Valerian tablets for pregnant women. What remedies with valerian can be taken during pregnancy, and which are not. Insomnia is an unpleasant symptom of pregnancy.

In the conditions of modern life, taking valerian has become the norm for many of us: stress, sleep disorders, overwork, stomach cramps. We love this remedy for its naturalness, availability and effectiveness. It is also prescribed to many pregnant women by their leading gynecologists. And this is perhaps the only situation in which a woman thinks about the appropriateness and safety of taking this medication.

Can Valerian be taken during pregnancy?

Valerian is a medicinal herb. Its extract in pharmacology is available in the form of tablets and drops. In addition, the pharmacy also sells simply dry rhizomes, from which, for example, you can prepare a decoction.

So, out of all this, only tincture (drops) is not recommended for pregnant women because of the alcohol content in it. And even then, the doctors stipulate, in an emergency, for lack of anything else, you can use it, because you won’t drink a liter (the alcohol content in it is negligible). And sometimes drops are even more preferable, since the essential oils contained in them help to quickly relieve acute nervous excitement. As for the tablets, they can be taken without fear at any time. This is especially true in light of the fact that many of the drugs are prohibited during the period of bearing a child, and almost all are prohibited in the first trimester.

Medical studies show that valerian does not have any negative impact on the fetus developing in the womb.

However, this does not mean at all that you can drink valerian whenever you want and in any quantities. There are specific reasons why a doctor may prescribe this drug to a pregnant woman, and certain dosages for taking it.

Why pregnant women are prescribed valerian?

Valerian has various effects on the body, but the most pronounced of them are sedative and antispasmodic. It is for this reason that pregnant women turn to this drug. Were nervous, tired, worried about something, you can’t fall asleep, quarreled or worry - the first assistant to you in this is valerian, because such a state is dangerous for the unborn baby. It is most likely that everyone understands and everyone knows about it. And what about the treatment course of valerian?

Valerian for the purpose of treatment is practically not prescribed to pregnant women separately, but always in combination with other drugs, because there are specific reasons for this, requiring not only reassurance. Most often, valerian during pregnancy is prescribed in case of a threat of interruption and in the latter - in late pregnancy. Valerian helps calm the uterus and relieve tone, which is usually an acute threat until 16-18 weeks.

Valerian has a calming effect, this effect does not occur instantly, as, for example, with sleeping pills, but lasts for a long period of time. And if you take valerian in a course, it has a certain therapeutic effect, since it tends to accumulate in the body.

How to take valerian during pregnancy: dosage?

Although valerian extract is made exclusively from natural ingredients, it cannot be taken uncontrollably. The doctor prescribes a certain dosage in each individual case, as well as the duration of the course of treatment.

Usually, pregnant women are prescribed 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. If these are drops - 2-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day. A self-prepared decoction of valerian rhizomes is taken 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day. Drink the medicine should be half an hour after eating. Most often, treatment with valerian does not exceed a month, but in some cases there is a need to take the drug throughout the entire period.

If you decide to resort to taking valerian once, then you still need to notify your doctor about this: all the drugs that you took during the gestation period should be indicated. In addition, you should discuss with him the possible dosages and the advisability of taking valerian in certain life situations.

However, we want to note once again: it is impossible to take valerian during pregnancy without the need! Taking valerian in large quantities can lead to sleep disorders, nausea, heart and digestive disorders, and increased excitability.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

Despite the fact that in the public mind Valerian is considered an easy drug, it should be taken with caution during pregnancy. This is stated in the manufacturer's instructions. The medicine can harm even a healthy woman, because during the period of bearing a child she becomes very vulnerable. That is why you should not take pills for prevention or sedation. It is better to consult a doctor and strictly follow his recommendations.

How does valerian work?

Preparations based on valerian extract are herbal natural remedies that have a sedative and antispasmodic effect. They act mainly on the central nervous system, eliminate irritation, soothe, normalize sleep. Valerian forte relieves spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs, due to which their normal work is restored, pain syndrome decreases. This is important for pregnant women who suffer from increased uterine tone or are often nervous.

Medicines based on valerian act gently. They have a cumulative effect that does not appear immediately. The drugs have a beneficial effect on blood flow, bile excretion and digestion in general, improve the functioning of the heart muscle.

The healing effect of the plant was known in antiquity, traditional healers successfully used it in the treatment of ailments. For the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, valerian rhizomes are used. They contain more than 200 active substances. Despite the fact that the plant has been used for a very long time, its effect on the human body has not been fully studied.

Indications for use

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  • tachycardia;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • anxiety, restlessness;
  • bad sleep;
  • heartburn;
  • early and late toxicosis;
  • increased tone of the uterus.

The decision to prescribe any medication during pregnancy should be made only by a doctor. Even such harmless drugs should not be used on their own, because they have contraindications and side effects. Before prescribing Valerian to a pregnant woman, the gynecologist will assess the duration of pregnancy, her state of health and concomitant diseases.

In some cases, the decision to prescribe medications will be premature. If there is no threat of miscarriage, and the expectant mother is worried for subjective reasons, her lifestyle should be analyzed. First of all, you need to observe the regime of work and rest, sleep more, not be nervous.

A Valerian tablet can be replaced by watching your favorite movie, a walk in the fresh air, a pleasant conversation with friends. Relatives and friends need to protect a woman from worries, physical labor and household chores. The calm course of pregnancy, when nothing bothers the expectant mother, does not require preventive medication of this kind.

Symptoms of early toxicosis can be dealt with by reviewing your diet. It is necessary to exclude junk food (fried, fatty, smoked, sour foods), diversify the menu with healthy foods (fruits, vegetables, dairy products, eggs, lean meats and fish). It is supposed to eat several times a day in small portions - then the symptoms of toxicosis will significantly decrease without medication.

Instructions for use and dosage

Preparations based on valerian extract are available in the form of tablets, drops and dry raw materials for brewing. Usually, pregnant women are prescribed a tablet form, because the drops contain ethyl alcohol. Valerian should be used in combination with other, stronger medicines.

A tincture of valerian rhizomes can sometimes be prescribed to a pregnant woman, despite the contraindication. If the condition requires emergency measures, and the pills do not help, you can drink 15 drops of alcohol infusion at a time (with strong excitement, tachycardia, abdominal cramps). This will help relieve pain and quickly calm the expectant mother. You should not abuse the drug, it is better to consult a doctor who will select safe and effective remedies.

You can also take a decoction of valerian root, brew teas with this herb. On sale there are herbal sedative fees, which include this herb. Before use, you must make sure that the other components of the tea are indicated during pregnancy.

Valerian should be used no more than three times a day, 1 tablet. The maximum daily dose is 6 tablets. The doctor may prescribe a larger dose if deemed necessary. In this case, you should focus on his recommendations, and not on the manufacturer's instructions.

The medicine is taken half an hour before meals with a small amount of liquid. You can drink Valerian in the evening - this will help normalize disturbed sleep. The course of admission lasts up to a month, depending on the condition of the patient. A pronounced effect will appear only two weeks after the start of therapy.

A decoction of valerian rhizomes should be consumed as follows. Pour 3 tbsp. l. dry material with a glass of boiling water. After complete cooling (after 1 - 1.5 hours), it must be filtered and drunk 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day before or after meals.
The effectiveness of the decoction is higher than that of tablets, so its effect will be noticeable after a few hours. A safe daily amount of decoction is 1/3 cup.

How long to take the medicine and in what doses - only the doctor determines. If there is no desired effect, this should be reported to the attending physician. Any ailments associated with taking Valerian should also be a reason to consult a specialist.

In the early stages

The main indication for the appointment of Valerian in early pregnancy is the threat of miscarriage due to increased uterine tone. The woman is shown bed rest. Additionally, antispasmodic drugs are prescribed (for example, No-Shpu), which will relax the muscles and relieve hypertonicity.

Valerian helps to normalize sleep, lower blood pressure. The irritability and anxiety inherent in women at the beginning of pregnancy is successfully eliminated by herbal preparations. Toxicosis, expressed by nausea, vomiting, fatigue, is also stopped by Valerian. Without these indications, the drug should not be used prophylactically.

2 trimester

Restrictions for admission in the second trimester are much less, you can drink Valerian without fear. The baby in the womb has already formed, its organs are being improved. It is reliably protected from harmful effects by the placenta. The woman feels more relaxed, less nervous, her hormonal levels have stabilized.

Particularly effective preparations based on plant materials with increased uterine tone. This violation can lead to miscarriage or premature birth, so the benefits of taking Valerian are beyond doubt. Doctors often prescribe the drug in the 2nd trimester, if there is an indication for this. Self-administration should be excluded, because the formation of the child's nervous system is underway.

3rd trimester

The third trimester is characterized by intensive preparation of the mother and fetus for future childbirth. A woman is often tormented by heartburn, flatulence, signs of preeclampsia (edema, high blood pressure) may appear. Many note a sleep disorder, a pregnant woman cannot take a comfortable position, is nervous and worried.

Valerian will help to cope with excitability, nervousness, heartburn. She will calm the woman and normalize her sleep, lower blood pressure due to vasodilation. In addition, the herb improves digestion, and many pregnant women experience constipation during this period.

Why is an overdose dangerous?

Despite the fact that Valerian is a mild herbal preparation, you can use it only in the dosage recommended by your doctor. Exceeding the dose leads to:

  • headaches;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, constipation);
  • increased excitability, irritability;
  • allergies (see also:);
  • excessive drowsiness, lethargy;
  • trembling of the limbs;
  • pupil dilation;
  • tachycardia;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • impaired functioning of the organs of hearing and vision.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help. If the condition causes concern, you need to call an ambulance. It is extremely dangerous to treat an overdose on your own - this can lead to miscarriage or severe pregnancy complications.

If necessary, doctors will do a gastric lavage, conduct therapy with activated charcoal. Symptomatic treatment aimed at maintaining the pregnancy will be prescribed.

An allergic reaction to the drug should not be ignored by the doctor. Reception of Valerian should be stopped immediately, because allergies are dangerous not only for the expectant mother, but also for the fetus. Subsequently, the child may react negatively to valerian extract, up to severe allergic manifestations (anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema).

Are there any contraindications?

Contraindications for taking Valerian during pregnancy:

  • allergic reaction, individual intolerance;
  • liver disease;
  • enterocolitis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • mental disorders;
  • apathy, lethargy, depression;
  • pre-stroke state.

Valerian should be drunk with caution for those who suffer from hypotension, low blood pressure. The drug is able to reduce it even more.

Long-term use of the drug at the beginning of pregnancy can provoke a miscarriage, so you should not take it yourself. Like any medicine, Valerian has a number of side effects:

  • allergies (rash and redness on the skin);
  • dizziness;
  • weakness, lethargy, drowsiness;
  • delayed reaction;
  • flickering black dots before the eyes;
  • constipation, diarrhea.

If these symptoms appear, you should stop taking it and visit your doctor. He will cancel the drug and replace it with another, of a similar effect.

Drug analogues

What is better for a pregnant woman to take in a particular situation - a specialist should decide. It comes from the gestational age and the condition of the woman at the moment.

Depending on the indications, the doctor may replace Valerian with other medicines. As a sedative, preparations based on motherwort are often used. This is a medicinal herb that has a spectrum of action similar to valerian. Medicines based on it are also used for a long time, have a cumulative effect.

The modern pharmaceutical market is full of sedatives, but they are not always safe for health. Therefore, on an intuitive level, we prefer the old and proven, in our opinion, drugs that have been used in the family for several generations. Surely in every home first aid kit there is a package of valerian - just in case. But what about taking valerian during pregnancy? After all, this is a very delicate condition, when you should wait a little even with ordinary valerian. Therefore, in order not to harm yourself and your baby, it is better to familiarize yourself with all aspects of the use of this drug in advance.

During pregnancy, a woman is often overcome by anxiety of various origins. Hormonal "outbursts", anxiety about the baby, fear of childbirth and stressful situations at home or at work often cause insomnia and nervous strain in the expectant mother. Since sedative drugs of synthetic origin are strictly prohibited in the gestational period, doctors usually prescribe homeopathic remedies. The most affordable among them is valerian tablets during pregnancy. It gently affects the nervous system of a woman, without affecting the psychological state of the patient. Nevertheless, being in an "interesting" position, women should treat this drug in a special way.

Advice! An incorrectly selected dosage of valerian can have a tonic effect instead of a sedative effect.

Valerian root does not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus even in the embryonic period, so the appointment of valerian during early pregnancy is justified from a medical point of view. But this does not mean that you can swallow pills for any trifle without a doctor's prescription. The question of her admission is decided only in the case of an extremely serious condition of a woman, up to the threat of a miscarriage. Also, with extreme caution, you need to take alcohol tinctures of the plant, which are not recommended during pregnancy. But if an emergency effect on the nervous system is required after the stress experienced, then 15 drops of tincture will not do more harm than the woman's nervous state. But in general, any alcohol-containing drugs and drinks are best avoided.

Quite often, valerian is prescribed to pregnant women who complain of sleep disturbance. Even low doses of the drug help to fall asleep faster and more soundly. Regardless of the reason for taking the pills, their dosage and duration of therapy are set by the gynecologist individually for each woman. This compares the possible effect of treatment and the potential risk to the fetus.

If we talk about the appointment of valerian during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, then the restrictions are minimized, but the benefits of taking it are quite high. Valerian in combination with other drugs helps to relieve uterine hypertonicity (especially between 16 and 18 weeks of gestation) and stop possible premature birth.

Important! Taking valerian is unacceptable for various pathologies caused by depression of the central nervous system (depression, lethargy, apathy, etc.).

The appointment of valerian during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester significantly improves the well-being of a woman with severe degrees of preeclampsia, severe nervous strain and digestive problems.

Interesting! If you were prescribed valerian during pregnancy, you will find an entry in the instructions that says that taking the drug during this period is undesirable due to the lack of reliable information about the effect on the fetus. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to check with the doctor about the potential dangers of taking this remedy. It might be possible to do without it.

Valerian: mechanism of action and other features of the drug

The main property of valerian officinalis is its roots. Over the past few decades, about 200 active substances have been discovered and studied in them. But it is still unknown which of them have a therapeutic effect. But, the opinions of researchers boil down to the fact that it is the complex content of all components of valerian, headed by valeric acid, that contributes to the active production of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the body, which regulates the parasympathetic nervous system. It is responsible for the distribution of energy in the body and controls the work of the heart and blood vessels.

Among the main components of valerian, the following can be distinguished:

  • Essential oils.
  • resins.
  • Tannins.
  • Alkaloid valerine.
  • Minerals (calcium, iron, aluminum, vanadium, selenium, etc.).
  • Organic acids (malic, palmitic, etc.).

Valerian is traditionally used as a sedative and antispasmodic. But the range of its pharmacological properties is much wider.

Radix Valerianae minoris (this is the scientific name of the valerian root) has such an effect on the human body:

  1. Shows a sedative and tranquilizing property in relation to the activity of the central nervous system.
  2. Reduces the activity of the heart rhythm and normalizes vascular tone.
  3. Acts as an antispasmodic and choleretic agent.
  4. Activates the secretion of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Eliminates convulsive conditions caused by taking analeptics (caffeine, bemegrid).
  6. Galenic types of valerian (tinctures, extracts) have a coronary dilating effect, which helps to lower blood pressure.

On a note! Valerian has long been used as an antiemetic, antihelminthic, and detoxifier.

Indications for taking valerian during pregnancy

The use of valerian during pregnancy is possible with such complications:

  1. Rapid heart rate (tachycardia) associated with nervous tension.
  2. Spasms in the intestines of a non-infectious and non-inflammatory nature.
  3. Increased uterine tone.
  4. Preeclampsia.
  5. The threat of abortion or premature birth.
  6. Excessive irritability and neurasthenicity.
  7. Sleep disturbance.
  8. Toxicosis.
  9. Toothache.
  10. Hypertension.
  11. In combination with cardiovascular pathologies.

Interesting! The scope of valerian in folk medicine is much larger. It has been successfully used for chronic migraines, heart pain and menopausal disorders.

Often, women during the period of experience, for example, before a visit to the doctor or after the appearance of any complications during pregnancy, without waiting for the doctor's advice, take several valerian tablets on their own to calm them down. Of course, two or three pills will not bring harm, but there will be no benefit from them either. The fact is that valerian tablets, like any homeopathic remedies, require a long-term intake in order to obtain a lasting therapeutic effect.

Valerian during pregnancy: dosage and duration of therapy

During pregnancy, if necessary, valerian is prescribed in tablets or in the form of a decoction. Alcohol tinctures and complex sedative herbal teas on alcohol are contraindicated.

How to drink valerian:

  1. Tablets. Treatment begins with the minimum dosage of the drug: one tablet three times a day at least 30 minutes before a meal. Tablets should be taken with clean water only. Juices, soda and other drinks completely disrupt the process of digestibility of active ingredients. If there is no positive result, the dose is doubled. The average course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. In the presence of positive dynamics, the drug is canceled.
  2. Decoction. Prepare according to package instructions. Reception scheme - 1-2 tbsp. l. decoction three times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, taking into account the well-being of the woman.
  3. Extract. A strong decoction of valerian is being prepared at the rate of 3 tbsp. l. per 200 mg of water. The finished extract is added to a warm bath with a temperature not exceeding 38⁰C. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

On a note! How much you can drink valerian during pregnancy should be determined only by the gynecologist leading the pregnancy. The advice of friends and relatives in this matter is inappropriate.

Possible contraindications and side effects: expert comment

Valerian during pregnancy is prescribed by a doctor only if the pregnant woman does not have the following pathologies:

  • Enterocolitis.
  • Depression.
  • Hypertension.
  • Liver diseases.
  • The risk of a stroke.
  • Individual sensitivity to the drug.

Long-term use of valerian (more than 3 months) or exceeding the dosage stated in the annotation (over 6 tablets per day) can provoke such undesirable reactions:

  • Dizziness.
  • General weakness.
  • Nausea.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Apathy.
  • Depression.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.
  • Decline in performance.
  • Allergy (urticaria, itching, hyperemia of the skin).

You can find out that you have an overdose of valerian by the following symptoms:

  1. Headache.
  2. Tremor of the limbs.
  3. Enlargement of the iris of the eyes.
  4. Pain in the epigastric region.
  5. Hearing and vision impairment.
  6. Sensation of constriction in the chest.
  7. Tachycardia.

If you have noticed symptoms of an overdose of the drug, seek medical help immediately. As a rule, antitoxic therapy with activated charcoal and local treatment of symptoms are used. Sometimes gastric lavage is required.

Obstetrician-gynecologists say that you can use valerian during pregnancy, but some features should be taken into account:

  1. Slight malaise, anxiety and irritability can be eliminated by walking in the fresh air, a warm conversation with a loved one and good rest. Such conditions do not require treatment with valerian.
  2. Uncontrolled intake of valerian can further worsen the condition for which the drug was prescribed.
  3. Strictly follow the doctor's orders. Intolerance or overdose of valerian can cause severe headaches, nausea and hypertensive crisis in a woman.

Important! If you notice any allergic manifestations after taking valerian, immediately cancel the drug. The allergic condition can be transmitted to the baby, and after birth, he will have a high risk of developing an allergy to this drug, up to anaphylactic shock.

Dosage forms of valerian

Valerian rhizome tincture is made on an alcohol basis. In this form, valerian has a quick effect due to the instantaneous transport of active elements into the bloodstream with the help of alcohol. The daily dose of tincture (15-30 drops) does not contain an amount of alcohol harmful to the body. It is believed that getting into the blood, alcohol reaches the liver cells and is completely deactivated there. Therefore, he does not have time to get to the fetus. But this statement applies only to a single dose of the drug. Since the fetus is not protected by the placental barrier until the 16th week, it is better not to use valerian tincture during pregnancy in the 1st trimester.

A decoction of valerian is indicated when a woman has an allergic reaction to dyes present in the tablet shell or has a history of diseases associated with lactose intolerance. The decoction has a mild and stable effect on the body, therefore it is prescribed for a longer period than tablets.

Valerian tablets provide long-term use. To improve sleep and normalize the nervous state, you will need at least two weeks of therapy. And taking a couple of pills to calm down is a treatment with a placebo effect.

Despite the harmlessness of valerian, you should not prescribe a sedative yourself during pregnancy. A little stress or feeling unwell is best addressed with more beneficial methods, such as taking a contrast shower or taking a walk in the park. But if a gynecologist prescribed you valerian, then there are definitely reasons for this. In this case, strictly adhere to the reception scheme.

Video "How to relieve stress. Valerian."

Valerian - it is one of the most ancient plants that are used by humans. Its name translates as "to be healthy and strong."

The most important is the valerian root, the leaves are also medicinal, but not to the same extent. The root contains a large amount of essential oils, which actively affect the well-being of a person. Thanks to these ethers, which quickly fall into body and absorbed into the blood, there is an active effect on the human body. Medicines that contain Valerian affect the nervous and vascular systems, bile ducts, and smooth muscles. They have an antispasmodic or sedative effect.

But also various drugs that are based on valerian have a strong sedative effect. In many cases, their prescribed to calm the body during overexcitation, but it is important to know that there are a number of contraindications. It is necessary to use valerian-based medicines very carefully for women who are lactating or pregnant, as well as for children who have not reached the age of ten.

In some cases, valerian root can not only have a calming effect, but in some cases it can excite. The main thing is to observe the correct dosage, based on the state of human health. Valerian for pregnant women can have a positive effect, but at the same time, with an overdose, the opposite effect is triggered.

During this difficult period, many women are wondering whether they can use this remedy and whether it will bring harm. Many ladies believe that medicines made from herbal ingredients will not do harm. But it is important to consult your doctor before taking any medications.

Many believe that valerian root and medicines , which are made on its basis, are not toxic substances and have a slight sedative effect. It is important to know that alcohol tinctures should not be taken during pregnancy, they can harm both mother and child, but taking tablets containing a large dose of valerian should also be done with great care.

Before you start taking sedatives drugs should be consulted with a doctor, on the subject of whether it is right for you to start using these funds, this may be a therapist or gynecologist who will help determine the risks and benefits of using valerian.

The drug during pregnancy is prescribed if:

  • Tachycardia, which may be associated with anxiety;
  • Spasms that may occur in the gastrointestinal tract that have a non-infectious or non-inflammatory etiology;
  • A constant increase in the tone of the uterus, which can become a threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • Persistent insomnia;
  • Chronic irritability and nervousness.

During pregnancy, you can use valerian tablets or decoctions, which can have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and normalize bile secretion. Also, valerian can have a calming effect during manifestations, such as Braxton-Hicks contractions, which are false and are relieved by sedatives.

Doctors believe that valerian can be used in small doses, but still it is better to consider the option of pregnancy without the use of any drugs.

It is worth noting that an excess of valerian in the body increases the nervous excitability of a person. Also, an overdose of Isovaleric acid, glycosides, alkaloids, saponins and tannins, which are contained in the roots of valerian, can cause harm to the human body, and especially to a pregnant woman. An overdose in this case causes conditions such as:

  • Headache;
  • Nausea;
  • A sharp increase in blood pressure.

Instructions for use

Valerian root is often used as a standalone drug. But it is important to know that such methods are not suitable for pregnant women. The doctor must determine with what means it is best to combine the use of valerian, what dosage is best to choose, and much more. It is important not to take any action on your own, as this can backfire.

There is a list of general rules that are best followed while taking drugs by pregnant women:

  • Compliance with bed rest;
  • Appointment by a doctor of sedative herbal remedies in the form of decoctions, extracts or tablets;
  • Carrying out antispasmodic therapy, for example, taking no-shpa or other drugs similar in composition and action;
  • In the case of late toxicosis, when the protein in the urine rises sharply. Treatment requires the use of drugs based on valerian, motherwort and other means;
  • In no case should you take an alcohol tincture of valerian, as it is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Valerian during pregnancy in tablets

Dosage form of the drug- tablets, is a priority during pregnancy and lactation. Valerian is produced and sold in pharmacies in formulations and products such as Novopasit, Corvalment, various herbal teas, as well as soothing fees number two or three.

It is important to fully comply with the dosage prescribed by the attending physician. It is important to use no more than three tablets per day. They must be drunk half an hour before meals, daily and most importantly, while drinking plenty of clean water.

Valerian as a tablet used in small doses. Usually it comes in a shell that does not contain any flavoring additives. Each tablet, as a rule, has a dosage of no more than two tenths of a gram of valerian.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the appointment and use of valerian tablets can significantly reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus and prevent the risk of abortion. It is very important for a woman to get rid of a miscarriage as soon as possible. But it is worth remembering that there is a maximum allowable dose of the drug - this is six tablets per day, nothing more. If the use of the drug does not have the desired effect, you do not need to try to increase the maximum allowable dosage on your own, but consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Valerian drops during pregnancy

This dosage form of the drug is not recommended for use during childbearing. It is contraindicated at this time, as it is being prepared for alcohol-based and may be harmful. Reception of tincture is possible only in emergency cases, if there is an urgent need to calm the woman in a short time, but there is no necessary remedy at hand. Usually no more than fifteen drops per dose are allowed.

The use of valerian tincture in drops is permissible in cases where:

  • It is urgent to calm down;
  • There is a sharp cramp in the abdomen or colic;
  • There is a sharp pain that radiates to the right and may indicate stagnation of bile in the body;
  • Severe fatigue, which can result in many days of insomnia;
  • Severe tachycardia.

When the primary syndrome is removed, it is necessary to consult a doctor for medical help. It is important to understand that you should not take any type of medication uncontrollably, even if they are of plant origin.

Taking valerian in early pregnancy

If pregnancy is only at the beginning of development, it is necessary to take care of sedative drugs. This tool is used to cope with such a negative phenomenon like toxicosis. Many women, when they reach a period of twelve weeks, are faced with this ailment. Without taking special drugs, you can not cope with this phenomenon.

Valerian root can often appear in many herbal teas, which can have a sedative effect. They reduce the symptoms of toxicosis and help a pregnant woman cope with it as quickly as possible.

You can make your own soothing decoction:

  • One tablespoon of crushed valerian roots;
  • One glass of boiling water.

The infusion must be insisted for about two hours, and then brought to a boil. After this, it is necessary to cool the broth, and then drink one tablespoon four or five times a day, before meals.


I know that valerian during pregnancy helps to calm down and relax very well. It is important to observe the correct dosage in order to avoid any unpleasant consequences. Pregnancy is a difficult period and it is important to make sure that it goes as smoothly and easily as possible.

When I found out that I was pregnant, I began to wonder if it was possible to use some special means in order to calm down. Many drugs that I read about have a slight sedative effect on the body as a whole. Many girls ask doctors if valerian can be taken during pregnancy and the answer is usually positive. The main thing I want to say to all the girls, do not use alcohol-based soothing drops.