How to celebrate a child's birthday at school? Scenario "Day of the summer birthday"; elementary grades

Target: rally the team, fostering a kind and considerate attitude

to each other, the development of creative abilities of students.

Class layout:balloons, congratulatory drawings, computer.

Leading: Good day! Today we come together to congratulate

our birthdays. Today we are visiting summer and autumn

birthdays. Birthday is one of the most important holidays

each person, because on this day a new person appears.

What is a birthday?

I will answer without a doubt:

Boxing day, pies,

Day of smiles and flowers!

And we have a birthday for you - there is a little surprise.

Congratulations to all birthdays, we wish -

From the sun - heat,

Goodness from people

From mom and dad tenderness,

From friends - love and eternity.

Everyone should be happy today.

Leading: Let's launch a fun rocket - stomp our feet and clap our hands ...

Leading: - When guests come to someone's birthday, they will definitely sing a song for the birthday person, let's all remember and sing together"Song of the Crocodile Gena", lyrics. A. Timofeevskaya, music. V. Shainsky.(everyone sings a song).

Leading: You have become a year older, grown up, prettier, learned a lot

Congratulatory number - performance by Mikheev A. with the composition


Leading: Our first competition is called "Warm-up".

1. Competition "Riddles about words"

Women decorate beads, everyone knows about it.

In order for men to wear them, you need to unhook something.

What? Rather speak! I count: one, two three ... (unhook the letter B)

If the scarf is shortened, then what can it be? (ball)

They scratched the lion's mane with a brush, two letters fell on the floor from the mane.

Who will guess, who will understand that instead of a mane, it grows on the left? (willow)

There is such a hat, children. She is the most in the world.

Our dad is so big, drowning in a hat with his head!

Who can quickly guess what that hat is called? (hat)

What do you need to add to the juice so that it can pour? (sand)

With the letter G, I'm flying through the sky, with the letter B, I'm flying kids. (rook - doctor)

With the letter B - I am a container for pickles, with the letter T - at the end of I sentences. (barrel-dot)

Leading: Today for small and adults, for thin and fat, obedient and naughty, cheerful and sad. Our most beautiful entertainment called BIRTHDAY!

Birthday is glorious, it's wonderful and funny! Forward birthday, skip, honest people. You guys, do not yawn, help together in chorus.

Happy birthday and, of course, we wish:

Be beautiful, kind, sweet

Be strong, healthy, brave

Careful and skillful

For mommy to love

Host: Maybe stop congratulating, it's time for us to play games.

Game "Dance on the newspaper."

Participants stand in pairs, they are given a sheet of newspaper on which they dance, Tatar music is turned on, each time we reduce the newspaper. Whoever remains on a small piece of newspaper last wins.

Ha ha ha game.

This is a very simple game, and most importantly, no one loses in it. The task of the players is not to laugh. Children sit or stand in a circle, and one of the players as seriously as possible HA. The next one says HAHA, the third one HAHAHA, and so on. Anyone who says the wrong amount of HA or laughs is out of the game. The game continues, and those who have dropped out are trying to do everything to make the remaining players in the circle laugh. Whoever laughs last wins!

Moderator: Questions.

Natalya Viktorovna Braylyan
Scenario of the holiday "Birthday" in elementary school

Celebration« birthday day»

caregiver: Brailyan N.V.

Target: Create a joyful mood, rally the team; nurture respect for each other.

Equipment: balloons, flowers, signboard "Happy Birthday", gifts, lottery items, toilet paper roll, dryer, broom, bow, competition products "Determine the taste", attributes for an impromptu fairy tale, musical accompaniment.

The course of the holiday

presenter: Dear guys, today we have a special day! We have gathered to wish happy birthday to children who were born in the cold season - in winter!

Whose today Birthday?

Who are the cookies for?

Who wants cake and sweets?

Who is so happy?

presenter: Here they are - our dear birthday people! (talks about the meaning name and calls the birthday people to the stage)

Alice is the name means"noble". Alice, Ala, Alicia, Isley, Lissy - this is also the name of this girl. At first glance girls with it named quiet, but in fact - active and provocative. Alice will always bring started work to the end!

Anya - name means"courage, strength". Annushka, Anyuta, Nyuta, Annochka - this is how you can call this girl. By her nature, Anya is a troublemaker, like a bird is working, trying both at home and in school.

Diana - "divine". Dian can be called So: Dianka, Dina, Dean, Anya. This girl is cheerful. She always gets it right. In family life, Diana will become a good mother!

Masha - Maria, Marie, Mashuta, Manyasha. This name means"desired". She is a kind and affectionate girl. She is sociable, hardworking, always ready to help a person in trouble.

Vitya - Victor - "winner"! Vitenka, Vityusha, Vitalya. Boys with it name have great patience, never remember evil. At home, he is an indispensable assistant. In the future, Vitya may become a good road builder!

Here are our birthday people!

(children come out to congratulate)

With day birthday congratulations,

We wish you happiness, joy!

And we wish you friends

To make it more fun.

And we wish you smiles

To make sadness go away faster

For the sun to shine

And it never went out!

We wish you every success

In school, be on sails!

Go ahead and don't give up

And know victory only in deeds!

presenter: When a baby is born, it is wrapped in a diaper - a soft, warm cloth. Our birthdays were born but we forgot to put them on!

The game "Baby Is Born" The heroes of the occasion stand nearby, and the guys with the help of a roll of toilet paper "swaddled" and put in each mouth "pacifier" (as a pacifier can be drying).

presenter: For you, birthday people will play a song!

Song "Let run clumsily" (performed by all children)

presenter: And now there are funny contests in the program, in which both guests and birthday people. Attention! The winners of the competitions will receive chips with numbers, which means that they will be able to take part in the lottery!


"Dance with a broom" Children dance to the music in pairs. One person does not have a couple - he dances with a broom. At the command of the host, the children change in pairs. The one who does not have a pair - takes a broom and dances with it!

"Color Game" Children become in a circle. The presenter pronounces the words: "Touch yellow, 1.2.3!" The task of the players is to run up to any of the players who has this color in their clothes and touch it. The one who does not have time to do this while the words are spoken is out.

presenter: Let's have a little rest and watch a fairy tale called "Turnip". And we will choose the actors for her right now. Name the characters in this story! I will tell a fairy tale, and you, having heard your role, say the words.

(Among birthdays and guests are assigned roles)

Fairy tale - impromptu "Turnip"

Turnip. Eh-ma!

Grandfather. So-s-s!

Grandmother. Eh, swindler!

Granddaughter. I want to play!

Bug. Lay-lay-lay!

Cat. Oh, you dog!

Mouse. By screws!

"Bunt, don't fall!" Music sounds. The boys put a knotted bow on top of their heads and try to perform dance moves. The one whose bow fell to the floor is out of the game.

"Determine the taste" This game is played birthday people. They are blindfolded and offered to determine the taste of the product. (onion, apple, lemon, pepper, carrot)

"In!" A game of coordination and attention. Children stand in a line or circle. With one hand you need to salute, and at the same time stretch the other forward, show your thumb and say "in!" The most attentive gets a token.

presenter: I invite you to play the game "Happy Danets"! I will ask you questions, and you answer in chorus "Yes" or "No". Be careful!

word game "Happy Danets"

If you run to the buffet,

So are you hungry?

In the sky, a month and a star -

So this noon?

On the airfield of the train

Ready to take to the skies?

Who eats a lot of sweets

That sweet tooth, right?

Saucepan and frying pan

Very difficult, right?

If you love ballet

Are you going to the theatre?

Growing mustache and beard

For those who go to kindergarten?

If you are always lazy

In the diary of the five?

You ate dinner with gusto

Need to say thank you?

If you lie everywhere, always,

So are you truthful?

Clean water in the well

To swim and dive there?

presenter: Well done boys! They answered well and correctly. Well, well, it's time for our lottery. So, let's begin!

No. 1 set of excellent students (elastic band and ruler)

Do you dream of becoming an excellent student?

You get a great incentive

Lots of good stuff.

Well, go ahead in the morning!

№2 Gum

If the letters are squiggles,

Then take me in your arms

On a piece of paper, lope yes lope,

Here is the clean sheet!

№3 Ruler

Wooden and slim

I will measure at least an elephant,

Even a multi-storey building

If it matters.

#4 Book (coloring with cars)

If you are a driver at heart,

You love to ride for a long time,

Choose your car:

Doors, body and cab...

You can even choose a color.

It's a pity, but there are no rights in the bag.

If jeans don't fit you

Do not rush to cut them!

This little item

He will help you put them on.

No. 6 Hair band

super fashion item,

Braid her.

Everyone will say - beautiful!

And most will like it.

№7 Caramel

I am a simple caramel.

Sweet, pulling

Bite me for a week

On this occasion!

The ball is light and airy

Do not put under the pillow

Or else he's going to roar like that

That the neighbor behind the wall will gasp!

№9 Notebook

This new notebook

Well, if you scribble in it,

You can become a slob.

№10 Candy

In this little thing

So much joy is stored!

Don't listen to doctors

Eat it and be healthy!

presenter: What is day birthday without gifts! That doesn't happen. What they give birthdays? (children call) Right! They also give them flowers. Now guys, I propose to collect a bouquet of our birthdays.

"Collect a Flower" The children are given the task of assembling from parts (petals, leaves, centers and stems of flowers are cut out of colored cardboard) One flower can be collected by 2-3 human: chamomile, cornflower and violet. The result is a bouquet of 3 flowers.

(giving gifts birthdays)

Tea party, disco.

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Birthday in elementary school for grade 2
Objectives: to develop the creative abilities of children; cultivate a culture
behavior at public holidays.
Holiday progress:
To the melody of T. Bulanova's song "This holiday is a birthday"
children enter the hall, decorated with posters, balloons. sit down on
chairs. The dudes remain.
How smart are you
beautiful, neat!
Today is our special day:
The holiday came to class today!
Because today is a happy birthday
We want to congratulate you!
You and summer and autumn
Congratulations 2nd grade!
Summer birthdays in turn:

Everyone becomes in a round dance, around summer birthdays
All in unison Congratulations! 3 times
Today is forbidden
Here to whine and mope ...
And strictly prohibited
Yawn, squeak and whine.

There will be fun here
And jokes and laughter.
For a holiday to yourself
We invite everyone.
We all love birthdays
And though he is full of worries
What a nice birthday
Older to become a whole year.

And gifts and congratulations
They get everything from us.
And today whose birth
You will find out now.

Our dear Nastya
We are pleased to congratulate
And we want a lot of happiness
Wish her today!
Congratulations to Daniel
We wish you much joy
Do not get sick and do not sneeze
And "five" to receive!
But we wish you, Sonya,
Smiles, joy bouquet.
Friends reliable and cheerful
Happy life for many years
Our Nikita is strong, brave,
Energetic and skillful.
May luck shine on you
Be healthy and full of strength
And fate, how kind to us!
We want to wish Yegor
Live without hardships and hardships
Be always the same glorious
Smile all year round!
Hey Anyuta! Do not snooze!
Accept congratulations!
Don't you ever get bored
Always be beautiful
And we wish Barbara
Live without grief and without troubles

And not very long to live
Well, at least 200 years.
We wish Yaroslav
Never lose heart.
And always for a birthday
100 gifts to receive.
So that joy and happiness
Shined in a smile

Knock on the door. Runs in
Baba Yaga and her friends
What do I see? Everyone is having fun, celebrating, and why is no one me
invited? Well. Well, I'll arrange a name day for you. You will dance with me!
Now I will conjure, and your good wishes will evaporate. Ha
haha! I start!
GrannyYagusya! No need to conjure! You are a good grandmother, we
we invite you to the holiday! Carry an honorary chair for the guest!
Baba Yaga.

We celebrate the birthday of summer and autumn birthdays. Baba
So then I have gifts for them that I can’t take my eyes off! I to you
I'll show them now. Here's a dress, almost new. In my youth I wore
when you were beautiful!

Baba Yaga.
Here is a self-assembled tablecloth. True, she lost weight, but still good.
For boys, boots are runners, but without soles, they do not fly
already. Or here's a frying pan to fry the guys!

Baba Yaga.

No, no, I wanted to say something else! Now, if you clean it, then
You can look into it like in a mirror. Do you like my gifts?
Baba Yaga.
Once I wanted to be kind, and even then I did not please. Well then at least
We play games.
Birthday boy 1
. I will tell you stories, and you answer "yes" in chorus or
"No". Ready? Listen:
The blizzard covered the field,
All the land around is white.
Answer: Is it true?
In March, snow and ice melted -
This winter is coming to us.
Answer: Is it true?
At night in the rain, like a shepherd,
The rooster took the chickens out for a walk.
Answer: Is it true?
Though the snail is small,
The whole house was taken away.
Answer: Is it true?
The swan swims in the pond

Sleeping on an apple tree in the garden.
Answer: Is it true?
Dog Barbos cackled
And laid an egg in the nest.
Answer: Is it true?
Baba Yaga.
And you know, friends
That you can't reach your nose
What to jump up to the nose,
As far as the nose or hands,
Can't reach with your feet?
Well, get there, well, jump -
Well, back and forth.
And get it with your hands -
It's simple...
All (in chorus). Nonsense!
Do you think so? Quickly grab your nose with your right hand, and with your left
- for the right ear. And at my command, change hands. I show. Now
got ready... One, two, three... What, it doesn't work? Shall we repeat?

Girlfriend Baba Eshka
And I have a game of attention and the ability to hear. I will start and you
sing along:
Seen seen
Seen at the zoo.

Seen seen
Seen at the zoo.
Leading. Guys, if we didn’t see this, then we shout: “I deceived,
Girlfriend Baba Eshka
Get ready, listen and sing:
Behind the bars at the gate
Sleeping giant hippopotamus.
How angry and fierce

Monkeys hang on their tails,
Toto the kids are happy.
Ponies are small horses.
How beautiful ponies are!
Over the seas, behind the houses
Walking chicken with horns.
Above spruce and aspen
The penguins flew away.
And yesterday - that's it! -
The jackdaw flew across the sky.

Leading. My game is called "Air, Water, Earth, Wind". The one to
to whom I will approach and say: "Air", - I must quickly name which

Let's play!
Baba Yaga. I suggest you play the game "Confusion". Need to put
at the end of the line the right word: boys or girls. Need to answer
chorus. Clear? So, I'm starting.
Dandelion wreaths in spring
Weaving, of course, only ...
Bolts, screws, gears
Find it in your pocket...

Played hockey in the morning...
Chatted for an hour without a break
In colorful dresses...
With everyone to measure strength,
Of course they just love...
Cowards are afraid of the dark
All as one they...

They go for a walk .... Baba Yaga.

2. Guess my riddles:

Baba Yaga.

Girlfriend Baba Eshka
Master class on making postcards.


Parents' performance of the song "Birthday" to the motive of the song

Children have fun together
The holiday is known to everyone in the world,

Congratulations and gifts,
And the outfits are very bright,

Children have fun together
The holiday is known to everyone in the world,
There is a birthday only once a year.
Congratulations and gifts,
And the outfits are very bright,
We are always looking forward to our birthday.
We will celebrate birthday.

Children have fun together
The holiday is known to everyone in the world,
There is a birthday only once a year.
Congratulations and gifts,
And the outfits are very bright,
We are always looking forward to our birthday.

Tell everyone everything
Be healthy!
Be happy!
Be as beautiful as the sun!
Be like a ringing stream!
Be like a butterfly, playful!
Be always hardworking!

And grow big, big!
Like this, like this, like this!
Tea party invitation.
Birthdays today
Treat all the guys
And they are for a treat
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Girls, boys side by side -

Girls, boys side by side
Sing this song together.
Name days are a golden holiday.
Name day - sing with us!

Birthdays today
Treat all the guys
And they are for a treat
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Holiday, holiday we celebrate with the family,
Holiday, holiday - your birthday.
"Congratulations!" - shout merrily
seven boys and five girls.
Girls, boys side by side -
Here everyone is celebrating together.
Girls, boys side by side
Sing this song together.
Name days are a golden holiday.
Name day - sing with us!
"Happy Birthday!" - shout merrily
seven boys and five girls.
Birthdays today
Treat all the guys
And they are for a treat
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

So that joy and happiness
Shined in a smile
So that all wishes come true!
They sing I. Nikolaev's song "Birthday". There's a knock on the door
angry Baba Yaga.
Baba Yaga.
What do I see? Everyone is having fun, celebrating, but why didn’t anyone invite me? Well. that
Well, I'll arrange a name day for you. You will dance with me! Now I will conjure, and your
good wishes evaporate. Hahaha! I start!
GrannyYagusya! No need to conjure! You are a kind grandmother, we invite you to
celebration! Carry an honorary chair for the guest! Faster!
Baba Yaga.
OK! Persuaded! And what is your holiday?
We celebrate the birthday of winter and spring birthdays.
Baba Yaga.
So then I have gifts for them that I can’t take my eyes off! I’ll give them to you now
I'll show you. Here's the dress, almost new. I used to wear it when I was young!
Shows the dress all in holes.
Baba Yaga.
Here is a self-assembled tablecloth. True, she lost weight, but still good. Or here
a frying pan to fry the guys!
Recovering, he grabs his head. Waving his hands.
Baba Yaga.
No, no, I wanted to say something else! Now, if you clean it, you can look in
her like in a mirror. Do you like my gifts?
Baba Yaga.
Once I wanted to be kind, and even then I did not please. Well then, congratulations
accept from me and from my girlfriends.
BabkiEzhki (boys in disguise) run out and sing ditties.
Actually, I'm smart
In the sense of the meanness of the inside,
But chavoyto doesn’t conjure me today in the morning.
We wish you girls
Happiness and success
To be forever young
Like Edita Piekha.

I want to congratulate you all
And pat on the back.
May you all be given gifts
Just like Yakubovich!

I go out to dance in a circle,
Move aside, dear friend!
We wish you birthday
One hundred friends and one hundred girlfriends!
Birthday girlgirls
And beautiful and smart!
They sit like queens
They all admire!

happy birthday congratulations
and all we wish you
To live a hundred years
You, not knowing evil and troubles.
Baba Yaga.
Well, that's good! And now, birthday people, pass my tests.
1. Name me all the fairy tales that can not do without Baba Yaga.
2. Guess my riddles:
Which month is shorter than the others? (May)
Why do they often go and never go? (stairs)
What does half an apple look like? (on the other half)
When is a fool smart? (when silent)
What happens on February 30? (nothing, there is no such day)
Baba Yaga.
Well done! Completed two tests! Oh, delighted from the heart!
And now your parents want to congratulate you.
Parents sing the song "Magic Houses" by Oleg Mityaev. Wishes sound
parents. Then a birthday lottery is played.
I really want to see how you compete with your
classmates. 3 teams are formed: 1st "Birthdays", 2nd "Friends"
Competitions are held:
"Make a bouquet" (one player per team). Petals scattered on the floor
2 flowers. each collects his petals near his flower. who quickly.
"Carry the leaf" to transfer the leaf in the palm of your hand without dropping it.
"Hit the Hat"
The holiday ends with the dance game "Waltz Friendship".
Look, someone should help us blow out the candles on the cake. Let's provide it
right to our birthdays.
To the solemn music leaves the cake. Birthday people blow out the candles.

game program
For the game program, you will need pre-prepared props: two
daisies with petals, on each of which numbers or names are written
games. Each birthday person is offered one chamomile (and, accordingly -
individual game program). By drawing lots, the teacher chooses
birthday boy, from whose daisies they will pick the first petal and, having played a game,
number or name of which is indicated on the petal, he plucks the petal from
daisies of another birthday boy/girl and the kids are already playing another game.
Game number 1 "Find an orange"
Props: orange.
The teacher takes the birthday boy out of the classroom, and gives the children an orange, which
they have to hide somewhere. Then the teacher brings the birthday boy back and
asks him to find an orange. Classmates can help him with words
"cold", "hot", "warm", etc. until he finds a fruit.
Game number 2 "Draw a person"
Props: eye patch, chalk, blackboard, prize (pen, notebook and
The birthday boy is blindfolded and asked to draw a little man with chalk on
board. The teacher (or classmates) must tell him which parts of the body
he should draw first and which ones last. For example: first
the birthday boy is asked to draw the nose of a little man, and then the legs, and after that -
head, etc. If he gets a picture (more or less normal), then
the teacher gives him a prize.
Game number 3 "Field of Miracles"
Props: chalk, blackboard.
The teacher conducts a game for the birthday boy in which the rules correspond
famous television game "Field of Miracles" (draw squares on the board, in
which you need to enter the letters to get the hidden word).
Game number 4 "Black box" (for the whole class)
Props: black box, prize (chocolate, ruler, soft toy, etc.).
The teacher places a chair in the middle of the classroom, on top of which he places a box with
prize. Children take turns guessing what might be inside. That,
whose guess is correct wins this prize.
Game number 5 "Dress up a friend" (for the whole class)
Props: two sets of clothes (two pairs of trousers, two shirts).
The teacher forms two teams of students with an equal number
participants and gives each of them one set of clothes. Each
the team chooses the “model” that they will collectively wear
clothes. The team that can dress up the "model" faster -
Game number 6 "Handshake"
Props: two eye patches, two small souvenirs.
The birthday boy and one of the students are blindfolded (partner for playing
the birthday boy can choose for himself) and are bred so that they look into
different sides. The goal of the participants in the game is to meet and shake each other.
arms. If within 2-3 minutes (maximum!) They find each other, then
the teacher gives them gifts.
Game number 6 "What has changed?"
Props: satin ribbons, badges, gloves, any children's items
The birthday boy chooses three guys who will participate in the game. Guys
stand in a row and the hero of the occasion looks at them carefully in
within 5-10 seconds. Then he turns away and the teacher puts on
each participant in the game some inconspicuous item of clothing or
asks the guys to exchange some things. After that, the birthday
turns and looks at the participants, trying to notice and name those

items of clothing or accessories that were not originally worn
Game number 7 "Guess the name"
Props: matryoshka (or other toy, hollow inside), leaflet, on
which the name is written.
The teacher shows the children a nesting doll and says that they must guess how
she is called. Children take turns saying different names. When the right name
will be named, the birthday boy will receive the matryoshka as a gift.
Game number 8 "Gift" (for the whole class)
The teacher asks the children to sit at their desks, and the birthday boy - for the teacher
table (or stand near the board).
The task of the teacher is to approach each student in turn and
ask what this student wants to give to the birthday boy. The student must
answer the teacher’s question in a whisper (for example, what does he want to give
car, cake, or movie ticket). And the birthday boy, in turn, not knowing that
a classmate answered the question, he must say what actions he
is going to commit with an imaginary gift (for example: a drink,
sell, wear, etc.).
Completion of the celebration
Teacher: Well done, children! It was a lot of fun today! Wonderful
we had a birthday! And now I propose to give gifts
birthdays! Hooray!".
Children give gifts, and after that the teacher invites everyone to go to
"sweet table", which was prepared in advance for the celebration by parents
While the children are trying treats, the teacher can play games with
simple rules that do not require props. For example: can
give funny tasks to children sitting at the table (stroke a neighbor in
hand, meow, sing a song, give someone a compliment, etc.), also
for the holiday, the game "forfeits" (the rules of the game of Fanta) is suitable, and after
feasts you can dance to incendiary music.
Teacher: “Well, friends: our holiday has come to an end! Birthday
passed to glory! Let's say "Congratulations" in unison again! (children
fulfill the host’s request), and we can say loudly to each other
"Thank you!" (children shout “Thank you!” in chorus)”.
The soundtrack of the song “Let them run awkwardly ...” sounds and they come out to applause
Summer birthdays in turn:
Children. The school rejoices, but not all.
“Summer vacation is fine, of course, but…
“So I want you to be congratulated by the whole class.
- They left, parted, and you can’t gather friends.
- And in the class, birthdays were given "five" for their birthday ...
And the homework was cancelled.
“Do you remember how they shouted to everyone in unison: Congratulations!”
- That's it ... We screamed, and we ...
Game for summer birthdays "Karavai"

All other guys and guests: "Congratulations! (9 times)
Student 1.
All of us, without a doubt,
Now it's good
What is your birthday
Came today.
Student 2.
And we congratulate you
With all my heart
And let's have fun
Your holiday is great.
Student 3.
Hey boys and girls
Moms, dads and brothers,
All honest people
Come forward!
Get into a round dance
Fun awaits us!
Student 4.
Today is forbidden
Here to whine and mope ...
And strictly prohibited
Yawn, squeak and whine.
There will be fun here
And jokes and laughter.
For a holiday to yourself
We invite everyone.
Pupils 5 and 6.
Get wider in the circle
The music calls to dance.
Hold hands tight -
Let's start the round dance!
Round dance "Karavai". Both children and parents play like this: birthdays in
circle, they are told the usual words, naming the birthday people in order
their birthdays: "Like on ... name day we baked a loaf. Loaf,
loaf, choose whom you want!" But the one who was chosen in the circle does not go,
and says nice words to a friend. (We learn words before the holiday, of course
same, a secret from the birthday people.)

"Game within the game". Birthday people become a "train" and to the music
run from circle to circle (game "Gate"). The gates go down, the one who
was inside, playing the game. (Games with children are prepared in advance by
a secret from everyone.) If there are several guys inside, they choose
leading counter:
The sun shines brightly
The dense forest is noisy.
Squirrel on fluffy
The Christmas tree is sitting.
Looking for squirrel berries
Cones on the grass.
We are looking for a leader
The main thing in the game.
If the choice fell on someone who has already played, he himself chooses the host.
Birthday 1. I will tell you stories, and you in chorus
answer yes or no. Ready? Listen:
The blizzard covered the field,
All the land around is white.
Answer: Is it true?
In March, snow and ice melted -
This winter is coming to us.
Answer: Is it true?
At night in the rain, like a shepherd,
The rooster took the chickens out for a walk.
Answer: Is it true?
Though the snail is small,
The whole house was taken away.
Answer: Is it true?
The swan swims in the pond
Sleeping on an apple tree in the garden.
Answer: Is it true?

Dog Barbos cackled
And laid an egg in the nest.
Answer: Is it true?
Birthday boy 2.
And you know, friends
That you can't reach your nose
What to jump up to the nose,
As far as the nose or hands,
Can't reach with your feet?
Well, get there, well, jump -
Well, back and forth.
And get it with your hands -
It's simple...
All (in chorus). Nonsense!
Birthday boy 2. Do you think so? Grab your right hand quickly
nose, and the left - behind the right ear. And at my command, change hands.
I show. Now get ready... One, two, three... What, no
it turns out? Shall we repeat?
They play until the majority can do it quickly and deftly.
Birthday boy 3. I want us all to jump together. Listen
please me and do what I say and show.

Hands apart and hands together.
Jump and jump, jump and jump -
And back one jump.
One, two, three - jumping in place,
We will live for two hundred years.
If you jump, yes if you jump,
Turn around, buddy.
Well done! Well done. And now the game "Do not believe your eyes."
I will speak and show, and you only do what I say,
not what I'm showing. Get ready! Started! (He says one thing, but
motion shows others.) Hands to ears! Sat down! Get up!..
Birthday girl 4. And I have a game for attention and the ability to hear. I will
start, and you sing along:
Seen seen
Seen at the zoo.
Well, let's try everything together:
Seen seen
Seen at the zoo.

Teacher. Guys, if we didn’t see this, then we shout: “I deceived,
Birthday girl 4. Get ready, listen and sing:
Behind the bars at the gate
Sleeping giant hippopotamus.
How angry and fierce
The beast of prey is a big camel!
Monkeys hang on their tails,
Toto the kids are happy.
Ponies are small horses.
How beautiful ponies are!
Over the seas, behind the houses
Walking chicken with horns.
Above spruce and aspen
The penguins flew away.
And yesterday - that's it! -
The jackdaw flew across the sky.
Birthday boy 5. My game is called "Air, water, earth, wind". That,
to whom I will approach and say: "Air", - I must quickly name which
any bird. To whom I will say: "Water", - a fish, "Earth", - an animal. A
if I say: "Wind", - you need to spin in place. Clear?
Let's play!
Birthday boy 6. I love to sing. Do you know the song of the crocodile Gena? Let's
sing one verse. (Everyone sings.) Well done! Now let's eat like this:
boys sing "mumumu", girls "mememe", and adults sing "oyoy
oh. "We train: boys ... girls ... adults ... All together under
music started!
Birthday boy 7. I suggest you play the game "Confusion". Need to
put the right word at the end of the line: boys or girls.
You have to answer in chorus. Clear? So, I'm starting.
Dandelion wreaths in spring
Weaving, of course, only ...
Bolts, screws, gears
Find it in your pocket...
Skates on the ice drew arrows,
Played hockey in the morning...
Chatted for an hour without a break
In colorful dresses...
With everyone to measure strength,
Of course they just love...
Cowards are afraid of the dark

All as one they...
Silk, lace and fingers in rings -
Going out for a walk...
Teacher. Well done birthday people, we were well amused and entertained. A
now, I think it's time for us all to sit down in a circle and
sing a song about friendship.
Children sing a song.
Teacher. Thanks! And now, dear birthday guys
prepared a gift for you - a dramatization of "Farmer in the Valley".
There lived a farmer in the valley
There lived a farmer in the valley
Once he decided to take a walk.
And my wife with me
And my wife with me
The farmer wanted to take today.
And the wife decided, and the wife decided
Take your beloved son with you.
And the son cried, and the son cried,
The nanny is pulled by the hem with his hand.
Babysitter without a dog Babysitter without a dog
Do not go for a walk with them.
And the dog is a cat, and the dog is a cat
He calls to the street.
The cat wants with a mouse
cat wants with a mouse
Spend today.
And the mouse is gray, and the mouse is gray
He drags a delicious piece of cheese.
(Puts the cheese on the floor.)
Here comes the farmer with his wife.
Here is a wife with a child waving to us.

Here is a son with a nanny walking side by side.
The nanny and the dog sing a song.
Here is a dog and a cat galloping along the path.
The cat catches the mouse, and the mouse catches the cat.
I do not feel sorry for the delicious yellow cheese.
We will give it to our birthdays.
Hands out "cheese" to the birthday people. This box accordingly
painted, it contains gifts, books.
On a warm, hot, clear day in the summer months were born:
(names of children are listed)
1) We pull by the ears.
2) Sing the song "Let them run awkwardly ..."
Kindyalov Valera congratulations!
We want to be a good boy
Hardworking, meticulous.
And always pleasant in everything! (a gift is given)
Ksyusha Gorelova - our pride,
Many friends example:
Both in learning and in fun
We are glad to congratulate Xenia
And wish you good health
Be a cheerful person
Never lose heart! (a gift is given)
This girl's eyes
Kind ones.

Befriends everyone in the class
Girl Anastasia.
protective, kind,
Likes drawing,
Likes to read.
We wish you, Nastenka,
On your birthday
Very good health
Good luck and have fun! (a gift is given)
Likes to laugh a lot
Likes to play with dolls
And she loves the lessons very much
Chat with the girls.
We wish you, Lera,
Don't get sick and stay healthy
Do well in school
Be happy and cheerful! (a gift is given)
On the day of the long-awaited name day
Congratulations, Dima, we want you!
In communication, be, as before, easy,
In business - skillful, graceful, dexterous,
But in endless conversations
Don't get stuck in stupid arguments.
Grow kind, honest, patient in work,
In general, a happy person. (a gift is given)
Girl - Julia,
She is obedient in everything.
Studying diligently
Julia girl.
What a great time with a friend
Birthday to celebrate:
In computer games
And play with dolls.
We wish Yulenka
Learn only on "5".

Always be healthy
And do not skip school (a gift is given)
Why and why
Are we having fun?
After all, it’s not yet the New Year and it’s not a housewarming party.
But it's not for nothing that we now have fun with friends,

Why and why
Are we very satisfied?
And today we laugh endlessly.
And it's not for nothing that we now have fun with friends,
And guess what we have, and what we have.
Why and why
Are the lights bright?
And who is so cheerful and hot on this day,
And not in vain at this hour sweets and cookies,
After all, today we have a holiday
Performance of the song "Birthday" to the motive of the song "ChungaChanga".
We love birthday since childhood,
Flowers are given on birthdays.
On the birthday we drive a loaf.
Sing along with us on your birthday.
Children have fun together
The holiday is known to everyone in the world,
There is a birthday only once a year.
Congratulations and gifts,
And the outfits are very bright,
We are always looking forward to our birthday.
On the birthday of songs, dances, laughter.
There will be a birthday cake for everyone.
Friends celebrate birthday
Birthday is impossible without it.
Children have fun together
The holiday is known to everyone in the world,
There is a birthday only once a year.
Congratulations and gifts,
And the outfits are very bright,
We are always looking forward to our birthday.
We will celebrate birthday.
There is no time to be bored on your birthday.

On the birthday of fairy tales and dreams
Birthday, how beautiful you are.
Children have fun together
The holiday is known to everyone in the world,
There is a birthday only once a year.
Congratulations and gifts,
And the outfits are very bright,
We are always looking forward to our birthday.
Let's make one big wish for our birthdays.
Tell everyone everything
just one phrase. (Good health, academic success, etc.)
Be healthy!
Be happy!
Be as beautiful as the sun!
Be like a ringing stream!
Be like a butterfly, playful!
Be always hardworking!
Never quarrel with mom, dad, grandma, friends!
And grow big, big!
Like this, like this, like this!
Each person owes his birth to his mother most beloved and
devoted person. Only a mother will always understand. Only mom
always forgive. Only mother will help both in joy and in sorrow. Let this
the song will sound for all our mothers.
Song from the repertoire of the group "Tender May"
As a child, I was a naughty child
Often naughty and drove through the puddles.
You called me a pig
And I still got wet up to my ears.
She went to bed late and got up early.
Always rushing home from work
After lessons from school I met
And spent the whole day with me.

Spring is coming, your holiday will be soon,
Friends will visit us again.
I want you to rest

Don't fuss, rely on me.
Don't worry, I'm already an adult
After the holidays I will go to the fifth grade
And all yesterday's our problems
They will seem funny to us.
Mom, dear mom, you gave me life.
Mother, dear mother, there is no greater kindness in the world.
Come to your moms, grandmas, dads. Kiss them and say
them how much you love them.
Host: Who else is in a hurry to congratulate our birthdays?
Congratulatory telegrams are printed on postcards. Guests
guess who the telegrams came from.
Congratulations! It's a pity that I can't be at your party, because
that my named brother was in trouble, and I rush to him on
help. I wish the birthday boy had many good friends,
who could help in difficult times.
Hey! I would really like to visit you at your birthday party,
because I'm the best flyer in the world and the best birthday cake fighter
and jams. But today I meet with one familiar Kid.
The business of life. And next time we'll make it real
fun! I wish you more adventures and
Congratulations! Congratulations! Now I'm flying away with a pretty swallow for
the blue sea, where it is always summer and wonderful flowers bloom. Let in your
life will be more beauty and sunny days. And we fly, fly ...
Congratulations and wish your life to be sweet as honey. After all
why is honey in the world? For someone to eat! Wash like this, not
Accept our congratulations! Getting ready for the theatrical premiere, and
then we'll go on tour. We wish to find the key to the treasured door,
as we did, and then all your desires will be fulfilled.
Oh, hi! Be more mischievous, indulge, misbehave, do nasty things,
otherwise I will declare war on you, as eared and green.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! Though I'm in love and only think about
her, although I live only with the thought that I will definitely find that
girl whose shoe will fit, and marry her, I will not
forgot about your birthday. I wish you to believe in miracles, and then
you will definitely meet your princess, your dream.

Hello! Can't meet right now. More worries,
because we have a calf. But soon we will make sour cream
and cottage cheese for sale. Drink plenty of milk, go out of town more often
to nature, go fishing, then you will always be full, healthy and
cheerful, and this is the main thing in life.
Congratulations! Grow up brave and hardworking like our elder
brother. And then no wolf will be afraid of you.
Leading. And now, guys, we congratulate our
birthday people with a friendly song.
Children sing a song to the melody of R. Pauls "Golden
Holiday, holiday we celebrate with the family,
Holiday, holiday - your birthday.
"Congratulations!" - shout merrily
8 boys, 12 girls.
Girls, boys side by side -
Here everyone is celebrating together.
Girls, boys side by side
Sing this song together.
Name days are a golden holiday.
Name day - sing with us!
"Happy Birthday!" - cheerfully shout 2 "A" class 2017.

We want to wish Yegor
Live without hardships and hardships
Be always the same glorious
Smile all year round!
2 "A" class 2017.
We wish Yaroslav
Never lose heart.
And always for a birthday
100 gifts to receive.
2 "A" class 2017.
Congratulations to Daniel
We wish you much joy
Do not get sick and do not sneeze
And "five" to receive!
2 "A" class 2017

Our Nikita is strong, brave,
Energetic and skillful.
May luck shine on you
Be healthy and full of strength
And fate, how kind to us!
2 "A" class 2017

The characters are the Leader, the Gnome and teams made up of guys, the composition of which is determined depending on the number of birthday people, but the birthday boy must be included in the team.

The main character is the Dwarf, who is to conduct this event - this should be a cheerful, energetic, lively person. The leader is the class teacher.

It is also necessary to think about the jury - it can include parents and students themselves.


Good evening! We are here to celebrate our birthdays. Today we are visiting summer and autumn birthdays.

What is a birthday?

I will answer without a doubt:

Boxing day, pies,

Day of smiles and flowers!

And we have a little surprise for you, Birthdays.

All together (addressing non-birthday people):

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday, dear classmates

Happy birthday to you.

The gnome comes in.


A dwarf came to visit us to congratulate the heroes of the occasion.


Hello! I congratulate you, birthday people, on your birthday, which you have been waiting for many days, a whole year. I want to wish you all, all the best. And I invite you to play!


And now let's divide into teams and choose a jury. So that we do not doubt your competence, dear jury, I will ask you to take an oath. Repeat after me:

"We, the distinguished jury, in front of all those present in the hall, swear:

Judge honestly and fairly

Take jokes and don't scold.

If I break my oath, then let the stern hand of the fan punish me.

I swear! I swear! I swear!"

Birthday Contests:

1. Competition for non-birthday people.

Before you go to a birthday party, you need to prepare a gift and compose a beautiful and unusual greeting for a postcard. Usually in gifts we write the same thing: dear, dear, etc. And how nice it is to hear original, not bored words on this day. Let's remember them. Then each team in turn calls out one word of wishes. The one who named the wish last wins.

2. Competition "Hairdressers" (Competition for all teams).

And now let's remember what guests and hosts do before the holiday - try on outfits, comb their hair. So, the task is to make a hairstyle for one of the team members.

3. Competition "Cooks"

Each team has one member. We need people who cook well. For a certain time, it is necessary to draw up a festive menu, the names of dishes in which begin with the letter "H". Then, one participant from the team will come to the table and will announce their list in turn. Whoever says the last word wins.

4. Competition "Gift"

While the cooks are preparing, let's think - what else do we lack ..? Well, gifts, of course. Each team will think about what gift they would like to receive or give and let us know about it.

And now back to our chefs. So:

Well, the table is set, back to the gifts. Depict your gift with facial expressions and gestures.

5. Competition "And now let's dance."

One member per team

Chair dance:

1) Waltz

2) Rock and roll

3) Russian dance

6. Competition "Twins"

Two people from the team: clasping each other around the waist, with your free hands, you must first untie and remove the laces from the shoes, and then, on command, lace it up and tie a bow.

Autumn birthday party in 2nd grade

I. (Parents take their places in the classroom. Children stand in pairs outside the door. First, “guest children” enter the music, sit down with the letter “P”).


Autumn and spring pass
Winter and summer.
In them every month, no doubt,
It gives us
What are we waiting for all year?
Wonderful holiday - Birthday!

Teacher: Meet the "heroes" of the occasion!

(Everyone gets up and greets the birthday people with applause. They sit down “under the arch” decorated with balls. We sing the song “Crocodile Gena” to the end.)

Man like a star is born
In an endless hazy eternity.
Starts from infinity
And ends in infinity.
Generations are being created
Age after age the earth is imperishable,
Man is born on earth
To make the universe brighter.

II. one). Pupil:

All dressed in gold
Autumn came to us in the hall.
Like a beautiful queen
Opens ball. (Student and student dance "Waltz").

2). At our holiday today, in honor of the autumn birthdays, the constellations are on duty (there are drawings of the signs of the Zodiac on the board, the children stand up one by one):

3). Teacher: Autumn is a thoughtful time of the year. Smoothly floating out of summer, the autumn season gains its golden strength and disappears in the Russian snows. The first month of autumn (September) - the month of our birthday Denis - in ancient times was called "ruin" or "ruin" (jealous) in Russia. This word is associated with the animal call of love (roar) and the inviting sounds of the wind. Popular nicknames for September are leaf fall, frowning, golden flower, heather (honey heather blooms). This is a rich month. In September, “and the sparrow has beer, and the crow has a shock,” they say among the people. What month were you born in?

The second month of autumn (October) - the month in which Lisa, Nastya and Styopa were born - in Russia is most often called leaf fall and leaf fall. The following sign is associated with the fall of foliage: a leaf fell clean - by a cold winter, lay down with a smooth side - to a crop failure (bad harvest), rough - winter crops will not freeze. The house is warm and cozy, and you look out the window - rain and mud, hence October - "dirty". "A spoonful of water turns into a bucket of dirt in a mud bath." Looking at the dining table, they gave other nicknames: breadmaker, kisselnik. This month was known as a quiet, family time for household chores and weddings. Therefore, most often they called him a wedding man: "The month of bad weather is the beginning of family happiness."

The third month (November) - the month of Katya - was called breast in Russia. In this old Russian word, the whole picture of the pre-winter time: the frozen earth lies in piles, the twilight of the year sets in, the gates of winter open, the ice smiths forge the water: “Do not forge the river in winter without a November blacksmith”, “November nails, and December paves”.

4). That's how different they are - the autumn months!

For our birthdays and their guests, the “English Song” is sung by .... Meet!

Do you understand what this English song is about?

Guys, do you remember who we have the oldest? And the younger one? And the autumn birthdays are 8 years old! And traditionally on your birthday pull them by the ears … 1, 2, 3, …, 8! Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!

5). Today everything is for our birthdays - congratulations, treats, gifts, surprises. The most important, most responsible, most solemn and exciting moment, and in general the most, most, most long-awaited moment on a birthday is the presentation of gifts.

Bring birthday gifts!

(Parents bring gifts, give them; then they bring in a cake. Birthday people stand in a circle, blow out the candles).I send the cake to the cafeteria.

Treats on the table!
Have you all been waiting for it?
There are sweets and candied fruits,
And jam and jelly
Donuts, cheesecakes,
Gingerbread, crackers,
Chocolate and marshmallows -
There will be a holiday
For the whole world!

And again, according to tradition, we go to the dining room in pairs. A couple needs to be found: the boys got blue numbers, the girls got red ones.

(The boys lead the girls, first they come up to me with matching numbers).

1). Delicious mom treated?
Did you eat, drink?
And now it's time
Have fun, kids!

Do you know that Russian families have long been in a hurry to baptize newborns and give them names so that they immediately find themselves under the protection of God? This day - christening - was celebrated especially

in the parental home. Those invited presented gifts to the baby and expressed their good wishes. On this day, the newborn had spiritual parents who were called to take care of their godson. On the day of the name day, it was desirable to bake as much as possible a weighty birthday cake stuffed with porridge. When they started celebrating a birthday, this cake was broken over the head of the hero of the occasion. (Who is this about?) It was believed that the more porridge poured on the head of the birthday man, the happier he would live until the next name day.

2). So, the newborn was given a name. Let's ask our birthday people what they know about their names. What do your names mean? Why were you given that particular name?

DENIS. The first girl was born in the Amirov family. Dad named her Guley. And he entrusted the name of the second child, the boy, to his mother, whose maiden name was Irina Denisova. And Irina Vladimirovna decided that in order to continue the Denisov family, the boy should bear the name - Denis.

LISA got the name like this: each of the parents wrote on paper the five most beautiful and consonant with the patronymic (Romanovna) female names. Then they compared them. The name Elizabeth appeared on both lists. This is the name they decided to name their daughter.

ANASTASIA is a Greek name meaning "reborn, resurrected". The name was chosen immediately unanimously, they wanted it to be beautiful and royal.

STEPA was named after a great-grandfather who died. And also because Styopa can be called differently: Stepochka, Stepashka, Stepan, Stepushka. Very beautiful Russian name.

Katya was named after her great-grandmother. Katya was her first and only great-granddaughter. In addition, Katya can be called affectionately: Kitten, Kitty, Kate, which in English means “cat”.

3). Here's what we now know about birthdays and their names. And now we will see how mothers know their children.

I invite 2 couples here (mother and child). Stand with your back to each other. I'll ask you a few questions. First, the child answers with a nod of the head, and then the mother out loud.

Does your child like semolina?

Does your child wash dishes?

Does your child like to brush their teeth?

Does your child go to bed at 9 o'clock?

Does your child make the bed in the morning?

Does your child enjoy school?

(The winner is the pair that answers correctly to all questions).

IV. Guys, do you remember the contest "Guess who I am?" since the birthday party in the 1st grade, when did you try to recognize your classmates from the photos of the kids? Today, this competition is becoming more complicated: we will again see the kids, but not in photographs, but on the TV screen.

About each birthday child - a scenario according to the following plan:

A video about the baby so that classmates guess "Who is this?"

"Secrets of the Name"

An interesting case from life (ask parents to write in advance)

Game or dance, song-gift for birthdays.

1) Our little "actors" know how to dance, squeal with joy and are already showing interest in each other. Please note: first, the "heroine" tries to kiss our hero, and he pushes her away; then the "hero" changed his mind, decided to improve, but that was not the case - now he is rejected. (Fragment of the video).

A curly, fair-haired boy (really little Volodya Ulyanov) is our Denis.

Denis, Denya in Greek - belonging to Dionysus.

Color - gray. The patron is a calf.

Talisman stone - sapphire.

The god of wine and the god of nature was among the Greeks Dionysus.
And the Russian people have a namesake of his Denis.
The boy is very cute.
Like no other, rechist.
At school, not always an excellent student,
But definitely a good one.
He is a very proud boy.
He has a strong character.
Nothing new for his family
That he keeps his word.
He hates cheating
Our "iron" boy.
Solve the crossword first
And write a poem for you.
He greedily swallows books
And he understands everything in books!
He is not a fool, he is not a fool.
Denya knows the value of money.
Denis will not spend them
For some whim.
He will save money
To buy a house.
Who will be our Denis?
Well, of course, a financier.

One day Denis came from kindergarten and asked me to buy him a "sled". Guess what your parents bought. So for a long time they could not make out that a “mask” was needed. And another time he asked for "hahal". Well, at least it was at the table during breakfast and everyone guessed that “sugar” was needed for tea.

- "The sun flares up - the games begin." Our "Entertainers" want to surprise and delight you: they have prepared games for everyone!

So, the first game. Please, Vika. "Chain of staples". Three people are given the same number of paper clips: whoever quickly assembles a chain from them. For the next three - who will disassemble the chain faster.

2) The next “heroine” really didn’t like kefir in her childhood, but she had to put up with it. She already knows how to read letters at the age of one, although she has to put on glasses for this, and then she had to call her grandmother on the phone and, probably, send greetings from someone. However, see for yourself.

Elizabeth, Liza, Lizonka - God's help (translated from Hebrew).

Color - lilac.

The plant is lilac flowers.

The patron is a waxwing.

Talisman stone - amethyst.

What to say about Lizaveta?
There is no better place in the world!
This girl is smart
Patient and kind.
Since childhood, Lisa has been playful.
Hardworking from an early age
Buy Liza products,
The dress can be sewn for the doll.
What else to say about Lisa?
Not subject to whims!
Lisa wants to do everything:
Read and see!
Lisa knits and draws!
Loves music, dances!
Often leads the group
Starts new games!
Likes to be in the first rows!
She knows no fear!
Energy is her strength.
That's why it started!
That's what Lizaveta
In childhood! And in adult years?

Lisa had diathesis from sweets at the age of 2. And mother, in order not to tease the child with candy, secretly got herself a fragrant caramel and, sucking it, walked around the apartment. Liza, sensing the smell of candy, shouted: “Tyuyu, tyuyu, tyuyu kamamelka!”

(For everyone they dance ... and ... - “CHA-cha-cha!”)

3) Do you want to see more babies? And here is another little “actress”: she walks busily around the hall, disposes of adult things, feels that there is something in her bag, she suffered from a kitty. And finally, he reads poems about autumn.

Anastasia, Nastya, Asya - resurrecting (Greek) Name days - January 4 or November 11. Color - dark green. The treasured plant is an orchid. The patron is a Siamese cat. Talisman stone - malachite.

What is your name, Anastasia!
You are like bright-eyed Russia!
If the girl was named Nastya,
Parental happiness will live in the house.
These girls are usually pretty.
Even as a child, they are very patient.
Among other pretty creatures
They have less suffering.
Fate is very favorable to Anastasia.
They walk evenly, rarely - on an inclined path.
Do you want to know more about Nastya?
Like other girls, she loves sweets.
But her character is not very simple.
It happens that a tear rolls up from a trifle,
Or maybe not cry from a big offense
And even if it hurts, he won't show it.
And Nastasya will grow up,
Learn to cook and knit
And many new books will be able to read.
And then all the troubles and bad weather
Rush past our dear Nastya!

I'm going to "talk" with little Nastya, but I need an interpreter. Guys, can you help?

Started talking at 10 months

"top-top" - ... (boots)

"Bossey medet" - ... (big bear)

"talking" - ... (speaking)

“Golit” - ... (burns)

"Zekvaltse" - ... (mirror)

"Moze, Moze?" - ... (asking for permission: “Can I?” They say to her: “It’s impossible!” And she looks tenderly into her eyes: “Moze, Moze?”)

And again on our stage "Entertainers". Vanya is playing his game. "Confusion": everyone stands in a circle, join hands, the driver goes out the door. At this time, those nearby, without disengaging their hands, get confused. The driver enters, tries to untangle everyone

4) And now, guys, you will see two babies at once. One is your good friend, but you probably never saw the second (a tiny puppy). They are so glad to meet each other, and each of them, in my opinion, is afraid of the other.

Stepan, Stepa, Stepushka - translated from Greek "wreath".

Color is carmine.

The patron is a tarpan (horse).

Talisman stone - aventurine.

Observant boy Stepan.
He is a wonderful organizer.
Always carry out his plan
And Styopa will try to do everything cool!
From the "LEGONERS" in kindergarten, he is the most talented of all.
Stepa builds today better than yesterday.
In the construction of Stepan, success always awaits,
After all, Lego is his favorite game!
But Stepushka does not build everything.
He strives for high quality.
From "Lego" he will build Stolny grad,
Which, maybe, except in a dream someone will dream ...
In elementary school, Styopa was the ringleader.
And classmates always follow him.
An unknown power lurks in him -
She makes Stepan like this!
He is an interesting person, no doubt.
He will show himself in studies and business.
He can become a mountain pioneer,
Overcoming difficulties and fear.
Or maybe become a plant manager,
And he can lead the commander-in-chief!
Perhaps even at a young age
He will be able to show himself as a businessman!
But, to be honest, he has a flaw:
Our Stepan is very amorous!
But for the sake of business, maybe the Persian princess,
Like Razin, throw into the oncoming wave!

And again I need a translator:

"doldat" - ... (soldier)

"Nuku nak" - ... (soft sign)

"iu-iu-iu" - ... (ambulance)

(For Styopa and all birthday people, the dance "Barbariki".)

5) When I saw the following plot, I knew who to entrust the physical minute to: rotation of the head, exercise for the neck, squat, even a soft fall.

Ekaterina, Katya, Katyusha - translated from Greek - pure, immaculate.

Color - blue. The plant is a lotus.

The patron is thermite. Talisman stone - chrysolite.

Katin stone - chrysolite.
And the cherished flower is a lotus.
For some reason sad
She is always in the photo.
But in the life of our Katya
Just a minute is enough.
And then forget about sadness
And laugh again.
Super thrifty, practical
And quite energetic.
But energy has a place
Only where it's interesting.
If boredom suddenly smells,
Katya will wither immediately,
Gets sad and bored
And maybe get sick.
But if you like it,
That girl will get better
And the power will suddenly appear.
Katya many are beautiful,
But proud, proud.
And such a character of Katya
It doesn't always come in handy.
But in general, Katerina is an interesting girl.
Time is precious for Katya: she simply does not waste it.
So happiness will smile and she will achieve everything!

Being small, Katya loved to throw things from all the shelves of the closet. Then I put them on myself, and in large quantities. As a result, it turned into a multi-colored nesting doll. Katya's closet was her favorite place to play. She pulled out the top drawer with linen, climbed into it, as if on the bridge of a ship, and screamed merrily from there. You can see for yourself that the family has a photograph. (Photo).

And, finally, our third "Entertainer" Olya is ready to play her game. (He calls 4 guys, divides them into 2 teams, each gives an envelope containing a large postcard, cut into small pieces. The task of the teams is to collect the postcard as quickly as possible.)

v. "The sun is rising - the games are on."

"Guess with your eyes closed."
I blindfold one of the children, bring them to the birthday people, having previously changed their places: guess! Then the mothers also find their child with their eyes closed.

"Happy Ring".
In the middle of the class, four children hold a rope tied at both ends, imitating a "boxing ring". They take out balloons and 2 scarves. Two guys are invited to the ring. They are blindfolded, given balls in their hands, and a "mischievous fight" begins. The leader fixes who will strike more blows. The winner is awarded a "whole" ball. The fight continues with another pair of volunteers.

A gift for all birthdays and guests: the Dunno dance performed by ... .

Team game. Our season is “dirty” now, so for the game “Try it, overtake” we need galoshes. On my command, put on galoshes, run to the line, return, pass to the next. The team that runs first wins.

And again a team game. At the end of the class, 2 ropes are stretched, each team receives one handkerchief and 2 clothespins. The first one runs, hangs up a scarf, pins it up, the second one takes off the clothespins and a scarf, returns and passes it to the third. Etc.

"Ribbon Dance". I call 3 boys and 3 girls at will, in my fist I hold 2 ribbons tied together, on the left - boys, on the right - girls take hold of the free ends of the ribbon, I open my fist - pairs are determined. They dance a slow dance. You can invite one mom or dad for a sample. Others come out as well.


Guys, did you have fun today? Interesting? I'm glad!
Be healthy and happy
Have fun on weekdays and holidays!
Grow big big
Here they are! Such! Such!



The class is decorated with balloons and posters. Attributes for competitions and presentation "Journey through the Zodiac" have been prepared. Children are first divided into 3 teams.

Under the "Birthday" potpourri, the guys enter the classroom.

Teacher. Today is our birthday day

And we did not gather in vain,

To sing songs and congratulate soon

Happy birthday to all of you, friends!

I invite you on a great journey through the Zodiac! And let's unanimously congratulate all of us with a happy birthday song.

A song is performed to the motive "The Island of Bad Luck".

The children are seated.

Teacher. We heartily congratulate you

Happiness. We wish you joy!

Studying well in school

Honestly, work hard.

Be friends with physical education

Treasure strong friendship!

Do not get sick, do not despair.

Help the elders at home.

To leave bad weather

Kingdom forever

We wish you all the sun, happiness

And smiles for years!

So that we don't get bored

The game starts.

Contests are fun, hard, perky!

Guys, what class are you in?(In third.) Therefore, all contests will be associated with the number 3.

Jury presentation. Command presentation.

Competition 1. "Triangles"

Each team is given 9 small triangles. Of these, as quickly as possible, you need to fold one large triangle on the desk.

Competition 2. "The most attentive"

1 person from the team is invited, between them there is a prize on the table.

I will tell you a story

In half a dozen phrases.

I'll just say the word "three",

Take the prize immediately.

Is it clear when to take the prize?

On the word "three"!

Right! Then I continue my story:

Dreaming boy tempered

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, do not be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command: "One, two ... march!"

When you want to remember poetry

They do not bison until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

One, two, or better… five.

Newly train at the station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, you didn’t take the prize, friends,

When it was possible to take!

Competition 3. "Hide and seek"

In what words from the previous poem was the number 3 hidden? (seethree , heethree )

In this competition, teams must come up with as many words as possible, in which the number is also hidden.three . Numerals thirteen, thirty, three hundred, etc. are not considered.

(Possible words: sister, oyster, swift, cut, wipe, sturgeon, showcase, knitwear, sodium, trigonometry, thriller, patriot, matrix, newt, tribune, patrician).

Teacher. - Guess the riddle:

I am woven from heat, I carry warmth with me,

I warm the rivers, "Swim!" - I invite.

And you all love me for this, I ...(Summer.)

Right! I invite guys who were born in the summer. Listen carefully to the poems, when you hear a poem about the month in which you were born, go out.

June has come.

"June! June!" -

Birds are chirping in the garden.

Just blow on a dandelion -

And it will all fall apart.

Out: Artyom Barmin, Lena Akhmadishin.


Haymaking is in July

Somewhere, thunder grumbles at times.

And ready to leave the hive

Young bee swarm.

Out: Gurova Nastya, Firsov Dima, Evsikova Ira


We collect in August

Fruit harvest.

Lots of joy for people

After all the hard work.

Sun over the expanses

Niwami is worth it.

And sunflower seeds

Filled with black.

Out: Kolya Romanov.


So, the first signs of the Zodiac: Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo.

Competition 4. "Three Movements"

Remember three movements and their numbers: 1 - arms to shoulders

2 - hands up

3 - hands forward

I will confuse you, show you not what you need. Wrong - sit down. The team with the most people left wins.

Competition 5. "Third wheel"

Teams receive sheets with triplets of words or numbers. In each triple you need to find and cross out the excess.

    Fork, plate, knife

    Sasha, Zhenya, Vasya

    9, 7, 4

    leaf, foliage, flipping

    Stake, ball, smoke

Competition 6. "Three seconds to think"

The teacher shows a certain number of fingers. It is necessary that exactly this number of people stand up in the team in 3 seconds. If successful, the team gets a point.

Teacher. - Guess the riddle:

I bring the harvest

I sow the fields again

Sending birds to the south

I undress the trees

But I do not touch the pines and fir trees. I AM…(Autumn.)

Right! I invite guys who were born in the fall. Listen carefully to the poems, when you hear a poem about the month in which you were born, go out.

On a clear September morning

Villages thresh bread.

Birds rush over the seas

And the schools opened.

Out: Alisher Imomnazarov, Sveta Gorodetskaya, Nastya Pushkash, Sonya Mihai, Lisa Tyutimova, Sasha Glushenkov, Alisa Nikolaeva.


In October, in October

Frequent rain outside.

Grass is dead in the meadows

The grasshopper was silent.

Firewood prepared

For the winter at the stoves.

Out: Andrey Praslov, Ilya Frolochkin, Sasha Nadezhkin, Pasha Belousov.


Day Fourth of November -

Red day calendar.

Look out your window

Everyone on the street is light!

All the people - both young and old -

Celebrates freedom.

And my red balloon flies

Straight to the sky!

Out: German Nabatchikov, Vanya Krasavin, Alyosha Pustovalov, Akim Nikiforov.


So, the following signs of the Zodiac: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius.

The children are read postcards with poems on the signs of the Zodiac and are given gifts.

Competition 7. "Arithmetic tricks"

Put action signs and brackets between the triplets so that you get the correct equalities:

3 3 3 = 0 3 3 3 = 11

3 3 3 = 4 3 3 3 = 12

3 3 3 = 6 3 3 3 = 99

Competition 8. "Hurry, don't make a mistake"

The teams take turns asking tricky questions. The correct answer is points.

    Squirrels sit on branches, against each squirrel there are two squirrels. How many are there?(3)

    The banana was cut into three pieces. How many incisions were made?(2)

    The bagel was cut into three pieces. How many incisions were made?(3)

    Ira lives on the third floor. When she goes outside, she goes down the stairs from floor to floor in half a minute. How long does it take Ira to go down?(1 minute)

    Pigs were running towards me: one in front of the two, one between the two and one behind the two. How many piglets were there?(3)

    The boy and girl had the same amount of nuts. The boy gave the girls 3 of his nuts. How many more nuts did the girl have than the boy?(for 6)

    There were 3 glasses of berries on the table. Vova ate one glass of berries and put it on the table. How many glasses are on the table?(3)

    Son with father, yes father with son, yes grandfather with grandson. How many?(three)

    Marina had a whole apple, two halves and four quarters. How many apples did she have?(3)

Competition 9. "Literary triplets"

Remember and write the names of literary works in which the number 3 is called or the number of characters in the title is three.

(Possible names: "Three Bears", "Three Little Pigs", "Three Fat Men", "Swan, Pike and Cancer", etc.)

An additional point can be obtained by naming the name of the author.

Teacher. - Guess the riddles:

Messed up the paths.

Decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And she rode the sled.(Winter.)

I open the buds into green leaves,

I dress the trees, I water the crops,

The movements are full, they call me ...(Spring.)

Right! I invite children who were born in winter and spring. Listen carefully to the poems, when you hear a poem about the month in which you were born, go out.

Opening the calendar

January begins.

In January, in January

Lots of snow in the yard.

Snow - on the roof, on the porch.

The sun is in the blue sky.

There are stoves in our house.

Smoke rises into the sky.

Out: Semina Polina.


Loose snow darkens in March.

Ice is melting on the window.

Bunny running around

And the map on the wall.

Out: Misha Stepanov.


April, April!

Drops are ringing in the yard.

Streams run through the fields

Puddles on the roads.

Ants coming soon

After the winter cold.

Bear sneaks

Through the woods.

The birds began to sing songs

And the snowdrop blossomed.

Out: Alina Yazeva, Katya Gorbovskaya, Kostya Shilov.


Lily of the valley blossomed in May -

On the very holiday, on the first day.

May with flowers,

The lilac is blooming.

Out: Grishin Vanya.


So, the last signs of the Zodiac: Capricorn, Aries, Taurus, Gemini.

The children are read postcards with poems on the signs of the Zodiac and are given gifts.

Teacher. While our esteemed jury, we have a music competition.

Musical competition.

A circle is formed and a ball is launched in a circle to the music. Participants pass the ball to each other. The music stops and whoever has the ball is out of the game.

The floor is given to the members of the jury. Participant awards.

Teacher. Like a sunny day

Like a wonderful fairy tale

Let your life be

Beautiful all the time!

Be good

Be beautiful

Be cheerful

Kind, sweet.

So that happiness and joy shine in a smile.

May all your wishes come true!!!

All together they sing the song "Let them run awkwardly ..."

Teacher . Pour hearty teaWarm your soul with this!

The holiday ends with tea.


Poems on the signs of the Zodiac for postcards

You, little ARIES,

Character is not always equal -

You are being naughty

A little stubborn and funny.

Us, Sheep, do not butt,

Smart, kind grow up!

ARIES can be seen a mile away,

Aries love beauty.

Won't hurt the cat

Will never betray

Toddler footboard.

How nice it is for TAURUS

Facial expression,

Affectionate and kind look,

Like little calves!

Our calf is beautiful

Grow up and be happy!

There is no price for TAURUS in friendship,

devoid of selfishness

Hate the rush

And in the "team" to the end

They'll take a cart.

GEMINI-child is

Good sign of spring and summer!

Warm, bright grow up,

Like the sun, shine!

Fidgets, cunning

Zodiac Gemini.

boring job

Will not finish until the end -

The hunt is gone.

Dear Cancer Child!

Grow up without fighting!

Cheerful always, everywhere,

Like a crustacean in river water!

CANCER lives by its own mind,

Won't put it off until later

Difficult task.

To be honored -

For him

It means a lot.

Be strong, my friend, from the cradle!

According to the horoscope you are a Lion cub!

Leo looks like the sun

Just as bright and good!

Leo is always happy with gifts

loves chocolate,

Miscellaneous things.

Praise the Lion five times,

He won't get excited.

VIRGINS are rightfully famous

Affectionate and kind disposition.

All sweeter, more tender, more beautiful

Happy Virgin!

VIRGO is valued for the mind,

But she doesn't like noise

And does not tolerate anger.

Good-natured and gentle

Little Virgo.

Our baby Libra

Amazing beauty!

Like a scale, always be accurate

Very fair and honest!

I envy VESAM -

Don't rely on moms

They look neat.

If you like yourself

It's nice for yourself!

SCORPIO you are, but not terrible -

Sweet, kind and homey.

Grow up, our Skoriosha,

Kind, smart and good!

Honest, kind SCORPIO

Hates evil people.

From the first date

If there's something wrong with you,

Will say: "Goodbye!"

You are our little SAGITTARIUS,

Well done and daring!

You grow up happy baby

Hit the top ten!

Sagittarius is full of ideas

He is always among people

Simple and not stingy.

Like an athlete of great victories

He can achieve.

You are our dear baby,

Our beloved CAPRICORN!

Never be afraid

Kind, always be gentle!

Good-natured CAPRICORN

Will not oversleep the second lesson

And won't get angry

If the arrows on the cup

Sister will bring.

Our dear AQUARIUS!

You cut your tears!

Be beautiful like rain

Like a transparent dewdrop!


Washes hands up to the elbows

Twenty times a week.

No slingshots, no snakes

Not in his portfolio.

Dear, dear FISH,

Rejoice us always with a smile!

Be happy and skillful

And swim through life boldly!

FISHES like water

Always swim in the water

From any obstacles.

Your own shortcomings

Strive to seek out.