Capricorn love for the month of May. What causes sneezing allergies. Will there ever be a cure for allergies?

This month Capricorn will be one of the luckiest zodiac signs in love. The planet of love Venus is in the house of love of your sign until May 24, 2016, marking a period of intense passion, strong emotions and love adventures. Moreover, Venus has positive aspects with Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto. Jupiter's influence heralds good chances and empowerment, Neptune brings romance, and Pluto intensifies feelings. Your increased self-confidence and new opportunities will electrify you so much that you will never be bored. If you want to impress someone, this month is suitable for this purpose.

This warm spring month promises the joys of love, and they will be mutual. You will be more open to your feelings and will be able to both give and receive love. Relationships with a loved one are marked by tenderness and harmony. The New Moon on May 6, 2016 occurs in the house of love of your sign, foreshadowing positive events. Lonely Capricorns may meet someone special, and circumstances will arise that a love affair will begin.

In May 2016, the planet of communications Mercury transits through the house of love of Capricorn, making its contribution to the development of events. In your personal life, you will experience many new and unexpected sensations, the love atmosphere will become light and relaxed, and the desire to flirt will appear. Until May 22, 2016, the Mercury retrograde cycle continues, which may mean a return to past situations. If you are haunted by memories of a lost love, it may come back to you.

Capricorn career and finance horoscope for May 2016

Representatives of your sign can succeed at work and in their careers thanks to connections, personal charm, or the assistance of friends. In May 2016, you have enough hard work and determination, so there is every chance of success.

However, not everyone will be happy with your achievements. It is possible that a secret ill-wisher will appear, creating obstacles or spreading gossip behind your back. The stars advise you to be more attentive to your surroundings.

Until May 22, 2016, Mercury is moving in the opposite direction. This planet rules the house of work of Capricorn, its influence will cause the need to return to those things that you did in the past and did not complete, or shortcomings in the work done previously will be revealed. There is a possibility that some plans will not be implemented as expected. There may be a slowdown in business and foggy situations, especially in the first half of the month.

At the same time, time favors an analysis of the current state of affairs. Thinking about plans for the future will help lay the foundation for further career development.

As for finances, the period is difficult. You need to be more careful with people with whom you have financial interests - deception or misrepresentation is possible. A person may appear who seems charming and promises a lot, but it’s worth taking a closer look at him to see if his promises are illusory.


In May 2016, Capricorns are in good physical shape, health should not cause trouble. You have enough vitality and mental stability. If there are unresolved health problems, this month is favorable for starting treatment, as well as procedures related to appearance care.

Pamper yourself, allow yourself little joys!

In May 2016, Capricorns will need to solve a problem - how to stop worrying and start panicking!

Capricorn horoscope for May 2016. In May 2016, Capricorns will need to solve a problem - how to stop worrying and start panicking! Because the general situation in May 2016 will “clip your wings” a little. And even Capricorns born to fly will begin to crawl, clinging to the ground from the mass of obligations or plans they have taken on. Well, Capricorns, it’s your own fault, but there was no point in putting so much on yourself. It is clear that with such an “overload” it will be harder and harder to fly. In extreme cases, you will have to pay for the “overweight”. On the other hand, everything has its advantages - and if you are forced to crawl and not fly, you will get through everywhere.

So, in May 2016, many Capricorns will be helped by the words of the great fabulist Krylov - “Eagles have to go lower than chickens, but chickens will never rise to the clouds!”

And yet more often you will descend below the chickens and think about how to get through here. After all, while everyone else is reading the rules, Capricorns usually immediately and quickly find exceptions. This is basically what you will be doing in May 2016. As the horoscope shows , next month you will not just look for exceptions to the rules, but selflessly prove that these are the rules. And the most surprising and interesting thing is that those representatives of your zodiac sign who will engage in soul-searching, self-improvement, and “self-improvement” in May will really succeed. Not only will you confirm that you can live better and more “correctly,” but it is quite possible that you will also attract several followers to your side. What to do Capricorns, in principle, like to play by the rules, only if they set them themselves. According to the horoscope for May 2016 for Capricorns, this month you will have a great opportunity for this - to set your own rules. Moreover, the horoscope and the stars indicate that in May 2016 you will have a favorable environment to radically change something in your life, or at least review it. You just need to do this wisely and with an eye, but not backwards, but at the consequences. Don’t forget that living wisely means choosing according to your taste from what you can afford, and not from what you want. Therefore, rely more on your own capabilities than on your fantasies. A desire for which there is not enough money is called a dream, so try not to confuse dreams in May with creative ideas that can actually be brought to life. In any case, the horoscope for May 2016 for Capricorn predicts that even a simple desire to change your image, hairstyle, job or life partner should be equally successful next month.

Horoscope for May 2016 Capricorn favorable days are 1, 5, 10, 20, 27, 30 and 31.

Horoscope for May 2016 Capricorn unfavorable days - unfavorable days are very similar to the situation when you invited a friend to visit... But the friend did not come... But your home is now in perfect order. This is how you need to meet unfavorable days.

Capricorn horoscope for May 2016 career, work and business. The horoscope for May 2016 advises you to postpone your heroic plans to conquer the WORLD, office or Egypt. But, this does not mean that you need to fold your arms. In May, Capricorns will most likely need to work hard. And also to study, and sometimes to combine both. And you will have to start doing this immediately after the May holidays. Well, or start planning.

The career horoscope for May 2016 for Capricorns indicates a fairly positive month for career or business success. But, remember, a person’s dignity is determined by the exact path he takes towards his goal, and not by whether he achieves it. Therefore, be careful in how you achieve your goal at least in May 2016. Yes, and judging by the horoscope, not all of your colleagues and co-workers will be delighted with your successes or, at least, your efforts, so beware of envy and intrigue. Don’t bring the situation at work to the point of “I can’t tell you now how I’m doing at work, I’ll call you back later... Why? I can’t swear now!”

Yes, and in general, in May 2016, in any situation, Capricorns need to remember the rule - no NOAH, you still won’t become an ark, but you will ruin your image and mood. And don’t be afraid of difficulties, remember all the time that future success is the result of our efforts in May 2016.

Horoscope for May 2016 Capricorn Finance. Despite the overall positive focus of the May horoscope on your financial issues, this, unfortunately, most likely does not apply. So Capricorns don’t need to count on serious cash receipts next month. Therefore, in May, watch your hands when someone is counting money in front of you, just in case.

Love horoscope for May 2016 Capricorn. Horoscope for May 2016 Capricorn Love. The horoscope for May predicts calm and “late spring” for most Capricorns in their personal lives. “Late Spring” means that in May you will struggle with the need for love and the lack of desire to take off the “winter clothes” from your heart. So even married Capricorns and Capricorns in relationships in May will feel more comfortable alone or on the Internet. In this regard, a slight spring draft of misunderstanding may arise in your relationship. Of course, no one will demand fantastic passion of feelings from you, but at least try not to refuse attention. After all, if someone does not love you the way you want at this moment, this does not mean at all that they do not love you. They're just asking for attention. Closer to Summer, some Capricorns, especially Capricorn women, will get a second, third, and maybe even a fourth chance to change or improve something in their personal lives. But most likely this will not happen in the third ten days of May, but later. But we will talk about this in our next horoscopes.

On the most conflictual days in May, family Capricorns need to remember that the family replaces EVERYTHING, so before you argue further, think about what is more valuable - EVERYTHING or the family. You know better than others that not only large trees can cause wind, but also you yourself.

The love horoscope for May 2016 does not promise promising acquaintances for single Capricorns next month. And although you, of course, will be able to make a bright impression on new acquaintances, things most likely will not go further than light flirting, entertainment for the sake of sex, or sex for the sake of entertainment and raising self-esteem. In addition, there is a high probability that, according to the law of meanness, as soon as you suddenly appear somewhere, your exes will begin to wander around and spoil your mood. Unfortunately, in May the likelihood of such situations is very high. Perhaps these will simply be “invisible” visitors to your page on the Internet. But in any case, this can cause different thoughts in the head of Capricorns, who will sit there and think, and even sometimes interfere with sleep... That is why many Capricorns will agree that the person who figures out how to hit people in the face via the Internet is really will earn millions.

At the end, the horoscope for May 2016 for Capricorn warns you not to look for something to do and new adventures for your butt next month, as you usually like. Very often, many Capricorns resemble professional bobsledders who, before getting into the bathtub, out of habit push it twenty meters around the apartment. In May 2016, you can give up your habit of looking for adventures or activities. Adventure will find you! So as we said at the very beginning - stop worrying and start panicking!

In May 216, Capricorns will feel confident in all areas of life. In the field of work and business, representatives of the sign are encouraged to experiment and try new things. Deviate from your plans, but don't change them radically. You need to come up with something exceptional to make your business grow.

If you are employed and occupy a low rank, this does not mean that nothing depends on you. Therefore, do not stand still, try to come up with new and extraordinary ideas. Your leadership will no doubt support you in this endeavor. Don’t forget to present all your ideas in the form of a colorful presentation. Don’t be shy about your thoughts, only your head can change history. Self-confidence will bring good results.

In love

In the sphere of personal relationships, life will not develop so quickly. However, you can expect some exciting moments. If you are single, unfortunately these points will not concern you. However, if you already have a person with whom you would like to spend the rest of your life, all your dreams can come true in May.

We can talk about a wedding or the birth of a child; in each specific case the situation will develop individually. Forget about all the problems and just be more gentle and compassionate. Nothing strengthens a relationship like sincere feelings.

Favorable days in May 2016 for Capricorn: 4, 12, 15, 22, 24, 31.

Unfavorable days in May 2016 for Capricorn: 3, 7, 11, 19, 26, 29

The horoscope for May 2016 Capricorn gives an astrological forecast that representatives of this zodiac sign should be more active this month.

Leading astrologers and predictors, including, speak about this.

Now you do not need a calm and more measured pace of life. This month you need to give up making careful plans. Right now you can hit the target if you take risks.

In the first ten days of May 2016, Neptune will be in the zodiac sign of Pisces, which will significantly affect the sensual qualities of Capricorn’s temperament.

These days, representatives of your zodiac sign will discover wide opportunities in their personal lives, as they will have patience and a sense of high responsibility.

A fateful meeting with a potential partner is possible in your life, and it is Capricorns who will need to take the initiative into their own hands and lead this relationship in the right direction.

It is important not to mix personal life and professional activities, since on this basis disagreements and misunderstandings are possible in the family.

During this period, Capricorns will be able to discover medical or psychological abilities in themselves that will push them to make a responsible decision.

The love horoscope for May 2016 for Capricorn reports that this month it will be useful for representatives of this zodiac sign to be aware of their sexuality, which can especially manifest itself on the days of May 6, 7, 13, 15, 25, 29 and 30.

Most likely, this month Capricorn's personal relationships will be more like love affairs than serious relationships.

Capricorn in May 2016 may feel dominant in a relationship, while his partner may be assigned the role of a subordinate.

Also, Capricorn in May may not have a feeling of equal partnership in the relationship. Most likely, all that Capricorn needs in May 2016 is the predominance of his desires and interests, as well as attention to his person.

The family horoscope for May 2016 Capricorn says: if you want harmony to reign in the house, all participants in this “project” need to make an effort.

The husband will perceive the atmosphere of creativity and celebration in the family nest with pleasure and will even take the initiative in organizing some events.

At work, he may encounter difficulties or force majeure. But he can count on the help of friends and unexpected income from collective projects or online businesses.

The younger generation will become bolder in expressing their desires and showing their talents. Let children be independent. otherwise they will begin to achieve their goal through disobedience.

The health horoscope for May 2016 for Capricorn predicts that the beginning of May carries the risk of accidents.

To prevent this from happening, you need to be attentive and careful. During these days, increase your physical activity to redirect conflicting energies in a positive direction.

In mid-May, an exacerbation of diseases of the cardiovascular system is possible. Pay attention to the spine.

The financial horoscope for May 2016 for Capricorn reports that this month it is worth carefully checking and monitoring everything related to real estate, buying furniture, and carrying out repair work.

In the first half of May, you will need more self-organization and additional professional education. After May 15, misunderstandings are possible within the team.

Job seekers can find a suitable option. This period is favorable for people of creative professions.

In May 2016, Capricorn should also remember about the period of Mercury retrograde, which will last from April 28 to May 23.

So, retrograde can confuse Capricorn and make him doubt his own abilities.

Most likely, at the end of the month, Capricorn will have to work a lot as a team, since the transition of the planet Mars into the sign of Scorpio will occur on May 28, and representatives of the sign will have a lot of energy that should be directed to work.

May 2016 will be quite favorable for Capricorn. Capricorn will be completely confident in his actions and even if he does something wrong, he will do it absolutely consciously. In addition, in May 2016, Capricorn will see what prospects are opening up for him. And the rhythm of life will also suit him. Usually slow, in May 2016 Capricorn will be on time always and everywhere. Or he simply won’t have a problem with being late. However, the 2016 horoscope for Capricorn does not recommend participating in competitions or any important disputes in May. You can say that this does not interest you.

In May 2016, Capricorn should not somehow curry favor, even if he is to blame for something. This will not contribute to the normalization of relations; rather, on the contrary, it will aggravate them even more and then, finally, a conflict will be realized, which is only just brewing. It is better if in May 2016 Capricorn acts according to his own convenience, then he will be understood absolutely correctly.

Favorable dates in May are 4, 12, 15, 22, 24, 31.

Unfavorable dates for May: 2, 7, 11, 19, 26, 29.

Love horoscope for May 2016 Capricorn

In May 2016, Capricorn will receive what has already been accumulating for quite a long time. If Capricorn was dissatisfied with his marriage, then this month he will poke around more than once to make sure he is right. Any anxiety will only increase, since Capricorn is not going to correct his behavior, and his partner is not ready for this either. The horoscope for 2016 Capricorn advises to simply come to terms with it and not try to fix it.

This month you should not say that you are doing something solely for the sake of the children, when in fact you, Capricorn, are only realizing your own ambitions. In May 2016, Capricorn may try to hold on to something with the help of children or, for example, decide that they need to enroll in some kind of sports section. In fact, the child does not want to do gymnastics at all, and it is very important that Capricorn notices this in time.

Finance and career horoscope for May 2016 Capricorn

In May 2016, Capricorn will experience an absolutely calm situation. Even if there are some significant events, they will be completely traditional. Capricorn has nothing to worry about; nothing can shake his position now.

The horoscope for 2016 Capricorn says that now we can expect some additional income, and from the main place of activity. Management can evaluate some specific achievements of Capricorn, and if they are convinced that Capricorn is ready for such constant achievements, then such income can become permanent.

If in May 2016 Capricorn meets his former employee and he asks to hire him, there is no need to rush into this; it is better to make inquiries first. If Capricorn himself is invited to some previous job, then he can agree.

If payment for work already done is delayed, it will be better if Capricorn stops collaborating with these partners.

Health horoscope for May 2016 Capricorn

In May 2016, it is better for Capricorn to continue what he is already doing, but this month is unlikely to be suitable for new beginnings. Even when it comes to improving the health of the body. And although Capricorn will make several attempts, they will not be successful.

Horoscope for May 2016 Capricorn advises taking care of your kidneys this month. If there is no pain yet, their work may be impaired, which can affect, for example, increased blood pressure. In addition, Capricorn must take care of the vocal cords and not overload them.