their soreness passes, but in place of these unpleasant symptoms comes increased sensitivity of the nipples. That is why experts recommend wearing soft bras, pitted, made from natural fabrics. Do not worry if colostrum is released from the breast, the body is thus preparing for the upcoming birth;
  2. Unpleasant pulling pains in the lower abdomen. If they are intermittent, there is no cause for concern. These are false contractions that will continue until childbirth;
  3. Enlargement of the abdomen in volume. The baby is actively growing and developing, he needs a lot of space in the womb. At this time, doctors no longer recommend women to sleep on their stomachs. The optimal position is on the side. Thus, the vena cava is not clamped, the baby receives oxygen well;
  4. Heartburn. It usually occurs at night. For many pregnant women, this becomes a real problem. Occurs due to high acidity. Your actions: make the right diet, take homeopathic remedies aimed at eliminating heartburn;
  5. Skin pigmentation. Dark stripes appear on the abdomen and chest. Do not worry, after childbirth, the skin color will become the same;
  6. Stretch marks. Not found in all pregnant women. It all depends on the individual characteristics and condition of the skin. Using special creams, doing massage, doing simple physical exercises, you can avoid the appearance of stretch marks;
  7. Bleeding gums. The mucous membranes become softer, which can lead to unpleasant, painful sensations when brushing your teeth. Your task is to choose a firming paste, rinse, change the bristles of the brush to a softer one;
  8. Seizures. Increase at night. Strengthen your calves, move more during the day, take calcium, drink enough water;
  9. Vaginal discharge. If they are transparent, do not have an unpleasant odor, you should not worry, this is the norm.

Remember, there is nothing unnatural about pregnancy. Do not perceive your interesting position as a disease. Move more, be outdoors, do what you love, visit cultural institutions and pregnancy will be easy.

What are the main points to highlight in the second trimester:

  • A woman should not forget about proper nutrition. Her dishes should be rich in vitamins and other useful trace elements;
  • Do not forget about visiting the gynecologist. It will be necessary to undergo screening, ultrasound, hormone tests (triple test);
  • A woman needs to monitor her blood pressure. The fetus grows, the heart and blood vessels are under a lot of stress. An increase in pressure threatens the baby with oxygen starvation;
  • Walking in the fresh air and good sleep should become your constant companions.

The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is a great time to enjoy your interesting position. The abdomen is not yet large, there are no edema and toxicosis. The baby is actively developing, all internal organs have already been formed, now it will only grow and increase body weight.

The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is considered the most pleasant for a woman. Toxicosis has already left her, drowsiness and a constant feeling of malaise have gone, but the stomach is still not very large, and does not cause physical inconvenience to the expectant mother. At the same time, the middle of the gestation period has its own characteristics and “whims”, which are best followed in order to avoid the threat of abortion.

2nd trimester of pregnancy - how many weeks when does it start?

The second trimester consists of three calendar months and 14 obstetric weeks. Sometimes young and inexperienced mothers get confused in terms, because they don’t know exactly which week the second half of their pregnancy begins and ends. This is due to the fact that medical and calendar values ​​​​for the period of bearing a child diverge by 1.5-2 weeks.

In obstetric practice, it is generally accepted that the 2nd trimester starts from the 14th and ends at the 27th week inclusive. According to experienced mothers, this time can rightfully be called the most beautiful in the life of a pregnant woman who is not yet tired of the precious “burden”, but has already got rid of all the unpleasant symptoms of getting used to a new state, manifested in the form of nausea and emotional outbursts.

Signs of pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

The second trimester promises major changes in the physical plane for the expectant mother. At this stage, the stomach is significantly rounded and weight increases. Important processes also take place in the body of a pregnant woman: the breast continues to fill and increase, the uterus begins to “warm up” before childbirth, heartburn may appear due to the growing tummy. These signs can be supplemented by swelling of the legs and shortness of breath, peeling of the skin and stretch marks, which are considered harmless symptoms, the appearance of which can be avoided by following elementary pregnant “rules”.

Dangerous symptoms:

  1. nausea (late toxicosis)
  2. severe pain in the lower abdomen
  3. increase in body temperature
  4. fainting
  5. bleeding
If any of these signs appear, you should immediately seek medical help, as they may indicate a fading fetus or a threat of spontaneous abortion.

The most pleasant sign of the second trimester is the movement of the baby, who first begins to push mommy at 16-18 weeks. This is an unforgettable feeling that even experienced mothers cannot describe in words - it seems to some that air bubbles are bursting in their stomach, to others the first rumors of a child resemble a “rumbling” of the stomach.

Discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester

In the second trimester, compared with the first 14 weeks, vaginal discharge in pregnant women intensifies and changes its structure. If in the first trimester they practically did not differ from “non-pregnant” ones and were similar to the consistency of egg white, then from the fourth month they can acquire a milky hue and a slightly sour smell.

Abundant discharge in the second trimester is the result of hormonal changes in the body and are considered an absolute norm if they do not change color and are not accompanied by itching or burning.

Hazardous releases include:

  • mucous discharge with an unpleasant odor. They appear if a pregnant woman develops bacterial vaginosis, requiring immediate treatment.
  • Pinkish, liquid discharge, which indicates leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • Yellowish or greenish hues of discharge signal an infection in the body.
  • Bloody, spotty discharge is the most dangerous. They can be a sign of a threatened miscarriage or fetal fading. They can also appear due to problems with the cervix, which are also a serious reason for an emergency visit to the doctor.
The causes of bloody, the most dangerous discharge, can be various factors, ranging from genetic failures and hormonal disorders, ending with infectious diseases and the mother's lifestyle. In any case, if they occur, a consultation with a gynecologist is needed, who will be able to adequately assess the situation and, if necessary, make an appointment to stop a possible abortion process.

Sex in the second trimester of pregnancy

Sex life in the 2nd trimester is quite acceptable and even shown by obstetricians. Contraindications to sex can be complications of pregnancy, when the expectant mother has a threat of miscarriage or other complications.

If the doctor gives the "green light" to intimacy, then you can safely make love to your husband. Moreover, against the background of hormonal changes, for many women in the middle of pregnancy, sex is even more enjoyable than in the “non-pregnant” time.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman in the second trimester

With the departure of toxicosis, the usual appetite almost always returns to pregnant women. This happens at 14-16 weeks, when the body of the expectant mother has fully adapted to pregnancy. Many mothers, rejoicing at the fact that they can finally eat heartily, begin to eat "for two", which is considered the wrong approach. The nutrition of a pregnant woman should be balanced, since overeating, like undernourishment, will negatively affect the development of the crumbs and can even lead to a delay in its intrauterine development.

The correct second trimester menu should be dietary. It is important that it contains proteins, vegetable fats and carbohydrates, as well as a complex of vitamins necessary for a child. In the basis of nutrition in the middle of pregnancy, according to the recommendations of nutritionists, it is best to include simple, but rich in valuable nutrients and trace elements (meat, fish, liver, cereals, vegetables and fruits, dairy products), and cook dishes from them without a "restaurant" slope. No steaks with blood - all food must be cooked.

You should also exclude sweet and flour products, ketchups and mayonnaises, smoked meats and other store-bought “snacks” from the diet to the maximum. These foods can lead to fluid retention in the body, provoke a jump in blood sugar levels in a pregnant woman, and also cause weight gain.

Tests in the second trimester of pregnancy

From the second trimester, women have to visit the antenatal clinic more often and undergo an examination by a gynecologist, since during this period it is very important to monitor the development of the fetus, the problems in the development of which most often appear in the period from the 15th to the 25th week.

In addition to a visual examination of the pregnant woman, measuring the volume of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus, the gynecologist prescribes a general blood and urine test. With their help, the level of hemoglobin in a pregnant woman is determined, a low level of which can lead to fetal hypoxia, and the work of the mother's kidneys, a failure in the functioning of which provokes the development of late toxicosis.

Also, at 16-18 weeks, a pregnant woman may be offered to undergo a “triple test” - a biochemical screening that detects chromosomal abnormalities and fetal malformations.

Methods of abortion in the second trimester

It is not excluded in the second trimester and termination of pregnancy. This process can take place both naturally and mechanically. Indications for late abortion are: fetal fading, chronic diseases of the mother, infections that have arisen, genetic and chromosomal pathologies in the child, spontaneous miscarriage.

If a late miscarriage could not be avoided, or for other reasons, termination of pregnancy is inevitable, then women are offered a choice of two abortion options: medical and mechanical. Gynecologists prefer artificial childbirth (the so-called medical interruption), which are caused with the help of special drugs. This process is similar to natural delivery, as a result of which the woman’s body experiences less stress than after a mechanical “cleansing”, which is fraught with serious consequences and complications, up to infertility.

Do's and Don'ts in the Second Trimester

The second trimester, like the first and third, has standard prohibitions that it is important for a pregnant woman to adhere to so as not to harm the baby. The categorical taboos include:
  • drinking alcohol and smoking
  • stress and exercise
  • self-treatment even with a mild cold
  • taking hot baths
  • solarium visit
  • sleep on stomach
Also, gynecologists advise at the time of active growth of the baby to abandon tight clothes made of synthetic fabrics, high heels, beauty procedures that are carried out using chemical compounds.

At the same time, at 4-6 months, you can safely travel, do yoga or aqua aerobics, and even visit a Russian bath, in which it is possible to regulate the air temperature.

And do not forget that the body of every pregnant woman has its own “surprises” that need to be adjusted individually. Therefore, experts recommend listening to your condition and not running to the gymnastics specified in the "rules" if your stomach is sipping or your legs are very swollen.

The second trimester is golden time of pregnancy. Right now it is receding, the tummy is not yet very heavy and large, so the expectant mother feels great in the second trimester. In the second trimester, the risk is already significantly lower, so the mother may already pay less attention to possible signs and symptoms. What happens during the second trimester?

This period, like the other two, lasts three months: from 14 to 27 weeks. In the second trimester, women feel especially good. The future baby continues to actively develop and. At the end of the period, the baby reaches a height of 23 cm, and it weighs almost 900 grams. The systems of internal organs are actively formed, the number of nerve cells is growing. Mom will soon feel the first movements of the baby. It is in the second trimester of pregnancy that they determine.

If in the second trimester of pregnancy you have a fever, have a strange color (yellow, white, brown, greenish) or you have - be sure to consult your doctor. Do not self-medicate in the 2nd trimester!

The expectant mother in the 2nd trimester should dress lightly and freely. Try to keep your clothes from pressing on your belly. Tight pants can lead to swelling. Visit your gynecologist regularly and take all the prescribed tests in a timely manner. Be sure to listen to your body. Get enough rest, walk more often in the fresh air, eat well. Don't forget to drink pregnancy if it hit the winter or spring time.

Video about the second trimester of pregnancy

We offer you to watch a video that describes in detail the second trimester of pregnancy.

You are not only used to visiting an obstetrician-gynecologist every 2-3 weeks, but you are starting to look forward to these meetings, as each of them will let you know how the pregnancy is going and whether everything is in order with the development of the child. Traditionally, questions regarding the activities of doctors are as follows:

  • At what time in the second trimester do ultrasound?
  • A friend in the middle of pregnancy was recommended bed rest - why?
  • Why can't you sleep on your back? Which side is better to sleep on?
  • What vitamins increase the need in the second trimester?
  • Is it possible to have sex, because the stomach is getting bigger?
  • I heard that the doctor can recommend compression stockings, for what?

second trimester - what do they drink? A few questions: 1. What vitamins do you take in the second trimester? foreigners, and many of our doctors believe that red wine is not only not harmful, but also useful during pregnancy.


During my first pregnancy, I drank almost one bottle of semi-sweet white throughout New Year's Eve - my daughter was born a wonderful, healthy baby. We are 1 year and 9 months old.
But recently I watched a program that when breastfeeding, wine is not contraindicated, even a little bit useful, but during pregnancy, in general, all alcohol (even wine and beer) is contraindicated. So now I don’t drink anything stronger than kvass. I even refused non-alcoholic beer - and oddly enough - I don’t feel like it at all. She even refused to wash her rights with very tasty and beloved champagne ...
This is a matter for each individual - as you decide, so be it. But I believe that nothing terrible will happen from wine or champagne. And even more so from one glass.

1. drink Elevit
2. magne v6, Noshpa, papaverine candles
3. lope want :)
4. my doctor said - a holy cause:)

Appetite in the 2nd trimester. Nutrition, vitamins, medicines. Pregnancy and childbirth. Appetite in the 2nd trimester. For several days now, I have been observing an increased, it seems to me, appetite. Toxicosis has subsided and everything eaten is beneficial.


You etta.. eat when you feel like it, but NOT AS MUCH as you can fit in, you know?:)
The biggest increase is in the 3rd trimester, when the weight is gaining. Well, you too))) you become soyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy)))) breasts, ass, belly)))

I just wanted to ask if there is anyone else here who eats as much as I do. I always want to eat. I am constantly hungry. When there was toxicosis, she lost weight - the doctor scolded, then she began to recover again, scolded. And now, on January 17, she will simply beat me at the reception. And I want to eat. All mothers with many children say to eat as much as they want, like this is good, like this baby eats, but the increase is already serious. Something must be done about this.