Games and contests for a small wedding. Funny wedding contests for guests without Tamada: Tips and ideas. Cheerful wedding contests with dancing for newlyweds and guests, video

Wedding is not only painstakingly selected outfits, accessories, menus and restaurant, and also a happy holiday of life for all those who are destined to visit it. And that the pastime at this celebration is interesting, it is important to take care of a good entertainment program for guests in advance. You must understand that fun at the wedding is the key to pleasant impressions and unforgettable memories of your holiday. Therefore, show a little enthusiasm, your fantasy to pick up a few dance competitions, fun games for your guests. Read all about it below.

A selection of cool wedding games for guests

Perhaps you are a real storehouse of endless ideas, know how to invent interesting games, contests, entertainment, relevant at the wedding? Fine! However, not everyone is given so masterfully organize an entertainment program for invited guests. And the wishes and preferences remain all the same: to ensure that the holiday is insanely cheerful, enjoying, fascinating.

You can contact this question to professional Tamad, which all these problems will put on their shoulders. But what to do to those people who took to organize a wedding in a narrow family circle, independently, without attracting additional specialists? In this case, a selection of cool mobile games for the wedding evening, which is below, you must certainly help and entertain your entire wedding company inherently.

Guest game "Singing Hat"

A wonderful and very positive game for guests during a wedding feast. Something resembles a hat from the famous movie "Harry Potter": for example, the fact that it is supposedly called to read thoughts, the preferences of the subject. Requisites, which is necessary for this contest:

  • big bright hat with high cylinder,
  • pre-prepared cutting with the use of famous songs with funny expressions (perhaps even ambiguous) men and women.

In order not to get confused with the contestants, write down alternately men's voices in the women with female. Start the game with a newlywed pair, and finish the rest of the guests, do not go past grandparents, parents. Everyone puts on a hat in turn, and the melodies change. In fact, such a competition always comes out interesting, causes a lot of laughter, fun, and sometimes even guess the character of personalities that you try this singing hat.

Wedding game "Mummy"

This competition implies the creation of a "real" mummy. Tools that will be needed to implement this game - toilet paper in the number of two rolls. For participation, the groom with the bride is invited, each of which they subsequently gaining to the team of participants among those present. Approximate number of a person who chooses the captain: five to six.

Teams are chosen according to a person who will be turned into a mummy by turning toilet paper. From a certain point, each participant starts the process of wrapping, and in the signal is inferior to the following and so until the roll end. That team will win, which was not only the fastest, but also qualitatively fulfilled its task.

Game "clothespins"

Follow in advance for this contest with white linen clothespins and eyebounds. An equal number of girls and guys is invited to participate, witnesses should also not be forgotten. Men tying their eyes, and girls cling to clothes cling to the announced number of clothespins. The essence of this game is that you need to quickly find and remove the clothespins with knit eyes. This competition for speed, so the winner will be the fastest.

"Share the ball"

For a given insanely, a cheerful and perky competition you will need balloons, inflated to a maximum, as well as a razor. In advance, apply different face marker on them. Among the guests are selected by several men, and the groom enters into their ranks. Each in hand is given on the ball and razor. Women are becoming next to each contestant with a towel in hand on pickup. The task of the game is to thoroughly shake the foam ball ball. A towel is necessary in order to wipe off the shaving foam in the case when the balloon burst.

"Broken phone"

To implement the next competition you will need four people among those present guests. Troy must be derived from the hall, and the first story is told: "A loving father had three adults sons. The oldest was the smart, the average - mediocre, well, the youngest is completely fading. " Using the pantomime, the first participant should show without words to the second everything that heard and so on the chain. After all this, the host invites the last participant and asks what he understood. The result of such a game will be the most unexpected and insanely funny.

"Pass Orange"

For this game, you invite 20 people to the center of the hall and divide them into two teams. Putting the first participant between the chin and the breast of the orange - in such a posture it is necessary to transfer it to the next contestant. So the orange must be carried through every person, while it is impossible to use hands, maximum - you can help yourself shoulder. If citrus fruit falls, the game starts first. Wins and gets the prize, the team that unmistakably managed to convey the orange to the very end.

"Shares with questions"

The leading game must prepare 20 notes in advance on which any questions about newlyweds will be written. Next, you need to inflate the same number of balloons to then put the notes inside. At the wedding, Tamada sells for the symbolic price sitting at the table to guests one of these balls. The guest must blow the ball and tell everyone the answer to the question. Use interesting questions that will have a comic subtext.


Among those present, Tamada chooses a volunteer who explains the rules of the game: it is necessary with the help of a pantomime, without words to show the kangaroo to the rest of the guests, and they must guess it. While the participant is preparing in another room, Tamada tells guests that they will now depict a kangaroo, but they should not serve what they know. As a result, a volunteer at the end of the competition will show a very evil and angry animal. In fact, it is a very fun and fun entertainment program.

"Go under the thread"

The presenter chooses four or five pairs. Puts chairs for each pair with strained thread. Competitors are given on a ball for two so that they climb between their bodies this subject. The task of the game before the contestants is the following: you must carefully go under the thread so as not to lose the ball. At the same time, the thread will gradually change its position, dropping down. Win those participants who managed to fulfill all the conditions. Another game is insanely popular among holidaymakers in nature. It helps to have fun and unload after a dense dinner.

Video: Funny wedding game for the guests "Fairy Tale"

In addition to laconic contests, guests must be interested in various games that have a small scenario with their history, possibly with disguise, personal participation. For example, a perky game called "Fairy Tale". You have a good opportunity to see the victim on the video attached below, how to properly organize this contest is not a wedding that you need to do and what the result comes out.

Wedding is a special event in the life of each family. In order for this day to have fun and saturated, during the feast there are various funny contests. They can be divided into several species.

Music all guests tied!

What holiday without music? And if the music is alive, and songs are performed by guests - it is doubly fun. Song contests for weddings There is a huge amount. Here is some of them:

"Musical Caco"

Two people are invited to participate. Each of them leads the task is to fulfill some song, but these songs for participants must be different. They at the same time start as louder and expressively singing, and that one of them who did not come down once (or there was a smaller number of times and performed a song louder), wins.

"The Book of Song Records"

Competition compete teams for several people. It is even possible that all guests participate in it, but they must be divided into two groups: maximets (or just maxi) and minimalists (they are mini).

The first team should execute the following:

  • hot
  • wet
  • solar
  • collective
  • marine
  • air
  • domestic
  • passion
  • loud
  • female
  • children's
  • smart
  • cheerful song.

Their rivals after each performance of maximists must be in opposition to sing the opposites of their hits, namely:

  • cold
  • dry
  • moon
  • single
  • land
  • earthly
  • overseas
  • boring
  • quiet
  • male
  • adult
  • stupid
  • sad song, respectively.

That group wins, which invented all the proposed songs. If the teams scored an equal number of points, you can arrange for them additional Round: Remember the largest number of "wedding" songs.

Question answer

Next Competition - "Musical Questions-Answers". Its essence is that one team of the guests Specifies the opponents question in the form of a line (or several lines) from any songAnd they in turn should answer it with words from another hit. For example, to the question "Why are there any birch in Russia?" You can answer: "Because it is impossible, because it is impossible, because it is impossible to be in the light of the beautiful one!".

Before starting the game, participants need to be allocated for several minutes to prepare, and the team that came up with more options for questions or answers, respectively.

Sweet contests

Games using candies and other sweets are also very popular at weddings. You can choose any of the following options. Each of them is interesting in its own way and will become excellent entertainment for guests.

"Sweet Congratulations"

For this contest, you need to choose two people. Each of them first puts in the mouth one lollipop and must then say: "Happy Wedding Day you, dear newlyweds! I wish you happiness, love and well-being. " Then the task is more complicated: Another one is added to the previous candy, and the participants must say the same phrase again. Then they repeat the same action with three candy, after that - with four and so on, on increasing. Wins the player who scored in his mouth the greatest number of sweets and congratulated the spouses is the most detrimental.

"Candy Kiss"

In this competition, guests compete with pairs "Guy - Girl". Couples must take up candy from different sides with lips and to complete the dance togetherwithout releasing and without eating it. If there are several winners after the first dance, you can continue the competition for several more songs until the last winning couple will remain.

"Supreme mercy"

Competition for the bride and groom. He is given a blank box from under the candy, and she, accordingly, candy.

The husband must list the maximum amount of sweets that will be called his wife, adding the phrase "my sweet" to them.

For example, "My sweet candy", "my sweet cake", "my sweet caramel", etc. For each sweetness, the wife gives him a candy that he puts into the box. When the box is completely filled, the spouse should kiss his chosen as many times as sweets lies in the box.

No balloons - no way!

Since childhood, any holiday accompany balloons. Despite the fact that the wedding is an adult holiday, it also does not do without this attribute of fun and good mood. You can arrange any of the following contests:

"Thread of Love"

In this game, participants are divided into pairs. Each couple must hold the balloon between your bodies and go through the thread, stretched between chairs, without dropping it. With each tour, the thread is lowered even below. Couple, dropping the ball, dropping out of the competition, and wins the one that passed at the lowest height.

"Air Football"

Participants are divided into two teams. Each of them a blank plastic bottle on a thread is tied to the belt. The distance from the bottle to the floor with this should be 10-15 centimeters. The task of players - drop into the ball drawn on the floor the ball in the form of a balloon. The team wins, which for the allotted time scored more heads.

"An explosion of emotions"

This is familiar to us since childhood game, when the participants tie the balls to the legs, and they must burst the maximum number The balls of the opponent's team, while maintaining as many of their own safe and preservation. This is a funny, dynamic game that perfectly widespread participants of any age.

Battle of fashion designers

All guests are going to wedding especially carefully: buy new outfits, decorations, make beautiful. Because the theme of clothing and appearance in general on this holiday is particularly relevant.

"The longest tie"

Competition for couples, which is that the girl should tie on the neck guy tie from toilet paper. It can be like a butterfly, bow and ordinary tie. But the complexity of the task is that the girl must use a roll of toilet paper fully. How will she be managed with him, how many times will wander around the neck of a partner or how many meters will stretch around the hall - it all depends on its imagination. And the author of the most stylish, according to the audience, tie will get from his partner the number of kisses, equal to the number of times, how much she wrapped the tie around his neck.

"Beauty Talk"

Also a steam contest, but this time the male half of the team speaks as a designer. The girl holds the tangle from the ribbon in the hands, and the guy is taken by his teeth for her end and should without help wrap your partner in this ribbon to get any element of clothes. It does not matter what it will be - skirt, topic, dress or bra. The main thing is that the "designer" invested in the allotted time, and his "model" looked stylish. Upon completion of the image creation, you can arrange a comic defile, during which the audience will determine the winners by applause.

"Dressing another"

Another contest in which the participants are divided by the team of two people. But, unlike previous games, they must do not come up with an outfit for your own partner, but just put on it any object of clothing. The complexity of the task is that a person who performs this "mission" will do it blindfolded. Such a competition will not only enjoy the participants themselves, but also perfectly raise the mood to guests watching this action.

"Walking dress"

And this is already command competition. It participates groups of 5 people. Each team is given roll of any wallpaper, scissors and rope. They must be built with these materials for the allotted time. dress and put it on one of the team members (This is not at all necessary to be a girl, a wobble dress on a man will cause a lot of laughter from the audience and entertained by the participants of the competition).

"The road of happiness"

Also a team contest, but this time - strip. Each participant must remove any object of clothing(You can even use accessories - belts, shoelaces, decorations), and all these things need put in one line. The team that built a longer "road" coming out the winner's competition.

We pass items!

In contests for the transfer of items, both small teams can take part and all guests broken into two groups: one half - invited groom, the second is the bride. You can come up with a lot of options for such games. Here are some of them:

"Forty on the heel brought"

Girls participate in this game. They are divided into two teams, draw up, respectively, in two lines and for the allotted time should convey to each other plastic braceletwhich symbolizes the news of the wedding. The complexity of the competition is that the participants transfer the decoration without the help of the hands - it is hanging on a heel of the first of them, and it must shift him on his neighbor heel. The team that copes with the task is faster.

"Fire of Love"

The subject that is transmitted in this competition is - cover from matchbox. Guests can play this game without getting out of the table. The first participant of the lid. tightly put on the nose, then he clings her nose to his neighbor without help, and that in the same way transmits on. Complete the task you can, putting at the finish end of the table, a candle and a box of matches without a cover. The last participant, which reached the lid, removes it from the nose, lights up with its help from the box and the candle. The team that coped with the task before was defeated.

"Pass the ring"

Competition in which participants transmit each other bublik, putting his neighbor on his finger. Moreover, the remaining fingers cannot be used for help. The last participant must also eat this bubble. Learn your halm! At any wedding it is impossible to do without contests for recognizing the bride and groom and bride:

"Find out a pretty knee"

The groom blindfolded should be touched in turns of the knees of girls who face him. He must determine who of them is his beloved.

"Kiss the handles, Madame!"

In this contest, the bride must define his spouse in a kiss in hand. It can be confused by the fact that instead of different men, her hand will kiss only the groom, but he can do it in different ways. And also for a couple of kisses, he can glue beard and mustacheTo finally confuse the bride. Whatever of these competitions you choose, fun at your friend's wedding will be guaranteed, and the bride and the bride will remember many years about how beautiful this one is so important and bright in their life took place. In the next video you can see a very funny wedding contest called "Squirrels and Christmas Tree":\u003dcfj_iz1ou6g

Each young couple has his own unique wedding day. However, the general can be found at any wedding. The solemn painting emphasizes the importance and importance of the ceremony, traditional customs and rites establish an invisible link of the current days with wise ancestors, and modern competitions create an atmosphere atmosphere at the feast of unrestrained fun, joy and happiness.

Regardless of where the celebration (at home or in a restaurant) is being held, how many invited (closest or many guests), without a toamada or with professional leading, the significance of the entertainment program and interesting fascinating competitions is essential.

In order for the entertainment program to be successful, you should pay attention to such moments:

  • during the compilation of the scenario of the event or the coordination of it with the lead, it is important to take into account the age, status and hobbies of invited to the celebration. Not always people of older generations can appreciate and take cool youth jokes;
  • it is important that everyone who wants to participate in the selected contests. However, forced to participate should not be;
  • we need to prepare small funny prizes in advance for winners and participants. Small items can be used as gifts: key chains, soap, socks, toys, calendars, pacifiers, whistles;
  • casting contests should be alternating with active games. For young people can be fascinating both options for entertainment. And for guests of the middle-aged and in old age, it is preferable to aged entertainment, conversations and songs.

In addition to entertainment that are suitable for all guests, you can separately consider competitions for parents of newlyweds and witnesses.

Redemption of the bride

For redemption of the bride, such tasks are perfect:

  • on the steps are written numbers or dates. The bridegroom must be properly compared with the events from the life of the bride or her family;
  • before the fiance to put a vessel with water. The task of a young man is to do everything possible so that the water from the vessel moves through the edge. Conduct this contest with the words: so that in marriage it was less tears, you need to pour them out now;
  • the bride and his friends are offered to tie a wet towel to the knot so much as he loves the bride, and then untie him as fast as disputes in the family will be decided;

  • the letters prepared in advance are attached to the wall or lay out to the tray. The groom should make his beloved compliment, which begins for each suggested letter;
  • blitz poll. Girlfriends choose a few questions about the life of the bride (which loves to cook where they like to rest, what a favorite color) and ask them first a girl, and then her beloved. The answers must coincide, for each promament - fine;
  • before the fiance put a saucer with lemon slices. For each hiding a note with the names of girls, among which there is a name of the bride. The young man must find this name. If she missed - eats lemon with a smile on his face;
  • a few girlfriends and grandmother lead to the bride. Each linked to the thread and offer the fiance to find a loved one. For each mistake - a fine;
  • three boxes are hiding on one shoe, among which there are bride shoes. The groom, before entering the room, should find a shoe. Each erroneous attempt is fine.

Competitions for parents

If the parents of the newlyweds are not against, it will not be much difficult for the lead to diversify the festive scenario of a couple of contests and for them:

  • guests are offered to find out who of young spouses will love the second stronger. For this, they ask parents of the bride and groom to demonstrate the power of their feelings and call compliments to each other in pairs. We win those spouses who will last longer and call as much as possible as possible to their halves;
  • parents are offered to find their testing or daughter-in-law. For this, two columns are built: one of the young people with the bridegroom, the second is from the girls with the bride. One of the parents tie their eyes, summarize to the speaker and asking to find the right person.

Contests for witnesses at the celebration

Who, oddly witnesses, are able to support and raise a festive attitude at a wedding feast.

Several competitions for them:

  • the witness needs to put on the chair, decompose candy on it. When the witness saw and remember, where sweets lie, his eyes tie him and at the same time the girl replaces one of the invited guys. Witness, I suspect nothing, headed to collect lips all the sweets left for him;
  • for the competition you need one boiled egg. Witnesses report that it is raw, put it between their backs and asking to gently lower the floor.

Entertainment for invited

The following entertainment is possible for guests:

  • the presenter invites several guests and presents to them prepared in advance bottles with juice (beer), on the necks of which nipples are fixed. The winner is the one who will quickly empty the capacity through the pacifier;
  • on a sheet of paper, a phrase dedicated to the newlyweds is written. To this phrase you need to come up with an offer addition. Guests take turns write their phrase, and the upper (to which they wrote their own) fell. Thus, you can get the original fairy tale about the newlyweds;
  • choose several guests and tie the balls to them so that they do not touch the floor. The task of participating is to burst the ball of the opponent and save your own;
  • several guests are selected (most often girls), they tie their eyes. The chairs lay out objects. Girls are asked to sit down and guess the subject under them.

Wedding celebration - One of the few holidays on which close and distant relatives are going, the best friends and girlfriends, people of different ages, status, professions. It is important that every invitation does not stay aside and accepted an active part in the festive feast.

The limitless set of entertainment and competition will help to captivate each easily, originally and naturally. And wedding photographs and videos will be infinitely long reminded of those bright unforgettable minutes of fun and joy.

But if you lose faith in love, the world will lose its beauty. The songs will lose charm, flowers - aroma, life - joy. If you have experienced love, you know that this is the only genuine happiness. The most beautiful songs are those that flew in your presence beloved; The most pruburate flowers - those that he presents; And the only praise, which is worth listening, is praised from him. Simply put, life only then acquires a color when she touch her tender fingers of love.
Raja Alsani

Competitions and wedding games

The wedding is an unforgettable celebration, an exciting and important for the newlyweds, on which relatives, colleagues and friends are present. One of the main parts of the wedding scenario are interesting contests, funny games and merry wedding riddles, thanks to which everyone can have fun. Among the variety of ideas, today you can find unusual competition for the wedding, which will enjoy any pair and guests. While working on the script, choose such entertainment in which you would like to participate. Then they will succeed really successful, there will break the guests of Azart and the desire to participate in such wedding contests and defeat.

Depending on the venue of the celebration, the presence of lead and individual preferences of newlyweds and invited people, wedding contests for guests are conventionally divided into several options:

  • At home, in a restaurant or in nature.
  • With Tamada or without a tomada.
  • Paging contests or moving games.

Among the wedding entertainment there are traditional, which are associated with rituals, gift of gifts and congratulations of newlyweds. Also, if the budget allows you to invite professional artists to conduct spectacular show programs and beautiful pop numbers, it will be spectacular, touching and beautiful. But even better to involve the guests themselves to participate in the original congratulatory rooms, games and fun, it always causes a lively interest and then remembers how the brightest moments of the wedding celebration.

Competition - Piggy Bank Wishes

Behind the wedding table, guests are transmitted in a circle of the piggy bank and say "with newlyweds friends, it will be in a piggy bank (for example, the letter l) ..." - after which they call five wishes for this letter. It is impossible to repeat. For example, you can wish love, lollipops, lyselchka, caress, and so on. With each epithet in the piggy bank, symbolic money is lowered (empty piggy banks should not be given). Upon completion of the competition, the piggy bank is awarded to the newlyweds.

Can create a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere at the festival. Moreover, contests can be different on their initial goal. Some are provided to introduce among themselves guests who have not yet met or have seen only a few times. Other competitions are designed to rally relatives and friends from the bride and groom, because often these teams are fragmented. Third contests are arranged to simply entertain all those present and give them bright emotions.

Created with the help of interesting competitions, simple and unobtrusive games, unusual risks, a cheerful friendly atmosphere will help guests of newlyweds get closer to each other, to liberate, get a charge of positive emotions and a lot of pleasant impressions. Participation in theatrical miniatures, quizzes and competitions can be encouraged by comic symbolic presents from young people - this not only makes a holiday unforgettable, but will leave a pleasant souvenir for a long memory.

Creative Competition - Oil Painting

We invite 3-5 guests who are willing to show their talent in art. They are provided with a sheet of paper and markers. Guests must draw pictures on the theme "Newlyweds and Family". Here, guests can show all their fantasy and give will their ideas. Then the paintings in turn are exposed to the wedding auction with the minimum mandatory starting price. Bidding and whose picture will be more expensive, gets a valuable prize from the young.

They differ in originality, lots of incendiary games, lotteries, congratulations, comic programs. Competitions are selected so that it is fun and interesting to everyone without exception. It is important enough to know the audience by age and mentality, so that the contests are acceptable and know how not to be mistaken, because it is the main part of the celebration that will be remembered by many.

There are certain rules when conducting fun and interesting wedding competitions:

  • No one cannot be forced to participate in the competition - suddenly a person is not in the mood or feel bad.
  • Entertainment should not depress some kind of dignity.
  • You should alternate active contests with quiet, for example, after running with balls you need to organize something verse or song.
  • All wedding contests must necessarily mean contact between guests.

If these conditions are fulfilled, any wedding, even the fiscal and low-handed, will turn into a grand celebration, which everyone will give a good mood.

Competition - Love Kiss

Two men are invited to participate. After that, Tamada asks for all women to update lipsticks. The essence of this event is for a certain amount of time to rest all the female guests and collect as much kisses as possible. The results of the competition are determined by counting traces from kisses on cheeks. Win the owner of a larger number of kisses.

Capable to significantly climbing the guests at the wedding, dissolving constraints between them. Remember, the wedding event will collect a large number of people. Here will be present, besides the young and their friends, parents, senior people and old ages themselves. Therefore, intimate and vulgar contests are better to immediately remove, until the youth remains to celebrate themselves.

Feature the original funny contests, it is easy to hold a celebration without the participation of Tamada. If there is not enough time, you can attract an active friend or girlfriend that will help with the requisite. Take the basis of ready-made scripts that can revive the modern wedding, and interpret them in the desired key so that your holiday is remembered for fun and creativity.

Competition - Alconauts

For this contest, men are invited to whom the glass bottles of beer are 0.5 liters, openers and small glasses. The essence of the competition is how quickly drinking a bottle of beer pouring it into a glass. Who will cope faster than the rest - he wins.

Such a cool competition for the wedding will allow to relax guests at the beginning of the wedding party, when many of the friends and relatives are still shy, and feel awkward.

Active Competition - Football

Choose two equal teams of 4 people. Each participant of the competition tie a thread to the belt, and at the end of this thread one apple. Before each participant on the floor put blank matchboxes. The task of the participants of the competition move the boxes towards the opponent's gate, the one who first kicks the goal with his apple without the help of hands.

Intelligent movements that participants will make all those present at the wedding celebration.

Active Competition - Gladiators

On the waist of men bind ropes with match boxes. The length of the thread should allow the box to hang out on the floor. Participants are trying to press the foot to the floor of the opponent. Who quickly cope with the task, comes into confrontation with another opponent.

It is the entertainment moments that create a general atmosphere of fun and a real holiday. Well-chosen wedding contests for guests They will not make blush the next day, but on the contrary - will give excellent memories of one of the best weddings in life.

Wedding is not only beautiful words in the registry office, n and a great opportunity fun and interesting to spend time. To achieve this goal, we picked up fun contests for a wedding, funny, cool, which will not allow guests to miss. But you should not be bored as well-haired, let the wedding remember them as the most joyful day.

Competition Drawing about the firstborn

The presenter must bear quite large sliders, stitched specifically for this case. One pant can be tied by a blue ribbon, the second - pink.

You can sew the sliders with multi-colored pants, one blue, and the other pink. The main thing is to voice the condition: each guest must put a small gift in the slider (for example, money, candy, toy).

If there are more objects in a blue pant one, the first of the newlyweds are a boy to be born, and if in a pink girl.

If guests have no different items for a gift, you can offer them just putting a trifle, money, respectively, in what color the panta will be a big amount, blue or pink, then a boy or a girl will be born first.

Competition compliments on the wedding at the table

This competition can be carried out at the table. The presenter asks for all men in turn talking to the bride's compliments. Care can be complicated if all compliments will start on one letter. And all women at the table must say compliments to the bridegroom. Wins the one who will speak compliments more than others.

Competition Talking the rope

Such a contest as a dragging of the rope is designed to participate in the guests. The presenter organizes two teams, the first - from the side of the bride, the second - from the side of the groom. It is better that at least 5 people in each team participate in the competition. The teams receive a rope with the words: "Whose relatives will win, he will rule in the family."

Congratulations for newlyweds

Musical contests and draws are particularly popular at weddings. Of the guests choose three people who want to congratulate newlyweds. They are given on a piece of paper on which words are written.

It is desirable to choose easily rhymes and uncomplicated words. In the course of five minutes, the participants are invited to write a song with congratulations for the newlyweds. The most interesting moment comes when there are already enough arrogant participants begin to sing their essays.

It is necessary to marry so that Tamada is still charged for being called.

Competition Phanti

Phanti - very popular at weddings game. For her, everyone takes everyone to participate. The presenter asks the bride to lend him to her shoe. Then all participants put their phantas there: traffic jams, candy, sheets of paper, coins.

The main thing is to follow the fact that there is no identical phantom. Then the shoe is given to the bride. She pulls out items and gives them the owners of the task: to sing, dance, pronounce a toast, tell the anecdote, etc.

You may be interested:

Competition Ruclees

The presenter causes the same number of players from the bride and groom, at least 5 people on each side. They line up in two ranks, the distance of which is at least 1 m.

The presenter takes an apple or orange and transmits the first standing in one of the groups. He must hold the object in the knees, bring it to the opposite direction and put it in the knees to the first standing in another column.

So make all the players on the chain. Everyone who drops the subject is dropped. The participant remaining the latter receives the title of Honorary Guest in the house of newlyweds.

Preparing for the wedding, my bride chooses the decoration of the hall, music. I am engaged in the household side of the question: I rewrite property to parents.


Often at the wedding there are auctions. They are carried out somewhere in the middle of the banquet. You can exhibit on "Bidding" anything.

  • Cutlery. Do not reach the extreme and do not leave any guest without an appliance if he did not participate in the competition or suggested a little.
  • Dance with the bride.
  • A piece of wedding cake.

And much more. Payment can be both money and actions: dance, song.

Merry Competition: I understand the six

From among the guests cause six men. They are offered six glasses with transparent liquid. Guests warn that in one of the glass of vodka, and in the rest of the water. Men should drink fluid so that even a little one to show that someone from them vodka. Guests guess who issued themselves. At the end of the competition, everyone declare that Vodka was in every winery!

Choosing the most steep man in the hall

For this competition, the people who wish are caused. Conditions of the game: Men are asked by tricky questions, and they have to find witty answers on them. The role of judges in this competition is carried out by women. The most witty as a gift bottle of brandy, vodka, etc. Examples of questions:

  1. Do I need a kissing lesson at school? Justify your "yes." If not, why?
  2. It is said that the path to the heart of a man lies through the stomach. How to find the path to the heart of a woman?
  3. "I do not want to learn, but I want to marry." Imagine that you said this phrase. We are interested in finding out the reason for your desire.
  4. It is believed that caressing can be achieved more than rudeness and strength. Explain to us, what can be achieved in family life?
  5. The task is complicated: I propose to describe our young, but not in words, but with the help of facial expressions and gestures.
  6. As the coolest, you certainly know how you can call a woman in gentle. Share with us your life experience in this part.
  7. It is said that the eyes of lovers are told for them. Tell us with your own eyes about your beloved.
  8. Have you ever visited the Island of Love? Not! And how do you imagine it?
  9. Many believe that the happiness is fragile as glass. What do you see your happiness? Happiness of young? Your wishes.
  10. The last question on the backfill: Soch the quatrains about newlyweds.

The very witty for the decision of the female half of the guests awarded the title of steep guy and awarded a prize.

Merry wedding contests for the bride and groom

Future life forecast

First you need to prepare 4 glasses in which we need to pour ordinary boiled water. In the first glass, pour out a bit of sugar, in the second - a spoonful of salt, add a bit of lemon juice to the third, in the fourth small amount of Levomycetin. The bride and groom must choose one of the glasses together.

If they choose a glass with water sweetened with sugar, their family life will be sweet and romantic.

If with the medicine - bitter, and their problems should decide how accepted at the wedding - kisses.

If the newlyweds chose water with salt - they will be a salty, sharp and interesting.

With lemon juice - family life will be with sourness and highlight.

Maybe the wedding would cost and without a fight, but the young began to open the envelopes.

Competition wedding hide and seek

Children are always present at the wedding, so you can spend such a game. All children should stand in a circle, to the center of which are young. They tie their eyes, spin and put back to each other. At the team, children run in different directions, but not very far.

You can even disperse the space with rope or chairs of the bride and groom should catch at least one child. If the first boy caught the boy, then the boy will become their firstborn. If a girl, the first girl will be born.

Guess the name of the firstborn

For this contest, you need to prepare several balloons in which you need to put notebooks with the names of future children. The bride and the bride are invited to choose one ball, pierce them and see what they have chosen. If the sense of humor of the bride and groom allows, you can write comic names, affectionate nicknames or the names of fabulous heroes.

Merry Competition at the Wedding with Balls

For this contest, you also need to cook balls with notes. The bride and the bride take turn pierce the balls and read the notes. Here are some examples of note inscriptions:

  1. Replace, strict, break and build - I will do all this.
  2. If you are called friends, I'll go to the restaurant.
  3. Sew and knit - my fate.
  4. Shopping run, dig everything from the shelves is predicted from birth.
  5. I will drive a car.
  6. Read newspapers on the sofa - lucky, I will do it every day.
  7. Build a gift I will have to build.
  8. Repair in the apartment will do you.
  9. And I will iron pants.
  10. I will chat with a neighbor.
  11. I will wash the diaper.
  12. Dinner will cook you.
  13. With a child, nurse will have to you.

At the wedding of friends ran to catch a bouquet, then came to his senses and returned. Would you see my husband's eyes!

Groom compatibility test

The husband is obliged to prove that he is suitable for his beloved much more than any other man on Earth. On the table to the center there is a photo of a young wife, and in a circle, the image down lay down several pictures with other men, among which and the photo of the husband.

The newlywed takes photos on one, turns over and puts the photo of his wife.

If the elongated photo is not him, he must come up with three reasons why this man does not suit the bride. Next, the groom pulls the picture again. When a guy comes across his picture, he must bring irrefutable evidence, why he is an ideal pair for the bride.