Correctly do the bar for how many minutes is the norm. Plank for weight loss - reviews and tips. Side plank: how to do it right

Beautiful outlines of the figure tend to have women and men. To achieve the desired result, it is not necessary to conduct exhausting and long workouts in the gym. The popular plank exercise will help tone the muscles and tighten the whole body. It is enough to allocate 5-10 minutes every day for classes, and the effect will not be long in coming. A good result is possible only under the condition of correct implementation and continuous improvement.

What is the plank exercise

"Plank" is a static exercise to strengthen the muscles of the whole body. This is a kind of hovering above the floor in emphasis on the legs and arms with a straight spine. The shape resembles a board, so this term is sometimes used in everyday life. Forms a muscular corset of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, spine, involving almost the entire body in parallel. Its main feature is the absence of dynamic movements and low load on the joints. It is actively used in the training program for Pilates, stretching, fitness, bodybuilding, as well as in yoga and home gymnastics.

It is generally accepted that a beautiful and elastic belly can only be created with the help of the press. In fact, the ideal result is possible only in combination. An important role in the formation of a beautiful belly is played by the “Planck”, which involves the deep muscles in the work, makes them function with high tension. It does not require constant movement and heavy loads.

The plank exercise is a great opportunity to get a flat stomach, toned buttocks, and slender legs.

During the exercise, several muscle groups are involved:

  • oblique, transverse and rectus abdominis muscles;
  • medium and small muscles of the buttocks;
  • thigh muscles;
  • back muscles;
  • trapezius muscles of the shoulders;
  • triceps and biceps.

The work includes not only the stomach, but also the back, arms, shoulders, chest, buttocks, legs. In a short time, the stomach becomes flatter, the posture is leveled, the spine is strengthened, the hips and buttocks become slender and elastic. In addition, stretching, endurance, strength and patience are formed.

Advantages and benefits of the plank exercise

Plank is a general strengthening and basic exercise. It does not pump up certain parts of the body, but forms a beautiful figure, serves as the basis for complex strength and dynamic training. The benefit lies in a complex positive effect on bodily characteristics and the general condition of the body.

The plank is a static exercise. When performing it, the person does not make any movements.

The main advantages of the "Planck" are obvious:

  • the versatility and uniqueness of the exercise allows you to develop several muscle groups at once;
  • at the same time strength, endurance, balance, coordination are trained;
  • no simulators, devices, equipment or special conditions are required - the exercise is performed equally effectively in the gym and at home, only a rug (karemat) is needed;
  • the classic exercise is isometric, does not involve the movement of the joints, and therefore, the load on them;
  • due to the need to control the position of the body, willpower, concentration and concentration are brought up;
  • stretching is formed, muscle tension is relieved after a long sitting position;
  • the shape of the waist is improved, the stomach is tightened, the press cubes appear;
  • excess fat is removed from the abdomen, a moderate effect of losing weight is achieved;
  • a strong muscular corset is formed that supports the internal organs;

One of the few that allows you to quickly lose weight and completely get rid of subcutaneous fat in the abdomen

  • the spine is straightened, posture is corrected, scoliosis and osteochondrosis are prevented;
  • metabolism is normalized, the process of "burning" calories is accelerated;
  • develops a sense of balance not only physical, but also psychological;
  • the flexibility of the whole body increases, the elasticity of the ligaments increases, which prevents injury;
  • requires a minimum of time (up to 10 minutes daily) and physical fitness, suitable for men and women of any age group.

A positive result is noticeable after a month of hard work. It is only important to do the exercise correctly.

How to do the plank exercise: important rules

At first glance, the "Plank" is very easy to do, but it only seems so. In fact, proper execution requires significant physical effort and a high concentration of attention. In the gym, you can often see a picture when a person stands in this position for several minutes and even manages to take a nap. With a high probability it can be argued that he is doing the exercise incorrectly. As a result, the effect is zero, and back pain cannot be avoided.

Can be done with any fitness level

If the goal of training is a toned stomach, a beautiful figure and good health, you need to follow a few important rules:

  • the body should be strictly in a straight line, all parts of the body from the feet to the top of the head make up a straight line;
  • the buttocks should be tense, the stomach pulled inward;
  • bending of the pelvis, back, lifting them up are not allowed;
  • feet can be placed side by side or shoulder width apart, the closer they are to each other, the greater the tension created in the abdominal muscles;
  • the duration of the exercise depends on physical fitness, it is recommended to start with 10-20 seconds, gradually increasing the time to several minutes;
  • it is desirable to have a stopwatch in front of your eyes to fix the daily result and progress;
  • it is important to fully concentrate on your body and sensations, discard unnecessary thoughts, breathe evenly and measuredly;

Universal - suitable for both women and men

  • you need to constantly listen to your body, do not perform the exercise through pain;
  • the number of approaches does not play a decisive role (3-5 is enough), the time of holding the bar is significant;
  • as you gain experience, you can diversify the program with various variations of the exercise, supplement it with other workouts;
  • to achieve a good result, the regularity of classes is important - it is advisable to allocate 5 minutes daily, you can several times a day;
  • if there are diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary;
  • chronic pathologies in the acute period are temporary contraindications for classes.

The plank technique is simple, but it needs to be mastered well and not to neglect the rules. The best and most convenient option is to use the services of a trainer who will develop an individual program and control the entire training process.

The technique of the classic exercise "Planck": how to do it right

The standard plank is performed in the supine position on the floor. The emphasis is on only two points - socks and forearms. Accordingly, the weight is distributed approximately in half. The rest of the body is in a hanging position above the surface. For the first time, it is recommended to work out the technique for performing the exercise, correct mistakes, and only then focus on performance.

Exercise "Planck" - how to do it correctly? The classical technique involves several steps:

  1. Choose a convenient place to practice. It should be a flat surface, not very hard. On the floor, you can additionally lay a bedspread or mat. It is advisable to have a mirror on the wall to look at the position of the body from the side.
  2. Take a supine position on your stomach. Rest completely on your forearms (not just your elbows). The arms should be bent at right angles to the shoulders. Rest your toes on the floor. Legs can be shoulder-width apart or joined together.
  3. Align your back by drawing an invisible straight line from head to toe. The pelvis should not protrude upward. The buttocks are tense, the stomach is pulled inward. Check the position of the body in the mirror. The line should be even, the effectiveness of the exercise depends on it.

Hold this position for at least 10 seconds, ideally as long as you can. The limit of forces can be determined by a slight burning sensation of the abdominal muscles. Repeat 3-5 times.

Do not rush and load your body immediately with a long hang. First learn how to do everything right, and then work on increasing the time. Increase the duration of the approach gradually by 10 seconds, eventually reaching up to 2 minutes. When doing a 2-minute exercise becomes easy, you can move on to more difficult variations. The number of repetitions and the frequency of classes is determined individually, according to well-being. The main thing to remember is that regularity and perseverance are the key to a quick and positive result after the Planck exercise.

Regular exercise "bar" will help you lose weight

Various exercise options

Standing constantly in the standard plank position can get boring over time. You can diversify your training program with the help of various types of this exercise. And there are many of them for every taste and level of physical fitness.

Here is a selection of the most popular and interesting options:

  • Lightweight plank. A variant of the exercise for beginners with a weak muscle corset. We take the classic position, but instead of socks we rest with our knees bent at a right angle. An alternative option - instead of focusing on the forearms, we lean on straightened arms, while the legs are on their toes.
  • On one leg. We take the classic position, resting with straight arms on the floor at shoulder level. We tear off one sock from the floor and take it to the level of the midline of the entire body. We hang in this position, then change the leg.
  • With push-ups. We occupy the position of the classic "Planck". We push out with our hands, straightening them, we return to the starting position.
  • With hand out. From the standard position, we take the right hand forward and hold it at the level of the spine line. We return to the starting position, repeat the same movement with the left hand.

Performing this exercise every day, you will not only strengthen your abs, eliminate extra pounds, get a slender figure, but also significantly increase the overall tone of the body.

  • With leg extension. It is done similarly to the previous version, only instead of hands we alternately take out the legs.
  • With the removal of the arms and legs. A combined version of the two previous exercises, making it a little more difficult. From the stop lying down, we bring the left arm forward and the right leg back. We freeze in this position, maintaining balance. Change arm and leg.
  • Side plank. We lie down on one side, rise on a straightened arm so that the palm is located exactly under the shoulder. Extend the other arm vertically up. We put our legs on top of each other, rest our lower foot on the floor. Slowly raise the pelvis, creating a straight line. You can change sides or perform the exercise, leaning on your elbow.
  • Legs to the sides. We take the standard position. We take each leg alternately to the side (without lifting) and return to the starting position. So the buttocks are trained additionally.
  • With twist. We take a position on outstretched arms. We tear off one hand from the floor and raise it up, turning the body vertically. We go down, but do not put our palm on the support, but we start it under the body in the opposite direction (we twist). The legs are always on their toes and do not move, only the upper body works.
  • Reverse Plank. The exercise is different from all the previous ones. Sit on the floor and rest your hands behind you. Stretch your legs forward, connecting with each other, rest your full feet on the floor. Raise the pelvis gradually, transferring the weight of the body to the hands. The gaze is directed upwards, the head, neck, chest, stomach and legs are located on the same line. Hold and lower yourself onto your buttocks.

There are several varieties of the plank exercise: in the classic version, on the side, on the elbows, in a complicated version, with a Swedish ball, V-shaped method, with raising arms (legs)

  • On fitball. To perform, you will need a special gymnastic ball. Get on your knees, put the ball in front of you. Rest your elbows in the middle of the ball. Roll the fitball forward with your hands until your back and legs are fully extended. Make sure that the head does not go into the shoulders. Stay in this position. If you can't balance, you can push the ball against the wall. The second option - we rest on the floor on straightened arms, put our legs on the fitball, forming a strictly horizontal line of the body with the floor.
  • With a jump. Take a classic position, hands in front of your face, legs together. Jump up a little, spreading your legs apart. Only the lower part of the body works, the body remains motionless.

The options do not end there, there are more than 30 Plank exercises. Everyone will be able to choose a complex for themselves and change it as they acquire skills and forms. The main thing is to do everything right, not forgetting about your health and well-being. The result in the form of a flat stomach and an elastic, toned body will not keep you waiting.

Contraindications to the use of the "plank" exercise is a disease of the joints and hernia of the spine, as well as previous injuries and sprains of the joints. Before doing the exercise, consult your doctor.

It is interesting for beginner athletes to know if the plank helps to lose weight and what benefits it brings to the muscles of the body. Regular exercise has a positive effect on all muscle groups. Two minutes is enough for gymnastics, which will make the waist chiseled, the press steel, and the buttocks elastic and without signs of cellulite. The rack looks simple, but has its own secrets and performance features. It is worth knowing more about them.

What is a plank

The most famous exercise for weight loss is able to tighten the muscles of the body with regular performance in just two minutes a day. It is suitable for busy people who do not have time for a full workout, for whom the ideal figure remains an unattainable goal. Trainers compare the effectiveness of the rack with hourly work in the fitness room - when performing, the external and internal muscles of the arms, legs, back, abs and spine are involved.

Can you lose weight with exercise

A universal exercise is considered to be a plank for weight loss, involving every muscle of the body, toning and tightening the skin. It works, no special equipment is required for its implementation, it is done in a minimum time, and it is easy to find a place to perform it. It will be possible to lose weight with the help of it, but subject to the correct technique, combination with cardio loads and diet.

Does it help to remove the stomach

Very effective is the plank for the press, which works on the anterior, internal oblique, transverse press and rectus abdominis. Proper regular exercise reduces the volume of the abdomen, tones the muscles. The waist becomes slim, the back becomes stronger, a beautiful posture appears, the neck is stretched, the line of the shoulders becomes expressive. With a daily rack, body fat burns.

For buttocks

The buttocks stand works no less effectively: it strengthens the hips, tightens them, and gives tone. With sedentary work, there is no doubt whether this type of training helps to lose weight - it does it and is very effective. A simple type of exercise makes the buttocks elastic, eliminates cellulite by increasing blood circulation in problem areas. A complicated plank with legs up improves the shape of the buttocks, works on deep-lying muscles, which speeds up the process of burning fat.

What does the rack give

Invaluable is the benefits of static training for weight loss as an exercise that needs to be performed for only two minutes a day. The body is at rest, but it engages the deepest muscles. Here are some options for using the rack:

  • increased metabolism in problem areas;
  • tightening the contours of the body;
  • increased blood circulation, rapid process of fat splitting;
  • increased flexibility, endurance;
  • elastic buttocks, flat stomach;
  • getting rid of cellulite;
  • helps to lose weight, get rid of extra pounds;
  • increase in body relief.

Harm here can only be if performed incorrectly - pain in the back, lower back, neck. The first time after execution, deep-lying muscles that are not used to receiving a load in their normal state will hurt. Massage, a hot bath, uniform loads on the whole body help to get rid of them. Improper muscle tension can cause pinching - watch the accuracy of the rack to avoid harm.

What muscles work

The exercise is considered non-isolation, not specifically aimed at the abs or back. Trainers call it general strengthening, isometric and static (no joint movement). To understand the execution process, you should familiarize yourself with which muscles work:

  1. Kor - abdominal, dorsal. The stance is focused on the extensor of the spine, rectus and transverse abdominal muscles. The muscle groups on the neck (trapezium) work in it, helping posture and supporting the neck during sedentary work.
  2. Shoulders - static increases muscle performance. When holding the upper body on the elbows, the biceps of the shoulder is involved in the work, which helps to develop the biceps.
  3. Chest - the chest receives a small load.
  4. Press - the main abdominal muscles work.
  5. Buttocks, thighs, calves - hold the body in a stance, preventing it from sagging.

How to do it right

At the very beginning of the exercise, you should familiarize yourself with how to stand correctly in order to lose weight quickly. Working with your own weight always leads to the loss of extra pounds. In practice, doing it right comes down to the following steps:

  1. Lay the rug, make an emphasis lying down.
  2. Stretch the body, lean on the elbows and forearms, bending them at a right angle. Feet should be on the toes of the foot.
  3. Keep your back flat, ideally a straight line between your head and legs.
  4. Tighten the press, watch for the absence of sagging of the middle section and protrusion of the buttocks up.
  5. Hold for a minute, repeat five times.

For beginners

The bar for weight loss for beginners will seem difficult, it is difficult. At first, few people can stand longer than half a minute. Beginners are advised to stand for 10-15 seconds and gradually bring the time to normal. The first time you do this, find a mirror wall to see your body in reflection and correct mistakes. For relief, you can try a simple method with bent knees or clenched palms.

A few useful rules when doing the exercise for beginners to get a quick effect:

  • do it daily, a couple of times;
  • each time hold in the rack for a couple of seconds longer;
  • to strengthen muscles, do push-ups, pull-ups, squats and deadlifts;
  • at first, focusing not on time, but on sensations helps - to stand until a burning sensation appears on the stomach in order to lose weight is guaranteed.

For men

An exercise for men is considered useful, it has the following positive effect:

  • trains endurance;
  • creates relief;
  • strengthens the legs, thighs, buttocks;
  • improves posture, the condition of the spine, relieves osteochondrosis;
  • relieves pain in the lumbar region;
  • ideal for the drying process to burn excess fat;
  • trains a sense of balance;
  • heals the whole body.

It is useful for men to perform a traditional stance on the elbows or straight arms. An exercise from the knees is only suitable for beginners - it does not give the same efficiency as the traditional one, therefore it is rarely performed. The most difficult is the side, which must first be done in statics, and then complicated by spreading the legs to the sides. To work out the back, the option with support on one elbow is suitable, and the body - with a raised leg.

For women

Difficult at first, but easy as you get used to it, the exercise for women involves several muscle groups at once and strengthens the heart with blood vessels. For the female body, the classic version on outstretched arms, lateral and with abduction of the legs is suitable. There are varieties on the ball and on the knees. For women, training gives:

  • strengthening the press - makes the muscles that lie deep, are responsible for the "cubes" work;
  • reduces back pain - reduces the severity, frequency of sensations due to the flexibility and strength of the spine;
  • back muscle training, the complex strengthens the skeleton;
  • develops flexibility, elasticity of the clavicles, shoulder blades (the most inaccessible muscles);
  • side stand stretches the oblique muscles of the press no worse than Pilates;
  • improves mood;
  • strengthens balance, makes posture even.

How to do a stance correctly

In order for the exercise for weight loss to be only beneficial, it is worth finding out the main mistakes of athletes in the photo performing it at home:

  • relaxation of the abdomen, buttocks, legs - this strains the lower back and leads to injuries;
  • weight transfer to the elbows - as a result, not all muscles are loaded, it will not be possible to lose weight.

There are basic rules that tell you how to hold the bar in order to lose weight quickly and without harm to the body:

  • lean on your hands and toes, keep your legs together without spreading, so as not to injure your knees;
  • pull in the buttocks, tighten the press, keep the hips straight, without falling down, do not swing the body;
  • relax the muscles only after leaving the rack - all the while holding the body in it, they should be tense;
  • start with a 10-second run, add five seconds every day and go up to two minutes;
  • do not tilt your head too low and do not throw it back up;
  • do not strive to quickly reach the specified time - it is not the speed that matters, but the quality.

on the elbows

The classic elbowstand requires a mat as an optional accessory. Spread it out, preferably in front of a mirror, lie face down, take a deep breath and exhale. With an exhalation, bend your elbows at a right angle, take the emphasis lying down. Place your elbows under your forearms, stretch your body like a string, lean on your toes. Pull in the buttocks, stomach, hips, mentally stretch an elongated line from the head to the heels, hold on as long as possible.


The back or reverse plank is considered more difficult. For her, sit on the rug, straighten your legs. Place your palms on the floor, place them under your shoulders, squeeze your buttocks and hips, and lift your body up. With the severity of the performance, transfer the support to the elbows. Hold for a minute, following the horizontal line of the body from the shoulders to the heels in the mirror. Repeat five times.

On hands

An assistant in strengthening the shoulder girdle and toning the biceps will be the bar on straight arms. Stand on the mat on all fours, rest your palms on the floor, put them under your shoulders. You need to raise your knees, standing in an emphasis for push-ups. Straighten your back, put your legs on your shoulders or already. Keep your neck straight, pull your stomach in. Do not bend your lower back, tighten your buttocks.


This option forces the obliques to work, as the stomach is more involved in this position to support coordination:

  • Lie on your side, while exhaling, place your elbow under your shoulder, hand on your thigh, stretch your legs.
  • Squeeze your abs and buttocks to the maximum, lift your pelvis.
  • Stretch a straight line, hold for half a minute.
  • Do not bend your lower back, watch the muscle tension.

How long does it take to get results

The minimum time showing how much you need to stand depends on the level of training. For beginners, 10-15 seconds will do, and for professionals, two, five or 10 minutes. There are superset schemes of several types of planks with alternating exercises that help to work out all muscle groups even better and achieve weight loss results. Classes last up to 6-7 minutes.

How many times a day to do

The answer to the question of how many approaches a day you need to do will be the sensations of the practitioner. If he has a free minute, you can do the exercise as often as needed. The minimum is once daily, the maximum is limited by the stamina of a girl or a man. You can carry out the program in the morning as a charge, in the afternoon or in the evening, take breaks during working days. The constant performance of the rack helps to lose weight faster than in a month.


In addition to the obvious benefits, there are contraindications in which you can not do the exercise:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • injuries of the spine, neck, pinched nerves or vertebrae;
  • pregnancy;
  • postoperative period.


Plank, plank is one of the simplest and most effective isometric (static) exercises that strengthens the body, lower back and shoulders of a man. All you need is your own weight and enough floor space.

The plank is simple but functional, and there are a lot of variations of this exercise: side, on the elbows, palms, with one leg raised and using additional improvised objects, such as a ball or books.

Fat burning and muscle toning based on resistance strength is the main effect of the plank exercise for men. It improves posture and coordination, supports back health and strengthens the body.


The plank strengthens and tones muscles throughout a man's body, including the shoulders, arms, and torso, but the main target is the ABS (rectus abdominis, rectus abdominis), which contracts and tightens heavily during the exercise. In addition, willpower is also trained, since it is quite difficult to stay in this position for a long time and motionless.

What is useful plank exercise for men

  1. Strengthens core muscles

The plank engages major muscle groups, including the transverse, rectus, and oblique muscles, as well as the glutes. Performing this exercise alone will not help you quickly create relief abs, cubes on your stomach or burn fat for an untrained man. But in combination with diet and other types of training, it will contribute to the systematic formation of an athletic body.

  1. Reduces pain and risk of back and spine injuries

In most cases, the plank is safe for minor disc problems or back pain because it does not require flexion or extension of the spine. It engages the back muscles without straining the spine, and also pumps the abdominal muscles, which also support an even posture. Good posture improves back health and curbs the development of degenerative osteoarthritis. When the abdominal muscles are developed and the back is always straight, pain in the neck and shoulders appears much less frequently.

  1. Improves posture

The more developed the back and press, the less the man will stoop. The plank helps you stand and sit upright, maintaining your posture. She trains many important muscles, including erector spinae - the muscle that straightens the spine, as well as the rhomboid and trapezius muscles.

Good posture is the correct position of the bones, which facilitates breathing and promotes the normal placement of internal organs. A flat back also makes a man visually taller and slimmer.

  1. Increases metabolism

The plank is an easy exercise for men who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Doing it for a few minutes can boost your metabolism for the whole day and even night.

  1. Increases flexibility

The plank helps to expand and stretch the back muscles of the back and legs.

  1. Improves mood

Almost any physical activity improves mood, but the stretching effect of the plank helps to release muscles that become stiff from prolonged sitting. De-stressing relaxes and helps to get rid of stress.


  • Classic plank at the elbows

Lie face down on the floor with your legs extended. Place your elbows directly under your shoulders so that each arm (from shoulder to hand) forms a right angle. Forearms (from elbow to hand) should be pressed to the floor. The hands can be kept together. Lift your hips off the floor, lean on your hands and socks (toes). Feet can be kept shoulder width apart. Feel the tension in the abdominal area, tighten the abdominal muscles. The back should be straight. Do not rise or bend towards the floor. Keep your breathing even and don't lift your head too high. Try to keep your body in this position for at least 20-30 seconds. Do the plank every day two or three times, gradually increasing the duration.

  • On outstretched arms

When doing this, the arms should be fully extended. You can only lean on your palms (do not put them too close to each other) and socks. The body should form a straight straight line, do not raise or bend the hips.

  • Plank on the knees

If you still can’t do a regular plank, you can perform a simplified version of the exercise while kneeling, while your arms can be straightened or bent at the elbows, as described above. Watch a video where a professional trainer shows you how to do a plank for beginners.

When you can hold out in this position for more than two minutes, you can move on to the classic version, and then to more complex options.

  • Plank Superman

This exercise is similar to a yoga pose. Starting position, as with a regular bar on the palms with outstretched arms. Lift your left arm off the floor, straighten it and stretch it forward. Lift the opposite (right) leg at the same time. Straighten and pull it back, holding it above the floor. Hold this position for 5 seconds (2-3 seconds is enough to start). Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise with the other arm and leg.

This exercise can be done if you can hold a regular plank for at least 30 seconds. When performing this and similar types of plank, attention may switch to the muscles of the arms or legs. Remember to focus on the press.

When performing the plank, you can also use improvised items: a ball, dumbbells, books. Additional equipment serves as a support for arms or legs instead of the floor and develops coordination. You need to do the bar on the ball carefully and slowly so as not to get injured.


How long should you hold the plank?

The world record for the longest time belongs to a Chinese police officer who managed to hold the bar for 8 hours and 1 minute. The second result was obtained by an American marine who stood in the same position for 7 hours and 40 minutes.

There are no norms or standards, for example, the TRP for the duration of the bar. Instructors always advise starting with a minimum time, increasing it gradually.

Plank: standard for men

The longer a man can hold the plank, the tighter the lower back will be and the better the abs will look. Do the plank several times a day, each time trying to hold the position a little longer.

Plank for men: table for 30 days

All it takes is a few minutes a day, which will be a test of will and physical endurance. To distract yourself, you can listen to music or watch a movie during the exercise. Start implementing the plan from the table when you can confidently hold on to the classic plank for 30 seconds 2-3 times a day, or do the exercise on your knees to start. If you start a 30-day program without preparation, you can get back pain, which often occurs with improper technique.


  1. Can doing the bar somehow harm the body?

Any exercise will have side effects if done incorrectly. Poor technique can lead to pain, injury and.

  1. Does Plank Affect Your Joints?

When performing the exercise, the intercostal and pectoral muscles tighten, pressing on the joints and cartilage connecting the ribs to the chest. When lifted off the floor, there is also a lot of pressure on the joints of the ribs and shoulders, which can lead to inflammation. If a man has or had problems with ligaments, joints, spine, it is necessary to consult a doctor before doing the plank. Perhaps, in this case, it will be allowed to do gentle exercises.

  1. Breathing problems

During exercise, the muscles are very tense, this can lead to a decrease in oxygen levels. Sometimes for this reason, experts advise performing the plank on all fours (hands and knees) so that oxygen reaches the thin muscle tissues. If a man has asthma, breathing problems, insomnia, panic attacks, problems with the lungs or other internal organs, you should consult a specialist before doing the plank.

The twenty-first century takes a woman a lot of time. It is necessary to have time to cook a meal, check the lessons of children, put things in order in the house, build a career. With such a crazy load, how to find time for gyms? Stop! And why is it necessary to download the press on simulators every week? After all, you can get a beautiful embossed tummy, elastic arms and legs, without leaving the apartment. This is exactly the effect of the Planck exercise. Performing it every day, you will notice dramatic changes in your figure in two weeks.

Do such promises seem fantastic to you? Then think about why two countries at once (India and Tibet) are fighting for the opportunity to be considered the ancestor of this exercise. Written sources of medieval Europe repeatedly mention that with such an exercise, healers cured back diseases. By the way, in Europe and now the "bar" is considered one of the best exercises for working out all muscle groups. All fitness trainers include it in their programs. In Russia, the "bar" has not yet become so popular. However, every day she has more and more fans who dream of beautiful tummies without grueling workouts.

Photo from the site

Why "plank"?

This question comes up right away. After all, there are many other interesting exercises. For example, “bicycle”, exercises with dumbbells, with a fitball, running. But only the "bar" has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Free. You do not need to purchase expensive exercise equipment, jump ropes, dumbbells and other paraphernalia, pay for classes with a fitness instructor and buy subscriptions to gyms. Exercise can be performed both at home and in the park.
  • Minimum time spent. Agree that even the busiest person can find 5 minutes a day. And at first, 30 seconds will be enough for you.
  • Working out exactly those muscle groups that, in your opinion, need to be adjusted. There are about a hundred types of "bar". You can choose exactly the one that will help tighten the muscles in the desired area of ​​​​the body.
  • Minimum effort. Of course, out of habit it will be difficult to perform the exercise. But still, it's much easier than a half-hour run on an electronic treadmill and lifting the barbell.

Photo from the site

The benefits and harms of the Planck exercise

Surely you have already heard that the "bar" is a panacea for all ills. And it improves health, and helps to lose weight, and the press shakes, and the mood lifts. Let's figure out together what the benefits of the Planck exercise will be, what is a myth and what is true.

  • Muscle strengthening. Undoubtedly, this is the main achievement of the exercise. Nowadays, a very large load is placed on the spine. We spend a lot of time at the computer, sleep on low-quality mattresses, walk hunched over. All this harms the spine and eventually leads to injuries. "Plank" strengthens the muscles of the corset and spine, corrects posture. In addition, the muscles of the buttocks, abdomen and thighs are tightened.
  • Increased performance. It is not in vain that professional doctors say that if a person has a curved spine, his life changes dramatically for the worse. There is fatigue, drowsiness, disturbances in the work of internal organs. After performing the "bar" and strengthening the muscle corset, performance increases significantly.
  • Weight loss. No, of course, you will not lose twenty kilograms. But it is quite possible to remove minor fat deposits that do not look aesthetically pleasing. And it only takes two weeks.
  • Better balance. "Plank" really improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. And this means that in winter, during ice, you will feel much more confident.
  • Increased willpower. It would seem, what is 30 seconds? This is a brief moment that a person usually does not pay attention to. But when you try to stand this time in the "plank", it will seem to you for long hours. This is how willpower is developed, which will be useful to you both at work and at home.
  • Recovery. You already know that your spine will begin to function better. In addition to this, you will realize that the joints have become less disturbing, the muscles do not hurt so much after a hard day's work. And with the “bar” you can gradually restore muscles after injuries.

Photo from the site

With benefit, everything seems to be clear. Is there any harm from the "bar"? Can everyone do this exercise without harming their health?

There is no obvious harm, but there are contraindications. It is better not to fulfill the "bar" for those people whose blood pressure jumps, their hearts go wrong. Don't do it during PMS. It is strictly forbidden to get involved in the “bar” for pregnant women. If you have a cold, feel weak, postpone classes for a few days. Still, the "bar" gives a considerable physical load on the body. If he is sick, you can hurt even more.

Classic "bar"

It is from this option that beginners should start classes. If you master the classic version and want to diversify the exercises, move on to other options.

The classic "bar" looks like this. The arms are bent at the elbows at a ninety degree angle. You lean on your elbows. The hands are clenched into a fist and joined together. Feet need to rest on socks. The abdominal muscles must be tightened. Your body should form a single straight line from head to toe. The back is perfectly straight, it is impossible to bend and bend it. In this position, it is recommended to hold out for 30-60 seconds. Do not be alarmed if during this time a slight burning sensation appears in the press and in the legs. It only shows that you are doing everything right.

Photo from the site

Stages of the exercise

Surely now many people have a question: “How to stand up straight? First, rest with your hands or feet? We explain in order.

1. Get on your knees, bend your elbows, lean down and lean on your elbows. They should be at shoulder level.
2. Pull the neck forward a little, it should be horizontal to the floor.
3. Straighten your right leg and put it on the toe.
4. Straighten your left leg and put it on the toe.
5. Straighten your back and tighten your stomach.

Photo from the site

Other types of "bar"

Once you master the classics, you can add variety to your morning sessions and try other variations of the exercise. Today there are about a hundred of them. But we will talk about the most common:

  • Side plank. The body turns to the side. It turns out that you are leaning on one elbow. The second hand is pressed to the thigh.
  • With the leg up. The starting position is the classic "bar". During the exercise, alternately raise the right and left legs.
  • With outstretched hand. The starting position is the classic plank. Extend one arm forward parallel to the floor.
  • With transition. Do a classic "bar", stand for 10 seconds, then go to the side. 10 seconds are allotted to the right side and 10 to the left.
  • Lateral with a turn. Starting position: side plank. But at the same time, you are not standing on your elbow, but leaning on the palm of a straight hand. The second hand is raised perpendicular to the floor.
  • With a fitball - for advanced. If you have a fitball and a low bench at home, put your feet on the bench and your elbows on the ball.

What will the "bar" change?

Strengthening the muscles, the spine - these are all common words that do not give a clear picture. But after all, every girl wants to understand what exactly the benefits and harms of the Planck exercise will be. We tell.

In two weeks, cellulite will disappear on the buttocks, the buttocks will become more elastic.

The posture will become beautiful, the shoulders will straighten, the stoop and back pain will disappear.

The thighs and calves become beautiful and toned. In two months, you will be able to wear a tight short skirt, even if you were ashamed to open your legs for show before.

Embossed cubes will not appear on it. But in general, the stomach will become beautiful. Fat deposits will disappear, more or less traced muscles will appear.

"Plank" is very good for strengthening biceps and triceps. In a few months, you will get rid of the skin hanging on your forearms and will be able to demonstrate elastic muscles.

Photo from the site

At first, it may seem very difficult to rest on the floor with your toes. If you feel like you can't complete the exercise, push with bent knees.

Do not strive to break records on the first day. Of course, it’s tempting to immediately stand in the “bar” for two minutes and brag about your achievements to your friends. But the next day, your muscles will be so sore that you will decide never to do the exercise again. To prevent this from happening, start with thirty seconds and gradually increase the time.

Don't take breaks. If you have already decided to adjust your figure, then stand in the "bar" every day. Ideally, do the exercise three to five times a day. The break between them is no more than a minute.

Watch your breath. Muscles should be well saturated with oxygen. This is possible only with even and deep breathing.

Do not forget that there are contraindications to the Planck exercise. If you feel unwell, skip classes so as not to strain the body.

Why doesn't the "bar" work?

You have been diligently doing the exercise for a whole month, and there is zero sense from this. And you begin to have doubts that the “bar” has a positive effect. Why is nothing changing in your life?

Option one is the wrong goal. Agree that it would not occur to you to eat soup with a fork, because there is a spoon for this. It's the same with the "bar". This exercise has certain goals to which it can lead you.

If you started doing the exercise in order to lose weight, there really will be no effect. Insignificant fat deposits from the hips, calves and abdomen will be removed, but you will not throw off ten to fifteen kilograms. This requires aerobic exercise.

Photo from

Dreamed of a beautiful body relief? Small biceps and triceps will appear, but, of course, you will not see pumped-up cubes on the stomach and well-drawn muscles. To do this, you need to sip the bar for at least a month.

Option two is the wrong technique. Honestly answer yourself whether you are doing the “bar” correctly. Maybe your stomach sags or your back arches during the exercise?

Option three is the wrong method. In order for the muscles to start working, they must be constantly surprised with something new, combining statics with dynamics. Therefore, if the bar does not give you the results you want, add a few more elements to it. For example, do twenty squats a day or run in place for three minutes a day.

Are you still sitting at the computer and studying what advantages the "bar" will bring to you? Feel free to get up from your chair and go to the mat to do the exercise. And in two weeks, your loved one will definitely notice that you have grown thin, rejuvenated and become even more attractive. Do you dream about it?

Or another kind of active training comes with static exercises, such as the plank.

What is useful plank

What is a plank - this is a static exercise, during which the human body is fully tensed, holding its own. Insofar as during the lesson, the main thing is to keep the body straight, a large muscle group is involved in the process:

  • with a straight and side plank, the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles are worked out;
  • lumbar, back (large square, straightening), (belt);
  • triceps, biceps and shoulder muscles;
  • pectoralis major, serratus anterior and deltoid;
  • gluteal muscles (straight, tailor and intermediate), calf and peroneal.

Popular options

There are several varieties, their difference is in the areas of impact and in the strength of the load. You should choose an option for yourself, focusing on the problem area that you want to tighten.

On straight arms

Let's figure out how to properly stand in the plank. Take a position, rise from it on outstretched arms. Palms on the floor at a width, lowered, and on the floor. In this position, the spine straightens as much as possible, which is required to achieve the result. The legs are straight, the knees are straightened, the emphasis is on the tips of the fingers. Everyone should be tense, the body is stretched out by a string.

on the elbows

The elbow stand is performed with the same conditions as the bar on straight arms. The buttocks, abs and legs should also be tense. Elbows shoulder-width apart, slightly apart for convenience, palms can be folded into a lock in a triangle, thus distributing the load. The neck is relaxed, straight, we look in front of us. To enhance the effect for working out the buttocks, you can put them together.

Elbow straight arm

Complicated version of the exercise:

  • from a prone position we rise to outstretched arms;
  • then we lower ourselves onto the elbow bends alternately (right-left);
  • from a position on the elbows, we alternately rise to outstretched arms;
  • repeat 5 times (for a beginner).

Major runtime errors

The plank must be done correctly so that the exercise is beneficial, not harmful. Before performing, it is advisable to warm up the muscles, especially the neck, which is easily injured.
Consider the list of errors during the lesson:

  1. Incorrect position of the elbows relative to the shoulders.
  2. Incorrect distribution of the load: only on the elbow bends, relaxing the rest of the body.
  3. Sagging of the lumbar.
  4. Irregular breathing rhythm.
  5. Incorrect position of the head and, as a result, too tense neck.
  6. Too abrupt start - a big load in the first lesson.

Contraindications and harm

Strict contraindications to the exercise:

  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • problems with the esophagus;
  • vertebrate;
  • back injuries, hands;
  • pinched nerves in the back, neck and shoulders;
  • recent caesarean section.
With caution and preferably after consultation with, classes should be started in the postoperative period.

Important!Exercise can not be performed by pregnant women, at the time of execution, the abdominal muscles are very tense, which can lead to miscarriage.

Plank for every day (program)

We bring to your attention an effective program for 30 days of classes.

Choose exactly the exercise that suits you best: a stand on straight arms or on the elbow bends. For convenience, the training scheme is listed in the table by day in seconds, as you can see, the exercise time increases gradually. Do not forget about the rest from classes, so that the muscles have time to relax, recover for new, more intense loads.
I would like to summarize the above with an undeniable truth: good physical shape is important at any age, it not only attracts the attention of the opposite sex, but also maintains the health of the body, hardens and strengthens it.