New Year's toasts. New Year's toasts at the corporate party. Toasts for the New Year to colleagues

Let the glasses clink, Let the wine sparkle, Let the night starfall look out your window. On this wonderful night Without a smirk is impossible. Pain and sorrow - away! Happy new year friends!

We want Santa Claus to bring you a Bag of Health! He handed everyone fun, He brought a glass of champagne, He took a disease, longing into a bag, And hid it somewhere in the forest!

In the New Year, on the other side of the window Snow is quietly falling, Let there be satisfaction and laughter at your table, Let an enviable success Expect you in any business And happiness will enter your bright house without hindrance.

Friends! The New Year is coming soon. Forget the old sorrows, And the sorrows of the days, and the days of adversity And everything that killed satisfaction. But do not forget the clear days of the Golden Hours, for the heart of dear, And old sincere friends, Whom you all adore so much. Live new in the New Year!

Let all bad things sink into eternity With the last breath of December! And everything beautiful, alive Will come to you in the morning of January!

I wish you on New Year's Eve Fun, echoing as ice, Smiles as bright as amber, Health, as frost in January. May this year be a happy star Enter your home comfort, With an old year hastily Let adversity all go away.

For the New Year we will raise a toast Let the toast be as simple as possible, For happiness, friendship, laughter, In all matters, a great success, For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness Home life warmth!

The clock is knocking. The old year is leaving. His last pages rustle ... What was good - let it not go away, And what was bad - will not happen again!

Let the New Year not add wrinkles, And smooth and erase the old ones, Strengthen health, free from failures And bring a lot of joy and happiness.

With an open heart and love We want happiness and health! May the New Year, with new happiness, enter your house as the owner, And together with the scent of spruce, Success and satisfaction will bring.

Any of us represents half of the world's population, which is always looking for another, - said the ancient Greek sage Aristophanes. We live with the hope of a happy meeting. I wish everyone who has not yet met their other half, by all means find it in a brand new year!

One sage said: "The most unusual thing in a person is that he often grieves about the lost state, and that his life passes, he is not upset." Let's drink to make every day of the new year pass brightly and with usefulness!

New Year is a celebration of contrast: it is frosty, snowy, gloomy outside, but at home it is sunny, funny, warm, a Christmas tree is decorated, the table is solemn. We want this contrast to be carried through the whole year, and it seems that the winds and storms were raging, it seemed uncomfortable around, it was always sunny and warm in my soul!

We want a sparkling night, colored mysterious lights. May everything that your heart desires in the year come true soon. Let the cold not bother the soul, winter does not bring sadness. And satisfaction warms up in the cold, and let happiness be with you. Success in life and work, What is more coveted? Oh yes! Smiles and fun and never lose heart!

One wisest old Georgian said: - If you want to be happy for one minute - smoke! - If you want to be happy one day - get drunk! - If you want to be happy for one week - get sick! - If you want to be happy for one month - get married! - If you want to be happy for one year, get a mistress. - If you want to be happy all your life - be healthy, dear! So let's drink to make everyone happy and healthy in the New Year!

They ask the 1st electrician if his profession is exciting? - My profession, naturally, is fascinating, but scary. Connect, for example, the wrong wires, and you will be destroyed. So let's drink to the fact that in the New Year, life does not confuse our wires.

Let an angel bring you a crystal glass for the New Year on an icy spread. He will throw sparkling snowflakes on the bottom, and pour over - bubbly happiness. And let everything mix in a golden-radiant cocktail: snowfall, starfall ... To remember its smell for a long time. Let the angel leave you the nectar of admiration for a hangover. Just a sip. Add there kindness and fun, and grieve three drops, so that a little heavenly drink burns lovely lips.

So that from time to time you remember who was suspiciously rude to you, hiding love under a shield of sarcasm….

May our life in the New Year be spotless, like a drop of spring water, and happiness is playful, like champagne in this crystal glass!

The 1st man is asked: - Why do you wear shoes two sizes the smallest? He answers: - On purpose. My wife is ugly. Besides, she is evil. Cooking poorly. The offspring is a Losers. Mother-in-law is a witch ... The only satisfaction in my life is when I take off my shoes in the evening ... Let's drink to the fact that in the New Year we have other joys.

A New Year's party, sometimes, is the only event when the whole work team gathers in a fun informal atmosphere. This is a reason to show off not only outfits, but also a sense of humor. For this case, we have prepared merry New Year toasts for a corporate party. Congratulate your coworkers and bosses well, and have fun at the corporate party until you drop (food and drink at the expense of the company ... shhh!).

Fill the container with the reagent
And let's drink to the corporate party!
For a powerful team!
For the office gang!

For free parking!
For excellent dexterity!
For the Internet to fly!
We will also drink a glass!

So that the stapler does not play naughty!
To keep the printer at a pace
Scanner, air conditioner, computer
They added comfort to us!

So that the boss knows for sure
I always got up from that foot!
Let the fly that bites
Flies past the boss!

We wish everyone a fair wind!
We reinforce the toast with an act!

We're all a little tired
They gave in to the crisis a little!
Let's drink to the new year!
And for the collective platoon!

And a toast to the governor!
It is not in vain that he carries his post!
Whether it rains or frosts
Clients under hypnosis to us!

How crazy they all go!
And our budget is guarded!
Toast to you! Our boss!
Master! Aerobatics!

Toast! We will not drink experience!
Let's drink and pour again!

Elixir crazy in glasses
We are not tired of pouring!
Let's drink to strength
What brought us all together!

A toast to the boss, no doubt about it!
This is the source of all aspirations!
Toast to the whip, and toast to the gingerbread!
What drives you in work!

A toast to let the salary know
And she did not knock quietly!
And from a run at the door, from my feet
Could come to our office!

To make life more interesting!
You need to invite to visit!
13th salary!
For this all and drink, by the way!

Let the fun triumph
And the glasses are ringing!
May happiness arrest us
Everyone at the festive table!

Let us gold fish
The ocean will give blessings!
New Year's Eve begins!
Good luck to everyone, something like that!

Vodka freezes with cognac!
We ought to fix it!
So that everything becomes invigorating!
Drink and add!

Dear guests, we fill
Container with fuel on the table!
We drink, eat and take off
To be on the fun now!

We drink an amusement solution
Us now, which, entertains!
Let his life-giving enthusiasm
Every year it only surprises!

Well, let the self-assembled tablecloth
Its presence will delight everyone in the house!
Happiness remembers the address by heart
And it will come in an immeasurable volume!

Shampoo on the table to fight
The New Year's is torn!
To celebrate with you
Meet excellent!

A pile of vodka in your mouth is in a hurry,
Snack in the wings!
The duet will congratulate from the bottom of the heart
Happy New Year's date!

So that the real Santa Claus,
Not the end of the fun!
Money bag brought
Brighten up your hangover!

We raise a glass
For those present in the hall!
For the new year to steal
All our sorrows!

So as not to pay the rent,
And live in a luxurious house!
To all-all-all taxes
Leave us outside the door!

Only bonuses, salaries
We will all be happy!
Don't pay in stores
Just get everything!

A toast to finance,
We needed ... on Mars!
Of course everything is not real
Let's have a drink, this is actual!

For everyone present!
And for future success!
Glass content
It's time for us to drink!

For all wives and husbands!
Sons and daughters!
For the mother-in-law, for the mother-in-law too!
You can drink for pets!

For colleagues and friends!
For girls and guys!
For a neighbor who got it!
Have a glass anyway!

The saleswoman cheated
Or the conductor was rude!
It's time anyway
To wash it all away,
That magical glass
What have you sent to the stomach!

We tighten the muscles again
And raise our glasses!
We will drink to the new year
Without parting and worries!

In a high-speed train
Let's take you to the edge of the earth!
Crisis, grief and separation
An annoying boredom!

All the bad mood
And unnecessary doubt!
We'll put you on a plane!
Let Karaganda wait for them!

We take away not good
Will not go away. So let's freeze!
We will free the place
And we will invite good luck!

Joy and love, hope!
Positive and fresh meaning!
And for this it all came,
That moment to raise a glass!

The New Year's table is set!
And the champagne is bubbling!
Joy briskly gallops nearby!
Well, let's drink to luck!

And life-giving power
Pours boldly right into your mouth!
Euphoria has come
They started a round dance!

Clockwork mood
Taste preference!
For hope, for love
And for a competent catch!

Let us be as it should be!
May we be welcome everywhere!
So let's boldly hit!
We will celebrate the New Year with dignity!

Pour an invigorating drink into the glasses!
For all the good we will roll and sing!
And again we refill the glass!
So that everyone present here knows!

For winning the lottery house!
Today we all drink solemnly!
And for good ideas too
Of course we can have a drink here!

And for love and good luck!
And the money car, but how else!
And most importantly, where to start the feast!
We will raise a glass for good health!

Dear guests
It's time for a toast!
We fill all glasses
And we raise more actively!

For good gifts!
And for the rest in hot countries!
To please the prices!
And for a life of change!

To live richly!
So that you don't wake up in a salad!
So that everyone sang songs!
So that the problems get sick!

To Santa Claus once
Sadness cut down under the spine!
The meaning of the words is kind of simple!
Let's drink to this toast!

Time is in a hurry to tell us
It's time to raise a glass!
For worthy aspirations!
For a crazy mood!

For great fun!
So that with a successful completion!
For someone with a sequel!
Happy late morning without a hangover!

Let the champagne and vodka
In the middle of a party
With bread, olivier, herring
Do not collide in a duel!

We drink to moderately charge!
Dance on the table!
In the morning, humbly apologize!
Forgive everyone and understand everything!

Dear Happy!
Pour it to everyone!
Between the 21st and 22nd
The gap is not large!

A toast to strong stomachs!
Speedy metabolism!
A keen eye and a sensitive nose!
Endless optimism!

Let's drink to big ears!
By faith, truth, they serve many!
A toast to a light walk!
Or for a vodka martini!

A toast to strong shoulders!
Toast to the brave liver!
I’m not tired yet!
Let's raise our glasses!

The glasses are full, I suppose!
My toast's speech is like that!
For an amazing place!
Where miracles will not be crowded!

On the road so as not to get tired!
We'll drink to the teleportal!
So that on the tram without worries
Celebrate the New Year on Mars!

Instead of champagne, a smile
We will drink as drinks!
Instead of food, we will eat
Good luck, happiness. Isn't it better?

For a clean, clear mind
So that there was everything at once!
Responsiveness and will
So that everyone is happy!

With a magic reagent
Let's raise the glasses!
And with a festive motive
We wish you all the best!

For those who fill the glasses!
And good luck in sports lotto!
For the promotions that are in stores!
To save a man's wallet!

Slip on ice
And then wake up in Bali!
Or open the decanter now!
And for Jin to appear!

Then the fantasy will not disappoint!
Sea of ​​desires, Jin is fading!
Let's raise our glasses friends!
To make desires come to life!

Filled containers in hand
I suggest you take it soon!
So that boredom does not creep
To this cheerful circle of people!

For everything that brings joy!
For everything that satisfies!
For a quiet harbor and a storm of passions!
For many good and courageous undertakings!

So that the table burst with abundance!
I didn't fall down the floor from the weight!
So that in bitter frosts
For the new year, my husband did not cut a birch!

So that the fuel reserves are not pumped up!
No questions arose: "What did we celebrate?"
And so that that intoxicating potion remains!
To remember everything, to spend a hangover!

Champagne, cognac and vodka!
Olivier, manty herring!
Games, music, fun!
Everything is fine with the mood!

We drink, eat and dance!
We practice flirting along the way!
Break to chat
And start everything back!

Light wind overtakes
It won't scare us!
Even the strongest flurry
Will not blow us away!

Yet there is a cycle!
We are carrying us a little into the distance!
The main thing is the photographer!
Will fix everything here!

Let's drink to get you home
Don't come with another wife!
Remember this New Year
The photo report will give you a chance!

Let Santa Claus have a crimson nose -
He will make a contribution to your savings bank,
Snegurochka all year long secretly
He drinks good cognac,
And Santa Claus out of the bag
Shakes the currency snowball!

Happy New Year,
And with all my heart I wish
So that on your tree,
Instead of holiday animals
Flaunted with half a dozen
Half liter bubbles.
To Santa Claus from happiness,
Screwing up a drunken eye
The most delicious, the sweetest
I treated you to champagne!
Here the Old Year is leaving. Let him take with him
Time to pay off debts. Emptiness from wallets.
Greedy, slanderous clients. Not your favorite competitors.
Sticks that climb into the wheels. From the brains of other prostheses.
The love that is unanswered. Snow that falls in summer.
Cockroaches in the kitchen. Sparks that have already gone out.
Woodpeckers of those who hammer us. Let him take with him ...
After all, the Old Year is leaving. Well, to hell with him, let him go!
A new one is waiting for us at the gate. What will he bring with him.
We now, alas, do not know. But as before we wish,
In the New Year, we are a bright star from the sky,
(what will warm, will not burn). Delicious pie from the shelf.
Fulfillment of dreams. Acquisition of new knowledge.
To become wise, but not to grow old. Slowly to be in time everywhere.
Pleasure in everything - on a dark night, on a bright day.
In relaxation, in work. Wherever we are, everywhere!
And love is big, huge,
Bright, passionate, tender, languid,
And usual, and not so. Finish on time as well ...
Something that started a long time ago. Go to the movies many times.
Finally get some sleep. Break away from the routine,
Make new friends. Achieve goals faster.
Adventure safe. Protect yourself in time.
Never fly. But soar, fly, fly!
And find out what Happiness means,
Loyalty, Friendship and Participation,
Optimism, Enthusiasm, Wisdom, Glory and Orgasm ...
In general, we don't need much. The main thing is to get better.
New Year, don't let me down. The door is open, come in!
Frost, blizzard and ice -
We will survive it all!
Let a blizzard and snow outside the window,
But plus 40 at the table!
I want Santa Claus
Gave you everything:
Money and gifts!
In general ... ask him!
May with you next year
Such a miracle will happen
I will not tell you,
So as not to tempt fate!
Happy New Year
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts
So that the steamers are happy
And the cars have reached you!

New Year is just around the corner.
Cut salads, sausages
Pour into glasses
And call all your friends!

May the New Year
Shock awaits you ...
... With Gifts a big bag!
New Year is coming to visit us
We will celebrate it right now
If only the bones were intact
Not like last time!
Let the old year go away -
A year of unrest and adversity.
We're spending the year of the dragon
(Vodka in glasses is already waiting)
And we will congratulate, loving,
You - me, and I - you!
Mortgage for half a century
Unpaid loan
Will not break a man -
The crisis will not defeat us!
We will break through, definitely
A life without grief and worries.
So let's celebrate deliciously
Christmas and New Year!
I wish you a New Year
Live without worries and hassles!
I wish you with longing not to know
Kiss me more often!
Let the crisis disappear, like everything bad -
Will leave with the last breath of December!
And everything is beautiful, alive
Will come to you in the morning of January!
More money for you green and red,
Bright successes, wonderful moments!
And New Year's lights
And long-awaited friends!
They say that in the New Year
Everything always comes true
Even that for the whole year
It is impossible to sell!
If on New Year's Eve,
A strange guest will come to you -
Someone with a white beard
In a red fur hat,
With a long staff in hand
And with gifts in a bag
Laughing out loud
With a kind look -
So you don't need to drink anymore!
May the New Year be generous
Let him not skimp on happiness,
Let it light the stars on time
So that all your wishes come true.
Let it be New Year's Eve
Desires come true -
And every day, all year round,
Let them come true.
May Santa Claus be cheerful
Will come to us on a sleigh
And under the New Year's tree
In the morning you will find ... me!
A boring old year!
You've been with us too long!
We will remember you now
And we'll walk you to the gate.
Take trouble with you
And sorrow and loss
So that we don't have them
In the coming year!
And they had - a generous table,
A circle of friends, relatives and dear ones,
Beauty, health, strength
And one hundred percent good luck!
Was the old year good
Or was one of the worst -
The new one will definitely be better
God has already invented it.
It's midnight to five
A flock of snowflakes froze ...
The old year has almost melted ...
Well, bon voyage!
America is crying and Europe is.
We thought about the future seriously.
They fancy a financial ass
And only Russia does not care about frost.
Let's get an old accordion off the shelf,
We are no stranger to crises.
There would be lard and potatoes vodka,
We will survive again, vigorous mother!
New Year! New Year!
President and all the people
Together they raise glasses
And funny Snow Maidens
Under the chimes, a resounding battle
They call us a crowd!
Let's spin, let's go for a walk
And we wish each other
Light, joy and peace -
From Azov to Taimyr!
Let the frost be crackling outside the window!
People are hurrying through the streets.
Today is the best holiday
Today is a holiday - New Year!
And when the glasses clink at midnight,
Will fill the New Year's house
That congratulations, and not a little,
We will say at the table!
We wish you happiness and good luck,
Car "red" under the house,
Jacuzzi with sauna in the country!
And money - a whole snowball!
Let everything be cool and cool
in the year two thousand new !!
I wish you New Year,
So that everything that prevents you from living would disappear!
And your wallet is fat
There should be money!
I wish the house is beautiful
Nice car
You have a big basin of health,
So that your back does not ache!
And most importantly, what would you have
There was a toilet bowl made of gold !!!

Take it with you in fig
All problems, Old Year!
I want free traffic
To the wine and vodka factory,
One hundred cell phones around my neck
To seem the coolest
Parabellum in a harness,
Hat - natural mex,
Two wagons of crumpled bucks,
Our money is three lemons,
Ten years vacation
(Over the hill to poke around),
Versace lighter
Dior towel
Three-storey house in the country
And models full of two
Yacht, new brand Lexus,
Presidential plane
It is a pity that Santa Claus will not bring all my gifts ...
I wish you some fun
So that you don't fall under the tree.
And so that Santa Claus,
Didn't take you to the sobering-up center.
Happy New Year!
We wish you happiness, joy!
Not getting old, but getting younger,
Warm your soul with a glass.
One for the New Year,
For the second for all the people,
For myself and for friends,
And for all other people!
I certainly congratulate
Our glorious Russian people
Two weeks all meet
Only in Russia New Year!
We wish you Santa Claus
I brought you a bag of health!
I handed out fun to everyone
Brought a glass of champagne
He took a disease, longing into a bag,
And hid it somewhere in the forest!
Happy New Year,
We wish you happiness, joy!
To everyone who is single - get married,
To everyone who is in a quarrel - make peace,
Forget about grievances
To everyone who is sick - to become healthy
Blossom, rejuvenate.
Anyone who is skinny - get fatter
Too fat - lose weight.
Too smart to get simpler
Close-minded - to grow wiser.
All gray-haired - to darken,
So that bald hair
thickened on the crown,
like Siberian forests!
To songs, to dance
They never fell silent.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Let the trouble pass us!

There is no order and no trace
There is no top on the cake
And there are no toys on the tree -
Only the ropes from the firecrackers!
What kind of cat ran? -
Here yesterday the salary was lying!
And not a cat, and not a cat,
With new happiness! New Year!

Year of the Cat, like a cat, naughty,
Spun, zagorovit!
Happy New Year!
We wish cats to all cats!

The most beloved holiday is approaching - New Year.

And usually on the eve of it, each work team gathers for a corporate party or just sit in the company at a laid table and spend the old year.

Ready-made New Year toasts for team members will help you say beautiful words to your work colleagues.

New Year's toasts for a corporate party, in prose, cool, short and comic - these are not just words. This is the highlight of your holiday, without which it will not be so bright and cheerful.

New Year toasts to colleagues at work in verse

Toasts at a corporate party in verses for the New Year are easy to remember and pronounced beautifully. If it's really hard to learn, write on a postcard and read it aloud.

Dear colleagues and friends!
I raise a toast
To drink to everyone for you,
And say that working with you is a class!
There is no better colleagues in the world,
And a low bow to you to the ground!
So let's continue to work together,
And we will forget all the old grievances.
And only we will go forward,
After all, you, colleagues, cannot be found!

On this New Year's holiday,
Toast let me say
So that the boss is very strict
Has ceased to bother you!
And so that the work argues at once,
Happy New Year, I congratulate you!

I want to raise a glass of wine
And I want to say a toast to my colleagues.
There are no better colleagues in the world,
Go around all the works of the world.
Thank you for your warmth and understanding,
For you to the bottom! Thank you for the attention!

We worked for a whole year
They were not at all lazy.
I want to drink for this
And wish in the new year
So that the work is argued at times,
And everything was great for you!

I raise my glass
So that no one is lost at work,
And so that this new year,
You did it without hassle!
Do not bury yourself in work with your head,
And never be arrogant!
And then you will be successful!
I drink to the bottom for you, for everyone!

Work, work, and work again
Was with us until the new year.
Now for a little break
To get everyone off the ground a little.
For this I raise a glass
So that everything that each of you wished to come true.
Work is not a wolf - it will not rush into the forest,
So let's calmly celebrate the new year!

Happy New Year,
And I raise a glass of champagne
For those who worked for a whole year,
Who was in business, troubles and worries,
For those who lived from paycheck to paycheck,
And who had enough strength for the "overtime".
Employees, colleagues and friends,
Today I drink for all of you!

For a friendly team, I want to raise a glass,
And here are my colleagues, what I can tell you!
Work will always be work,
But most important of all is the family
A family that will always be there,
A family that will never forget you!
So today I drink to the bottom,
For us to be like a family!

I want to say I toast alone
So that each of you is loved
So that he not only loved work,
And the family, and gave her care.
Naturally, in work so that there is good luck,
And happiness with health was, to boot.
Happy New Year to everyone
I drink a glass of champagne to the bottom for you!

New Year is already coming friends,
And I want to raise a glass of wine.
For everyone who worked for a whole year,
Who did not cheat and was not lazy.
I did my job honestly,
And I honestly received my salary.
I wish you success in the new year,
And I drink to the bottom of you!

Short New Years toasts for colleagues

I want to raise a glass of wine
And wish colleagues at work:
Work to bring joy
And so that life is beautiful!

Happy New Year everyone, I congratulate you!
I wish you to row money with a shovel,
So that you have everything and in full,
I drink my glass of champagne to the bottom!

Colleagues, happy new year, friends!
I raise a glass for you,
To make all your dreams come true,
And you were happy!

New Year's toasts in prose at a corporate party

New Year's toasts to colleagues in prose are also very popular at corporate parties. They are good because if you forget the text, impromptu is possible and welcome. The team will love it!

Dear colleagues, in the New Year I would like to wish you professional and creative success, mutual understanding and respect in the team, worthy rewards for your work. May peace and tranquility reign in your families, and troubles bypass them. Be healthy, loved and happy!

When celebrating the New Year, we always hope that it will be luckier and happier than the previous one. Let's drink to the fact that in the New Year, disruptions are replaced by the desired successes, defeats give way to great victories, and significant successes take the place of failures!

Dear Colleagues! Here, here the clock will strike twelve times, and we will again celebrate the new year. The past year was special for us, we managed to do a lot. We have achieved a lot and, most importantly, we have become stronger and more successful! I propose to drink so that we can live this new year no worse than the outgoing year, and exactly a year later we also summed up positive results in the same line-up! Happy New Year, colleagues!

New Year means new hopes, fresh plans, newest ideas! So let's drink to the fact that all our long-standing hopes and aspirations find their true outlines, plans turn into deeds, and ideas become reality! For our happy future!

The coming New Year should give us the unity of our thoughts, so that we all together could achieve the most important goals, strive for the best, develop our company, be focused only on a positive result, and at the same time remain healthy, happy and loved!

They say that a person is happy when he goes to work with great pleasure and returns home after work with no less joy. I propose a toast so that in the New Year this axiom will fully and completely concern everyone sitting at this festive table!

In the New Year, I would like to wish you not only success in production, which will certainly be, but also that everyone personally has their own personal happiness, strong health, irrepressible desire to live and work, improve and strive only for the best and the beautiful.

On this festive and solemn evening, I want to thank all of you for your work. Yes, now may not be the time to talk about work, but what you are doing deserves attention and respect! Your work is top class. Everything you do is just super and simple that there are no words. Thank you again for your work and for everything you have done for our company. For you, dear workers!

Dear employees, we wish you a Happy New Year. We wish each of you new brilliant ideas, prosperity and success, professional growth. May love and understanding, happiness and health not leave your family. Let the warmth and love of loved ones warm you in the most difficult moments.

Happy New Year to those with whom I share the joys and sorrows throughout the working week - our close-knit work collective! Let the joy become many times more, I also wish that in the New Year the salary becomes much higher, and less labor is spent on it.

Dear Colleagues! There are a few more days before the new year, and all of you will celebrate the new year with your family. And we are celebrating the new year today, and we are celebrating it as one family. After all, we all work together, we do one thing. I raise my glass to all of us, for what we were able to achieve in the past year, and for what we will be able to achieve in the next.

Corporate New Year's toasts are cool

Funny and comic toasts in the team will help create a friendly atmosphere at the holiday and bring employees even closer to each other.

Dear colleagues and friends!
I have gathered you today for a reason.
Happy New Year to you all,
I forbid you to work today!
Let's rest today
We'll all drink a bottle of champagne.
So that in the new year we work together
And so that there is enough money for everything we need!

For the coming New Year
It's time for colleagues to wish
Less hard work
More pleasant salaries!

Let customers become smarter
The staff will be nice
Let the bosses praise, cherish,
And work will become easier than play!

Not only working success
Let Santa Claus carry in a sack,
And humor, joy, laughter,
And only the salary - seriously!

Leaving behind
Good old,
Difficult year
We hope for a new one,
Giving hope
Full of plans and worries.

You are a little tired -
We urgently need to rest!
Whatever you wish,
I want to say one thing -

Happy New and Best Year!
Even though he is still young,
But already loved by the people,
Like a fairytale hero!

Let him bring, colleague,
Good luck and honor to you
And good from a big cart
Gives out very generously!

Ahead of the New Year, the weekend!
Well done, we guys are big,
That we are leading the common business uphill!
I wish everyone in the cold season

Be warmed by home warmth
At a rich table to gather!
Say goodbye confidently to the past
Celebrate the holiday with a good mood!

And in the same field again
Come back with new energy!

Let the Merry New Year
He will come to you with a lot of joys,
And let him bring with him
Friends, health, life take off.
Let work be a passion
The family is the rest of the soul,
And let all bad weather disappear
And all the steep turns.

The last leaf was torn
The calendar has been removed from the wall.
Has been waiting for congratulations for a long time
January outside the door.
In bright carnival lights
The hour is coming.
The clink of crystal glasses
A celebration enters our house.
May good luck visit you,
Let inspiration come
Make your life brighter
In the new, begun year!

Happy New Year
Numerous colleagues,
New Year is a great holiday -
Time for joyful pleasures!

Time of holiday fireworks,
Fireworks, discos,
Everyone finds joy in him,
What he loves the most!

Santa Claus has been waiting for a long time
He has a heavy bag
Let the gifts be super!
Let them shock you!

Dear friends, comrades, colleagues! I want to raise a toast to the main, so to speak, character of the new year. For the one we look forward to not only once a year, but even more often. For the one who supports us, gives us hope for the best. For the one who helps us every year to gather in such a composition for a corporate party. I want to raise my glass to our chef. After all, if it were not for him and his company, we would never have met, and everyone would not have gathered here today.

Colleagues, on the eve of the New Year, I want to wish you fabulous salaries, magical working conditions and bosses who will always be in a wonderful mood! Let your experience and knowledge become more valuable than any wealth. But if someone decides to buy them - bargain to the last!

There was a man who did not work anywhere. And everyone around him worked, earned money, bought cars and apartments. And he also wanted a car and an apartment. And then this man came to us and got a job. I worked a little and bought a car, then an apartment. And he began to live the way all our workers live.

I want to raise a toast to you, my dear colleagues. It is you who do all the work, and it is thanks to you that our company develops and becomes better and more successful. Happy New Year, you my friends!

New Year is approaching and many companies arrange corporate parties for their workers. Do you already know what you will say to your colleagues at the New Year's table? Write in the comments your New Year's toasts for a corporate party.

The shorter the toast for the New Year, the easier it is to remember and the faster to tell it so that guests do not hold glasses and glasses in their hands for a long time.

Therefore, we offer a selection of short New Year's toasts, said in your own words, for your favorite feast.

As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it !!!
So why are we sitting and not drinking?

Let's have a drink for the only day of the year when you can sit down on a Christmas tree ... and not visit the forest! For the New Year!

First toast: Goodbye!
We will not see you sober today!

Let's drink to Santa Claus and Snegurochka: as long as I can remember, they don't get sick, they don't age, and there is always money for gifts! For us to be like that too!

One man fell asleep and had a dream: next to him is a beautiful woman. I woke up - no one was there. Let's drink to make all good dreams come true in the new year!

So let's drink to the fact that in the new year it was with whom and where.

I wish that all those gathered in the New Year, all sorts of troubles and troubles fell on one
- the only day is February 29.

Since childhood, in our subconscious mind is laid the expectation of joy and novelty from the upcoming holiday. Happy New Year 2019! And may all your expectations come true in the best possible way. Let's raise our glasses for this.

Let us drink so that in the new year our glasses are more often filled with wonderful wine, and our bowls of souls - with wonderful feelings!

Friends, when we celebrate the New Year, we always think about the future, all our toasts are about the new, about the one that has not yet come ... I propose to thank the old year for the bright legacy left by it, for the minutes of joy, success and love, invaluable experience, and victory!

Let's drink to make all our plans come true next year. And may he be luckier and bring us even more happiness!

So let's drink to the fact that the coming year was better than the previous one, but much worse than the next!

My toast is for everyone to be cheerful and kind, rich and wise, healthy and beautiful in the coming year! Happy Holidays. Happy New Year!

Friends, my toast is banal and simple! Let's drink for the new year to be better than the last one, but much worse than the next year!

Let's drink so that in the new year there is always someone to share any mood with.

As you know, a person learns all his life. He studies every year, and every year, probably, it becomes a little smarter ... Which means, for sure, the years also learn something - from a person and from each other.
So let's drink to the fact that each next year learns from the previous only good things!

May you have many new friends in the new year, a new high-paying job, a new car, a new country villa, in which you could sit, as in old times, with our old friendly circle and spend the old year!

What does the glass consist of? From the support and the drink bowl.
What is a person made of? From the body - the material support and the soul - the spiritual cup.
Let's drink so that in the new year our glasses would be filled with wonderful wine more often, and our soul bowls - with wonderful feelings!

Twice on the same ... New Years do not come!
You cannot celebrate the same New Year twice ...
So let's drink to the timeliness, inevitability and uniqueness of this recurring holiday! For the New Year!

Let's drink to the tables to burst with abundance, and the beds - from love in the New Year!

Let's drink so that in the new year, any mood can be shared with those who are really dear to you! For relatives, for friends!

May our life in the New Year be pure, like a drop of spring water, and happiness is playful, like champagne in this crystal glass!

Seeing off the old year, reminiscent of seeing off a train ... Only the departing train picks up friends or relatives. And the new year, on the contrary, will bring them to us. And my toast is to keep it this way forever!

This toast to the New Year! After all, only today is the only day when you can get lost in the trees and not visit the forest!

May next year we have so many good and joyful events, so many good and wonderful deeds, how many lights are burning in our New Year's garland!

Let all the problems in the new year be fleeting and fleeting, like the change of the old year to the new one!

May all the troubles in the new year be as short as the change of one year to another!

Let's have a drink for the only day of the year when you can sit on a Christmas tree ... and not visit the forest!
For the New Year!

And I have wishes for the new year for a glass: “So that she walk around, drink wine, pleasant
flavored with speech, would always beckon, full of wine, friends would drink it to the very bottom. "

New Year is always a summing up of the old one. However, no matter how we interpret the past, the whole philosophy is reduced to a simple phrase: "Live and rejoice!" I want to raise this glass to the joys that life gives us!

New Year is not a luxury, but a means of transportation in time! So let's drink to his perpetual motion machine!

Traditionally, we celebrate the New Year with champagne. May our life in the New Year be like this champagne - light, exciting, fragrant and overflowing!

My toast is so that in the New Year we have as many happy moments and joyful events as there are bubbles in our glass of champagne!

Let's drink to from, so that every next New Year our festive table is more and more bursting with food, the phone is more and more torn from friends' congratulatory calls and more and more children and grandchildren would give us gifts!

This toast is for the fact that in the new year we have many new friends, a new high-paying job, an expensive car, and a huge apartment in which we could meet our friendly circle and celebrate another, New Year!

Let's drink so that in the coming year there will be shooting around us ... but only champagne, right on target and at close range!

My toast is for shooting around us in the New Year, always hitting the target and from any distance!
But only champagne!

With my toast, I would like to ask you just two things.
First: let's close our eyes for a moment and make our deepest wish.
Second: Let us dry our glasses so that in the new year everything that we have in mind will certainly come true!

May we be in harmony with everyone in the new year, and above all - with ourselves!

Friends! I propose to devote the last glass of the outgoing year to the spirit of fun that reigns among us!

I want to drink so that after the twelfth stroke of the clock, your best of the past year becomes the worst of the next year!