Styling without a hair dryer on wet hair. How to style your hair without a hair dryer and flat iron: a few simple tips for different types of curls. Too many moisturizing cosmetics in care

In order to increase the shelf life of milk, as well as protect yourself from various harmful microorganisms that may be in an unpasteurized product, it must be boiled. However, before boiling milk, you need to figure out how to do it correctly. After all, this is a rather responsible procedure, since milk can burn or run away. For boiling milk, it is better to use an aluminum, glass pan or stainless steel utensils. In enameled dishes, milk can burn, therefore, it is undesirable to use it. A saucepan with a thick or double bottom can also help to avoid burning.

Before pouring milk into a container, rinse it with cold water. This action will prevent burning. There is another secret that allows you to boil milk without seething. Take a small saucer and put it on the bottom of the container in which you are going to boil the milk upside down. Pour milk into a container. When the milk begins to boil, the saucer will tap a little on the bottom of the pan, however, foam should not form on the surface, therefore, the milk will not boil, which means it will not run away.

How long to boil milk

You can just not leave the stove for a minute. Milk should be boiled over low heat for 2-3 minutes after boiling, while constantly stirring it and removing foam. Milk foam should be removed only during boiling. After the product has cooled down, the film should not be removed, since it contains the bulk of useful substances.

To increase the shelf life of milk, when boiling, you can add sugar to it (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of milk). Milk should be stored in an airtight container (milk tends to absorb various foreign odors) in the refrigerator. Pasteurized milk should not be boiled, since this product has already undergone heat treatment (up to 80 degrees for some time) and all pathogenic bacteria in it have died.

First of all, it is worth clarifying what is in front of you milk. If you bought it in a bottle in a store, then you can not use it at all. boil. But if you purchased milk either in the market, or from some imported tank, then, of course, it must be boiled. The best option for milk not burnt - boil it in any pan with a thick bottom.

Advice from nutritionists about how long to boil milk, different. Some nutritionists advise boilsb milk at least 10 minutes. This, in their opinion, is necessary in order to destroy the harmful substances and bacteria in the milk. However, the vast majority of nutritionists do not agree about the "10 minutes", since during this time the milk will simply "run away". Therefore they recommend boil milk on high heat only until it is completely warmed up and boils away. According to experts, even in this short time, all harmful microbes will be completely destroyed.

Often, plaque forms around the edges of the pan and on its bottom, so to avoid it, try to rinse the pan with water every time. boil milk must be on high heat. In order to milk not boiled away, always put a circle in the bottom of the pan (you can get it at the hardware store). But you can do without a mug - just grease the edges of the pan with some kind of fat. And keep stirring milk otherwise a film will form. If you, for example, are in the country, but there is no refrigerator, and at the same time you want milk has not spoiled for several days - boil it in the morning and in the evening, but do not cover it until it has cooled.

How do you know if your milk is real or diluted?

Our magazine is about health, so in our regular column "Healthy Eating" we talk about a product in each issue. Today our story is dedicated to such a popular product as milk. Why is it useful? What are the types milk? How to determine if diluted milk? The column is headed by the doctor V. V. Laidinen.

All about milk

Milk occupies an important place among food products, because it is easily digested and well absorbed by the body. Milk It has a high nutritional and biological value, and this is primarily due to the presence of proteins in it. Squirrels milk contain all the elements necessary for our body that both an adult and a child need. So, milk protein contains the amino acid methionine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the liver. In addition to proteins, milk also contains fat, amino acids, minerals, various vitamins, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and iron salts, and all of them are perfectly absorbed by the body. V milk and dairy products contain animal protein, which in its value is not inferior to that contained in meat and fish. It is worth noting that some substances necessary for the body exist only in milk.

Milk and dairy products are the most important sources of calcium, which, together with fluorine, determines the effectiveness of the absorption of this product. There are such types milk, as drinking, melted, sterilized, pasteurized and fat-free. Let's briefly consider each of these types.


The so-called drinking milk, as the name implies, is produced so that it can be drunk immediately. Ghee milk It is characterized by the fact that heat treatment is carried out during its production, and the color of milk and its taste depend on this.

sterilized milk It is milk heated under pressure to a high temperature. This is done in order to preserve all the vitamins. However, living bacteria, which are also beneficial to the body, die during this process. Therefore, the quality of the sterilized milk still worse than pasteurized. When sterilized, cow's milk is used, as well as fresh skimmed milk. Sterilized to taste milk resembles boiled, and sometimes baked milk. In order for sterilized milk to be well preserved, it is poured into special bags in which the product can be stored from 3 days to 6 months. However, the opened package can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.
This milk differs in that here it is heated for half an hour to a temperature of 70 ° C, which allows you to save all the useful trace elements. Stored like this milk may not exceed 36 hours.
low fat milk very useful for the elderly and those who are overweight.

Milk in bags can be stored longer than in bottles, which must be stored in a dark, cold place. If you are going to boil milk, it should be remembered that after boiling it must be quickly cooled, and it must be stored chilled.

How to find out - the present is in front of youmilk or itdiluted

If you want to know what's real in front of you milk or it is diluted, you need to drop the milk into a glass of water. If a drop spreads over the surface of the water, then the milk is diluted. If milk undiluted, then a drop of the whole milk will sink to the bottom of the glass, and there it will dissolve .

How much milk to drink per day

According to experts in clinical nutrition, a person should drink 400-500 grams per day. milk, i.e. about two glasses. Best of all - fat-free, sour or unpasteurized.

Who can drinkmilk, and who can not

Milk useful for people with diseases such as atherosclerosis, chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder, hypertension. Generally, milk useful for people of all ages. Although it can cause indigestion or heartburn in some people. In this case, you can try to drink milk half with tea. If in this case too milk“It won’t work”, that is, an option to try lactose free milk. Such milk has now begun to appear in stores. Moreover, milk whole is not recommended for acute intestinal diseases, as well as for exacerbation of chronic diseases that are accompanied by diarrhea. People who can't drink milk or it is contraindicated for them, they can use fermented milk products: kefir and yogurt.

Rural fresh milk is considered a real storehouse of useful and healing substances. As you know, during heat treatment, a huge proportion of useful vitamins and elements die, but even under this condition, many information sources recommend boiling raw milk.

What is boiled milk?

The simplest and most affordable way to disinfect milk is boiling. With this method, the milk is brought to a boil, that is, bubbles begin to appear around the edge and the milk begins to rise rapidly. At this temperature milk is boiled for 5 to 15 minutes. The boiling process must be monitored so that the milk does not run away. Unfortunately, boiling destroys some of the vitamins D, B, C and A, and most of the calcium goes into a state that will be difficult for the body to absorb. In addition, useful life-giving lactic bacteria die, and milk protein partially crumbles. The longer the boiling process lasts, the less milk benefits.

But! When boiling, almost all harmful bacteria die, with the exception of spores. But where do the harmful bacteria in milk come from? Bacteria can get into milk from the hands of a sick person who milks a cow, from a sick animal, if the animal was not properly monitored, dirty dishes were used, they can get along with feed, etc. So plague contagens, causative agents of tuberculosis, various salmonella, staphylococci, streptococci and E. coli can get into milk. Therefore, if you buy milk from an unfamiliar grandmother or from a collective farm machine, then it is better to play it safe.

Another argument that can be made in favor of boiling is the increase in shelf life. As you know, the bactericidal phase of freshly milked milk lasts only two hours, then pathogenic microbes begin to develop in the milk. Therefore, so that the milk does not deteriorate, it is better to boil it.

How to boil milk properly

First of all, it should be noted that for boiling it is better to use aluminum utensils or a stainless steel or glass pan. But it is better to refuse an enamel pan, since milk will definitely burn in it. Many cookware manufacturers offer to purchase special milk cookers that will not allow milk to escape or burn. If you have a pan with a thick bottom, then such unpleasant consequences can also be avoided.

Some people make the mistake of removing the formed film only after the milk has cooled. The film should be removed only during the boiling process itself, but not after, since it contains a large number of significant and useful elements.

It is necessary to store boiled milk in the refrigerator, and it is better in an airtight container, as milk has a habit of instantly absorbing all unpleasant odors.

Boiling milk not only kills germs, but also destroys many beneficial nutrients. Is there a way out? If you buy pasteurized milk in a store, then this question is most likely not in front of you. But what if you buy milk at the market, from a farmer who lives next door, or from a grandmother who still has the strength to keep a cow or a goat? Every morning, when you open a bottle of milk, you are probably wondering: why do you boil milk, and should you boil it at all? Some do it out of habit, some know that boiling kills germs, and some so that it can be stored longer. Boiling is an effective way to combat disease-causing organisms. Although it does not remove impurities, it does kill most dangerous bacteria and other organisms. But, at the same time, destroys some nutrients. Milk is a real storehouse of nutrients. It is a rich source of protein, vitamins and minerals. Minerals, especially calcium, vitamins such as A, D, B1, B2, B12 and K are found in milk in large quantities. Temperature affects many of these vital nutrients in milk, robbing you of the benefits they provide. The B vitamins are particularly vulnerable to boiling. Is there a way to preserve the nutrients? Yes, I have. Here are some basic restrictions to keep in mind when boiling milk:

  • Do not boil milk at a very high temperature for a long time.
  • Do not leave milk in an open container after boiling.
  • After boiling, refrigerate it immediately.
  • Do not heat milk more than once.
  • Remember to stir the milk as it boils.
  • Do not use the microwave oven to heat milk.

By following these simple rules, you will retain many of the valuable nutrients in your milk. If you want to boil milk, make sure you do it right. So, it all comes down to walking a tightrope between safety and nutrition. Unfortunately, in order to protect yourself from infection with pathogenic bacteria, a more effective method than boiling has not yet been invented. Whether to boil milk or not, everyone decides for himself. If you want to make some kind of compromise, this will be your choice.

Surely every housewife has more than once encountered problems with boiling milk - it either runs away, then it curls up, then it burns. And there are many other questions, for example, whether to boil milk at all and why to do it. It is especially important to understand all this when it comes to milk for a child.

Why is milk boiled?

Boiling milk is the easiest way to disinfect and increase the shelf life of this product at home. It's no secret that milk is a great breeding ground for bacteria. And when heated to 100 degrees, almost all of them die.

Unfortunately, exposure to high temperatures is detrimental not only to harmful microorganisms. And even when boiling, some vitamins and microelements are destroyed, and even milk protein is modified. As a result, the useful qualities of milk decrease with each minute of boiling. But if you weigh all the pros and cons, then raw milk must be boiled! The only exception may be paired from your own cow, although there is some risk here.

In general, fresh milk from a healthy cow is a unique product, since it contains an increased content of all useful substances. And besides, it has bactericidal properties due to the special enzyme lysorcyme. But already 2 hours after milking, the enzyme is destroyed, and the composition returns to normal, that is, the milk ceases to be steamed.

All this concerns not only cow's milk - raw goat's in the same way needs to be boiled. Sometimes the benefits of goat's milk are so exaggerated that it comes to the point of absurdity. For example, it is mistakenly believed that goat milk is absolutely safe, and therefore it is not necessary to boil it. You should not take this opinion seriously, at best you can catch an intestinal infection, and at worst, the consequences are simply unpredictable.

What kind of milk should not be boiled

So, we already know about the need to boil raw milk bought from hand. But there is also store-bought in bags or bottles - what to do with it?

Remember - pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized and baked milk do not need to be boiled! This product has already passed all the necessary disinfection processes in special conditions. By the way, special baby milk also does not need to be boiled or heated strongly - usually its composition is additionally enriched with vitamins and minerals, which can be destroyed by high temperatures.

You can also find lactose-free milk on the shelves of supermarkets. That is, one from which, with the help of special technologies, a substance harmful to some people, lactose, was removed. This type of milk is also not boiled.

If you decide to cook yogurt, homemade kefir or other sourdough goodies from store milk (pasteurized or ultra-pasteurized), then you should not boil it. It is enough just to heat it up to the desired temperature - so more usefulness will remain in the finished product.

Yogurt recipes can be found at.

We boil correctly

Now about the rules of boiling. Let's start by choosing dishes. To prevent the milk from burning, it is better to take an aluminum container, glass, ceramic or stainless steel.

  • rinse the pot with cold water;
  • put on fire, pour 70-100 ml of ordinary water;
  • as soon as the water boils, pour in a little milk;
  • if the milk, having boiled, has not curtailed, then you can add the rest;
  • over medium heat, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil;
  • reduce fire;
  • turn off after 1-2 minutes.

Do not keep on fire for more than 2 minutes - this is enough time for pathogenic microorganisms to die. The longer we boil, the less usefulness remains.

By the way, if you put an ordinary inverted saucer on the bottom of the pan, then the milk is unlikely to run away and definitely not burn.

There is another trick - grease the inside of the pan with butter just above the level of milk.

And this video shows another interesting and effective way:

Boiling in the microwave

You can also boil milk in the microwave, but there is no clear recipe - a lot depends on the volume of liquid and the power of the microwave oven. On average, 3 liters of milk boils in 10 minutes. But here it is important to understand - most likely, the milk will run away. I just put a cup or saucepan in a glass container with high sides.

By the way, for those who believe in fairy tales about the dangers of microwaves: the latest research by scientists has confirmed that cooking in a microwave oven has absolutely no effect on the molecular structure of products. That is, in terms of benefits, a microwave is no more dangerous than a conventional stove.

Fixing bugs

If the milk still burnt during boiling, then you can try to correct the situation as follows:

  • immediately pour it into another pan;
  • add ordinary salt at the rate of 0.5 tsp. for 2 l;
  • quickly lowered into a basin of cold water.

Of course, such milk should not be given to children, and even more so to infants. It is better to use it for pancakes, pastries.

Can something be done if the milk has curdled? Unfortunately no. But if you throw this mass on 2 layers of gauze, and let the resulting whey drain, you will get the most delicate cottage cheese without any sour taste.

Taking this opportunity, I will give a link to my .

I hope that all this information will help to boil milk so that nothing needs to be corrected.

Features of boiling milk for a child. Boiling containers.

The first food of a human baby is milk. An amazing product rich in substances necessary for harmonious growth and development.

However, neither a person nor an animal can drink mother's milk all his life. Therefore, the former are happy to use this useful product from under a cow or goat.

Along with the huge benefits of dairy products, there is the question of their safety, especially for young children. Boiling and pasteurization processes come to the rescue.

We will talk in more detail about the first way to neutralize harmful and dangerous bacteria in milk, the best container for boiling.

Is it necessary to boil homemade and store-bought milk?

milk boils out of the pan

Depending on who you are going to give milk to drink, decide on the need for boiling.

  • If an adult healthy person and a proven cow will use it, then leave it at home without heat treatment. As, however, and store.
  • When an adult is sick, and the supervising doctor allows him to eat dairy products, but be sure to boil the home version.

For an infant and preschool child who does not have a food allergy to the product in question, offer only UHT tetrapak milk. Feel free to pour it out of the package. Unlike home-made or other types of store-bought, they must be boiled.

In which pan is it better to boil milk so that it does not burn?

milk poured into a stainless steel pot for boiling

The ideal solution for boiling milk is a heavy-bottomed pot.


  • cast iron container
  • teflon bucket
  • chipped enamelware
  • ceramics
  • stainless steel cookware
  • aluminum with a thick bottom
  • special for boiling milk
  • in any, if you use the "watchman" - a metal plate laid on the bottom of the pan

Is it possible to boil milk in enameled and aluminum dishes, and why does it burn in enameled dishes?

a container of milk is heated on the stove

Opinions are divided on this issue:

  • some housewives are categorically against utensils made of aluminum and enamel coated
  • the second - unequivocally advise aluminum, and warn against the use of enameled
  • still others argue that both of these types of pots can be adapted for similar purposes.

If you are closer to the position of the latter, then get a separate container that will only serve to boil milk. But do not store it after turning off the heating. It is better to immediately pour into a glass or ceramic container.

The reason for its burning in enamel-coated dishes is this. During cooking in a saucepan of different dishes, it is deformed, appear:

  • micro-scratches
  • cracks
  • chipped

This is especially true for the bottom, because one way or another you stir the food while it is cooking.

How to boil cow and goat milk correctly and how much for children, babies: useful tips

child holding a glass of boiled milk
  • Decide where to buy milk. If it's a store, pick one that doesn't need to be boiled. If you have a familiar thrush, then heat treatment is required.
  • Product fat content above 3.2% should be reduced with water. Some mothers dilute milk with it in a ratio of 2:1, 3:1 and even 5:1 before boiling.
  • Get a separate small pan for these purposes, for example, 1 liter. Suitable for both regular and special purpose containers.
  • To prevent milk from burning, pour 5 mm of water into the bottom of the pan, bring to a boil. Pour in the milk.
  • Try not to be distracted from the boiling product anywhere. If necessary, stir it with a wooden spatula and remove the foam.
  • Grease or vegetable oil applied to the sides of the pan before the heat is applied underneath will help prevent the milk from escaping.
  • Cook milk over low heat.
  • When bubbles appear, turn off the heat of the pot.
  • Depending on its material, either leave the milk to cool, or pour it into a glass container.
  • For a child of any age, boil milk for no longer than 5-7 seconds.

How many minutes should milk boil to kill brucellosis?

girl stirs milk with a wooden spatula in the process of boiling it

Looking through the pages of forums for young mothers and housewives, you will find a number of opinions:

  • enough to bring to a boil.
  • you should wait 1-2 minutes and only then turn off the heating of the pan
  • play it safe and boil for 15-30 minutes

On medical websites, information is displayed that you should simply boil the milk. Because brucellosis pathogens die at high temperatures.

Can you boil milk in an electric kettle?

When you really want to conduct such an experiment, do it. And immediately be ready for a thorough washing of the kettle, removing milk deposits from the walls and the heating element.

Can you boil milk in the microwave?

The opinions of young mothers differ dramatically.

  • Some people are afraid of the harm from the microwave itself and its destructive effect on useful and dangerous cells.
  • The latter advocate convenience and saving time for boiling milk.

Therefore, make a decision about bringing milk to high temperatures in the microwave on your own. If this is the norm for you, then take glass or ceramic dishes.

Is it possible to boil milk in a slow cooker?

a bowl of milk in a slow cooker before boiling

Yes, you can, because this device has a special mode for boiling milk.

Is it possible to boil milk with a kettle?

In extreme conditions it is possible. But it's highly likely:

  • burning milk
  • the appearance of a dark coating on the heating element of the boiler
  • the formation of an unpleasant odor and, as a result, spoilage of the product

So, we have considered the features of boiling milk in a saucepan and other kitchen items. They remembered the duration of boiling in order to eliminate bacteria and preserve useful components, as well as the benefits and harms of using containers made of different materials.

Take care of your health and drink milk if you love it!

Video: how to boil milk without burning?

In the world of modern and convenient technologies, natural products are valued more and more. Pasteurized milk on the shelves of the store is already ready to drink - it does not need to be boiled. Just open the pack and enjoy the taste. In addition, it does not deteriorate for a long time and can stand in the refrigerator for weeks. Have you ever wondered why industrial milk does not spoil for so long? Surely, in its composition and on the walls of the package there are special preservatives that, as it were, freeze the properties of milk. The drink becomes dead - there are no useful substances left in it. That is why many housewives try, as far as possible, to buy "live", natural milk from under the cow. However, there are risks here too. For milk to be safe and usable, it must be boiled.

The dangers of raw milk

The fact is that harmful microorganisms can get into milk at any stage of its production. An unscrupulous milkmaid may start milking a cow with dirty hands. The dishes in which milk is milked may also not be clean enough. In addition, germs and harmful bacteria can get into the container during the transport of milk.

However, even if you have a cow at home and you are absolutely sure that the milkmaid's dishes and hands are clean, milk must be boiled. The fact is that a cow can get sick, even if it does not manifest itself outwardly. Any changes in the animal's diet can also cause a change in the composition of the milk. As they say, God saves the safe, so do not drink milk in pairs. And especially, do not give it to children.

Boiling milk not only protects you from harmful microorganisms, but also significantly increases the shelf life of the product. If raw milk is stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days, then boiled milk may well stand for a week.

This process is not complicated, and even the most inexperienced hostess can cope with it. However, there are several nuances that will help you avoid burning and running away of milk.

  1. Milk should be boiled as soon as you bring it home. The sooner you do this, the longer the product will last.
  2. If you take milk from unverified sellers, check the product for quality. To do this, drop a drop of milk into a glass of cold water. If the drop immediately begins to dissolve, the product is diluted with water. If the drop sank to the bottom, the milk is good.
  3. First you need to decide on the dishes in which you are going to boil milk. For boiling, glass, aluminum and steel pans are suitable. Milk will burn in enamelware.
  4. Rinse the boiling container and pour some clean water (one cup) into it. When the water boils, add some milk to it. This is done in order to check the milk for freshness. If the milk begins to curdle, it is sour - it is better not to boil it. You can make pancakes or pancakes from such milk, but it is not recommended to drink it in its pure form. If the milk has not curdled, you can add the rest of the product. Don't worry if you dilute the milk with a little water - it will evaporate quickly.
  5. It is better to boil milk in a saucepan with high sides so that it does not run away. If the container is completely filled with milk, you can put an inverted saucer on the bottom. It prevents strong bubbling, which protects the milk from "running away".
  6. A pot of milk should be put on a slow fire and be nearby all the time. Stir the container from time to time so that the milk warms up evenly. Before the milk begins to boil, remove the foam. Then, after boiling, the foam does not need to be removed - the most useful microelements are collected in it.
  7. How long should milk be boiled so that it retains its beneficial properties, but all harmful microorganisms are destroyed? Boil milk for at least two minutes. When the liquid is hot enough and the foam starts to creep up, just reduce the heat to a minimum. Milk should boil, but not run away. Two minutes is enough to get rid of pathogenic microbes and bacteria. If you want to get thicker, richer and richer milk, boil it for at least half an hour.
  8. After boiling, milk does not need to be immediately poured into a jar. Let it cool to room temperature and then put it in the refrigerator.

This method of boiling will allow you to prepare the product for safe consumption.

We have compiled a variety of educational tips related to milk for you.

  1. So that the milk does not run away and does not burn, instead of a saucer at the bottom, you can use ordinary butter. Just brush the edges of the dishes just above the edge of the milk with it and the liquid will not overcome this obstacle.
  2. If you notice small pieces of hay in the milk (and if the product is natural, this may well happen), you just need to strain the liquid through several layers of gauze.
  3. Do not leave the stove while the milk is heating there. Find something to do within the kitchen. So you do not miss the moment when the milk is ready to "run away".
  4. Add some sugar to milk to increase its shelf life.
  5. Pasteurized and ultra-pasteurized milk, which is sold in the store, does not need to be boiled - it is already ready to drink. The same applies to special milk bags for children.
  6. If you forgot to check the milk for freshness and it curdled completely, don't despair. Boil the milk for a few more minutes, and then discard the liquid on cheesecloth. You will get delicious (absolutely non-sour) cottage cheese and whey, from which airy and openwork pancakes are obtained.
  7. If you have bought too much milk and are afraid that you will not have time to drink it, make condensed milk out of it! Natural, thick and insanely delicious, just like before. To do this, pour a couple of cups of sugar into two liters of milk and simmer for at least 3-4 hours.
  8. Stir the milk regularly so that it does not burn. To facilitate and speed up the process, you can simmer milk with sugar in a slow cooker. There it will not burn, it will not need to be monitored so carefully. At the output, you will receive 700-800 ml of a natural product without any preservatives, which you can safely give to a child.
  9. If the milk is burnt during boiling, it should be immediately poured into a clean bowl, which is then lowered into a basin of cold water. Add a pinch of salt to the milk and stir. This will get rid of the rancid taste and smell.
  10. Store milk in an airtight container, as this product easily absorbs odors.
  11. Do not leave milk in the sun. Light deprives the product of vitamins A and E.

These simple tips will help you properly boil, store and consume milk.

Milk and dairy products are the main component in the diet of any person. Along with meat products, cereals, vegetables and fruits, milk is an integral part of human nutrition. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Drink milk and take care of your health!

Video: how to boil milk

Boiling milk is not an easy procedure. How to boil milk without burning it and how to get rid of an unpleasant aftertaste if it is still burnt?

Choice of dishes

It is advisable to use for boiling milk, which is not used for cooking other dishes. The reason for this is simple - when milk is boiled, it absorbs odors very intensively and hardly anyone will enjoy drinking milk with an extraneous aroma.

If possible, use a saucepan with a thick bottom, such dishes will warm up evenly, preventing the milk from burning.

How to avoid burning

Another way to avoid burning milk when boiling is to rinse the pan with ice water, pour milk into it, and only then put it on fire.

Since water is heavier than milk, a small amount of it will remain at the bottom of the dish, forming a thin film of water that prevents the milk from coming into direct contact with the walls and bottom of the pan.

You can avoid curdling and burning milk if you add a little to it (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of milk).

Boiling milk

Bring milk to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally. Do not cover the pot with a lid!

Watch your milk closely. The fact that the milk is about to boil is unmistakably indicated by the process of abundant foaming on its surface.

Place a long wooden spoon or spatula on top of the saucepan to prevent milk from escaping as it boils.

At this point, remove the pan from the heat, and cool the milk quickly. How to do it? Pour the milk from the saucepan into a glass jar, and then place the jar in a large pot of cold water. Such milk will be stored much better than cooled gradually.

If, despite all efforts, the milk is burnt, you can get rid of the unpleasant bitter aftertaste if you add a small amount of kitchen salt to it during the process of rapid cooling.

Store boiled milk in a cool and dark place.