Master class "A piece of first birthday. Figures for birthday with your own hands How to make a figure 1 from cardboard MK

When the birthday of a beloved baby is approaching, all parents try to prepare all sorts, treats for their crumbs. In order for the holiday to go in a solemn atmosphere, moms and dads decorate the apartment with balls, photographs and other triumph attributes.

The surrounding digits of the child's birthday are becoming increasingly popular with the parents who want to decorate the apartment for the holiday, prepare for the photo shoot and just please the baby. However, not every parent knows how to make such a figure independently.
Work on the creation of two can be divided into two stages: creating a frame and decorating the numbers.

How to make a frame-based frame?

In order to make a frame, you will need:
  • big cardboard box
  • wide scotch
  • malar tape on paper basis,
  • ruler, marker,
  • stationery knife, scissors.

First you need to draw two on the box two. Try to carefully draw all the corners. When the drawing is ready, it needs to be cut. Since cutting a dense cardboard with scissors is very difficult, it will be better and more convenient to use the stationery knife. Then you should make a copy of the twos, putting the basis for cardboard. As a result, you should have two cardboard numbers.
In order for the two to look bulk, it is necessary to cut a few more cardboard elements and to connect them with two digits using a tape.

Frame ready.
It is known that flowers from napkins will not be attached to the usual scotch. In order for the decoring process to be easier, it is necessary to glue all the joints with scotch on a paper basis. Plug the papers of the two wipes of the color you like using PVA glue.

How to decorate a bulk digit?

There are many ways to decorate the bulk digit. Some prefer to use corrugated paper to decorate, others choose felt. There are those who like flowers from napkins.

In order to decorate the bulk double robs from the napkins, you will need:
  • several packs of napkins of any color
  • pVA glue,
  • stapler
  • scissors,
  • cardboard circle.

The easiest way to make a flower from napkins.

1. Take three folded four napkins. Place the range of medium sized cut from the cardboard on top of them. Cut on the contour.
2. Build all the resulting mugs from the napkin stapler in the center.
3. Now it is necessary to disconnect the upper layer of the paper napkin and smire it, then the second and so on. Comkay each layer separately, trying to maximize the pressure from below. As a result, you should have a rose. Such floweries you need a lot.
Adjust the design of the twos. It can be performed both in one color and in combination of several colors, you can come up with some unusual pattern, and you can simply alternate roses of different colors.
Decorating the numbers with flowers, not only in front, but also on the sides. This will lead to visually increase the size of the twos and give it an additional volume.
Volume number 2 is ready.

Recently, large and small cardboard numbers are popular, created specifically for kids: they are used for birthdays and other thematic holidays. We have collected for you the best options for volumetric numbers from paper with your own hands: Schemes and templates will help you quickly make the desired combination of numerical series and use it in a conceived idea.

What do you need numbers

Typically, the numbers are manufactured for. They unusually look And they cause delight of all guests at home: Grandparents and grandparents are died, because the figure not only decorates the room, but also eloquently says that the crouch has become older. Figures serve excellent background For thematic photos: the baby can pose along with numerous relatives or independently.

Numeric figures do in any event agencyHowever, parents will significantly save, makes such crafts with their own hands. Their manufacturing is extremely easy and does not take much time: a good fantasy and creative skills will help create numbers from paper that will look no worse than purchased. About how to do it and what is needed for this tell me in the article.

Materials for manufacture

If the house is quite a small baby, and you have not yet dressed with stationery, we advise you to immediately go to the store for needlewomen. Create a note In the phone, not to forget the tools that need to be purchased for future crafts:

  • Cardboard
    The size depends on the size of the digit you are going to make it easily. For a large number of tsifers, planned to be used as props for a photo shoot, it is better to prefer fat cardboard A4. If the plans are huge crafts, you will have to show ingenuity and find large boxes from large household appliances. The easiest way to do this, asking in the store: usually sellers are happy to give unnecessary packages from the goods.
  • Scissors
    Take comfortable scissors: when cutting cardboard, they should not rub the places of contact with the skin.

  • If there is no clear idea in your head, it should look like your digit, take the colors that most like in the store. Otherwise, select the material according to the idea.
  • Twine
    Purchase a pair of bemp motors if the planned event will be held in the style of Rustic.
  • Construction stapler
    The stapler is needed when working with a dense cardboard. Without it, the creation of bulk figures will become almost impossible.
  • Adhesive Pistol
    Need for fastening parts
  • Rulers, pencils, erasers
    Materials are needed for designing and markup numbers on cardboard sheets.
  • Additional materials
    Purchase additional materials if necessary. These include: textiles, beads (beads), napkins and colored paper, threads for knitting, tinsel.

Making a frame of bulk digits

In bulk figures there is a big advantage: a child can play with them and rearrange in any place in the apartment. In this case, a qualitatively made figure will last not one year.

Follow the instructionsIf you want to make the volumetric number:

  1. Decide. Depending on this, select Material: Normal A4 Cardboard or Big Box From Refrigerator.
  2. On the selected piece of cardboard draw Digit from hand or with template. Templates are given below.
  3. Cut the digit. Use for this scissors or stationery knife. If you can't cut one figure, then the craft is flat: it can be hung on the wall or make festive skewers with a child's age.
  4. For bulk figures, prepare two identical numbers. In addition, cut the strips from cardboard, which will serve as a layer between templates. Width of stripes define Depending on the size of the digit.
  5. Build two templates and internal strips with a construction stapler, paper tape or adhesive gun.
  6. Decorate The resulting framework, depending on the idea and materials available at your disposal.

Variants of volumetric figures from girlfriend

We made extensive selection Volumetric figures created by the craftsmen especially for their kids. Some options are given with a description, so you have there will be no difficulty With the performance of particularly complex figures.

Gorgeous figures from colored paper are made very easyHowever, for their creation often leaves for several days of painstaking work. If you want to make a neat craft, take the creation of decorative elements in your hands. Child can render Minimal help: Serve sheets, select colors or glue decor elements to the specified location. detailed instructions For decorating letters paper colors are indicated in the photoerok.

Figures from buttons

Such a figure will be released in a round sum, if you are not a craftswoman having a button of buttons. Print buttons On cardboard or paper, drunk in the middle of a little superclone. If a thin cardboard is used and the figure does not exceed the size of the A4 sheet, the buttons can be sewed with contrasting threads. This will give the craft special charm.

The figure with the images of the baby or the family is performed in the bulk and flat version. To secure photos on a paper basis need glue PVA or small scotch trimming.

Fluffy talker

Looking for such creations it is difficult to restrain the smile: they are soft, fluffy, They want to touch them. Imagine how nice baby is pressed against the bulk figure?

Make her lighter: Pick up the threads for knitting the desired colors. Further S. gold instructions:

  1. Get out the threads on the subject need size. It can be a conventional mug or porridge.
  2. Carefully remove the winding, fold it in half. Tie the core.
  3. Cut the threads around the edges, flip. Soft Pompon is ready.

Nutritional care

Another version of crafts using threads for knitting. Just wrap a frame as it shown on the picture. You can arrange the composition One color or mix a few contrasts. For a rustic party, use the twine.

Corrugated paper numbers

In this performance fantasy There is where to raise. Many colors and technician decorations will help create a figure for your taste and under your needs. Here are the simplest ruffles, flowers, and the usual salary: look carefully in the photo And draw ideas from the finished works of young mammies.

From napkins

Do not think that the numbers made from the girlfriend will look ugly, because master's business is afraid. Explore photos below: All volumetric figures are made by conventional women. In the process of work, they used only patterns of numbers and napkins, found at home. Try and you: The result will be expecting!

The easiest option that requires minimum forces and costs. Purchase wrapping paper Suitable in style for the event, and wrap the frame of the numbers. Despite the simplicityThe result is very cute. Examples in the photo.

Purchased elements

If there is no time to cut flowers and think out the items, purchase In the shop ready decor elements. It can be flowers, beads or wrapping paper for colors.

the cloth

Such an option is suitable for amateurs of needlework. With the help of modern fabrics can be created amazing drawings and compositions on numbers from ordinary cardboard and paper.

Make crafts with your own hands easy. It takes only a little time, patience and a couple of fresh thoughts. You can learn them from the Internet, including from the article "Complete figures from paper with their own hands: schemes and patterns."

The children's birthday belongs to the category of memorable events that I want to make the most bright and unforgettable, so that the child be happy, having fun and recalled, what a wonderful holiday had parents. Therefore, there are gifts, surprises are made, friends are invited, a birthday cake is purchased, all sorts of decorations with a festive symbolism are coming up. Of course, you can go to the store, buy balls or invite home professionals who quickly and qualitatively will decorate the house. But you see, it's not interesting at all! After all, the decorations themselves are important, but the process of their creation, as well as wonderful memories remaining from the holiday and pre-holiday preparation. If you think about the options for decorating a festive party, pay attention to these step-by-step instructions for decorating numbers for your own hands.

The most popular example of the number corresponding to the age of the birthday room is the option made of small balls, usually ordered by parents on the Internet (although it is very simple to do it). However, this kind of decor has long come and bored. Now there are many more interesting and creative options that can be easily done independently. They can be large or small, volumetric or flat, empty inside or filled with tinsel or papers (according to the type of Mexican toy pinyat), made in the "Girl" or "boyish" style (decorated with flowers and boots, pompons and fringe). Let the flight of fantasy be unlimited, it is worth trying any forms, colors, textures, sizes.

Manufacturing of laborer figure frames for his own hands

The first, where to start - making a framework. It is usually done from dense cardboard that will not bend and break in the process of subsequent decoration. Then should decide on the size of the future digit. If you plan to make a digit within the size of the A4 sheet, boldly look for the desired digit on the Internet, print on the printer.

If you want it to be more A4 format, you need to do the following:

  • Find a large permission picture on the Internet;
  • Print a picture on two / three (depends on the size) A4 sheets on the printer;
  • Gently cut each part;
  • Connect all parts of the jack, copper with scotch;
  • The resulting pattern of the numbers should be applied to a predetermined cardboard sheet of the desired size, circle along the contour;
  • Followed by the resulting contour you need to cut the digit;
  • If a birthday name is more than 9 years old, this procedure should also be repeated with the second digit. For example, if the child is 10 years old, you need to cut the numbers 1 and 0.

Thus, the frame of the flat digit is complete. You can go further and make a bulk digit. For this it is worth performing further a few steps:

  • After circling the stencil and cutting the 1st part of the product (frontal), you need to perform these actions by re-obtaining a similar 2nd figure (rear).
  • In the next, we cut out the 3rd figure, having it in the end of the product (forming the volume). The tape corresponds to the width of the future digit. And the length should be equal to the perimeter of the figure (it is better to take with a reserve).
    For numbers with closed internal spaces (0, 6, 8, 9), you will have to cut additional lateral parts of the desired width.
  • After it is necessary to connect three parts of the figure (the rear and front digits are located on the sides, the end tape in the middle), to be copped with scotch. It is better to use a sufficient amount of tape so that the product does not fall apart during decorating.

Important Tip: The easiest way (if the width of the cardboard allows you to cut one long tape, which will become a digit in the end region, bending on the corners. It is much more convenient than cutting separate pieces for each fold, bonding them between themselves.

If there is no desire to glue anything, can be used as the basis of foam or foam rubber. In this case, you need to take a solid piece of foam (foam rubber) of the desired width (appropriate width of the finished figure), attach the stencils, circle it, cut down the contour. Thus, it turns out a volume digit. To cut the foam rubber, you can use scissors. Polyfoam will have to cut a sharp knife.

Decor options numbers with step-by-step instructions

When the basis is prepared, it is worth choosing one of the options for decorating the product. Choosing a way of decoration, it is better to rely on your own capabilities, the presence of a number of essential materials, as well as age, gender, birthday preference.

It is worth noting that the decor will largely depend on the shape of the product (flat or volume digit). We hope that from the options presented you will find what you have to do.


In case of decorating the numbers with the help of paper, you will need PVA glue, paper of various colors (textures), a pre-prepared frame, a little fantasy!

Flowers from napkins for birthday with your own hands

Wonderful homemade floral buds are obtained from napkins. For the manufacture we take ordinary paper napkins, we form them with a stack of several napkins each, we put the stacks of the harmonica, tightly tumping in the middle thread. Both End Run and Courage. We begin to divide the napkins layer over the layer, turn their ends, forming a kind of floral buds.

The resulting buds are glued using PVA glue to the figure of the numbers, trying to make it so that the cardboard is not transformed between them. The color of the napkins can be chosen any, but preferably the shades of pink color, since due to the pink color will increase similarity with real colors. Of course, this option will be more appropriate at the birthday of the girl.

Important advice: the more napkins to use in the formation of a stack, the more magnificent and bright boots will turn out.

Napkins can be folded by the type of roll, a bit narrowed at the base and expanded in the middle, giving them similarity with roses buds. Mounting buds are needed on hot glue as long to each other, so that the association has a lush bouquet of roses, decorated in the form of a volume digit. In order for these rolls to be comfortable to twist, it is worth wrapping them around the stupid edge of the pencil. This technique was called "Torching". Pink and red shades of paper will see effectively.

Paper flowers can be immediately cut from the stencil napkins, fasten several pieces in the center, and after laying out layers, creating a volumetric flower. Or there is a way to cut a thin ribbon on the spiral from the napkin, and after tightly twist it into small charming boutons of different diameters. As a frame, the base of the foam rubber is perfect for a frame, as it is convenient to stick the paper boutons from ordinary English pins (only buds must be predefined with glue or threads so that they do not fall).
Each of these options is good, they all look very gently and feminine.

Bacchus corrugated paper

From corrugated paper, chopped with non-stroke ribbons, it turns out a pretty digit "in the ruffles". To create such an effect, you need to cut the corrugation with pieces of a suitable width, after stepped glued paper ribbons on the product, starting from the bottom row (the subsequent layer should be higher than the previous one, covering it in the middle). As a result, it will be like a pleated skirt, which will be "dressed" a digit. It looks like this very elegant. If the product is volumetric, each layer needs to be completely wrapped around it, fasten and only then be accepted for the next level.

For a larger visual effect, you can pre-cut ribbons from the corrugations "the grass", making a piece of paper from each piece of paper.

Tip: If a new layer is to do different from the previous color, this option will be original and bright, which will definitely enjoy the children. You can decorate the figure in the form of a rainbow of 7 colors.

From the corrugations are wonderful flowers to decorate the numbers for a birthday with their own hands. Step-by-step instructions for manufacture:

  • We cut paper stripes (exemplary dimensions - 50x3 cm). On the resulting strips, the accommodation must be located vertically, have a height of 3 cm;
  • Stretch the ribbon from the top, creating peculiar waves;
  • Bend the upper "wavy" part about 5-8 mm;
  • Hold the tape for the bottom is not a wavy part, we begin to slowly spin;
  • It is gradually it becomes noticeable that the lower part (1.5-2 cm height) begins to form in the like leg, and the upper - in the flower bud, resembling a rose;
  • The final stage weiss the thread (fine rubber band in the paper) part of the flower between the leg and the bud so that it does not work out;
  • The resulting roses from corrugations stick to the frame.

In addition to napkins and corrugated paper, you can use fatin (organza). Then the image of the product will become softer and air. In general, these options (buds, pleate, fringe) can be performed from various types of paper, according to your preferences.

the cloth

If the festive party is planned on the street, and you are afraid of rain or simply are not lovers of paper fakes, it is worth paying attention to these amazing methods of decor with the help of fabric.

Butterflies from bunics

This wonderful way to decorate numbers for birthday not only looks creative and stylish, but also very simple in performance:

  • We take the fabric of the desired color;
  • Cut the tissue on the ribbons of the medium width;
  • Ribbons tie into a bow (too long narrow tapes should not be done, as the bows can get "sluggish");
  • Bows are attached to the basis of the numbers with hot glue (it is necessary to cover the frame with a cloth to tone the color of the bow, so that the cardboard does not shine through them).

Your figure will look like a flock of multicolored butterflies sits on it.

Thin Ribbons

Thin and unintended ribbons can be decorated with a figure, making a fringe from ribbons. To do this, in the middle of the tape need to tie a nodule and glue it to the base. It is worth noting that the nodules must be close to each other to create a solid multi-colored coating of fringe.

Satin flowers

This option looks amazing, and it is easy enough to make it. Step-by-step instructions for manufacture:

  • From satin fabric (satin ribbon), cut out 3-4 mug (each should be slightly smaller than the previous one);
  • We light the candle, slightly fall off with the flame of the edge of the fabric circles, so that they do not frown and looked like floral petals;
  • Insert the petals one in another so that the smaller turned out to be in the center;
  • Inside the received bud, you can stick the English pin, attaching them to the frame (it is convenient to use the basis of foam).


To create this original birthday image, you will need a cardboard base and a ball of thread. To create it, you need to take threads, consolidate them on the basis of bilateral scotch tape or PVA glue, after abundantly wrapped with a figure so that there are no cardboard cleansings. You can give complete freedom of fantasy: use different colors, in any quantity and sequence, create patterns or even inscriptions from threads. You can use gradient threads (changing the color as the ball unlabbing).

Also an interesting option is to create a figure by braid by threads of small carnations, driven into a wooden plank. Carnations form a frame of numbers, and with the help of threads it is created its contour and inner color filling. In this case, it turns out a real picture made by your own hands.

Other materials

The wonderful decor of the numbers can be made from family photos, which depicts a birthday boy and his loved ones. This is one of the simplest, bright and emotional options in our selection. All you need to do is stick to the real or printed on the printer and carved photos on the frame of the numbers.

You can make a digit from what the child is interested in. For example, create the basis of the LEGO designer, decorate it with balloons, alive flowers, buttons, stamps, coins, in the papier-mache technique, using dry leaves or flowers (if he likes to collect them for herbarium). The main thing is a creative approach, the desire to surprise and please a loved one. By the way, such a gift will enjoy both a child and an adult.

The figure will become a great gift for the birthday of parents, brother, sister or a close friend.

Universal selection of gift ideas for any case and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Hello, dear readers! As you know, the holiday should be primarily in the shower. But if good sincere wishes and gifts are added to this, then it is even better. And the decor of the room in honor of the festival is capable of turning the traditional celebration in something special. One of the simple and simple ways to decorate the house are numbers from napkins.

Similar figures bring not only the feeling of the holiday, but also allow themselves to feel like a professional decorator. Although in fact, even a beginner can cope with a similar diquancy with due diligence. Baister!

Necessary materials

I decided to submit the necessary materials as a list:

  • The foundation. She will pay special attention. The most common view for its creation is cardboard boxes and foam. Boxes can be used both from under large household appliances and small - from under juice, etc. The larger the desired size number, the greater the box.
  • Slippet.. Several packs come in handy. You can use other types of paper, such as corrugated.
  • Glue or spanks For fastening colors and other jewelry to the base.
  • Scissors or stationery knife. The latter is especially relevant for cutting foam.
  • Bilateral and paper tape. For foam plastic you will need the first, and for cardboard - the second.

Flowers from napkins: 5 options for decorating numbers

Before you start creating directly numbers from cardboard, foam and napkins, you need to understand how we will decorate these numbers. There are many options for creating the main decorative element - colors.

The first and most common - here are fluffy roses that can be easily made from napkins. To do this, you will need a napkin, folded several times, stapler, pattern of a circle and scissors.


  1. Fold a few napkins so that the square is from each. The more layers, the more magnificent flower will be.
  2. Apply a circle to the resulting stack and cut the circles from all the layers at once.
  3. Build a flower in the center of the stapler.
  4. Each layer is lift in such a way that it turns out a lush petal.

You can make a larger design. To do this, take the napkins and fold them with the harmonica in several layers. Edges cut the semicircle, the center tie the thread. Flip the edge - the flower is ready.

Similarly, you can make a flower below. The difference will only be that the edges of the semicircle do not need to cut. Such supplements for the figures can be made not only from paper napkins, but also from different types of paper - for example a strong.

For the next flower, you will need to fold the napkin 4 times. Draw on this basis the semicircle as shown below and cut the edges. It will take several layers.

From corrugated paper, you can create such roses. The option is not as budget, like with napkins, but the effect is very unusual.

If you want to know about other possible decorations of numbers with flowers, then I recommend to visit. There is a flower for any idea

How many napkins and colors will need?

It all depends on the size of the finished product. But it costs from 3 to 5 packs of napkins. Flowers you will leave, most likely, from 200 to 500 per piece.

What does the number of colors depend on:

  • from the size of the flower and the finished digit
  • from the puff of the decorative element,
  • from the density of the series.

Other ways to decorate numbers

In addition to the most obvious method discussed above, there are other methods. For example, the creation of fringe is much faster than creating a lot of colors and glue them. How to make a fringe you can read in the article about the creation of Pinyata. There the paper is twice as well, thereby creating an impression of volume. But you can use a single-layer fringe - it will take less paper or napkins.

General principle of operation: Cut the paper strip and cut her edge. Do not chopped into the digit. Each layer glue so that the previous overlap does not cut the top.

In addition, you can resort to other ways. For example, torching, when decorative square leaflets of paper are attached to the base (mainly foam). Or maybe you decide to create something unusual - say, a lot of curls in the technique of quilling on the surface of the number.

How to make numbers from napkins do it yourself for a birthday and not only

The most important date on which the manufacture and design of festive digits is usually accounted for, is a birthday and anniversary. Although in honor of the New Year and other memorable celebrations. However, how to cope with the creation of such a festive decor?

For all products will be relevant:

  • Save time will give the side of the side and the bottom of the paper or the same napkins. Then the time to decorate the numbers will go much less.
  • Take flowers to take the most voluminous, lush so that several pieces can easily be decorated with a large surface right away.
  • Prefer the glue, which is quickly grasped and easily squeezed out of the packaging. For light napkins, two-way tape can also be used (although this is a more costly option).

Figure 1.

The most popular number is 1. This is not surprising - usually use it for the design of the first month and the first year of life of the baby. You can make the basis for such an ornament from cardboard boxes or from foamflast.

For a volumetric cardboard option, you need to cut the front and rear parts as in the photo. That is, just 2 flat units. Side parts consist of rectangles of the same width, and their height must correspond to the height of each segment of the unit (again, see photos).

Flower decoration can be absolutely different. Only you choose the kind of decoration that is most likely for you.

Mickey Mouse style unit - Designer things for a costume party.

Flat digit from napkins, which is useful for the design of walls or windows.

The video shows another option to create a base - from foam. It is easier than creating a digit from cardboard: only foam and bilateral tape will take.

Step-by-step instructions for manufacture:

  1. In order for the digit to be stable cut two digits "1" and glue them using a tape. Cut parts are most convenient with a stationery knife. The size of the basics are shown in the video. But you can make the digit more or less.
  2. After that, you will need a large number of paper colors, the process of creating which is also in the master class. Several packs of paper napkins of the desired shade are useful.
  3. Take the glue. Suitable or ordinary PVA. Apply glue with lines, along the stitching of colors.
  4. Print flowers standing from the edge and moving towards the center. Select direction yourself - from above or below.

If you want to make a single or other number more interesting, then choose the shades somewhat combined with each other. Smooth flower transition can be provided by creating elements from all shades of napkins. For example, if you have chosen red and yellow flowers, then about a third should be created from yellow napkins, a third of the red, and a third - at the same time from red and yellow with different content of the other color.

This whole process is described in detail in the video below.

Here is another example of a digit with a smooth color transition:

Figure 2.

There is a difficulty here. Unlike an angular unit, two has more smooth bends, due to which the cardboard framework for the figure will do much more difficult. Therefore, for this case, it is definitely a choice arises in favor of a foam base. Below is several options for volumetric digits 2.

If you want to make a flat option, then use the master class below. To do this, take the cardboard and make a large number of roses for it, simply twisting the strips from the napkins or corrugated paper.

If you just smire the napkins and glue them to the base, then the option is as below. It is easier, but the napkins are better to mive at the center.

In the video MK, the foam base is used. It looks very impressive, contrast roses are used to create the numbers.

Figure 3.

Does your baby perform 3 years old? Or is it preparing an anniversary of 30 or 35 years old? Then you can not do without a figure 3. From the cardboard, it is difficult to make a reason, but from the foam - the most it is. Different three see below.

Master class in video format will demonstrate to you how to make a number 3 with your own hands. And to make it there will be a little girl with her mother.

Figure 4.

Four can also be made as a unit, they look like their appearance. Choose a gentle pink coloring if you cook a surprise for a girl.

Birthday boy? Then he would like to taste four, performed in the style of man-spider. There are no flower and roses here, but there are many crumpled napkins of red and blue and a white lace resembling a cobweb.

Another universal version is presented in the instructions below.

Figure 5.

It is best for this figure to choose the form more direct to make it easier to cut items. But, if we are talking about the 55th anniversary, then take the option of a more curved five - it will attract attention to the birthday or birthday.

Gentle maiden duffer with a very easy color transition.

For a boy, the option is more suitable below, you can even completely make such a digit from blue and blue napkins.

Double instructions (in two videos) to create such a five in detail about creating a five for a birthday and similar dates.

Figures 6 and 9

Having made the six, you immediately receive another 9, because it is enough just to turn the digit up the nogs to get the desired option.

And here are the numbers 9. One difference is to do the number most stable on that top as you want to put it. That is, the nine should be strengthened the lower round, and the six-circle.

A similar bulk digit do it yourself and you, if you look at the video.

Number 7.

One of the easiest digits in its performance. But there is one difficulty here - to put such a digit vertically not so simple, you will have to strengthen the base, or make a flat option that will be attached to the wall, doors or something like that.

Volume number 7 from napkins.

And here is the master class in video format.

Figure 8.

Such a figure is made not only on birthdays, but also use for the design of the premises on March 8. So, making this, kill two hares at once.

The video is once again proving that even children will cope with such a task - after all, everything is completely simple.

But what about 0?

For any celebration intended for the celebration of Round Jubileev, you will need such a digit from the napkins as 0. Here you will again help the foam base, the rest also as for other numbers. Now anniversaries at 10, 50 and even 60 years is no longer a problem.

What size to do?

Agree, small diquses are more suitable for decorating a table or a decorative slide of gifts than for a photo shoot. For the latter, it is better to give preference to a large variant of about 70-80 cm high.

In any case, focus on the growth of a child or an adult. It is advisable for a child to create a number with a height of it, but for an adult it is irrelevant.

How much is the finished figure?

The final cost depends on the amount of labor expended by the master, materials used when creating a masterpiece and the size of the product. But basically you can find prices, oscillating from 1000 to 3000 rubles.

So you can make any holiday just unforgettable. The numbers from the napkins are really a budget and cool way to feel like a creator and at the same time decorate any room stylishly and quickly.

Share your impressions in the comments, tell us on social networks about the article to your friends and native - let them learn how to create beautiful dates themselves. See you later!

Sincerely, Anastasia Speeva

How do you make a day for your own hands?

The children's birthday must be held in a special festive setting. I want to decorate the name of the birthday room, and in the hallway to hang a big inscription to make small guests straight from the threshold with positive and fun.

You can call for help of professional decorators. They will quickly pay the dear decor. But it is much more interesting to make interior design with beautiful "stuff" of our own manufacture and parents, and children. Joint creativity will make time exciting.

This article contains a variety of performance ideas for a birthday room. You can make it from balloons.

But if this design is tired, then arrow with scissors, cardboard, corrugated and colored paper, decor elements, threads and proceed to work. The main thing in such an important business is a good mood and a positive attitude.

What is the birthday figure?

The numbers corresponding to the age of the birthday room made from small balls is the most familiar way for us to decorate the room. Is there something simpler than to place the order of the right figure in the nearest events agency? But if you make a digit with your own hands from any other material, it will look unusual.

Do not give up the idea of \u200b\u200bself-making figures for the birthday of the birthday name, if you have little time. The digit from the cardboard is cut quickly, and the fabric and threads of the needlewoman are always at hand.

If the number is not necessary urgently, you can print bright photos in advance or come up with something completely original. An interesting photo session Birthday in such a room with large numbers is guaranteed.

What are the ways of making numbers?

  • You can cut a large digit from cardboard and decorate what your fantasy and resources are capable of.
  • For the base, take the usual cardboard box of preferred size. On the cardboard outlines the contours of the desired figure. The figure is cut with a stationery knife and decorated. Such a digit will be flat. It can be hanging on the wall.
  • If you need a bulk digit or you have time and desire, it is better to make such a figure with which a birthday boy can play and rearrange from place to place if desired.
  • In order for the figure to be volumetric, you will need two identical cardboard blanks. But besides them, it will also need to cut long cardboard strips with smooth edges (the same width) to attach the sidewalls.
  • The frame is going easily using a thermopystole or painting tape.

The decor of the numbers must be selected in accordance with the shared style of design. Materials are most often used:

  • twine
  • colored yarn
  • bright fabric (organza, chiffon, satin, velvet)
  • floral film used for packaging
  • colored paper
  • corrugated paper
  • flowers from napkins

All these materials are used to wrap the base. But it is possible to make an additional number of numbers with them. To do this, we need to make out paper or fabric flowers with sticking petals or make fluffy pomponiki from woolen threads, add different "panties" and bows.

Eco-style figure

  • To make a digit in eco-style, you will need a cardboard base and twine. The base is gradually lubricated with glue and gently turns to the twine along the proclued area.
  • You can paint the finished digit with acrylic paint, and you can leave the twine unpainted. Such a figure will decorate any interior, and it will take quite a bit of time and forces on its manufacture.

Flower numbers

  • For the manufacture of numbers with a floral pattern, we will need a lot of roses, cut and glued out of paper.
  • Flowers are placed tightly to each other, filling the entire basis
  • Such a digit, even in the absence of another decor, will look excellent

The time spent on cutting paper compensated by smiles of children and the joy of the birthday room. After the holiday, the figure can be hung in the children's room until the child becomes older for a whole year

Figure from Pomponov

  • For the manufacture of numbers from pumps, you will need a large number of wool pompons
  • The process of filling the base with pumps the same as paper flowers
  • In the following sections, consider how to make beautiful numbers for a birthday room.

Birthday figure from napkins

Decorate the frame cut from cardboard can be made of napkins. Having patient and cut out of ordinary napkins the same flowers in size, you can please the birthday girl the most fluffy digit in the world!

Manufacturing process:

  • Cut the napkin flowers in unlimited quantity: folded fourly single layer napkin divide on 4 squares
  • We put squares with a flat pile and fix in the center of the stapler or a piece of thin wire
  • Square height is cut to get a circle
  • It remains only to cut the edge of the resulting circle, not reaching the center
  • We raise the napkin petals and develop them.
  • So we will create fluffy flowers, which then will need only to glue PVA glue to the base

That's the figure turned out after the flushing with flowers

Two and scenery

Corrugated paper birthday figure

Flowers from corrugated paper look just gorgeous. They can be performed in two ways. You only need a large number of corrugated paper of the desired color. The figure will turn out to be more beautiful if you can glue with flowers 2 or 3 different colors.

Method 1:

  • We cut paper stripes. Approximate sizes in centimeters: 50/3.5. Watch out the right arrangement of the "residences" of future flowers: they must stretch along, and not across the flower.
  • Next, you need to stretch the flower on one side to obtain the waves. Such stretching is possible at the expense of "streak".
  • Stretched floral blanks Hold hard in one side by the waves up, and grab the base-cup.
  • We fix the bottom of the flower with elastic or threads.
  • The softer the corrugated paper, the volume and fluffy are flowers.
  • The walls of the cardboard base are flooded with corrugated paper to hide the possible lumeges between the flower.
  • Flowers are floating the base. To do this, it is convenient to use a glue thermopystole. You can "plant" flowers and on ordinary PVA glue.

Video: Corrugated paper flowers

Method 2:

  • Cutting paper cut into identical squares
  • On the cardboard basis, the figures are applied glue
  • Wrap a pencil with corrugated paper, laying it in the central part to the rod
  • Lower the lower part of the future flower in glue and apply to a cardboard basis
  • So gradually fill in squares the entire surface of the cardboard framework

Fill with squares cardboard basis

Inflatable Figures for Birthday

Children's holiday is not necessary without balloons. For a birthday you can do excellent wall scenery:

  • it will take the basis of polystyrene foam (this is a rectangular piece or square piece)
  • small balloons
    Draw the desired digit
  • balls inflation and bilateral scotch tape as a basis for a predetermined form

Figures from cardboard for birthday

  • The easiest version of the manufacture of cardboard numbers is to draw it on a piece of cardboard or a cardboard box and cut, without biting the creation of a bulk product.
  • The digit can be saved with colored paper or smeared with glue and sprinkle with a tinsel. You can cut the stencil of the desired pattern or pattern, attach to the scratched carton and paint the sectors inside the contrast paint.
  • The bulk base of the cardboard is two identical details of the numbers (the second you can simply circle) and long cardboard strips of the required thickness for the sidewalls.
  • The details of the adhesive gun are connected, and the ribs of stiffness from the inside are combined for the reliability of the design and better fixation.
  • The bulk digit can be put vertically right on the holiday table. If you make a horizontal platform from cardboard, then the figure can be put on the floor. Then it will become a chic attribute for photography for memory.

Flat shiny digit

How to make a bulk digit:

We glue the details of scotchball

Decorative Figures for Birthday

Decorative figures can be made in a quilling technique.
You can glue a lot of paper umbrellas of different sizes and secure them on a cardboard basis.

Details of the numbers can be cut out of the fabric and sew a large bulk pillow. Ribbons, tissue flowers, lace and beads are suitable as decorative elements.

If you make the basis of a special floristic sponge of the piaflora, then live flowers can be used as a decor: the sponge holds moisture for a long time and feeds the plants. But a significant drawback of such a decor is its briefness.

Figures from birthday photos

That's what figures will be truly unique, so it made from photos. They can be pasted on a cardboard flat figure or in Photoshop, choose photos for a collage and build on the planned form. Ready collage You only need to print and paste on the basis or wall.

Figure Felt Birthday

Felt digit, if you decorate with small toys carved from felt, the child after a name can use in his games.

For the manufacture of the figures you will need one piece of bright felt (for a flat figure) or two (for bulk). It sews a digit as a soft toy and stuffed with a filler - cotton or syntheps.

Figures from balloon balls

It is impossible to submit a children's holiday without balls. Figures from balloons Though are a constant attribute in the photo of the birthdayniki, but they can also be made original.

The video shows one of the ways of making numbers from balloons.

Video: A balloon digit

How to decorate a birthday figure?

As an ornament for the figure, anything is suitable. If only I looked beautiful and festively. You can make paper flowers, you can salary the numbers with butchers, or sew small little animals from felt and fasten them to the figure.

Ribbons, lace, pieces of fur, crowns and caps, beautiful bugs from artificial flowers and large beads will rise to decorate numbers

Digit decoration methods:

  • quilling decor
  • using internal illumination
  • gluing squares of corrugated paper or prepared in advance flower
  • metallized, pearl or embossed paper
  • the cloth
  • satin ribbons
  • sequins
  • painted bumps

Figure 1 for Birthday for Boy and Girls

  • To make a figure 1 for a birthday, you will need a large piece of cardboard or cardboard box, tape or painting tape and stationery knife.
  • Blackshot of the desired form. Cut. The second part of the resulting part of the cut out one and also cut out.
  • Fix my scotch sidewalls. And proceed to decorating.
  • Cut the roses from the napkins and glue them on the cardboard basis, filling gradually the whole figure. You can pre-calculate the number of colored paper in the tone of the napkins used for roses.

Video: How to make a 3D volume figure 1 for a birthday?

Video: digit from napkins do it yourself

Digit Two Birthday for Boy and Girls

Figure 2 can also be made volumetric and decorate with "nipening" roses. The process of manufacturing Figure 2 is shown on video.

Video: Volume number "2" of flowers (napkins) for a birthday

For a girl, a digit can be decorated with a crown, a gorgeous bow, or dress up in a skirt.

We offer to do figure from tapes. It will take a large piece of corrugated cardboard, double-sided tape, scissors and a bright tape with a length of about 7-8 m and width - 5 cm. Decorating the number will be beads.

  • Cut 2 cardboard blanks of the base. If the cardboard is thin, then it is better for strength to cut two the same sides and glue them with each other.
  • Next, we proceed to tosing the numbers with a ribbon. Fix it with a stapler or scotch. Create the ends of the tape can be threaded or hide them behind the ribbon and fasten with scotch.
  • Glue beads thermopystole.

The figure for the boy can be performed in the marine style: from blue and white stripes. Also suitable and the figure made in one color with a butterfly or tie.

Video: how to make a number 2 for a birthday

Figure Three Birthday For Boy and Girls

Figure 3 for a variety can be "grow" in a flower pot.

It will take:

  • flower pot
  • cardboard box from which we will cut the digit
    Wooden sticks
  • different decorations
  • tape
  • thermopystole

How to make a digit?

  • Cut the two identical troops and put wooden sticks between them (they are necessary for fixing the numbers in a flower pot)
  • I smell half the numbers and connect them
  • We begin to wrap up the top three ribbon
  • Fix the tape by thermopystole, and where necessary - we are trimmed
  • To flower pot glue pallet
  • Wooden sticks fix thermopystole to pots and put inside pot pebbles for design reliability
  • On top can be decorated with decorative pebbles
  • Figure decorate ribs from ribbons. Make them not difficult
  • Fold ribbon in half and start to wrap, sewing gradually the lower part of the future rose

Cut the troika how to make rose like cut chamomile

Video: Corrugated paper and cardboard digit

How to make a figure 5 for a birthday for a boy and girls?

The top five can be made of a cardboard basis, decides with ribbons or "nipening" flowers, and you can cut the circles of different sizes and cut the spirals of them. Then collecting the resulting ribbons in the center, it will turn out another original type of flower decoration. In the middle of the flower can be inserted beads.

Video: How to make a figure 5 for a birthday?