Urinary incontinence, incontinence during sex. Irritation of the muscles of the bladder. stress urinary incontinence

Both women and men from time to time may face such a problem as frequent urge to urinate after sex. However, women suffer from this disease more often, which is associated with the peculiarities of the structure of their genitourinary system. In this case, they talk about postcoital cystitis, which develops as a result of infection in the urinary canal.


Cystitis is caused by a certain pathogenic microflora, and women suffer from it several times more often than men for the simple reason that their urethra is shorter, and the infection can easily and quickly penetrate the body, causing inflammation in the bladder. In men, this pathology is observed only in some cases - with an abnormal gaping of the opening of the penis or with a deep location of the urinary canal. In all other cases, the infection cannot enter the bladder of a man during sexual contact, since the urethra is compressed by the muscles of the penis, which creates an impenetrable barrier for infection.

In some cases, after sexual intercourse, frequent urge to urinate in women appears due to infection of the urethra with bacteria contained in vaginal secretions, or due to the penetration of Escherichia coli into the urethra. The lack of hormones in a woman's body also contributes to the development of pathology, since in this case the mucous membrane of the vagina, bladder and urethra becomes thinner. A dystrophic mucosa is much more exposed to a harmful infection than a healthy one.

If we talk about men, then they often urinate after sex if there was a long abstinence before sexual contact - then stagnant seminal fluid can become a source of infection in the bladder.

It must be remembered that this disease is very insidious, and often, with untimely or improper treatment, it becomes chronic. Therefore, at the first signs of cystitis, you should immediately consult a doctor for help.

There are some other factors that can contribute to the development of the inflammatory process in the bladder, these are:

  • banal non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • the use of lubricants based on spermicides during sex;
  • regular psychological stress and stress;
  • rough sex, in which the mucous membranes of the vagina and penis are damaged;
  • decreased immunity;
  • anal sex can cause cystitis in men. In women, pathology often appears if, after anal sex, vaginal sex follows, without the necessary hygiene;
  • diabetes;
  • hypothermia of the body.

It should be noted that sometimes the cause of infection is chronic pathological processes in the body, such as caries, sinusitis, etc. And if a woman takes antibacterial drugs for a long time, she is also prone to the fact that after intercourse she will experience frequent urge to urinate, since vaginal dysbacteriosis, which develops while taking medication, is an important factor in the development of cystitis.

As you can see from the above, there can be many reasons why a man or woman experiences frequent urination after sex. People with reduced immunity are especially affected by this disease, since normal immunity itself is able to cope with the penetration of foreign bacteria into the body.

Video: Cystitis in women. Causes and symptoms


Symptoms of sex-related cystitis appear within a few hours after intercourse. The disease is expressed:

  • soreness and burning during urination;
  • feeling of an incompletely emptied bladder;
  • sometimes, fever and symptoms of general intoxication (weakness, headache).

In addition, women may notice spontaneous discharge of a few drops of urine from urine, as well as darkening of the urine and the appearance of blood impurities in it.

When these symptoms appear, you should immediately visit a urologist and gynecologist. It is not recommended to treat cystitis on your own, and not only because the disease can become chronic with improperly selected treatment, but also because such symptoms may indicate that a person has other pathologies, in particular, a sexually transmitted disease - gonorrhea.

Diagnosis of pathology is carried out by, as well as testing for sexual infections.


Today in medical practice there are several ways to treat cystitis. The main task of the doctor is to suppress the inflammatory process and restore the normal blood supply to the bladder and urethra. Some people prefer to use folk methods in the fight against pathology such as frequent urination in women after sex. However, although folk methods are effective, they only eliminate the symptoms without completely destroying the pathological infection, which leads to the development of chronic cystitis. The same can be said about those people who prefer to drink an antibiotic, because of which the pain goes away - in this case, the pathogenic microflora that caused the inflammation is also not completely destroyed. Therefore, it is very important that the treatment be comprehensive - only in this case, complete healing is guaranteed.

Under the supervision of a doctor, a sick person is prescribed:

  • sulfa drugs;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibiotics.

These drugs are designed to suppress the inflammatory process and destroy the bacteria that caused it. In this case, you should first analyze the infection that caused the inflammation, because it can be not only bacteria, but also fungi, and then the use of antifungal drugs will be required.

In addition, the doctor prescribes physiotherapeutic procedures, and alternative methods of treatment. Homeopathy has proven itself well in the fight against cystitis in men and women - homeopathic treatment is especially effective in the fight against chronic cystitis.

For prevention, we can recommend that all people lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports and have an active sex life, but not promiscuous. In addition, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene, eat right and strengthen your immune system.

Video: cystitis in women

About 80% of women complain of urinary incontinence during sex. A similar problem haunts every fourth woman over the age of 18. In addition to discomfort, shame, and the appearance of complexes in the future, uncontrolled urination during intercourse can indicate more serious problems, often associated with diseases of the genitourinary system.

Urinary incontinence during sex is a very unpleasant phenomenon that can develop due to various reasons in both sexes.

Causes of urination during intercourse in women

  • Sexual stimulation during intercourse that puts pressure on the bladder or urethra combined with weakened pelvic floor muscles.
  • Overactive bladder - the appearance of a sudden and urgent urge to urinate due to involuntary contraction.
  • Infections in the bladder or prostate.
  • Certain medications, including antidepressants and blood pressure medications.
  • Natural diuretics and bladder irritants such as caffeine and alcohol.
  • Diseases with a chronic course, such as inflammation of the bladder, urethra, etc.
  • Stones in the kidneys or bladder.
  • Full bladder.
  • Physical and nervous strain.

Urinary incontinence during sex can be caused by anatomical pathologies, diseases, mental disorders.

In some cases, urinary incontinence during intercourse does not necessarily indicate the presence of any ailments. Many women experience paraorgasm, a variant of orgasm during which the state before ejaculation is accompanied by a strong urge to urinate and the result is the involuntary release of a small portion of urine. As practice shows, after some time, such phenomena stop without any treatment.

How to treat?

Urinary incontinence during intercourse in women should not be ignored. Postponing the treatment of this problem often leads to its aggravation, and as a result, the symptoms become unbearable, the treatment becomes more problematic and lengthy, and the disease itself becomes chronic. And there are also cases when a large amount of fluid secreted from the glands during orgasm is mistaken for urination.

With constant, especially if it is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, it is important to urgently consult a gynecologist or urologist.

Exercises for urinary incontinence

If the cause of urinary incontinence lies in physical overstrain, weakening of the muscles of the coccyx-pubic region or stress, then you should pay attention to exercises to strengthen the intimate muscles. According to most doctors, the most effective is the Kegel exercise - easy-to-use exercises that can be performed anywhere and anytime. The order of the exercise:

  • First, find the right muscles. To identify the muscles of interest, stop urinating in the middle of the process. After the muscles of the pelvic region are defined, squeeze them for 3 seconds without straining the abdominal muscles.
  • Add 1-2 seconds every week until you can squeeze the muscles for 10 seconds each time.
  • Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times in a row 3 times a day.

Lifestyle change

For some people, lifestyle changes can help prevent urination during sex:

  • Try different positions during sex. This will help you find exactly the one at which the pressure on the bladder is reduced to a minimum.
  • If you are overweight, then weight loss can help. Consult your doctor for a proper diet and fitness plan.
  • Limit drinks and foods that contain caffeine or alcohol, as they act as diuretics and are irritants to the bladder.
  • Try not to drink too much right before sexual activity, or at least go to the bathroom before doing so.

Is it possible to get rid of this nightmare? Answer: yes.

Cystitis after sex (postcoital cystitis)- this is an acute inflammation of the bladder the day after intercourse. Antibiotics only help relieve another attack, but do not affect the cause of this disease. In this article, I talk about the causes, diagnosis and treatment of this condition.

Postcoital cystitis

Cystitis after sex is one of the strangest diseases. It would seem that a young woman, healthy in all aspects. However, 1-2 days after sexual contact, acute cystitis occurs. Pain, cramps when urinating, constant urge, not allowing to go far from the toilet. Taking antibiotics only relieves an attack until the next sexual intercourse, a variety of infusions, intravenous injections, hospitalizations have the same effect ... The peculiarity of this disease is that it is usually caused by an anatomically incorrect location of the urethra or its gaping. And this can be corrected.

Transposition of the urethra

This is a reconstructive plastic surgery aimed at removing the urethra from the area where the infection constantly gets into it.

This is the only radical treatment for postcoital cystitis.

Constant attempts to treat acute cystitis that occurs after intercourse with antibiotics, infusions, or immune boosting are doomed to failure until the cause is addressed.

Extensive experience in such operations allows me to guarantee the result and, by eliminating the cause, to eradicate attacks of acute cystitis.

In front of me sits a young, rather pretty woman with a sad, even somehow hopeless expression in her eyes. Judging by the thickness of the folder of medical documents, she has a serious illness, perhaps even several. Such volumes of the medical record reaches 80 years, after numerous consultations of a whole cohort of specialists.

The essence of the recommendations is the same everywhere: antibiotics. Short course, long-term use, intravesical infusions, physiotherapy. And everywhere - a magnificent phrase: "With a short clinical effect." Translation: antibiotics helped, but not for long. Cystitis after sex still ruins her whole life.

"Small reason, but great sin"
Popular proverb.

Causes of cystitis after intercourse

The main reason that cystitis begins after sex is the deep location of the urethra or its gaping. The penis in this situation serves as a pump that drives bacteria into the bladder. After 24-48 hours, they multiply, causing ... An attack of acute cystitis.

Normal location of the urethra: not lower than 1-1.5 cm from the clitoris, and always closed.

Normally, closing the urethra during intercourse prevents bacteria from entering the bladder.

Dystopia of the urethra: the mouth of the urethra is lower and gaping.

During sexual intercourse, the mouth of the urethra opens even more and bacteria easily penetrate into the bladder

After 24-48 hours, the bacteria multiply and acute cystitis occurs.

"...Thus, the cause of cystitis after sex is a low-lying and gaping urethra"

The usual situation in practice

- “Do intimate hygiene”, “regulate your sex life”, “try an antibiotic after each sexual intercourse”, “be sure to get a course of some kind of physiotherapy”, “drink liters of cranberry juice”, “urinate before and after sex”, - the patient is evil spits out the words - it feels like I'm a dirty slut with an iron liver and a money machine. I can’t urinate before and after sex, I don’t have sex for 3-4 hours, I just don’t want to urinate after sex! I can’t go to the sea - hypothermia, I can’t get pregnant - you can’t take antibiotics, I can’t live with my husband - he has been walking to the left for a long time. Is it really impossible to kill this bacterium once and for all? What should I do?
- Inhale. Exhale. Climb into the gynecological chair. I say, putting on gloves, already knowing what I will see. It's so simple - to look with your eye at the organ that hurts. Still, it is obvious - if we kill a bacterium, and it reappears, it means that it comes from somewhere. Just an examination, palpation of the urethra - and the diagnosis is almost ready. Now it remains to exclude the rest of the reasons, ultrasound will help us with this, and deal with the consequences - with what this very bacterium has done during its life where it should not live - in the bladder.
- What? More antibiotics?
- Not.
— Physiotherapy?
- Not.
“Laser, infusion of some regular filth into the bladder?”
You can bring down a whole stream of difficult-to-pronounce words on it. What is only worth "the destruction of the glycosaminoglycan layer, the pathology of collagen, the local hypoestrogenic state." But in order to understand this, I myself had to read more than one highly specialized manual. She did not read them ... And therefore ...
- Your urethra is located deeper than it should, and has increased mobility. Because of this, during intercourse, he begins to gape and the penis, as it were, drives bacteria from neighboring areas directly into the bladder. Bacteria multiply there and - voila, cystitis. And the neighboring zone is the rectum, where the notorious E. coli and Enterobacter live.
“Uh… So I’m incurable??? Are these bacteria going to get into the bladder all the time?
- Nothing like this. You can be cured so that you completely forget the word "cystitis".
It is clear that this sounded blasphemous to her. Well, you can’t immediately take it and say - I will cure you. It has to be slow and reasonable.

“There is a doctor, a patient, a disease. If the patient is on the side of the doctor, the doctor will win. He will go over to the disease - he will conquer the disease "

Cystitis after sex: treatment

Treatment of cystitis after sex is the elimination of the cause. After all, if we can normalize the position of the urethra, we, in fact, will eliminate the possibility of bacteria entering the bladder. Attacks of cystitis after sex will stop. The unpleasant symptoms that accompany cystitis will also go away, for example, urinary incontinence, irritation of the external opening of the urethra, the inability to have a normal sex life.
This method of treatment has been developed. This is a surgical operation called urethral transposition. Its meaning is to isolate the urethra from the surrounding tissues, raise it to its normal, usual place, and fix it. Also, during this operation, those minimal remnants of the hymen that can pull the urethra down are excised.
This is a highly effective way to treat cystitis after sex. As a rule, hospitalization does not exceed 2-3 days, postoperative rehabilitation after transposition of the urethra - no more than one week.

Transposition of the urethra: two small incisions are made.

The urethra stands out from the surrounding tissues for 2.5-3 cm.

The isolated urethra is passed into the submucosal tunnel to its anatomical site.

The urethra is fixed and the vaginal wall is sutured.

View of the operated urethra 3 months after the operation.

The usual story...

- How? How is this even possible?
— Surgically. It is necessary to move the urethra to its normal place so that during intercourse it is clamped by the penis, and does not gape and does not allow bacteria to pass through.
Is there such an operation?
- Yeah. It's called urethral transposition. In essence, there is an elongation of the urethra.
Will I write like a boy? - Indescribable horror on the face of the patient.
Well, not to the same extent. Let's just return the urethra from the depths of the vagina to its normal location - under the clitoris. Here, look, I draw a diagram of the operation, the final result.
- Wow. That is, you simply remove the urethra from the area where these bacteria live and that's it? Will cystitis stop after sex?
- Necessarily. But first, a cystoscopy.
- What is this for? The problem is, as you said, in the urethra?
- Yeah. But the channel is a conductor of bacteria. You have been having cystitis for so many years, you need to make sure that the bladder mucosa is in order.
- And if not? - Immediately the patient droops, - There, after all, everything is probably bad.
- Well, yes. May be. Maybe leukoplakia, maybe polyps, whatever. But it's all just as treatable. Let's remove the problem in the bladder, remove the problem with the urethra - goodbye, cystitis. Go to the sea, bring me some souvenir.

Transposition of the urethra: what you need to know?

  1. There are two options for transposition of the urethra: the O'Donnell operation and the Komyakov operation. Most clinics offer O'Donnell surgery, which leads to relapses in 30-40% of cases. That is why I propose the operation of Professor Komyakov, in which relapses are extremely rare.
  2. Attempts to introduce hyaluronic acid into the wall of the urethra lead to relapses in 40% of cases. I do not use this technique, considering it vicious and unreasonable. Moreover, the introduction of the gel into the urethra leads to the complication of the subsequent operation of the transposition of the urethra.
  3. Transposition of the urethra is the only radical way to treat cystitis after sex.


Properly performed transposition of the urethra is characterized by minimal surgical trauma. The urinary catheter is installed for only a day, and the opinion that it needs to be installed for 7-10 days is erroneous. As a rule, patients are discharged 2-3 days after the operation.

Better Efficiency

Urethral transposition is the most effective way to treat cystitis after sex. Neither the injection of hyaluronic gel into the urethra, nor the O'Donnell operation can be compared with this operation in terms of the absence of side effects, relapses and effectiveness.


The safety of urethral transposition is ensured by extensive experience in such operations, the best equipment and constant monitoring of the patient's condition. Also, for the safety of the operation, the correct preparation that each patient undergoes is important.

No blood loss

The use of the latest technologies and extensive experience allow me to perform urethral transposition without blood loss, which, of course, speeds up the patient's rehabilitation. The total blood loss is not more than the amount given during the tests.

Fast recovery

Rehabilitation of the patient after transposition takes about 2 days. After 3 months after the operation, it is possible to return to a normal sexual life, and after six months - to become pregnant. Childbirth after surgery is quite possible and NOT contraindicated.

cosmetic effect

Many patients are afraid of scars and an ugly appearance after surgery. Nothing like this happens after the transposition of the urethra - the urethra only takes on a normal appearance. There are no scars or scars after the operation.

"If something can be misunderstood, it will be misunderstood"
One of Murphy's laws

An unexpected end to the story.

…I am able to explain a lot. I can talk about complex things in simple terms. But I don’t understand - why do I need a barometer from Greece, designed to look like the head of Hippocrates? In the twilight you will see, you will become a stutterer ... The whole horror of the situation lies in the fact that the ashes left from the patient's medical record are mixed into the plaster head of Hippocrates. Like, remember me, dear doctor.

Our advantages

Professional Approach: modern diagnosis of the causes of frequent cystitis

Team: specialized scientific and clinical group of urogynecology

Expert Council: Consultation of specialists to choose the best treatment method

Expert grade equipment: German equipment Karl Storz and KLS Martin

Comfort: no queues at admission to a premium class hospital

Safety: use of methods with proven effectiveness

Result: getting rid of postcoital cystitis

As well as GCP certification confirming the highest standards of diagnostics and treatment.

Our guarantees

- We guarantee your safety, using modern and high-quality drugs for anesthesia of Austrian or French production.
-We DO NOT USE low-quality analogues of no drugs, which minimizes the risks of complications.
-Experience over 300 urethral transpositions ensure that there are no complications.
-We DO NOT REFER the patient for follow-up treatment in obscure polyclinics, we provide both inpatient and outpatient stages of treatment.

Each patient is provided with an epicrisis with detailed recommendations, an official sick leave.

Information for out-of-town patients:

If you need treatment for cystitis after sex in Moscow,. We will arrange hospitalization on the day of arrival, conduct the necessary examinations and perform the operation as soon as possible. Taking into account all preliminary examinations, you will be able to return home in 5-6 days.

Olga Z.

I can safely say that I am lucky! Lucky to "fall into the hands" of Dr. Dilanyan Hovhannes Eduardovich! Professional with a capital letter! However, Hovhannes Eduardovich was not the first urologist whom I turned to back in 2013 with my problem: false urge to urinate and a sharp unpleasant odor. None of my friends could advise a specific specialist, so my choice fell on a clinic located near my house with a good reputation. Having signed up at a convenient time for myself to see a doctor, I went for answers. By a happy coincidence, Dr. Anton Evgenievich Rotov received me. It's great when a good doctor is also a good person. Analyzes, cystourethroscopy - chronic cystitis and leukoplakia of the bladder! No pain, no stinging! The solution that was proposed and to which I agreed was transurethral electrovaporization. However, after the operation, a course of antibiotics and instillations with Uro-Gialom, the number of leukocytes in the urine did not decrease. For the next appointment, Dr. Rotov A.E. invited his colleagues: a gynecologist and a nephrologist. An extremely detailed examination showed an almost imperceptible (if you really carp at all) seal on the wall of the vagina. This was followed by another cystourethroscopy, which was carried out jointly by Dr. Rotov A.E. and Dr. Dilanyan O.E. It immediately became clear that Hovhannes Eduardovich is an authoritative specialist with vast experience, to whom his colleagues turn for advice. And I am extremely grateful to Anton Evgenievich for meeting Hovhannes Eduardovich, for having found the cause of my "leukocytes" - a paraurethral (vaginal) cyst - with such joint efforts! The operation was successful, there were no complications. Although Hovhannes Eduardovich warned about possible adverse consequences, he was in the mood for a positive result! Still, the doctor and the patient need to "work together"! After the operation, strictly following the recommendations, she began to return to her usual way of life. It seemed that the body recovered and life improved! But even here troubles awaited me: after sexual intercourse, a sharp unpleasant smell of urine. Again! And leukocytes. Again! Courses of antibiotics and "working together" with a gynecologist did not give a long-term positive effect. The solution was the transposition of the urethra in 2014. Hovhannes Eduardovich, according to his colleagues, did a fine job and gave a chance for a full healthy life! The body gradually returned to normal! Physically and emotionally recovered! I began to fiercely adhere to two rules: 1) drink plenty of water and 2) go to the toilet before and after sexual contact! If you can't follow rule 2, see rule 1! My “life companion” supported me in every possible way during the treatment period and treated and treats my “ritual” with great patience! Good health allowed us to carefully prepare for the pregnancy that we had long dreamed of and finally become parents! Hovhannes Eduardovich, thank you very much for taking care of my body, for your professionalism and kind human attitude!
When my acquaintances contact me for a "good urologist", I recommend Hovhannes Eduardovich without hesitation or hesitation!

Lily M.

Feedback from www.prodoctorov.ru

We have such a human thing - when you get rid of something bad, you want both this worst thing and the process of getting rid of getting rid of memory, forget, think about everything that surrounded the feeling of pain. And there is also such a thing when, having been ill before the cure, after the healing process that took place, you begin to look into all the places - "what if something is wrong" (it pricked, twitched, cystic) ... And at such moments, as they say, you start " to get" the doctor ... I can be called a "fresh" patient and, therefore, I still remember the pain of my cystitis, which both urologists and gynecologists denied in my non-Moscow city. The "choice" they put before me was small - "either sex or life without pain", especially "at your age". Needless to say, urinary cramps arose not only because of sex, but because of a banal windy draft, any damp coolness ... In our weather, then ... But in life there are also changes. After a long time, personal life improved. The man I love. So many plans... And then - bam! You twist in pain, swallow eternal and no longer effective medicines... I came to Hovhannes Eduardovich and his team (or rather, fell like snow on my head) because of despair... That's how I came to work in the morning, writhing in an antibiotic state , opened an Internet page that had been viewed many times for people like me with information and explanations of Dr. Dilanyan, took a plane ticket and immediately flew to Moscow. The next morning I was already at the hospital department, where, in a confused state, I appeared before a somewhat surprised (seemingly from my insanity) Mr. Dilanyan with his “story” and papers, somehow understanding in the depths of my soul that they would now take me somewhere to the “best times"... And you know... Nobody put me off anywhere! They took care of me - they immediately took tests, the next day - cystoscopy, results and a voiced conclusion - a TUR of the bladder, transposition of the urethra is needed ... Unfortunately, the time of my operation coincided with the so-called "off-season" of the transition to a new place of work of Hovhannes Eduardovich However, all arrangements for my hospitalization, the operation itself and the postoperative period were carried out flawlessly and with due attention. I cannot fail to mention here the human and professional attention of Dr. Nikita Mikhailovich Blokhin, who has been taking part in my situation all this time (including the time of my story). Well, then ... Then came my "getting" doctors "after" ... Of course, when you are not in Moscow and do not know how the body interprets changes that are unusual for it, it becomes scary. .. Need support. At least by phone. And she was. And it continues... True, I no longer call, but write... I know how bad it is to distract the doctor from the process of healing patients like me (only in the past). I write - and they answer my medical questions, and, oddly enough, they remember. Perhaps the "cystitis problem" will seem frivolous to someone, but I wanted to write not about it, but about the professionalism of the "village doctors" often mentioned in the literature, who completely disappeared from the peripheries, but somehow found themselves in the capital ... If anyone If someone tells me that the money question plays a role, then I have something to answer. In my city, they didn’t help me either for payment or for blatant blasphemy. Pain cannot be redeemed or healed with money. We are very grateful to Hovhannes Eduardovich, and I regret that I did not take a ticket earlier and did not find myself at the reception.

cystitis after sex


Feedback from prodoctorov.ru

Good day! I was operated on by Hovhannes Eduardovich in the spring of 2014 (urethra transplantation). Before I got to this wonderful doctor, I suffered from a very unpleasant illness for a long time. Symptoms of cystitis after intercourse haunted me for a long period of time. This period seemed to me an endless hell ... I think women will understand me ... And especially those women who, unfortunately, know what it is like firsthand! The fact is that in my city local doctors still do not know about the existence of this problem. Each of my visits to the doctor looked something like this: I sat opposite the next "specialist" (I visited gynecologists, urologists, nephrologists, etc.) and told my story, and in response he opened his eyes wide and groaned and gasp. An endless series of swallowing some terrible antibiotics, drinking an endless amount of herbs. This has become my constant nightmare. In addition, I sat on various women's forums, where such a problem was discussed, just like mine. From these forums I became even more frightened, and my situation seemed hopeless to me. In general, everything was very dramatic and ridiculous. I do not remember how, but I came across the site of Hovhannes Eduardovich. I remember what emotions I experienced when I started to explore the site! I just could not believe my eyes that my problem was solved! At the same time, I remember that the information on the site was presented in such an accessible language that it seemed as if I had already entered into a dialogue with a doctor who would cure me. I decided to write to Hovhannes Eduardovich. He responds very quickly, I must say! He provided me with detailed information, I was able to prepare in detail for a trip to another city, plan everything. Thanks to his responsive attitude to the patient, you feel great support and continue to confidently go towards the goal. This is very important when you are already desperate! The operation was successful! I feel great. And all this thanks to Hovhannes Eduardovich! I am very grateful to him! He gave me hope, which soon turned into real salvation. I would like to say a special "thank you" to the whole team of Hovhannes Eduardovich. They suit each other. I felt responsiveness, goodwill, respect for the human person and human health. Thank you all for your professional work! I will always remember you!

cystitis after sex

Dinara A.

Feedback from prodoctorov.ru

Good day! Exactly a year has passed since I found my savior - Hovhannes Eduardovich. How did I find it? In another fit of despair due to an exacerbation of cystitis after intercourse, I was looking for a doctor who would understand what was happening to me, who would offer at least one real and adequate reason for my condition. If I run a little back, then I have suffered from cystitis since 2010, it has always been associated with sexual intercourse. Then I was still a student at a medical university, I already understood something, of course, I didn’t self-medicate, I went to doctors, the answers were mostly superficial: it happens, women often have cystitis, you are predisposed, you caught a cold, etc. But all these reasons were unconvincing, incorrect and unprofessional. Tons of antibiotics, furagin, like vitamins, and constant fear. When exacerbations occurred, I could neither sit, nor lie down, nor stand, nor eat, nor drink, in general, it was very bad! Repeated attacks were accompanied by hospitalization, because the urine was bloody, antibiotics were injected, and cystoscopy was done for profit. During the last hospitalization, I was already a doctor, reading specialized literature on urology - I understood that the exacerbation of cystitis after each sexual intercourse - this cannot be from the category of "it happens", that there is a clear reason, and asked me to do cystoscopy myself in order to see - do I have polyps, do I have a normal structure, etc., to which the doctors, to my great regret, laughed it off (far from professional, vulgar jokes). And in July 2016, being in an extremely dejected state, thinking that I would never have a family life, children too (and there was such a fear of cystitis, a fear of even just urination, that I preferred the absence of sex, just not to suffer) , I came to an appointment with Hovhannes Eduardovich. I don’t remember what I said, I think I even cried, but I remember the serious and reliable image of my doctor, he reassured me and asked clear questions (questions necessary for a differential diagnosis), no jokes, laughter, indifference, he then reacted to me as to my daughter! Naturally, it is impossible to solve the case without an examination, which was done (although I asked other doctors more than once), the diagnosis was made on the same day: Dystopia of the urethra - that is, it is located lower than it should be + adhesions. Drawings, diagrams are drawn, everything is explained in the most detailed way. A clear plan of action was given and the only possible solution was the operation of transposition of the urethra according to Komyakov. Of course, I could not believe that the decision was so real and that everything could disappear without a trace, I was worried, but the suffering that I experienced made me agree to the operation without hesitation. The date of the operation has been set. But before it was carried out, cystoscopy was necessary, which for the first time in my life was carried out under anesthesia (in a dream), where I did not experience the pangs of this study, and it was much easier. The diagnosis was confirmed. The day of the operation arrived. The department in which I was hospitalized is clean and comfortable, the nurses are the best, and the doctors are talented! Hovhannes Eduardovich once again explained everything, drew, the operation was carried out successfully (which I had no doubt about). There was both general anesthesia and epidural anesthesia - and everything for a better postoperative period, so that there was no pain. The postoperative period was also great, very attentive and kind nurses, Hovhannes Eduardovich and Nikita Mikhailovich (my second savior) - made rounds every day, closely monitored my condition, the food was very tasty, the rooms were clean. In general, everything was great, but I just couldn’t believe it, did I really get rid of my illness? Well, dear and respected Hovhannes Eduardovich, almost a year has passed since the day of my operation (on September 22, 2016) and I can say that there was not only an exacerbation of cystitis, but even a hint of any discomfort in the area urethra! I am happy, and now I enjoy life and love (in every sense) with my husband! I ride a bike, swim, run, lead an active lifestyle, work quietly as a pediatrician, and every day I remember you, thank you, and thank God for meeting such a talented, smart, professional doctor like you! My gratitude cannot be expressed in words! I love and adore you! My husband rejoices with me! And separately I would like to convey the words of great gratitude to you from my mother, who is endlessly happy to see her daughter healthy! P.S. It was a great happiness when, a month after the operation, I passed a urine culture for flora and it was sterile for the first time! Finally, when I go to the toilet, I am not afraid of burning, cutting, etc. Thank you! And to your entire magical team!

cystitis after sex

Anna Anokhina

Feedback from www.prodoctorov.ru

Hovhannes Eduardovich is a doctor from God! A professional in his field! I sincerely thank you for curing me!

There's no such thing!

With constant inflammation of the bladder, I suffered for 6 years, or even more. I will not describe all the pains and horrors that I had to endure and endure. The doctors didn’t really say anything, they just shamelessly prescribed antibiotics, and that’s it, but nothing helped. Cystitis haunted me steadily once a month, not a single urologist even wanted to finish the job, some even recommended taking antidepressants, as they believed that the pain was fictitious. And in one of the next attacks of cystitis, I got on the Internet and stumbled upon the website of Hovhannes Eduardovich, made an appointment, and for the first time in my life I was adequately examined and, finally, diagnosed! Hovhannes Eduardovich operated on me in November 2016, and now it is August 2017, and I am a full-fledged person! Without constant cystitis, I no longer drink kilograms of antibiotics, I'm not afraid of intimacy with my husband, and, finally, you can plan a pregnancy! Thank you very much, Hovhannes Eduardovich! Anna Anokhina

By private transport:
From the center: straight from the Kremlin embankment to Moskvoretskaya embankment, after 390 meters to Podgorskaya embankment, then after 290 meters to Yauzskaya street, along it after 96 meters to Solyanka street, after 180 meters to the right to Pevchesky lane, then after 140 meters to the left to Podkolokolny lane , then after 110 meters to the right to Maly Ivanovsky lane. After about 60 meters, the entrance to the clinic will be on the right
From MKAD: right along the Yaroslavl highway, Severyaninsky overpass, Prospekt Mira. From Prospekt Mira, turn left to Sadovoe, along which about 3 km straight, then right 75 m and straight 570 meters along Vorontsovo Pole Street, then straight and after 400 meters to Podkolokolny Lane, after 110 m right to Maly Ivanovsky Lane. After about 60 meters, the entrance to the clinic will be on the right.

But hiding it, we only exacerbate the situation.

Our expert is a doctor of the first category, urologist-andrologist of the State Research Center for Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia Vasily Kotov.

Dry facts of a wet "accident"

The two most common types of urinary incontinence are:

  • stressful - during physical exertion, coughing, laughing, sneezing, sexual intercourse, that is, in cases of a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Occurs in almost half of the cases;
  • urgent - involuntary - excretion of urine with a sudden, strong and unbearable urge to urinate, which a woman cannot restrain.

All the rest are mixed and rare forms.

Women are more likely to suffer from this disease. Their pelvic floor muscles are initially weaker than those of men. Stress urinary incontinence often occurs after traumatic childbirth, accompanied by ruptures of the muscles of the perineum. Surgical interventions on the pelvic organs do not pass without a trace: removal of the uterus, tumors.

Insufficiency of the female hormones estrogen, which leads to changes in the mucous membrane of the genital organs, can cause symptoms of urge urinary incontinence.

In old age, it is explained by changes in the cerebral cortex - it is there that the area responsible for voluntary urination is located. Initial cause: stroke, atherosclerosis, long-term type II diabetes mellitus.

Diagnosis by cough

To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist and a urologist, and to examine it on a gynecological chair. During it, the doctor may ask the patient to cough - this is the so-called "cough test". If a small amount of urine is excreted, it is considered positive. During the examination, smears are also taken from the vagina and cervix for microscopic examination. To exclude other pathologies in which urine is also poorly retained (for example, cystitis), the doctor may additionally prescribe an ultrasound scan of the kidneys and bladder.

secret gymnastics

Women with urinary incontinence after childbirth are most often prescribed conservative methods of treatment, as well as those for whom surgery is contraindicated due to some disease or advanced age.

For all women with urinary incontinence, doctors recommend physical exercises to strengthen the muscles of the perineum and pelvic organs. Familiar from childhood, "birch", "scissors", "bicycle", "corner" on the Swedish wall will also help get rid of a sagging tummy. You can also wear a small ball between your legs during household chores, holding it as high as possible. Physiotherapeutic treatment, for example, with the help of galvanic currents, electrophoresis, has a good effect. Botulinum toxin injections into the bladder mucosa have also shown positive results.

Let's say "stop" to the disease

If within a year stress urinary incontinence could not be cured conservatively, surgery is recommended. The “synthetic loop” operation, or loop plastic with a free synthetic flap, is considered the most effective and sparing operation. During it, a prolene loop is placed under the middle part of the urethra. Thus, a reliable additional support is created for the bladder.

The operation is performed with any degree of urinary incontinence and under local anesthesia. There are no contraindications for her.

When urination occurs during sex, a person experiences many psychological inconveniences. Unfortunately, but such a nuisance can happen to both a man and a woman, but the fairer sex is more susceptible to such danger. This is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the organs of the genitourinary system.

Many may have noticed that there is frequent urination after sex. The fact is that with intimacy, there is increased pressure on the bladder, so the urge to defecate can even become unstoppable. It is not uncommon for situations when urination occurs during orgasm. Because muscles weaken after exertion. Let's consider in more detail what all this can be connected with.

In the fairer sex, anatomically, the bubble is located in close proximity to the vagina and clitoris. That is why during sex it is squeezed. Frequent urination after sex in women is quite common, because during the entire period of intimacy, this organ has undergone increased stress.

Types of urinary incontinence. Source: uromir.ru

There are several provoking factors that involuntary urination occurs during sex:

  1. Achieving orgasm;
  2. High level of adrenaline release;
  3. The presence of a history of chronic cystitis;
  4. Entering into intimacy with a full bubble;
  5. Having sex in a non-standard position.

The main reason that urination occurs during sex is considered to be the presence in a person of such a condition as the inability to retain biological fluid, that is, when urged, it pours out spontaneously. There are several types of incontinence, namely: stress, urgency and mixed.

The first type is considered the most common. More than 50% of people face it, that is, at the time of the act of intimacy, men and women noted a single or regular spontaneous urination, which is caused by a long stay in a stressful situation.

Since the bubble experiences increased pressure during sex, it is subjected to increased physical exertion. However, the provoking factor in this case is not only intimacy, but also laughter, coughing, lifting weights, sneezing (any action that tenses the muscles of the lower abdomen).

Urgent urinary incontinence is characterized by a completely sudden bowel movement, when before that a person did not even feel the urge. In this case, people are diagnosed with an overactive bladder. If this organ is working normally, then the brain will receive a signal that it is necessary to visit the toilet when it is 50% full.

Features of an overactive bladder. Source: propochki.info

Then there is a certain time for the fulfillment of natural needs. In the case of OAB, this signal comes too early, so the woman or man immediately feels an urgent need to defecate. There is not always even enough time to visit the toilet, and when it comes to sexual intercourse, then urination will happen immediately.

With a mixed form, it is quite difficult to establish the exact cause of urine leakage. The fact is that this condition can be caused both by a certain stressful situation or emotional shock, and by physical exertion. The presented type of incontinence is diagnosed more often than the urgent type.

In men

Frequent urination after sex in men also has a physiological explanation. During intimacy, the opening of the bladder is blocked in the area where the urethral canal enters the penis. This is necessary in order to prevent the penetration of seminal fluid into the urine.

Accordingly, we can conclude that in men, urination during sex is extremely rare. But if a representative of the stronger sex has previously been treated for the removal of a tumor on the organ, then this condition may be a side effect of the operation.

Most often, when an oncological process is detected, male patients are prescribed a radical-type prostatectomy. The intervention is characterized by the complete removal of the gland of the same name. However, in almost every second patient after this, there is leakage of urine or the inability to control urination during sex, coughing and other stress.


If a man or woman notices that her urine is leaking, or involuntary urination occurs during sex, then first of all you should contact an experienced urologist who, after examination, will be able to determine the true cause of this violation.

A set of Kegel exercises for women.