The arrows on the trousers are ironing rules for women. The secrets of perfect shooters. From the seamy side

Many women ask themselves: how to iron trousers with arrows? It would seem that it could be as easy as shelling pears. But even the most experienced housewives often panic about the upcoming process. After all, it is very difficult to maintain the evenness, clarity and symmetry of the lines on this item of men's clothing.

How to iron trousers with arrows: preparation

Before starting the ironing process, you should prepare for it.


Only a clean piece of clothing can be exposed to high temperatures. If there are stains, streaks, traces of sweat or other types of dirt on the trousers, then in the process of smoothing, particles of dirt can deeply enter the fabric, which makes the thing hopelessly deteriorate. Therefore, before starting a responsible process, do not be too lazy to start the washing machine once again.

The composition of the material and the choice of the optimal iron mode

Before you start ironing, examine the properties of the fabric. It's no secret that wool and nylon need different heating intensities of the iron. This seemingly trifle should not be overlooked. If you iron trousers made of silk with too much mode, then there is a high risk of burning them. In order not to be tormented by doubts, carefully study the labels on the clothes. Usually, all the necessary information is indicated there, including how many points you need to put on the iron so that the fabric does not deteriorate.


Don't be intimidated by this strange word. In fact, it only means the fabric through which the pants need to be ironed. It is needed so that the surface of the iron does not come into contact with clothes and does not leave marks. Traditional gauze is best suited for these purposes. But if there is none, take the material in white, so as not to accidentally leave stains of different colors on things.

Shooters are worn by schoolchildren, students, businessmen, officials, business women and managers, police officers and lawyers, holiday presenters and office workers. Therefore, the question of how to iron this wardrobe item ideally after washing is very relevant.

Do you know where the arrows came from on the trousers? More than two centuries ago, when conveyor sewing production began to develop, trousers were sent in huge containers around the world. They were packed so compactly that they came to customers with a caked fold in the form of arrows.

Gentlemen and their ladies did not puzzle over how easy it is to iron the arrows on their trousers. They left it as it is, and this element signaled that the thing was new, just acquired. It was considered a sign of wealth and was fashionable.

It is ideal to iron the arrows on the trousers so that they hold for a long time with an iron and an ironing board. Gauze or a thin cotton cloth and a water spray are also useful. The following three recommendations will help to cope with the further task for five-plus.

  1. Determine the temperature. Look at the label: it says what temperature is acceptable for this fabric. Compliance with the rule will help you get beautifully ironed pants without shine at the exit.
  2. Cooking tools. The ironing board should be perfectly smooth and always in the cover. You can use a flat surface of the table, having previously covered it with a lint-free dense cloth. The soleplate of the iron must be clean, free of limescale and carbon deposits.
  3. We do a "test" for cleanliness. Remove fluff and pet hair from the product. Check for stains after washing. Even the smallest dirt can become more noticeable when heated.

How to iron trousers with arrows: 2 steps

Having prepared everything you need, we proceed to ironing. Some claim that the best effect is achieved by ironing the pant legs through the newspaper. Forget about this method forever, otherwise you ruin the thing - under the influence of temperature, printing ink will be printed on it. Moreover, you cannot start working right away from the arrows, otherwise you will not be able to tidy up the upper part of the trousers. The work must be done in two stages: first, the pants are ironed from the wrong side and only then “from the face”.

From the seamy side

Before making the arrows on the trousers with an iron, turn the garment inside out and iron it entirely, starting from the waist. Consider the following points.

Pockets. Place a blank sheet of paper under the fabric in your pockets. This will avoid creases on the front side, which will then be problematic to straighten.

Side seams. After stroking the pockets, go over the legs with the iron, making sure that the fabric stays flat, without creases. Pay special attention to the side seams, especially around the upper thighs. To iron this area, you can "put" pants on the side of the ironer.

From the front side

Turn the pants right over and start creating the arrows using the following three-step instruction.

  1. Joining seams. Lay the garment out gently so that the outer and inner seams are perfectly aligned. Any divergence of the seams, even by 0.5 cm, will "take" the arrow to the side.
  2. Jerk movements. Be sure to iron with gauze. Take a piece of cloth, wet it, wring it out well and place it on the leg. Set the temperature regulator of the iron to the desired mark, as indicated on the label, and begin to drive the appliance over the entire surface of the pant leg. Treat the area of \u200b\u200bthe intended arrows carefully - the slightest shift in the fabric will "break" the arrow. Do not follow the arrow back and forth. Better to tear the iron off the surface and apply to the fabric, tear off and reapply again. This makes the material less likely to move.
  3. Priority rule. After making an arrow on one side, repeat the procedure on the other. Proceed in the same way with the second leg. If you are just learning how to iron trousers correctly, you should not iron both trousers at the same time - this "aerobatics" can only be performed by experienced housewives.

Ironing rules are the same for men's and women's trousers. There is only a slight difference in the technique of creating arrows, which is due to the presence of darts in ladies' models. If you want to iron women's trousers with arrows, you need to make sure that the dart coincides with the fold line.

If it turned out badly: correcting mistakes

You managed to iron the arrows on your trousers at home, but upon closer examination you noticed that not everything is as smooth as you would like. Don't panic: There are two common mistakes you can fix as follows.

  1. We remove the arrows. If you are dissatisfied with the ironing result: the arrows are "broken", have gone astray from the intended course - do not be discouraged, they are easy to eliminate. Soak cheesecloth in a solution of 9% table vinegar (two tablespoons per liter of water) and steam the trousers from the inside. Then re-create even arrows.
  2. We get rid of gloss. It doesn't matter if after the procedure there are shiny spots on the clothes. Get rid of them by lathering problem areas with laundry soap and soaking for ten minutes. Wash, rinse and dry in the sun.

If you travel often and the process of transporting ironed trousers is a whole problem, use a little trick. Before packing in your suitcase, gently roll up your pants. The likelihood that they become very wrinkled is minimized.

10 tricks of experienced housewives

Experienced housewives on the forums share their personal secrets on how to iron classic trousers with arrows. Follow these 10 guidelines to make the process faster and more efficient.

  1. Additional retainer. To prevent the fabric from moving during ironing, you can secure it at the top and bottom with tailor's pins. Just first check to see if they leave marks on the fabric - pin the needle onto an inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe trousers. For the same purpose, it is convenient to use stationery clamps - just grab the top and bottom of the leg with them.
  2. Only through the fabric. Without gauze, it is impossible to direct the arrows on the trousers, otherwise, if there are synthetic fibers in the composition, an unnecessary gloss will appear on the clothes.
  3. We consolidate the effect. You can add vinegar to the water to wet the gauze in a dosage of a tablespoon per liter of water. The technique helps to make the arrows sharper, fix for a longer time. In addition, the solution helps to get rid of the shine on the legs.
  4. Start from the middle. The arrows will be smoother if you start ironing from the middle of the leg, that is, in the knee zone.
  5. Soap for long-acting shooters. The effect of straight arrows will last longer if you draw a vertical line in this area on the seamy side with laundry soap slightly moistened with water.
  6. To prevent the trousers from wrinkling. After ironing, let the arrows dry by placing them on an ironing board or on the trouser bar.
  7. Spray against gloss. Spray regularly dry gauze or cloth through which you iron trousers with water from a spray bottle. Dry ironing is fraught with shiny spots.
  8. No print seams. When ironing the top of your trousers, where there are usually many seams, you can use a small pillow, which you will probably find at home, or a folded towel. This will prevent the seams from being printed.
  9. Comb as a ruler. To outline future arrows, you can use an ordinary comb. Moisten and then pull the entire length of the trousers between the teeth.
  10. Look at the label. If you see an icon on the label of your trousers, which shows a crossed out steam iron, then it is prohibited to use a steamer to iron this item.

If you did not manage to iron the men's trousers with arrows perfectly the first time, do not be discouraged - continue to study strictly according to the instructions. Each time it will turn out better and better, and the process will take less and less time.
Well, if this wisdom has not obeyed you over the years, you can use the method of creative housewives. They believe that it is possible to iron trousers with arrows quickly and correctly ... under the mattress. Fold the item in half lengthwise and connect the side and crotch seams, lay them out under the mattress and go to bed. In the morning, the advisers assure you, you will find perfectly straight trousers.

Many representatives of the stronger sex in everyday life, that is, in everyday life, try to wear jeans or pants made of material that does not need to be ironed too often. True, there are situations when one has to deviate from this rule. We are talking about a celebration, meeting in one or another official place, or going to the theater. All of this requires the man to wear the appropriate outfit. And under the jacket there will definitely be trousers with straight arrows.

The last component of the appearance requires a lot of experience and dexterity, because in order to stroke and make arrows correctly, you need that experience. Perfectly straight, beautiful and austere arrows on men's trousers are the result of painstaking work. And in order for him not to disappoint, it is necessary to properly prepare the clothes and follow the ironing steps.

Preparing products for ironing

Men's trousers are made from a wide variety of fabrics, usually on the tag located near their waist there is information about the temperature at which they are ironed. And in no case should this information be neglected. Trousers with straight and wrinkle-free arrows will surely please both the man himself and everyone around him.

Preparing for the "shooters"

  • Before starting ironing, you need to inspect the clothes for stains.
  • Iron only clean clothes, because the high temperature acts as a developer of all stains.
  • From the trousers, you need to remove the hair and pile with a brush. Everything that lies there is removed from the pockets, and small rubbish is also shaken out
  • Ironing trousers necessarily requires a flat surface, like an ironing board or table
  • It is necessary to lay several layers of dense fabric
  • The sole of the iron must be clean.
  • It is necessary to prepare the ironer, that is, a small piece of gauze or calico, or chintz
  • The front of the trousers is ironed through the ironer, which helps to avoid gloss on the clothes, and the arrows make it more visible
  • The ironer should be white, which will not allow the trousers to stain
  • The ironer is wetted before and during ironing, so a small container of water is required.

How should i start ironing pants?

It is necessary to start ironing trousers from the wrong side, from the top of them. First, the belt and pockets are neatly ironed, and then the trousers. You do not need to apply too much pressure on the iron.


So that from the outside, that is, from the front side, smoothed kinks do not appear on the fabric, that under the pockets, you can put a thin towel.

The nuances of proper ironing

After ironing, the trousers are turned inside out. And in order for the arrows to turn out to be the same on the trousers, their inner seams must be aligned with the outer ones. If the product is sewn with high quality, then the arrow coincides with their groove from the belt of the trousers.

Stages of ironing trousers

It is more convenient to iron one leg first, and then the other. A moistened cloth should be applied to the previously prepared trouser leg, after which it is already necessary to start working with an iron. The mode corresponding to the fabric is preliminarily set on it. It should not be allowed that the ironer is completely dry; it must be moistened from time to time. For irons with steam humidifiers, you need to set the steam generation modes. You don't need to move the iron casually to keep the arrow straight. It is better to put it on the section of your trousers, hold it and then move it.


Ironing the trousers so that they end up with perfect and even arrows is not particularly difficult. But, this process requires careful preparation of the product, the availability of a working iron and some practical experience.

How to iron pants after washing

How to iron trousers

The arrows on the trousers can rightfully claim the status of the main trend, since they have been an integral part of the classic suit for a sufficient amount of time. But over time, everyone faces the question of how to iron them correctly so that the arrows on a given wardrobe item are just perfect and harmoniously complement our image. And this article will help the reader with this.

The arrows on the trousers began their existence at the end of the 19th century, at a time when the rapid sewing and mass sale of ready-made clothes began in foreign countries of Europe. Pants were especially popular - this product was made not only for residents of the country of origin. Most of it was sent to other cities and states, using mainly water transport for delivery.

So that as much goods as possible fit in the holds of ships engaged in transportation, they were sent under a powerful press before loading and additionally rammed. It was precisely because of this process that the trousers had rigid folds, which were difficult to get rid of. But buyers were not embarrassed by such a defect, and soon it grew into a fashion trend that does not lose its relevance to this day.

Trousers preparation

Pants for women and men are made from a variety of fabrics, each of which has its own specific characteristics. But the most important thing is that each type of fabric needs its own specific temperature regime. To make it easier for the buyer, the manufacturer indicates all this information on the label of the clothes.

How to make arrows correct once and for all?

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to make perfect lines once and for all, but in order for the trousers to please the eye, some simple rules must be followed during ironing:

  • Before starting ironing, clothes should be inspected for stains. Because, at high temperatures, even a small, barely noticeable spot turns into a further problem.
  • First, you need to prepare the trousers. From their surface, with the help of a brush, a variety of dirt in the form of hairs or lint is removed.
  • Pockets are cleared of all unnecessary items.
  • Ironing should only be done on a hard surface.
  • The base of the iron must not have any dirt on its surface.
  • When ironing trousers and ironing lines, an iron should be used. This is a small piece of gauze cloth or chintz. Its use prevents the appearance of shiny marks on the surface of the fabric.
  • It is necessary to prepare a container for plain water, since during the ironing, a flap of fabric is wetted without fail.
  • The process of ironing trousers must be started from the reverse side, from its upper part.
  • To prevent kinks on the front side of the fabric, a small terry towel is placed under the pockets.
  • Do not apply too much pressure on the iron during ironing.
  • After the pants are ironed from the back side, they are turned inside out to the front side.

Ways to create arrows

To get perfect lines on both halves of the pants, you need to match the inside and outside seams.If the item of clothing is sewn correctly, the arrow will coincide with the groove that goes from the waist of the trousers.

You can iron the arrows in different ways. Someone prefers to iron both parts of the pants at once, while others do it in stages.

To achieve a good result, you need to do the following:

  • The leg is prepared, as described above, and a cloth soaked in plain water is applied to it.
  • Based on the temperature requirement, which can be found on the label, the appropriate mode is set.
  • As the iron dries up, it must be moistened in water. Unless, of course, ironing is done with an iron equipped with a steamer.
  • To make it much easier to iron the arrows on the fabric, you can put the iron in a certain place and wait a while, after moving its base. This method will be especially convenient if trousers are made of slippery fabrics.
  • After ironing one side of the trousers, be sure to check the quality of the result. The lines on the trousers should be perfectly straight along their entire length, starting from the waist.
  • Iron the other side to finish ironing.

See the video below for more details.

The ability to get the perfect result after stroking comes gradually. At first, many people spend a fairly large amount of time on this process, but after each time it decreases, and all of the above steps are performed with greater speed and efficiency.

How to remove shine?

Often we are faced with a situation when, during the ironing of trousers, shiny marks remain on the fabric. And to prevent their occurrence, you must follow these simple rules:

  • It is advisable to iron the trousers on the reverse side to avoid shiny marks.
  • Use an iron when ironing the arrows. This is a small piece of cloth, which is regularly moistened during ironing either in plain water or in a weak solution of essence, which is made up in the following ratio: use a teaspoon of acetic acid per liter of water.

What if the arrows are uneven?

In the absence of a lot of experience, it is far from immediately possible to iron perfectly straight arrows on the trousers, but you should not be upset. If something does not work out, and the arrows turn out to be uneven, you just need to repeat all the above steps again, smoothing out the formed folds on the reverse side.

So that it doesn't take too long to create the arrows every time, you need to take care of keeping your trousers clean after each wear. It is necessary to clean the trousers from dust and wool with a special brush, and place them on a hanger without fail.

Often we spend a lot of time in order to get our things in good condition, and because of this, their appearance ceases to please our eyes immediately after we put them on. To prevent this from happening with trousers, you need to know a few simple but tricky tips:

  • To make the lines on the trousers thinner and more accurate, the iron should be moistened not with ordinary water, but with a diluted solution of essence. The bottom line is that acid can help remove shine from fabrics during ironing. One tablespoon of acetic acid per liter of water should be sufficient.
  • As for the stiffness of the arrows, a small piece of laundry soap can give the longest effect in this regard. To do this, you need to draw them along the fabric, from the seamy side, at the place where the lines will be located.
  • After the process of creating the arrows is completed, the pants should not be put on immediately. For some time, the fabric remains slightly damp, which is why it quickly wrinkles and changes its appearance. Therefore, the item of clothing must be left on the surface of the ironing board for a while.

For many young wives, men's trousers seem to be a real nightmare, which must be ironed so that you can "cut yourself" on their arrows.

But after all, it is often the appearance of men's trousers that women themselves pay attention to in the first place. It means we have to study.

What it takes to iron your trousers with arrows correctly

What accessories, besides the iron itself (it would be nice with a steamer), will be needed to create perfect arrows?

It is most convenient to iron on a surface specially adapted for this. This can be a table, ironing board, or suitably coated cabinet. Some dense fabric, such as a blanket or bedspread, should be placed on the table and cabinet. Ironing boards are usually equipped with a cloth cover.

Prepare a piece of thin, preferably white - so that she could not dye the trouser fabric - cotton fabric or gauze, the so-called ironer. It is needed in order to prevent direct contact of the hot iron with the fabric of the product. The fabric must be wet before ironing.

You can iron your trousers without gauze! If you do not own an iron with a steam generator, you can use ordinary loose paper (just not a newspaper - to avoid contamination with printing ink).

You can moisten the workpiece with a spray bottle or a spray bottle with water. Pins may come in handy, as well as a small soft pad. Laundry soap and vinegar are also involved in the ironing process.

The necessary items are ready, and now we need to prepare mentally and theoretically.

First of all, carefully inspect the pants for contamination. Even the smallest stain under the influence of high temperature can create unnecessary problems for the hostess.

When heated, dirt particles penetrate deep into the structure of the fabric, and in the future, you cannot do without dry cleaning. So it is better to prevent the problem by cleaning or washing the product if stains or streaks are found. Also check if the soleplate is clean.

Different fabrics require different heating. Therefore, by all means examine the label on the trousers, which should indicate the temperature regime for a given type of fabric in the form of one or more dots on the ironing image:

  • if there are three points on the iron, then the temperature can be set up to 200 degrees;
  • two points allow heating up to 150 degrees;
  • low ironing temperature - up to 110 degrees - recommends the designation of one point;
  • the outgoing steam is crossed out on the iron - you cannot use steam when ironing.

If the exact information about this is not known or the label is lost, remember: medium and low temperatures are suitable for synthetics; cotton and linen items are ironed at high heat; woolen - too, but especially through a damp cloth.

We start making arrows on the trousers

The process begins in a completely different way from what many imagine. The preparatory stage is that the pants must first be turned out to the wrong side.

The pockets are especially carefully smoothed from the inside out, if there is a lining, then it, as well as a belt, codpiece, back seam.

It is convenient to use the narrow section on the ironing board by putting the top section on it and turning it as needed. The entire product is ironed from the seamy side - from top to bottom.

The product is turned inside out to the front side. Holding the trousers by the hem, you need to match all the seams on both legs. To correctly make the arrows on the trousers, make sure that the front darts on the top of the product match.

The most difficult area is the upper part - there are many seams on it. To prevent the inner seams from protruding in relief on the fabric, it is worthwhile to put a soft pad on the inside, and gently iron the fabric of the trousers, covering it with a damp iron.

Having processed the upper part, we move on to the trousers. It is ironed from the outside first one, then the second.

After that, the pant leg, which turned out to be on top, folds to the side, and you have to iron the inner side of the pant leg located below. Then carry out the same operation with the second leg.

We begin to iron the arrows. Pants should be lowered with a belt. Both legs are folded in such a way that the front side seams lie symmetrically to the inside seams.

Arrows start from two straight darts - front and back. The edges of the legs, into which these darts pass, will soon become arrows on the trousers.

To make it easier to iron the arrows on the trousers, it is recommended to fasten the fabric in this position with needles or pins. The moistened fabric is laid on the legs and ironed.

To make the arrows on the trousers forever, in a glass of water in which the iron is moistened, you need to add a little vinegar - literally one spoon (its smell evaporates immediately). For the same purpose, rub the fabric from the inside out along the arrows with a damp piece of laundry soap. Turning the trousers to the right side, iron the arrows twice. Such arrows are able to hold out long enough - until washing or a decent shower.

Each leg should be ironed separately and in small sections.

After completing the process, do not immediately hide the clothes in the closet - the fabrics need to cool, dry from wet vapors.

You should also not put on trousers right away, it is better to do it after 10 minutes: freshly ironed fabric tends to wrinkle again immediately.

How to iron arrows on trousers if you don't need them

Tired of the classic style? You can change your image without changing your wardrobe too much. To do this, it is enough to get rid of the arrows on the trousers.

The reverse process, in principle, requires the same equipment and the same attention as the formation of the arrows. Plus caution and patience.

In this case, it is also imperative to familiarize yourself with the permissible temperature regime. If for some reason there are difficulties in determining this, you should start steaming from the minimum iron temperature. The temperature rises gradually. In this empirical way, it is necessary to achieve such heating, which would completely smooth out the arrows without damaging the tissue.

The pants must be positioned on the surface so that there is no interference with the process. Arrows should be centered on the leg.

It is safest to iron men's trousers from the wrong side. To smooth the fabric faster and better, it is recommended to moisten it along the arrows with water.

The iron should be held in one place until the fabric is completely dry and the arrow disappears, making sure, however, that the textile does not overheat.

The outer side of the trousers is ironed only through a damp cloth, and it must be constantly wetted so that shiny marks do not form on the trousers.

Are the arrows hard to smooth? This happens if the arrows from the manufacturer are steadily “programmed” on the newly purchased trousers. A method called a "quick press" will work here, but it is only suitable for fabrics that can be ironed with steam.

Its essence is that after the effect of steam has occurred, create timely pressure on the textile fibers and prevent them from straightening and regaining their previous shape.

To do this, you need pants, having moistened them well, spread out on the ironing surface and let steam out of the iron. Having lifted the device, it is necessary to immediately put on the steamed place a heavy block of wood or a thick book volume, and even press this structure from above with the palm of your hand, holding it for 20-30 seconds. Then you can move on.

In conclusion, a few words about how to do so that you do not have to iron your pants too often. It depends on how they are stored in the closet. Naturally, they are not stored on a shelf. Pants hang on special hanger - trempel, having previously folded them, and the arrows - straightened.

In the following video, one of the experts will share with you practical skills on how to iron trousers with arrows correctly: