Outline for drawing up a descriptive story about fruit. A set of visual aids for the development of speech "Reference schemes for composing descriptive stories

Preschool education No. 10 for 1990 pp. 16 - 21

Brief description of the method

One of the main tasks of children's educational institutions is the formation of a coherent speech in a preschooler, that is, the ability to clearly, logically, consistently talk about events and phenomena, easily combining individual sentences into a single semantic and structural whole. Among all types of coherent speech, a special place is occupied by descriptive stories... Such stories are characterized by the creation of a verbal image of an object in a static (immobile) state. The lack of dynamics noticeably complicates planning for the child, and, consequently, the formulation of a detailed statement.

Imagine that a kindergarten teacher shows preschoolers an ordinary tomato and asks them to write a story about it - a description. What to tell the child about if no action is taking place? What are the signs of a tomato to highlight? In what order should these signs be listed? How to keep the intended sequence of presentation in memory? What sentences should you use to make the story coherent and clear? It is not easy for a preschooler, but also for an ordinary primary school student to cope with such tasks ...

Many years of practical experience convinces that with spontaneous speech development, the child is not able to master the compilation of descriptive stories. The most favorable speech environment is not enough for such an activity. Purposeful, scientifically based, systematic training under the guidance of a specialist is necessary, as well as the use of special visual aids.

As a universal auxiliary means for modeling a descriptive story by preschoolers, readers are offered graphic plans - diagrams, which were developed, refined and applied by the author in practice since 1983 ( the first publication of the schemes in the magazine "Preschool education" No. 10, 1990).

Toy Description and Comparison Scheme

Tableware description and comparison scheme

It is characteristic that without visual support (in the absence of a diagram) regular preschooler (without speech disorders) is not able to keep in memory a story plan - a description consisting more than 4 items... It is obvious that the compilation of descriptive and comparative stories in the traditional version (without diagrams) is not available to children with OHP.

The proposed schemes allow the child to constantly adhere to the graphic outline of the story, consisting of 6 - 8 points. In addition, the schemes help the preschooler: to highlight certain qualities of the object, to visualize their number and sequence, to observe this sequence when presenting a descriptive story and thereby make it more complete, accurate, coherent, continuous.

Considering the above, descriptive and comparative stories using author's schemes can be used in correctional teaching of children with OHP. at the start-up stage.

Our diagrams reflect the most characteristic features of objects belonging to the main thematic groups from the State Program of Preschool Education: toys, clothes, dishes, food, vegetables, fruits, pets, wild animals, birds, human occupations, seasons.

Scheme for describing and comparing vegetables, fruits

Bird Description and Comparison Scheme

Each feature is represented in the diagrams by special symbolic imagesaccessible to preschool children. According to psychologists, mastering various signs and symbols helps a child not only analyze, compare, perceive reality in general, but also increases the mental age of the child, contributes to the transition of his thinking to a higher level.

Scheme of a descriptive and comparative story about the professions of people

Clothing Description and Comparison Scheme

Scheme for describing and comparing seasons

Scheme for describing and comparing animals

Tatiana Kazakova

purpose: learn write a descriptive story about a home.


1. Form skill make up modeled on simple and complex sentences.

2. Improve the ability to coordinate words in sentences.

3. Strengthen adjective education skills.

4. Reinforce the skill composing a story by description

Plan storytelling:

1. What is it? How many floors are in the house (single-storey, multi-storey, n-storey)

2. What material is the house built of? Which house? (made of bricks, wood, panels, blocks. Brick, wood, panel, block)

3. What color is the house?

4. On which street is the house located?

5. What's next to the house? (Grow trees, shrubs, shop, school, playground, etc.)

6.Who does he live with? (with mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother)

7. What kind of pets live at home? (cat, dog, guinea pig, etc.)

8. Why do you love your home? (it's cozy, it's warm there, it's beautiful, etc.)

Exemplary story:

This is home. It is one-story. The house is built of wood, so it is wood. My house is red. It is located on Moskovskaya Street. There are many birches growing near my house. There is also a road next to the house. I live with my mom and dad. I have a cat at home - her name is Murka, and a dog - her name is Zhuchka. I love my house because it is beautiful.

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Integrated educational areas: "Communication", "Cognition", "Reading fiction", "Socialization", "Health".

Types of children's activities: communicative, reading fiction, play, motion.

Purpose: the development of coherent speech.


  • To form the ability to compose descriptive stories about people of different professions using a plan-diagram.
  • Expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic "Profession".
  • Exercise the use of genitive and dative nouns in speech; in the selection of words-actions.
  • Improve the ability to listen attentively to the poetic text of the riddle.
  • To consolidate the skill of self-control of pronunciation in independent speech.
  • Develop memory, attention, thinking.
  • To form the skills of cooperation, mutual assistance, goodwill and initiative.
  • To create an emotionally prosperous climate, to provide the necessary physical activity.


  • demo pictures depicting people of different professions
  • handout pictures of tools
  • schemes for composing descriptive stories
  • computer presentation
  • doll Dunno

Prior work:

  • Conversations "Professions of our moms and dads."
  • Reading V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?", E. Permyak "Mother's work".
  • Games "Riddles about professions", "How to say otherwise", "Say a word".
  • Excursions to a construction site, a shop, a hospital.

GCD move

Organizing time.

Game exercise “Who is this? Who hid (who is gone?) "

Computer presentation of riddles.

Introduction to the topic.

Educator: Today I met a boy on the street. He answered all the questions “I don’t know”, “I don’t know”. Can you tell me who it is, what is his name? (Dunno). I invited him to us.

A doll is introduced.

Dunno: What are you talking about here?

Children: About the professions of people.

Dunno: I also know many professions and even know who does what.

Game exercise "Who is doing what?"

Invite the children to listen to Dunno talk about what people of different professions do. Decide if he speaks correctly and correct Dunno if necessary.

The doctor is making soup.

The teacher teaches children at school.

The cook heals people.

The driver is cleaning the yard.

The janitor drives the car.

The seamstress mends boots.

The shoemaker sews clothes.

The seller sells products.

The builder is cutting people.

The hairdresser builds houses.

Dunno thanks the children for the correct answers and offers to play the next game.

Game exercise with a ball "Who works where?"

Children stand in a circle.

The chauffeur is on the road.

The cook is in the dining room.

The builder is at the construction site.

The doctor is in the hospital.

The seamstress is in the atelier.

Salesman in the store.

The hairdresser is at the hairdresser's.


Dunno invites you to help figure out who needs to work.

Game exercise "What is to whom?"

Work in micro groups. Children pick up tools for a picture with a profession.

The children are then asked to decide who they would like to be when they grow up. Diagrams for composing stories are distributed.

Learning new things.

Drawing up a descriptive story according to the scheme.


The name of the profession. (Who is it?)

Place of work. (Where does it work?)

What does a person of this profession do?

(What does he do at work?)

What does he need to work?

(What items does he need to work?)

Sample story:

- This is the seller. The seller works in a store (supermarket, supermarket, etc.). He sells groceries, clothing, furniture, etc. to work he needs a counter, scales, cash register, groceries, clothes.

Independent stories of children.

Securing the material.

Game exercise "Make a proposal"

Dunno suggests, based on the pictures, to finish the sentence.

The doctor treats ...

The cook is cooking ...

The builder builds ...

The seamstress sews ...

The teacher educates ...

The chauffeur transports ...

The hairdresser is cutting ...

The seller sells ...

Bottom line.

- What have you learned today?

- What did Dunno learn from your stories?

The child's speech is formed gradually, and is enriched daily. Up to 6 years old, a baby should correctly pronounce all sounds, be able to build a complex sentence. It is often coherent speech that suffers. Children find it difficult to construct a logical and complex narrative from several sentences. Therefore, kindergarten teachers use special schemes that serve as hints.

Here is a simple model diagram that can be used to teach a child to write descriptive stories about animals.
You can choose any pictures, the main thing is to discuss their symbolism with the baby. You need to stick them on thick cardboard in a certain sequence.

For example, two Christmas trees are the size (size) of the animal.

Dyes - indicate the color of the coat.


The third picture is the body parts of the animal.


The house and the forest are the habitat.


Food is the beast's favorite food.


And this is how the circuit looks like in full.

You should also have images of all animals.

How to work with this scheme?

You show your child an image of, for example, a fox. The kid looks at the clue schemes and makes up his own logical story.
The fox is a large animal with an orange-colored coat. It has a long fluffy tail, a large body, four legs with claws, a long muzzle and triangular ears. The fox lives in the forest. Most of all she loves to eat meat.

From word to sentence, from sentence to story.

Methodical development: Development of coherent speech of preschoolers with OHP, using schematic plans.

From the experience of the teacher-speech therapist of the NDOU "Kindergarten No. 140 of JSC Russian Railways" - Elena Mikhailovna Pokatilova.

Based on the results of speech therapy diagnostics, I found that children use little phrasal speech in the process of educational and play activities, experience difficulties in compiling detailed syntactic structures, there is no independence in composing stories, the logical sequence of presentation is broken, semantic gaps are observed.

Among the skills and abilities that need to be formed in preschoolers, special attention should be paid to the skills and abilities of coherent speech, since the further development of the child and his acquisition of educational knowledge in the school system depend on the degree of their formation.

Coherent speech presupposes mastering the richest vocabulary of the language, mastering linguistic laws and norms, i.e. mastering the grammatical structure, as well as their practical application, the practical ability to use the acquired language material, namely the ability to fully, coherently, consistently and understandably to others to convey the content of the finished text or independently compose a coherent text. Connected speech is a way of forming thoughts, a means of communication and impact on others.

Having studied the works of A.K. Markova, Vorobyova, I have chosen schemes for structuring simple sentences that children with OHP should master at the first stages of work when composing narrative stories.

Children are offered picture images: objects and subjects (pictures cut along the contour). Schematic images of verbs (arrows), adjectives (wavy line), prepositions (schemes proposed by Tkachenko) are introduced.

Using the first model, children name words - actions, put up a schematic representation of the verb (arrow).

At this stage, it is necessary to teach the child to make a simple, non-widespread sentence according to the proposed scheme. Subject + predicate verb. The primary focus of the first step is on words-actions. The lexical meaning of verbs is clarified and attention is drawn to the correct agreement of the subject with the predicate in a two-part sentence. (The magpie is bursting. The magpie is flying. The magpie is looking around. The magpie is sitting. The magpie is looking out. The magpie is jumping).

Children are offered two object pictures. For example: magpie, bracelet. An analysis is being carried out - a comparison, whether the offer was successful or not To build a sentence, you need to add an action word. At this stage, we teach children to select action words that are close in meaning or select verbs, developing a logical chain of actions. For example, a magpie saw (noticed, noticed, found, picked up, carried away, dropped) a bracelet.

The next stage of work includes the selection of adjectives to the noun, denoting it with a graphic (wavy) line. Sharp-sighted (white-sided, long-tailed, nimble, cunning, young ...) magpie found the ring. The child comes up and replaces the card (graphic) and says his word. Pronounces the entire sentence with the selected word.

When using the fourth model, children are asked to choose an adjective for the object of action.

The magpie stole a beautiful bracelet.

Magpie stole a new bracelet.

A magpie stole a shiny bracelet.

The magpie stole the sparkling bracelet.

5. Model. Subject - predicate - object of action

(using prepositions)

Using the fifth model, children select action words by pronouncing a sentence according to a scheme.

Offer with the pretext AML.

  • The rubber ball rolled under the table.
  • The rubber ball is under the table.
  • A rubber ball was found under the table.

A sentence with the preposition OVER.

  • A beautiful butterfly fluttered over the flower.
  • A beautiful butterfly circled over the flower.
  • A beautiful butterfly flew over the flower.
  • A beautiful butterfly flew (fluttered, circled, flew) over the flower.

After the children master the training exercises and learn how to make sentences using models, you can move on to coherent narrative stories consisting of 6-7 sentences. Children are introduced to the picture-graphic scheme of the narrative story. Teach to retell a short text using a chain story scheme.

A small text is read to children, a conversation is conducted on this work. They choose subject pictures and put them on a panel to compose a story of the chain organization of sentences. They are asked to retell the text using the linking words - actions.

To complicate the story with common sentences, models of "beautiful words" (qualitative adjectives) are introduced.

When working with text, we teach children to replace nouns with pronouns, to select synonyms.

You can offer children to independently decompose object pictures, in free "windows", after reading the story. Retell the text based on a graphic diagram.

The subject-graphic scheme helps children to better and faster memorize the story they heard and retell it.

Children are invited to independently compose a logical chain according to a picture-graphic scheme, choosing the necessary action words. To make the story beautiful, lively and colorful, the child is invited to choose adjective names, having previously arranged the graphic image of the adjective in the picture-graphic diagram of the story.

Consider this stage in compiling the story "How frogs appear".

"How the frogs appear"

Alla was catching tadpoles in the pond. They were small, with a large head, large eyes, and a long tail. Alla placed them in a shallow bath. The tadpoles swam and wagged their tails. Alla watched the tadpoles for a long time.

Two weeks later, Alla saw little dark frogs near the bath. They moved away from Alla deep into the forest to the swamp. Alla learned that frogs appear from tadpoles.

According to the picture-graphic plan, the child can independently compose a short story.

Diana (7 years old):

Alla played in the pond. Tadpoles swam in the reservoir. Alla carried the tadpoles to the bath. The frogs appeared in the bath. The frogs jumped out and moved towards the forest. There is a swamp behind the forest. Frogs live in the swamp. Frogs emerge from tadpoles.

All the narrative stories that the children made up as part of the lesson can be played with the children in free activity. Using numerous sets of pictures, the child composes stories of his own composition.

Stages of work on composing descriptive stories and stories - comparisons.

Composing narrative stories is more complex than composing narrative stories. When compiling descriptive stories, it is necessary to carry out preliminary work on the accumulation of the child's vocabulary.

Preparatory stage. Enriching the vocabulary of children.

Before starting work according to the scheme proposed by T.A.Tkachenko, children should be able to highlight the most essential features of the object of description. In the classroom, the teacher teaches to group objects by shape, color, size, etc. When composing stories about fruits and vegetables, the children play the games "Learn by touch", "Learn by taste", "Collect fruits by color" ... When composing stories about animals, the teacher reads educational stories to children from children's encyclopedias.

The preparatory stage includes work on the ability to reveal the plan, understanding what this or that symbol means.

Stage 1. Collective compilation of a descriptive story according to the scheme.

At the first stage, a ready-made scheme is used. We compose the story collectively, each child voices only his part of the story according to the picture-graphic scheme. We explain to the child that the story can be started from any diagram-picture. The appearance of the item is described. Let's consider an example of describing vegetables and fruits. An analyzer is drawn on each card. We can see - size, color, shape. To the touch - hard, soft; smooth, rough; light heavy. The taste is sour, sweet ... The smell is aromatic, fragrant, spicy ...

With children who have difficulty memorizing a statement, we conduct the game "Let's Tell Together." The speech therapist and the child compose the story in parts, calling the same signs.

Stage 2. Writing descriptive stories by each child.

Children independently compose stories - descriptions using a diagram.

The proposed scheme tells the child the sequence of the story.

The teacher must show that there is no rigid program in the story, we begin the story with any map-scheme and tell in any sequence.

The task can be varied. In addition to composing stories, children make up riddles - descriptions based on a diagram, and also guess riddles using independently posed questions based on a diagram.

Lera (6 years old):

I have a vegetable in the box. It is white in color, triangular in shape, and small in size. It is firm to the touch. It tastes bitter. It smells very harsh. He's very helpful. It can be eaten raw, and it can also be used with cucumbers and tomatoes in jars and salads. What it is? (Garlic).

Datasets of schema pictures are attached to each lexical topic. When describing toys and household items, the characteristics of the action with the given item, the components, the material, are added. When describing animals, birds, a card-scheme with an auditory analyzer is added, according to which children describe who makes what sounds.

Stage 3. Collective drawing up of a plan diagram for drawing up a descriptive story.

At the next stage of learning to compose a descriptive story, we continue to use schemes, but not ready-made, but drawn up in class by the children themselves. And here we see that not only the scheme that will be used to compose a descriptive story is important, but the very process of drawing up this scheme is of great pedagogical significance:

Children themselves determine the sequence of presentation;

1. Select and propose ways to designate a particular feature.

Thus, at the stage of collective drawing up of diagrams, further development of independence in drawing up a descriptive story takes place.

Stage 4. Self-planning and storytelling.

At this stage, we invite the children at home to independently compose a descriptive story and its scheme. Children bring their diagrams to classes and make up stories on a given topic based on them.

This is the stage of individual drawing up of the diagram.

Thus, the transition to each new stage is expressed in more and more independence in compiling a descriptive story, and all the work done prepares children for compiling an independent descriptive story, without relying on a diagram. And at this stage, abandoning the scheme no longer has a big impact on the quality of the narrative story.

Stage 5. Compilation of comparative stories.

In addition to schemes for describing one object, we collectively draw up schemes for a sequential comparative description of two objects, where children first highlight similar features of an object and discuss how to designate them. The children then highlight the distinguishing features.

Before proceeding to a comparative description of two objects, we carry out the following game exercises with the children: "Suggest the word", "Find the differences", "Say the opposite", "Two objects", "How are they similar, how they differ" ...

We teach children to identify common signs: general concepts, shape, color, taste. If the story about an animal is habitat, food, appearance, etc. Then we tell how these objects, objects differ.

As a result of working with schematic pictures, children can independently compose their own descriptive story about any subject. The child can fantasize with mom and dad. Sketch your own diagrams and be creative with storytelling.

Elena Mikhailovna Pokatilova,
teacher speech therapist,
NDOU "Kindergarten No. 140 of JSC Russian Railways",