The best nail oil. What oils to use to strengthen nails. Benefits of Firming Oils

Today there are a huge number of plant esters, due to their rich composition, have a wide range of actions.

Natural plant extracts are the most effective hand and nail care products. They intensively nourish, moisturize the skin of the hands, strengthen the nail platinum, prevent its exfoliation and fragility, give beauty and health.

It's no secret that a beautiful, well-groomed manicure is the result of regular hand care. In order for the skin of the hands to be constantly in good shape, and the plate to shine with health, it is necessary to use baths, masks, scrubs, creams and other homemade products containing natural esters. The baths soften, tone up, moisturize the skin, saturate the plate with useful substances, masks intensively nourish, strengthen the nails, give them an even, beautiful shade, the scrub helps to deeply cleanse the skin, prepare hands for cuticle removal and other manicure procedures.

It is important, along with home remedies, to use creams and lotions that contain vegetable oils. In addition, it is useful to periodically apply oil solutions containing vitamins A and E - the so-called "nail growth vitamins".

What oils are good for nails

So which oils are good for your nails? The plant ester is chosen depending on the purpose of its use. So, for example, chamomile, eucalyptus, sandalwood, almond, apricot are used to strengthen nails. To restore their structure, the essential oil of geranium, mandarin, grapefruit, lemon, avocado, rose hips, apricot is suitable. To prevent delamination and fragility, ylang-ylang, thyme, bergamot are used. Lemon oil strengthens and brightens the yellowed plate. All of these funds heal nails, accelerate their growth, saturate them with vitamins and minerals, give uniform color and shine, soften the cuticle, and serve to prevent fungal diseases.

Which nail oil is the best

Which nail oil is better is a rather difficult question, since each of them carries a huge supply of vitamins, minerals and other substances necessary for their health. It is believed that the best oil for flaking nails is olive oil. It contains many useful components, so it is perfect for treating nails and caring for dry skin of the hands. It is enough to use it 2 times a week, rubbing it into the plate and the skin around it. After that, you should put on cotton gloves and leave overnight.

How to use nail oil to get the desired result? Complete care includes a whole range of procedures. These are baths, and applications, and masks, and lotions, and scrubs. Before using them, it is recommended to make a light massage of the plate, which will prepare it for subsequent manipulations.

Here is one of the recipes for making a bath. Pour 0.5 l of warm water into a small container, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of almond oil, 3 drops of ylang-ylang ether, the same amount of bergamot ether. Fingers are immersed in the resulting mixture, held for 10-15 minutes, then cotton gloves are put on, after 2 hours they are removed, the remaining liquid is removed with a napkin. After this procedure, the skin of the hands becomes soft, velvety, and the nails acquire an even, beautiful shade.

To strengthen nails, a bath of 100 ml of tomato juice and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil. Keep fingers in this mixture for 10 minutes, then rinse with clean water. Tomato juice contains biotin, which strengthens nails, and olives contain a large amount of vitamins. As a result, nails become strong and shiny, and the skin of the hands is moisturized.

A bath of tea tree oils (2 drops), lemon (3 drops), incense (2 drops), wheat germ (1 teaspoon), jojoba (1 teaspoon) will help to strengthen nails and prevent their delamination. Fingers are immersed in the mixture for 5 minutes, then rinsed.

It is useful to add sea salt to any medicinal bath. It contains many trace elements, strengthens nails, makes them strong and strong.

The procedure for strengthening nails can be carried out with oils: tea tree, argan, almond, coconut and others. It is useful for this purpose to make nourishing masks.

To prepare a firming mask, you will need 1 tbsp. spoon of jojoba oil, 2 drops of cedarwood ether, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cream. All ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, after which the mask is rubbed into the skin of the hands and nails, cotton gloves are put on, and removed after 2 hours. The mixture is thoroughly washed off.

Esters of calendula and lemon, as well as almond oil are mixed, the resulting mixture is rubbed into a plate. Such a composition strengthens nails well, prevents them from flaking and brittleness. A mixture of these oils can be added to the trays (1 tablespoon of the mixture per 300 ml). The fingers are immersed in the bath for 5-10 minutes, after which the hands are wiped with a napkin, lubricated with nourishing oil or cream. This procedure is recommended to be done at night.

What oil to smear and strengthen nails

What oil to strengthen weak, peeling nails? In this case, the care should be frequent and intensive. Before starting treatment, you should identify and eliminate the cause of fragility. The reasons may be different: lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, unhealthy diet, poor environment, exposure to household chemicals, frequent use of cosmetic varnishes. During treatment, it is necessary to introduce foods containing calcium into the diet, start taking vitamins, stop using varnishes, use detergents and cleaners with rubber gloves.

Before starting treatment, you need to soften and remove the cuticle. Baths with the addition of castor and lemon oils are effective. In order to prepare a lemon bath, 5-6 drops of lemon oil should be added to 300-500 ml of warm water. After the procedure, hands are lubricated with a nourishing cream. It is recommended to use a homemade cream for the best effect.

Homemade hand cream can be made with 2 tbsp. spoons of herbal infusion, 50 g of butter, 1 tbsp. spoons of honey, 2 teaspoons of any vegetable ether. All components are thoroughly mixed, the resulting mixture is heated in a water bath, cooled, 3 drops of geranium or ylang-ylang ether are added (to give the cream a pleasant aroma).

Compresses and applications have a beneficial effect on the condition of nails. Preparing such a compress is quite simple. Napkins are moistened in a mixture of essential oils, applied to hands, covered with a towel.

To strengthen and heal nails, you can make an oil application. First, you need to steam your hands in hot water, then rub a mixture of vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) and bergamot (3 drops) into your skin and nails. After that, wrap your hands with foil, after 5-10 minutes. wash off.

Healing applications are also carried out with the addition of essential oils of lemon, eucalyptus, rose, fir (50 ml of vegetable oil requires 3 drops of each ether). This mixture is suitable for very weak, brittle, flaking nails.

What oil is good for nails and cuticles? For complex care, a mixture of oils of rosemary, jojoba, Iranian rose, Italian lemon is suitable. Essential oil of Italian lemon whitens and strengthens nails, Iranian roses moisturize and restore, jojoba prevents delamination, rosemary gives the plate a beautiful shine. To prepare a nutrient mixture, it is necessary to mix all the listed components, pour the finished oil into a glass bottle, apply it to the nail plate 2-3 times a week.

What oil to smear on nails to heal them and restore the structure? To get a universal, effective remedy that can be used both during the day and before bedtime, you need to take almond or peach oil and mix it with any vegetable ether (3 drops of ether per 100 g of oil).

Treatment of nails with oils is not only an effective procedure, but also quite pleasant. To achieve the desired result, it is recommended to carry out all the manipulations before bedtime, leaving the nutrient composition overnight. This will allow it to deeply absorb and saturate the nails and skin of the hands with essential vitamins.

It is useful to add essential oils to hand cream, this will increase its effectiveness.

Brittle hair, uneven skin tone, peeling nails - such troubles constantly lie in wait for a woman and you need to be prepared for them. Speaking of manicure, we mean healthy cuticles and nails, which means strong, well-growing nails. How to grow your own nails without resorting to the extension procedure, after which the nails break and become dull? One of the simplest care products is oil for nail growthwhich is convenient to use at home.

The growth of nails is influenced by many factors, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • Changes in the body occurring against the hormonal background. These include pregnancy, menstruation, puberty, lactation, etc.
  • Warm season or stay in the southern regions. During such periods, the body is enriched with vitamins and stored energy, which has a beneficial effect on the acceleration of nail growth.
  • Work related to grinding nails, such as working with a computer and typing.
  • Constant hand massage that improves blood circulation (this can include massage with rubbing in oils and hand cream).
  • Proper nutrition or the use of multivitamin complexes with vitamins A, B, calcium, iron, iodine and silicon. If you refuse food supplements, you can saturate your diet with carrots, herbs, cabbage, tomatoes, liver, wheat germ, dairy products, seafood, spinach, nuts, etc.

How does nail growth happen?

The nail is a derivative of skin cells. Each nail plate takes up a specific nail spoon. Nutrition and growth of the nail is due to a good blood supply. Therefore, in order to take care of nail growth, it is necessary to provide nutrition to the nail plate.

According to average data, the nail grows by 3 millimeters per month, and its complete renewal occurs approximately once every 6 months.

Why use oils for nail growth? How does nail growth happen?

Oils combine a lot of useful substances that provide nutrition to nails, stimulate their growth, strengthen and protect them from external factors, and also prevent their delamination and, as a result, brittleness. Particular attention should be paid to the owners of nails prone to fungal infections.

It is useful to use vegetable oils in combination with essential oils, which enhance their effect.

Active nail growth is facilitated by regular nutrition of nails with avocado oil, watermelon seed, olive, castor and burdock oils.

Oil made from wheat germ, olive oil, jojoba, cocoa, rose hips, as well as peach, almond and apricot oils have a complex effect on nails.

Castor oil is great for nail health... In order not to "blunder", carefully study the information provided on the package before buying. It is better to give preference to cold-pressed oil, and refuse from oil created by multiple extraction.

It is recommended to store castor oil in a cool, dark place in a tightly closed bottle. Before use, it is best to slightly warm the castor oil in a water bath - this will activate the beneficial substances. Rubbing oil into the cuticles and nail plates in the evening before going to bed will help strengthen nails and accelerate growth. If your arms have small wrinkles or are not pleasant to the touch (for example, they are weather-beaten in the cold or detergents have had such an effect on them), rub castor oil into the skin of your hands, doing a light massage.

Castor oil can also be used in combination with other oils and ingredients.... Here are some original examples:

  • Castor oil + soybean oil + bergamot oil. Mix the oils in a 7: 3: 1 ratio and rub into the nail and cuticle.
  • Castor oil + olive oil + sunflower oil. Mix the components in equal proportions (100 milliliters is enough), add 5 drops of iodine to the composition, warm the mixture in a water bath. Dip your nails into the resulting composition for 15 minutes so that the oil is absorbed into the marigolds. After taking the bath, rinse your hands with warm water.

In addition to these options, castor oil can be added to hand cream (2-3 drops are enough).

Burdock oil for nails

Burdock oil has a gorgeous smell of vitamins, protein, mineral salts and natural insulin. This assortment has tanning properties and, in addition, contains beneficial acids that affect the growth and health of eyelashes, hair and nails. If you pay attention to the composition of shampoos and products for strengthening and growing nails, you will certainly find the above substances.

Burdock oil can be used in absolutely any convenient way that you like best. For example, 5-6 drops of oil can be added to the nail bath or preheated in a water bath, rubbed into the nails and the skin around them.

Almond oil for nails

Almond oil strengthens nails and encourages growth. You can add it to a hand or foot bath, or use it in combination with essential oils to enhance the effect.

  • Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of almond oil. Add 10 drops of citrus oil (lemon or grapefruit) and 20 drops of lavender oil to the almonds. Massage the mixture into cuticles and nails daily. Store the composition in a dark and cool place.

Essential oils are functional, they can be used both in the treatment of hair, skin, headaches and migraines, and in the healing of nails. It is quite simple to use essential oils, because they can be added to baths, hand cream, or simply mixed with the usual hand cream, rubbing into the nail and cuticle.

  • Choose a base oil - flaxseed, peach, eucalyptus or ylang-ylang oil and mix with 2-3 drops of essential oil - lemon, rosemary, tea tree or grapefruit. Massage the composition into the cuticles and marigolds. A mixture of olive oil and truffle extract has a great aroma.
  • Mask made of vegetable oil and jojoba and cedarwood essential oils. After adding a couple of drops to the base oil, apply the composition to your nails and let sit for 2-3 hours.
  • Essential oils of bergamot, ylang-ylang and bergamot. Mix the oils in equal proportions and rub into the nail plates.
  • A bath of sea salt and lemon essential oil. Add a couple of drops of lemon oil to your usual salt bath. As a result, nails will grow much faster.

Despite the huge abundance of nail care products presented on store shelves, do not forget that the use of natural substances has a much better effect on your beauty. Take our tips and recipes into account, and this will save you money and time for visiting newfangled procedures.

You can strengthen nails, give your hands a well-groomed look, not only in beauty salons, but also at home. Essential oils come to the rescue. Oil-like substances nourish and moisturize, and plant extracts heal. To achieve the perfect result, it is worth understanding the beneficial properties of different ethers.

Useful properties of essential oils for nails

Essential oils heal and strengthen nails. The scope of their application is quite wide. It is worth remembering that each ether has certain properties. The most commonly used types of oils are:

  1. Lemon - disinfects, adds shine and improves the color of nails.
  2. Grapefruit - destroys fungus, strengthens the plate and softens the cuticle.
  3. Myrrh - relieves brittleness and stimulates the growth of nails, destroys pathogenic microflora.
  4. Ylang-Ylang - prevents delamination, gives a natural shine.
  5. Sandalwood - improves the condition of the cuticle, accelerates the growth of nails.
  6. Eucalyptus - deeply moisturizes and eliminates pathogens.
  7. Cedar and pine - have a strengthening effect and stimulate the growth of the nail plate.

It is recommended to use essential oils 2 times a week. Immediately before the extension procedure, it is not recommended to use such funds, since the material can quickly peel off. The best time to use essential oil is just before bed. Most concentrates can be used undiluted. It is better to combine certain options with basic components, for example, with fatty cosmetic oils: jojoba, apricot, almond, olive.

Essential oils for nails have a firming and revitalizing effect

Recipes to strengthen nails and soften cuticles

Essential oils for softening the cuticle and strengthening the plate allow you to give your nails a well-groomed appearance.

Basic effective recipes:

  1. Cuticle care. You will need a base oil, it is better to use wheat germ. In 1 st. l. you should dissolve lavender and tea tree ethers, taking 2 drops each. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, it must be applied to the cuticle and massage each finger for a minute. The procedure must be repeated daily before bedtime.
  2. Firming composition No. 1. It takes 1 tsp. jojoba oil. To enhance the effect, you can also add 1 capsule of vitamin E. Then dissolve a couple of drops of lemon and damask rose essential oils. Mix all components and rub into nails 1 time a day for a month. It is better to refrain from using varnish during this period.
  3. Firming composition No. 2. Take 2 drops of lavender and myrrh oil. They must be dissolved in 1 tsp. olive oil. Then mix everything and apply on nails with massage movements. It is better to leave the composition overnight and after use do not wash your hands for at least an hour.

Before using essential oils, you should thoroughly clean your hands from foreign contamination and dry your nails.

Photo gallery: components of nail care formulations

Wheat germ oil nourishes the cuticle Lavender oil strengthens nails Tea tree oil has an antiseptic effect
Jojoba oil nourishes the cuticle and nails Olive oil nourishes the cuticle Vitamin E capsules enhance the firming effect on the nail plate
Lemon oil whitens nails Rose damask oil improves the structure of the nail plate

Baths for the treatment of fungal infection and restoration of the nail plate

To eliminate the fungus of the nail plate and the subsequent restoration, the use of special baths with essential oils is very effective:

  1. From a fungal infection. You will need 150 ml of vinegar 9%. It must be warmed up to room temperature and poured into a glass container. Add 5 drops of tea tree ether and half the amount of oregano oil there. Mix all components and dilute in 1 liter of warm water. Place the affected area there, keep it in the composition for 20 minutes. You need to repeat the procedure 3 times a week for 2 months.
  2. To eliminate fungus and restore the nail plate. It must be dissolved in 2 tbsp. l. jojoba oil 4 drops of tea tree and lavender ether. To enhance the effect, you can add 2 drops of oregano oil. Mix all ingredients and dissolve in 1 liter of warm water. Place the problem area in the composition for 15–20 minutes. You need to do the bath three times a week for 2-3 months.
  3. To restore the structure of the nail. It will take 1 tbsp. l. cream and 2 drops each of lemon and grapefruit oils. All components must be mixed and dissolved in 600 ml of warm water. Place hands in the bath for 20 minutes (increase the amount of ingredients and liquid to restore toenails). Dry your nails with a towel. Repeat 2 times a week for a month.

If you rub concentrated lavender or ylang-ylang oil into your nails every day before going to bed, then after a while you can notice an improvement in the condition of the damaged nail plates.

The benefits of vegetable oils in home cosmetology have long been known. With their help, hair can be made healthy, and skin can be protected from wrinkles and premature aging. This happens due to the high content of nutrients and vitamins in oils. But the scope of the oils is not limited to hair and skin. Using vegetable oils, you can noticeably improve the structure of your nails.

Vegetable oils for nails are especially useful - they soften the cuticle well, nourish the nails, strengthening the nail plate, prevent the nail from exfoliating and breaking from the smallest mechanical influences. In addition, they protect the nails from possible fungal diseases. You can enhance this effect by adding their essential counterparts to oils.

Vegetable oils used for home nail care

It is necessary to use natural vegetable oils in nail care, if only because they have a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands. If the nails are too brittle, weak and dry, then apricot, peach, olive, castor, burdock and almond oil for nails, as well as rosehip, jojoba, cocoa and Slow growing nails are treated with olive, burdock, can improve their general condition and appearance. castor avocado and watermelon seeds. Rosehip, pine nut and peach seed oils, sesame, burdock and olive oils will help to heal or strengthen nails.

Nail oil: benefits

The combined use of vegetable and essential oils for nail care gives a much greater effect than a separate one. For nails, oils of grapefruit and lemon, lavender, tea tree and bergamot, as well as sandalwood, patchouli and pine, rosemary and thyme, cedar, calendula, rose and myrrh are better suited.

Anyone has a huge number of useful properties in comparison with the usual. It is on their basis that you can make a bath for hands and nails with a specific purpose. For example, you can eliminate delamination of nails using bergamot, pine, patchouli, myrrh, thyme, ylang-ylang, incense. Rosemary, sandalwood, lemon, thyme, bergamot oils can strengthen the nail plate and make it more durable. Whiten nails with widely used oils of grapefruit, lemon, myrrh, eucalyptus and rosemary. Eucalyptus, lavender, rose and lemon oils add extra shine.

Rosemary, tea tree, chamomile, sandalwood oils can easily stop inflammation, and even fungal infections. If the nails are already healthy, then the oils of bergamot, lemon, chamomile, myrrh and ylang-ylang will support them. Weakened nails can also be strengthened by adding a few drops of solutions of vitamins E and A to vegetable oils.

How to prepare nail oil mixture at home?

Having decided on the choice of means with which the problem of nails will be solved, it is necessary to properly prepare the oil mixture to obtain the maximum effect. The cooking structure is the same for all types of products.

One or more vegetable oils must be heated in a water bath, after which 1-3 drops of essential oil must be added to the already warm solution for nails (if there are several, then the total number of drops should be no more than 10). Optionally, you can add 4-5 drops of an oil solution of vitamins. All ingredients must be mixed and left to infuse for about 7 minutes.

The resulting mixture is applied to the nails with a brush and left there for 15 minutes, and then the remaining nail oil can be applied to the cuticle or immersed in it with your fingertips for a few minutes. If there is not much time, then the product can be applied to the nails before putting on special gloves on your hands.

To beauty of nails preserved for a long time, and the manicure looked perfect, it is necessary to regularly use oils when caring for nails.

They maintain the elasticity of the skin and quickly restore the hardened skin, giving healthy looking skin and nails... The minerals and vitamins contained in the oils help to eliminate any problems associated with the nails.

If your nails become brittle have lost their luster, became rough and began to delaminate, they urgently need help. The spa offers all kinds of procedures aimed at restoring the nail plate:

  • hot manicure (nails are placed in a hot composition, nutrients penetrate better into the enlarged nail plate, the course consists of 4 procedures within a month);
  • coating with biogel (after applying biogel to the nail, its surface becomes smooth and durable, the course requires 3-4 procedures);
  • sealing with wax (effective restores nails, after a warm oil bath, beeswax cream is rubbed into the nails).

Oils used at home for strengthening nails, allow:

  • nourish the nail plate from the inside, penetrating deep into the nail;
  • eliminate brittle and flaking nails;
  • protect the nail from fungus damage;
  • accelerate nail growth;
  • make them beautiful.

Types of oils for strengthening nails

What kind of oil to smear nails to strengthen them at home? For self-care nails, it is possible to use vegetable oils:

  • olive;
  • apricot;
  • peach;
  • almond;
  • jojoba;
  • rose hips;
  • cocoa;
  • castor;
  • burdock;
  • grape seeds;
  • wheat germ.

With their help, delamination of nails, brittleness is eliminated. For accelerating nail growth use oils: olive, castor, burdock.

Rosehip oil, burdock, olive and cedar nut oil gives nails healthy look.

  • grapefruit;
  • lemon;
  • eucalyptus;
  • lavender;
  • chamomile;
  • bergamot;
  • sandalwood;
  • tea tree;
  • patchouli;
  • pine trees;
  • cedar;
  • rosemary;
  • myrrh;
  • thyme;
  • roses;
  • calendula.

By adding essential oils to the base oils, they are used to prepare oil baths, taking into account the problems that need to be solved. Deal with delamination of nails help oils of bergamot, ylang-ylang, thyme, myrrh, pine, cedar.

Oils also help to strengthen nails: bergamot, thyme, rosemary, sandalwood, lemon.

Application methods

To do nails strong and keep them healthy, you can use the oil in the form of applications, rubbing, baths. It is desirable that the oils be part of the cream for daily hand care (if not, add a few drops).

Okay strengthens nails (available at the pharmacy): inexpensive, easy to use.

Greater effect give baths of a mixture of olive oil with the addition of avocado oil, castor oil (5 ml each) and tea tree oil (5 drops). The mixture is slightly warmed up in a water bath, fingers are placed in it for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with water, smear with cream. Repeat every 2-3 days.

Strengthens nails olive oil: it is necessary to rub it into the nail plate in the evening, wear cotton gloves and leave it overnight. It is recommended to add a little lemon juice to it twice a week.

Coconut oil strengthens nails well, is applied in the evening on the nail plate, cotton gloves are put on top.

Has been used successfully for strengthening nails, you can rub it into the nail plate by mixing it with lemon, calendula, wheat germ and castor oil.

Brittle nails can be strengthened quickly and effectively with jojoba oil and vitamin E (sold at the pharmacy).

Prepare jojoba oil and vitamin E, apply oil to the nail plate. Across 2-3 minutes rub it into the nails, apply vitamin E on top. So jojoba oil will act more effectively on the nails.

Sunflower oil more often used as a base for baths and masks. Add 2 drops of oils to 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil: eucalyptus, lavender and sage to enhance the effect. Heat the mixture, lower your fingertips, hold for 10 minutes.

Essential oils


Used for a purpose strengthening the nail plate, protecting nails from delamination. The effect is enhanced with the use of vegetable oils. Coniferous essential oils are more effective in combating nail delamination. Citrus oils strengthen the nail plate and prevent cracking of nails.

Prevents well fragility of nails a bath of a mixture of almond oil and oil of myrrh, ylag-ylang or bergamot.

Oil compressesstrengthening nails. The base oil is mixed with the essential oil, the mixture must be heated, soaked in a napkin, put on your fingers and covered with something warm.

For oil application, hands are pre-steamed in hot water, then a mixture of base oil with the addition of bergamot essential oil is rubbed into the nail plates (1 tablespoon of base oil and 3 drops of essential oil). Wrap with cling film, leave for 5 minutes.

A wide variety of oils that effectively strengthen nails allow you to choose the most suitable option.