Vitamin E face action. To the eyes shone a pure spring .... Natural sources of vitamin E

An employee from Israel brought a present - a face cream. Dead Si Minerals and the Plan of Extracts Vherrels are definitely. A drawn carrot on a box of magic cream amused. So far, I finally did not reach me. Vitamin A! The one that I so like to add to the hair mask along with Vitamin E. decided to be in touch, for which I loved the new cream so much))) And I acquire vitamins in the pharmacies :)

The main effect of vitamin A is an antioxidant. It destroys harmful oxygen molecules that inevitably formed in the skin under the influence of scoring sunlight, harmful environment. If timely not neutralize the effect of free radicals, collagen fibers are damaged (elastic tissues that give the skin elasticity), the prerequisites for the appearance of wrinkles are created. Vitamin A derivative - retinolic acid actively protects the skin from such unpleasant processes for each of us.
Another form of vitamin A - Retinol is also a very active substance with an extraordinary medical and protective effect, which is so necessary for aging skin. The fact is that the production of collagen and elastine is disturbed with age, and more and more skin cells are growing. For their replacement and updating, other cells need about 28 days. Vitamin A and its derivatives accelerate this process, in the literal sense rejuvenating the skin, and also improve its blood supply, strengthen capillaries.

This vitamin hair makes elastic, smooth, shiny, significantly accelerates their growth, the nails protect against stratification.
Previously, doctors used retinol only for treating acne and other skin diseases, but in practice they found that he had an excellent "side effect" - smoothes wrinkles. True, in the creams of it were not in a hurry because of the "capricious" character. The active form of vitamin A easily enters into chemical reactions with other substances. And the vitamin itself, introduced into the cream in its pure form, is oxidized in a month, loses useful properties and causes irritation. Only when the chemists managed to "pack" retinol so that it does not spoil, "hiding" the molecules inside the liquid crystal, creams appeared.
Creams with vitamin A (Retinol) silence. But this is exactly the case when you do not have to save. Such means stimulate the natural reproduction of cells, regulate the process of the orog and the thickness of the horn layer of the skin, smoothes wrinkles. Ideally, to look young and beautiful, it would be necessary to use cosmetics containing both vitamin C and retinol. Such means, by the way, are. Despite the fact that these vitamins, as they say, are not compatible in one bottle (vitamin C is dissolved in water, and the retinol is in oil), and therefore they cannot be able to show activity at the same time, the scientist managed to create a special, very reministering "Russian nesting" formula Holding both vitamin. If such a cream "Two in one" did not get on your eyes in the store, do not despair. You can solve the problem by resorting to a small tricky: in the morning, use the cream with vitamin C, and in the evening - with Vitamin A. why exactly in such a sequence? 80% of malicious ultraviolet radiation penetrates deep layers of skin, changing its structure and destroying DNA cells. Paradoxically, but the fact: Retinol struggling with photorestation becomes dangerous under the influence of ultraviolet, as it refers to photosensitizers. Once on his face, he, like a sponge, absorbs the sun's rays.

For the first time using retinol cream, comply with certain safety rules. Due to active intervention in the exchange processes, creams with vitamin A more than others can cause allergies. So, with great care, allergic and sensitive skin should be applied.
If you are prone to allergies and consider your skin sensitive, first spend the tests: apply cream to a small wrist area. People with sensitive skin cosmetics with retinol can cause side effects - redness, irritation, peeling.
Cold season - the most favorable time for cosmetics with vitamin A. The Sun is no longer active, and the skin needs to be updated. Retinol will restore the cell damaged by the Sun, will provide the skin with the necessary power, smooth out the wrinkles and prepare it for the upcoming spring.
Use the creams with retinol better for the night, so n as in high concentration with it can cause allergies even in winter. True, today's day creams with retinol appeared on sale: the concentration of the active component in them is lower.

Unlike other care products, Cream with retinol is better to use courses for 45-60 days. After that, you need a three-month break.

If you want to buy cosmetic products with vitamin A derivatives, look for such names such as retinol, retinol acetate, retinyl linoleate or retinyl palmitat.
To look good, it is not enough to use the creams with retinol, it is necessary to be vitamin A into our body with food. It is contained only in animal products. Most of all it in the liver cod, then beef, calf and pork liver, "noble" types of fish, egg yolks. In plant products (the most vitamin vegetables and fruits of yellow and orange color, tomatoes, asparagus, spinach, dill, parsley) There are only provitamin a - carotene. Carrot is an absolute champion of its content among all vegetables and fruits and the most important means of natural cosmetics. If you regularly include all these products in your menu, you will have a healthy, blooming view. Such a vitamin diet improves eyesight, increases immunity, activates metabolism.

Vitamin E.

If among the vitamins, a competition was held on the title of the most useful for the skin, the vitamin E would undoubtedly occupy one of the prizes. It is impossible to underestimate its importance in the treatment and prevention of skin diseases. Stimulating cell renewal, it is able to keep the skin for a long time young and fresh. That is why it is sometimes even called "vitamin youth."

The fact that vitamin E (or tocopherol) has truly miraculous properties known for quite a long time. Tocopherol in the literal translation from Latin means "contributing to birth" and it justifies its name with interest. It stimulates the processes of regeneration and cell renewal, prevents the aging of the skin, keeping and maintaining its beauty, smoothes wrinkles and gives the effect of lifting. Due to the healing effect on the skin, this vitamin is rightfully considered vitamin youth.
Vitamin E For Skin Face, Application, Mask Recipes
Vitamin E is certainly the most useful vitamin for the skin, it is used in the treatment and prevention of various skin diseases. The shortage of this vitamin is immediately reflected in the state of our skin: it becomes a flabby, overly dry, the muscular tone is lost. This vitamin contributes to the normalization of the functioning of the reproductive system of the woman, which again favorably affects the external attractiveness of the beautiful half of humanity. Tocopherol stimulates the work of the ovaries, which still produce estrogens or beauty hormones, as a result of which the skin is noticeably smoothed and pulls up, acquiring freshness and elasticity. To make the skin of a woman in a healthy and shining condition, it is necessary to eat at least 100 mg vitamin E daily per day.

In addition to the internal use of vitamin E, it is necessary to feed the skin from the outside. It is worth noting that this vitamin is inhibited by the processes of skin photos, fighting dry skin, maintaining the water-lipid balance, solves the problem of pigment stains, freckles, stretch marks and scars, acne, has a soothing effect, removing inflammation, irritation and skin peeling . Also, vitamin E helps to improve blood supply in tissues and reduces the risk of developing the development of cancer, protecting the body from the action of free radicals.

It should be said that in order for the body to fully absorbed the tocopherol, they still require zinc and selenium. In addition, without tocopherol, our body cannot assimilate vitamin A, on which the elasticity of the epithelium depends.

The miraculous properties of vitamin E could not be not used with cosmetically companies. In almost every cosmetic agent intended for rejuvenation and care for problematic and fading skin, the composition contains vitamin E.

The use of tocopherol in skin care.
It is very important to take care that the required amount of this the most common vitamin for the skin of the face came to our body daily with food. Vitamin E is present in the sea fish not fatty varieties, Brussels cabbage, legumes, eggs, cherry, liver, vegetable oil, nuts (most in almond), sprouted wheat, milk, avocado, in the oil of wheat germs, asparagus.

For outdoor use, vitamin E can be purchased in any pharmacy, it is sold in the form of an oil solution. In the liquid form, vitamin E can be added to its night cream, homemade masks.

Rubbing vitamin E into the skin of the face.
To prevent the early appearance of aging signs, as well as for smoothing wrinkles, it is recommended to rub vitamin E into the skin in combination with any basic oil (olive, almond, jojoba, peach, grape oil, wheat germs, sesame, cocoa butter, coconut oil, etc. d.). It is also very useful to add a drop of vitamin E into its night and day cream, restoring serums and moisturizing and nutritious masks. It is especially important to do in the autumn-spring period during avitaminosis, as well as in the summer in order to protect the skin from the negative impact of ultraviolet.

A dry and fading skin is suitable for a mixture of rose oil and tocopherol, which will stimulate the production of collagen. Also suitable olive and almond oil.

In the care of the skin around the eye it is useful to use a mixture of 10 ml of oily solution of vitamin E and 50 ml of olive oil. The composition must be shot through the pillows of the fingers into the area around the eyes, removing the remains of the rod with a soft napkin.

9 face and body bonuses
So, Vitamin E:
1. It has an antioxidant effect, protecting the cells of the epidermis and structural proteins - collagen and elastin - from the destruction of free radicals: as a result, the skin smoothes and pulls up
2. Thanks to anti-inflammatory action, softens the manifestations of allergies and acne
3. Improves the complexion of the face with two ways: first, removes toxins from the body, cleaning the inner medium, and secondly, increases the life of red blood cells - red blood cells, eliminating Malokrovia (anemia)
4. Stimulates the renewal processes - skin regeneration, improves blood supply and deeply moisturizes it
5. It has wound-healing properties, soothes irritated skin, facilitates the state of solar and thermal burns.
6. Prevents the destruction of vitamins A and C, reinforcing their antioxidant and rejuvenating effects.
7. Protects from photorestation caused by ultraviolet rays, reduces the risk of melanoma and other varieties of skin cancer
8. Due to the soft diuretic effect, it eliminates bags under the eyes, fines the face and other manifestations of increased hydrophilicity of tissues (ability to delay water), developing with age
9. Prevents the appearance of pigment stains and freckles, and if they are already there, brightens them, leveling the complexion.

! Vitamin E cannot be taken simultaneously with aspirin: tocopherol enhances blood coagulation!

In fact, Vitamin E is not one substance, but as much as eight! Alpha-tocopherol has the greatest commitime effect, and the strongest antioxidants in this row are the tocopherols of Gamma and Sigma. Our skin especially in them needs! The main problem is that all these types of tocopherols in the body are not only not synthesized, but also do not postpone the reserve, as it occurs with other fat-soluble vitamins (absorbing from the intestine in the presence of fats that are included in the vegetable oil).
For example, vitamin D accumulates in the liver, vitamin A is postponed in the skin, staining in the ocher color of the palm and the soles ... and only the tocopherol behaves in our body like water-soluble vitamins of the type of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), that is, it is saved in the tissues relatively short time. That is why the skin must be signed daily from the outside and inside!

Smooth taut skin is always attractive. It does not matter how many years a woman, her skin can remain elastic, it all depends on the correct appeal with it. Vitamin E for the skin of the face is recognized as the "king" of beauty for freshness and youth. This trace element has a lot of useful properties with which it is worth meeting. The main thing is that he is able to resist the aging of the face, even if signs of fading have already settled on the skin.

Vitamin E rejuvenates, neutralizes oxidative processes in the body, works against depression. For the skin of the face, it is power, bleaching, moisturizes. His healing properties are as follows:

  • The fiction process slows down;
  • The ability of cells to self-healing is at times rising;
  • Skin tightening due to strengthening its internal structures;
  • As a result of nutrition and humidification and improved blood current, the skin becomes an elastic, beautiful and healthy color;
  • Adds cheerfulness, struggling with fatigue;
  • Helps to remove toxins and pollution;
  • He treats foci of inflammation;
  • Eliminates black clogged pores and acne;
  • Brightens the skin, freckles and stains compares, eliminates them;
  • Face cream with vitamin E fills the skin cells with moisture and nutrients;
  • Is the prevention of cancer;
  • Eliminates blood formation problems;
  • Reduces allergic reactions.

Such a powerful integrated effect of the drug and explains his relevance. Most often used. The drug is conveniently divided, while you use one capsule, everyone else is in a sterile intact state, saving your qualities as much as possible.

How vitamin E works on the skin of the face

The Topopherol preparation is so called vitamin E, popular as a component of salon procedures. The use of vitamin E in cosmetology can be found in mesotherapy - micro injections under the skin, for masks, in massage oils, and so on. But this is not only the prerogative of beauty salons, the drug can be applied and at home with no less efficiency.

Many creams promise vitamin E, but there is nothing easier than to apply it on the skin of the face. A miracle preparation is for sale in a pharmacy, its cost is quite small.

Interesting: The drug tocopherol acetate has an oily structure. It can be used inside, so apply to the skin.

How to use for a person this medicine? A small instructions for use will help to answer:

  1. Open the capsule with sharp scissors or a simple needle.
  2. If you are going to make a solution for the first time, then make sure that it is possible to apply vitamin E in its pure form to your face, it will not entail an allergic reaction. To do this, exhaust one portion of the oil on the wrist. It is recommended to monitor the appearance or absence of a reaction of 12 hours.
  3. If allergies did not arise, prepare the skin of the face, holding over the ferry. It is better to use not water, and herbs decoctions.
  4. Come on the root person with a delicate scrub.
  5. Vitamin E applies along massage lines. Gently apply and forever. Special compositions can be prepared - masks with an oil solution of tocopherol.
  6. Pass minutes 20, then get skin for warm water.
  7. Next you can apply your usual cream.

The frequency of use of such a saline complex procedures should not exceed 2-3 per week. The main thing is to act steadily and systematically, not missing one week.

Important! Vitamin E is assisted on the basis of fats. The use of it without an oil base is completely ineffective - it just does not worry.

The use of tocopherol independently, in the form of masks and compositions

The easiest way to use the drug is rubbed into the skin of vitamin E in its pure form, how to apply it: as well as any cosmetic cream or oil. The eyelids should be missed very carefully to avoid injury and stretching.

Glycerin + Vitamin E

This pair is considered a miraculous means. Prepared independently, this mixture works much more efficiently than acquired such compositions. After all, the home analogue does not include preservative means and aromas of synthetic origin. The cost of such a means is minimal.

A mixture of glycerin and vitamin E will suit for any skin, a truly universal agent: from young, to deeply fading. Prepare it so easy that you want to do it daily. From the calculation of 100 ml of glycerol, add 10 drops of vitamin E. Prepare the volume that suits you, do not "work", since the remedy is stored in the refrigerator only three days.

Wrinkle mask "Oil bomb"

Add a few drops of sea buckthorn oil and as much vitamin E into a cocoa oil melted on a pair. Warm mask need a brush on the face and 20 minutes lie down. Surplus masks Remove a pre-cooked napkin. This evening mask. Her skin is best perceived before bedtime.

Mask, feeding the skin "No inflammation!"

Alo juice (it is better to use a variety of scarlet faith), mix with tocopherol in equal parts and apply fine on the skin. After a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water or grasses. Soap do not use.

I wonder: taking inwards and using vitamin E as applications, you can notice how the scars, even old, began to disappear.

Mask "Tsarsky Velvet Skin"

This mask is suitable for especially sensitive skin. Olive oil, as many fatty cottage cheese (necessarily domestic), a few drops of tocopherol acetate to mix to a homogeneous state. The mask is applied with a thick layer and necessarily in the position of the lying. Do not apply cold masks. The temperature of cosmetic mixtures should always be a bit warmer body temperature and carry a pleasant feeling of fresh warmth.

Oil for skin care "Daily"

Peach oil is mixed with vitamin E, about 2-3 drops per 10 ml of the base. We get oil with vitamin E, which will save the skin from wind, frost, sunburn, they can even remove cosmetics.

The beauty of the face depends on the skin condition.

Over time, the resources of the body are depleted, and the skin to save excellent state requires special care: protection, additional meals, moisturizing, update.

One way to maintain beauty and youth independently is the use of vitamins for the skin of the face.

What vitamins are needed by the skin

Violation of natural biochemical processes that flow in skin cells leads to the emergence of such problems as the accusation of the face, the formation of skin races (wrinkles), the appearance of acne and acne, peeling. Vitamins are very necessary for the restoration of its functions, vitamins are very necessary for restoring its functions.

They enter the human body with food, but to meet all the needs of the body of this little. That is why it is possible to feed the skin outside, with the help of aquatic and oil solutions of the most important vitamins.

What are the necessary vitamins for the skin of the face? Most open people:

Vitamin A, or Retinol;

Vitamin E, or tocopherol;

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid;

Group vitamins in;

Vitamin H, or biotin;

Vitamin F (under this title there are several substances).

Depending on the health and skin consumption, it is necessary to supply good vitamin and mineral complexes at least twice a year. In February, you need to start receiving the vitamins of beauty, so that the hair shone the hair to the spring, the face of beauty, and the nails were strong and strong.

But it is possible to externally use vitamins of beauty and need all year round. Cheap pharmacy solutions are capable of solving almost any skin problem.

Biologically active skin complexes

Very important skin care from the inside. For example, with the help of the Eixen® complexes, which includes the exclusive Biomarine Complex®. It is rich in proteins similar in composition with human skin components, and biologically active substances that stimulate the production of collagen - the main protein that supports the elasticity of the skin.

What is the benefit of vitamin A for the face

Retinol, or vitamin A, is essential for mature or problem skin. It is this content of this vitamin that the state of skin cells depends. The following properties of retinol are the most important:

The ability to stimulate the production of own collagen, thereby increasing the elasticity and smoothness of the dermis (not in vain, this wonderful substance is called vitamin beauty);

The ability to restore the production of its own hyaluronic acid, that is, literally filling the skin from the inside with freshness, elasticity, health and restore the structure of the dermis;

The ability to protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals, thereby slowing the processes of aging. It is due to the antioxidant properties of retinol for a long time the elasticity of the skin is preserved.

If vitamin A organism is enough, you can forget about small wrinkles, dry skin, accusation and decrees. If there is a deficit of retinol, the face will face early, the skin will become dry, comedones and acne will appear on it. In the diet, seafood, meat, beef liver, egg yolks, orange fruits and vegetables, greens must be present. All these products are sources of natural vitamin A.

Retinol perfectly protects the dermis from aggressive impact on the face of the solar ultraviolet, strong wind, frost, high humidity. It prevents the destruction of collagen fibers, warning the formation of small and deep wrinkles. Cosmetics with retinol perfectly align the skin color, get rid of inflammation, erase with small wrinkles.

Vitamin A person is most effectively working on mature skin. For a young person, he may be heavy, since in a young dermis, the processes of active production of collagen and hyaluronic acid are excellent. But for rapid rejuvenation, regeneration of the skin tissue, the restoration of the normal level of moisture and collagen reserves, this vitamin is simply indispensable.

Apply creams with retinol need correctly. Be sure to consider the following conditions:

It makes sense to start using cosmetics with vitamin A after 35 years. It can be both creams and masks, serums, lipstick;

For the use of funds with retinol, the cold season is best suited;

Apply oil compositions on the skin is best in the evening so that the vitamin component worked overnight. In addition, under the influence of sunlight, vitamin is oxidized.

It is very important to understand, that the overabundance of vitamin A for the face is dangerous, especially when it comes to young skin. Therefore, apply cream with retinol needs to courses, more than two months. Then you need to give the skin to rest, stopping for three months to use the means with vitamin A.

What is the benefit of vitamin E for face

If we talk about what kind of vitamins for the skin are needed, it is simply impossible to forget about the tocopherol. Vitamin E is also called vitamins of beauty, having in mind its powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, regenerating properties. The main cosmetic role of tocopherol is to strengthen cell membranes. The external use of the tocopherol returns the face of youth, makes the skin elastic and smooth.

Deep nutrition, moisturizing and preventing skin problems - the main task of vitamin E for the person used with cosmetic objectives. On the skin, vitamin works as follows:

Heals the external damage to the skin;

Has a powerful lifting effect;

Superbly heals acne and acne;

Protects against ultraviolet radiation;

Slows the aging of the skin at any age;

Prevents the rebirth of the tissues;

Completely eliminates dryness and peeling, restoring the water and adhesive balance of the dermis;

Eliminates the skin from the swelling;

Gradually erases the traces of acne, scars, freckles.

Vitamin E for face usually becomes a component of anti-inflammatory cosmetic products. In addition, it is also the composition of anti-aging creams, as it perfectly copes with the problem of declaration and dryness.

How to use vitamin A for skin

Apply vitamins A and E for the skin of the face very simple:

First, just add 2-3 drops to your daily or night cream;

Secondly, it is possible to simply apply an oil solution into the skin in the form of a mask, removing the remains of the oil after half an hour with a dry napkin;

Thirdly, on the basis of the Retinol or Vitamin solution, you can prepare wonderful homemade masks, mixing from suitable components (cottage cheese, egg, etc.).

Retinol refers to a group of fat soluble substances, so it is necessary to mix it with oils. Since the wonderful vitamin has a low melting point, it is impossible to add it to the home masks that are prepared in the water bath and are generally heated.

Very carefully you need to use a solution of vitamin A in pure form. "Naked" applying without mixing with oil or cream can cause a strong negative skin reaction (burning, tingling, redness), and after a while - peeling.

Here are the recipes of the simplest and efficient masks with retinol:

To combat wrinkles, you can shift one capsule of the oil solution with a spoon of olive oil. Apply on the face as a normal mask, get into the face after 20 minutes;

To restore dry skin, you can mix in a vitamin A and E capsule with an egg yolk and a spoon of olive oil;

If the skin is sensitive, the retinol capsule is mixed, a spoon of olive oil and cottage cheese;

To rejuvenate and removal, dryness mix the spoon of sour cream with aloe extract and 5-7 drops of retinol;

To power the skin you need to mix on one capsule of vitamins A and E with a small amount of any leaving cream and a teaspoon of juice or aloe extract.

Do not forget from the anti-aging action of retinol on the skin of the face. Use masks and creams with active vitamin can only after 35 years.

How to use vitamin E for skin

Vitamin E is very well combined with vegetable or cosmetic oils. It can be mixed, for example, with olive oil, roses, almonds, wheat sprouts, peach, etc. In a spoonful of base oil, you need to add 1-2 tocoferol capsules and distribute the living composition in the form of a mask.

There are more complex recipes for home cosmetics. So, for deep moisturizing and nutrition of the skin, you can prepare the following mixture: a half-spoons of a pharmaceutical glycerol, a teaspoon of camphor oil, as many castor oil, 20 drops of the oil solution of tocopherol and two large spoons infusion of daisy flowers. The remains of the mask can be kept in the refrigerator 3-4 days.

The magnificent effect gives mixing of vitamin E with cottage cheese, juice or aloe extract, chicken egg, sea buckthorn oil. The mixture is applied to the skin as an ordinary mask, it is washed off after 25 minutes.

How to apply masks from a mixture of Vitamins "Aevit"

The absorption of retinol together with vitamin E. It is not by chance that the aevit can be found on pharmacy counters - the solution of two most important vitamins for beauty and youth. In the complex, the effects of vitamins A and E enhanced, and with regular use of a unique product, the skin of hands and face will be in perfect condition.

The beautiful rejuvenating properties of Aevit are manifested as:

Vascular walls become stronger;

Regenerate normal cell breathing;

The wrinkle mesh disappears;

Swelling pass;

Dark spots are lightened;

Definition of deep wrinkles decreases;

Dry skin is actively moistened.

As a result, the use of a vile visual rejuvenation on the skin of the face of the unique composition. Aevit is greatly struggling premature aging. The drug can be added not only in cream and masks. A very good effect gives mixing vitamins A and E with a domestic scrub (mix 2-3 tablespoons of sleeping coffee with the same amount of olive oil and sugar spoon). The skin after the procedure becomes a soft, gentle, shining.

Vitamins for the skin of the face are indispensable. To preserve beauty and youth for many years, you must use their strength and benefit.

Vitamin EHis useful properties, how can I use and where to buy.

It's no secret that Vitamin E is one of the most popular skin care ingredients. Take a look at any bottle of cream or lotion, or even the means to protect against the sun and most likely you will find it in the list of ingredients!

This vitamin aka antioxidant has extraordinary healing, strengthening and restoring actions to our skin.

I recently decided to start using vitamin E in high concentration to combat aging signs. It is wrinkles and skin irregularities, and dryness. And remained very satisfied with the result. And I decided to write a post which vitamin E (not all of them are the same!) I use and which ways.

What is used for vitamin E for skin?

Vitamin E is fat soluble vitamin with powerful antioxidative activity. That is, it has the ability to reflect the attacks of free radicals, which first and necessary to blame for our wrinkles and the overall aging of the skin! It is also called tocopherol.

The rich source of this antioxidant are oils: olive, germ wheat, sunflower, grape bones.

It can also be purchased in the so-called "dedicated form", in a more concentrated dosage.

How can I use vitamin E for skin?

1. To combat wrinkles

It turns out that this vitamin antioxidant is capable of stimulating the synthesis of collagen, which in turn is responsible for the elasticity of our skin. A variety of creams and lotions with collagen are now very popular, but the fact is that they are useless, since collagen molecules are too large for our skin. The same applies to Coenzyme -10. Therefore, if you want more collagen, pay attention to the products that increase its synthesis by our body (such as vitamin E) or drink and eat more!

Also Vitamin E prevents the formation of wrinkles due to blocking free radicals. Supports cell growth and improves tissue regeneration.

2. Fights with stretch marks

Sometimes such small flaws of the skin we get due to the rapid weight gain or on the contrary, weight loss, or for example due to pregnancy. Vitamin E helps to improve the elasticity of the skin, forcing it how to stretch. It stimulates the formation of new cells, which falls very by the way if you already have Strya, Vitamin E makes them not as visible.

3. Perfect for damaged skin

This vitamin when applied to the skin strengthens the walls of the capillaries, increases the ability of the skin to retain moisture, reduces the manifestation of inflammation and improves elasticity. Returns the skin shining and healthy look.

4. It will be useful for dry and flap skin

Due to its antioxidative activity, it gives our skin the necessary moisture and the ability to regenerate and healing. Will be able to restore the water balance and moisturize even the most dry skin.

5. Reduces the visibility of scars

It has long been known that local use of vitamin E helps to heal damaged skin, speeding up its regeneration. Also, this antioxidant "reduces" scars, preventing the formation of scar tissue, leveling the skin. Therefore, it will be an ideal means for applying postoperative scars or protracted wounds.

6. Helps level skin tone

Hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone or dark sections on the skin - all this is familiar to many of us. But the good news is that Vitamin E is able to help us and with it! It lines skin tone and smoothes flaws, removing hyperpigmentation.

7. For soft leather hands and heels

Since Vitamin E has a magnificent regenerating ability, it will have to be like the way to fight coarse, dry, cracked skin: whether hands, heels or elbows! And of course, the youth will return even it is often not so important for us areas of the skin.

8. It will help us to grow beautiful and healthy hair.

When applied to the skin, this vitamin stimulates blood circulation, moisturize and nourishes the scalp. It also helps to fight sequel tips.

9. For cracked and dry lips

Vitamin E is a wonderful moisturizer that restores the skin of the lips and prevents them oddly and damage.

10. For healthy nails

It can be used as a nutrient oil for cuticle, causing the skin and preventing the formation of a burr. And also applied to the nail plate itself to strengthen and prevent splitting.

Where to get and how to use?

At first I decided to support the Russian manufacturer so to speak and bought Vitamin E in the pharmacy. These are such red capsurs in the blister. Then for some reason I did not occur to read the composition. But as it turned out there is a lot of things, which should not be. Therefore, once again I urge you - always and everywhere read the composition of everything that you eat, drink and accept.

In general, as a result, I decided to order vitamin E in the form of an oil on my favorite site. And decided to go to the maximum and acquired it in the highest dosage: 70,000.

Several tips on the use of vitamin E oil for skin:

  • This is butter very very very Heavy. Therefore, I believe that it must be breeding with more light oil: for the skin of the face I like or almonds.
  • This is heavy oil. This means that it absorbs it for a long time. I would even say for a very long time. Therefore, all procedures with this oil must be carried out best for the night well, or as a last resort, if you do not plan to leave anywhere else day.
  • Avoid getting this oil on any skin. At the same time, be sure to remove all hair from the face and try not to touch the "vitamin skin" clothes, and then the stains will remain, which is very hard then to wash.
  • When applied to the hair, it is also necessary to breed with the carrier butter. For hair, I especially like olive oil. And remember that vitamin E needs a literally a small amount, otherwise you will all stop and it happens not from sweet :)
  • This oil can not be applied inside! It is suitable only for outdoor use.
  • Some people have allergies to this vitamin, especially at great concentration. Therefore, always carefully follow how your skin will react when applied.
  • Also Vitamin E oil can be added to already ready and natural creams and lotions, home or shops.

And how do you use vitamin E for skin? Share your methods!

Vitamin E is also called tocopherol. The product is an organic compound that has a rejuvenating effect, smoothes the bedrooms on the skin, lines the tone of the face. The remedy is sold in cosmetic stores and pharmacies, also tocopherol is contained in most food. At home, vitamin E is used as an independent preparation to improve the state of the epidermis. The component is often added to masks and lotions.

Useful properties of vitamin E

  1. As mentioned earlier, the tocopherol rejuvenates the dermis, making it elastic. Due to regular use, elastin fibers and collagen are accelerated.
  2. Tocopherol contributes to the natural self-cleaning of tissues and natural cell regeneration (recovery). The product causes the effect of lifting (elimination of nasolabial wrinkles, double chin, improvement of oval face, etc.).
  3. Vitamin E prevents premature aging, which usually arises due to the use of poor-quality decorative cosmetics, poor ecology, unbalanced nutrition, the lack of basic care and other external factors.
  4. Thanks to improved blood circulation, the epidermis becomes smooth and smooth, freckles / pigment spots disappear. If you rub a clean composition into the area around the eyes, the dark circles are already disappearing after two weeks.
  5. In addition to cosmetic orientation, tocopherol has a positive effect on the entire body. A powerful antidepressant removes the fatigue and consequences of stress, fights insomnia, it is burtered and raises the "martial spirit."
  6. With regular use of the composition inside, the tocopherol purifies the walls of the intestine and the stomach from free radicals, removes toxins and poisons from the body. As a result of such a feature, the skin becomes clean, acne rash and black dots are noticeably reduced (the release of greasy ducts).
  7. If you apply a pure ampumen vitamin E to inflamed areas, the focus of infection is significantly reduced. Jumps are also dried, partially cured acne (it all depends on the individual characteristics of the skin).
  8. Dermatologists recommend using tocopherol in liquid concentrated form girls with a dry type of dermis. Regular use of the composition has an intense moisturizing effect, eliminates the skin from peeling, treats microcracks and abstracts.
  9. Since the epidermis is more consisting of water, vitamin E does not allow dehydration of the skin. It restores the water balance, removes the accumulated salts, regulates acidity. If you apply a means to problem and oily skin, in a month you will notice a reduction in the production of subcutaneous balancing.
  10. Tocopherol contributes to the elimination of an allergic reaction, which occurs on the skin for indefinable reasons. If you have noticed itching, burning, cracking, redness on the upper layers of the epidermis, it is enough to lubricate the damaged areas with liquid vitamin E.

Vitamin E: where to find it

Pharmacy preparations. To date, pharmaceutical companies produce pharmacy vitamin E, which is found in different forms. This includes the composition in ampoules, capsules, in the form of an oily solution of alpha-tocopherol (the concentration of the active substance does not exceed 50%).

  1. Vitamin E in ampoules is a volume of 10 ml vessels. each. The tool is convenient for use, sold individually or solid packaging. The pricing policy does not exceed 20 rubles per 1 ampoule.
  2. If we talk about the tocopherol in capsules, the oil liquid is enclosed in a dense shell. To use the composition inside, it is enough to swallow the capsule and wash it with water. For cosmetic purposes, the shell is pierced with a sewing needle or is revealed in two, after which the liquid is extracted from it.
  3. Concentrated 50% -Vitamin E in medicine is called alpha tocopherol acetate. It is convenient to add to the masks to the composition or apply to separate areas of the skin (under the eyes, on the region with inflammation and peeling). The composition is easily removed from the bottle, it is enough to cry up a tube.
  4. The above-mentioned forms of products are suitable for the preparation of therapeutic compositions. You can apply them in the absence of contraindications. The latter includes individual skin intolerance, serious diseases of the epidermis, problems of the circulatory system.

Food. If for some reason you do not want to use pharmacy vitamin E, learn the list of products to which it is contained. Suppose the diet with useful ingredients, enjoy the result.

  1. Use the minimum of 2 chicken yolk daily, whole milk, fatty cottage cheese. Turn on in the diet of sunflower and pumpkin seeds, fresh or roasted nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, walnut, peanuts).
  2. Eating fresh vegetables salad. Special attention is paid to spinach, leafy salad, radishes, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, repusted and green onions, potatoes, cucumbers. Use the listed components in an independent form or in combination.
  3. If we talk about berries, tocopherol is contained in cherry, viburnum, sea buckthorn, rowan. Add berries in oat or flax porridge, which also has vitamin E.
  4. Prefer natural oils (unrefined). Most of all fits vegetable, corn, pumpkin, sea buckthorn, olive. You can use the oil of 1 teaspoon a day after the morning awakening or refueling them salads.

  1. Test for individual intolerance. Prepare a pharmacy vitamin E, remove the liquid in a convenient way, lubricate the tocopherol a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin in the wrist area. Look a quarter of an hour, thus the test for an allergic reaction is carried out. If you do not observe redness, irritation and itching, boldly proceed to the procedure.
  2. Preliminary breaking of the epidermis. First you need to unplug the skin through the bath. To do this, brew in 4 liters. Boiling water 60 gr. Sage, 30 gr. Birch bark, 20 gr. Thousands. Give the mixture half an hour, then warm the decoction on the stove. Put a saucepan on the stool, sneeze nearby. Cover your head and container with a wide towel to create a steam effect. Keep your face at a distance of 35-45 cm. From the pan. The duration of sprinkling is 7-10 minutes.
  3. Cleansing greasy ducts. Following the disclosure of pores, they are cleared. For these purposes, prepare a scrub made of coffee grounds and cream mixed in the 2: 1 proportion. Apply the tool on the face, wait until the scrub partially snacks. After that, pull the dermis with circular movements. Thoroughly work the wings of the nose, chin, interburry region, whiskey. Do not affect the eye around the eye so as not to provoke damage to the top layer of the dermis. Ride the tool first warm, then cold (better ice) water.
  4. Vitamin E. Shake the ampoule or bottle with tocopherol, squeeze a small amount of the composition on the pillow of the fingers. Come on massage lines, distributing a mixture by driven movements. Pay attention to the skin under the eyes, do not allow the drug to enter the mucous membrane. After applying the mixture to the whole face, make a light massage for 10-15 minutes. Leave the mask by one third of the hour, relax your face.
  5. Washing. After the reserved time expires, remove the heat tool water, prepare chamomile infusion. Rinse your face, do not wash off. Apply hydrogel or serum that saves moisture in the skin. Do not use bold, it does not allow the epidermis to "breathe". Conduct the procedure for applying tocopherol twice a week, the course is 2 months.

  1. Aloe Vera and Glycerin. The composition is designed for dry skin, it perfectly moisturizes the dermis and struggles with peeling. Singing the juice of two aloe stems, mix it with 20 ml. Tocopherol, add 15 ml. Glycerin. Pour the ingredients into the bottle, shake. Distribute the skin after its pre-sparking and cleansing. After a quarter of an hour, wash the tocopherol with filtered water. Store the remaining composition in the refrigerator.
  2. Green tea and clay. Prepare a strong welding of leaf green tea, strain the mixture. Fill in the cooked present 45 gr. Blue or black clay, leave one third of the hour. Pour 5 ml. Vitamin E, distribute the means on the skin of the face, wait until complete drying (about 20 minutes). Remove clay with warm water, apply a moisturizing cream.
  3. Vitamin A and almond oil. Mix 10 ml. Vitamin A with 30 ml. Almond oil, pour 15 ml. tocopherol. Move the composition to the dark bottle, leave for insteading for 6 hours. After the specified time expires, apply a means to the skin, stand 20 minutes. Wash the composition of cool water or decoction based on medicinal plants.
  4. Honey and yogurt. Use natural fat yogurt without artificial additives. Mix 30 grams. Milk Product with 20 gr. Honey, add 15 gr. gelatin. Stir the composition, leave for half an hour to get the necessary density. Next, pour 10 ml. tocopherol, distribute the mask on the skin of the face. Blank with a bandage or film, wash after 15-20 minutes. Optionally, you can replace natural yogurt fatty sour cream (from 20%).
  5. Cottage cheese and olive oil. Take 60 gr. Rustic cottage cheese, mix it with 25 ml. Olive oils, take a lot of blender. Add 10 ml. Tocopherol, distribute the composition of the skin. Cover the gauze cloth so that the tool does not fall. Hold half an hour mask, then remove the surplus with a napkin and come up with warm water.
  6. Egg. Wake up a mixer 2 chicken yolk, add 1 protein, mix. Pour 7 ml. Vitamin E, add gelatin. Leave the mask for swelling at room temperature. As soon as the content becomes thick, apply it to problem areas of the skin. Hold up the eggs to frozen, remove warm water.
  7. Banana and cream. Grind in a puree half of the ripe banana, connect with 25 ml. High juicy thick cream. Add 1 ampoule tocopherol, Send a lot to the blender. If the mask turned out to be too liquid, add potato or corn starch. Distribute the mass in the face, delete after 25-30 minutes.

Apply vitamin E in pure form or add a component to a home mask. Consider recipes based on cottage cheese, olive or almond oil, ripe banana, chicken eggs, clay, yogurt, honey.

Video: Vitamin E for face in pharmacy capsules