The role and tasks of sergeants in training and education of personnel during the Time of the USSR. Military pedagogy

The role and tasks of sergeants in training and education of personnel

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Sergeants belong to the younger link of team frames and represent the most numerous detachment. ʜᴎʜᴎ carry the full responsibility for training and raising subordinates. Noting their "role, M. V. Frunze emphasized that the younger committee forms a basis on which the whole case of discipline, combat spikes and combat training of part.

Today, the role of sergeants has increased even more. This is due to the complication of the tasks facing parts and subsection, with a change in the social appearance of a soldier with a reduction in service life, with improving machinery and weapons. Requirements for training and upbringing increased, and the preparation time has not increased. This caused it extremely important to raise the level of pedagogical culture and the responsibility of commander of the Sun degrees, and, first of all, those who directly forms the quality of the Soviet warrior.

Education of personnel is carried out by sergeants during the Daily Military Service and Combat Study. ʜᴎʜᴎ organize the subordinate service in accordance with the Charters, it seeks that the whole way of military service is brought up by the personnel of faithful to military duty, military oath.

One of the most important tasks of sergeants is the upbringing of soldiers in the spirit of Marxist-Leninist worldview, communist convictions, class hatred for imperialism, moral principles of behavior, patriotism and internationalism, willingness to give all strength, and if life is also needed to protect the interests of socialist homeland. For this, they themselves should be infinically loyal to the CPSU, socialist homeland and their people who are ready for selfless actions in the name of the interests of the Socialist Fatherland, to the fulfillment of international debt.

Sergeants help subordinate to studying weapons and combat techniques, statutes and leadership, organize and carry together with them in a daily outfit, lead daily

the bot to strengthen military discipline, form the ability to subjugate their actions and acts of the requirements of military charters, orders of commanders. ʜᴎʜᴎ is responsible for loading and physical training, for the safety of health and the availability of the necessary subordinate.

The personal example of sergeants is especially important here, their authority, high moral qualities, selfless attitude to business, discipline. In this regard, the younger commanders should strive to increase their pedagogical knowledge, the development of methodological skills, studying best practices with people. Sergeant's responsibility - to be skillful teacher and educate. Without this, it is impossible to achieve the unity of the process of learning and upbringing soldiers aimed at preparing them to protect the Motherland.

The most important requirement for the learning process and education-know and take into account the national characteristics, traditions and customs of those peoples whose representatives are subordinates. In the manual, a multinational team, a sergeant is obliged to strictly be guided by the principles of Lenin National Policy, to show particular sensitivity, carefulness and principle, care for strengthening friendship and fraternity between warriors of various nationalities.

Speaking about the commander's qualities of sergeants, it should be borne in mind their ability to confidently command subordinate both in peacetime and in battle, to instill love for military service, to show the statutory demands for soldiers.

High demanding-inalienable commander, the basis of discipline and organization in the subordinate subsection. She has nothing to do with rudeness, negliguration, humiliation of the dignity of subordinate, "what, as a rule, offends, removes the soldier from the sergeant. The demand must be a permanent, fair, equitable to all, respectful. Require respect - it means Assist the soldier to realize its tasks, mobilize the forces on their successful implementation. Requirements should be supported by strict control over the actions of subordinates, to be combined with the skillful promotion of good labor, with care for subordinates, with a careful attitude to their needs.

Success in the work of sergeants depends largely on how much they realize their personal debt and responsibility for affairs and acts of subordinates, improve their knowledge and experience, intelligently use the rights granted to them by the military charters. There is a lot of also the desire of sergeant to test their actions by assessing the officer, the ability to

to coherent by his advice, help, strictly fulfill the order, to strengthen authority.

Part (subsection) becomes a combat, if the department is well prepared and coordinated, in the event that each soldier clearly knows its duties and fulfills them perfectly. Great in this role Sergeanti, who personally teaches soldiers to military skills, growing excellent students of class specialists, organizes and leads a socialist competition in its subsection, distributes best practices.

The role and tasks of sergeants in training and education of personnel are the concept and types. Classification and features of the category "The role and task of sergeants in training and educating personnel" 2017, 2018.

Sergeants belong to the link of younger commanders and are the most numerous detachment of command frames. They carry all the full responsibility for the successful implementation of the separation, calculation, crew of combat missions; For training and education, military discipline and the moral and psychological state of subordinates. Speaking about the role of younger commander, M. V. Frunze stressed: "The younger committee forms that the basis on which the whole work of the discipline, combat spike and combat training is based on".

Currently, the role of sergeants has increased even more. This is due to the complication of the tasks facing parts and divisions, a change in the social appearance of a soldier, the transition to the recruitment of parts and units by military personnel under the contract, improving weapons and military equipment. Requirements for training and education soldiers have increased, and their preparation time remains the same. This caused the need to increase the level of pedagogical culture and responsibility of the commanders of all degrees, and, first of all, those who directly forms a warrior quality from soldiers.

Education of personnel is carried out by sergeants during the daily military service and combat training. They will organize the subordinate service in accordance with the charters, seek the whole of military service to bring up the faithfulness of the military oath.

One of the most important tasks of sergeants is to educate subordinates in the spirit of patriotism and internationalism, willingness to give all forces, and if it is necessary, life to protect the interests of their homeland. To do this, they themselves must be ready for selfless actions in the name of the interests of our Fatherland, to carry out official debt. Sergeants are responsible for the correct use and savings of weapons and military equipment. To do this, they must know well the material part, its rules of operation, to instill with the subordinate soldiers, careful attitude towards their weapons and military equipment.

Sergeants help subordinate to study the charters and instructions, organize and carry a service with them in a daily outfit, lead daily work to strengthen military discipline, form the ability to subjugate their actions and acts of the requirements of the Commanders of the Commanders. They are responsible for loading and physical training, for the safety of health and the provision of all necessary subordinates. The personal example of sergeants, their authority, high moral qualities, selfless attitude towards the case, discipline, is especially important here.

In this regard, the younger commanders should strive to increase their pedagogical knowledge, the development of methodological skills, studying best practices with people. Sergeant's duty is to be a skillful teacher and the educator. Without this, it is impossible to achieve the unity of the process of learning and upbringing soldiers aimed at preparing them to protect the Motherland.

The most important requirement for a military pedagogical process is to know and take into account national characteristics, traditions and customs

those peoples whose representatives are subordinates. In the multinational team, the sergeant shall strictly guided by the principles of national policies, to show particular sensitivity, diligence and principle, care for strengthening friendship and fraternity between warriors of various nationalities.

High demanding - an integral quality of the commander, the basis of discipline and organizedness in the subordinate division. She has nothing to do with rudeness, disadvantaged, humiliation of the dignity of the subordinate, which gives a soldier fromsergeant. Requirements should be permanent, fair, the same to all, respectful. Requirement, combined with respect for subordinates, helps soldiers to realize their tasks, mobilize the forces on their successful implementation. Requirements should be supported by strict control of the actions of subordinates, to be combined with the skillful promotion of good labor, with care for subordinates, with a careful attitude towards their needs.

Success in the work of sergeants largely depends on how much they realize their personal debt and responsibility for affairs and acts of subordinates, improve their knowledge and experience, intelligently use the rights granted to them by the military charters.

Parts and units become a fighting, if the branches are well prepared and coordinated, calculations, if each soldier clearly knows his duties and perfectly performs them. The role of Sergeant, who personally teaches a soldier to military masters, is preparing excellent students and class specialists.

1.2.3. Methods of conducting individually educational work with servicemen of the department (calculation, crew)

INthe practice of Sergeant's work is constantly arising between all sorts of situations, which can be allowed only to skillfully owning pedagogical knowledge. How to choose a means of educational impact on the subordinate? Alone to talk to a soldier who violated military discipline, or discuss his act at the meeting, to keep out about what happened or to make a warrior, forgive or punish? The correctly will receive only the sergeant who knows how to find the key to the mind and the heart of man, take into account his character traits, psychological features - the word, skillfully owns the method of individually educational work with people.

Individually-educational work (IVR) is a systematic and targeted influence of educators on educated, carried out with the use of their individual characteristics and using expedient methods, forms and means of upbringing.

The IVR with subordinates is based on the following principles:

A combination of differentiated and individual approaches in educational activities;

Combining demands with respect for personal dignity


Support on the positive qualities of the identity of the raised;

Unity, consistency and continuity of education.

Their use of sergeants in its activities allows you to purposefully implement the IVR, as well as predict actions, actions, behavior of subordinates in various conditions, choose the most effective methods, means and methods of educational impact.

Individual-educational system includes:

definition of goals and objectives;


the definition of who and with whom it works individually;

training in the practice of individual educational work;

study and accounting of individual characteristics of military personnel, the use of the most effective forms, methods, means of exposure;

organization of operational information on sentiment, interests, requests for personnel;

analysis, generalization of best practices, control and correction of the plan.

Knowledge of subordinates is one of the responsibilities of the commanders (chiefs). We also recall that, in accordance with Articles 151 and 153, the Deputy Commander of the platoon, the commander of the department, namely, the sergeants are often found, the name, patronymic, year of birth, nationality, personal qualities, is obliged to know the name, nationality, personal qualities, Marital status, successes and disadvantages in combat training of each subordinate.

The study of personnel at first glance seems simple. However, in practice, this is a complex, multifaceted process, requiring the educator and time, and experience, and certain knowledge.

In military pedagogy and psychology, many methods of studying the individual characteristics of military personnel are known. These include: observation; Study of documents; generalization of opinions (generalization of independent characteristics); study of predominant relationships; conversation; Analysis of activities; sociometric survey; testing.

One of the most objective and reliable methods of studying the serviceman - observation.In the course of its accumulation of facts about actions, behavior, judgments of subordinate, analysis, generalization and systematization of which make it possible to conclude about its individual characteristics.

Observation of a person in a relaxed atmosphere, for example, in the dining room, smoking, dismissal, during the interruption of training sessions and in other conditions when there are no direct commanders next to, allows any other method, to identify the compliance of the consciousness and behavior of a serviceman.

To increase the efficiency of observation, it is possible to consciously create situations in which the soldier could mostly show the qualities that would like to give an assessment.

At the same time, the tutor must be remembered that it is not always possible to judge a person in individual actions, draw conclusions about it on the basis of a single observation. Therefore, the observation process should be continuous, specific and active.

An important and fairly laborious activity of sergeants and chiefs, in the process of which a preliminary idea of \u200b\u200ba military personnel is produced is studying documents(Document Analysis). Usually a personal matter (autobiography, questionnaires, characteristics, education documents) is studied. It helps the sergeant to learn about the basic events of the human biography, which one way or another could affect the formation of a person. Important information about cognitive abilities, military-professional orientation and individual psychological peculiarities of subordinates can be obtained from the professional selection of a conscript, which is entered into the results of the study and "survey during the recipient period and call for military-ridden. On public activity of the warrior, its discipline, latitude of knowledge, physical Development can be found from the service card, reader ticket, medical record and other documents.

It is better to know a person helps generalization of opinionscolleagues about his behavior and actions (the so-called method of generalizing independent characteristics).

Comparison of observations and conclusions of many people makes it possible to detect the fallacy of the ideas about a person, to eliminate incorrect estimates and determine the true advantages.

Information about the serviceman can be obtained in the course of both oral conversations and correspondence survey (with the help of questionnaires). The last sergeants are applied relatively rarely, as it requires the cost of time and special knowledge.

The method of studying predominant relationships.The essence of it lies in MTO that the educator reveals in the process of individual educational work with subordinates using various methods the following: about which the subordinate likes to speak; What loves to do most of all; how prefers to spend free time; who supports friendships; that it is most worried andetc. Based on the analysis, interests, the needs of both spiritual and material, tendency, the motives of activity in various activities, installations, characteristics, character, temperament, culture, level and focus of the development of life position, etc.

However, the most reliable data on the subordinate gives personal communication with him. With the crayon, the teacher can evaluate not only the need, inclinations, interests, features of the character of a serviceman, but also to identify his true experiences, the opinion on the state of affairs in the team, colleagues, etc. The results of the conversation helps to make a more complete picture of the personality of the subordinate .

The success of such conversations largely depends on the compliance with the sergeant of a number of rules. One of them is a thorough preparation for the conversation. It is important to think through its content, the topic, to determine the range of questions to the warrior, while learn all the existing aboutit information. It is also necessary to choose the right place for the conversation and the time of it.

It is important that communication takes place in a calm and trusting atmosphere, without unauthorized persons. All questions should be simple and understandable. It is necessary to put them in such a way that during the conversation a single holistic story of a serviceman about himself, his life, the difficulties of military service passing. An indispensable condition for the success of the conversation - E * e creative character. It should not be carried out in the form of a simple survey on previously planned issues that are only the basis for the conversation. Practice shows that for systematization, analysis and accounting of individual work, the educator is advisable to have a pedagogical diary (workbook, notepad). It accumulates data on each pupil, the basic measures of impact (interaction with it) are scheduled, the results of observations and some conclusions characterizing the effectiveness of individual-educational work are noted. A lot of time, such records are not taken away, but the focus and systematics will give your work.

In order to study and educate subordinates in military practice, it is widely used analysis of the results of activities.It provides for accounting actions and actions of subordinates, as well as their omissions and achievements in various activities. At the same time, it is important to explore the level of manifestation of activity, initiatives, creativity in work; activity motifs; Terms of work and so on. The nature of the fulfillment of tasks servicemen may indicate its skills, abilities, interests and other qualities of personality.

Sociometric survey.With it, it may be made to determine the status of the personality of a serviceman in the team, the characteristics of relationships with other members of the team, the assessment of the state of the moral and psychological climate in which the subordinate lives.

Testingit is an effective method of studying the personality of a serviceman, with the help of which the level of development or the degree of severity of some mental qualities is measured, as well as a set of mental properties of the individual. Testing is carried out by specially trained officers, as a rule, psychologists.

The experience of educational work suggests that only the integrated use of the entire arsenal of methods and means of studying the individual characteristics of the warriors will give the desired result. In each case, the educator determines which methods and how it is advisable to use it to obtain the most reliable and qualitative information about the subordinate. And, of course, the knowledge of the subordinate is not as an end in itself, but as a means of ensuring the effectiveness of its training, education, joint activities in the interests of military service and the warrior itself.

to strengthen military discipline and maintenance

Statutory order

Military discipline- This is one of the forms of state discipline, the basis of the combat readiness and combat capability of parts and units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

It is designed to regulate military order, relationship between servicemen, relations in the divisions in order to provide high organized and combat capability. Her difference from other types of discipline is due to the nature of military activities, which requires people who carry out its special collections, accuracy, execution, excerpts, mutual understanding, mobility, the speed of all orders, etc. By virtue of this, military discipline is characterized by a number of features: the obligation of its requirements for all categories of servicemen; coincidence of the objectives of legality and military discipline; detailed regulation of the rules of conduct throughout the spectrum of military activities; increased legal liability for violation of the procedure and rules of military service; Mandatory compliance with moral standards, supported by the statutory requirements; disciplinary responsibility for violation of the rules, norms not only in the service, but also in the outmaker; Unity of unconditional implementation of established norms and manifestations of activity, independence, creativity, etc.

Famous truth: no discipline can be combined by any army of the world. One of the outstanding military leaders and teachers of Russia General M. I. Dragomirov so characterized the military unit, in which a high level of discipline is supported: "Such part (division) may not beat in humble percent during shooting, may not be particularly solid. She can be knocked out with her legs, but the path never. And in difficult minutes, of course, it will be preferred that which interest is knocked out, and bravely march, but not so reliable. "

A modern understanding of military discipline in the compressed, but the Code of the form is presented in the disciplinary statute of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Art. 1: "Military discipline has strict and accurate compliance with all servicemen of the order and rules established by laws, military charters and orders of commanders (chiefs)." Military discipline characterizes and determines the official and personal relations between servicemen, as well as military teams. Its carrier is a specific person - a soldier, sergeant, officer. It fits its expression in the disciplination of the serviceman.

The concept of "discipline" means the specific quality of the warrior, providing a sustainable, according to the rules of its behavior in the conditions of military service. It is characterized by external and internal indicators.

External discipline indicators:

Strict compliance with military order;

Accurate and initiative fulfillment of orders and orders of commanders and chiefs;

Careful attitude towards military equipment and weapons, competently use when solving educational and service challenges;

Exemplary appearance.

Internal discipline indicators:

The belief in the need for military discipline:

Knowledge of the statutes and instructions, the requirements of military service;

The ability to manage itself according to the requirements of military discipline;

Skills and habits of disciplined behavior;


Of course, the relationship between the external and internal indicators of the discipline of one or another warrior is ambiguous. It can be harmonious, but it happens that the warrior keeps a certain order without having beliefs in its need. In this case, the understanding of the fact that the violation follows a strict punishment. The complexity of the tasks solved by military units, the problem with the staffing of the personnel and much more requires that each soldier with understanding refer to the requirements for it, he served not for fear, and for conscience. Only then can we talk about high conscious discipline.

Discipline as personal quality is not born with a person and the more the warrior is not given together with the pursuit. It is formed and developing in the process of its army life and activity. Consider the priority areas of the junior commanders for the formation and development of discipline from warriors.

The main directions of formation and development of discipline in servicemen:

Skillful management and behavior of military personnel;

Effective educational work;

Maintaining the statutory order in the separation, calculation, strict observance of the routine of the day by all servicemen;

Clear organization of combat training and full coverage of personnel;

Caring for a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team;

The daily demandingness of younger commanders to subordinate and control over their partnership, respect for the personal dignity of military personnel and constant concern for them, a skillful combination and the correct use of persons, coercion and social impact of the team;

Self-supply of discipline.

When working with servicemen under the contract, it is necessary to take into account the issues of concerns about the serviceman's family and the implementation of the conditions of the contract concluded.

Incutting the warriors of the foundation of discipline is impossible without monitoring the full and accurate compliance with the requirements of the Charter. It should not be forgotten about the formation of the motivational and indicative basis of their behavior. In other words, you need to clarify every time why and how to do in various situations. The skillful organization of this work helps young soldiers to overcome the negative reactions caused by the difficulties of the service, especially in the first period, quickly and painlessly adapt to the routine of the day, rather to work and further achieve good results in combat training.

In parallel, work is carried out in the team:

cultivation of positive relationships;

formation of a healthy public opinion and unity of views on the main issues of service and combat training;

overcoming negatively directed leadership;

maintain friendship and mutual assistance, careful and demanding relationship of colleagues to each other.

Practice shows that it is easier to achieve the desired results if the warriors themselves are actively involved in solving this task.

The formation of discipline skills in military personnel, readiness to perfectly fulfill the requirements of the military oath and military charters begins on the first day of their service. At the same time, the sergeant is important to bring to the consciousness of each subordinate not only content, but also a deep meaning, social significance of discipline.

Each sergeant should be close to subordinates, to know their needs and requests, to seek their satisfaction, prevent rustic and humiliation of personal dignity of subordinates, constantly serve them by a model of strict adherence to laws, military charters and orders, to be an example of moral purity, honesty, modesty and justice .

An analysis of disciplinary misconducts made by the personnel shows that many of them are due to miscalculations in the field of relationships: the boss - the subordinate, personality - the team. In some cases, the shortcomings in the work of the sergeant indirectly affect the occurrence of conflict, and in others - the direct cause of the discipline violation becomes.

To the most common incorrect actions of the sergeants themselves include: those allowed by them uneven distribution of loads between soldiers of various service life; reluctance, and sometimes inability to be inseparable to the extra-mastical relationships and mood of warriors; Tracking the desire of individual soldiers to receive privileges, take a special position, subordinate to their influence of others.

Weak demanding of some sergeants, a lack of methodological skills of education in others, the lack of pedagogical tact of thirds - only some bottlenecks in their activities occurring in practice.

The basis of the work of Sergeant to strengthen military discipline is a deep study of subordinates, their strengths and weaknesses, habits, inconsistencies, interests and ideals. The most justified by the methods of studying a sergeant personnel during everyday life are: individual conversations; attentive study of attitude to a matter of one or another subordinate during the occupation, service, recreation; Wide use of opinions of officers and ensigns, other sergeants about warriors.

The study of subordinates should be objective, impartial, not to be reduced to looking for deficiencies. It is necessary to notice and celebrate every success of the warrior, be able to see in every good and use to raise a person. Recognition of success is painting the soldier, gives him strength for the future. Under these conditions, he often arises a desire to distinguish itself. The correct opinion may be formed only if it is not to evaluate, according to the words.

To raise discipline, the correct organization of the educational process is needed. Sergeants must create a situation that would require the maximum voltage of physical and moral forces, contributed to the development of the subordinate senses of debt, initiatives, high organized and independence. It should be achieved timely beginning and end of classes. A well-done occupation always activates the mental activity of the student, instills the habit of accuracy, collens and organization. It also disciplines a clear organization of service of weapons and technology.

In strengthening discipline, a skillful disciplinary practice has an important meaning. Disciplinary practice is the system of applications to military personnel and disciplinary penalties in the armed forces and disciplinary recovery in order to educate and strengthen military discipline.

When determining the fault of the serviceman are taken into account: the nature of the offense; The circumstances under which he was perfect; The former behavior of the guilty, as well as the duration of his military service and the degree of knowledge of the service order.

When you impose a disciplinary recovery, the sergeant should remember that the measure of recovery and the form of its overlay should not be perceived as actions aimed at humiliating the human dignity of the serviceman, and as the desire of sergeant to help him learn to manage the behavior worthy of behaving. It is necessary to teach subordinates not to fear of punishment, but for fear of making misdeed. Negatively affect the servicemen, the bodies and injustice of sergeant, rudeness in handling subordinates. The sergeants who believe that they believe that before you impose a disciplinary penalty on the subordinate, it is necessary to deal with the degree of his guilt. The removal of disciplinary penalties is also expedient to implement strictly individually when they played their educational role and the soldier really corrected their behavior with the exemplary implementation of military debt.

Sergeants are obliged to strictly follow the maintenance of internal order, for the correct fitting of equipment, compliance with the established rules of wearing the military uniform, as well as military discipline in the system. The daily clear fulfillment of these duties by the younger commander has an impact on the raising of the skills and habits of disciplined behavior, forms intolerant attitude to breakdown, develops the perf.

Each soldier must be confident in the protection of his rights and legitimate interests, feel the care of the immediate commander about the inviolability of his personality, respect for his honor and dignity. Maintaining the rules of relations established by military charters in the division of military charters between servicemen is one of the priorities of Sergeant's activities.

Special thoughtlessness and organization requires work with military personnel performing tasks in the separation from the unit, in the guard and daily outfit. There should be no place for a superficial approach. It is necessary to carefully select the composition of these teams, take into account the psychological features of military personnel.

Its features is working with military personnel, prone to violation of military discipline. It is extremely important at this to identify specific reasons for their unfair attitude to the service. Search in each such person positive qualities, encourage, develop them, emphasize that the life rate of a soldier is honesty, personal responsibility for the entrusted business, the exemplary implementation of military debt.

Of great importance in modern conditions has a struggle for a sober lifestyle. Younger commanders are called to show a personal example in this, as well as clarify the personnel that drunkenness is a completely intolerable phenomenon in the army, it is an worst enemy of combat readiness.

Each sergeant is obliged to systematically analyze the state of the military discipline of the servicemen subordinate to him, in a timely manner and objectively report to the superior commander. Some sergeants are trying to hide their subordinate from the commanders of their subordinates, thereby conducive to the violators. This can lead to rude disciplinary misconduct, and often to incidents and crimes.

Sergeant needs to take care of improving the material and domestic conditions of subordinates, to know exactly all the norms of satisfaction, strictly follow the full of their content. He must show care and leisure management of subordinates, as this is an important part of the work of Sergeant to maintain military discipline. His task is to ensure that every soldier will be recorded in the library, in every possible way to encourage reading newspapers and magazines, amateur-based and sports.

Thus, the junior commander should ensure that all the components of the organizational and educational work - content, forms, methods and funds have been thoroughly thought out and comprehensively reasonable, accounted for in their entirety, a steadily and consistently implemented system of events, provided a permanent psychological impact on consciousness, feelings. and the practical actions of the personnel on the strict compliance of them of the order and the rules established by law and military charters.

1.2.5. The work of sergeants for the preparation of personnel to the service of service in garrison and daily diquses

The daily outfit is assigned to maintain the internal order, the protection of personnel, weapons, military equipment, ammunition, premises and property of the military unit (division), as well as to fulfill other duties for the internal service.

The service of events in the daily outfit is accompanied by a set of activities: the selection and placement of personnel, its theoretical and practical training, the organization of the service of service itself, educational work, control over the service and summing up service. In all these events, the sergeants take the most direct, active participation.

The order of outfits in the company between the platforms is established by a senior company, and in a platoon - the deputy commander of the platoon. The number of outfits must be distributed evenly and valid.

When appropriate in the outfit, it is necessary to take into account not only the degree of preparation of soldiers and sergeants, but also their personal qualities: discipline, vigilance, organizational abilities, initiative and intransigence for disadvantages, endurance. It is also impossible not to take into account their health, family situation, relationships with relatives and acquaintances. Ignorance of people, improper assessment of the psychological, moral and physical condition of military personnel when appointing them in an outfit can lead to a violation of military discipline and even to crimes.

In the night preceding alongside, the persons appointed in the daily outfit should be released from all classes and works.

The duties of the daily outfit persons are defined by the charters, and must be fulfilled in full, without any retreats. The most insignificant violation of statutory provisions can lead to non-fulfillment or breakdown of the tasks. Therefore, before getting out in the outfit, each soldier should know how to carry the service. For this, classes are organized and conducted on the study of the provisions of the statutes, instructions and other documents.

Preparation of personnel for carrying a guard service is carried out in three stages:

first- per 2-3 day before the intercession in the outfit, the selection and distribution of the personnel of the guard are carried out according to the table of posts;

second- On the day preceding the intercession in the outfit, the watch specified in the routine of the day, with the personal composition of Karaul, is conducted on the study of the provisions of the Charters, the table of posts with clarification on the layout of protected objects of special duties and options for watching hours at posts, as well as instructions and requirements safety when handling weapons;

the third- On the day of the intercession in the guard, a practical occupation is carried out with the development of clocks at posts.

The basis of successful carrying service for daily outfit is its practical training. Practical classes are held on the ground, where the servicemen will carry the service: with an outfit on the company - in the unit, with a personal schedule of Karaul - on the guard town, etc.

A practical occupation with the Karaul's personnel is organized and is conducted by the commander of the division. Training in schools, as a rule, is carried out by the assistant to the head of the guard and the devils, appointed from among the sergeants - deputy commander of the platforms, commander of departments (crews, calculations).

Usually they conduct training for the charge and discharge of weapons, train the soldiers of the order of admission and delivery of the post, changing the time hours, the actions of the watch in the fire and the work of other introductory. On the guinea town, on the training grounds, the training method, the assistant chief of the guard and laying teach the guard of a certain charter of the garrison and guard service order of reception and delivery of the post, the service of the service, taking into account its characteristics. At the same time, the primary attention is drawn to maintaining constant vigilance and compliance with the procedure for the use of weapons.

In a practical occupation, the assistant chief of the guard and laying seeks that every guard knows not only the statutory requirements, but what is under its protection and defense, features of the post, route, placement of objects and the order of their protection, the location of the trenches, the availability of lighting, and fire alarm, location of landing steps and fungi, fire extinguishing facilities. Special attention is paid to the study of the boundaries of the post, the most dangerous approaches to it, the sectors of the shooting and the procedure for the use of weapons.

Daily outfit on the company is engaged in a division, where the company under the guidance of the company is studied: the duties of the duty and day, routine of the day, the instructions on the procedure for the rise of the alarm unit, according to the requirements of fire safety, the scheme of the territory of the territory assigned to the division for cleaning.

Before the intercession in the outfit, servicemen should lead their appearance in exemplary order, and sergeants check how they did it. Exemplary appearance of the daily dreasing should

serve as an example for servicemen and have a disciplining effect on them.

Preparation of the daily dusting rate includes the work on the practical actions of the duty and day-defense, when declaring anxiety, reception and issuance of the personnel of weapons and ammunition, to maintain the cleanliness of the premises and the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory assigned to the division. Through practical actions on the introductory, the Finnish company seeks to clearly fulfill its duties to maintain in the company in internal order, compliance with the routine of the day and ensure the safety of weapons and ammunition, the property of the company and personal belongings of soldiers and sergeants.

In the same order, classes with other people of the daily dreasing are held. Training is carried out until the actions of the trainees are not clear and coordinated.

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The role and tasks of sergeants in training and education of personnel during the USSR

Type of work: Essay Subject: Military

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The role and tasks of sergeants in training and education of personnel In the times of the USSR


education Sergeant Personal Composition

Sergeants belong to the younger link of team frames and represent the most numerous detachment. They carry all the fullness of responsibility for training and raising subordinates. Noting their role, M. V. Frunze stressed that the younger committee forms the basis on which the whole work of discipline, combat spikes and combat training of part are based.

Currently, the role of sergeants has increased even more. This is due to the complication of the tasks facing parts and units, with a change in the social appearance of a soldier, with a reduction in service life, with improving machinery and weapons. Requirements for training and upbringing increased, and the preparation time has not increased. It. caused the need to increase the level of pedagogical culture and responsibility of the commanders of all degrees, and, first of all, those who directly forms the quality of the Soviet warrior.

Education of personnel is carried out by sergeants during the daily military service and combat training. They will organize the subordinate service in accordance with the Charters, seek the whole way of military service to bring up the faithfulness of military duty, military oath.

One of the most important tasks of sergeants is the upbringing of soldiers in the spirit of the Marxist-Leninist worldview, communist convictions, class hatred for imperialism, moral principles of behavior, patriotism and internationalism, willingness to give all forces, and if life is also needed to protect the interests of socialist homeland. For this, they themselves should be infinically loyal to the CPSU, the socialist homeland and their people, ready for selfless actions in the name of the interests of the Socialist Fatherland, to the fulfillment of international debt.

Sergeants help subordinate to study weapons and combat techniques, charters and leadership, organize and carry together with them in the daily outfit, lead daily work to strengthen military discipline, form the ability to subjugate their actions and acts of the requirements of military charters, orders of commander. They are responsible for loading and physical training, for the safety of health and the provision of all necessary subordinates.

The personal example of sergeants is especially important here, their authority, high moral qualities, selfless attitude to business, discipline. In this regard, the younger commanders should strive to increase their pedagogical knowledge, the development of methodological skills, studying best practices with people. Sergeant's duty is to be a skillful teacher and the educator. Without this, it is impossible to achieve the unity of the process of learning and upbringing soldiers aimed at preparing them to protect the Motherland.

The most important requirement for the learning process and education-- to know and take into account national characteristics, traditions and customs of those peoples whose representatives are subordinates. In the manual, a multinational team, a sergeant is obliged to strictly be guided by the principles of Lenin National Policy, to show particular sensitivity, carefulness and principle, care for strengthening friendship and fraternity between warriors of various nationalities.

Speaking about the commander's qualities of sergeants, it should be borne in mind their ability to confidently command subordinates, both in peacetime and in battle, to instill love for military service, to show the statutory demands for soldiers.

High demanding - an integral quality of the commander, the basis of discipline and organizedness in the subordinate division. She has nothing to do with rudeness, disadvantaged, humiliation of the dignity of the subordinate, which, as a rule, offends, removes the soldier from the sergeant. Requirements should be permanent, fair, the same to all, respectful. Require respect - it means to help a soldier to realize their tasks, mobilize the forces on their successful implementation. Requirements should be supported by strict control of the actions of subordinates, to be combined with the skillful promotion of good labor, with care for subordinates, with a careful attitude towards their needs.

Success in the work of sergeants largely depends on how much they realize their personal debt and responsibility for affairs and acts of subordinates, improve their knowledge and experience, intelligently use the rights granted to them by the military charters. A lot also means the seeming of sergeant to test their actions by the evaluation of the officer, the ability to properly dispose of his advice, help, strictly fulfill the order, to strengthen authority.

Part (division) becomes a fighting, if the branches are well prepared and placed, if each soldier clearly knows his duties and perfect them perfectly. Great in this role of Sergeant, who personally teaches soldiers to military skills, raising excellent students, class specialists, organizes and leads a socialist competition in its division, distributes advanced experience.

Training is a bilateral pedagogical process, during which, under the leadership of the commander (chief), soldiers acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and skills, which ultimately make up military skills.

Knowledge is the various information in the form of systematized concepts and images. These may be rules, laws, specific facts, formulas, terms. The process of mastering knowledge is completed by their use in practice. Military learning is characterized by a special practical direction. After all, in battle a little know how to act, it is necessary on the basis of these knowledge to be able to act. By applying the knowledge gained during training and exercises, soldiers are formed a variety of skills and skills.

Skills are practical actions performed not only correctly, but also quickly, for sure, automatically, with the minimum voltage of the strength and the highest result. In the military area, the value of skills is difficult to overestimate. The action that has become a skill must be performed easily, quickly, as if mechanically, without understanding (recharging, aiming from the machine, the rejection of honor, etc.).

The skills as the end result of the learning process consist in the ability to properly use knowledge to solve practical problems in various conditions of the situation. They are formed on the basis of knowledge and skills in different ways. In the process of their formation, the warrior moves from working with someone else's help to work independent. The skill is not coming down to the sum of the skills, it always has elements of creativity that allow the intelligence to operate in various atmosphere, exclude a template and scattering. The formation of skills is aimed at the entire field of tossing troops.

A short story in combination with an exemplary show and subsequent training - such is the main method of forming the soldiers they need skills and skills.

It is important to remember that knowledge, skills and skills with long breaks in their studies are gradually weakened, and in some cases are completely lost. In this regard, to maintain high professional skill of personnel, systematic exercises and training, conducted in the conditions as close as possible to combat.

The whole process of learning Soviet soldiers is based in accordance with such principles as communist party and learning; learning the troops of what is necessary in war; Consciousness, activity and independence of trainees; clarity in learning; systematics, sequence and complexity of learning; high difficulty learning; the strength of mastering knowledge, skills and skills; Collectivism and individual approach in learning.

They are taken in unity and interdependence they determine the system of requirements for the purpose, content, organization and methodology for training personnel.

The principle of the Communist Party and Scientific Research Determines the political orientation, class nature of personnel training. It reflects the dependence of the content, methods and organization of training from the ideology and policies of the CPSU, the tasks of education, the level of development of science and technology in the country. Each occupation should be thought out so much and to build so that the material has formed a scientific worldview, communist conviction and morality, a solid class position, armed with modern scientific knowledge, was closely linked to the life of the country, armed forces, with the practical tasks of personnel, showed the inconsistency of the bourgeois ideology , military theory and practice of imperialism. This is the main meaning of the principle of party and scientific relations.

The principle of learning the troops of what is needed in war reflects the objective need to prepare a personnel in strict accordance with the requirements of the modern war, bring each lesson for combat reality as much as possible, with full load, without sending and simplifications.

The principle of consciousness, activity and independence of students requires such a formulation of training, in which the soldiers clearly understand their tasks, meaningfully acquire knowledge, consciously apply them, showing high activity, independence and initiative. Consciousness and activity V. I. Lenin attached paramount importance, stressing that without an initiative, conscious soldier and the sailor, success in the modern war was impossible.

The principle of visibility in training comes from the fact that the battle study requires such an organization when the warrior absorbs knowledge and forms skills and skills based on the work of the senses, especially hearing and vision. The means of visibility are classified on natural (displacement of practical actions, weapons and technique samples), visual (schemes, posters, movies, agitation means, etc.), verbal-shaped (description of facts, events, comparisons, etc.).

In working with the means of visibility, the following rules must be observed: to select the most significant and complex material for them; demonstrate visual allowances not all at once, but gradually in the course of the presentation of oral material; During the demonstration, slow down the rate of explanation; do not overload classes with clarity; Giving time to trainee to work with benefits, especially with samples of weapons, equipment, devices, layouts and simulators.

Systemativity, sequence and complexity mean that the success of training is possible only when the training material is located and outlined in such a manner so that new knowledge rely on previously purchased, and the previously studied techniques and actions would prepare the soldiers to assimilate the following.

High-level training suggests that the learning material in its content and volume, on the one hand, is available to trainee, taking into account their experience and knowledge, and on the other hand, the studies would consciously overcome the difficulties of study, made significant efforts to achieve the target. Training at a high level of difficulties involves the availability of learning, i.e., compliance with the rules proven: from the known to unknown, from a simple to complex, from the easy-to-hard one.

The strength of mastering knowledge, skills and skills. This principle means that independently of the complex situation of a modern battle, soldiers must remember all that he was taught, quickly and skillfully apply their knowledge and skills when performing their tasks.

Collectivism and individual approach in learning. Military activities in their nature collective. The basis of collectivism development is the organization of collective actions in classes, as well as in the process of the whole service of warriors. For this, the sergeant should know and understand the psychology of the team, be able to manage collective sentiment against the background of competition and the daily summary of collective action. Along with this, it is important to know and take into account the individual features of each soldier in teaching, skillfully directing his efforts to solve the tasks of the division.

2. Basic forms and methods of teaching subordinates

The success of learning largely depends on what techniques and methods are achieved by learning knowledge, the formation of skills and skills, i.e., from methods and forms of training.

Basic forms of training: theoretical (lecture, seminar, conversation) and practical (tactical and structural, tactical lesson, rifle training, work on driving combat vehicles, etc.) classes; Martial shooting, tactical teachings; park days; Independent training. The diversity of training forms allows you to carry out both single training of soldiers and preparations in the division, give them deep knowledge and develop the necessary skills and skills provided for by the program of combat training.

The main methods of training are: oral presentation of the material (story, explanation), discussion of the material under study (conversation, seminar), show (demonstration), training (exercise), practical and independent work.

The oral presentation (story, explanation) is applied when familiarizing the soldiers with the main provisions of "Charters and other documents, with tactical and technical data and a device of weapons and equipment, with the organization, weapons and tactics of actions of the probability opponent's units.

The conversation is practiced for the purpose of deepening, consolidating or verifying knowledge and is usually a question-response. Training (exercise) plays a decisive role in the formation of skills and skills in soldiers, teaches them to apply knowledge in practice, is the main method of training soldiers. Training should be systematic and consists in a conscious multiple repetition of studied techniques and actions with constant complication of conditions.

Practical work is carried out in order to consolidate the acquired knowledge and improvement of available skills and skills. It is proceeded after the trained will digest the maximum of the necessary knowledge and will acquire certain skills and skills.

Independent work is used to secure already acquired knowledge, skills and skills. The commander of the department determines the volume, tasks for self-preparation, gives methodical advice, provides specific assistance and controls its move, and also provides soldiers with sectors with literature and visual benefits.

In training connections and parts, the preparation of younger commanders and specialists is carried out according to the method of systematic and phased attractiveness of knowledge and skills. This learning method is based on the theory of planned formation of mental concepts and practical actions. " The educational process is organized with the three basic principles:

- the content of training cards (UTK) must be assisted in the process of learning cadets;

__ The goals and content of the training of trains must comply with their professional purpose;

- Professional preparation is possible only with strictly consistent construction of the educational process.

The essence of the learning method is to work with a queen in which the students do not memorize it, and immediately with its help the device of aggregates, nodes and practically perform operations (setting the radio station, the preparation of weapons to shooting and so on). The platoon is divided into training groups for 3 people. Of these, the first reads the UK, the second shows the named on the layout or a real object, the third controls its actions. Subsequently, they change places. Thus, the student three times during the allotted time studies the material. The training of cadets is first underway using complete ducks reflecting the entire amount of actions, and in the subsequent - developed UTK, which indicate only the main (nodal) actions.

The head of classes should directly participate in the study of the student material, to be ready to answer questions, help understand the content of the Utok, to achieve the high activity of students in learning the training material.

3. Essence, principles, shapes and methods of work on the education of soldiers

By its essence and directivity, training is closely related to education - a certain, purposeful and systematic impact on the mind, feelings and will of warriors in order to form their high political and combat qualities, discipline, cohesion of military teams, preparations in accordance with the requirements of the modern war.

The essential features of educational work in modern conditions are: ensuring the unity of the word and case; maximum concreteness; individual forms; The situation of acute ideological confrontation. Principles are the main guidelines for educational work. They expressed requirements that determine the content, methods and organizational forms of education of personnel. The principles of education of Soviet warriors are: Communist dedication and party party; upbringing in the process of military activities; upbringing in the team and through the team; Individual approach to soldiers; a combination of demanding to soldiers with respect for their personal dignity and care about them; Unity, consistency and continuity of education.

Communist dedication and participancy of education-- the leading principle in the entire system of raising warriors. It determines the ideological orientation of all educational work and requires a sergeant first of all to know the goals of education, clearly imagine the qualities that should be formed by each of the subordinates.

A very important requirement of the principle is perseverance in achieving an educational goal. It is impossible how individual sergeants do, retreat from an undisciplined soldier, justifying that he is not amenable to upbringing. Good human qualities are born years. Therefore, upbringing is a long and difficult thing. It is impossible to limit the decree here, and it is necessary to conduct a painstaking work, showing persistence and patience.

Education in the process of military activities. When implementing this principle from sergeant, first of all, it is required to ensure a deep understanding of each soldier features a modern international situation, its place and role in strengthening the combat readiness of the unit, part, in general of the armed forces. Important here has a combination of well-organized educational work with a clear organization of military work, with reasonable leisure personnel.

Education in the team and through the team. This principle requires a sergeant to constantly take care of the cohesion of subordinates in a friendly family, about the formation of the feelings of friendship and military partnership, collectivism.

An individual approach in raising warriors is of paramount importance.

The implementation of this principle involves: comprehensive, continuous study of each warrior; respect and demands for it, thoughtfulness, stateness and creativity in the upbringing; Differentiated approach; upbringing, in all activities; System of individual education.

A combination of demands to subordinate with respect for their personal dignity and care about them. In this principle, the two sides of the educational process are merged: the demandingness and respect for man. This is an important feature of the Lenin style work. The primary responsibility of the sergeant is to care for nutrition, health, material and domestic conditions, about the satisfaction of the spiritual requests of personnel.

Unity, consistency and continuity in the upbringing obliges to make uniform requirements for soldiers, educate them with the general efforts of all educators, party and Komsomol organizations.

Methods of education are ways of purposeful impact on warriors and military teams. The main of them are belief, exercise, promotion, coercion and example. Method of belief-- The main method of upbringing. To convince means that it is so influenced by the consciousness and behavior of the soldiers so that they have a deep confidence in the truth of the provisions of Marxism-Leninism, the requirements of the communist morality and military discipline, an understanding of the essence of these ideas and requirements, the desire to solve practical tasks in strict accordance with them. A sergeant convinces subordinates to his personal conviction, a true word in unity with the case, the ability to answer acute and topical questions, clarity, intelligence and evidence of presentation, high emotionality of speech.

The exercise method has a goal - to form the habit of positive (correct) behavior. Education exercise is different from learning exercise, since it is associated with an increase in the consciousness of warriors, while learning exercise is aimed at working out automatism in actions. Applying the exercise method, it is important to remember that it is impractical to entrust the subordinates to perform the tasks still for them, since you can undermine their faith in yourself.

The promotion method is used to secure positive habits and positive qualities of the soldier. This is a strong and subtle rebreeting means. Promotion stimulates the activities of the soldier, has a positive effect on the whole team.

The coercion method applies to individual soldiers whose deeds contradict the requirements of the charters and orders of commanders (chiefs). Forcing includes the following forms and means of exposure: reminder, warning, prohibition, condemnation by comrades. His extreme measure is the penalty.

The personal example of Sergeant is its main weapon, the most important condition for the successful fulfillment of their duties. It enhances or weakens the effectiveness of all other methods of education. "The word teaches, and the example leads" - says folk wisdom. However, a positive example of sergeant acquires the power of educational influence only if it is organically connected with the high qualities of his personality and is constantly manifested.

4. Directions of the work of sergeants to strengthen military discipline

Soviet military discipline is one of the forms of state discipline, the basis of combat capability and combat readiness of the armed forces. Discipline is, above all, strict and accurate compliance with all the servicemen of the order and rules established by Soviet laws and military charters, the conscious obedience of the subordinate will of the commander. The discipline characterizes the identity of the warrior as a whole. It is closely connected with many of its qualities and properties, and above all with ideological conviction, a deep understanding of his debt to the birthplace and the people.

The formation of the soldiers of the skills of discipline, readiness to perfectly fulfill the requirements of the military oath and the statutes are carried out throughout the service. In this case, the sergeant is important to bring to the consciousness of each subordinate not only content, but also a deep meaning, social significance of discipline, to bring up a sense of personal responsibility for the protection of the socialist partician.

An analysis of disciplinary misconducts made by the personnel shows that many of them are due precisely in the field of relations the boss - subordinate, personality - team. In some cases, the flaws in the work of Sergeant indirectly affected the emergence of conflict, and in others they became a direct cause of discipline violation.

To the most common incorrect actions of the sergeants themselves include: those allowed by them uneven distribution of loads between soldiers of various service life; reluctance, and sometimes inability to be inseparable to the extramistle relationships and mood of warriors ending the service; Tracking the desire of individual soldiers to receive privileges, take a special position, subjugate to their influence of other warriors.

Weak demanding of some sergeants, a lack of methodological skills of education in others, the lack of pedagogical tact of thirds - only some bottlenecks in their activities occurring in practice. To eliminate them, you need persistent study of younger commanders, timely council and the help of older, more experienced comrades.

The basis of Sergeant's work is a deep study of subordinates, their strengths and weaknesses, habits, inconsistencies, interests and ideals. The most justified by the methods of studying a sergeant personnel during everyday life are: individual conversations; Attentive study of attitude to the case of a particular subordinate during classes, services, rest; widespread use of opinions of officers, ensigns, other sergeants, party and Komsomol activists about warriors; Acquaintance (through officers) with documents available in the headquarters and characterizing socio-demographic data and personal qualities of soldiers.

The study of subordinates should be objective, impartial, not to be reduced to looking for deficiencies. The main thing to notice and celebrate every success of the warrior, be able to see in every good and use to raise the person. Recognition of success is painting the soldier, gives him strength for the future. Under these conditions, the desire to distinguish between the service. The correct opinion on the subordinate will develop only if it is not evaluated by words, but on affairs.

To raise discipline, the correct organization of the educational process is needed. Sergeants must create a situation that requires the maximum voltage of physical and moral forces, contributes to the development of the subordinate senses of debt, initiatives, high organized, independence, to ensure that the educational process is in a timely manner and fully materially maintained, the time of the beginning and end of occupations was observed. A well-done occupation always activates the mental activity of the student, instills the habit of accuracy, collens and organization. There is also a clear organization of maintenance of equipment, park and park-economic days.

In strengthening military discipline, a skillful disciplinary practice has an important meaning. The daily disciplinary practice of the sergeant offers such means and techniques for the consciousness of warriors, as an explanation, proof, suggestion, etc. This sergeants have subordinates to themselves, conquer their confidence. Their sincerity and cordiality allow you to master the feelings of soldiers and easier to bring the necessary requirements to consciousness. However, it is important to remember that the proximity to people is not all immoved, which is convinced - does not mean to persuade.

Negative affects the soldiers, the unhealthy and injustice of sergeant, rudeness in handling subordinates, the lack of concern for their needs and requests. Very met and categorically expressed its attitude towards cases of tactlessness in relation to the subordinate M. V. Frunze. He said that a sharp appeal, an unexpected recovery and coarse okhriches will be incomprehensible to the young Red Army, they fought him and kill interest in the military business.

One of the important features is that the recovery measures and the form of its imposition should be perceived by the soldier not as the "Capture", but as the desire of Sergeant to help him learn to manage behavior, worthy of behaving. It is necessary to teach subordinates to the truth, to the fear of the offense, and not punishment. The biggest trouble is not in the offense and not even in punishment, but in the villaness, which the subordinate wants to hide him. The sergeants who consider the unshakable rule are correctly received: before applying to the subordinate, it is necessary to carefully understand the degree of his guilt. At the same time, as emphasized in the disciplinary statute, the behavior of the warrior, the nature of the misconduct, the circumstances under which he was performed, the degree of clarification by the soldier of the order of service. Removing disciplinary penalties is also advisable to implement strictly individually when they played their educational role, and not everyone immediately, waiting for the holiday.

Sergeants are obliged to strictly monitor the purity and internal order, for the correct fitting of equipment, compliance with the rules of wearing the military form of clothing, timely repair of shoes and uniforms, etc. The daily clear fulfillment of these duties by the younger commanders has an impact on raising the skills and habits of disciplined behavior, forms intolerant attitude to breaking, develops the perf. Special thoughtlessness and organization requires work with military personnel performing tasks in the separation from the unit, in the guard and daily outfit.

Its features is working with so-called hard soldiers. It is extremely important at this to identify specific reasons for their unfair attitude to the service. Search in every such person positive qualities, encourage, develop them, emphasize that the norm of the life of a serviceman is sobriety, honesty, personal responsibility for the entrusted matter.

Of great importance in modern conditions has a struggle for a sober lifestyle. Younger commanders are called to show a personal example in this, as well as clarify the personnel that drunkenness is a completely intolerable phenomenon in the army, it is an worst enemy of combat readiness.

Sergeant needs to take care of improving the material and domestic conditions of subordinates, to know exactly all the standards of contentment, strictly follow the full issuance of contentment. It is important to control compliance with the subordinate personal hygiene rules, the washout of them in the bath, the nutrition quality in the dining room. All selected shortcomings are reported on the team.

An important part of the work of sergeant to strengthen the discipline is care of the organization of leisure soldiers. His task is to ensure that each of them has been recorded in the library, in every way to reward reading fiction, periodicals, artistic amateur activities, physical education and sports, applied arts.

The whole history of human society is associated with discipline. The need to streamline the life and activities of people forced humanity to develop a number of rules, norms, laws regulating the behavior of members of society in various situations. All this is especially important in relation to military activities, which is unthinkable without fracturing, strict follow-up to orders.

The concept of discipline in the works of antique philosophers, historians were interpreted as "obedience of legitimate power", "good order", "coherence of actions". It was also considered as the great virtue of the warrior-citizen as an important personal quality. So, in the discipline of Plutarchs saw the source of force and the power of the army, the state. At the obligation to follow the requirements of the norms of society and managers, Plato also indicated. In particular, he noted: "... This is the case: who, where he took a place in the ranks, finding him the best for himself, or where who put the boss, then ... and should remain, despite the danger, neglecting and death , and everyone, except for shame. "

The first domestic documents in which attention is drawn to the problem of military discipline was the "teachings" of Prince Vladimir Monomakh. In them, he expressed the requirements for the warp - to be an example for his subordinates in battles, and to the vigumers - unquestioning orders. According to the "teachings" of the warriors were to be silent with senior, wisely listen to the youngest in love. It should be noted that in the era of the feudal fragmentation of the discipline in the princely databases was maintained on the basis of the codes, compliance with the ouguards of loyalty. The violators of them kept "in need" (they were punished) and could bring the punishment until the death penalty. Disciplined behavior was encouraged by various awards (valuable gifts, property). Such an approach made it possible to provide order, organized, contributed to the victories of our ancestors over numerous invaders.

The development of military affairs, a change in the means and methods of combat operations demanded even greater organized and expectancy.

Word "discipline"translated from Latin means "doctrine". The concept of "discipline" is interpreted and as "compulsory for all members of any team subordinate to the statutory procedure, rules," as restraint, the habit of strict order. In a broad sense, discipline is considered as a necessary condition for the normal existence of any society, thereby ensuring the collective activities and the normal functioning of social organizations.

With the help of discipline, coordination of actions is achieved, subordination, comrade assistance, are provided. Compliance with the discipline allows simultaneous applications of the efforts of many people, is a highly efficient social management tool.

There are the following types of state discipline - this is a public, labor, discipline of public organizations. Acceptable to discipline executive, financial, educational,discipline of timeetc. It is important to understand that this division carries an element of a certain convention.

Military discipline is one of the forms of state discipline, the basis of the combat readiness and combat capability of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

It is designed to regulate military order, relationship between servicemen, relations in divisions in order to ensure high organized and combat capability. Her difference from other types of discipline is due to the nature of military activities, which requires people who carry out its special collections, accuracy, execution, excerpts, mutual understanding, mobility, the speed of all orders, etc. By virtue of this, military discipline is characterized by a number of features: The obligation of its requirements T (lard of all categories of servicemen; coincidence of the objectives of legality and military discipline; detailed regulation of the rules of conduct on the entire spectrum of military activities; increased legal liability for violation of the order and rules of military service; mandatory compliance with moral standards, supported by the statutory requirements; disciplinary responsibility For violation of the rules, norms not only in the service, but also in the outmaker; the unity of the unconditional implementation of established norms and manifestations of activity, independence, creativity, etc.

Famous truth: no discipline can be combined by any army of the world. One of the outstanding military leaders and teachers of Russia General M. I. Dragomirov so characterized the military unit, in which a high level of discipline is supported: "Such part (division) may not beat in humble percent during shooting, may not be particularly solid. She can be knocked out with her legs, but the path never. And in difficult minutes, of course, it will be preferred that which interest is knocked out, and bravely march, but not so reliable. "

The concept of "discipline" means the specific quality of the warrior, providing sustainable, according to the rules of its behavior in military service. It is characterized by external and internal indicators.

External discipline indicators:

strict compliance with military order;

accurate and initiative fulfillment of orders and orders of commanders and chiefs;

careful attitude towards arming and military equipment, competently use when solving educational and service challenges;

exemplary appearance.

Internal discipline indicators:

the belief in the need for military discipline:

knowledge of the statutes and instructions, the requirements of military service;

the ability to manage itself according to the requirements of military discipline;

skills and habits of disciplined behavior;


Of course, the relationship between the external and internal indicators of the discipline of one or another warrior is ambiguous. It can be harmonious, but it happens that the warrior keeps a certain order without having beliefs in its need. In this case, the understanding of the fact that the violation follows a strict punishment. The complexity of the tasks solved by military units, the problem with the staffing of the personnel and much more requires that each soldier with understanding refer to the requirements for it, he served not for fear, and for conscience. Only then can we talk about high conscious disciplines, the discipline as personal quality is not born together with the person and the more the warrior is not given together with the pursuit. It is formed and developing in the process of its army life and activity. Consider the priority areas of work of commanders for the formation and development of discipline from warriors.

The main directions of formation and development of discipline in servicemen:

skillful management and behavior of military personnel;

maintaining strict statutory order in the division; Effective educational work; self-education of discipline;

caring for a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team.

When working with servicemen under the contract, it is necessary to take into account the issues of concerns about the family of a serviceman and the implementation of the conditions of the contract concluded by him,

Incutting the warriors of the foundation of discipline is impossible without monitoring the full and accurate compliance with the requirements of the Charter. It should not be forgotten about the formation of the motivational and indicative basis of their behavior. In other words, you need to clarify every time why and how to do in various situations. The skillful organization of this work helps the soldiers to overcome the negative reactions caused by the difficulties of the service, especially in the first period, quickly and painlessly adapt to the routine of the day, rather to work and further achieve positive results in combat training.

In parallel, work is carried out in the team:

cultivation of positive relationships;

formation of a healthy public opinion and unity of views on the main issues of service and combat training;

overcoming negatively directed leadership;

maintain friendship and mutual assistance, careful and demanding relationship of colleagues to each other.

Practice shows: it is easier to achieve the desired results, if the warriors themselves are actively involved in solving this task.

The formation of discipline skills in military personnel, readiness to perfectly fulfill the requirements of the military oath and military charters begins on the first day of their service. At the same time, the sergeant is important to bring to the consciousness of each subordinate not only content, but also a deep meaning, social significance of discipline.

Each sergeant should be close to subordinates, to know their needs and requests, to seek their satisfaction, prevent rustic and humiliation of personal dignity of subordinates, constantly serve them by a model of strict adherence to laws, military charters and orders, to be an example of moral purity, honesty, modesty and justice .

Analysis of disciplinary misconducts made by the personnel shows that many of them are due to miscalculations in the field of relations the boss - subordinate, personality - team. In some cases, the flaws in the work of the sergeant indirectly affect the emergence of the conflict, and in others they became a direct cause of the discipline violation.

The most common incorrect actions of the sergeants themselves include: those allowed by the uneven distribution of loads between soldiers of various periods of service; reluctance, and sometimes inability to be inseparable to the extra-mastical relationships and mood of warriors; Tracking the desire of individual soldiers to receive privileges, take a special position, subjugate to their influence of other warriors.

Weak demanding of some sergeants, a lack of methodological skills of education in others, the lack of pedagogical tact of thirds - only some bottlenecks in their activities occurring in practice.

The basis of the work of Sergeant to strengthen military discipline is a deep study of subordinates, their strengths and weaknesses, habits, inconsistencies, interests and ideals. The most justified by the methods of studying a sergeant personnel during everyday life are: individual conversations; attentive study of attitude to a matter of one or another subordinate during the occupation, service, recreation; Wide use of opinions of officers and ensigns, other sergeants about warriors.

The study of subordinates should be objective, impartial, should not be reduced to looking for flaws. It is necessary to notice and celebrate every success of the warrior, be able to see in every good and use to raise a person. Recognition of success is painting the soldier, gives him strength for the future. Under these conditions, he often arises a desire to distinguish itself. The correct opinion may be formed only if it is estimated not according to words, but on affairs.

To raise discipline, the correct organization of the educational process is needed. Sergeants should create an environment that contributes to the development of the subordinate senses of debt, initiatives, high organized and independence. It should be achieved timely beginning and end of classes. A well-done occupation always activates the mental activity of the student, instills the habit of accuracy, collens and organization. It disciplines a clear organization of maintenance of equipment, parking and economic days.

In strengthening discipline, a skillful disciplinary practice has an important meaning. Disciplinary practice is the system of encouragements to military personnel in the armed forces and disciplinary penalties in order to educate and strengthen military discipline.

When determining the fault of the serviceman are taken into account: the nature of the offense; The circumstances under which he was perfect; The former behavior of the guilty, as well as the duration of his military service and the degree of knowledge of the service order.

When you impose a disciplinary recovery, the sergeant must remember that the measure of recovery and the form of its overlay must be perceived not as actions aimed at humiliating the human dignity of the serviceman, but as the desire of sergeant to help him learn to manage behavior, worthy of behaving. It is necessary to teach subordinates not to fear of punishment, but to shad to make misdeed. Negatively affect the servicemen, the bodies and injustice of sergeant, rudeness in handling subordinates. The sergeants who believe that, before you impose a disciplinary recovery on the subordinate, it is necessary to deal with the degree of its guilt. The removal of disciplinary penalties is also expedient to implement strictly individually when they played their educational role and the soldier really corrected their behavior with the exemplary implementation of military debt.

Sergeants are obliged to strictly monitor the maintenance of internal order, for the correct fitting of equipment, compliance with the established rules of wearing the military uniform, as well as military discipline in the system. The daily clear fulfillment of these duties by the younger commander has an impact on the raising of the skills and habits of disciplined behavior, forms intolerant attitude to breakdown, develops the perf.

Each soldier must be confident in the protection of his rights and legitimate interests, in the inviolability of his personality, in respect of his honor and dignity. Maintaining the rules of relations established by military charters in the division of military charters between servicemen is one of the priorities of Sergeant's activities.

Special thoughtlessness and organization requires work with military personnel performing tasks in the separation from the unit, in the guard and daily outfit. There should be no place for a superficial approach. It is necessary to carefully select the composition of these teams, take into account the psychological features of military personnel.

Its features is working with military personnel inclined toviolation of military discipline. It is imperative at the same time to identify specific reasons for their unfair attitude towards the service, search in every such person positive qualities, encourage, develop them, emphasize that the life of the serviceman is honesty, personal responsibility for the entrusted business, the exemplary implementation of military debt.

Of great importance in modern conditions has a struggle for a healthy lifestyle. Younger commanders are called to show a personal example in this, as well as clarify the personnel that drunkenness and drug addiction are completely intolerable phenomena in the army, they are worst enemies of combat readiness.

Each sergeant is obliged to systematically analyze the state of the military discipline of the servicemen subordinate to him, in a timely manner and objectively report to the superior commander. Some sergeants trying to hide their subordinate from the commanders, thereby conducive to the violators. This can lead to rude disciplinary misconduct, and often to incidents and crimes.

Sergeant needs to take care of improving the material and domestic conditions of subordinates, to know exactly all the norms of satisfaction, strictly follow the full of their content. He must take care of the organization of rest and leisure subordinates, as this is an important part of the work of Sergeant to maintain military discipline. His task is to ensure that every soldier will be recorded in the library, in every way to encourage reading newspapers and magazines, artistic amateur activities and sports.

Option Systems Opera Commander Department
to maintain military discipline


know where there are subordinates, check them with each construct, report on missing;

monitor the execution of the routine of the day, internal order in a platoon (separation), to require compliance with subordinate military discipline;

conduct individual conversations with one or two subordinates;

ensure compliance with the rules of wearing the military form of clothing;

report to the direct commander about all complaints and requests of subordinates, about promotions and implications imposed on them, as well as cases of loss or malfunctions of weapons and other material resources;

ensure compliance with safety requirements by personnel when working with weapons and military equipment, as well as in conducting classes and economic works;

to summarize each lesson and at the end of the day to evaluate the attitude of subordinate to the performance of official duties and their personal discipline.


talk with each subordinate serviceman, to assist the emerging replenishment in adaptation to the conditions of military service;

observe the sequence and uniformity when appointing in the outfit, as well as when dismissing from the location of the part;

conduct additional classes to explain the requirements of the disciplinary statute of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with military personnel, prone to violations of military discipline;

to report to the direct commander about the state of military discipline among subordinate measures taken to strengthen its strengthening, if necessary, to encourage disturbing and punishment of violators.

The upbringing of military personnel is a purposeful and systematic impact on the mind, feelings and will of warriors in order to form their high moral and combat qualities that determine the expedient behavior of them in a peaceful environment, in battle, the right attitude towards their military duty.

The principles of education are the initial pedagogical provisions, reflecting the patterns of the process of education and serving the norm of the educators. The basic principles of upbringing include; dedication; upbringing in the process of military and social activities; upbringing in the team and through the team; Individual and differentiated approach to soldiers; a combination of demands with respect for the personal dignity of warriors and care about them; Support for positive soldiers and team; Unity, consistency and continuity of educational influences.

Pottlenesspresents on the activities of commanders a number of requirements. These include: Clear and clear awareness of the goals and tasks of raising warriors, all educational work; the plannedness of the process of education; expediency in choosing funds, techniques, methods and forms of education; perseverance and perseverance in achieving educational purposes and tasks; The formation of soldiers of the interested and active attitudes towards the goal and tasks of education, the inclusion of them in the process of self-education. This principle involves the connection of upbringing with life, the requirements of combat activities and requires so building educational work so that all the warriors deeply understood the course and prospects for social development, correctly understood in the events in our country and around the world, deeply realized the tasks set before the armed forces, Personal responsibility for protecting your fatherland.

^ Education in the process of military and social activities. The decisive role in the formation of a person's personality, in the development of its moral and combat qualities belongs to military activities. In the course of its warriors, moral-combat qualities are fixed and improved: discipline, independence, initiative, courage, determination, perseverance, long-term volitional effort, endurance, mutual execution, psychological readiness for successful management of modern battle.

The educational role of maturial labor depends on the observance of a number of conditions. First of all, it is important for the funds of education to achieve an understanding of the warriors of expediency, the social importance of the tasks that they were entrusted. The educational impact of military labor increases if elements of competitions are made in it, competitiveness. The educational role of labor increases if the commander and military team reveal and encourage distinguished warriors in a timely manner, support diligent, initiative and condemn the negligent. Pedagogically valuable is a reasonable combination of mental labor with physical, hard work with rest and cultural leisure. This allows you to prevent overwork and hostility of warriors to work.

^ Education in the team and through the team. This principle requires the commander of constant care for the cohesion of subordinates into a friendly, strong family, on the formation of the feelings of the military partnership, fraternity, collectivism. Without this, in modern conditions, the achievement of victory in battle is unthinkable.

Successful implementation by the commander of the educational capabilities of the military team is carried out on the basis of certain requirements. The most important of them are as follows: Establishment and strict adherence to the collective of authorized relationships, discussion with the warriors of the results of study and service, organization of mutual assistance, the development of principled criticism and self-criticism, the accumulation of positive traditions in the team.

^ Individual and differentiated approach to warriors. Russian warriors are brought up in the team, but each warrior is a specific personality with individual qualities characteristic only for her. At the same time, soldiers are inherent in some common features caused by their age, profession, experience, education, etc. All of these features are manifested in the behavior of warriors and make up the objective reality with which the commanders should be considered inevitably. The teacher is obliged to deeply and comprehensively know the characteristics of the warriors and take them into account in the process of upbringing.

^ Combining demands with respect for the personal dignity of warriors and care about them. IN in this principle, the two sides of the educational process are merged: the demandingness and respect for man. The truth is well known that the demanding of the head to subordinate must be combined with the demandingness to itself, otherwise it will turn into an empty formality.

For a demanding commander, such features should be characterized as the principle and intransigence to disadvantages, perseverance and determination in carrying out their requirements, the establishment of personal responsibility of military personnel for the entrusted business, strict control of execution.

^ Support for positive soldiers and team. Any warrior, even the most difficult-advisable, must have positive features, the right views, good feelings. It is good to find it, develop, encourage it and rely on it in the upbringing of subordinates - the direct responsibility of Sergeant.

The principle of support on a positive requires support and development of good both in a separate person and in the team,

^ Unity, consistency and continuity of educational influences. The success of raising warriors is directly dependent on consistency in the work of sergeants, ensigns, officers. To achieve consistency in working with people - it means to present uniform requirements for subordinates, to educate them with the general efforts of sergeants, ensigns and officers. Continuity in education means preservation, consolidation and further development in the practice of raising all the positive, which is accumulated in the upbringing, in the life of the team by previous educators.

Methods of education

The Military Education Method is a combination of means and techniques of homogeneous pedagogical impact on warriors in order to form their necessary qualities to fulfill military debt. The main methods of upbringing Russian warriors are: belief, example, exercise, competition, promotion, criticism and self-criticism, coercion. In practice, these methods are most often used in aggregate and in various combinations. The main forms of educational work are: Public training classes, conversations, disputes, etc. They must comply with the requirements that arise from the tasks set up to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

^ Method of belief- The main method of upbringing Russian warriors. To convince means, leaning on the logical arguments, the data of science, reliable facts of life, practitioners, personal experience of warriors, to ensure that the requirements of the military oath and military charters turn into deep personal convictions of warriors became the motives of their behavior, leadership to action. The way of conviction is an explanation, explanation, suggestion, proof, appeal and T, d.

The most important condition for successful belief is the skill of the sergeant to arrange subordinates, conquer their confidence, to achieve mutual understanding, exercise perseverance, excerpt, patience and tact.

^ Example method- the purposeful and systematic impact of educators on the warriors by the force of a personal example, as well as all types of a positive example as a sample to follow, incentive in the competition and the basics for the formation of a high ideal of behavior and life. The educational influence of the example is based on the tendency of people to imitation, to learn and borrow the experience of others. Each commander must remember that a personal example of an educator is an essential condition that gives him moral right to bring up others. Personal example of the commander is the basis of its authority, has an inspiring effect on people in a difficult atmosphere, in battle.

^ Exercise method. To develop the will of the warrior, to bring up his courage, determination, composure can only be combined with constant moral and volitional exercises associated with overcoming the difficulties of military service. The essence of the method of exercise in the upbringing is to organize the service and all the lives of warriors, which every day strengthens their consciousness, temper the will, develops feelings, allows you to acquire a positive social experience, the habits of the right behavior.

Education exercise is mediated through the solution of everyday vital tasks, realized by the warriors. To work out the warrior courage, perseverance, initiative, it must be systematically put in such conditions in which he would need to show these qualities.

^ Competition method. The essence of the competition as a method of education is to apply such a system for educational influences on warriors, which develops in their spirit by friendly competition and healthy rivalry, equal to the best in their studies and in the performance of official duties, cooperation, mutual assistance, pulling up to the level of advanced and ensures on this Achieving high general results.

^ Promotion method- This is a system of means and techniques of moral and material incentive of warriors who have shown a high level of consciousness, diligence, initiatives, perseverance in the fulfillment of military debt and achieving high results in combat training, service, social work.

When applying promotion, the commander must remember that encouraging should be pedagogically appropriate, to be educational, to cause positive changes in the activities of the warrior and military team, in their qualities. Promotion must be deserved. It is valuable when it is made in a timely manner.

^ Method of criticism and self-criticism. The essence of the method of criticism and self-critics in education is to apply the system of educational impacts on the military team and the identity of the warrior, expressed in the form of judgment, analysis, generalizations and objective assessment of their activities, views aimed at eliminating mistakes, shortcomings and negative phenomena, the development of high Feeling responsibility for their behavior, state of military discipline, combat readiness of the unit.

^ Method of coercion it applies to individual soldiers whose deeds contradict the requirements of the charters and orders of commanders (chiefs). Forceding includes the following forms of exposure: reminder, warning, prohibition, condemnation by comrades. The extreme measure of coercion is the penalty. The sergeant is obliged to fulfill the requirements of the discipline and the order to use all the measures of coercion, not to leave without influencing any misconduct, strictly collect from the negligent.

A personal example of Sergeant is its main method of working with subordinates, the most important condition for the fulfillment of its duties. It enhances or weakens the effectiveness of all other methods of education. "The word teaches, and the example leads" - says folk wisdom.

5. Directions of the sergeants
To strengthen military discipline

The whole history of human society is associated with discipline. The need to streamline the life and activities of people forced humanity to develop a number of rules, norms, laws regulating the behavior of members of society in various situations. All this is especially important in relation to military activities, which is unthinkable without fracturing, strict follow-up to orders.

The concept of discipline in the works of antique philosophers, historians were interpreted as "obedience of legitimate power", "good order", "coherence of actions". It was also considered as the great virtue of the warrior-citizen as an important personal quality. So, in the discipline of Plutarchs saw the source of force and the power of the army, the state. At the obligation to follow the requirements of the norms of society and managers, Plato also indicated. In particular, he noted: "... This is the case: who, where he took a place in the ranks, finding him the best for himself, or where who put the boss, then ... and should remain, despite the danger, neglecting and death , and everyone, except for shame. "

The first domestic documents in which attention is drawn to the problem of military discipline was the "teachings" of Prince Vladimir Monomakh. In them, he expressed the requirements for the warp - to be an example for his subordinates in battles, and to the vigumers - unquestioning orders. According to the "teachings" of the warriors were to be silent with senior, wisely listen to the youngest in love. It should be noted that in the era of the feudal fragmentation of the discipline in the princely databases was maintained on the basis of the codes, compliance with the ouguards of loyalty. The violators of them kept "in need" (they were punished) and could bring the punishment until the death penalty. Disciplined behavior was encouraged by various awards (valuable gifts, property). Such an approach made it possible to provide order, organized, contributed to the victories of our ancestors over numerous invaders.

The development of military affairs, a change in the means and methods of combat operations demanded even greater organized and expectancy.

Word "discipline"translated from Latin means "doctrine". The concept of "discipline" is interpreted and as "compulsory for all members of any team subordinate to the statutory procedure, rules," as restraint, the habit of strict order. In a broad sense, discipline is considered as a necessary condition for the normal existence of any society, thereby ensuring the collective activities and the normal functioning of social organizations.

With the help of discipline, coordination of actions is achieved, subordination, comrade assistance, are provided. Compliance with the discipline allows simultaneous applications of the efforts of many people, is a highly efficient social management tool.

There are the following types of state discipline - this is a public, labor, discipline of public organizations. Acceptable to discipline executive, financial, educational,discipline of timeetc. It is important to understand that this division carries an element of a certain convention.

Military discipline is one of the forms of state discipline, the basis of the combat readiness and combat capability of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

It is designed to regulate military order, relationship between servicemen, relations in divisions in order to ensure high organized and combat capability. Her difference from other types of discipline is due to the nature of military activities, which requires people who carry out its special collections, accuracy, execution, excerpts, mutual understanding, mobility, the speed of all orders, etc. By virtue of this, military discipline is characterized by a number of features: The obligation of its requirements T (lard of all categories of servicemen; coincidence of the objectives of legality and military discipline; detailed regulation of the rules of conduct on the entire spectrum of military activities; increased legal liability for violation of the order and rules of military service; mandatory compliance with moral standards, supported by the statutory requirements; disciplinary responsibility For violation of the rules, norms not only in the service, but also in the outmaker; the unity of the unconditional implementation of established norms and manifestations of activity, independence, creativity, etc.

Famous truth: no discipline can be combined by any army of the world. One of the outstanding military leaders and teachers of Russia General M. I. Dragomirov so characterized the military unit, in which a high level of discipline is supported: "Such part (division) may not beat in humble percent during shooting, may not be particularly solid. She can be knocked out with her legs, but the path never. And in difficult minutes, of course, it will be preferred that which interest is knocked out, and bravely march, but not so reliable. "

The concept of "discipline" means the specific quality of the warrior, providing sustainable, according to the rules of its behavior in military service. It is characterized by external and internal indicators.

^ External discipline indicators:

Strict compliance with military order;

Accurate and initiative fulfillment of orders and orders of commanders and chiefs;

Careful attitude towards arming and military equipment, competently use when solving educational and service challenges;

Exemplary appearance.

^ Internal discipline indicators:

The belief in the need for military discipline:

Knowledge of the statutes and instructions, the requirements of military service;

The ability to manage itself according to the requirements of military discipline;

Skills and habits of disciplined behavior;


Of course, the relationship between the external and internal indicators of the discipline of one or another warrior is ambiguous. It can be harmonious, but it happens that the warrior keeps a certain order without having beliefs in its need. In this case, the understanding of the fact that the violation follows a strict punishment. The complexity of the tasks solved by military units, the problem with the staffing of the personnel and much more requires that each soldier with understanding refer to the requirements for it, he served not for fear, and for conscience. Only then can we talk about high conscious disciplines, the discipline as personal quality is not born together with the person and the more the warrior is not given together with the pursuit. It is formed and developing in the process of its army life and activity. Consider the priority areas of work of commanders for the formation and development of discipline from warriors.

^ The main directions of formation and development of discipline in servicemen:

Skillful management and behavior of military personnel;

Maintaining strict statutory order in the division; Effective educational work; self-education of discipline;

Caring for a healthy moral and psychological climate in the team.

When working with servicemen under the contract, it is necessary to take into account the issues of concerns about the family of a serviceman and the implementation of the conditions of the contract concluded by him,

Incutting the warriors of the foundation of discipline is impossible without monitoring the full and accurate compliance with the requirements of the Charter. It should not be forgotten about the formation of the motivational and indicative basis of their behavior. In other words, you need to clarify every time why and how to do in various situations. The skillful organization of this work helps the soldiers to overcome the negative reactions caused by the difficulties of the service, especially in the first period, quickly and painlessly adapt to the routine of the day, rather to work and further achieve positive results in combat training.

In parallel, work is carried out in the team:

Cultivation of positive relationships;

Formation of a healthy public opinion and unity of views on the main issues of service and combat training;

Overcoming negatively directed leadership;

Maintain friendship and mutual assistance, careful and demanding relationship of colleagues to each other.

Practice shows: it is easier to achieve the desired results, if the warriors themselves are actively involved in solving this task.

The formation of discipline skills in military personnel, readiness to perfectly fulfill the requirements of the military oath and military charters begins on the first day of their service. At the same time, the sergeant is important to bring to the consciousness of each subordinate not only content, but also a deep meaning, social significance of discipline.

Each sergeant should be close to subordinates, to know their needs and requests, to seek their satisfaction, prevent rustic and humiliation of personal dignity of subordinates, constantly serve them by a model of strict adherence to laws, military charters and orders, to be an example of moral purity, honesty, modesty and justice .

Analysis of disciplinary misconducts made by the personnel shows that many of them are due to miscalculations in the field of relations the boss - subordinate, personality - team. In some cases, the flaws in the work of the sergeant indirectly affect the emergence of the conflict, and in others they became a direct cause of the discipline violation.

The most common incorrect actions of the sergeants themselves include: those allowed by the uneven distribution of loads between soldiers of various periods of service; reluctance, and sometimes inability to be inseparable to the extra-mastical relationships and mood of warriors; Tracking the desire of individual soldiers to receive privileges, take a special position, subjugate to their influence of other warriors.

Weak demanding of some sergeants, a lack of methodological skills of education in others, the lack of pedagogical tact of thirds - only some bottlenecks in their activities occurring in practice.

The basis of the work of Sergeant to strengthen military discipline is a deep study of subordinates, their strengths and weaknesses, habits, inconsistencies, interests and ideals. The most justified by the methods of studying a sergeant personnel during everyday life are: individual conversations; attentive study of attitude to a matter of one or another subordinate during the occupation, service, recreation; Wide use of opinions of officers and ensigns, other sergeants about warriors.

The study of subordinates should be objective, impartial, should not be reduced to looking for flaws. It is necessary to notice and celebrate every success of the warrior, be able to see in every good and use to raise a person. Recognition of success is painting the soldier, gives him strength for the future. Under these conditions, he often arises a desire to distinguish itself. The correct opinion may be formed only if it is estimated not according to words, but on affairs.

To raise discipline, the correct organization of the educational process is needed. Sergeants should create an environment that contributes to the development of the subordinate senses of debt, initiatives, high organized and independence. It should be achieved timely beginning and end of classes. A well-done occupation always activates the mental activity of the student, instills the habit of accuracy, collens and organization. It disciplines a clear organization of maintenance of equipment, parking and economic days.

In strengthening discipline, a skillful disciplinary practice has an important meaning. Disciplinary practice is the system of encouragements to military personnel in the armed forces and disciplinary penalties in order to educate and strengthen military discipline.

When determining the fault of the serviceman are taken into account: the nature of the offense; The circumstances under which he was perfect; The former behavior of the guilty, as well as the duration of his military service and the degree of knowledge of the service order.

When you impose a disciplinary recovery, the sergeant must remember that the measure of recovery and the form of its overlay must be perceived not as actions aimed at humiliating the human dignity of the serviceman, but as the desire of sergeant to help him learn to manage behavior, worthy of behaving. It is necessary to teach subordinates not to fear of punishment, but to shad to make misdeed. Negatively affect the servicemen, the bodies and injustice of sergeant, rudeness in handling subordinates. The sergeants who believe that, before you impose a disciplinary recovery on the subordinate, it is necessary to deal with the degree of its guilt. The removal of disciplinary penalties is also expedient to implement strictly individually when they played their educational role and the soldier really corrected their behavior with the exemplary implementation of military debt.

Sergeants are obliged to strictly monitor the maintenance of internal order, for the correct fitting of equipment, compliance with the established rules of wearing the military uniform, as well as military discipline in the system. The daily clear fulfillment of these duties by the younger commander has an impact on the raising of the skills and habits of disciplined behavior, forms intolerant attitude to breakdown, develops the perf.

Each soldier must be confident in the protection of his rights and legitimate interests, in the inviolability of his personality, in respect of his honor and dignity. Maintaining the rules of relations established by military charters in the division of military charters between servicemen is one of the priorities of Sergeant's activities.

Special thoughtlessness and organization requires work with military personnel performing tasks in the separation from the unit, in the guard and daily outfit. There should be no place for a superficial approach. It is necessary to carefully select the composition of these teams, take into account the psychological features of military personnel.

Its features is working with military personnel inclined toviolation of military discipline. It is imperative at the same time to identify specific reasons for their unfair attitude towards the service, search in every such person positive qualities, encourage, develop them, emphasize that the life of the serviceman is honesty, personal responsibility for the entrusted business, the exemplary implementation of military debt.

Of great importance in modern conditions has a struggle for a healthy lifestyle. Younger commanders are called to show a personal example in this, as well as clarify the personnel that drunkenness and drug addiction are completely intolerable phenomena in the army, they are worst enemies of combat readiness.

Each sergeant is obliged to systematically analyze the state of the military discipline of the servicemen subordinate to him, in a timely manner and objectively report to the superior commander. Some sergeants trying to hide their subordinate from the commanders, thereby conducive to the violators. This can lead to rude disciplinary misconduct, and often to incidents and crimes.

Sergeant needs to take care of improving the material and domestic conditions of subordinates, to know exactly all the norms of satisfaction, strictly follow the full of their content. He must take care of the organization of rest and leisure subordinates, as this is an important part of the work of Sergeant to maintain military discipline. His task is to ensure that every soldier will be recorded in the library, in every way to encourage reading newspapers and magazines, artistic amateur activities and sports.

Sergeant's authority contributes to the strengthening of military discipline in the division. First of all, it is determined by the personal example of attitudes towards the fulfillment of military debt.

Option Systems Opera Commander Department
to maintain military discipline


Know where there are subordinates, check them with each construct, report on missing;

Monitor the execution of the routine of the day, internal order in a platoon (separation), to require compliance with subordinate military discipline;

Conduct individual conversations with one or two subordinates;

Ensure compliance with the rules of wearing the military form of clothing;

Report to the direct commander about all complaints and requests of subordinates, about promotions and implications imposed on them, as well as cases of loss or malfunctions of weapons and other material resources;

Ensure compliance with safety requirements by personnel when working with weapons and military equipment, as well as in conducting classes and economic works;

To summarize each lesson and at the end of the day to evaluate the attitude of subordinate to the performance of official duties and their personal discipline.


Talk with each subordinate serviceman, to assist the emerging replenishment in adaptation to the conditions of military service;

Observe the sequence and uniformity when appointing in the outfit, as well as when dismissing from the location of the part;

Conduct additional classes to explain the requirements of the disciplinary statute of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with military personnel, prone to violations of military discipline;

To report to the direct commander about the state of military discipline among subordinate measures taken to strengthen its strengthening, if necessary, to encourage disturbing and punishment of violators.

6. Work sergeants
To maintain the statutory order

Objects sergeants
To fulfill the requirements of the Promotional Statutes
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

In the life of the Armed Forces, the Communist Parties occupy a special place. They are rightfully considered a joint of the laws of military service. All its way: the battle study, the carrying of internal, garrison and guard services, the organization of life and leisure - is determined and regulated by the charters. They establish provisions that determine the relationship between servicemen, their rights, job and special duties, the responsibility of military personnel, the order of service, and are aimed at achieving one goal - establishing in military units and divisions of the statutory order, the definition of the responsibilities of military personnel on its guidance and maintenance.

The communal charters on sergeants - deputy commander of the platims, commander of departments (crews, settlements) are responsible for training, education, military discipline, moral and psychological state, loaded load and appearance of subordinates, proper use and conservation of weapons, military equipment, equipment, uniforms , shoes and content them in order and health, ensuring the security requirements of military service.

By performing official and special duties, commanding branches and crews, sergeants are obliged to know the provisions of the Property Statutes, to organize the guidance and maintenance of internal order in the division, exemplary to carry the internal, garrison and guard services, to show an example of the conscientious fulfillment of military debt and require this from subordinates.

Guidance and maintaining in a division of the statutory order, that is, the exercise of the life and activities of subordinates in accordance with the Principal Charters, require sergeants holding a large organizational and everyday educational work with a person.

Sergeants - Deputy Commanders of Platov, Commanders of Branches (crews, calculations) During the classes and fulfillment of the tasks of internal, garrison and guard services, study with subordinates and achieve knowledge of the requirements of the Community Statutes. Such the provisions of the People's Commissars, as the responsibilities of the soldier, day and watch, the duties of the soldier before building and in the ranks, the main provisions of the disciplinary statute of the Soldiers should know by heart and be guided by them in everyday life.

Sergeants are obliged to teach subordinates to compliance with the statutory order immediately, as soon as they arrive in the unit, at every occupation, teaching, when serving in a daily dress, in everyday life. We instill a conscientious attitude to the service, prevent deviations from the Principal Statutes, to exercise permanent demands - an important duty of younger commanders.

Requirements should always be justified, constant and equally refer to all servicemen. It must be remembered that the demandingness is inextricably linked with concern for a person, respecting his human dignity, confidence in its forces and opportunities.

A sensitive and caring attitude to subordinates is a characteristic feature of this commander. At the same time, it does not have anything in common with improving the subordinates, with the desire to conquer cheap authority with unprincipled kindness. Take care of subordinates - it means to take all measures so that they quickly mastered military affairs, learned to overcome difficulties and trials, received a timely allowed, and their needs and requests did not remain without proper attention. Take care of subordinates - it means to create all conditions for the requirements of the Charters for the successful implementation of tasks assigned to them.

Work sergeants
On the organization of execution by the personnel
Routine of the day and maintain internal order

One of the main conditions for maintaining in a division of the statutory order is the exact execution of the routine of the day. In solving this task, the sergeant is played in the division.

Performing duty officer by company, sergeant - commander of the department (crew, calculation) 10 minutes before the "Lifting" signal produces the lifting of deputy commander of the platforms and the head of the company, and the "Lifting" signal produces a total raft of the company and declares clothes for Morning Physical Charging . Commanders of offices (crews, calculations) control the rise of personnel, check its presence. After that, the duty officer builds the company. Starin company takes a report on the company. While the company is in charge, the next cleaners under the guidance of the duty officer on the mouth put the order in the bedroom and ventilate it.

A division, returning from physical charging, starts up to the morning toilet and dressing beds. Sergeants - Deputy Commanders of Platov, Commanders of Branch (crews, calculations) closely monitor how neatly soldiers perform such daily operations as a refueling of beds, bringing into the order of uniforms and shoes, guidance in the bedside tables.

After the time reserved for the morning toilet and gas station, the duty officer feeds the team: "Rota, for the morning inspection - becomes." Deputy commander of the platforms (commander of offices, crews, calculations) build their subordinates. Rote on duty reports senior about the readiness of the company. At the command of the foreman, the deputy commander of the platforms and commanders of the offices are proceeding to the morning inspection. It should begin with a personal account check. After that, the sergeants are deputy commander of the platforms, the communities of the departments (crews, calculations) begin to inspect the appearance of servicemen, check the execution of personal hygiene rules, the health of the outfit, shoes, haircut.

Periodically, on the morning inspection, the condition of the legs, ports and underwear, and other objects of uniforms and equipment can also be viewed. Military workers who need medical care are recorded by duty officer in the book of recording patients to send to the medical center of the military unit. On the results of the inspection and availability of the sergeant sergents - commanders of the departments (crews, calculations) report to the deputy commander of the platforms, and those -starshine companies.

Training classes should begin exactly in the time planned time. Before the start of occupations, sergeants - commanders of offices (crews, calculations) and deputy platoon commanders check the presence of subordinates and inspect whether they are dressed in uniform whether equipment is correct and the weapon is not charged. Then the deputy commander of the platforms report platforms on the preparedness of personnel to classes.

In combat training classes, sergeants should achieve complete assimilation of subordinate issues under study, maintain order and organization on training places, not allowing sending and simplifications, violations of security requirements. After graduation, they are obliged to check the availability of personnel, equipment and educational property, whether the weapons are not charged and unspent ammunition and imitation funds are handed over to military personnel. The scan results are reported on the team.

When building meals, sergeants - deputy platoon commanders, commander of offices (crews, calculations) must check the availability of personnel, the state of uniforms and shoes, fulfilling all military personnel of personal hygiene rules. In the dining room, each department (calculation, crew), as a rule, has dining tables attached to them. Each table is appointed elder from among sergeants or soldiers.

In the afternoon, the schedule of the day provides for caring for armament and military equipment. Cleaning of weapons should begin with the briefing on safety requirements and are held under the leadership of the deputy commander of the platforms.

The task of sergeants on independent training is to provide the personnel of the necessary literature, visual and other benefits, individually work with lagging behind and to prepare for classes the next day.

During the servicemen provided for the personal needs of military personnel, the younger commanders are not only personally prepared for the next day, but also check the preparation of subordinates: whether themost shoes are listed, whether shoes and uniforms are working.

At the evening walk, held by the elderly company or one of the deputy commander of the platforms, the personnel performs the system songs in the division. At the end of the walk on the rider, the company gives the team: "Rota, on the evening calibration - become becoming." Deputy Commanders of Platov, Commanders of Departments (crews, calculations) build their divisions. During the evening calibration, the presence of personnel is checked, orders and orders are brought, an outfit is announced the next day and a combat calculation is specified in case of anxiety and fire. Deputies of platform teams are prescribed next cleaners the next day.

Before the departure to sleep, sergeants must check the execution of personal hygiene rules and refueling the uniforms. The duty officer clarifies the tasks of the daily to guide the order in the rooms of the company and on the territory assigned to the roth.

Thus, the work of sergeants to perform the routine of the day should be constantly directed to the strict performance of all its elements, to maintain military discipline, organizedness and compliance with the form of clothing. The personal sample of sergeants - commanders of departments (crews, calculations) in the execution of the routine of the day and their demand for subordinates are important.

Work sergeants
On preparing personnel for carrying
Services in garrison and daily dresses

The daily outfit is assigned to maintain the internal order, the protection of personnel, weapons, military equipment, ammunition, premises and property of the military unit (division), as well as to fulfill other duties for the internal service.

The service of events in the daily outfit is accompanied by a set of activities: the selection and placement of personnel, its theoretical and practical training, the organization of the service of service itself, educational work, control over the service and summing up service. In all these events, the sergeants take the most direct, active participation.

The order of outfits in the company between the platforms is established by a senior company, and in a platoon - the deputy commander of the platoon. The number of outfits must be distributed evenly and valid.

When appropriate in the outfit, it is necessary to take into account not only the degree of preparation of soldiers and sergeants, but also their personal qualities: discipline, vigilance, organizational abilities, initiative and intransigence for disadvantages, endurance. It is also impossible not to take into account their health, family situation, relationships with relatives and acquaintances. Ignorance of people, improper assessment of the psychological, moral and physical condition of military personnel when appointing them in an outfit can lead to a violation of military discipline and even to crimes.

In the night preceding alongside, the persons appointed in the daily outfit should be released from all classes and works.

The duties of the daily outfit persons are defined by the charters and must be fully implemented, without any retreats. The most insignificant violation of statutory provisions can lead to non-fulfillment or breakdown of the tasks. Therefore, before getting out in the outfit, each soldier should know how to carry the service. For this, classes are organized and conducted on the study of the provisions of the statutes, instructions and other documents.

Preparation of personnel for the carrier of the guard service is carried out in three stages:

first- 2-3 days before the intercession in the outfit, the selection and distribution of the personal composition of the guard according to the table of posts are carried out;

second - On the day preceding the intercession in the outfit, the watch specified in the routine of the day, with the personal composition of Karaul, is conducted on the study of the provisions of the Charters, the table of posts with clarification on the layout of protected objects of special duties and options for watching hours at posts, as well as instructions and requirements safety when handling weapons;

the third - On the day of the intercession in the guard, a practical occupation is carried out with the development of clocks at posts. The basis of successful carrying service for daily outfit is its practical training. Practical classes are held on the ground, where the servicemen will carry the service: with an outfit on the company - in the unit, with a personal schedule of Karaul - on the guard town, etc.

A practical occupation with the Karaul's personnel is organized and is conducted by the commander of the division. Training in schools, as a rule, is carried out by the assistant to the head of the guard and the devils, appointed from among the sergeants - deputy commander of the platforms, commander of departments (crews, calculations). Usually they conduct training for the charge and discharge of weapons, train the soldiers of the order of admission and delivery of the post, changing the time hours, the actions of the watch in the fire and the work of other introductory. On the guinea town, at the training seats by training, the assistant chief of the guard and laying teach the guard with a certain charter of garrison and guard services to the procedure for receiving and passing the post, service carrying service taking into account its features. At the same time, the primary attention is drawn to maintaining constant vigilance and compliance with the procedure for the use of weapons.

In a practical occupation, the assistant chief of the guard and laying seeks that every guard knows not only the statutory requirements, but what is under its protection and defense, features of the post, route, placement of objects and the order of their protection, the location of the trenches, the availability of lighting, and fire alarm, location of landing steps and fungi, fire extinguishing facilities. Special attention is paid to the study of the boundaries of the post, the most dangerous approaches to it, the sectors of the shooting and the procedure for the use of weapons.

Daily outfit on the company is engaged in a division, where the company under the guidance of the company is studied: the duties of the duty and day, routine of the day, the instructions on the procedure for the rise of the alarm unit, according to the requirements of fire safety, the scheme of the territory of the territory assigned to the division for cleaning.

Before the intercession in the outfit, servicemen should lead their appearance in exemplary order, and sergeants check how they did it. The exemplary appearance of the daily charge should be an example for servicemen and have a disciplining effect on them.

Preparation of the daily dusting rate includes the work on the practical actions of the duty and day-defense, when declaring anxiety, reception and issuance of the personnel of weapons and ammunition, to maintain the cleanliness of the premises and the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory assigned to the division. Through practical actions on the introductory, the Finnish company seeks to clearly fulfill its duties to maintain in the company in internal order, compliance with the routine of the day and ensure the safety of weapons and ammunition, the property of the company and personal belongings of soldiers and sergeants.

In the same order, classes with other people of the daily dreasing are held. Training is carried out until the actions of the trainees are not clear and coordinated.

All the faces of the daily dreater have a common duty - to carry the service vigilantly. In the interest of the vigilance of statutes stronically prohibitall duty and their assistants, heads of guard and distributing, day-old, guard and clocks, even for a minute, stop or transmitting anyone to fulfill their duties without much permission or orders, leave the appointed place, violate the established service regime defined by the relevant Instructions.

Saving service ends with summing up. In the course of his sergeants (younger commander) it is important to emphasize how authorized responsibilities were fulfilled, what experience gained subordinates when serving.

The demanding, fundamental, user-friendly sergeant sergeants service organize and carry so that the daily outfit always has always been a reliable barrier on the path of violations of the routine of the day and military discipline.

Work sergeants
To ensure the security of military service,
Conservation and health promotion
Personnel, care for his life and needs

In the work on learning and raising subordinates, the demandingness of commanders is occupied by a special place, and the true demands are inextricably linked with concern for people. Deeply studying the requests and interests of the subordinates, sensitively listening to their moods, satisfying their needs, the sergeants are thus allocated to the departments they lead, increase their moral state, willingness to perform combat missions.

The main responsibilities of junior commanders of all degrees are the management of the implementation of established security requirements. The complexity and multi-facetedness of the army service require the knowledge and accurate compliance with safety requirements.

The younger commanders in daily activities are responsible for fulfilling the security requirements of the private compartment (crew, calculation) during all types of classes and work.

Practice shows that most incidents during classes and work comes from ignoring all categories of security requirements.

Sergeant must:

Personally know security requirements, organize their study and check the knowledge of their subordinates;

Timely remind of security requirements in combat training activities, when working with weapons and military equipment, carrying out combat shooting and tactical teachings, carrier and internal services, treatment of poisonous technical fluids, loading (unloading) and transportation of personnel, physical training preparation, fulfillment of economic work and demand from subordinate strict implementation;

To ensure that the subordinates do not remain in the end of shooting and classes in the subordinates, garnet, fans and explosives;

To be able to provide the first help to the victim and organize it sending it in the case of the medical institution.

Charters require that the younger commanders take care of increasing the level of physical training, maintaining and strengthening the health of the subordinates, controlled the completeness of issuing and the quality of their satisfiedness, helped the subordinates, and in the necessary cases were requested for them to the senior commander.

A special place in the activities of junior commanders should occupy the issues of ensuring the personnel of personnel. If there are unsatisfied elementary requirements of the life and life of servicemen, then calls for compliance with the requirements of discipline will not be actions on them. Therefore, the basis of order lies in constant care of subordinates.

Some parties of military houses, in particular the preservation of the health of military personnel, affect not only the state of the moral spirit of warriors, but also directly to the state of troops (forces). Therefore, sergeants are obliged to constantly monitor the state of the health of their subordinates, take measures to temper their body, follow the compliance with the servicemen of personal hygiene rules.

Experience shows that where Sergeant (Junior Commander) takes care of the health of the subordinate servicemen, the warriors enduring, studying and the service go in due rhythm, and therefore there is a high combat readiness and organization.

Personal example of durability and endurance, care and assistance to the soldier allow a sergeant during tense exercises, shooting, field lessons, in a combat situation to actively increase the moral and combat qualities of warriors, to teach them what is needed in war.