How to hide broad shoulders and a fat belly. How to choose the right dress for a plump woman with a belly

Each girl has a different figure. Someone is content with short stature, while someone looks down on everyone, someone was lucky enough to have a luxurious bust, and some, on the contrary, put up with the first breast size. But the most common problem for women is the presence of a protruding abdomen, which could remain after childbirth or due to excessive obesity. This lack of a figure causes a lot of complexes, therefore, the struggle to eliminate it is carried out not only in gyms, but also when choosing a wardrobe. And here many make unforgivable mistakes.

The girls have a stereotype that loose clothing better hides figure flaws. They do not notice that such outfits, on the contrary, make them shapeless and unattractive. Ideally, you need to choose the style of the dress to hide the belly and at the same time emphasize the dignity of the figure (slender legs, tight arms or a luxurious bust). What style of dress hides the belly and what to wear with this outfit? More on this below.

Dress model to hide belly

When choosing clothes for a figure with a protruding belly, you need to pay attention to the type of fabric, the presence of prints and distracting details. But the decisive factor is the styles of dresses that hide figure flaws. Stylists identify several winning models:

What dress models hide the belly: selection rules

When buying dresses for a figure with a belly, you need not only to choose the right style, but also take into account the colors of the outfit. It should be plain or decorated with a small pattern (flower, polka dots, cage). Avoid large geometric prints and complex composition patterns. The fabric with such patterns is strongly deformed in the abdomen and chest area, subsequently the patterns are stretched and only draw attention to the full places.

You can get rid of such a lack of a figure as a small tummy with the help of diet and exercise, but all this takes time, and every woman wants to look beautiful and before the desired result is achieved. Of course, you can use corrective underwear, but this is not always convenient, especially in hot weather. Therefore, it is easiest to hide this small flaw in the figure with the help of correctly selected clothes and a harmoniously constructed silhouette.

Let's start with the most common mistake. In order to hide a slight obesity, many try to buy clothes one size smaller in the hope that it will tighten the figure. This is especially true of jeans: what woman was not happy that she was able to pull on jeans a size smaller than she wore last year.

What clothes to wear to hide your belly

However, it should be borne in mind that if the belly is not elastic enough, then a hard belt will pull it over and make it even more noticeable, and an unnecessary "life buoy" will form around the waist. In order to avoid this, you should choose jeans strictly according to your size, no more and no less. They should sit freely without dragging the figure. High-waisted jeans mask the belly well, but they are suitable only for tall girls. Jeans with a low waistline, on the other hand, should be avoided.

Girls with a small tummy should also give up tight-fitting T-shirts made of thin knitwear. This material tends to fit the figure very tightly and emphasize not only advantages, but also disadvantages. When choosing a T-shirt, it is better to give preference to looser models, or to give preference to light, flowing fabrics. Look for stiffer, denser, tailored items such as linen or cotton shirts and blouses.

Do not tuck blouses, T-shirts, and T-shirts into jeans or skirts. This will create a transverse line on the abdomen that draws attention to the flaw that is being masked. When choosing a belt for jeans, do not purchase models with large, richly decorated with bright buckles, they will create an additional accent on the belly.

What dress hides the belly

The same goes for the choice of dresses. Try to avoid thin, tight knitwear, go for thick, silhouette-based fabrics, or go for flowy fabrics like satin or silk.

Dress that hides the belly and sides

To hide the belly will help romantic dresses of the Empire silhouette, or dresses in the Greek style, the main feature of which is the high waist. Low-waisted loose-fitting dresses made from easily draped fabrics may also suit you. On the other hand, dresses with a tapering skirt should be discarded, since the narrow bottom creates an unnecessary contrast with the protruding belly.

In an effort to disguise your belly, it is better to choose loose-fitting dresses, do not seek to hide behind abundant folds and draperies, which will add unnecessary volume and weight to the entire figure. It is best to choose a model that is lightly gathered, for example, with a drawstring.

What dresses hide the belly and sides

Dresses with a wrap at the waist are good for disguising the tummy, but remember that this option will look really good on you only if you have a large breast size. In this case, not only the silhouette works for you, but also the accentuated neckline, which also draws attention from the problem area.

Peplum and high-waisted clothes are also suitable for disguising the belly. The peplum will completely hide the problematic part of the figure and create a feminine silhouette. Choose models with a simple peplum, as a too elaborate peplum, which resembles a drapery on a curtain, will only draw attention to the abdomen.

How to hide belly with color in clothes

A very specific question came to me from a specific girl about how to hide a protruding tummy. Because those around them already have suspicions about pregnancy, although there is no pregnancy ... I know that the problem is urgent for many. I myself, with my love for drinking a large amount of liquid, sometimes this happens, so I have been concerned with the methods of disguise for a long time.

First and foremost is posture. I have already referred more than once to my own text about how a straight back helps to hide a protruding belly. Now how to disguise this flaw with clothes. I don't have many secrets that you can try to explain in the article, but I hope that all of them will be useful.

Life hack number 1: choose a trapeze dress


Dress in a loose silhouette, but not detachable under the bust. If you are thin and your stomach protrudes forward, then a cut-off dress that fits tightly under the chest and above the stomach, on the contrary, will draw attention to your problem. The best choice is a trapezoidal silhouette, without fitted and adjacent sections. A flared trapezoid does not have to diverge very much - the main thing is that the silhouette line is straight. Twenties-thirties-style straight-cut dresses with fringes or frills may also work.

Life hack number 2: do not drag

The protruding belly should not be overtightened. Not above, not under the belly, not in the middle. If you try to make the belly visually smaller by pulling it down with a belt of trousers or a skirt, you will only emphasize all those protruding parts that will be under and above the belt. The skirt and trousers should cover the protruding part completely, while not overtightening or squeezing it. If the difference between the protruding part and the waist is very large, you should not fight for a perfect fit. I will give here an example of a skirt pattern without a belt - you can see how the border of the protruding belly is striking.

In general, if you wear skirts without a cardigan or jacket, it is better to choose loose silhouettes with a wide belt. But this does not mean that you should not wear straight skirts at all. They should simply be paired with vests, jackets or cardigans, which should be worn unbuttoned. Then they will slightly mask the protruding part of the abdomen.

Life hack number 3: buttoning correctly

If you are buttoning a cardigan or jacket, you need to make sure that the buttoned button (or several) falls on the most protruding point of the abdomen. If the buttoned part turns out to be above the stomach, then it will just protrude forward, attention will be focused on it.

You need to be careful about trousers and jeans with a fly in the front. Often these flies are cut so that they turn out to be quite voluminous, and in the case of a protruding belly, the volume is obtained at the most problematic place.

But I must say, there are pleasant exceptions to this rule: jeans with a flat fastener, which, on the contrary, will slightly "tighten" the protruding part. True, you don't need to cover your belly with a sweater or top over jeans anyway. The top should be loose and not tight-fitting.

"What style of dress hides the belly and sides?" - the answer to this question interests many women. Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity has her own reasons for trying to hide her tummy with clothes. Some of them do not want to give out their interesting position in advance, while others are embarrassed by extra pounds. Unfortunately, there is no insurance against weight gain, which very often accumulates in the area of ​​the sides and abdomen. But even a flawed figure is not a reason to abandon beautiful feminine attire. And if you also listen to the advice of stylists, then you will be able to create a harmonious and dignified image.

There are many girls and women who believe that a shapeless model is the most correct option in order to hide their tummy and sides. However, in reality this is not at all the case. Such clothes only add volume to the figure, thereby simply disfiguring a woman. So what kind of dress to wear to hide your belly. Let's try to figure it out.

Which dress model should you choose?

For overweight girls and women, stylists offer a lot of a wide variety of models, so there is plenty to choose from. But what style of dress should you choose to hide your belly?

Here you should pay attention to the following options:

  1. Decorated with a free hem and custom waist. This dress hides the imperfections of the figure and emphasizes the chest. It is best if such an outfit has a drapery under the chest and a V-shaped neckline. The length of such vestments can be very different. Here it is only important to take into account the shape and shape of the legs. If you are shy about your legs, then opt for a floor-length outfit.
  2. Wrap-around decoration. This model of a dress that hides the belly is loved by many women and girls, as it is very comfortable. In this case, one half of the dress is located above the other, and everything is tied up with a ribbon or fixed with a belt. This is an option for a small tummy. If you have a big belly, then pay attention to other models. Wrap-around furniture can be cut or not.
  3. Asymmetric vestments. Asymmetrical models hide rounded shapes perfectly. But it is very important that all asymmetrical elements are located in the waist area. It is in this case that it will be possible to balance the flaws in the figure. So, such an element can be, for example, a wide belt, a large bow, a large assembly on the side. The asymmetrical vestments make the figure truly feminine and sophisticated. They are suitable for both young girls and older ladies.
  4. Trapezoidal outfits. Such dresses for girls with a tummy and sides are unique in that they are wide at the waist. It is very good if the trapezoidal outfit is made of soft material, which creates a kind of weightlessness effect.
  5. Layered outfits. Perfectly solve the problem of the tummy and sides of the dress in several layers. At the same time, such dresses can be performed, and in some one it blooms, and in several at once. It all depends on your personal preference. Such styles of dresses that hide the flaws of the figure, the photos of which can be seen below, are usually chosen by young girls.
  6. Sheath dress. Whatever your figure is, in this outfit it will be transformed beyond recognition. But consider. For this to be the case, the dress must be created just for you. Here experts advise choosing a dense fabric. And to make the silhouette even more slender, the dress should have dark fabric inserts on the sides.
  7. Decoration shirt. Such a dress is like a man's shirt. It hides a small tummy and sides very well. A shirt dress is made from almost any material. It can be thin cotton or rough cotton. Thanks to this decoration, you can hide the flaws of the figure, and emphasize its dignity.
  8. Kimono dress. This is the national vestment of women in Japan. It is slightly fitted. This style of dress hiding the belly for overweight will give even an imperfect figure a special sophistication.
  9. An outfit with a bat sleeve. Such decoration will allow you to create an entertaining image that will attract a lot of attention of the opposite sex. But this is not its only advantage. Also, with the help of such a dress, you can visually remove the accent from the protruding tummy and from the sagging sides. A figure with such a dress will become much slimmer. But keep in mind that it "hides" the height a little, therefore it is better for short women to refuse such attire or they will have to put on a heel.

Now you know exactly which dress to choose to hide your belly, therefore you will not have any difficulties with creating a beautiful and moderately relaxed image.

Hide the sides and belly

A dress that hides the belly and sides is a real salvation for those girls and women who have curvy shapes. With the help of such an outfit, the mood of the fair sex improves, because in the eyes of others she looks many times more worthy. Dresses that hide the belly and sides of the photo of which you can see below, should be not only of the correct style, but also of a suitable tone, with a successful pattern, as well as with material that idealizes your figure.

Dresses made in dark colors - dark blue, gray, brown, black and others, visually slim the figure. But light and bright shades, on the contrary, make it larger. However, this does not mean that only dark clothing should be worn. It is recommended to experiment here. It is possible that a bright orange dress will transform you, and a dark brown one will make the image boring and even ugly. When choosing a dress color, be sure to consider your color type.

If the pattern on the outfit is suitable, then it will perfectly disguise the tummy and sides. Be careful with horizontal stripes, geometric shapes and floral prints. Such a pattern should be distributed over the fabric as evenly as possible. Otherwise, it will give the image sloppiness. The drawing should not visually cover the tummy and sides. So it will only enlarge these parts of the body.

If you are the owner of a small tummy, then when choosing a dress for yourself, be sure to attach importance to the material of manufacture. Shiny materials, such as satin, overly emphasize all the flaws in the figure. It is better for magnificent ladies to refuse it altogether. You should not buy outfits from knitted fabrics, no matter how high quality they would be. It is also recommended to abandon dresses made of other fabrics that fit tightly on the figure.

It is not recommended for a woman with a tummy to opt for materials such as "snake skin", as well as to choose glossy and silicone fabrics. In these tissues, even at first glance, an insignificant flaw will immediately catch the eye of others.

If you want to hide the tummy and sides, then the ideal solution is a decoration made of soft and moderately dense fabric. Please note that low-quality materials that, moreover, do not fit your figure will only harm it. In this case, the style may be suitable. Therefore, do not save. Better to overpay than look ridiculous.

How else to improve the figure?

Here you can use the following techniques:

  • Put on shaping underwear. Such underwear should be in the wardrobe of every woman. Thanks to him, if necessary, you can easily drive out your complexes.
  • Take advantage of accessories and other accents. If age allows, then you can get a temporary tattoo, it is better to refuse a permanent one. The piercing will also distract attention from the figure. If you are no longer a young girl, then it is better to use accessories such as jewelry or jewelry made of precious metals, a handbag, a scarf.
  • Maintain your posture. No matter how good your dress is, all its beauty will come to naught if your posture is poor. Never forget to keep your shoulder blades together and your back straight. And one more thing: wear a heel, it adds a special chic to the female image.
  • Emphasize your merits. If you have beautiful arms or legs, then in no case hide them. Be sure to dress in an outfit with a cleavage, if one can be worn by your chest. Feel free to highlight your trump cards!

Knowing which models of dresses hide the belly and sides, and by listening to the advice of stylists, you can create an image from which you will not want to take your eyes off!

Are you one of those millions of women who are struggling with being overweight?

And all your attempts to lose weight have not been crowned with success?

Have you already thought about drastic measures? This is understandable, because a slender figure is an indicator of health and a reason for pride. In addition, it is at least a person's longevity. And the fact that a person losing "extra pounds" looks younger is an axiom that does not require proof.

The type of figure is different for all women, each knows its strengths and weaknesses, and emphasizes or hides them with the help of clothes. Girls, naturally overweight or pregnant, when buying clothes, determine which style of dress to choose in order to hide the belly.

  1. First of all, you should decide on the color. For obese girls, plain dresses are suitable, in extreme cases - with a small, small pattern. Prints with large patterns will make the girl visually more massive, these colors are better suited for slender girls.

  1. It is best not to choose tight-fitting dresses. A common mistake of overweight girls is to choose not a loose, but a tight-fitting dress, since a free one makes it even larger. It is not true. On the contrary, a tight-fitting dress shows all the flaws, all the sides and folds, especially when the girl has to bend or sit down. In addition, it often seems that the girl has chosen a dress one size smaller.

  1. Dresses with a lot of sequins, sequins and rhinestones certainly do not slim a curvy body. It is better to choose styles without numerous decorations. Let them emphasize their dignity: for example, a deep neckline will showcase beautiful breasts, and with the help of the length, you can expose beautiful thin legs. You can choose bright colors for overweight women; in this case, the dress should be without additional decor and selected taking into account the shapes.

  1. Long dress, in the shape of an A-line or the letter A, ideal for curvaceous shapes. This also includes the V-neck. Another little trick is a high waist in a dress, or a high waist with a decorative element. A beautiful belt or strap can act as such an element.
  2. Light-colored fabrics do not hide the fullness well, it is better to choose soft warm tones in a pure color or its shade.

What styles of dresses can be used to hide the fullness?

  • Sheath dress. It is considered a classic and girls love it for its ability to hide the belly. Choose a dress that is not very tight and is not particularly short. The choice of color depends on the girl: classic black is suitable for the office and going out, a cocktail dress can be worn on a date or in the summer season. Another advantage of a sheath dress is that it hides not only the belly, but also the hips.

  • Dress shirt. We can say that this style embodied the classics and femininity. It is a shirt that blends seamlessly into a dress, and the length may vary. Such a dress is versatile, it allows you to turn everyday life into a holiday, and look very sexy. In addition, the shirt dress hides the sides well. The lack of a waist can be made less noticeable with a thin free belt, or not at all.

  • Peplum dresses. A very common model, depending on the width of the basque, it can hide both the belly and sides. It looks very chic, it allows you to choose even bright models for full ones. It is very easy to sew a dress with a peplum; such models are loved by tailors.

  • Dresses with skirts of a complex cut. The complex configuration of the skirt is able to hide and visually reduce the waist in girth. The most common such model is a tulip skirt. She not only looks magnificent and elegant, but also hides excess weight, she is often chosen by pregnant mothers.

For those who categorically refuse the "tulip", there is an excellent alternative - a balloon skirt. It has a trapezoidal expanding shape, the bottom dress is wide enough and can form folds or a gentle wave. If you choose a cut with an accentuated waist, or designate it with a strap, you can look even slimmer, despite the voluminous waist.

It is not necessary to choose such models as monochromatic, small, distracting colors are allowed.

  • Models with large sleeves. An interesting sleeve can transform and decorate a simple dress. In addition, such dresses look good from light and dense fabrics, which means that you can choose this cut for any season. Sleeves will well hide full shoulders, are suitable for going out, in the photo the girl will always look slimmer. The kimono model is quite common among women, but it looks better from light fabrics and requires a belt at the waist.

How to choose a wedding dress?

The wedding is the most important event, and any girl wants to look great that day. As a rule, girls choose the best for a wedding. And then the question is resolved, which dress to choose to hide fullness or pregnancy?

  • A dress with a fluffy skirt with and without a corset will perfectly hide the belly. The lush bottom looks very beautiful, it symbolizes the idea of ​​all the girls about a magnificent luxurious wedding, and hides the belly. Better to choose a fitted bodice and top, without decor at the waist. But the chest can be emphasized with a neckline or decor. If the dress is with sleeves, they are also chosen to be tight-fitting.

  • A dress with a train would be a good option. The most common models are with a skirt that is shortened at the front and merges into a train at the back, or with an asymmetrical skirt.
  • Dresses with a high waistline. This style helps to hide a rather large belly, for which women love it. The dress resembles the Greek style, the emphasis is on the chest, the waist is high, and then there is a beautiful skirt made of light fabrics that fit beautifully and look very feminine and light. The bodice of the dress is decorated with all kinds of assemblies, beads, flowers and so on. Harnesses can also be in the form of straps, especially if the wedding is in the summer season.

The fullness of the girl often looks very beautiful, and the curvaceous forms attract the attention of men. With the help of a properly selected style of dress, you can hide flaws and emphasize the strengths of overweight ladies.

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