Normal hair care. What types of hair are there

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To determine what type of hair you have, you just need to look at their condition and notice how quickly they start to look heavy and oily. Probably every lady knows what problems her hair has and can easily tell her type: either oily, or dry, or normal. The best of these three types are considered normal hair. They are moderately thick, strong and silky.

What normal hair looks like

In the normal type, hair grows at the same time, split ends are less bothersome, and the activity of the sebaceous glands is moderate. This type of hair has a beautiful natural shine and a healthy glow. They shimmer very beautifully in sunlight. Brushing and styling such hair is not difficult, because it does not get tangled. Such hair does not require frequent washing, it retains its freshness for at least 3 days. And after passing this period, you will not look unkempt and unkempt, as, for example, with oily hair.

How to wash normal hair

If this is your hair, you are very lucky. You are the owner of a normal hair type and there will be nothing super complicated in caring for such hair.

To keep your hair in good condition, it is enough to choose the right shampoo that does not dry out or weigh down your hair. Do not overdo it with frequent shampooing. Wash it as soon as it gets dirty, but do not start this process either. Since the accumulated dust of the city and the secretions of the sebaceous glands cannot positively affect the condition of the hair. After all, hair is, in fact, a sponge, on which everything from dust to odors remains.

It is also advisable to wash your hair in good quality soft water, or at least soften the water before washing by boiling and adding 2 teaspoons of soda to 5 liters of water. It is very good if you use melt water and decoctions of useful herbs.

What herbs are good for?

If you decide to use infusions, you need to consider that you should use them yourself. Shampoos and other hair care products are not recommended in this case. After washing your hair with warm decoctions of herbs, do not wipe your hair, just wring it out and warm it with a towel for 1 hour.

For normal hair type to keep it in good shape, we recommend using herbs such as marsh calamus, oregano, stinging nettle, garden parsley, black poplar (black poplar), yarrow, common hops. There are a lot of recipes for infusions, choose your own and use it for health.

Caring for normal hair

It will be very good if the daily head massage becomes a habit for you. Pass between the strands with spread fingers, squeeze the strands at the base of the head and, as it were, lift them up. This will stimulate hair growth and strengthen the hair follicle. After this procedure, the hair will be elastic and strong.

Take the trouble to do it once a week. Then your hair will look healthy and shiny.

It is highly undesirable to dry your hair with a hairdryer. Although this rule is rarely followed, try to reduce the stress on your hair such as blow-drying. But sleeping with wet hair is also not recommended. If you are already blow drying, keep it as far away from your hair as possible, and try to blot your hair as thoroughly as possible with a towel before drying.

Dyes and perms will not have a positive effect on your hair.

Do not feel sorry for the length, be sure to even your hair with scissors if you see. This will further provide them with a healthy appearance and rapid growth.


To make your hair happy, eat vitamins of groups A, E, C, B. After all, healthy hair indicates the health of the whole organism as a whole. And the prevention of any disease is the use of a large amount of vitamins. So that the hair looks gorgeous, you can scoop vitamin A from the liver of fish, egg yolks, carrots. Vitamin E - from vegetable oils and nuts. Vitamin C - from everyone's favorite citrus fruits, black currants, bell peppers, cabbage. Vitamin B - from poultry, meat, eggs, dairy products, bread, cereals. Also, do not disdain fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits and berries. They are very beneficial for hair, as well as for the health of the whole body and a good mood.

In conclusion, I would like to tell you that for your good hair care, your hair will surely thank you with shine and health. Do not be lazy, give them just a little time, and you will shine and catch enchanted glances on yourself.

Hair care of a normal type does not differ in a particularly large set of procedures, but it still has some features that you need to be aware of.

All women want healthy, strong and beautiful hair. For those with normal hair, this task is the simplest and most accessible. They hold their shape for a long time, are easy to lay, do not split, do not need frequent washing, reflect light well and practically do not cause problems for their care. The selection of the right remedies will help keep their condition normal and avoid the appearance of various ailments. How to care for normal hair, and what care products can be made at home, we will consider in our article.

Caring for normal hair

In order for normal hair to retain its properties, you need to know the simplest rules for caring for it. Proper washing of this type of hair plays an important role in this matter.

  • Normal hair does not need to be washed often, 2-3 times a week will be enough, otherwise the natural protective layer of the hair can collapse and provoke split ends, their brittleness and dullness.
  • The shampoo must be suitable for the hair type, otherwise there will be problems with oily or, conversely, dry scalp.
  • You should not wash your hair with hot water, because high temperature stimulates the secretion of sebum.
  • The shampoo foam needs to be rinsed off well, otherwise its residues will make the hair sticky and dull.
  • Comb your hair before shampooing. So they rinse better and after a shower they are easier to comb.
  • After the shower, you should let your hair dry, and only then you can grab the comb. It is better to use combs with wide teeth, because they do not harm the hair structure.
  • If the hairstyle does not need special styling, then it is better to let the hair dry, do not dry it with a hairdryer or use other devices (curling iron, iron, etc.).

To maintain the appearance and health of normal hair, proper washing is not enough. You should also use a variety of caring agents that will maintain their condition and prevent the appearance of various problems. The use of masks, balms, natural decoctions and other means at least once a week will provide the hair with a healthy look and keep its external advantages unchanged.

There are many traditional medicines available to help maintain normal hair. The most famous and effective of them we will give below.

  • A decoction of chamomile is the most popular care product for this type of hair. Pour 50 g of chamomile with 200 g of hot water, leave for 20 minutes and filter. To make your hair shine better, you can add grape or apple cider vinegar to the broth.
  • Burdock and nettle also help normal hair maintain its appearance. Mix the ingredients in a proportion of 20 g of burdock root with 40 g of nettle root, add them to 200 ml of hot water and boil for 10 minutes. We filter the resulting rinse and dilute it with water.
  • For lazy women, there is also their own method of hair care: after washing, pour water (200-300 ml) into a ladle and add lemon juice to it. Rinse clean hair with this product and let it dry.
  • No less useful are various masks that nourish and improve the condition of the hair itself and its appearance. To strengthen and improve your hair, you can prepare a yeast mask: you need a pack of yeast, 20-30 g of olive oil, an egg and 100 ml of milk. Yeast is added to warm milk and mixed thoroughly. After they swell, add oil and an egg, mix everything and apply to wet hair for 1.5 hours. Then we rinse the head with lukewarm water so that the protein does not remain in the hair.
  • A fruit mask is also useful: take any fruit and 1 egg. Mix the egg with the pulp of the fruit and apply to wet hair for 1.5 hours. Then we proceed to the usual shampooing.

Every woman can become the owner of strong, beautiful and healthy hair, for this one should properly care for them and not be subjected to various destructive procedures (lamination, dyeing, curling, etc.). Take care of your hair!

All hair is divided into normal, dry, oily and blended, or combination. But some experts distinguish dyed and permed hair as a separate type. Hair characteristics such as soft or hard, thick or thin, and healthy or thin should also be considered.


Normal hair is soft and smooth to the touch, reflects light well, shimmers in the sun. If your hair is elastic, hardly splits, easily styled and combed, has a lively appearance, is easy to style and retain these qualities for several days after shampooing, it means that you competently and correctly care for them with the help of suitable means and your hair. healthy. Normal hair looks clean and healthy immediately after washing, and it does not get greasy until the end of the third day. They very rarely become electrified and remain splendid for several days. Unfortunately, hair without problems is rare.

  • The REASON for this hair quality is that a balanced diet and exercise contribute to the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. They, in turn, produce the required amount of sebum.
  • CARE. Normal hair should be washed 2 times a week using mild shampoos and not very concentrated balms. If your hair looks sore or a little "tired", use a warm oil mask to restore it to its previous appearance and maintain strength.
  • CHEMISTRY, coloring and similar procedures for normal hair are not contraindicated. But such manipulations should be carried out within reasonable limits so as not to damage the hair structure.


Oily hair has a characteristic dull shine, after a short time after washing, it quickly gets dirty, loses volume, sticks together and begins to seem untidy. Dirty hair looks greasy. Oily hair is often combined with oily dandruff.

  • CHARACTERISTICS. Hair of this type looks clean and fresh immediately after washing, but by the end of the day it gets dirty, acquiring an oily shine. But hair of this type is almost not electrified, and its ends almost never split.
  • Oily hair lends itself well to styling, but styling does not last long.
  • CAUSE. The oiliness of the hair depends on the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, they produce a lot of sebum. Hair fat is a purely individual characteristic and is genetically determined. To some extent, the amount of sebum is produced, depending on the type of diet and the amount of carbohydrates (primarily) and fats consumed with food. Hair can also become oily if touched constantly with your hands or combed very often.
  • CARE. Oily hair should be washed daily or every other day. Use a mild shampoo for daily washing. Once every 10-14 days, use a shampoo with a high content of detergent components that remove oil well from the scalp, “for oily hair”. Buy light, non-concentrated balms, apply only to the ends of your hair. Do not use hair masks often.
  • NUTRITION. Adjust your diet, drink more water.
  • CHEMICAL EXPOSURE AND COLORING for oily hair is not contraindicated, and sometimes even recommended.


Dry hair does not reflect light well, as a result of which it looks dull, so that there is no gloss. They are hard to the touch, usually thin, easily torn, tangled, difficult to comb, split at the ends.

  • Immediately after washing, the hair is dry, has insufficient shine, becomes normal until the third day, and becomes greasy and dull only on the seventh day.
  • CHARACTERISTICS. Dry hair is very often electrified. Hair of this type is characterized by increased splendor, and they are also difficult to style.
  • CAUSE. The sebaceous glands produce very little sebum, but dry hair is often the result of inappropriate care and not the result of decreased activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Hair can become dry if it is bleached and curled using chemicals, very often blow-dried or exposed to prolonged exposure to hot sunlight.
  • CARE. Wash your hair once every 5-6 days with moisturizing shampoos. Use moisturizing balms, masks, creams, and other products after each wash. Apply a warm oil mask once a week. Do not blow dry your hair.
  • Better to wrap them in a soft towel and let them dry themselves. Trim the ends regularly. Monitor your diet.
  • For dry hair, chemical exposure and dyeing are categorically contraindicated.


Mixed hair is generally long hair.

  • CHARACTERISTICS. Hair is oily at the roots and dry and brittle at the ends. They split quite often.
  • CAUSE. They are not sufficiently greased along their entire length.
  • The ends of this type of hair do not receive the required oil. This happens when you very often lighten, dye or curl your hair with tongs, which are very dry ends.
  • CARE. Hair needs a combination of various special products and an adjusted diet. Use a mild shampoo to wash. Rinse hair roots especially thoroughly. Apply the balm only to the ends of the hair. Whenever possible, use shampoos and conditioners designed specifically for your combination hair.


Dyed and permed hair.

  • Hair that has undergone chemical treatment becomes dry and brittle, difficult to comb.
  • CHARACTERISTICS. As a rule, this is rough hair that has lost its shine and obedience.
  • CAUSE. Products used to dye or curl hair can damage the scales. Chemicals applied to already damaged hair further destroy the top scaly layer, penetrating into the cortical layer.
  • CARE. Use special shampoos for colored or permed hair, which contain nutrients that protect colored hair from fading and help maintain the chemical balance of chemically treated hair.

Use a simple method to accurately determine your hair type. 2 hours after washing your hair, apply a dry napkin to the roots. Slightly noticeable speck of fat - normal hair; any absence of a trace - dry, and a very distinct greasy spot - your strands have excess grease. Normal hair must be protected and looked after, and treated as problems arise.

How to care for and what to protect from?

Normal hair care includes a set of common procedures:

  • washing once every 7 - 10 days, followed by rinsing;
  • scalp massage;
  • compresses and restorative masks.

What dangers can lie in wait for your beautiful hair? Perhaps, age-related changes come to the fore, when metabolism deteriorates, the absorption of vitamins and other components, to which we owe the beauty of our curls.

The next danger comes from everything that we mean by the word "ecology". These are harmful impurities contained in water and in the air, scorching rays of the sun, hypothermia from winter frosts, increased background radiation.

It is very important to be smart about the choice of hair care products.

Choosing a shampoo

When choosing a shampoo, first of all, pay attention to whether it suits your hair type, as well as its composition. The safest surfactants that form the basis of any shampoo are telauryl sulfate and telaureth sulfate.

A quality shampoo contains up to 40 components. Last on the list of ingredients are preservatives. The fewer there are, the better the product. Check the expiration date. It is not advisable to use a 2 in 1 shampoo. It is advisable to use these components separately.

If you have to wash your hair often, use neutral shampoos. Baby shampoos are very gentle on the hair. Before applying shampoo - dilute it with water directly in the palm of your hand so as not to dry your scalp. Using your fingertips, massage the scalp with shampoo applied to it. Then we wash off the resulting foam and rinse our curls with a balm - rinse.

Homemade masks for normal hair

Your carefree life surrounded by hassle-free hair can suddenly get complicated for any of the above reasons. In order to prevent loss, painful changes in their structure, experts advise to regularly use ready-made masks or prepare them yourself from products that are likely to be found in every kitchen.

It is very important to notice the problem in time and decide on a way to save your sore curls. Masks with a specific focus are made before each shampooing.

Preventive masks for normal hair can be done less frequently.

The duration of the masks is from 30 to 60 minutes. To activate the action, the head with the applied mask is insulated each time with a film and a towel. Then we wash it off and by nature.

The problem is hair loss

Recommended masks:

Prepare 2 cups of infusion on 5 herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage, nettle, hop cones), taken in 1 tsp. Art. beat the spoons of kefir with an egg and mix with the cooled herbal infusion. Apply the resulting mixture to the head.

We make an infusion of calendula, chamomile of nettle leaves in 1 glass of boiling water. After filtering, add 1 tbsp. spoon of liquid honey and propolis.

The problem is lack of gloss

3 tbsp. tablespoons of yogurt in a blender, mix with the pulp of an apple or pear.

In the mashed potatoes of ripe sea buckthorn berries, add the same amount of white clay, dilute the mixture with 2 tbsp. spoons of milk.

The problem is poor hair growth

Mix equal amounts of capsicum tincture, burdock oil and water. Apply to the hair roots, limiting its residence time to 20 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with shampoo.

Beat 1 yolk with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and 1 tbsp. spoon of brandy, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of burdock oil. Apply to hair and roots. Wash off after 50 - 60 minutes using shampoo.

Nourishing mask: beat a raw egg with 2 tbsp. spoons of homemade cottage cheese and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream.

If the given recipes for masks are used regularly and correctly, you can get rid of the acquired problems with your curls and prevent the appearance of new ones.

Moisturizing normal hair

We have already dispelled the myth that caring for normal hair is an unnecessary thing. Now let's talk about moisturizing your hair. The easiest way to do this is to use moisturizing balms - rinses or conditioners.

Home-made rinses, the raw material for which are medicinal herbs, are perfect for these purposes.

Rinse Aid Recipes

  • Pharmacy chamomile infusion is an excellent tool for rinsing hair: 2 tbsp. pour spoons of inflorescences with a glass of boiling water. After 20 minutes, the strained rinse aid is ready for use. Adding 1 tbsp. A spoonful of apple cider vinegar will give your curls a wonderful shine.
  • 1 st. steamed a spoonful of a mixture of nettle and burdock root for 10 minutes with a glass of boiling water. Add the resulting infusion to the water intended for rinsing.

When, how and how to comb your hair

Perhaps this subtitle will make you smile. But do not rush, there are also certain subtleties here.

Choosing a comb

The comb should not be too thick or have sharp teeth. The most valuable are wooden or horn combs. Their use will help to avoid many of the problems that hair is susceptible to.

It is better to get rid of combs made of artificial materials. The static electricity generated by them creates an electrical discharge that negatively affects not only the condition of the hair, but also the entire body.

You should not "torment" the hair damp after washing with a comb. Let them dry and comb gently: long strands starting at the ends, short ones starting at the roots.

The brushing procedure not only cleanses the hair and scalp, but also massages them, improving blood circulation. It is advisable to give it about 5 minutes daily.

What else does our hair "love"

If our strands found speech, they would tell how important our diet is for their health. After all, it is from there that the substances that they need for growth, beauty and health come to them.

What will your curls be "happy" for?

  • vitamin A, which is rich in carrots, egg yolk and liver;
  • vitamin E, found in nuts and vegetable oils;
  • citrus fruits, cabbage, bell peppers, black currants, which will provide them with vitamin C;
  • meat, poultry, cereals, dairy products "pamper" your hair with B vitamins.

And, the last tip - do not fight with the natural texture of your hair, but skillfully use it when choosing a haircut or styling.


Hair that is elastic, shiny and vibrant, it stays almost the same for 3 days after washing and, as a rule, is not too thin. Owners of this type of hair do not know what dandruff is. Hair splits a little, does not electrify or tangle. They can be styled without special means; when twisted into a bun, they easily return to their original appearance - this is normal hair. Special care is not required for them, a high-quality shampoo and conditioner will be enough. Experts advise washing your hair 2 times a week.

Drying and styling

It is better to dry naturally after washing, but a hairdryer in moderate doses will not hurt. Although normal hair is manageable in itself, styling products can be used. Choose mousses and varnishes that are light hold and of good quality. Avoid using too much fixative, especially in the summer when your hair is already damaged by the sun's rays. Do not forget about the presence of sun filters in shampoos and varnishes for the summer.


Normal hair can be brushed while wet; this requires a thin, round-toothed comb. Move from the ends to the base of the hair, do not use styling brushes and massage brushes with sharp metal bristles that injure the hair and head.


For coloring, use any dyes: from gentle natural to the most effective chemical. Try to handle your hair more carefully, with frequent harmful effects, it is easy to turn it into dry or oily.

Herbal treatment

Even if the hair looks great, and there are no visible problems (dandruff, hair loss, split ends) from time to time they need to be supported with healing agents, because dust and solar radiation, temperature drops and drying with heating devices, gels, varnishes, mousses, wind fall on the hair and drying with a hair dryer.

Decoctions of chamomile and hops, tea and yarrow, sage and linden are prepared according to the same recipe: pour 2 full tablespoons of crushed dry leaves into 1 liter. boiling water and stand for 10 minutes in a water bath. Then strain, add boiled water to 1 liter. and rinse your hair after washing. Do this for a month and repeat 3 times a year.

You can mix different herbs and make a decoction from them according to the same recipe. If your hair is blonde, eliminate yarrow, hops, and tea from the mixture.

Refuse alcohol infusions, alcohol dries the skin, this will affect the condition of the hair.