How to get out of category, and do not ride back to the pit. An uncommon person is a person who has outstanding abilities. The meaning of the word "outstanding"

Factrum Offers to listen to what these women talked about love, novels and how to handle men.

Hedi Lamarr, Rock Beauty Hollywood, Inventor

Among Hollywood beauties there is one actress, who left us a legacy of not only films with their participation. During the Second World War, Lamarr registered a patent for the Remote Control of the Torpedes and the Principle of Information Encryption - the "Jumping Frequency" technology. Later, its development was allowed to use mobile communications, GPS navigation and Bluetooth with WiFi.

A recognized beauty, Hedi did not feel a lack of male attention: only official husbands had six.

This is what Hedi Lamarr said:

Any girl can be charming. All you need is to stand quietly and look silly.
- The biggest love of your life? - My father.
- When did you feel happier? - between marriages.
- What would you like to change in yourself? - Mmm ... nail polish.

Lola Montes (Eliza Gilbert), dancer and adventurers

The life of this woman was short (only 40 years old), but during this time she managed a lot: he gave themselves for the Spanish dancer, touring throughout Europe, was his beloved onion Balzak, Alexander Duma-senior, Ferenz Leaf, the favorite of the Bavarian king Ludwig I, who I preferred to renounce the throne, but do not part with Lola. For her, people fought on duels and died, leaving her all their property. Once, Nicholas I became interested in it, but so that it did not come out, the dancer quickly sent from Warsaw, where she was touring her tour.

Word to herself:

What Lola wants, then Lola gets!
- I showed women that if they knewfully used the weakness of men, they would stop calling the weak floor.

Gala Dali (Elena Dyakonova), wife of genius and model

This woman knew how to cause a crazy passion in men. The first husband of Helena was the poet Paul Eloire. Marriage was special: Spouses loved group sex and had lovers and mistresses on the side, it was for them in the order of things. Paul was proud of his wife, he wore a photo of the naked Elena and showed his friends. Once he showed it and Salvador Dali. He ended all that Elena left her husband to Dali and began to be called Galo. Dali adored her Gulu, he was inspired by her and, although then they diverged, was very tied to her until the end of life.

Life Credo Galya:

"I will never be just a housewife. I will read a lot, very much. I will do everything I want, but at the same time keep the attraction of a woman who does not breathe. I will shine as a kink, smell in perfume and always have well-groomed hands with macuine nails. "

Louise Salome, philosopher and psychotherapist

German writer Kurt Wolf argued that "no woman over the past 150 years has had a stronger influence on countries speaking German than Lou-Salome from St. Petersburg." Nietzsche and Rilke lost from her, Freud was closely friends with her, Tolstoy and Turgenev, Wagner and Ibsen were loved with her. She was called "absolute evil", "vampire and predator" - personality she was clearly exceptional.

As Lu said:

"Only one who fully remains itself can count on long love."

"There is nothing more stupid for a woman than to take a man in professional success. I never chose myself male classes and did not compete with anyone - these classes themselves found me how the sun finds the flower in need of his rays. "

"Whatever pain and suffering has brought life, we still have to welcome it. The sun and the moon, day and night, darkness and light, love and death - a person is always between them. Who is afraid of suffering, he is afraid and joy. "

Zinaida Hippius, poetess, critic, playwright

Zinaida Hippius was beautiful, elegant and knew how to like men. And although since 19 years old was married to Dmitry Meriazhkovsky, it did not interfere with the set of connections on the side of both men and women. His beloved poetess devoted, as usual, poems. Contemporaries called her devil and decadent Madonna, and she did not object, because it is so nice to shock the public.

Word Hippius:

"It is precisely necessary, in love story, the equality of the minds! The main thing is difficult to despair. I think that it is not necessary because it is even harder for a man. After all, among women, even such a cheap and elegant mind, like mine, is rare. "

"Oh, if I completely lose this opportunity for a voluptuous mud, which, I know, lies in me, which I do not even understand."

"In my thoughts, in my desires, in my spirit - I am more a man ... in my body - I am more a woman."

"There is nothing more interesting in the light of" man. " Of a real, living person created by nature, history. "

"We will simply approve: a living dullness of a human being, a real person, never only happens to a man, or only a woman. Both beginnings, male and female ... in it are convicting. But ... in every real man who is one of two starts ... prevails. "

Alexandra Kollondtai, Valkyrie revolution, wrestler for equality

Alexander Kollondtai was called "sexual revolutionary", "Valkyrius of the Revolution", "Eros in the Uniform of Diplomat", "Demon March 8". We can say that she was a harbinger of the sexual revolution. Already at 16, Alexander, the general daughter, drove not only peers, but also adult men. Already then she challenged challenges to society, breaking along the heart. Requested by the 40-year-old General, married his three-core brother, contrary to the will of his parents, twisted the novel with a friend of the family, left her husband, went abroad, met Kautsky, Lenin, Plekhanov, Rosa Luxembourg. After the revolution, he returned to Russia and became the first in the history of a woman-minister and a woman-ambassador.

Here is her words:

"We are young, while they love us!"

"For class tasks, the proletariat is absolutely indifferent, does love takes the form of a long and decorated union or expressed in the form of a passing connection."

Lily Brick, Muza Vladimir Mayakovsky, supporter of "Free Love"

Until now, disputes are not poisoned: how could this woman have such an impact on Mayakovsky? According to the memories of contemporaries, it was some kind of magic. Lily Bric was charming, bright, self-confident, egocentric special and had an incredible power over men. Marriage her in this did not bother her, mad energy and sexuality - contributed.

The word is provided by Lile BRIC:

"If you want to conquer a man, you must play on its weaknesses. Suppose it is equally like two women. He is forbidden to smoke. One does not allow him to smoke, and the other to his parish is preparing the box "Kazbeka". Do you think to which he will go? "

"It is so simple! First you need to prove that you have a beautiful soul. Then - that he is a genius and, besides you, no one understands. And the rest will finish beautiful silk linen and elegant shoes. "

"It is useful to suffer from Volodya, it is pearing and writing good poems."

"I always loved one - one ax, one Volodya, one Vitaly and one Vasya."

All orderness considers itself an extraordination!

Folk observations

Immediateness as a personality quality - the ability to exercise outstanding abilities, stand out among others, to be the first among equal.

He was an extraordinary person, even out of a series of outgoing.

For many years, living in the outback, the husband considers himself a real rural guy. However, the wife loves to tear over his urban habits. Recently, right at the guest she stated: - Yes, you did not know how the cow looks, until I met me!

Immediateness - the ability to get out of the general building, go there, where no one has ever been, not to be afraid to be different. Immediateness is the possession of outstanding abilities in a coupe with manifested charismaticness and extraordinary internal attractiveness. What is not impressing extrrepity even being biased and tendentious, so it's a herd feeling and conformism. An outstanding personality has on all his point of view and does not pay attention to the fact that her opinion goes into incision with the opinion of the majority. Uncomplicated people usually do not like precisely that they are not like everyone, for what they do not like everyone else, they have their own opinion and are not afraid to express him.

The Strugatsky brothers in the book "Evil-buried" write: "An outstanding person wants to leave the world in itself other than the one he appeared to, - the best enriched with his own creativity. For this, he is ready to sacrifice most of the joys or even with all the joy, which is enjoyed by the Cecessing Man! "

An outstanding person is given a lot, and to whom a lot is given, with that many and asked. Therefore, uncommon personalities fate prevents heavy lessons. Taking these challenges, an outstanding person is even more tempered, improves, grows personally. An outstanding person is able to conquer many vertices, but if, having achieved success, he tried to pride in himself, greed, egoism, it would be better for him to be born.

Immediateness is usually communicating with unusualness, exception, brillium and unusualness. Particularly surprising people the phenomenon of an outstanding mind. When the Great Warrior Arjuna asked the Most High: - For what signs you can find out a person who is in a state of perfect peace and freedom. What words he says, what is he surrounded by people and alone with him. As he behaves in everyday life, the Most High replied: - Oh, the Great Warrior, the man who is in a state of perfect peace, does not attract the temptations of the surrounding world. He understands that as a particle of consciousness, he is alien to the world of external things, and therefore looking for happiness inside him. Such a person has an outstanding mind. Who does not bother three types of external influences who removed from worldly pleasures, not tied to the images of the outside world and does not experience fear and anger, he accepted the correct point of view and enjoys a reason for its intended purpose.

In Tibetan Yoga, ten signs of an outstanding person are given:

1) Almost not to have chum and envy is a sign of an outstanding person.

2) Almost not to have passions and satisfying simple things is a sign of an outstanding person.

3) the absence of hypocrisy and tricks is a sign of an outstanding person.

4) Organize their behavior according to the law of cause and consequence (the law of karma) is as closely as people protect their eyes - this is a sign of an outstanding person.

5) To be faithful to its obligations and cases is a sign of an outstanding person.

6) Being able to maintain a serious friendship, at the same time believing impartially and fair to all beings, is a sign of an outstanding person.

7) Watch with compassion and without anger on those who live badly, is a sign of an outstanding person.

8) to recognize the other victory, taking the defeat, is a sign of an outstanding person.

9) differ from the crowd with every thought and act - this is a sign of an outstanding person.

10) Comply with its loans and uncommon and piety is a sign of an outstanding person.

Immediateness - ignoring the wind of the general opinion. It dismissively refers to the estimates and labels hanging on it. She is alien to vague values, petty questions. She will react to everyday hypocrisy carousel.

Remembers Rozanov: "The victorious words for words: - It will cause bad senses in society - he stopped and did not spit, and somehow released saliva to the floor, Raster and, without saying nothing, went on."

Another feature of uncommonness. Antoine de Rivarol writes: « Uncomplicated minds relate to deep attention to everything familiar and ordinary, and ordinary - they are interested in interest and addiction only to what comes out of the rank. "

Immediateness is noticeable. Note - the optimal way to attract attention. Seth Godin in his classic book on Marketing "Violet Cow" uses for the illustration of this principle an excellent metaphor: when only brown cows graze on the field, it is boring. The purple cow does not match the expectations of people, and this naturally attracts attention and causes interest.

Stand out, to become noticeable against the background of other people a person can in different ways. An outstanding personality is allocated due to its brightly manifested personality qualities, extraordinary mental abilities and the relevant abilities of desires. It is characteristic that a truly uncommon person is modest, that is, he has no greedy aspiration for honors, the need for recognition and exclusivity, there is no desire to felt his pride and vanity. Such people are changing the world of other people, offer a new look at this or that phenomenon of life.

It is hard to experience sympathy for not hiding earlyness. Actress Faina Ranevskaya was a bright manifestation of an outstanding personality. Her biographer - Darina Lunina says that in Ranevskaya there was something that there was no innocent ability to creative improvisation in the grinding. In part, this happy talent was explained by the deep education and sense of humor. Many brilliant roles were literally sucked from the Ranevskaya's finger. Sometimes the directions themselves asked her "brighter to outline" the image. And she outlined. Once, for example, on the "learning" of Pisetsky, putting a play in Stalingrad, from scratch invented an unforgettable heroine - a woman who came to her benefactor in the hope that she would feed it, and as long as the hostess was reworked, the alarm was stolen. As soon as the "Kormilitsa" returned to the piper, the alarm clock, hidden by theft under the coat, rang, and to drown him, had to raise his voice. The case ended with tears and the return of a recalcitrant thing. Then, Faina Georgievna proudly said that no viewer, despite the parchment of the scene, did not laugh.

What to say about the admiring spectators! Phrase "Moule, do not be nervous me!" Did not quit only lazy. The film "Podkin" became a nightmare of Ranevskaya: "Mulle", the crowds of fans walked behind it, including "Pioneers". There were no fee from them. Alexey Tolstoy, friendly with Faini Georgievna, called her talent "Tart". "Why is this?" - Interested actress. "And because it absorbs, like the smell of turpentor ..." Indeed, from the charm of Gorky, "turpentine" her gift is difficult to get rid.

Unfortunately, Ranevskaya never managed to get a role equivalent to its divine uncommonness. The editorial council of the English Encyclopedia "Who is who" in 1992 included F. G. Ranevskaya in the top ten of the most prominent actresses of the 20th century. To understand the uncommonness of Ranevskaya, it is enough to read some of its statements:

"If a man did evil to you - you give him a candy, he evil you - you are candy to him ... and so until this creature has diabetes mellitus.

- Loneliness is when there is a phone in the house, and the alarm clock calls.

- Milk, if you want to lose weight - eat bare and in front of the mirror.

- I lived with many theaters, but never got pleasure.

- Women smarter than men. Have you ever heard of a woman who would have lost their head only from the fact that a man has beautiful legs?

- Ranevskaya asked: "What, in your opinion, women are prone to greater loyalty: brunette or blonde?" Without thinking, she replied: "Gray!"

- Ranevskaya stood in his grim-lap completely naked. And smoked. Suddenly, the director of the Theater named after Mossayt Valentin Schoolchildren entered her without a knock. And dumbfounded. Faina Georgievna calmly asked: "I hope I did not shock you what I smoke Whiteor?"

- There are people in whom God lives; There are people in whom the devil lives; And there are people that live only worms.

- To the question: "Have you got sick, Faina Georgievna?" "She usually answered:" No, I just look like that. "

- Why are women so much time and means paying their appearance, and not the development of intelligence? - Because blind men are much smaller than smart.

Peter Kovalev 2014

"And he is an outstanding personality!" - This statement we often meet in oral and written sources, sometimes, without suspecting what lies under it. Perhaps a person with outstanding abilities deemed such an assessment to its address. What semantic shades has the concept of "outstanding"? The meaning of this word in various contexts is the topic of the article.

Words close by value

What does it mean "outstanding"? Synonym for this word, which comes to mind in the first place, is "outstanding." Immediateness is also rareness, unusual, unusual. Synonyms for this word, as well as to those that are single-handed, set. But the peculiarity of each of these concepts is relativity. What is unusual for one culture, one in another.

the beauty

Outstanding aesthetic qualities have always attracted the attention of the masters of the word. The beauty of the outstanding is, according to Labryuer, the fact that the girl does not give anything, besides hope for ordinary wealth. The witty statement of the French moralist is relevant at all times. But it does not answer the question, what an outstanding female appearance is. The concepts of beauty in different cultures of their own. Yes, and time dictates an understanding of the beautiful. And because when there is such a phrase in the text or conversation, such as "outstanding appearance", it is usually about subjective perception.


The person is uncommon - this is the concept, the meaning of which in the two words it is impossible to reveal. As already mentioned, it is most often understood by a person with outstanding abilities. It stands out among it comes out of the general building and goes there, where no one has been. There are many examples in history: Napoleon, Rasputin, Pugachev, Churchill. The list can be continued to infinity. The figure is uncomplicable - this is the existence of which descendants know, after a hundred-two hundred years after her life.

Why are some of their life path inconspicuously, and others leave after themselves the inconspicuous number of legends?

Cause of exclusivity

It is believed that each person comes to this world with Yarym desire to change anything. But alone nature deprives and nothing remains how to be content with simple life joys. Most such people. Hero of Dostoevsky - Raskolnikov - carried them to the "lower", that is, ordinary. For several millions, nothing inclusive people account for one uncommon person. And it is she who can influence the course of historical events, to create masterpieces of literature and art, to make revolutionary discoveries in science.

According to such a theory, every ordinary person dreams about outstanding fate. Maybe. But only if all sorts of reasonable limits passes his ambition. After all, everyone knows that fate presents heavy lessons to an outstanding person. It is enough just to remember what ended the brilliant path of the great French commander.

However, it is believed that the share of an outstanding test falls exclusively because of his greed, greed, pride.

Signs of an outstanding personality

According to the philosophy of Tibet, a person with outstanding abilities has the following qualities:

  1. Lack of envy.
  2. Ability to be content with simple joys.
  3. Lack of hypocrisy.
  4. Interface from fulfilling obligations.
  5. The ability to compare those who live bad.

With the theory of Tibetan monks can argue. Ivan Grozny, according to historical information, possessed outstanding cunning. Joseph Stalin was not inferior in this quality to the medieval ruler. He just like Napoleon and Hitler, was not inclined to compassion. And it is very difficult to argue that any of the bright historical personalities was able to be content with small. But the Tibetan wise men in the word "extraordination" invest in other sense. Their concept of outstanding abilities are different from European.


An outstanding personality is different from those surrounding unusual abilities. As a rule, these qualities are combined with hard work and perseverance. But a person or a group of people having mediocre abilities is always near the surplus personality. Envy appears, the conviction is that a genius is a gift that does not own the one who relies. Everyone known is one of the versions of the cause of the death of Mozart.

The envy of poets-colleagues was tested by Pushkin and Yesenin. The angry critics caused Bulgakov with his talented works. Gogol was upset to such an extent that he burned the second part of his famous poem. From all the above, we can conclude that the genius awakens the worst human vices in contemporaries and the infinite admiration of the descendants.

What is brilliantly may seem increasing tomorrow. Not peeking in the distant past, you can recall examples of the outstanding personalities of the XX century. Namely - V. Vysotsky. The exclusiveness of the poet and the musician was not only in an extraordinary gift, but in good luck to be born in an uncomfortable, but the right time. His creativity could hardly cause resonance in the nineties of the last century.

An outstanding writer of the XX century is A. Solzhenitsyn. According to his memories, before arrest, he dreamed of writing activities, but did not give the plots. Material for creativity has become an extraordinary, tragic fate.

The extraordination of a person is formed not only by virtue of its unique abilities, but also under the influence of historical and public events characteristic of his time.

See the vulgar ... Dictionary of Russian Synonyms and Similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Equity ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, dozen, ordinary, simple, inconspicuous, unpretentious, medium; Vulgar ... ... ... Synonym dictionary

Ordinary, na, oh; Den, bottom. Not allocated, mediocre. Z. actor. | SUD Communion, and, wives. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

ordinary - ISPO. Suf. Education from the "Acting", Pref. The derivative from the "order, management" is derived (from the destruction "establishment, arrange"), formed, in turn, to ruin "edit". See a row, a ledger, order. Used literally ... ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language

Arr. Not noticeable, ordinary; mediocre. Explanatory dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

Elementary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ferrous, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary, ordinary ... Forms of words

Original unusual exceptional extraordinary emergency ... Dictionary Antonyms

ordinary - Zaur nod; brief Den shape, bottom ... Russian spelling dictionary

ordinary - Kr.f. care / den, care / bottom, bottom, bottom; Morning / Sen ... Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

ordinary - SYN: ordinary, ordinary, ordinary (arr.), Dozen (mouth), ordinary (kN), simple, inconspicuous, unpretentious, medium Ant: outstanding, extraordinary, non-free, unusual, extraordinary ... Thesaurus Russian business vocabulary

Aya, oh; Den, bottom, bottom. Not released; ordinary, mediocre. Causes. Z. man. See appearance. Z. actor, engineer. Write the poems. ◁ Carefully, Narach. Z. sing. Z. write plays. Communion, and; g. Z. Natura. Z. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Red and black, standal. Leningrad, 1941. State Publisher of Artistic Literature Goslitisdat. Publishing binding. Safety is good. Standal - one of those writers who amounted to glory ...
  • Red and black, standal. Standal (1783-1842) - The real name of Henri Bale is one of those writers who amounted to the fame of the French literature of the XIX century. His Peru belongs to Parm Abode`, `Lucien Level`, ...